A Question of Forgiveness

Dennis Merritt Jones

Award-winning author, Keynote speaker, spiritual mentor

 How to Know If You’ve Truly Forgiven
Posted: 10/26/11 12:36 PM ET

We tell people all the time that we have forgiven them, but the truth is, in most cases, we haven’t really done so. If we say we have forgiven people but we harbor any resentment, any thought of how badly they treated us, then we are hanging onto a harsh judgement about them, we are bringing the past into the present, we are reinvesting in our victimhood, and, therefore, we have not really forgiven them. — Dr. Walter E. Jacobson, “Forgive To Win”

Last night when I was lying on the floor working out with my 10-pound hand weights, unbeknownst to me, my dog Mac walked up behind me and stood directly in the path of an ascending weight and got whacked on the head. He stood there dazed for a moment as I apologized profusely. Then he looked at me with those amazing big brown puppy-dog eyes, wagged his tail, licked me on the face, laid down and took a nap. He didn’t spend even one moment off in another room pouting or trying to lay a guilt trip on me. My human nature interpreted that as his way of saying “I forgive you” because a half-hour later we were out in the yard playing with Mr. Frisbee as if nothing had ever happened. I believe that is because, in his mind, nothing did happen — he had totally forgotten the experience of being bonked in the head because he was busy exploring the possibilities to play which the current moment held.

There is a great lesson here for those of us who do tend to hold onto resentment from past hurtful experiences, be them five minutes or five years ago. Dealing effectively with the negative energy of resentment seems to be a skill at which most humans are still working to get a handle on. Medical studies have proven that long held resentment is toxic and damaging to our physical and emotional well-being. In other words, the energy of resentment eats away at our minds, our bodies and the body of our relationships. Given this knowledge, why would anyone want to hold on to resentment regardless of how justified it may be?

This is not to diminish the fact that many of us may have legitimate reasons to be angry toward another person … and this is also not to say that we can’t be victimized by other people. However, remaining a victim by clinging to past resentment is a choice we make. No doubt, people do thoughtless, harmful and even cruel things to each other. However, stop and think about it: Does holding onto resentment serve you in a positive, life-affirming way if it is slowly poisoning you? In many cases, the people we hold in resentment don’t even know or care, or worse yet, some of them have long been in the grave but we are still allowing them to hold us hostage to the past.

Here is a litmus test to determine if you have really forgiven someone or not:

  • Think of the person or incident you believe you have forgiven and do a quick scan of your emotions and just sit with the thought of them for a moment.
  • Is there any residue of resentment lingering in your mind and heart as you hold an image of that person?
  • Does the memory drag you out of the present moment and into the past where you then relive the experience with the negative emotions playing in an endless loop?


If you answered is yes to the above questions, you are not yet complete in your forgiveness and there is more work to be done.

Begin by realizing that forgiving doesn’t mean we are condoning the actions that evoked our resentment — it means we are willing to set ourselves free from the past by not “resending” future toxins of resentment through our mind and body. As I have often said, forgiveness doesn’t necessarily mean forgetting: We may always have memories attached to some of our emotional wounds in much the same way we have scar tissue from a physical wound that happened long ago. The practice is to sever the emotional strings that bind us to the past memory by remembering that a memory is just a thought until we assign a feeling to it. Severing the emotional tie to a past experience does not discount the impact of the experience — it simply sets us free from being a victim of it in the future.

If there is anything I have learned from teacher Mac this week it is this: Things happen to all of us that cause pain, often by accident, sometimes by thoughtless people with malevolent intent. In either case, holding onto resentment about what has happened only keeps us stuck in the past where we are powerless to create anything new in the present. “Stuff happens” that we may or may not have control over, but the one thing we do have absolute control over is the choice to remain a victim of it or move on to where a life of infinite possibilities awaits us in the present moment.Forgiveness is the key that opens the door and you hold that key in your hand in this and every holy instant.


from:   http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dennis-merritt-jones/importance-of-forgiveness_b_1017868.html?ref=healthy-living-spirit


A Note fr/Jim Self on The New Waves

The Waves Keep Coming – Part 2

Jim Self
a message from Jim Self
Tuesday, 18 October, 2011  (posted 20 October, 2011)

As the waves of light step up more and more, light, wisdom, and knowledge become increasingly available to us. The more you can anchor the light and re-member “you” the quicker the awakening will be and the more “play” time you get to experience. You will enjoy yourself and become more fluid and flexible in assisting others.

For many, the coming months and years will be very confusing and emotional. Those who rely on the emotional patterns of sympathy and empathy in order to understand or experience others will experience a charged emotional electromagnetic pull into those feelings, beliefs and thoughts of others. Let me say that again: If you rely on empathy and sympathy you will find these charged electromagnetic patterns will pull you into the feelings, thoughts and drama of those standing in front of you.

Reaction Vs Response

Most of us can clearly remember where we were and what we were doing when we heard about the events of 9/11. As the event unfolded, two waves of energy moved around the world:

  • A 3-D Reaction wave of energy, steeped in fear.
  • A 4-D Response wave that asked, “What can I do? How can I help?”

The people in New York got the first wave of fear in their space, followed by the second wave which moved many people into a 4th dimensional vibration of compassion that involved no thinking and no conditions. All that mattered was that well-being was brought back into balance. These two waves are moving again and you have the choice of moving between them on your terms. You need to stay observant, clear and purposeful and hold a vibrational tone that keeps you above the vibrations of the lower three chakras.

Many of us are now dissolving and releasing much of these past/future time-loop patterns. You are losing or releasing memories, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and habits that no longer have importance to you but, through the Law of Attraction, they are still magnetizing similar experiences into your life. Have you found that old thought patterns are coming up through your reality?

These patterns are being taken out of your space, so don’t try to stop the patterns or argue with them or ask why they are there. It is old stuff that is being released. It isn’t important where it came from, so just allow yourself to let it go. Then shift your attention to something that is uplifting and be happy. If you can do that you will also find these patterns are being dissolved from the world around you. Soon you won.t even remember a lot of those old patterns because they’re being erased from your 3rd dimensional time-loop.

As you remove a past experience that you were projecting into the future you will be moved right into a present time consciousness where the opportunity to choose is becoming readily available. If you ask why, stay in blame, or look for answers, you will find that those old emotional patterns get stuck. The more patterns you can let go of by just being happy, the easier you will get through the next few years.

An earlier article asked the question, “Do you know where you start and where you stop?” The aura of a balanced person extends about an arm’s length away from their physical body. It radiates in every direction. Hold your arm out in front of you now and pretend you are holding a rose between your fingertips. Using your imagination, envision the universe starting on the other side of that rose. Do the same to the left and right of you and behind you, leaving a rose at each of those points, then place a rose above your head. If you trace imaginary lines and join all the roses you will create a four-sided pyramid around you. Its base will be running through your heart chakra and its apex will be about 18 inches above your crown. Repeat this exercise, only this time place a rose about 18 inches below your feet and connect more imaginary lines to create a downward-pointing pyramid. Connect the bases of each pyramid (base to base) at the level of your heart. This creates an 8-sided, diamond-shaped pattern around you called an octahedron. Next, fill the eight sides (8 triangles) with light. The space inside this geometry is you and everything outside this field defines the rest of the universe.

If you stay within this geometric template of light, you will not be the effect of other people’s emotions, thoughts and erratic behaviors and you will not take on their feelings as if they were your own. Without this geometry in place, and without knowing where you start and end, you feel the effect of other people’s energy. Outside energies have been influencing how you experience yourself all of your life. From inside your octahedron, other people’s energy will feel more like a soft rain pelting against a windowpane instead of like being caught in a raging monsoon.

Remember: What other people think of you, or how other people vibrate, is really none of your business. Your business is only about you. Your safety, your joy, you enthusiasm, your education, and your ability to express yourself are all about you and your path. As you build this geometry and play in it, allow yourself to observe everything from within it. You are going to find that much of the 3-D noise and attention that you have felt from others begins to drop away.

Jim Self is an author, international speaker, and teacher of  the Tools for Mastering Alchemy. This work is in co-creation with Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light. Free DVD and Free Tele-Classes. Jim is presenting Free in-person classes and the weekend seminar, Creating the Personal Power Field around North America.www.MasteringAlchemy.com or 775-851-8950 ~ Copyright: You may share this article with your friends as long it is kept whole and our website is included. Thank you.

fr/Judith Orloff: Laws of Energetic Attraction

The 4 Laws of Energetic Attraction

Dr. Judith Orloff
a message from Dr. Judith Orloff
Monday, 10 October, 2011  (posted 19 October, 2011)

Are you longing for relationships that do your heart good and generate stronger connections? In my book, Positive Energy I discuss how to radically improve your health and relationships by bringing positive people and situations into your life. Knowing about energy can transform your ability to build positive relationships, prevent loneliness and ward off fatigue. By making the energetic shifts described here, you can draw good things to you.

Law No. 1: We attract who we are

The more positive energy we give off, the more we’ll receive. Ditto for negativity. It works like this: Love attracts love. Grumpiness attracts grumpiness. Passion attracts passion. Rage attracts rage.

First, define what being positive does and doesn’t mean for you in terms of attitude and behavior. Don’t worry if you’re far from a positive place. It’s an evolution. Give thought to what you value most in yourself or other. You can then strengthen these traits in yourself, and attract the same.

The idea is to find reciprocally nourishing interactions, not to win a popularity contest. (Of course, it feels good to be liked. But I’ve seen this need turn into addiction.) The following exercise will help you boost your positive signals.

*Identify your best qualities and project them to the world. Before meeting new people or going to important events, prime yourself. Think, “I’m not going to focus on my insecurity but on a strength like my sensitivity, compassion or humor; I’m going to feel and trust the positive energy inside me. I’m going to claim my full power.” Such selective attention puts your best parts front and center.

Law No. 2: Intuition clarifies smart choices

Relationships are tricky; they can be a big blur even when your eyes are open. We’ve learned to draw conclusions from surface data: how nice someone seems, looks or is educated, or how a situation adds up on paper. But attraction goes deeper; to make it work for you, other ingredients must be considered. Respect your intuitions about relationships and identify those that highlight compatible matches.

What may obscure the picture is anxiety or intense sexual attraction. If so, go slow until you get a keener intuitive read. In my book, Positive Energy I give exercises to help train you to act from instinct, not impulse.

*Tune in. Choose a relationship or situation that needs clarification – perhaps you’re confused about a friendship or vacation. Run it by your intuition criteria: Do you feel troubled and nervous or energized and safe?

*Act on vibes. Insecurity, ego, lust or stubbornness can obscure your better judgment. If a person feels positive, explore the possibilities. If the vibes are mixed, take a pass or at least wait. If all you sense is negative, have the courage to walk away, no matter how tempting the option seems. Then observe how listening to energy in this way leads you to the juiciest opportunities.

Law No. 3: Seeing the best in people magnetizes them

Instead of reflexively accentuating the worst in a person or situation, choose to energize positive qualities. The object isn’t to flatter, make nice, be politically correct or ignore intuitive red flags – nor to deny someone’s dark side or placate abusers. Your goal is to mine the gold in positive relationships and elevate the communication in more difficult ones.

We want to have the goodness in us acknowledges. If you want to connect with someone, notice his or her assets. Let’s say a co-worker is snitty. Realize that happy people don’t act this way. So instead of being snitty back or constantly miffed, redirect the energy. Comment on the long hours she puts in, or her dynamite shoes. Use this approach for a week – as well as the ones below – and watch the vibes change.

*Tell at least two people you love what you’re grateful for about them.

*Tell at least two people you don’t love what you’re grateful for about them.

*Adjust your perception. Spend an afternoon noticing the positive qualities of everyone you meet.

*Praise other people’s abilities.

Law No. 4: Soulful giving generates abundance

Giving is supposed to feel good; if not, something’s wrong. Soulful giving enlarges your capacity to be more caring – you give for the joy of it, expecting nothing in return. In contrast, codependent giving bleeds life force; it’s driven by obligation, guilt or a martyr-complex, and it leaves the giver feeling sucked dry, unappreciated and put upon.

You want to give for reasons that energize you, not because you’re taking inappropriate responsibility for others. The following strategies will generate bountiful vibes for you and the receiver. If you give from your heart, your vitality will soar.

*Give spontaneously. Any time is right to offer simple tokens of appreciation to friends or colleagues; a candle, rose, small plant, fragrant soap or funny card.

*Give anonymously. Walk an old lady across the street; hold open an elevator; let a car go before you in traffic; or do something nice behind the scenes for someone, but don’t get found out. Such good deeds add light to your energy field and ultimately draw the same goodness back to you. As a 14-year-old friend told me, “The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer up someone else.”

Use these “laws” to mobilize excellence and kindness in your relationships. Emphatically say “no” to anything that doesn’t further the heart. Cheer each success. Don’t cheat your joy by jumping too quickly to the next ambition. Instead, pledge to value even the tiniest of triumphs. That’s what the art of positive living is about.

Judith Orloff MD is bestselling author of the new book Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life (Three Rivers Press, 2011) upon which these tips and article are based. Her insights in Emotional Freedom create a new convergence of healing paths for our stressed out world. An assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA, Dr. Orloff’s work has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, and in Oprah Magazine and USA Today.

Channel Dana Mrkich on October Energy

October 2011 Monthly Visions: Stop Waiting and Start Leading

Dana Mrkich
a message from Dana Mrkich
Wednesday, 5 October, 2011

There is a constant heightened state of alert being felt these days, as if something big is just about to happen. Forums are buzzing with various angles on what this something will be. Imagining your best impression of the guy from Who wants to be a Millionaire?, the million dollar question is will this something be: a) A massive earthquake that sends the whole world into literal wobble b) Offical disclosure from governments, confirming that they’ve been in contact with other-planetary beings for a long time c) The culmination of the Mayan Calendar on October 28 triggering everything from Zero Point, a Pole Shift and three days of darkness or d) A blast of light that sends everyone into an instant awakened enlightened state.

It feels like so much energy is going into wondering what is going to happen, that we seem to be missing the fact that ‘something’ is happening right now! So many of us are waiting for ‘the big event’, placing our lives on hold until we get the official program as to what’s happening next, meanwhile show after show is playing at the Earth Theatre giving us previews and new movies galore that we can choose right now.

Have you been feeling this heightened state? Do you feel a sense of anticipation bigger than anything you’ve felt over the past 5/10/20 years of your awakening? Are you feeling adrenalin or even what you might describe as electricity running through your body? Do you feel a tad nervous or excited or a bit of both, as if you’re about to step into something completely new and unknown? Our heightened state is the direct result of the now daily influx of high frequency light showering all over Earth that is lifting our personal and collective vibrations to a new level. This light is simultaneously stripping away our old veils and illusions, and opening our eyes and hearts to reality as it really is. Our hearts are beating faster not because there is something ‘coming’. Our hearts are beating faster because that ‘something’ is here right now and on our deepest and highest levels of being we all know this.

The time we are living in right now is our time. As more light showers over the planet, and as she shifts into a higher vibrational frequency, we are finally starting to feel like a big, heavy cloak has been lifted off us. We are stepping into our individual and collective power after a lifetime (in fact, lifetimes) of feeling like the odd ones out. You may be feeling quite strange because you are feeling free and happy most of the time, while all around you those who’ve spent a lifetime attached to the illusion are deeply engaged in their personal and social collapse processes.

Many of us have started to feel called to new work, or working in a new way, because we are finishing our old contracts now. It’s more than likely that you are finding it hard to put your finger on what specifically your new work is, and that’s because our roles and lives will be more fluid now. In the old reality we made sense of who we were by what we did. In the new reality our sense of meaning will come from knowing who we are, and this knowing will lead us to our daily doings. What we do will shift and change depending on what we feel most called to do. This doesn’t mean that we’ll be walking around aimlessly. Quite the contrary, living consciously means living purposefully and fully. Our society’s old ways of sticking to set routines and jobs as if on auto-pilot, with most people having no conscious awareness of their participation in what really was quite the prison society, now that was walking around aimlessly! So don’t stress too much about trying to figure out what your new work will be. Focus on knowing who you are, and being who you are, and that will lead you to the best work/life for you. Clues will come in the form of lightbulb moments, flashes of insights, unexpected doorways opening or allowing yourself to follow your feeling to go somewhere or do something. Action will be less about logical thinking, and more about being intuitively guided and divinely inspired.

For some work won’t be ‘work’, it will simply be creating a self-sustainable, happy, harmonious home or community and making our own unique contributions day by day. For others, where the primary focus of our work was helping people awaken, our new work will revolve around supporting the newly awakened, helping them find their way in a new world where it’s a whole new ballgame. For many newly awakened it will be like coming out of coma, like seeing the sun properly for the first time in years. Just like prisoners need time to adjust to freedom and life outside, so too people will need time to adjust to a reality where freedom and personal power are their new governing bodies.

On a mind level we’ve expected something big to officially herald the end of the end, and the beginning of the beginning. A huge mothership on the White House Lawn perhaps. The arrival of Planet X/Nibiru/Comet Elenin. A massive worldwide tsunami to really get people’s attention. Yet the reality is, the end of the end and the beginning of the beginning is being marked not by one or two world-stopping events. We are not going to have the world-wide devastation and destruction people fear (and that some people are secretly hoping for if only to prove to sceptics that ‘something’ is indeed happening!). Rather, we are witnessing and living through a multitude of events right now, all of which are either giving us the opportunity to wake up, or are a beautiful, direct result of us having finally woken up

to read more, go to:    http://spiritlibrary.com/dana-mrkich/october-2011-monthly-visions-stop-waiting-and-start-leading

August 28-September 3

Overall Color for the Week:    Lavender Pink

Take time this week to allow good things into your life.  You think you do that, but in so many cases what you are doing is trying to manipulate and cause things to be as you wish them to be.  That is too difficult.  Alowing involves letting go and letting in.  Try it.  There may be some interesting results.  Also, the energies of the Feminine will be particualrly strong this week as time and purpose comntinue to weave their new patterns. Meanings will begin to change, along with personal tastes and preferences.  These things are meant to delight you, to let you see the variety out there that you might have missed as you limited your focus and tended to concentrate on things at hand. At this time, you are opening to new things, new people, new ideas, etc. Communities are forming.  You can be pleasantly surprised as you recognize in strangers a kindred spirit and a feeling of comradeship. Little by little you are becoming aware of the growing importance of things, and mostly things spiritual or so-called woo-woo, that you knew were there but tended to see as sport and not serious.  Synchronicity is in the air, so that when something strikes you as odd, it can be followed by a sign, an event, a comment, that will make you realize its importance.  Be aware, but know that at this time and in this energy you will be reminded more than once if there  is something you are meant to see.

On the larger scale, the week will start out pretty much on an even keel,relatively uneventful, but all this will begin to shift as we move into September, with the first three days being particularly difficult. There will be unexpected and unprecedented Earth and climate events.  A lot of old preconceptions can be shaken up, leaving experts from different areas in conflict as to what this all means.  Politically there will be tosses and turns throughout the world.  There will be continued silliness as candidates here vie for something new to day.  Then there is a feeling of come kind of large event in the Middle East.  Egypt will again make the news.  There is some energy in the Atlantic area that will be making itself felt through all four of the elements.  Things globally can get quite touchy.  The Sun will be acting oddly, and again, back up your electronics and have a few flashlights, etc. on hand.  THere can be pwoer outages, some unexplained.  More information will be coming out about the tectonic structure of the Earth, and there can be some movement in the center of the country.  Something is stirring in Tibet.  There are energetic blips in Alaska and in Northern California.  Something is in the air, and this can lead to a general feeling of unease which will be seen in financial matters.  Word will be coming out about the flu season.  There is also activity in the skies.  Before discrediting anything, investigate.  People in the media, on the web, in charge, both mainstream and fringe, will be changing their opinions on a lot of things and you are going to need the background and information to make up your own mind.  At the same time, use your intuition.

Sunday, August 28:    Cloudy Red

What were you thinking?  There is so much going on right now, and it is not a good time in which to cause misunderstandings.  Clarification.  That is what is needed, but the energies of the day do not favor it.  Put off important conversations, phone calls, decisions.  You might just regret what you choose in this energy.  There are those out there who need help and they have been asking you, but they have not know how to approach you.  Let yourself sink into the craziness of today’s energy, and you will get a sense of the maelstrom that is brewing underneath everything.  If you can hold onto that, if you can conceptualize that, then things will begin to clear up. Paradoxical but true.  If you dive into the confusion and let yourself move through it, there is the clarity on the other side  This is a day when confusion reigns, so jump in, no judgments, no expectations.  Observe, and move through.  There is much to be learned.

Crystal Energy:    Psilomelane—-This mineral allows for grounding and centering.  It also assists in terms of root issues and the abdomen. Resonates with the Root and Navel Chakras.

Monday, August 29:    Clear

There is much that can be learned today.  Defenses will be down all around, and poeple will be feeling more open and more willing to share things.  There can be moments of Freudian slips and secrets let out.  It is important to be grounded in WHO you are and to be alert and sensitive to the situations and the people you encounter.  In this energy things can be revealed that are better kept to oneself or to a small group.  Consider carefully before speaking and listen well.  Because of the general shift of things all over much is being reshuffled and reworked. Take some time today to center, meditate, journal, create, anything that will allow you to get more in touch with your core.  It is important at this time to be in touch with the true knowing of your heart-mind.

Crystal energy:    Stichtite—-The energy of this mineral harmonizes with the Pleiadian vibration.  It works with the core for healing and understanding. Resonates with the Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras.

Tuesday, August 30:    Light Amber

There is an air of unreality about the day.  This can lead to day dreams, lapses of attention, and loss of focus.  Put the internal critic to rest.  You are responding to the energies around you.  It is time to see things from a new and different perspective.  This is something that, perhaps, you have never given yourself permission to do before.  Today not only is there permission, there is also a really good reason,  Things are shifting and changing, and so are you.  You need to let go of some of your old ideas and determinations about what you should do and who you should be .  Most of that comes from conditioning and the expectations of others.  Take time to work with what your expectations are for yourself.  Take some time to be with your core the true WHO of you.  There is much to be learned in such an exercise.  It will assist you in seeing things in a new light and in being able to make some tough decisions that you have been putting off for some time.

Crystal Energy:    Crazy Lace Agate—-There is a gentle energy to this stone which assist with healing, particularly emotional healing.  It resonates with all chakras, depending upon the color, and is good for time of emotional stress.

Wednesday, August 31:    Light Lime Green

You might be feeling that you finally got it….  Whatever IT might be, but look more closely.  What you are thinking you are seeing might just be, upon closer inspection, something else all together.  There is much duplicity in the air today, along with seeming but not being.  Nothing decided upon today will come to fruition. So, if there are things you do not want to do but people are pressuring you to get involved in, you can say yes toady and know that you will not be held to it.  This is a day when things done and said will be lost and forgotten as time goes by.  That means that if there is something really, really important that you are wanting to communicate, this is not the day for it.  This is a good day just to veg and let the world go by.  No judgment, no opinion, no reaction.  Take it for what it is and let it go.

Crystal Energy:    Phacolite—-This is a good mineral to have around when you are feeling under stress.  It helps to center and brings a sense of the larger picture.  Resonates with the Navel Chakra.

Thursday, September 1:    Bluebonnet Blue

Today is all about what is going on around you.  This can lead to confusion and lack of focus.  Everything will seem to be calling for notice at once, and it will be hard to gather your thoughts together and give some sort of coherent sense to everything.  Do not let yourself get sucked into everyone else’s reality.  You need to take time to center, focus, prioritize.  You are not good for anyone or anything else if you are not good for yourself.  Today comes in with craziness and confusion.  But it is ultimately an opportunity for you to clear out all the background noise and begin to know what it is that is most important for you.

Crystal Energy:    Kammererite—-This mineral  resonates strongly with the female energy, bringing a sense of calm, belonging, and comfort.  It is good for ceremony honoring the Goddess.  Resonates with the Root and Crown Chakras.

Friday, August 2:   Lavender Blue

There is a lot going on in your head these days, and you can find that today you will be experiencing some real battles between the logical/intellectual and the intuitive/feeling.  This can lead to some confusion along with shortness of temper.  In these kinds of energy fields, vibrations are crashing against one another.  You are working in more than one reality at a time and you must make choices as to which one is the right one for this time.  This is also an excellent opportunity for learning what is involved with each one of those particular fields.  By spending time with what is going on and how you are feeling today, you can learn what you resonate with.  It is a time when you are learning of the shift that is happening, how you fit into it, and what it mean to be part of more than one dimension.

Crystal Energy:    Blue Aragonite (Laurium)—-This mineral allows for a leadership perspective and knowing of one’s power, while at the same time being receptive to the needs of others. It is helpful in bringing the bigger picture into view, especially at times of questioning.  Vibrates to the Throat Chakra.

Saturday, September 3:    Cloudy White

This week started with clouds and ends also on a cloudy note. There is a kind of nostalgia and longing in the air. There is also a sense of disconnect, of not being quite there with yourself, with others, with things that are happening around you.  Focus is off and things that seemed so important no longer seem to be that way.  This affects even your usual style.  You can find yourself doing uncharacteristic things, wearing clothing that is different from what you tend to choose, saying things that in other times you might have kept to yourself.  This will surprise you, but there will be other surprises in how people out there are acting and reacting.  This is, therefore, a good day for regrouping, taking time to yourself, attending to your feelings, and just relaxing.  Sometimes the best things to do is to stay home.

Crystal Energy:    Cuprian Aragonite—-The energy of this mineral works particularly well below the surface, affecting core and root issues, and allowng you to understand true motivations. Vibrates to the Throat Chakra.

The Moon and its Lore


Urban shaman, eco-ceremonialist, ritual expert and consultant

 The Moon: Our Cosmic Mother

Posted: 8/23/11 11:25 AM ET

Avid moon watcher that I am, I must confess that I never could recognize the face of the man in the moon. How could anyone conceivably mistake that face — that round, profoundly gentle face, jolly and eternally indulgent, that unconditionally comforting countenance — for male?

The dark marks that define her features are in reality the bodies of water on her surface: the sea of tranquility, the ocean of storms and the sea of fertility. Sounds like a woman to me! My version of the ma’am in the moon will always be Aunt Jemima. The ultimate maternal perfection fantasy figure: purveyor of affection, protection and pancakes.

Women are inextricably connected to the moon, to her rhythms and waves. A woman’s blood waxes and wanes with the moon. Her urges and juices ebb and flow. And the moon, as she grows from crescent to full every month, mimics the pregnant swell of a woman’s belly, or a bunny’s, or a dog’s.

The moon as mother is a prevalent, primal mythological theme. The West African Nigeriens believe that the great moon mother sends the moon bird to Earth to deliver babies. The Baganda of Central Africa bathe their newborns by the light of the first full moon following birth. In Ashanti tradition, the moon Akua’ba, is a fertility figure. Women carry effigies of her tucked into their skirts at the small of their backs as an aid to conception and a guarantee of sturdy children.

Moon, O Mother Moon, O Mother Moon,
Mother of living things,
Hear our voice, O Mother Moon!
O Mother Moon! O Mother Moon!
– Gabon Pygmy Song

Women in Europe did the same. During the Renaissance, long after the mass acceptance of Christianity, it was understood that if a woman wanted anything, she should pray not to God, but to the moon mother for succor. Saint Augustine denounced women for dancing “impudently and filthily all the day long upon the days of the new moon,” even as their Hebrew sisters were scorned for wearing lunar amulets by the biblical prophets in Isaiah 3:18.


Brain-Belly-Beauty Connection

How Gut Health Impacts Your Brain And Beauty

Stomach Controls Mind

First Posted: 8/26/11 08:02 AM ET Updated: 8/26/11 10:32 AM ET

By Ashley Neglia for YouBeauty.com

Research has already shown a connection between the belly and the brain (there’s a reason it’s called “gut instinct”), but new studies suggest that the food we eat and the bacteria residing within our gut may be powerful enough to alter our cognitive behavior.

These links between mind and body are helping researchers delve even deeper into viewing health and beauty more holistically.

According to researchers, changes in naturally occurring bacteria within the stomach may pack enough punch to otherwise affect brain chemistry. The new findings may not only help explain why certain gastrointestinal disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome, often occur concurrently withanxiety or depression, but also why some psychiatric illnesses, such as late onset autism, are associated with abnormal bacteria content.

to read more, go to:    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/26/stomach-controls-mind_n_934294.html

The Book of Aquarius

Alchemy and the Philosophers’ Stone are real. This is not a joke or a scam. This book covers the full theory and practice of alchemy and how to make the Philosophers’ Stone, capable of reversing the aging process and curing all disease to the effect that one could live forever. This is an ancient secret which has never before been publicly released. Please read the book before making any judgement on it; this world is not what it seems to be. The Book of Aquarius is free and public-domain (no copyright). You may copy and distribute the book in any way.

Read more and Download the book for Free

Dolphins Offer Insight to Healing

In his letter published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, [Michael] Zasloff recounts several documentations about how quick dolphins manage to heal the wounds caused by severe shark bites, adding that some of these wounds which are larger than a basketball are cured in weeks without causing notable pain or infection or leaving a significant scar.

“If I saw this in a human being, I wouldn’t believe it,” Zasloff added. “It should awe us. You have an animal that has evolved in the ocean without hands or legs, which swims faster than we can, has intelligence that perhaps equals our social and emotional complexity, and its healing is almost alien compared to what we are capable of.”

Read more at PressTV

Via UnknownCountry.com

Lucid Dreaming

What it is: fr/Wikipedia

lucid dream is a dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming. The term was coined by the Dutch psychiatrist and writer Frederik (Willem) van Eeden(1860–1932).[1] In a lucid dream, the dreamer can actively participate in and manipulate imaginary experiences in the dream environment.[2] Lucid dreams can seem real and vivid.[3]

A lucid dream can begin in one of two ways. A dream-initiated lucid dream(DILD) starts as a normal dream, and the dreamer eventually concludes it is a dream, while a wake-initiated lucid dream (WILD) occurs when the dreamer goes from a normal waking state directly into a dream state, with no apparent lapse in consciousness.

Lucid dreaming has been researched scientifically, and its existence is well established.[4][5]


for more fr/Wikipedia, go to:    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucid_dream

Also, here is an interesting site for lots of information and research on Lucid Dreaming:   http://www.lucidity.com/