Steps to Ascension

Spiritual Growth: 12 Signs You’re Growing and Evolving

August 24th, 2022

By Aletheia Luna

Guest writer for Wake Up World

So you’ve been devoting months, years, or perhaps even decades of your life to your spiritual practice.

But unlike physically tangible pursuits, there’s no easy way to know if you’re ‘making progress’ or not when it comes to your inner spiritual life.

If you’re wondering whether you’re actually growing and evolving and whether spiritual growth is indeed occurring in your life, keep reading.

What is Spiritual Growth?

Spiritual growth is the process of awakening to your true nature, purpose, and potential. When you undergo spiritual growth you experience an expansion in awareness and insight, also known as higher consciousness.

All spiritual growth has one objective: to help you embody your Soul or Higher Self. Once you are able to shift from ego to Soul, there is the potential for you to experience what is understood as spiritual enlightenmentself-realization, “heaven,” Oneness, or moksha in varying degrees.

Spiritual Growth: 12 Signs You’re Growing and Evolving

Image of a fern frond blossoming symbolic of spiritual growth

Here are the major signs that you’re growing and evolving on a spiritual level:

1. You embrace challenges as lessons and opportunities

Whether your car has just broken down, or someone you love is terribly ill, you sense that there’s an underlying lesson and opportunity in the obstacle before you. Instead of feeling like a victim, you feel like a student of life. In other words, you see that life is not happening to you, it is happening for you.

2. You see through the seduction of the material world

Once upon a time, you might have loved buying expensive things, focusing on enhancing your social status, earning more money, or even indulging in spiritual materialism. But now, you understand that the material world doesn’t ultimately bring you the deep happiness you seek.

3. Your sensitivity has heightened

In the past, you might have been living in a numb state where you were disconnected from your body, heart, mind, and soul. But now, you are a great deal more aware of what is going on inside and around you. As such, you might experience more empathic suffering, which can often feel like both a curse and a gift.

4. You feel more love and compassion (for yourself, others, and the world)

With heightened sensitivity, you also feel more connected to yourself and the world. You may feel higher levels of compassion and true empathy for others – even those who are harmful to themselves, others, and the planet. Your open heart brings you more joy, but also more pain. And yet, your heart is slowly learning how to expand and hold that pain.

5. You stop seeing life in black-or-white dualistic thinking

If you’ve been taught anything by your spiritual awakeningkundalini awakening, or dark night of the soul, it’s that there’s more to life than meets the eye. Something that may seem negative may turn out to be positive. Something that seems beautiful may actually be ugly deep down. Everything and everyone have two sides that are interdependent – nothing is totally black or white.

6. You can show more understanding toward difficult people

Because you can see underneath the surface of a person’s behavior – and the various wounds and traumas that may have caused them to misbehave – you no longer carry as much anger or resentment as you once did. You find it easier to show tolerance and understanding toward others, no longer reacting with as much judgment, condemnation, or self-righteousness.

7. You see that life is cyclical and like a spiral

Instead of getting stuck in one mode of being or mindset, you’re beginning to see that life is cyclical. There are good times and bad times. After spring comes autumn and after day comes night. All things are destined to come and go, rise and fall. As such, you don’t get as affected as you once did when life waxes and wanes – it’s just part of life and the journey of Ensoulment.

8. You become less attached to mental stories

Image of a hand catching a leaf, symbolic of spiritual growth

The more you become acquainted with your mind, the more you recognize that thoughts, ideas, and beliefs don’t actually define you. Instead, these mental occurrences are like clouds that float into the sky, and then eventually drift away. When you attach to mental thoughts and beliefs, you suffer. But when you recognize that your thoughts and feelings don’t define you – instead, you are the vast Consciousness beneath them – you find it easier to let go and find a sense of inner peace.

9. You find it easier to slow down and do nothing

Our thinking minds are always wanting us to “do,” “get,” “achieve,” “go-go-go!” but the soul, the spiritual center of our being, finds true nourishment in slowing down and enjoying life as it is. If you’re finding it easier to wind down, or at least catch the desire to constantly be “switched on” and change course, this is a clear sign of spiritual growth.

10. You are more interested in letting go of the old than gaining the new

As an ongoing student of the Tao Te Ching – an ancient wisdom text from the Taoist tradition – the topic of letting go constantly arises.

Among many verses on letting go, verse 44 packs quite a punch:

One’s own reputation—why the fuss?

One’s own wealth—why the concern?

I say, what you gain

is more trouble than what you lose

Therefore, a huge part of authentic spiritual growth is the capacity to be not only accepting of letting go, but actually preferring it to “gaining more.” The desire to accumulate is from the ego, but the desire to surrender and be free is from the soul.

11. You have more capacity to be discerning

Spiritual growth is not just about experiencing love, bliss, and expansion – although that is part of it. As we deepen and mature, spiritual growth is also about the capacity to think clearly and distinguish truth from falsehood. This ability to use the mind like a sword is what is known as spiritual discernment.

12. You can access more moments of ‘ordinary magic’

While it’s normal at the beginning of the spiritual journey to want glitch, glamor, and exciting sparkly experiences, the more we grow, the more we recognize the beauty of what is already here, right now. This ordinary magic can be accessed whenever we are present, grounded in the Now, and connected with the heart and soul.


Let Go of the Illusion

Derivative of ‘Love Love’ by Sumwhere7, CCBYSA4.0 | ‘CERO Fear’ by Cero, PD0

There has never been a time of greater potential for the liberation of the human spirit than the time we live in today, and never a moment when the human spirit has stood in greater jeopardy. Huge forces of awakening are at work amongst us, but huge forces also operate to counteract that process and plunge us back into millennial sleep.

Big government, big business, the big media and the big, hierarchical religions all thrive and prosper by multiplying and feeding off our fear. Every thought we have that causes us to feel fear strengthens these forces while shutting us down and limiting our potential.

On the other hand, every thought that leads us to manifest love awakens us and opens the way to renewed vistas of endless possibility.

The choice is ours. It always has been. In this time of awakening it is only fear – engineered, implanted, deliberately contrived fear – that prevents us from making the right choices and that misleads us again and again into the paths of hatred, greed and suspicion that destroy the human spirit.


On The Stories We Tell Ourselves

Past Lives and Spiritual Healing

by Arn Allingham

A lot of the work I do with my clients involves “past lives”. And a good many of my clients hit a snag with past-life work in that they are unsure whether they completely believe in reincarnation. Or whether they believe that the past life stories that they have found are beyond doubt. Very often my clients tell me they want to heal but they don’t want to mislead themselves with false flights of fancy about past lives.

These are real and honest concerns from people trying to do right by their own souls.

I have worked through these issues, one on one, with each of those clients and found a way forward that assisted them. And now I think it might be helpful to share my perspective on the whole “past life” thing with you. Perhaps you will find it useful at some point on your journey Home.

To begin with, I wish you to understand that everything is a story. Everything. Think back on yesterday. What you did, where you went, who you met, etc. As you engage your memory, you are telling yourself a story.

You see?

Yesterday is a story. Memory is an act of creative story telling. You are retelling your story of yesterday.

And if you think back on a traumatic event in your childhood, what you are telling yourself is a story about a story. Because we all do this: we kind of “mythologize” the extreme events of our lives. We build up meaning and get attached to a perspective about each story. “THAT was how I was abused,” we tell ourselves, “and THAT is why I am still hurt like this today.

When we eventually do healing work on those traumatic childhood issues, especially deep work such as with hypnotherapy, what happens is that we come to a new perspective on those events. We develop a new story about the story. Perhaps we are then able to say, “THAT was where I learned compassion for others who have experienced abuse which is why I eventually became a healer myself.” Or something similar.

So our stories are just that: our stories. And each time we retell them, we are likely, in the telling, to change them just a little. Usually because we come to some new perspective upon them. Or because we come to some new perspective upon ourselves in the retelling. But the point is that our stories are not fixed. They change as we do. Even when we believe they are a true reflection of what really happened.

So, for this reason, I think it is not useful to get too attached to our stories. Deep attachment only means that it is painful to allow a story to change as it eventually must. And even more painful to let go of a story when it ceases to serve a purpose. As it eventually will.

And what I’d like to point out to you now is that the person reading these words… the person whose name is listed on your birth certificate… is also a story. This person, with this name, with these attributes, with this body, with those relationships, with those memories, with those skills and talents and abilities… ALL of that is a story.

Just as Arn is a story that I am telling myself… so is your present life a story that you are telling yourself. I am not truly Arn and you are not truly that person that you have told yourself you are. YOU are an eternal, immortal, creator-being. And as a creator, you have created many stories. With each story you have discovered yourself anew. Told yourself something different about yourself. And that is what you are doing now.

And this all being so, I find it quite unproductive and unuseful to ask if this or that story is “true”. What does that even mean? Yes, I AM telling myself this story right now. But that does not mean that the limited perspective I am currently holding on this story will be eternally valid! I will certainly not always think or believe as I currently do. I will eventually come to such a radically different perspective that I will think upon Arn as just a little dream that I once dreamed. Just a little story.

Because Arn is a story.

So, instead of trying to answer the question of “is this story true”, I prefer to ask more useful and productive questions like: What does the story of Arn really mean? Why am I telling myself this story? What am I learning about myself and about Life through this story?

And perhaps I might even find myself ready to own the story enough to ask: How can I heal this story? How can I love this story more? How can I use this story to love myself, others and life itself more? How can I use this story to serve the greater good?

You see the eternal, immortal creator beings that we truly are, would not tell ourselves any old random story! We are carefully crafting stories to take ourselves on vast journeys, story by story, into deep, deep forgetting and then back out again into full magnificent remembrance of Who We Really Are.

When we head into forgetting we use stories to create beliefs that allow us to forget. We use stories to teach us that we are not powerful, god-like and magnificent. We tell ourselves that we cannot create our realities. That we cannot trust ourSelves. That we are not worthy of love. That we are not worthy of respect. That we are disconnected and alone. That we are small, fragile, mortal, powerless and victims. We sing ourselves a sad lullaby of fear and pain. And then, because we believe these stories we are telling ourselves, we find ourselves carrying beliefs in our psyches that block us from your own divine light.

And when we have forgotten that deeply, THEN we are ready to be born into duality. As everyone on this planet has. Everyone born here arrives believing that there is nothing god-like within themselves. They are born in a state of total forgetting of their own Light.

Most spend a good few lifetimes in such a state of darkness of the soul before they are ready to begin to remember again. But something confusing and problematic happens here in duality. Because we have forgotten to look inside of ourselves for the Light of truth, we have learned to look outside of ourselves for it. And because the only thing you can find outside of yourself is story, we teach ourselves that these stories are “true”. We learn to believe that the illusory, transitory things which exist only as perspectives are real. We believe they exist independent of us. Which they don’t.

The problem with this is we then hold too tightly to the stories. Which means we are unable to let them change and grow and morph. We are unable to play with them. To use them to serve our own development.

And so here is the point of this whole blog post: This is all an invitation to you to begin to hold a little more lightly to all the myriad stories that you are holding in your mind. The stories that you see around you. The stories of this world. The news, the politics, the dramas that others are creating. Hold lightly. They are just stories. Don’t get too attached or too involved.

And just the same with the stories that you see inside of you. Your journey, your past, your childhood, the ideas you have about who you are, about your place in the world, about what you do… all of these kinds of stories. They are just stories. Instead of getting attached and believing these stories to be the eternally unchangeable truth. Which they are not. Use them to serve your continued growth. Use them to understand yourself better and to heal and grow. And when they get in the way of your continued spiritual evolution, ask yourself how you can better serve love and the greater good by relaxing your grip on some part of your story and allowing it to change. How can you come to a new perspective on that story that better serves your life?

And when it comes time to do really deep soul-work remember this too. Your “past lives” are also all stories. Every one of them. They are the stories that you told yourself when you were finding your way down, down deeper and deeper into forgetting. They are the stories that encode your beliefs that allowed you to find yourself into duality. And as such they have much to teach you. So if you can hold lightly you can tease out the wisdom that they hold for you. You can extract the lessons of love and compassion that they contain. You can gain a great deal from them.


The Crown and the Cloak

“O ye friends and Priests of God, which are clothed with the holy long garment, and the heavenly crown of glory, and with the divine unction, and the priestly robe of the Holy Ghost.” Eusebius

As the shockwaves of the coronavirus (COVID-19) disaster reverberate through our world, hearts have been broken, lives shattered, dreams delayed, and plans dashed. It is confusing, painful and deadly serious (okay, scary). It feels like Judgment Day…because, well, maybe it is.

A global pandemic of biblical proportions is upon us. It is the first salvo in a battle to ‘finish’ the current version of humanity by inoculating it with a potentially lethal vaccine of unknown results, mandatory merging  with A.I. and a totalitarian hive mind, and introducing a new world lit by 5G’s fires.

‘To finish’ means to complete, to end, and to close. There is no question that, for now, our old life is finished.

However, ‘finish’ also means to complete by putting on an attractive or protective surface or coat.

Since 2002, I have been discussing how the Powers That Be have been planning to put a new skin on humanity, a finishing coat or garment, I called the Cloak of the Illuminati. In their view the human body is ‘unfinished’ and needs work. This finishing coat is composed of advanced A.I., nano, neuro and genetic technologies. Developers say it will liberate us from the limitations of being human and turn some of us into god-like beings with super intelligence, super strength, super vision and longevity. The trade off for super vision is total surveillance under a militaristic super state in which every citizen is now a soldier and their body a weapon.

What the PTB have lacked is an alarming enough reason for the mass of humanity to demand to be vaccinated, augmented and modified…until now.

As I discussed in The Skingularity Is Near, the alternative to our merger with A.I. is to raise our Ascension Intelligence and develop the ‘super spiritual powers’ of our light body, our non-molecular ascension body. The end result is the receipt of a Crown of Glory and a Garment of Unending Light, a suit of cosmic armor, that can protect us from anything, including viruses and even A.I.

Will we remain strictly organic or will a replacement blurred biodot Transhuman emerge that is ‘suitable’ for combatting this virus (and any others on the way)?

We are the ones who will answer these questions for all future humanity. This is what the battle is about.

Whether we choose Artificial Intelligence or Ascension Intelligence, the ‘finishing’ presently underway will result in a new human.

Make no mistake, this is a battle, a trial, an initiation, in our collective soul’s metamorphosis into the New Humanity.

Trials come to distract, hinder, and/or stop you, but they also come to free us, as well.

Some may feel uncertain and powerless. For others, who believe it can screech to a halt, the virus crisis is seen as a cure, and rewards beyond our present comprehension will follow for seeking its medicine. These rewards are symbolized by a Crown (actually 5 of them) and a Robe of Light.

There is a road map to those rewards.

This article examines the spiritual symbolism and prophetic connections of the coronavirus and is an introduction to the Crown and Robe. It is also an instruction manual for required adjustments and a path forward to follow to attain your rewards.

Let us gently proceed.


We begin with needed definitions.

Corona, as most now know, and all must realize, means “crown”. This word has multiple meanings. Indeed, we are being ‘crowned’ on multiple levels.

For example, ‘to crown’ means to be hit on the head.


We have been sucker punched by an invisible enemy, a Beast, that has unleashed an unseen virus upon our minds, bodies and souls. This Beast is a powerful foe. We empower it with our fear. With every click on a ‘news’ website, and every moment watching the ‘news’ on TV, engagement with this enemy and its irreverent babble and godless chatter grows deeper. It is painful to watch.

What to do?

Turn it off.

Then, go within.

Now is the time to use every waking moment to attain wholeness, holiness (righteousness) through compassionate action and to activate the latent spiritual powers of your soul to combat the Beast.

We overcome it with love…and carefully executed spiritual transformation aimed at manifesting our most divine and holy selves.

Like the corona/crown, holiness (again, righteousness), is symbolized by a circle. A circle is 360 degrees. As I have long taught, based on the second oldest human story, The Epic of Gilgamesh, each of us begin our lives at least 2/3 divine and 1/3 human. 2/3 of 360 is 240. Our soul’s quest is to raise our vibration from 240 to a righteous 360. We do this by changing our actions so that everything we do mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally is reflective of ourself at the higher vibration we seek. “The fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever,” says Isaiah 32:17. 

Many of us have been actively working on moving our righteousness needle for a very long time, building our higher vibrational self with acts of love and focusing on ascension teachings.

Now, in this ‘present’ moment, the coronavirus crisis calls on each of us to urgently move our personal righteousness needle from where it has been to a lot closer to 360.

Another meaning of crown is revealed during birth labor, where crowning is the moment when the baby’s head first appears from its mother’s vaginal opening / birth canal; the new human’s portal to its new world. For the mother, this pushing process is the most painful part of labor. Light breathing — taking short, shallow breaths in and out as if blowing out a candle on a birthday cake can help minimize pain for the mother, say experts. The goal is to produce a calming and relaxing effect.

Light breathing induces calm (especially if one is hyperventilating), and the sense of well being that follows could certainly be a key for our success in combatting the coronavirus. Increased oxygen protects and helps the body heal by giving the immune system a needed boost. When the cells responsible for protecting the body against infection encounter a bacterium, they require additional oxygen to fight off and kill the harmful agent. If the immune cells have insufficient oxygen to carry on the battle, bacteria quickly overwhelm the immune system, and infection occurs. For tips on how to practice light breathing go here.

Ujjayi Breath, translated as “to become victorious”, is one of the most powerful breathing techniques used in Yoga, and is known for its ability to generate a profoundly restful state. Known as breath of fire in pranayama in yoga circles, Ujjayi Breath is an assertive, forceful breath. It’s done by inhaling firmly through the nose, and then forcefully pushing out the exhale, making an aspirant sound in the back of the throat.

Metaphysically speaking, light breathing, or learning to breathe in light and to exhale darkness, will protect us from the invisible force pounding on / in our heads.

Once crowning occurs, the new baby’s arrival is imminent.

If we think of ourselves as the new baby we can see the opportunity before us.

Unable to turn back to the former world, our crowning is the path to the opposite of powerlessness and total dependency, which is sovereignty.

This leads to the definition of crowning as synonymous with coronation. A coronation is the act of putting a crown or corona on a monarch’s head. The circular corona represents power, victory, honor and glory in this world, as well as immortality, righteousness and resurrection in the next.

These are the rewards, the gifts, the pearls, concealed within the oyster of the ‘present’ just handed to us, the coronavirus crisis.

In sacred ascension art, the special area that Clare and I work in, the crown is often shown being presented to those on Earth by angels. This informs us of the higher dimensional attributes of the corona. It tells us we must seek our reward / gift beyond the material plane and bring divinity into our present moment.

To read the rest of the article and see the images, go to the source:

A Change is Coming

Universal Law The Last Word

GillilandJames Gilliland – So many people are asking what is going on, will there ever be justice. The answer is yes. There is a saying Nature is slow to react but thorough.

People are awakening, the fake news and mind control programs are failing. The division games with cultures and religions are no longer viable. The crooked politicians, wayward agencies power abuses, deep state as well as the puppet masters, the global elite are imploding.

It is a byproduct of compression by the higher dimensional beings, their consciousness and Universal Law. Think of the Earth herself expanding ascending, then add the higher consciousness and energies pressing in. Add what the scientists are finally revealing about the solar system going through a highly energized place in the universe, the cosmic, ultraviolet, infrared rays, the Schumann resonance are off the scales.

The dark realms are being squeezed, forced into the light and they are lashing out, influencing and possessing people trying to create as much havoc as possible.

Healers and light workers around the world are asking what is going on. Their clients friends even family are losing it with emotional outbursts, some acting as if possessed. We are in those times.

The hidden and real agendas are being exposed. By their fruits you will know them, their actions will define their character. There is a lot of double speak, lots of posing, leaders in every walk of life are being exposed and their followers are having meltdowns trying to ignore the obvious. It looks as if the world is going crazy yet it has always been crazy, it is now being revealed. The world of opposites is ending, the chaos is the healing.

So how does one discern? There are many questions that need to be asked. One are we creating heaven on Earth? Are we operating under Universal Law, Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All?

Are the leaders self-serving? Where is their funding coming from? Who are they associated with? Where do the donations go? The main question is what is their income from?

Words without deeds are dead. I had a wise man tell me there are many Archon walk ins, wolves in sheep’s clothing. They prey upon people’s empathy, compassion, and good nature. They are placed into high positions of power and by nature people want to believe them. They are referred to as planned opposition. They usually have massive egos, are narcissistic, shameless and cannot tell the truth no matter how much evidence is garnered against them.

The tyrants realized people will revolt without a savior so they create one, usually with the above-mentioned characteristics. They remain in full control of that person with promises of notoriety, power and wealth to control the narrative.

These puppets take the podium, shake their fists at the government yet at the same time they are being paid by dark factions within the government, the global elite. These false icons brag about their high-level connections regardless of the fact these connections are Lucifarians, pedophiles, in some cases murderers.

They prey upon the gullible and the ignorant, blind followers who refuse to look at or do their own research. People who do not trust their own heart, their own inner guidance. If you were clairvoyant or clairsentient you would feel and see what is within and standing behind these people, it isn’t pretty.

These sacred senses are being activated. What would happen if you stopped giving your power away? What would happen if you made your own personal connection to God/Creator/ Great Spirit?

Did you know contact comes with enlightenment? Did you know you are not just a body and a personality? You are a spirit and that spirit is multidimensional.

Did you know you don’t need anyone or have to pay thousands of dollars to connect to Source, see ships or make contact? All that is necessary is pure intent, discernment, a few tools and spiritual discipline.

Get out in Nature. Walk away. It is an inner journey, always has been. The external is the distraction.

I want to leave you with two gems. One – no matter how hard you try you cannot separate yourselves from Omnipresent Creator. You can however be distracted. Two – the Earth’s history is a series of colonizing and terraforming experiments going back over 600,000 years according to true archaeology.

You want to see an ET, check out your DNA and look in a mirror. There is so much more to the story. The bottom line is those who are not frequency specific to the Earth’s ascension and act out of alignment with Universal Law will be eventually removed after some very hard lessons.

Karma is real and it is accelerating. Choose kindness as your religion. Be kind to each other and the planet.

Be well.

SF Source Eceti Jul 2018


Belief Systems, Illusion, & Awakening

Crossroads, Off-Ramps and the Time of Transition

by Zen Gardner

It’s human nature to look for resting places. Naturally there’s a time to rest in many aspects of life, but when it comes to the pursuit of truth and increased awareness and conscious activation there really is no stopping place.

Awakening has its own form of peace and rest by its very nature as we’re tapping into other wondrous realms of empowerment and inspiration. Nevertheless, like swimming, our challenges to learn and grow are ever present and cannot be ignored without serious consequences.

While there’s a mistaken idea that once awakened, always awakened, and everything is clear sailing from then on, the truth is that awakening is a continual process, one which we’re only just embarking upon.

Choosing a relevant path-1

Crossroads and Off Ramps

It’s interesting watching the alternative research community evolve. Many are talking about the increased infighting and the apparent new belief system adherence that’s distracting so many. These things are bound to arise I suppose, especially with those that want to see the community implode, but it’s also endemic to the very nature of truth pursuit.

The closer one gets to the summit of any climb, the more intense the external conditions. Even the air is thinner up high, and the temptation to find an off-ramp to a road side place of comfort is strong.

However not all are simple side tracks. Some are cleverly devised and very appealing distractions. Some appear as very plausible alternatives that we think might be worth exploring, even just out of curiosity, but sometimes become a lifelong diversion. Look at any belief or religion, including materialism and scientism. The soul is aspiring to find answers and solutions and here are ready-made closed systems with seemingly all the answers.

“Ah, peace at last. Now we can lay down and camp out with no more serious worries or climbing to do, especially in that increasingly harsh weather further up the mountain. Besides, here are all these other people who feel the same as I do.

“What a comfort – this must be right. After all, we’re endorsed and accepted by the system. Peace at last.”

To Go On, or Not Go On

Most of life’s serious choices aren’t easy. That’s why so many avoid the conditions that may bring them on. However, life has a habit of getting in the way of our gravitating towards safety and security. Things go “wrong”, or so it seems. Our plans get thwarted for one reason or another, or our stability is rocked by some event or life change.

While we’re programmed to think of these as bad turns of events, they invariably lead to greater opportunities to develop what really matters in life regarding our true purpose here and our soul’s progress. However, most fight these changes or spend countless years in unnecessary anger, denial, remorse and bitterness, never getting the point life was trying to hand them.

It’s not easy in a world engineered to halter human spiritual development. But this too brings out the fighter within us and checks our determination to really progress, not just for ourselves but for the good of those around us.

It’s a sifting process. We can go on and keep learning and growing and letting go of the old, or hang on to what we find comfortable and convenient. This usually takes the form of a nice, easily justified place of compromise, with just enough truth wound in our new found chosen life fabric to keep our conscience at bay.

Or so we think. Again, life has a way of reaching into every corner of existence and testing us regardless.


Take the Challenge

Wherever we find ourselves, and in this rapidly shifting world that will be a lot of “places” and circumstances, whether brought on by our own actions or resulting from external factors, that will continue to evolve. As I’ve often said, not only is this a continually shifting landscape we’re living in, our very perspective is continually shifting as well.

All of this is ours to interpret and integrate into our lives. If we so choose. We can take the bunker mentality and try to close it all off but in the long run that won’t work, just as the death of our physical bodies is inevitable.

The challenge we’re each presented with is a beautiful one. It’s fear that freezes people into a defensive stance rather than taking life on as the challenge that it is. And as we know, that is why fear is incessantly pumped into the body politic in any and every form possible, to paralyze humanity and keep it from waking up to its true nature.

Follow the Questions

A simple remedy to stagnation is asking questions – continually. Don’t take anything at face value. Why are you feeling the way you are? What caused you to make that last decision or set some goal? Why do you value this over that, or have the attitude you do that makes you take the course of action you’ve chosen in your life, immediately or overall?

Then there’s the external world. Why is all this happening? Who or what is causing it? What information is reliable and how do I find it and discern right from wrong? And most of all, what’s my real place in all of this? Why am I here and who or what am I? What is my true purpose for being here?

It’s in the question – and our determination to pursue meaningful answers.

With courage. Then act on it. Make the sacrifices needed to do the right thing. Screw the consequences to your former paradigm.

As more do so, we’ll continue to see a major shift here and now, not just later. Don’t judge by all the zombies running around – look for the awakening. It’s alive and growing. We may not see the ultimate fulfillment of our heart’s desires for humanity and our planet in this lifetime, but this is all part of the process. Ours is simply to fulfill our rightful role.

Yes, it’s few compared to the many, but how much light does it take to light the darkness? Because the task seems so great at times, is that reason to not keep advancing? To hell with the naysayers and downers who can’t see this. They’re clearly not looking in the right places, never mind being in the right frame of mind.

Light your torch and that of as many others as you can. I’ll be there with you.

Bonfire or bust! Let that be our motto – but it happens one lit candle at a time, starting with ours. The numbers don’t really matter. It’s the intention and commitment – all else follows.


Fear, Perspective, & Awakening

Circling the Wormhole

by Zen Gardner

Time once again appears to be behaving strangely. Not just the surreal blender of the whirled news, but the little slippages here and there, abrupt realizations that it’s not the time or date you thought it was. Things like that. Are you noticing? Time moving very quickly, strange sort of head spinning feelings when trying to track your thoughts, memory lapses, sense of fatigue for no good reason, or ringing in the ears with a touch of vertigo? It’s freaky. There are a lot of influences at work right now. Some good, some bad.

Perhaps we may have hit the edge of the wormhole in some sense. Or are there competing wormholes?

That’s an exotic thought perhaps. But that’s what appears to be happening in many ways. The overall perspective of the awakening was easier to see from afar just a year or two ago. Now the picture is getting muddled and appears like a hodgepodge of swirling influences and resultant reactions. Things are mixing together like the colors in a young child’s finger painting.

It’s apparently because we have entered some kind of vortex perhaps, where time and space subduct like esoteric tectonic plates. What we’re seeing in the surreal whirled about us is just another manifestation. The rapid acceleration of their plan is designed to throw us off, much like fast changing scenes in an action movie. If you get swept into it the results can be distracting and very disempowering.

We need to be careful to dodge the spiraling flak while maneuvering into and even reveling in the true energetic vortex. It’s nothing to fear as long as we’re aware of what’s going on around us and stay on our toes.  The changes are changing and the winds are picking up.

It’s a great time for letting go – but it will not be a pleasant ride for those who refuse to loosen their grip.

interfering waves1

Mixed Signals

Who knows the full plan? But we can track and watch and learn and experience. Knowing it’s all just a ride will save our spiritual hineys and keep our engines cooled during all this insanity.

It’s a strange dichotomy – watching the pre-placed dominoes fall yet being so enraptured with the awakening that’s happening, with so many catching on to what’s really going on. That’s the part I like to tune into but I have to admit this other stuff whirling around us doesn’t make it easy.

It’s clearly happening at a faster rate as the whirled stage antics escalate, yet it’s hard to put your finger on in many ways with all the crap we’re being told and so many swallowing the almost unavoidable fear propaganda campaign being waged. Some of those strange vibes you’re feeling are all the antennas picking up and resonating with this fear channel as the war on consciousness escalates. These and other signals interact causing a kind of wave interference.

Steer clear of it. That is not the wormhole to be anywhere near.

What we’re being shown by the big media projector is the exact opposite of what’s really going on.  Thankfully dot connecting makes things very plain, and when you learn to speak that language, damn it’s clear.

Don’t Get Sucked In

Funny thing about a wormhole – it can be a good one or a not so good one. These exterior manufactured influences are obviously meant towards more control and containment. Conversely, the positive spiritual influences are drawing us to deeper understandings, but they’re subtle and not that easy to identify in such an environment.

Discernment is the key, but it takes manning the rudder and sails intelligently. The threats to the alternative and independent media they’re making aren’t anything new. Clearly they’ve pre-decided this staged Paris event would be a kick off to the next level of many of their programs. Massively increased war budgets are passing without a whimper of consensus or protest while the NATO countries try to make an end run to occupy Syria and overthrow Assad and stave off Russia’s clean up job, something no one else would do since as we know ISIS is the West’s creation.

All while initiating draconian clampdowns anywhere and everywhere they can, fueled by continued terror events around the world which we’ll no doubt be seeing a lot more of to keep this tide of confusion rolling out.


Your Personal Choice

So, we’re again at a crossroads, a place we should all be familiar with since we’re constantly having to make decisions on what to let into our spiritual field. It’s important to be aware of what’s supposedly, yes supposedly, going on but more importantly it’s a time to dig deep and remain grounded in loving, encouraging truth.

And revel in it.

The whirlpools are spinning. We’re continually swept into more choices, and it’s much like vortecies pulling us in different directions. Most importantly, we’re being pulled into a wormhole of Truth and Transformation, one we’ve been in for some time, and we can’t lose track of that.

So what do you do? Run in fear and hide from what could be a path to a greater reality and cling to the old world addictions to whateverthehell keeps you entrapped and ensnared?

Or venture on.

It’s an easy choice for me, thankfully. Adventure towards freedom vs trudging towards slavery should be a clear cut decision for anyone who’s even half awake. That may not be clear to those being played like pawns in the whirled matrix but it’s always obvious to the awakened.

Don’t let yourself get confused or discouraged by all of this. We’re sailing through very choppy waters and we need to move forward with dead reckoning, knowing our direction and with full confidence in the ships of our lives – even if it leads to heretofore unexplored territory as we navigate around the whirlpools of deceit.

Conscious, awakened truth calls, and it’s a place of safe refuge in times of rapid change and seeming uncertainty.

Love, Zen


Prophecy of Peter Deunov

70 Year Old Prophecy Is Happening – Rare Up-coming Opportunity With Incoming Cosmic Waves Of Electricity

70 Year Old Prophecy Is Happening – Rare Up-coming Opportunity With Incoming Cosmic Waves Of Electricity

Story by: Beinsa Douno

The following is the prophecy of Peter Deunov which regards the end of our civilization as we know it and the beginning of the Golden Age on Earth.

Also known under the spiritual name of Beinsa Douno, the Bulgarian Master Peter Deunov (1864-1944) was a being of a very high level of consciousness, at the same time an incomparable musician, that gave during his whole life an example of purity, wisdom, intelligence and creativity. For years he was established close to Sofia where he lived surrounded by numerous disciples, he, by his radiance awakened the spirituality of thousands of souls in Bulgaria as well as the rest of Europe.

Some days before his departure to the other world, he was in a profound mediumistic trance, he made an extraordinary prophecy in regards to our troubled epoch that we are crossing today, a prophecy about the “end of time” and the coming of a new Golden Age of humanity.

Here is this deeply moving testament. It is current and so vibrant that one doubts that these words were spoken over 70 years ago.

“During the passage of time, the consciousness of man traversed a very long period of obscurity. This phase which the Hindus call “Kali Yuga“, is on the verge of ending. We find ourselves today at the frontier between two epochs: that of Kali Yuga and that of the New Era that we are entering.

A gradual improvement is already occurring in the thoughts, sentiments and acts of humans, but everybody will soon be subjugated to divine Fire, that will purify and prepare them in regards to the New Era. Thus man will raise himself to a superior degree of consciousness, indispensable to his entrance to the New Life. That is what one understands by “Ascension“.

Some decades will pass before this Fire will come, that will transform the world by bringing it a new moral. This immense wave comes from cosmic space and will inundate the entire earth. All those that attempt to oppose it will be carried off and transferred elsewhere.

Although the inhabitants of this planet do not all find themselves at the same degree of evolution, the new wave will be felt by each one of us. And this transformation will not only touch the Earth, but the ensemble of the entire Cosmos.

The best and only thing that man can do now is to turn towards God and improve himself consciously, to elevate his vibratory level, so as to find himself in harmony with the powerful wave that will soon submerge him.

The Fire of which I speak, that accompanies the new conditions offered to our planet, will rejuvenate, purify, reconstruct everything: the matter will be refined, your hearts will be liberated from anguish, troubles, incertitude, and they will become luminous; everything will be improved, elevated; the thoughts, sentiments and negative acts will be consumed and destroyed.

Your present life is a slavery, a heavy prison. Understand your situation and liberate yourself from it. I tell you this: exit from your prison! It is really sorry to see so much misleading, so much suffering, so much incapacity to understand where one’s true happiness lies.

Everything that is around you will soon collapse and disappear. Nothing will be left of this civilization nor its perversity; the entire earth will be shaken and no trace will be left of this erroneous culture that maintains men under the yoke of ignorance.  Earthquakes are not only mechanical phenomena, their goal is also to awaken the intellect and the heart of humans, so that they liberate themselves from their errors and their follies and that they understand that they are not the only ones in the universe.

Our solar system is now traversing a region of the Cosmos where a constellation that was destroyed left its mark, its dust. This crossing of a contaminated space is a source of poisoning, not only for the inhabitants of the earth, but for all the inhabitants of the other planets of our galaxy. Only the suns are not affected by the influence of this hostile environment. This region is called “the thirteenth zone”; one also calls it “the zone of contradictions”. Our planet was enclosed in this region for thousands of years, but finally we are approaching the exit of this space of darkness and we are on the point of attaining a more spiritual region, where more evolved beings live.

The earth is now following an ascending movement and everyone should force themselves to harmonize with the currents of the ascension. Those who refuse to subjugate themselves to this orientation will lose the advantage of good conditions that are offered in the future to elevate themselves. They will remain behind in evolution and must wait tens of millions of years for the coming of a new ascending wave.

The earth, the solar system, the universe, all are being put in a new direction under the impulsion of Love. Most of you still consider Love as a derisory force, but in reality, it is the greatest of all forces! Money and power continue to be venerated as if the course of your life depended upon it. In the future, all will be subjugated to Love and all will serve it. But it is through suffering and difficulties that the consciousness of man will be awakened.

The terrible predictions of the prophet Daniel written in the bible relate to the epoch that is opening. There will be floods, hurricanes, gigantic fires and earthquakes that will sweep away everything. Blood will flow in abundance. There will be revolutions; terrible explosions will resound in numerous regions of the earth. There where there is earth, water will come, and there where there is water, earth will come. God is Love; yet we are dealing here with a chastisement, a reply by Nature against the crimes perpetrated by man since the night of time against his Mother; the Earth.

After these sufferings, those that will be saved, the elite, will know the Golden Age, harmony and unlimited beauty. Thus keep your peace and your faith when the time comes for suffering and terror, because it is written that not a hair will fall from the head of the just. Don’t be discouraged, simply follow your work of personal perfection.

You have no idea of the grandiose future that awaits you. A New Earth will soon see day. In a few decades the work will be less exacting, and each one will have the time to consecrate spiritual, intellectual and artistic activities. The question of rapport between man and woman will be finally resolved in harmony; each one having the possibility of following their aspirations. The relations of couples will be founded on reciprocal respect and esteem. Humans will voyage through the different planes of space and breakthrough intergalactic space. They will study their functioning and will rapidly be able to know the Divine World, to fusion with the Head of the Universe.

The New Era is that of the sixth race. Your predestination is to prepare yourself for it, to welcome it and to live it. The sixth race will build itself around the idea of Fraternity. There will be no more conflicts of personal interests; the single aspiration of each one will be to conform himself to the Law of Love. The sixth race will be that of Love. A new continent will be formed for it. It will emerge from the Pacific, so that the Most High can finally establish His place on this planet.

Also see: The 20 Universal Laws



The founders of this new civilization, I call them “Brothers of Humanity” or also “Children of Love” They will be unshakeable for the good and they will represent a new type of men. Men will form a family, as a large body, and each people will represent an organ in this body. In the new race, Love will manifest in such a perfect manner, that today’s man can only have a very vague idea.

The earth will remain a terrain favorable to struggle, but the forces of darkness will retreat and the earth will be liberated from them. Humans seeing that there is no other path will engage themselves to the path of the New Life, that of salvation. In their senseless pride, some will, to the end hope to continue on earth a life that the Divine Order condemns, but each one will finish by understanding that the direction of the world doesn’t belong to them.

A new culture will see the light of day, it will rest on three principal foundations: the elevation of woman, the elevation of the meek and humble, and the protection of the rights of man.

The light, the good, and justice will triumph; it is just a question of time. The religions should be purified. Each contains a particle of the Teaching of the Masters of Light, but obscured by the incessant supply of human deviation. All the believers will have to unite and to put themselves in agreement with one principal, that of placing Love as the base of all belief, whatever it may be. Love and Fraternity that is the common base!

The earth will soon be swept by extraordinary rapid waves of Cosmic Electricity. A few decades from now, beings who are bad and lead others astray will not be able to support their intensity. They will thus be absorbed by Cosmic Fire that will consume the bad that they possess. Then they will repent because it is written that “each flesh shall glorify God”.

Our mother, the earth, will get rid of men that don’t accept the New Life. She will reject them like damaged fruit. They will soon not be able to reincarnate on this planet; criminals included. Only those that possess Love in them will remain.

There is not any place on earth that is not dirtied with human or animal blood; she must therefore submit to a purification. And it is for this that certain continents will be immersed while others will surface. Men do not suspect to what dangers they are menaced by. They continue to pursue futile objectives and to seek pleasure. On the contrary those of the sixth race will be conscious of the dignity of their role and respectful of each one’s liberty. They will nourish themselves exclusively from products of the vegetal realm. Their ideas will have the power to circulate freely as the air and light of our days.


The words “If you are not born again.” apply to the sixth race. Read Chapter 60 of Isaiah it relates to the coming of the sixth race the Race of Love.

After the Tribulations, men will cease to sin and will find again the path of virtue. The climate of our planet will be moderated everywhere and brutal variations will no longer exist. The air will once again become pure, the same for water. The parasites will disappear. Men will remember their previous incarnations and they will feel the pleasure of noticing that they are finally liberated from their previous condition.

In the same manner that one gets rid of the parasites and dead leaves on the vine, so act the evolved Beings to prepare men to serve the God of Love. They give to them good conditions to grow and to develop themselves, and to those that want to listen to them, they say: “Do not be afraid! Still a little more time and everything will be all right; you are on the good path. May he that wants to enter in the New Culture study, consciously work and prepare.”

Thanks to the idea of Fraternity, the earth will become a blessed place, and that will not wait. But before, great sufferings will be sent to awaken the consciousness. Sins accumulated for thousands of years must be redeemed. The ardent wave emanating from On High will contribute in liquidating the karma of peoples.

The liberation can no longer be postponed. Humanity must prepare itself for great trials that are inescapable and are coming to bring an end to egoism.

Under the earth, something extraordinary is preparing itself. A revolution that is grandiose and completely inconceivable will manifest itself soon in nature. God has decided to redress the earth, and He will do it!

It is the end of an epoch; a new order will substitute the old, an order in which Love will reign on earth.”


Reprinted with permission by


Light Is Not a Metaphor

The following is excerpted from Gift of the Body, published by the Essential Light Institute. 


Light is real, more real in its being eternal than the temporary structures it shines down upon. If you want to live an authentically spiritualized life, you need to see and feel the need for the light so badly that it becomes the only thing that you can’t live without. With the light, everything is possible. Without it, nothing really matters. When you are living in the awareness of being constantly bathed in light, you will see that up until that point you had been living your life looking through a cloud. The cloud is composed of the energetic material of your mistaken belief that light is merely a metaphor, a poetic spiritual image or that if it really exists, Light is reserved only for saints or the tiny fraction of humanity that can be called enlightened. Or perhaps that He/She—the Divine Intelligence, God, the Numinous, the Great Spirit or whatever term you give to that ultimate power—is the owner of the Light, parcels it out sparingly, and that you with all your faults are an eternally unworthy supplicant of it. All lies.

In terms of our discussion on the emotional body, what is useful to know is that, when you connect directly with Divine Light, anything in your HEV which does not match the vibration of that light has two choices. It can raise itself up, or it can leave.

Energetic congestion is dense and slow without being calm. Light is fast and high without being shrill. When the two meet in your emotional body, the interface of the long-held denseness with the light will shake the emotional body. It can feel like a battle, when really it is just a serious conversation. One part is holding on. Depending on how enamored you are with your stubbornness, it will hold on more or less tightly. The light is calling, cajoling, demanding that stuck material to, “Come on, let’s go.” The dance between these two energies can throw you around for a while. You might feel worse for a time. You certainly will feel more emotional turbulence than you are used to. You might even get sick. It is like a stream that becomes temporarily dirtier than it usually is because the stuck garbage that was hidden along its banks is getting peeled away by a speeding up of the flow of the water. Soon the debris will be swirled away, leaving the stream clean.

When the interaction of the Light that you invited to do its thing in you meets your congestion (which for many years has been used to the homeostasis)—when that Light starts to bend its way into the hidden places of your pain, stuff starts to move for real. You cry more, you shake, you dream intensely, you cleanse in lots of ways, on lots of levels. (Remember that the emotional body is the drain for all the bodies.) This clearing process can last a while, which is why it’s best to do it with the help of people who are ahead of you in their own healing process, preferably professionals. But your friends, your family, and community all have a part in helping you to move through what can look and feel like dying.

What will in fact happen if you go through it, is that you will be re-born as a free person. But in the short run, you can doubt that you will get through and question whatever possessed you to make that prayer for light to come and free you. For a while, you need folks to tell you it’s going to be all right, to keep you calm and feeling safe, while you feel naked and unprotected, because the boulder of emotional material that you’ve carried was ballast and shield for you. After a while, you will start to feel way better.

Is it a strange process? You betcha. Is it worth it? Guaranteed. The process is necessary because everything that you are carrying in your emotional body that is causing you pain is from the past, and mostly the distant past. You have been an energetic sponge—or a vault with emotion locked inside, or a sponge locked inside a vault—full to bursting, but with nowhere to burst. You have collected, and then held on to, emotional forms that have kept you living in the past, and that have been making you sick. Because you want to make room for light, because you love truth, and because you seek pleasure, you come to see that what you may need to undergo in order to get free is ultimately worth it, and that the only way out is through.

The key to authentic healing is to love freedom with its risks more than convention with its safety, and to demand and cultivate the love of the sensation of freedom in your bodies. Freedom is not just a concept, and not just the absence of rules. It is a palpable force.

Congestion in the emotional body feels like being in solitary confinement. We have to break out of prison with the key of light. But light doesn’t just open the door to the cell. It also cleans the prisoner of what got him isolated in the first place. Getting out of prison is a huge step. Refusing the habits that would put us back behind the familiar bars, and creating new habits that serve us to stay clean and present, is called “walking the path”. We need protection, but not the protection that comes from being emotionally loaded.

Emotional cleansing, that is motivated by the desire for freedom and held in Light, is almost always accompanied by the release of spiritual attachments. These are energetic hangers-on, thoughts and emotions and entities that have actual energetic, non-physical form, that need to be gently but firmly conducted from your HEV into that Light, which will in turn take them to a type of cosmic recycling station where they can be transformed away from you. Again, this is not metaphorical, nor is it actually “woo-woo.” Every- body on earth that lives in open contact with nature, or who relaxes their death grip on materialism, understands that the non-material population of our planet far exceeds that in any kind of material bodies. There are worlds within worlds. There are such things as spirits, angels, helpers, guides, nature spirits, and tricksters. These all have what we can recognize as consciousness, even if most of us can’t see them. They interact with this material world within strict rules of engagement. They are the small voice that whispers a warning (that you may or may not listen to) when you are about to do some- thing particularly stupid. They are the inspiration out of nowhere that gives you the creative idea you’ve been waiting for that resolves the seemingly impossible problem you are facing. They are the radiation that comes through a healer’s hands. They are the celestial voice that comes from a singer’s mouth. They are the non-material protectors and advisors that stand by you, as you choose to do the things that you came to earth to do. And they are the ones that will trip you up time and time again, until you learn to pay attention—and to recognize what comes with love and what comes with fakery. They are the ones reported on by every religion or spiritual path of every stripe—usually rendered with ideological interpretations that turn them into something cartoonish—yet still manage to convey a pure truth concealed underneath for those whose inner eyes have been opened and whose powers of discernment have been sharpened.

The fact that some of these energies are attached to you and exaggerate your pain is not really a stretch to comprehend, unless you have narrowed your vision to such an extent that you believe that all there is to reality is what you can access with your most rudimentary senses. That limited, materialistic attitude puts you in a tiny category, in terms of the totality of people who have lived on earth through the ages in deep relationship with the natural world and the layers of energetic reality that compose it. Discounting what is the major part of reality might make you imagine that you are sophisticated and intelligent according to a narrow definition of what is rational, but the exclusive reliance on physical senses and scientific inquiry to define reality isolates you, cuts you off from your true connection to the natural world, from your own life force, and your own wonder-filled spiritual being.

In our modern, present-day world, this attitude is understandable given the lack of actual spiritual education available to most of us. But as my teacher, José Rosa, once said to me, “It’s a good thing reality doesn’t depend on your opinion.” It is my hope and intention that your vistas are being broadened a bit as you read this book. Don’t believe it because I say it. Those days are past. Check it out for yourself. To do that, you need to allow the unfamiliar, humble thought that what you know is tiny and narrow, and reality is huge and wide and deep. Then get quiet, inside and out. Wait for an internal space where you don’t care one way or the other what the answer is to your questions. You just want the truth, as much of it as you are ready to handle. And then ask whomever, whatever, whichever you relate to, to show you, tell you, intuit you the truth of the matter. Be patient, and don’t let the possibility of being surprised out of cherished notions deter you from the truth.

What I learned through that experience is that we all have guides, or whatever you choose to call the unseen presences that assist us and may possibly disturb us, or both. It may be your great-grandmother that you never met who comes to you in the twilight world between sleeping and waking; the almost-seen person who is there in every dream that you wake from knowing that this was more than just a dream. Or the voice that comes from the right or the left side of your head, that you know somehow is male or female, young or old, that is always there to test you, challenge you, maybe even to try and drive you crazy so you come to know yourself. These protectors, guides, entities, whatever you choose to call them, are each hooked into you somewhere. They literally (although not materially) live somewhere in your HEV. What they are there for is for you to discover through meditation, prayer, and the gradual process of awakening awareness called dis-identification. There is, in you, both “you” and “not-you.” By learning the discernment to know who is who, you learn who is you.

Some of these consciousnesses are there permanently as your companions on your life walk. They have been there all along. When you are done with this vehicle, they will be sitting in the seat next to you on the new conveyance that will bear you back home. Some are there because, when you were one or five or twelve years old, you had a need to survive a life situation that felt overwhelmingly threatening. You called out to the inner planes for help, and along came help in the form of a protector being. Along with keeping you from saying/doing/feeling what was dangerous for you to experience or express in that setting, they gave you a necessary “bonus”; they kept emotional material in your energy body from being naturally processed and released. So when you get to that stage of being ready to be free, and you call the light to free you, the light comes to clean and transform that material. And then those no longer useful functionaries of your past internal program get challenged with the opportunity to get a new job. Your savior has become a prison guard, habitually holding in the prisoner who has realized their parole is up to them. They are functionaries doing their job long after the job has become obsolete. Some of them just need to be gently directed to look up. They go happily with a wave good-bye. Some others grip on and make every excuse as to why you are making the biggest mistake of your life to let them go. You will learn a lot about who you are in the process of re-negotiating the contract you made with them.

And when they leave, there is a lot of emotional material that they have been holding back that will swirl out. Knowing it is just part of the process allows us to, so to speak, step aside and hold the door open for the releasing to proceed without too much of our involvement. It goes much faster that way. It is, after all, just e-nergy that has been put into motion. The flowing energy of emotion is meant to enliven and connect us with our environment and with each other. It is not intended to run the show, or to be a show. Constant indulgence of emotion, living one’s life only according to how the winds of feeling blow, acting out emotion under the excuse of freedom, is not fundamentally different than repressing it and acting that out. Those who make a huge deal out of emotion in their reaction to imposed repression, both familial and societal, are giving emotion a prominence that it was not intended to have.

The information that we receive from accessing what we want, what we desire, is not the same as accessing accurate intuition. Intuition tells us what is best for all beings, including ourselves. That is oftentimes at odds with what our lower self wants, in its pursuit of what will satisfy its hunger. Intuition has to feel right, but in the short run, sometimes it doesn’t feel good. Desire and intuition come from entirely different places in our bodies. One is not better than the other, but they have different agendas and will guide us to different ends. It’s useful to know who and what we are following, both externally and internally. This discernment is absolutely necessary for living a useful spiritualized life, guided by something other than ideology.

We can learn the art of literally transforming our emotional material— from being painfully stuck into vitally moving. Then we become enlivened, and a tiny but real portion of the energetic atmosphere of the planet is eased. When we join with others doing the same, we become examples of joyful aliveness and community healing, however that is expressed. People who love freedom in their own bodies also support freedom for others in theirs. And complementarily, people who really inhabit their bodies, who embrace their emotional body as the alive-making mechanism that it is, without blowing its importance out of proportion, are also respectful of boundaries, both personal and societal. This doesn’t mean that we accept boundaries without question, or that we don’t choose to push through them at times, or even bust them once in awhile. Living freely demands a constant re-evaluation, in order to overcome the tendency of matter to stagnate and institutions to become self-preserving parodies of their original intent. To be grounded in the reality of our true emotions takes us simultaneously into inner contact with ourselves, and makes us better able to see other people without distortion, as not just an extension of ourselves.

As such, the world is not just a stage for your emotional expression or repression. We see that everyone is swimming in the vast sea of energy; we see the need to help each other to avoid the rocks, to care for each other when we flounder or become hurt. The boundaries are seen and acknowledged and respected, even as they are questioned and stretched.

People who love Light, and come to recognize it and cherish it as the liberating force for themselves, as that which heals and guides them, also come to recognize where it is absent both inside them and out in the world, and where it is only pretending to be present. When we are aligned with Light, with what is real, we are less likely to be fooled by pretty words covering empty promises. If we are temporarily fooled by the mist of unresolved emotion rising up, or by the mind’s attachment to a particular storyline, our inviolable link to Light will shortly remind us (through our intuition) of what is true. By our connection to Light, we become healers in our families and communities, and better citizens, even as we continue our own healing in our own bodies. We live out the truth that Light is everywhere, that Light is free and freeing, and that abundance is the truth of the universe. How far beyond our individual lives and our small groups can that commitment to Light reach? The answer depends on how many of us link-up, what we create when we follow that Light, where it wants us to go and what it guides us to do.


Changing to Higher Frequencies

Heart Consciousness and the Body: Transforming the Physical Body to Higher Frequencies of Matter

February 19, 2015 

Heart Consciousness and the Body: Transforming the Physical Body to Higher Frequencies of Matter

by Peter Borys, Jr.

Heart consciousness fully unites the soul with the body in pure harmony through the spirit.  Through a heart-centered consciousness, our infinite and eternal being can be expressed within the physical body on Earth.  It is the fullness of love and creativity unhindered by the duality density of incarnate life.

We awaken, transform, and evolve to the higher consciousness of the true self in Divine unity by the intentional choices of the soul through the heart and mind.  While the interior consciousness of dimensions beyond the physical is the initiator and catalyst for all change in human consciousness, there are very real changes to the physical body.  The body receives a harmonic upgrade of its vehicle.  All systems of the body must be able to relay the information and consciousness of the multidimensional and beyond dimensional soul while expressing through the incarnate body. This is the importance of understanding the human energy field, chakras, heart, brain, nervous system, and endocrine system.  We learn of the importance of the heart’s nervous system and electromagnetic field, and all of the brain’s systems in mediating the consciousness of the soul in the body.  While the body is the vehicle for expressing the nonlocal and infinite soul, it forms a unity with the soul and spirit during incarnate expression of the soul’s evolution of its eternal cosmic and Divine being. Therefore, even though the soul transcends its physical organization as body, its being is one with the body for experience on Earth and other interdimensions of incarnation.

The fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation has dimmed awareness of the multidimensional self that is peace, joy, love, and creativity.  The lower 3D duality consciousness has conditioned disharmonic blockages throughout the energy system of the body.  The result has been a conflict oriented frequency of matter that enables disease, separation, and disharmony.  Under this level of egoic 3D consciousness, the body is not able to be in resonance and carry the higher dimensional information of the heart and the full capabilities of the higher Divine mind, i.e., peace, joy, love, unity, intentional creativity, telepathy, harmonic cellular regeneration, and teleportation.

While incarnate, the heart is the center of life for multidimensional consciousness and how the soul experiences consciousness within the body.  In order to anchor in the fullness of heart consciousness, all restrictions of the bodymind throughout all chakras must be healed and released.  In choosing the practices that resonate for us which may include meditation, prayer, energy healing, introspection, self-observation, experiencing feelings and emotions, and service along the pathways of the many spiritual, metaphysical, esoteric, and scientific traditions, we open to the awareness of the higher self and Divine unity. All of these practices and paths are intended to be guides for our inner intentional consciousness in choosing to live our heart-centered unity of love and creativity.

It is only from this awareness and intention that the restrictions are healed, heart consciousness is anchored, and the higher mind capabilities restored. Throughout the entire process, the physical body is changing in order to receive and transmit the harmonic frequencies of the higher mind in the heart. From within this aspect of evolving consciousness, we see the transformation of DNA, the easing of the nervous system, coherence of the electromagnetic frequencies of the heart, increased frontal lobe brain activity, and entrainment of the pituitary gland, hypothalamas, thalamas, and pineal gland. Therefore, all of the physical changes are part of evolution and ascension, but they must be understood from the level of the soul and spirit that is enabling the change.

Thus, the frequencies and harmony of the physical body are critical for our Divine expression of love and creativity while our soul is incarnate. Our key context becomes the seeing of the physical body not from a linear 3D mechanisitc awareness as organizing consciousness with density, but as the vehicle for expression of consciousness, and even as consciousness itself vibrating along a continuum of frequency. When the body is understood from the centrality of consciousness from the infinite soul and mind beyond the physical, then the physical changes to the density of the body and the workings of the heart, mind, and brain fit well into the ascension process.

In awakening to unity consciousness of the heart, the bodymind restrictions are primarily released by the emotional work of integrating the false self defenses of the shadow and by forgiveness.  All this must be done with the clear intent to live a life of love and creativity.  In this process, the conditioning of the fight or flight trauma response and the improper use of the 3D thinking mind is changed.  These nervous system changes are necessary to open the heart by quieting the inharmonious noise of the 3D thinking mind.  Practices that are helpful here are the many types of meditation, harmonic sound frequency resonance of soul and body with 432Hz, and Divine energy transmissions such as the Oneness Blessing and Oneness Meditation.  They quiet the lower mind and move activity to the frontal lobes where frequencies of the higher unity mind are expressed.

All of these are preparatory steps of fully anchoring the organization of heart consciousness, and the evolution of the body to a less dense frequency of matter.  This will be a change to either a refined carbon structure or a shift to a more crystalline silicon structure.  All of these changes involve the Divine energy and soul evolving both the information sent to DNA and a transformation or activation of the DNA itself.

This brings us to the role of certain systems of the physical brain that transduce and mediate the higher mind in its support of the central consciousness organization of the heart.  The purely resonant properties of these physical systems are necessary for the fully harmonic functioning of the third eye and crown chakras through the pituitary, hypothalamas, thalamas, and pineal gland. A highly functioning nervous and hormonal system is key to resonance tuning for heart consciousness in expressing all its capabilities in the body.

The fully awakened heart supported by the higher mind through the fully functioning brain is vitally important for our interdimensional communication, remembering who we are, our mission, and our soul evolution while we are incarnate in the body on Earth. May we continue to progress in our understanding of our Divine Being as spirit and soul, and the role of the physical body in our ascension to a fifth dimensional and beyond consciousness.
