Psychic Vampire Defense

I am putting this up as there are many psychic attacks and challenges at this time with the great energy shifts and changes that are happening at this time.  This is not the only way to deal with these things.  I am suggesting you be aware.  I am hoping that you will take the time to develop your own protections system which radiates from within your core and out through all the various levels and bodies of your physicality and spirit.  Take time daily to ground and center and to open the true eyes of your heart.  listen to your intuition and trust it.  Your intuition is connected to the Universal Consciousness and is Universal Consciousness whispering to you in love and oneness.

And now:


Psychic Vampires - How to Recognize and Protect Yourself From an Energy Vampire
Psychic Vampires – How to Recognize and Protect Yourself From an Energy Vampire

Last updated on August 24, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News




Energy vampirism is a parasitic relationship in which one person feeds off of the life force (also known as prana) of another person. These people who drain other’s energy are referred to as psychic vampires. But despite this definition, it is impossible to take energy from someone else. So why does it feel possible?

In this episode Teal explains how to recognize a psychic vampire, how to prevent yourself from loosing energy as the result of one and urges us to recognize the patterns of vampirism within ourselves. Psychic vampires do not feel as if this universe is infinite. They do not feel that it is possible to get the love that they desire. They do not trust themselves to fulfill their own needs. And as a result, they believe that the only way to get what they need is to take it from others. Believe it or not, the remedy for victim and vampire is the same!

Both must realize the truth that it is impossible to take energy from someone or have your energy taken by someone. If you feel drained of energy or like you don’t have enough, it is because you are not allowing yourself to think thoughts that let that energy in. Then, both need to do the following:

1. Develop Authenticity (create and find the true self).
2. Develop Autonomy and a sense of healthy self sufficiency where one feels capable of fulfilling one’s own needs
3. Nurture themselves (cultivate self love).
4. Commit to their life and physical body.
5. Develop self trust (if we really trusted our own internal guidance system and our own ability to “discern” we would not worry about what other people could do to us),
6. Learn to see and expect nuances (gray areas and complexities) instead of seeing the world as black and white with villains and victims
7. Study the behaviors they want to receive from others (for example: do you want to be caressed? Appreciated? Listened to?) And practice doing those things to others.
Any thought you can think and anything you can do to help yourself feel empowered, will put you in a vibrational space beyond where you would be a match to either being a psychic vampire or being a victim to one.


Alan Watts on Brain vs Body

Brain against Body: Confusing Needs with Desires

We have been taught to neglect, despise, and violate our bodies, and to put all faith in our brains. Indeed, the special disease of civilized man might be described as a block or schism between his brain [specifically, the cortex] and the rest of his body. This corresponds to the split between “I” and “me,” man and nature, and to the confusion of Ouroborus, the mixed-up snake, who does not know that his tail belongs with his head. Scientists Lancelot Whyte and Trigant Burrow calls this disease the “European dissociation,” not because it is peculiar to European-American civilization, but because it is specially characteristic of it.

It is simply saying in “medical” language that we have allowed brain thinking to develop and dominate our lives out of all proportion to “instinctual wisdom,” which we are allowing to slump into atrophy. As a consequence, we are at war within ourselves – the brain desiring things which the body does not want, and the body desiring things which the brain does not allow; the brain giving directions which the body will not follow, and the body giving impulses which the brain cannot understand.

When we compare human with animal desire we find many extraordinary differences. The animal tends to eat with his stomach, and the man with his brain. When the animal’s stomach is full, he stops eating, but the man is never sure when to stop. When he has eaten as much as his belly can take, he still feels empty, he still feels an urge for further gratification. This is largely due to anxiety, to the knowledge that a constant supply of food is uncertain. Therefore eat as much as you can while you can. It is due, also, to the knowledge that, in an insecure world, pleasure is uncertain. Therefore the immediate pleasure of eating must be exploited to the full, even though it does violence to the digestion.

Despite the immense hubbub and nervous strain, we are convinced that sleep [which is also a form of meditation] is a waste of valuable time and continue to chase our fantasies far into the night, whether in sleep or in forced insomnia. Animals spend much of their time dozing and idling pleasantly, but, because life is short, human beings must cram into the years the highest possible amount of egoic-intellectual consciousness, alertness, and chronic insomnia so as to be sure not to miss the last fragment of startling pleasure.

The vague, nebulous and insatiable character of brainy desire makes it particularly hard to come down to earth – to be material and real. Generally speaking, the civilized man does not know what he wants. He works for success, fame, a happy marriage, fun, to help others, or to be a “real person”. But these are not real wants because thy are not actually things. They are the by-products, the flavors and atmospheres of real things – shadows which have no existence apart from some substance. Money is the perfect symbol for all such desires, being a mere symbol of real wealth, and to make it one’s goal is the most blatant example of confusing measurements with reality.

It is therefore far from correct to say that modern civilization is materialistic, that is if a materialist is a person who loves matter. The brainy modern loves not matter but measures, not solids but surfaces. He drinks for the percentage of alcohol (“spirit”) and not for the “body” and taste of the liquid. He builds to put up an impressive “front” rather than provide a space for living. Therefore he tends to put up structures which appear from the outside to be a baronial mansions but are inwardly warrens. The individual living-units in these warrens are designed less for living as for creating an impression. The main space is devoted to a “living room” of proportions suitable to a large house, while such essential spaces for living (rather than mere “entertaining”) as the kitchen are reduced to small closets where one can hardly move–much less cook. Consequently these wretched little galleys provide fare which is chiefly gaseous–cocktails and “appetizers” rather than honest meals. Because we all want to be “ladies and gentlemen” and look as if we had servants, we do not soil our hands with growing and cooking real food. Instead we buy our products designed for “front” and appearance rather than content–immense and tasteless fruit, bread which is little more than a light froth, wine faked with chemicals, and vegetables flavored with the arid concoctions of test tubes which render them so much impressive pulp.

One might suppose that the most outright example of civilized man’s beastliness and animality is his passion for sex, but in fact there is almost nothing beastly or animal about it. Animals have sexual intercourse when they feel like it, which is usually in some sort of rhythmic pattern. Between whiles it does not interest them. But of all pleasures sex is the one which civilized man pursues with the greatest anxiety. That the craving is brainy rather than bodily is shown by the common impotence of the male when he comes to act, his brain pursuing what his genes do not want at the moment desire. This confuses him hopelessly, because he simply cannot understand not wanting the great delicacy of sex when it is available. He has been hankering after it for hours and days on end, but when the reality appears his body will not co-operate.

A particularly significant example of brain against body, or measures against matter, is urban man’s total slavery to clocks. A clock is a convenient device for arranging to meet a friend, or for helping people to do things together, although things of this kind happened long before they were invented. Clocks should not be smashed; they should simply be kept in their place. And they are very much out of their place when we try to adapt our biological rythyms of eating, sleeping, evacuation, working, and relaxing to their uniform circular rotation. Our slavery to these mechanical drill masters has gone so far and our whole culture is so involved with it that reform is a forlorn hope; without them civilization would collapse entirely. A less brainy culture would learn to synchronize its body rhythms rather than its clocks.

For the brain, including its reasoning and calculating centers, is a part and product of the body. It is as natural as the heart and stomach, and rightly used, is anything but an enemy of man. But to be used rightly it must be put in its place, for the brain is made for man, not man for his brain. In other words, the function of the brain is to serve the present and the real, not to send man chasing wildly after the phantoms of future or escaping such from the past or vice versa.

Furthermore, in our habitual state of mental tension the brain does not work properly, and this is one reason why its abstractions seem to have so great a reality. When the heart is out of order, we are clearly conscious of its beating; it becomes a distraction, pounding within the breast. It seems most probable that our preoccupation with thinking and planning, together with the sense of mental fatigue, is a sign of some disorder of the brain. The brain should, and in some cases does, calculate and reason with the unconscious ease of the other bodily organs. After all, the brain is not a muscle, and thus is not designed for effort and strain.

But when most people try to think or concentrate, they behave as if they were trying to push their brains around. They screw up their faces, knit their brows, and approach mental problems as if they were something like heaving bricks. Yet you do not have to grind and strain to digest food, and still less to see, hear, and receive other neural impressions.

By Alan Watts


Wegner’s White Bear Experiment

Wegner’s White Bear Experiment: A Classic Study on Thought Suppression

white_bearIn a study by Wegner et al., participants were instructed to not think of white bears for a period of 5 minutes and to ring a bell each time the thought of a white bear crossed their minds. Following this initial suppression period, another 5-minute phase was introduced during which participants could think of anything they wanted, including white bears, and continued to ring a bell each time the thought of a white bear surfaced. This group was compared to another group of participants who performed the expression phase first, without initial suppression. The results showed that suppression in the first phase was difficult for the participants—most of them thought of white bears despite instructions not to think of them—and that thoughts of white bears rebounded after suppression in the second, free expression phase. In other words, the rate of white bear thoughts during the expression phase was higher in the suppression-first group than in the expression-first group.

In order to control thoughts and behaviours, people often try to suppress unwanted thoughts. Dieters may try to avoid thinking about fatty foods, a person in drug rehabilitation may try not to think of drugs, a student may attempt to concentrate on an exam and suppress thoughts of distracting objects, and a professor may try to suppress aggressive thoughts about a colleague he finds immoral and socially unacceptable. Yet, many times these attempts to suppress one’s thoughts not only fail but also produce the opposite effect.

Source: This is an excerpt adapted from “A motivational model of post-suppressional rebound,” published in European Review of Social Psychology, by Jens Förster and Nira Liberman


YOUR color VIbe for 8/24

Saturday, August 24:    Light Lady Blue (make of it what you will)

Doldrums.  Here we are stuck in the middle of all this cloudy stuff.  We can hear things going on out there, but it is hard to discern what is out there and what is not.  So, what to do?  Close your eyes.  The path to many things lies within, and with your eyes closed, well, you can see it so much better.  Second.  Take time to laugh.  If there is an old movie, book, routine, a friend who is always funny, go there.  Take time to know what it means to have funniness in your life.  It is a way of removing you from what is right here, right now.  Humor takes the world and turns it into an exclamation point.  Now, that is fun.  There is nothing so serious that it cannot be funny.  Two sides of the same coin.  SO, today’s energy says that stuff might not be clear, but (or nonetheless, three syllables are so much better than one) that in this uncertainty there lies a message, a direction, and that there is some laughter in the midst of it all.

Geo-Engineering, Chemtrails, etc

Chemtrails / GeoEngineering: the Greatest Crime of All Time…. and Here’s the Evidence

Chem Trail Pic 2

23rd August 2013

By Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Photos: John Graf

This article is dedicated to the courageous people around our planet who have spoken out and written about these crimes. In the ultimate sacrifice, some have given their lives to report the TRUTH.

“There’s a war going on covertly; and I want to know how it relates to the spraying.”  ~ Catherine Austin Fitts.


Over the past more than 15 years (depending upon where you live), there has been a secret – and criminal – global program of spraying toxic chemicals overhead. It began in the US, then NATO countries were added; but now this lethal aerosol spraying covers the entire globe. Military, private, and commercial planes are used to dramatically change – geo engineer – our global weather. Without any public discussion or news reports, the US military began a highly toxic and on-going assault on us.

The popular term for these aerosols is Chemtrails. It is even the term that the military has used. In an interview last month, Clifford Carnicom (one of the world’s leading researchers on the aerosols) notes in using the word “Chemtrails” versus “Geoengineering” or aerosols, this shows how our perceptions change with the word. “Language is not accidental… and is used to manipulate and control awareness, as well as perception. It serves as a basis of curtailing, basically, serious progress on very real issues.” See:

This aerosol spraying is not the first time Americans have been used as un-informed experimental laboratory animals. Basically, plans to harm us have never stopped. In 2001, Clifford Carnicom posted an excerpt from the Neuremberg War Trials about biological consent of human “subjects.” This consent is essential, but is not part of these covert crimes. See:

Here are just two examples of what has been done to us, and what continues without any informed consent. For 25 years (between 1945 and 1970), a covert Manhattan Project spin-off called the “Manhattan-Rochester Coalition” conducted aerosol tests and researched “the health [?] effects of radioactive materials…on vulnerable populations without consent in St. Louis.” These military-sponsored [radioactive] “studies targeted a segregated, high density urban area, where low-income persons of color predominantly resided.”(1)

More recently, just last month in New York City, unsuspecting subway riders were sprayed with a toxic chemical gas. Signs were posted saying: “The NYPD [New York Police Dept.] will release small amounts of harmless colorless gas in 5 boroughs and 21 subway lines. The airborne non-toxic [sic] test is part of NYPD’s precaution against terror attacks. MTA [Metropolitan Transit Authority] Customers are advised to stay calm.” [NOTE: the word “Customers” –not citizens.] This was funded by a $3.4 million transit security grant from Homeland Security and conducted by US Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory (who developed this tracer gas in the 1980s) and the NYPD.(2) See:

The gas used, on probably millions of the unsuspecting riders, was not “harmless.” It was a man-made chemical called perfluorocarbon [PFCs] gas. It is linked “to early onset menopause,” birth defects, flu-like symptoms; endocrine disruption; and “excessive exposure may cause effects on the brain and heart.”(3) What is “excessive”? How much of this toxic gas was sprayed on NYC subway riders? This was yet another assault on unsuspecting citizens, based on false-flag scare tactics. See also:


The history of grave harm done to us (by those in government and the military) goes back centuries – not just decades. This article gathers much of what has been discovered by courageous independent researchers, reporters, and others who are concerned with this illegal, but horrific, assault on all of us.

Geoengineering: Global Weather Modification

Humans have been manipulating the weather for a very long time. Rain makers have a history going back to the ancients. What has happened, however, is that, this time, there has been a deliberate and secret agenda of massive global harm directly connected to covertly changing our natural weather and subjecting all of us to continuous and grave harm. This heinous alteration was created by the elites [their other names include: the cabal, illuminati, NWO, or the wealthy government insiders, ptb [powers that be] to maintain secret control of: global finances; food growing and production (including harm through toxic food additives, poisonous chemicals, pesticides and GMOs); health [actually a lack of it, due to this multi-pronged assault on us]; and a controlled educational system closely tied to government and media dis-information. This is well documented. It affects everyone and all aspects of our lives.

Since 1996, the US Air Force is on record with their public document: “Owning the Weather in 2025.”(4) That any organization can think that they can “own” Mother Nature’s forces, about which very little is actually known, is staggering in its hubris and sheer malevolence.

When a country controls the weather, it then can be manipulated to cause extreme droughts [as are now going on these past few months throughout southern California], hurricanes, floods, tornadoes [HAARP-induced in Oklahoma], and other kinds of chaotic and extreme weather conditions that most people do not realize was not a natural event. Here are two recent mainstream TV reports about our dramatically changing weather:


Dr. R. Michael Castle’s “The Methodic Demise of Natural Earth” is essential reading of what has been going on with the destruction of our web of life –due to weather modification.(5) The updated verson was written in 2009. See:

There also has been extensive research on weather modification patents. has posted a large list from the US Patent and Trademark Office:

Over the past decade, research and documentation have not been exclusive to North America. Wayne Hall has been Greece’s vital key to getting this information out to the European Union. Here is an update from Aegina, Greece, between the journalist and former Euro parliamentarian Giulietto Chiesa and the deputy mayor of Aegina, Nektarios Koukoulis, on the subject of aerosol spraying from aircraft and the political system of the European Union:

In Belgium, former mayor Peter Vereecke, was tireless in organizing the 2010 first ever international conference on Chemtrails in Ghent, Belgium.  See:

Amy Worthington has also written an important research paper, “Chemtrails and Terror in the Age of Nuclear War.” It explains to those uninformed that Chemtrails are part of a larger agenda of harm that includes HAARP [High Active Auroral Research Program], a series of 26 arrays around the planet that can punch holes in our ionosphere.(6)

1 Johns HAARP clouds

Worthington calls these programs “death technologies.” This is vital information that is withheld from us by the corporate-controlled mainstream media. See:

and also see Dr. Nick Begich’s recent and important interview:

In addition, several meteorologists have been courageous and reported about Chemtrails. Kevin Martin was one of the first who had a website devoted exclusively to documenting the aerosols. It tracked Chemtrails aerosols all over the world and was updated daily. His website was taken down and his present whereabouts are not known.

Although not a meteorologist, “Dutch Since” is very knowledgeable and well informed. He has an extensive background, and has been tracking weather anomalies that no one else was. His exceptional reporting has been quite accurate. For a time, his website, too, was shut down. His new website is:

Meteorologist Scott Stevens had been reporting weather for ABC, but was fired because he had mentioned Chemtrails. Last year, he lectured at the first US Chemtrails Conference in Los Angeles. Here is his documented evidence (August 2012) of how our weather is being deliberately manipulated via this stealth technology.(7):

Here is another one of his reports on weather warfare with the Oklahoma tornado, and how Chemtrails aerosols were a part of it:

In an undated weather report, a meteorologist (no name) amazingly reports that the US government is spraying poisons in the air. See:

Finally, these clandestine weather warfare programs also now include new aerial aerosol explosions. This is a new system dispersal level of hidden but massive harm known as “Chembombs.” These were reported last year by Bruce Douglas at our Los Angeles Chemtrails Conference. As he then said: “The game plan has changed.” Douglas reported that military ships were stationed in the oceans and sent these lethal bomb explosions into our air. See:

chemtrails pics

Illness Increases

With this enormous and constant exposure to aerosol chemicals, heavy metals, and various biological agents, it is not surprising that we also have dramatic global increases in illnesses. Mycoplasma, now bio-engineered to create more health dangers –and linked to asthma, autoimmune illnesses, and AIDS– have also been found in Chemtrails aerosols:

This chronic assault also includes the toxicity of hormone disrupting chemicals (such as soft plastics, known as phthalates), pesticides, food additives, vaccines, drugs, and, for the first time in human history, a 24/7/365 exposure to the serious dangers of EMFs [the Electromagnetic Spectrum – cell phones and cell towers, Wi-Fi, microwave ovens, and so-called “Smart” Meters]. See:


Prof. Olle Johansson is one of the world’s leading authorities on the dangers of chronic EMF exposure. He has been writing and lecturing about these dangers for 40 years.


Click to Enlarge

The synergistic effect of all these poisons on the immune system (both for humans and all other living animals –as well as the entire plant kingdom) is incalculable! What we do know is the we are under a constant and deliberate highly toxic seige.

How many people do you know who are ill in your own family? Your friends or co-workers? How many small children do you know who are critically ill or have died? How many of you have chronic problems, and cannot find a doctor who has any training in environmental medicine? How many of you have been told “there is nothing wrong” when you have serious symptoms, but they do not fit what doctors have been taught? How many of you know young people who often have multiple chronic illnesses? Pharmaceuticals and vaccines cannot fix Chemtrails and other weather modification poisonings.(8) This is corporate media and medical brainwashing. Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot’s book title says it best: “The Medical Mafia.”(9) These illnesses are now at epidemic rates, but neither covered by any mainstream media nor recognized by allopathic medicine. In Los Angeles, rates of upper respiratory and cardiac illnesses continue to climb dramatically.(10) It is no surprise that Los Angelinos are so ill. Look what they are breathing daily!

5 Johns LA photos

Barium and aluminum, both found in enormous quantities in our geoengineered air are part of the Chemtrails brew. Left undiagnosed, barium poisoning can and does cause enormous damage to the heart and nervous system. Aluminum is known to cause cognitive damage and brain death. Both are silent killers. Neither one of these should be found in air samples or in human hair. In a recent web interview, Dane Wigington (of noted that “there is a mountain of metal raining down on us…. In the last 10 years, we’ve seen rain tests escalate from 7 ppb [parts per billion] to… 3400 ppb. That’s nearly a 50,000 percent increase of aluminum in the rain. It’s a staggering level.”


7 Johns HAARPClouds-Dying trees-1Another ingredient in Chemtrails is Ethylene dibromide, a highly toxic desiccant (that causes drying out of mucosal tissues, dry and itchy eyes and parched skin, hastens ageing) is one of the causes of the deaths of millions of trees and plants.

There is also the unreported crisis of brain damage that is now a major global issue. The use of more than 6-billion cell phones around our planet and the attendant epidemic of what was once a rare form of brain cancer, known as glioma, is rarely addressed in any public forum. This is a well-documented and unsafe technology; and EMFs also have a Chemtrails link. See:

Corporate profits always take precedence over our well being and safety. Combine this with other brain damaging heavy metals and chemicals: Mercury (as thimerosol) in vaccines and in dental amalgam fillings; nano-coated fiber aluminum in Chemtrails, deodorants, cookware and food products (such as baking soda). The list is enormous; and thus chronic daily exposure to a myriad of brain poisons assures that our global population is already in early stages of cognitive damage. Board-certified neurosurgeon, Dr. Russell Blaylock, author of the ground-breaking book “Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills” is now speaking publicly about the brain damage resulting in Chemtrails. I urge everyone to listen to this March 28, 2013, interview with Dr. Blaylock:

How much longer can we remain silent, while so many we care about are ill? Remember, none of the “illnesses” are the standard ones. The synergistic implications of all these different illnesses are staggering! The criminals in charge have been manipulating our environments for off-the-scale harm.


In the long list of covert activities that comprise these aerosol crimes, the dispersal of Morgellons may be the worst. Morgellons can rightly be called a human-induced condition. It is not a disease, nor an illness. Rather, from extensive investigation, it is likely that this weaponized condition was developed in some secret bio-weapons lab to be unleashed to create more planetary havoc. It affects millions of people. NASA’s logo letters have been found on a Morgellon’s sufferer. See:

For more than a decade, the brilliant independent researcher Clifford Carnicom has been documenting the poisons in our air and the link with Morgellons found in human and animal blood samples. Please see his extensive research at: This is essential reading for everyone.

In typical governmental-military-medical Orwellian fashion, people who suffer from Morgellons are called “delusional.” This is the heinous way that real suffering is addressed publicly in a police state. There is a wide range of symptoms, and these disrupt the thyroid, liver, amino acids, and oxygen.(11)

Due to the dramatic alteration of our weather and air, Clifford Carnicom has stated in many of his public lectures that we are now breathing “plasma.” He has written that:

“The fundamental principles of the HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) have once again come to the forefront of this research.  The role of aerosols, ionization, electromagnetic radiation and the creation of an artificial ‘plasma’ state in a now artificially modified atmosphere has already been discussed. These building blocks, along with present observations and the stated premise of the HAARP project bring us to a new threshold of understanding of the immediate and direct effects of the HAARP project upon this planet.

“Although it has been stated within the literature of HAARP, it can now be directly understood by this researcher that the magnetic field of the earth is a primary medium by which we, as subjects, are being affected. The artificial patterns of ELF energy, characterized by unusual pulsations of frequency, can now be most logically assumed to originate from the HAARP facility or technology.  Such energy forms have a myriad of applications in the military arena.  Unfortunately, a parallel set of effects upon biological systems, health and mental functioning must also be accepted as a price to be paid. [My italics.]

:The issue involved here is no less than that of the control of the planet.  Control of the planet with the methods that are used to manifest power -control of your environment, and by affecting your life and health.”(12)

Our atmosphere has been dramatically changed; and “this supports the claim that the fundamental electrical nature of the atmosphere has been altered as a result of the aerosol operations that continue to be conducted without informed consent.”(13)

Carnicom has heroically documented the synthetic clouds overhead contain the same synthetic Morgellons fibers that are found in people who have Morgellons. He has done a “Systems Perspective” Chart that show the extent of these crimes.



Click to Enlarge

Planetary Destruction

As our health and air are being destroyed every day, this also includes planetary-wide degradation and destruction. This has been going on since the mid-nineteenth century. However, it has now accelerated with unregulated and dangerous nano-technology, micro-chipping, Chemtrails, HAARP, and other unregulated technologies.

The web of life on Gaia [the ancient Greek name for our Mother Earth] is not just under constant siege, it is being deliberately destroyed by these dark agendas. Weather modification has intensified droughts. This, in turn, has decimated millions of forests. From the Pacific northwest, to the Grand Canyon and South American tropical rain forests, the trees are dying at unprecedented numbers. Called the “Sixth Extinction” this is human caused. The toxic synthetic cloud cover has also decreased our sunlight by 20 percent! Doctors are prescribing Vitamin D supplements to help with this deficiency. See also Ultra Violet research at:

When whales or dolphins tragically beach themselves in unprecedented numbers, this has been linked to the heinous use of military sonar. When the bees die by the millions, this has been linked to the toxicity of pesticides. When thousands of birds “fall out of the sky” –this, too, is human caused. With more dis-information, the media claims scientists are puzzled by these mass deaths. When the public is poorly educated and is then mis-informed, the elite can control people through fear. This has been going on for centuries. How much more do you want to be deceived?

Retired USDA biologist and organic gardener Francis Mangels has been testing the soil and has found high levels of aluminum, barium, and strontium. None of these should be in our soil. Mangels notes that “the normal concentration in our rains should be zero.” In further testing, he notes that these levels are now 10,000 parts per billions [ppb].” See his interview on the dangers of geoengineering at:

On the West Coast, earlier this Spring, there were some very unusual fogs. They came in rapidly and remained in heavy concentrations (but did not move much until early morning the next day). In my own organic garden, within less that 12 hours, this dense and toxic fog destroyed almost all my blooming lilacs. The large green leaves on my hydrangeas turned white overnight! All the plant’s chlorophyll was gone. Here is another photo of dying plants taken August 15 in Los Angeles:

8 JohnGs photo. 8_16_13 dying plants

Even the snow in Winter (but now found in Summer, too) has been dramatically altered over the past six or seven years. Mother Nature is askew –done at the hands of individuals working on stealth programs. Our beautiful one-of-a-kind snow flakes have disappeared. In their place is what I spell “sno” –tiny white pellets that don’t melt rapidly. When they come down, the air smells full of chemicals. Everything is geoengineered for maximum harm and maximum profits. Nature is just an inconvenience for corporate greed and malevolent tactics.


Despite the real dumbing-down of Western societies, and the massive fear-mongering that permeates our lives, in what are now police-states throughout Western countries, there still are brave individuals who have come forth publicly to inform us of the extent of these covert environmental geoengineering aerosol crimes. This is an incomplete list, but gives the reader a clearer understanding of some of the scope of these operations, from those who worked for the military, and what they are doing without our knowledge.

In May, Kristen Meghan Edwards, a former industrial hygienist for the US Air Force, came forth publicly to report what she knew personally about Chemtrails aerosols. Here is her interview:

Pilots have also reported their insider knowledge about Chemtrails. See:


An opn letter to Clifford Carnricom from a Chemtrail aircraft mechanic also has been posted online:

Evergreen Aviation has also admitted that they have a Chemtrails contract with USAF:

NASA admits Chemtrails:

Various warnings and threats abound for anyone who speaks out against these crimes. People have disappeared. Fear is instilled, as a way of societal control for these dark agendas. However, this totally corrupt system is not fixable. Ted L. Gunderson, former Chief FBI Agent in Charge of Los Angeles, Dallas, and Memphis was interviewed in 2011:

Gunderson died of rapidly spreading cancer in 2011.

Allan Buckmann, a trained USAF weather observer (worked from 1961-1964) has posted his thoughts on weather modification online. See this:

and also this:

However, the tide is changing. Just this past week, the former premier of British Columbia, Bill Vander Zalm, put Canadian politicians on notice with his open letter regarding Chemtrails. See:

Finally, a new documentary is in the works, “Who in the World Are They Spraying?” See the trailer:


The most important issue relating to geoengineering is for the public to become informed. As a society, we are dumbed down and treated to trivia – we get baby pablum for news. As consumers, we are expendable. We are treated as consumers – NOT as citizens. It is now imperative that we become well-educated about this vast issue. We cannot make any informed decisions, that are absolutely critical to our lives, if we do not know what is really happening.

1. Get tested for heavy metals poisoning! This is something I have been urging for the past 4 years. How many of you have ever had a hair analysis done for heavy metals toxicity? This is an accepted way to determine what the human (or animal) body has accumulated in toxins. [Blood tests show short-term results done on the day of the test. A hair analysis shows a more overall, long-term impact of toxic exposure in the body.] It is a simple and non-invasive procedure; and it can be a practical way to test your body’s mineral balance. It can detect accumulations of poisons from external sources and how they can impact and damage all your biological functions. It is an easy test to do: cut a small amount of your hair from the base of your neck (about a small teaspoonful, 1 1/2 inches of new growth), fill out a form (provided by a licensed lab), enclose a check (unless you pay your health care provider directly), and mail this to a reputable lab. Results are usually sent back to your health care provider within two weeks.

Everyone I know who has had it done, finds these metals levels to be very high. This does not show up in regular CBC [Complete Blood Count] tests. For the body (human or animal), there are no safe levels of arsenic, barium, strontium, nano-coated fiber aluminum, or mercury. It takes decades for high levels of these metals to wreck one’s immune system. I urge everyone: GET TESTED! It is in your own best interest to do so. It may save your life, as heavy metals poisoning does kill. I write from personal experience, as my mother died from mercury poisoning.

2. Learn my  3 P’s. Put them into daily use:

(1) PRECAUTION– If you are not sure about anything, don’t do it.(14)

a) When we have reasonable suspicion of harm; or

b) When there is scientific uncertainty; then

c) We have a duty to take action to prevent harm. This is what REAL precaution is all about.

(2) PREVENTION– Before we engage in any task, or plan anything: if it involves any kind of harm, then STOP! Don’t do it.

(3) POWER OF THE PURSE– The buck really DOES stops at the cash register! Don’t support any company that profits by harming us. We would save millions; and their profits would go down the drain.

4. Remember Karen T’s philosophy: “Don’t buy. Don’t comply. Ask why.”

Both individually and collectively, we have the internal capabilities to NO LONGER be experimental lab rats. The cabal is now in its death throes. NO LONGER can they instill global fear as their way of controling us. Control means no freedom, and no creativity. CONTROL equals HARM. The stealth chaos they have created for centuries, with financial deception and enormous historical deceit, is almost over – and there will be accountability. So, we can, and we must! take back our own power from this dark agenda. We are creative and loving humans – if we choose to remember to stay centered in our hearts. This then is the highest conscious life focus we can have. It just was deliberately hidden from us.

A recent post says it best:

“You are all needed in active participation in [healing] our planet; and above all it is about the retaining of your freedom, as individuals and as a collective, it’s about retaining your personal power, your truth, and the restoration of Gaia to her most pristine condition. It is a monumental task”…

But with our own internal fortitude and deep wells of courage, we are all up to doing it. Please join me in helping heal Gaia. It will help heal us all. It will create PEACE for all of us. We can create a new dawn filled with love and compassion, kindness and the harmony of the spheres.

for more, go to the source:

On Life Purpose by I. Berry

Why You’re Here: Life Purpose and Life Lessons



Join Itzhak Beery for the live video webinar “Shamanic Paths to Your Life Purpose: Hand Analysis, Numerology, Astrology, and the Mayan Naguals.” For this Evolver course, Itzhak will be joined by four master practitioners of the ancient arts of divination — palmist Richard Unger, numerologist Julian Michael, shamanic astrologer Daniel Giamario, and Mayan Nagual Shuni Giron — as they demonstrate and explain how these practices can reveal your life purpose to you. This course will introduce you to the role that life purpose serves in each shamanic tradition, and give you the tools to recognize and explore your own unique life purpose. It all starts on September 11. To learn more, click here.  


Discovering your life purpose – the reason you’re living the particular life you have – is likely the single most important understanding you can ever achieve for yourself.

The search for life purpose is as ancient as civilization itself. We all ask, “Why am I here on Earth?” “What is the purpose of my life?” “What am I here to learn?” These existential questions are universal. Esoteric practices like Numerology, Astrology, the Mayan Naguals, Tarot, among many others, have been developed to find answers for people, often in desperate situations, who know, deep down, that the experiences of their lives are not arbitrary, that there are reasons, if only they could understand them – then their lives would have meaning.


What Is a Life Purpose?

Your life purpose is your north star in the dark night as you navigate your canoe. It is the compass by which your soul directs your life journey. It is the key to realizing who you came here to be, and what you came here to accomplish. It cannot be changed. It is your soul essence. It belongs uniquely to you, from the time you came to this world, and some believe it is formed even before you were born, in the womb. It won’t tell you what job you need to pursue. It is the place you came from to do your job. Being conscious and internalizing your life purpose can give you permission and set you free to pursue your life with power, joy and freedom.


What Is a Life Lesson?

Achieving your life purpose is no easy task. You have to work for it, like running and jumping over obstacle courses on a life track. Life is sure to present you with all the obstacles that are possible. You will find the right people who will push your buttons. You will create enemies. You will encounter traumas, illness and other travesties — all to teach you your life lessons. If you avoid them, you won’t learn and will find yourself repeating those traumas again and again.

In a workshop I led on a cliff overlooking Israel’s Dead Sea, I asked the participants to choose 12 stones. I then asked them to lay the stones in a circle on a piece of paper and to put a candle in the circle’s center to symbolize their life purpose. Next, I asked them to pick up each stone and journey to a specific trauma, obstacle or negative event and write it down next to each stone. At the end of the exercise, I asked them to identify and consider the common thread that connects those 12 events to each other. When we finished, they buried the stones in the sand and said a release prayer. Afterwards, one participant followed me into the desert wanting to talk. He was so excited. “Now I know why I became impotent!” he exclaimed.


Knowing Your Life Purpose Can Set You Free

I know the power of life purpose, because accepting mine was a major event for me. Years ago I met Richard Unger and took part in one of his Hand Analysis trainings. Though I had been something of a skeptic, it opened my eyes to this ancient art form. Some years later, Richard developed what he called “Life Prints,” a system that uses the unique fingerprints on each of the ten fingers to decipher a person’s life purpose. He read mine and, indeed, it literally changed my life.

That reading gave me the permission I needed to become the person I am today. You see, as a young child I needed to tell stories and share ideas. I needed to express myself. But the woman on the Kibbutz in Israel who was my caretaker at the children’s house (we lived separately from our parents) did not have the patience to listen to everything I had to say.

“You talk nonstop,” she used to complain. One day, when she had had enough, she took me aside and said, “Itzhak, God gave each of us a limited number of words to use in our lives. When you use them all up, you will die.” I knew it was not true, but I took what she said to heart. In shamanic language, as I later came to understand, that was a curse. After that, I learned to control myself and to not waste my words. I lived in fear, and whenever I talked in front of groups my stomach churned, my heart palpitated and I used to pee in my pants. I came to convince myself that I had nothing worth saying in public, that what I thought wouldn’t matter to anyone.

In his reading, Richard told me that I was “a man with a message who needs a large stage” to express himself. To hear my life’s purpose with such clarity was a critical personal turning point for me, which literally set me free from all my self-imposed restrictions.

Richard also read my wife’s life purpose, and those of our three children. I believe that it made us more aware and conscious individuals, and hopefully better parents. Fast forward a few years, and Richard and I decided to teach a course together on life purpose, bringing together both of our disciplines: his Hand Analysis and my Shamanic Visioning, integrated into one workshop. We offered it in New York, San Francisco, Florence and Zurich. Each time we witnessed the real impact it made on people’s lives.


“A Woman of Power”

At a seminar I taught in Istanbul, a tall, impressive woman took part. She was in her mid-fifties, with white hair and a commanding, queen-like presence. It was hard not to see it. As the workshop progressed, she and the people she worked with discovered her life purpose: she was a woman of power. But she went out of her way to deny it. “Me?” she said incredulously. “I do whatever others tell me to do!”

The next day she came for a private session and I asked her about her denial. She claimed to be weak and not significant. But then, after a soul retrieval, she confided that her beloved mother had made her feel weak and insignificant all her life, through to the present day. That discovery was her life lesson.

Another woman, in a seminar I gave in Warsaw, was also surprised to learn that she had this same life purpose. As a result, she made a commitment to start “showing up,” to speak up to her husband, and to use her voice to experience her power.


“Not Enough”

Feeling satisfied with who you are and what you do can be extremely challenging, as this example from the case of an overachiever makes clear. This young man was an A+ student, but that was not enough. “I could have done better,” he said. Being president of the student body of a famous Ivy League college was not enough. To be chosen as one of the ten most brilliant young people of the year was not enough. Having a weekly column appear in many publications was not enough. Even starting a multi-million social organization was not enough. Learning to be satisfied with himself and his achievements is this man’s life work. Without this knowledge, he is doomed to experience himself as a consistent underachiever.


“Experiencing Love” 

“I don’t like this life purpose!” the tall, young, beautiful woman in a Warsaw seminar declared angrily when it was suggested that her life purpose was to experience love.

“So then, what are you doing to experience love?” I asked.

“I do everything,” she said desperately. “I’m dating all the time, but apparently the wrong men. All my relationships are short, just a few months. In the end, it seems, they lose interest in me. Or I want out.”

“Are you willing to let them in, and show them who you truly are?”

“Oh, no! I can’t trust them. I want them to prove that I can trust them first. But if I detect even the smallest reason not to, I’ll call it off.”

Her life lesson? You can’t experience love with a closed heart. Unless she learns to be vulnerable, to open her heart and trust men, she will repeat the same pattern and will never allow herself to experience what she came here for.


“Land of Sins”

On one of my first trips to the Amazon with shaman Ipupiara and his wife, our group paid a visit to Bibi, a legendary Umbanda priestess, whose reputation had spread through the Rio Negro area and beyond. Our boat docked by her large, simple wooden house and temple, and as darkness set the old woman — who was then 85 — held a special ceremony for us that lasted late into the night.

Standing by her crowded and beautiful altar, wearing her ceremonial pink dress, she started shaking involuntarily and went into a deep trance. She puffed on a few cigarettes and started channeling one of her entities, the sailor. I kneeled before her and asked the entity a personal question. I was surprised when a man’s voice answered. Then, suddenly, the dialog stopped. The sailor announced that my soul had decided, on its own, to come back to this “Land of Sins,” and for a special purpose: to heal and help people, even though my soul had completed its mission and did not need to return again.

“Do you understand what he said?’ Ipupiara asked me.

“No,” I answered.

“By the Land of Sins, he meant this world, the Earth. And you are an avatar,” Ipupiara said. She looked straight at me as if I was the most ignorant person alive.

“What’s an avatar?” I asked in surprise.

As Ipupiara answered my question in a hushed voice, a deep sadness fell upon me, and I became incredibly emotional. An old memory, long buried, from between the ages of two and three years old, appeared in my mind. It was a recollection of knowing then that I do not belong here on this planet, and of asking myself, why am I alive? I did not want to be here. I knew I wanted to go home, to let go of my physical body. This existence was just too painful.

Accepting your life purpose — even if it strikes you at first as peculiar or uncomfortable — allows you to direct your life path with clarity and power. This knowledge helps you to recognize that every negative event you experience is actually a teaching that takes you a step closer toward achieving your ultimate goal. At the same time, decisions become easier, since you can reject decisions that don’t support your life purpose. At the same time, once you begin living from this perspective, you can accept that each of us are have our own, unique life purposes, which lead us to pursue our lives in our own, unique ways. We realize how important it is to give others the permission they need to fully experience their life lessons, and to support their pursuit of life purpose. That, indeed, is the truest expression of love.

Image by sunshinecity used courtesy of a Creative Commons license. 


Submarine Eruption off Indonesia

New Submarine Eruption at Iliwerung in Indonesia

Landsat 8 OLI image of Iliwerung in Indonesia on Lembata Island, seen on August 12, 2013. The dark grey area is the volcanic complex, while the grey box marks where the new submarine eruption from the Hobal vent is likely occurring. Image: USGS/NASA.

Interesting news coming out the of the East Nusa Tenggara Province in Indonesia. An undersea volcano off of the southern coast of Lembata unexpectedly erupted over the last few days, producing strongly discolored waters and a plume (likely made dominantly of steam) that reached 2 km (6,500 feet). The latest GVP Weekly Volcanic Activity Report also mentions incandescence noted at the sea’s surface. According to news reports, the volcano is called “Mt. Hobalt”, however, in the Global Volcanism Program‘s database, no such volcano exist. There is a Hobal that is part of the larger Iliwerung complex in the right area of Lembata, so this seems to be the volcano that is erupting. This volcanic complex has been producing diffuse fumarolic activity since the beginning of the month and the PVMBG noted that seismicity has increased sharply in this area as well.  This new eruption from Hobal has prompted the PVBMG (Center for Vulcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation) to put Hobalt on a Level II alert and warned fishermen and tourists to avoid the area. There have been some fears that this activity near the coast could produce a tsunami, but so far those fears are unfounded. This would be the first eruption from Iliwerung since 1999 and much of the eruptive activity at Iliwerung has been from Hobal since 1973. The last known subaerial eruption from Iliwerung was in 1948 (but records can be incomplete across Indonesia).


Meanwhile, the continued eruptions at Rokatenda has caused a larger-scale evacuation of the region around the volcano. Seven hundred housing units are to be constructed for people who have had to leave their homes since October 2012 due to the ongoing activity. Recently at least 6 people died from a pyroclastic flow that swept across a beach where villagers were living on the island volcano.


More Sundiving COmets

ANOTHER SUNDIVING COMET: Here we go again. Another comet is diving into the sun, the second one this week. Coronagraphs onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) are monitoring the death plunge:

The icy comet, which probably measures a few 10s of meters wide, is vaporizing furiously and is not expected to survive much longer.

Like the comet that came before it, this one is a member of the Kreutz family. Kreutz sungrazers are fragments from the breakup of a single giant comet many centuries ago. They get their name from 19th century German astronomer Heinrich Kreutz, who studied them in detail.

Because of their common parentage, sungrazers often come in clusters. After today’s sungrazer evaporates, it wouldn’t be surprising to find yet another in the offing.


Chile Earthquake

Strong earthquake in Northern Chile (Antofagasta, near Calama)

Last update: August 23, 2013 at 8:59 am by By Because of the depth, we do not expect any damage by this quake, but it was felt in many parts of northern Chile and neighbour regions of Argentina and Bolivia.Chile Intensity

Nearby Cities
42km (26mi) ENE of Calama, Chile
170km (106mi) E of Tocopilla, Chile
240km (149mi) NE of Antofagasta, Chile
272km (169mi) SW of Uyuni, Bolivia
643km (400mi) S of La Paz, Bolivia


Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 5.8

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-08-23 04:33:59

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-08-23 08:33:59

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 98 km


Your Color Vibe for 8/23

Friday, August 23:    Pale Apricot

Old times, old friends, old memories, old habits.  These are all part of the day’s energies.  You are moving into the new, and even as this happens, you are reminded of everything that went before.  The eyes of memory can be myopic, so when things in the past seem rosy in your mind, take some time to recall exactly what it was all about.  There are variables in every occasion that can make even the worst seem better and vice versa.  This is another day for stepping back from the action.  It is a good day for centering, grounding, and working within.  Use your intuition to guide you in what to do and what to leave undone.  There are those out there who are try to work you into a place of owing.  You owe nothing to anyone except yourself, and that is being true to WHO you are.