Things are just Not in Control

Don’t Worry – Everything is Not Under Control

by Zen Gardner

by Zen Gardner

What a farce. Telling everyone “everything is under control” is perhaps the most dulling and disempowering phrase ever uttered.

My fascination with language just keeps expanding. I love looking at expressions, words, colloquialisms, so-called “sayings” and the like with fresh awakened eyes. I can’t help it. The supposed, accepted and unconscious meanings of these imposed “expressions” are what direct our minds and turn our attention.

So much of what we’ve been handed down is contorted, manipulated and eventually nestled in the collective mindset to twist our hearts away from simple truth.

How many times has this expression been used to bring seeming comfort to someone; “Don’t worry, everything’s under control.” Really? What control? Who’s controlling what? And why?

So often this is used to imply some powerful force is behind everything directing what’s going on. Remind you of anything? Yes – religion, hierarchy, and social, political and economic so-called “controllers”. How debilitating can you get when it comes right down to it, playing on people’s insecurity and lack of conscious awareness?

“It’s under control” is comforting to people? It’s the picture of personal disempowerment!


External Control? Or Creative Freedom!

Sure, there is a wonderful creative Source we are all intrinsically part of, but it’s not “controlling” anything in a living, expanding Universe with beings of all sorts with free will and self determination in an alive multidimensional environment. If anything, this Creative impetus is tearing down control systems that attempt to foist themselves on its process, put there either by conscious intent or the manifestation of hardening mindsets in the social fabric.

Earth processes attest to this, as well as our spectacular expanding and ever changing Universe. Nature itself is alive with new sprouts of life in the animal, plant and mineral worlds, never mind other realms of existence.

Look at earthquakes and volcanoes, or the sun and astral influences. As much as some try to analyze or predict major events that affect earth that still brings no control, only a measure of preparedness on rare occasion. And that type of insecurity is good for us. It’s humbling and keeps us in check.

This process is what the awakening is all about!

While some earth changes may be exacerbated by human activity, the big stuff is way out of our control. Thankfully. That’s what makes life life, and also why the insane would-be captivators of humanity and its planet work so feverishly in their mad pursuits to try to control natural processes. Control is their yardstick and without it they have no temporal security or power, which to them equates some weird form of normalcy or equilibrium.

How upside down can you get.

Be it geoengineering our climate, genetically modifying the natural progression of life forms, or attempting to install artificial intelligence to run their soulless programs, these maniacs are desperate for control in every shape and form. Why? They cannot meld or harmonize with what’s natural since their psychopathic, demonic intentions have nothing to gain, all while the rest of us thrive on being part of the fantastic empowering natural processes of Creation Itself.

Therein lies the rub. Quite apparently we’re in a world of conflicts of interest. That’s our current playing field, if you will. Or won’t. It’s just the way it is.


Let Go Into Conscious Anarchy

I like the anarchy approach. Anarchy is an example of another twisted word. It’s doesn’t mean putting a society into deliberate chaotic destruction, it means living without hierarchical control mechanisms. Something most groomed humans are scared spitless of thanks to generations of social programming.

You mean to tell me if we didn’t have so-called “government” that everything would fall apart? Baloney. People are resourceful and essentially responsible, at least their inner nature is, that hasn’t been perverted by all of this programming to the contrary. That very dependence on external control systems is what the hierarchy is literally banking on which is why the repeated memes of fear of scarcity or personal security.

There’s plenty for everybody. All we need to do is work together locally and share with other communities in a range of sizes and distances. Real commerce in loving cooperation, not the regulated systems that have been foisted upon us. We’ve been weaned from personal responsibility into a system of statist dependence, like someone who’s stopped using their muscles and is dependent on some mass produced contraption for their mobility when there’s nothing wrong with them at all.

They just need to exercise their innate capabilities.

Just because people have become spiritually atrophied in large numbers doesn’t mean that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Exactly like waking up, it’s time to arise and use the magnificent body of capabilities we’ve all been given, and let go of these false crutches and systems of hierarchy and walk into life and live!



That false assurance that everything’s under control by external forces as if we individually have virtually none has got to go. Being comforting in times of stress and turmoil is one thing, but propping people up with some external dependence reinforcement is fundamentally wrong.

It’s time to be conscious – in our words, our thoughts and our actions.

It’s really not that difficult. The main thing you’ll confront is ignorant, unenlightened opposition from those who’ve grown deeply accustomed to this dependency programming, as if it’s some form of respect for the “great ones” who rule them.

It’s very deep and will take time to overcome for most. But remaining in that conscious space, no matter what ridicule or obstacles assail you, is the very solution we each are longing for.

It begins with each of us. Standing our ground and then moving forward in conscious, loving action.

Do it. Bravely. The time for humanity to arise is now.

Much love, be well, and fully empowered,



More Laws – Fewer Freedoms

The Land of Don’t

by Zen Gardner

by Zen Gardner

“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” – Cornelius Tacitus (55 – 117 A.D.)

Everything on our planet is regulated – as in ruled by law.  Whether they be outright laws, local ordinances or any type of restrictions, in not just physical activity but also social rules over interactions. Under the guise of so-called democratic societies giving the impression that we agreed to all of this or even thought it up for ourselves, we now live seriously restricted lives, with the penalty of fines or incarceration looming over our heads if we don’t obey.

It’s all about control. Carefully manipulated control.

To regulate means: “to control or direct by a rule, principle, method, etc.” When you identify just how un-free we are to live, think and operate as we are naturally intended to, it can be quite a wake up call. Most people can see this to some extent, but the full on reality of this imposed prison on humanity needs to dawn on a heck of a lot more souls. The matrix concept is no joke – it’s an insidious yoke upon the human soul, trapping and sapping our very energy while spellbinding humanity with its giant jumbotron of deliberate misinformation.


The Mounting World of Regulations

Just look at any set of regulatory rules. They’re beyond natural description. The US IRS code alone would fill up over 80,000 legal pages of rules and regulations for the falsely entrapped American, binding them to conditions and stipulations that boggle the mind. Or just try to build a house, or buy property, or start a business and the paper work is beyond surreal between the legal contracts, banking conditions, zoning issues and on and on.

Try to enjoy a public park or any such facility, and the rules will be full frontal. Don’t do this, don’t do that, “punishable by…..”

The conditioning is intense, and has been carefully sculpted to encroach on humanity for millennia, but now much more than ever. The inquisition was mild compared to the control power of this massive programmed legal and social grid thrown over humankind. We need to be aware of the extent of it and not blinded by the sugar coated glitz and glamor and flashy ads and products. Just walk through a supermarket or down a city street – it makes “They Live” look tame once you see through it.

Recent Regulatory Insanity

The following was just shoved down Americans’ throats with much more to come. Not only are they absurd mandates but they will cost billions of dollars to comply to, another effort to break the backs of an already overburdened and suppressed populace. Even more disturbing are the Agenda 21 programs being incrementally woven into public policy, such as the so-called “Clean Water Act” that greatly expands the EPA’s power to regulate even small bodies of water on private property.

White House Quietly Releases Plans For 3,415 Regulations Ahead Of Thanksgiving Holiday

The federal Unified Agenda is the Obama administration’s regulatory road map, and it lays out thousands of regulations being finalized in the coming months. Under President Barack Obama, there has been a tradition of releasing the agenda late on Friday — and right before a major holiday…

A more pressing EPA rule set to be finalized is the so-called coal ash rule for coal-fired power plants. A final rule will be issued by Dec. 19, and could be bad news for the power sector, which will bear the brunt of $20.3 billion in compliance costs.

But probably the most fought-over rules to be finalized by the EPA next year will be its redefining of the “Waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act. The EPA will issue its redefinition next year, according to the agenda. Federal lawmakers from both parties, along with companies from virtually every sector of the economy, have opposed the rule, saying it greatly expands the EPA’s power to regulate even small bodies of water on private property.

“The ‘waters of the U.S.’ rule may be one of the most significant private property grabs in U.S. history,” said Louisiana Republican Sen. David Vitter, adding “they want to take another step toward outright permitting authority over virtually any wet area in the country, while at the same time providing a new tool for environmental groups to sue private property owners.”  (Source)

Always a Can’t, Never a Can

Their message is never empowering, but always disempowering. It’s not what you CAN do, it’s what you CAN’T do. Restrict, bind, inhibit, control. That’s their agenda and it’s on us full frontal. The behavior of those around us is testament to this. Once you wake up to it it’s shocking.

Look around you – read your labels and advisories on anything in print, on line or in public – it’s never empowering, always qualifying their intention to protect themselves and “the public” while putting the onus on you, the consumer or participant, to stay within the “guidelines” and not step over the boundaries.

The real problem now is people are accustomed to it. After decades of  mental infringement, the general mind set is to yield and obey and acquiesce in the face of these limitations imposed by “authorities”. A very sad “state” indeed. The sheeple-ization seems to have been a success to a large degree.

But not for me. Or you.

Pavlovian Entrainment Takes A Toll

Stimulus-response mechanisms when repeated over and over entrain the mind and hence behavior. It may appear obvious at the time or even in retrospect, but understanding the depth of the programming can be disconcerting. From school buzzers and bells between classes, fire alarms, honking horns, warning signs, flashing emergency lights, everything interrupted by ads and commercials, signs with “don’t” instructions, threats of violent police reprisals and the like, it takes a toll.

Then add to the mix pop culture and its many mind steering attitudes and perverse inclinations.

The key concept of the social engineers is conditioning. Repeat repeat repeat. Be they lies, misrepresentations, omissions, violent images, scare tactics, just keep the barrage going is their MO.

As long as the herd mentality stays pinned to the matrix wall they’re happy. That’s why shirking the whole thing is so important. It can’t be a partial break with this evilly intentioned insanity. It needs to be a clean break. Every one of those tendrils sapping our life force and direction, attention as well as intention is lethal.

Just as their insane worldwide plan of decimation is designed to literally kill off humanity and transform humans into a different, more easily subservient entity on a deliberately eviscerated planet, so this social and so-called legal slavery enhancement and reinforcement is eroding humanity by our continued exposure to it.

Incremental Encroachment

They’re very clever, and very patient. Bathing humanity in their concoction of social and physical engineering has been playing out a long, long time. We’re at the apex of their attempt to put the clamps on the planet so anything goes now with these psychopaths. They assume humanity has been so dumbed down by their social, spiritual and physical programs that they have free reign to do as they please with absolute impunity…as if that hasn’t been the case all along, but now it’s full frontal and for all to see in our interconnected world.

The programmed mass media mush is full on evidence of this at any level you care to perceive it.

The United States of Amerika is the primary target for decimation, but it’s really an idea they’re killing. The UK, Canada and Australia as well as many other countries are parallel targets having this “freedom disease” and are going under as we speak as they bow to the globalist agenda. Way too many alive and motivated individuals in those countries that may cause trouble. Besides, in their plan the “American dream” has been a beacon of freedom and empowerment for far too long and needs to be taken down and erased as a distant memory in the body politic. Revisionist and blocked out history have served them well, but individual rights and freedoms must now be stamped out. Not for the world they’ve designed.

That’s how they see it. Sick psychopaths on a very sick warpath. It really comes down to wake up—or pay the price.

Their True Agenda

We’re seeing this aspect put squarely in our faces via predictive, esoteric and even occult programming. If you haven’t seen this movie yet it’s worth the watch. It’s quite the confessional, along the lines of “They Live” about the deeper realities behind this surface programming and mental conditioning. As the public imbibes and accepts these realities they are unwittingly accepting, endorsing and empowering way more than they bargained for.

That’s the deeper aspect of spiritual contracts which we’ll get into more in the near future.


Will We Wake Up?

That’s the ultimate question. We’re being sickened, abnormalized and driven to distorted mind sets and eventual capitulation one day at a time. That people can’t see it is the most disconcerting reality to any even partially awakened individual. It can appear pretty bleak once you catch on but just keep pursuing. There’s an underlying way greater reality waiting to be revealed to you.

The fact is, people are awakening at an incremental and even exponential rate, grasping the simplest of tactics being waged against their way of life. It may appear political at first, but it evolves as they pursue the deeper ramifications of what’s going on and why.

That’s cool. And we need to encourage it.

The point is empowerment, taking control of our immediate situation and personal direction is what it’s all about. And one changed life and voice against tyranny and dystopian control represents and encourages so very many others. Most of all, the solution on each of our parts is to unsubscribe. Detach, let go of your legal and moral obligations to any such usurping entities be they by birth, financial, social or spiritual contract. Break them, and be free.

They’re fraudulent. Just step away.


Conclusion – Break Your Contracts and Bust Out!

Forget the restrictions and shirk the programming at every level – grow your own food, collect your own water, speak your own words, live your own dreams, share your own truth. The collapsing system of control is in a downward spiral and furiously attempting to exact every possible restriction on human life and expression. Why isn’t this more evident to the masses? Because they’ve been cowed into submission while their hunger and desires are being channeled into televised events and day to day drudgery as they slave to make a living in this very system they think they cannot afford to challenge.

A closed loop of control. Until we wake up to it.

Once we get it, the shackles come off. That’s what people are nervous about stepping into. Freedom for most is very frightening, and not necessarily something to be desired, unless virtually experienced at a football game as they salute the flag and get all weird, patriotic and high on displaced emotions.

Take heart from the growing Lose the Name movement where people are getting free and standing tall in the reality of already having overcome. It might seem a bit foreign and simplistic at first, but dig deeper. That’s the real space to operate from. When we truly wake up we realize we’re not subject to all these fraudulent laws, licenses, and “certificates of registration” unless we allow them to govern us. They really only apply to the false legal entity they attached to us at birth which is not even us! The whole system is basically a convoluted con job and only works because people subject themselves to it.

Such is the matrix. But we are overcoming just by our conscious awareness and spreading of enlightened information and then acting on what we learn. There’s a lot more to be done to effect the changes we need at the grass roots level, but awakening to the reality of our situation and what powers lay at our fingertips to arise in our true form is all important. From there we find perspective and true freedom and derive strength and resolve to reach others in whatever manner we can.

But we must get there first and operate from there. That’s the key.

Cut your contracts of all sorts and steer clear of the programming – live for what you know is true, honest, loving and needed.

And keep on keeping on! If you think you haven’t found it yet, you haven’t. Keep on, and you will, and you’ll know!

Much love,



Some Thoughts fr/Gandhi

Gandhi’s Top 10 Fundamentals for Changing the World


“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”

“The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world’s problem.”

“If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide.”

Mahatma Gandhi needs no long introduction. Everyone knows about the man who lead the Indian people to independence from British rule in 1947.

So let’s just move on to some of my favourite tips from Mahatma Gandhi.

Change yourself.

“You must be the change you want to see in the world.”

“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – that is the myth of the atomic age – as in being able to remake ourselves.”

If you change yourself you will change your world. If you change how you think then you will change how you feel and what actions you take. And so the world around you will change. Not only because you are now viewing your environment through new lenses of thoughts and emotions but also because the change within can allow you to take action in ways you wouldn’t have – or maybe even have thought about – while stuck in your old thought patterns.

And the problem with changing your outer world without changing yourself is that you will still be you when you reach that change you have strived for. You will still have your flaws, anger, negativity, self-sabotaging tendencies etc. intact.

And so in this new situation you will still not find what you hoped for since your mind is still seeping with that negative stuff. And if you get more without having some insight into and distance from your ego it may grow more powerful. Since your ego loves to divide things, to find enemies and to create separation it may start to try to create even more problems and conflicts in your life and world.

You are in control.

“Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”

What you feel and how you react to something is always up to you. There may be a “normal” or a common way to react to different things. But that’s mostly just all it is.

You can choose your own thoughts, reactions and emotions to pretty much everything. You don’t have to freak out, overreact of even react in a negative way. Perhaps not every time or instantly. Sometimes a knee-jerk reaction just goes off. Or an old thought habit kicks in.

And as you realize that no-one outside of yourself can actually control how you feel you can start to incorporate this thinking into your daily life and develop it as a thought habit. A habit that you can grow stronger and stronger over time. Doing this makes life a whole lot easier and more pleasurable.

Forgive and let it go.

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

“An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”

Fighting evil with evil won’t help anyone. And as said in the previous tip, you always choose how to react to something. When you can incorporate such a thought habit more and more into your life then you can react in a way that is more useful to you and others.

You realize that forgiving and letting go of the past will do you and the people in your world a great service. And spending your time in some negative memory won’t help you after you have learned the lessons you can learn from that experience. You’ll probably just cause yourself more suffering and paralyze yourself from taking action in this present moment.

If you don’t forgive then you let the past and another person to control how you feel. By forgiving you release yourself from those bonds. And then you can focus totally on, for instance, the next point.

Without action you aren’t going anywhere.

“An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.”

Without taking action very little will be done. However, taking action can be hard and difficult. There can be much inner resistance.

And so you may resort to preaching, as Gandhi says. Or reading and studying endlessly. And feeling like you are moving forward. But getting little or no practical results in real life.

So, to really get where you want to go and to really understand yourself and your world you need to practice. Books can mostly just bring you knowledge. You have to take action and translate that knowledge into results and understanding.

Take care of this moment.

“I do not want to foresee the future. I am concerned with taking care of the present. God has given me no control over the moment following.”

The best way that I have found to overcome the inner resistance that often stops us from taking action is to stay in the present as much as possible and to be accepting.

Why? Well, when you are in the present moment you don’t worry about the next moment that you can’t control anyway. And the resistance to action that comes from you imagining negative future consequences – or reflecting on past failures – of your actions loses its power. And so it becomes easier to both take action and to keep your focus on this moment and perform better.

Everyone is human.

“I claim to be a simple individual liable to err like any other fellow mortal. I own, however, that I have humility enough to confess my errors and to retrace my steps.”

“It is unwise to be too sure of one’s own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err.”

When you start to make myths out of people – even though they may have produced extraordinary results – you run the risk of becoming disconnected from them. You can start to feel like you could never achieve similar things that they did because they are so very different. So it’s important to keep in mind that everyone is just a human being no matter who they are.

And I think it’s important to remember that we are all human and prone to make mistakes. Holding people to unreasonable standards will only create more unnecessary conflicts in your world and negativity within you.

It’s also important to remember this to avoid falling into the pretty useless habit of beating yourself up over mistakes that you have made. And instead be able to see with clarity where you went wrong and what you can learn from your mistake. And then try again.


“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

Be persistent. In time the opposition around you will fade and fall away. And your inner resistance and self-sabotaging tendencies that want to hold you back and keep you like you have always been will grow weaker.

Find what you really like to do. Then you’ll find the inner motivation to keep going, going and going.

One reason Gandhi was so successful with his method of non-violence was because he and his followers were so persistent. They just didn’t give up.

Success or victory will seldom come as quickly as you would have liked it to. I think one of the reasons people don’t get what they want is simply because they give up too soon. The time they think an achievement will require isn’t the same amount of time it usually takes to achieve that goal. This faulty belief partly comes from the world we live in. A world full of magic pill solutions where advertising continually promises us that we can lose a lot of weight or earn a ton of money in just 30 days.

Finally, one useful tip to keep your persistence going is to listen to Gandhi’s third quote in this article and keep a sense of humor. It can lighten things up at the toughest of times.

See the good in people and help them.

“I look only to the good qualities of men. Not being faultless myself, I won’t presume to probe into the faults of others.”

“Man becomes great exactly in the degree in which he works for the welfare of his fellow-men.”

“I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people.”

There is pretty much always something good in people. And things that may not be so good. But you can choose what things to focus on. And if you want improvement then focusing on the good in people is a useful choice. It also makes life easier for you as your world and relationships become more pleasant and positive.

And when you see the good in people it becomes easier to motivate yourself to be of service to them. By being of service to other people, by giving them value you not only make their lives better. Over time you tend to get what you give. And the people you help may feel more inclined to help other people. And so you, together, create an upward spiral of positive change that grows and becomes stronger.

By strengthening your social skills you can become a more influential person and make this upward spiral even stronger.

Be congruent, be authentic, be your true self.

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

“Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.”

I think that one of the best tips for improving your social skills is to behave in a congruent manner and communicate in an authentic way. People seem to really like authentic communication. And there is much inner enjoyment to be found when your thoughts, words and actions are aligned. You feel powerfuland good about yourself.

When words and thoughts are aligned then that shows through in your communication. Because now you have your voice tonality and body language – some say they are over 90 percent of communication – in alignment with your words.

With these channels in alignment people tend to really listen to what you’re saying. You are communicating without incongruency, mixed messages or perhaps a sort of phoniness.

Also, if your actions aren’t in alignment with what you’re communicating then you start to hurt your own belief in what you can do. And other people’s belief in you too.

Continue to grow and evolve.

“Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position.”

You can pretty much always improve your skills, habits or re-evaluate your evaluations. You can gain deeper understanding of yourself and the world.

Sure, you may look inconsistent or like you don’t know what you are doing from time to time. You may have trouble to act congruently or to communicate authentically. But if you don’t then you will, as Gandhi says, drive yourself into a false position. A place where you try to uphold or cling to your old views to appear consistent while you realise within that something is wrong. It’s not a fun place to be. To choose to grow and evolve is a happier and more useful path to take.


Source: “Gandhi’s Top 10 Fundamentals for Changing the World,” from, by Henrik Edberh

– See more at:

Maintaining your Sanity Amidst the Craziness

Ascension 101: How to Not Go Crazy in a Crazy World

ascension-1Deidre Madsen, Contributor
Waking Times

With so many ways for us to be afraid in the world today, like Chicken Little. (“The sky is falling, the sky is falling.”), do we really need to be afraid? Or do we want to arm ourselves with natural homeopathy remedies and immune boosting herbs and foods against dangerous rogue viruses like Ebola and the deadly respiratory viruses hitting children?

Do we want to find a way to remain emotionally balanced (just as important as natural remedies) even though our country is besieged with economic collapse, oil wars, global warming (or cooling), chemtrails, ISIS terrorism, illegal immigrants flooding into America, corrupt government and healthcare systems?

America seems to have become the world’s worst nightmare. How do we want to respond or react? Are we going to allow this to drive us into deep fear and panic, worry over all the terror around every corner? If so, we are really setting our immune systems up with emotions of fear and anger that make us even more susceptible to illness and disease. How do we want to show up in our lives today? Recognize that we have a responsibility to ourselves, our children’s children’s children, our planet and its beautiful animals, birds and sea creatures. Therefore, I offer some of what I have learned on the basics of ascension (and awakening or enlightened way of being in the world and not of it) to help point the way a bit further for you.

c11--the-sorting-hats-new-songWHERE DID I PUT MY SORTING HAT?

Very much like the famed Sorting Hat in the Harry Potter movie series, we need a proverbial shamanic crystal ball psychic guru in order to sort through the mass of available information. As they say in the Heart of the Dove (deep in USA’s midwest) “Land Sakes Alive! There is a lot of spiritual information out there.”  Where do you go and what are you looking for? Well, if you trust your instincts you will end up right where you need to be, is my philosophy. (FYI, I ❤ Gryffindor House)


When my own ascension fully commenced I was inundated with information in every possible direction. I thought my problem was that I did not know what and who to believe in, trust or have faith in. Well that was the actual problem … I was looking for somethingoutside of myself instead of looking within. 

I was visiting the local nursing home the other day and I asked an old woman sitting in a wheelchair how she was doing. She replied, “Well, I’m doing okay but I’m trying to figure everything out now. And the problem is that I don’t know what is true and what is not true.” Her comment rang true. How on earth do we know what is true or not? Even within our own mind, without the influence of so much external stimuli, how do we know? She had a good point. I thought for a moment and remembered what I have been taught myself. I leaned over to her and said, “You will know. You will feel the answer within you. It is in your heart.”


When I first learned about this concept, I heaved a huge sigh of relief. Wow, the truth has been there all along. Three clicks and I’m home. It is so simple. Just like in the movie, “The Wizard of Oz.” Dorothy always had the ability to “go back home”, she simply had to click her heels three times to do it. And how did she acquire those stunning shoes? Those ruby slippers? That was noooo accident her Kansas house falling on Elphaba’s sister, Nessarose, the Wicked Witch of the East. No it wasn’t. (Sometime, if you have a couple hours, watch that movie again and see what Frank L. Baum intuited in his creation of the Wizard of Oz because our fictional movies (and literature) are very telling.) Remember, to go within and search and feel your heart for the heart holds the key, the heart is the sacred temple, the church within. Our Sacred Space, the Holy of Holies, lies within each and every one of us. Like Dorothy and her purity of spirit and nature of truth and justice, inner wisdom (i.e., to ask others for help if need be, and to ultimately listen to her own heart), are all messages from our subconscious self.

rubyslippersTo further illustrate this point, each additional character within her journey represented an archetypal pattern within her that needed personal care, attention, acknowledgement and healing. The Scarecrow’s knowledge (left brain intellect, structure) were what she sought when she wanted to own her own gift of knowledge or left brained grasping of a situation. The Lion’s search for courage reminded her of her own need to be brave and face her fears with the nasty neighbor wanting to take away little Toto. Even the character of Toto’s free spirited romps were Dorothy’s inner need to be free and test her own inner (and outer) boundaries (worlds/realms). Each character in our own life’s drama, play and novel all represent an inner archetypal structure playing itself out for us to wake up one day and attend to (paying attention).


There are all kinds of people in this ascension. First, the three basic groups or categories of people are:

  • The awakened ones:  Fully conscious and well into (aka taking action) their ascension
  • The awakening ones:  The veil is thinning, they are nearing their consciousness
  • The sleeping ones:  Veil? What veil? These folks are not aware there even is a veil (in order to ascend, if it is their divine will to do so at this go ’round, they will be receiving their appropriate triggering)

What is really interesting is discovering those you think are awake are actually sleeping and vice versa. In other words, sometimes the very least possible enlightened person is probably the most enlightened of all. So, never judge a book by its cover. How can we work with this?  Have you noticed there are people in the world who are totally into one type of religious organization or another?  Or perhaps they follow a traditional religion like some of the Christian religions? Or they are totally into Paganism?  Religious/spiritual organizations attract all three of those groups listed above.

What about those of us that seemingly follow many paths at once, i.e., Pagan, Christ based, nature based, Native American, and Celtic? All rolled into one? What about those folks who are totally into and resonate with UFOs and ETs and star systems like Orion or Pleiades, Andromedan or Arcturus? I think there is even a “Who’s Who in the Universe” website that lists all types of known extraterrestrials and ultraterrestrials. What about those folks who believe they are “walk-ins” or “starseeds”? Where do all these players fit in?

The lists of players comes from an understanding of what happened long ago and there are many websites that have the answers. Use your intuition and wisdom to seek the  best sources of information for in-depth identifying information on the aforementioned. Now, let’s break down these three categories even more …


Did you know there are three different basic properties that make up an ascending form/body? There are and once you understand this, things will make a whole lot more sense.

We are basically a mixture within our beings. We are magnetic, electric, and radioactive. The original humans however are like Mother Earth, purely magnetic. With the incorporation of so much electrical and radioactive signatures upon Mother Earth of late, we magnetic humans have incorporated all three aspects within. Radionuclides are found in nature all around us; in the air, water and earth’s rich soil. Radionuclides are even found in human beings which we produce naturally because of our environment.

When you begin your search, you may discover you are drawn to various entities, star systems, crystals, totem animals, or deities; you will begin to realize it all boils down to ancestry. What our ancestors did, who they were, where they came from, all play a part in our DNA. Within a magnetic humans’ structure lies the opportunity to become crystalline in nature once again – to ascend in the physical body. In order to do this we must transmute and release all karmic history (ours or otherwise) within this life as well as within our ancestors’ lives (even if we are adopted!). When this release commences, this gives our ascension a big, big boost.

Now, however, if you primarily resonate with electric-based beings, then you will ascend but will be sent to that particular star system or planet to do so. Likewise if you are a radioactive-based human. All will ascend in their own time. And if only a handful of magnetic humans ascend, the whole of the world’s magnetic humans and ancestors will be in their glorious company and will experience it concurrently. Marvelous.

We are the Many and the One … … we are the first and the last of our ancestral lineage therefore we must heal our lineage… because it is also us.


Now that you have an idea of the differences within us, can you see how difficult it is to judge someone? The only way I can explain this is by citing a personal example.

For twelve years, I was married to someone who is very electric by nature. I didn’t know this at the time. I was very naive, young and unaware. Although the relationship suffered from numerous other issues revolving around both our self-worth, self-honoring, and self-love, issues we could have worked through in time, the basic elements to the marriage were not copacetic from the relationship’s onset. In other words, we were not compatible. How well do you think mixing an electric being with a magnetic being will work?

When looking back at the drama of my life, its roller-coaster ups and downs, I can safely say that those events and people were there as divine guides and guideposts along my ascension path. And I can honor each and every experience, with an open and loving heart.

Where is the fear now? ‘Gone with the Schwinn!’  It’s history because I cannot judge what other people do to move along their own path, be it electric, magnetic or radioactive. Judgment is replaced with compassion – quite freeing.


As the new energies increase, allowing Mother Earth her own complete ascension, we all feel the her throes like childbirth and can experience them in grace or in pain. When Jesus walked the earth more than 2000 years ago, his message was to forgive. Forgiveness is an essential ingredient to our ascension. We must openly forgive our ancestors their atrocities as well as forgive our own. In so doing, we mark the path more clearly toward our ascension process. Thus paving a clearer way for our ancestors also.

When in prayer or meditation or whatever form you go within, focus on your ancestry. Look for the clues or synchronicities throughout the day, or your dreamtime, for these clues will assist you greatly. State to God/Goddess/Universe your intent to release your ancestors’ karma, your own karma, as well as karma that has been bestowed upon you that is not yours to own. Forgiveness lights the path with compassion.


“Be Still and Know that I AM God” God is within all things. On January 3, 2000, my veil was lifted. I saw and knew. In the knowing I experienced the truth about God. First and foremost, there is no separation. If you fall into step with people who separate God from man, then you begin to believe not in yourself but in a separate entity altogether. God made man out of his own likeness. God instilled in man a divine spark of himself. How then can we look outside of ourselves for God? Once you accept that all things are within, fully and completely, then you can feel the grandness of God and know that you are truly a divine being.


Notice I didn’t say ‘when’?! Interpretations of the Bible claim that “Jesus is coming” to rid the world of evil. Many religious organizations teach that there will be a return of the Messiah in human form and we are to diligently look for him, wait for him. Once again some people take it literally and look outside themselves for this “return of Christ.”

Another way to look at it, is that the return of Christ has already happened. It is already here. We are the living human form of the Christ consciousness or a compassionate awareness of inner Light. It is an embracing of God within. Jesus said, “All these things you can do, and more”. He wasn’t kidding. Our potential, once we realize our divinity, is his humble way of saying “You guys are awesome! You just don’t re-member. And when you do … watch out world! ” When we stop looking outside of ourselves for a savior or messiah, and look within to find that saving grace, we will see the fullness of God within

“Be Still and Know that I AM God” by repeating this phrase as a mantra, this can effect our sense of peace, our purpose, our well-being. We can then come from a state of unconditional love for all; like “Ohm-ing” whereby we are brought back to our natural frequency of balance.


In order to regroup, we must reground ourselves. Unplugging the computer and TV is a great start. Take long walks and get out with nature and relish the glory of our planet; the wonderful miraculous animals and beauty of Mother Earth. In this time of mass confusion and overwhelming media stimuli, many lightworkers (especially) are finding that experiencing nature and grounding ourselves within her, is all we need do in order to feel the fullness within. We experience her beauty and we know ourselves. We will once again feel ourselves as integral parts of the whole, and with forgiveness and compassion we shine brightly like stars filled with unconditional love.  

I believe these ascension basics will be helpful to those who are searching. These are truths that have resonated with me for some time now. A reoccurring theme in this article and website is to get back to yourself, trust yourself, know your heart, listen to the still voice within. Energy/chi is power with which we all are gifted from our True Source/ God/dess. Staying centered, focused and clear will keep you from being effected by others attempting to negatively work out their karma with you or stealing your energy/chi. It is essential that centeredness and heart connection be your main focus. With these wonderful tools you will be well on your ascension path.

I bid you peace.


Deidre Madsen


Peggy Black on Claiming Your Power

Claim Your Super Powers

Story by: Peggy Black

We greet you beloved as together we witness the dawning of the new age. This new age, this new reality of consciousness is being called forth by you. You are the instrument, the conscious voice, the frequency and the vibration that is bringing about tremendous change around the world. You may shake your head in disappointment when you examine the Earth as it is now, for there is deep dysfunction still entrenched in the world. Discord is still being perpetuated, especially by the media and those who run that aspect of reality; it is their focus upon this discord that engages the collective matrix, and anyone who is still engaged in their own separate polarity will anchor the discord.

This is your personal opportunity to step into your power. You are being called forth to anchor a different reality, in which there is harmony and well-being. We continue to encourage each individual to realize that you personally can hold the vision, the emotional frequency of a reality that supports all life.  It is this awareness within each awakened individual that is truly calling forth a world in which there is peace within the hearts and minds of the collective.

You are not powerless. You are truly powerful beyond measure. Step into that realization, allow yourself to just imagine, even pretend, that you have these superpowers that allow you to offer the collective the opportunity to heal. Imagine that you have the superpowers to transform any event occurring in your reality. These superpowers are always used only for the highest and the best for all concerned. This is where your mastery is being activated. This is where you claim your magnificence as a multidimensional being.

Each time you hear or see some disharmony, immediately offer the quantum field of all possibilities a new and different scenario. Just imagine you are a multidimensional editor of the production that is being projected on the screen of reality. Imagine you can re-write the script. Imagine that you can re-write the outcome of any event, in your personal life or in the collective.

How would you orchestrate the news broadcast if anything were possible? Allow yourself to expand into the realms of light and truth in which the entire broadcast would be news of outstanding new inventions that offer solutions to your environment’s well-being, or the announcement of a phenomenal new discovery in the healing of your physical form. Allow yourself to imagine feeling and even expressing the excitement of the extraordinary unfolding news of peace taking place upon your planet.

Realize that your news broadcast invites and offers an opportunity for you to focus on a different outcome.  Imagine you could shift the situation or event being reported. Using your clear and focused consciousness, see and feel this different solution, call forth the vision, the intention, and the healing energy of transformation. This is your opportunity to use your conscious skills and alchemical mastery to co-create a new reality.

Play with this possibility that you can call forth a more harmonious, more loving, more conscious experience. Imagine your relationship with your family and loved ones, perceive in this imaginary reality that they are engaging you in a loving, conscious and supportive manner and envision yourself responding in a more loving manner to them in return.

If you have any troubles or trauma in your past, picture yourself traveling along the time line and editing that experience. Make sure when you edit any experience that it is in the highest form of healing for all concerned. You can use sounds to shift and transform this experience.

This is where it all begins, in the field of energy, the quantum field of all possibility. Your personal power is holding the vision, as well as the vibration and frequency until it manifests in physical form. You call forth these changes with what you offer to your vision, by using your thoughts, words, beliefs and emotions. If it feels impossible to do this from your present situation, we invite you to pretend, and exercise your superpowers to change and reconstruct any situation.

There is an intense shift taking place within the hearts and minds of all humans; some are resisting, some are confused, and some are celebrating these changes. Each individual is awakening to their true connection to the collective consciousness, they are beginning to recognize that all is one. When you shift an attitude or belief, it is felt in the collective matrix.

When you envision and incorporate compassion, love and appreciation in your heart frequency, you are adding this to the collective consciousness. You are imprinting the quantum field with your personal vibration of compassion, love and appreciation. You are claiming your superpowers as a multidimensional starbeing. You are claiming your personal connection to the Divine Source as a true focus and anchor of transformational energy. You are calling forth a new reality. Your energy frequency and your visional vibration are joining others of like mind and heart. Once these visions of life-sustaining energy gather in the infinite field of creation they become form, they are made manifest.

Each time you send forth a vision, a desire that is generated from the chalice of your heart’s awareness, it goes forth and joins similar vibrations and frequencies. This becomes a force of change as your energy field calls forth and anchors a new paradigm.

We honor and celebrate who you are as conscious divine multidimensional starbeings. You are truly making a difference in the lives of others each time you send forth your blessings of peace and compassion, you are uplifting the collective consciousness.  Each time you envision a different and more life-sustaining outcome you are literally bringing your vision into the world. Do not be discouraged; conceptualize and hold your visions with conviction. Allow your sixth senses of knowing to emerge. Allow yourself to step into your superpowers of co-creating a better world.

Call forth support and assistance from the realms of Light and Love. Invite this divine presence and spirit in all its magnificence to join you in the transformation and healing of all that is before you. Know that you are loved beyond measure.

Peggy BlackPeggy Black
Transducer, Scribe and Witness, is a world traveler and lecturer with thirty-five years experience in the healing field


Take Control!

How To Deprogram Yourself

Last updated on July 7, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News


by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Society has undergone a mass brainwashing and it is time for us to deprogram ourselves in order to be completely immersed in the evolution of consciousness.

1. Religion

If a UFO were to land in your backyard tonight, I promise the ET will not have either a bible or money.  Religion has been the longest running form of mind control on the planet and has served to not only keep us separated, but to depopulate the world through numerous wars, Inquisitions and Crusades in the name of “God”.

What religion does not teach us is that we are powerful, spiritual beings without them.

In the next few months or years, we can look forward to religion’s next form of mind control as they admit to the presence of extraterrestrial beings.  This, of course, will not fall into the bible’s timeline, unless they try to convince their followers that the ET’s have only been around for the last 6,000 years as well.  If that were true, then why are they so much more advanced than we are if they are able to travel light years to visit us?

The real truth is that the bible is just a story to keep you living in subservience, control and conformity, the same template as every government.

Solution: Ask lots of questions and go within for answers.  It is time to take control of your own life instead of giving your energy and power away to others.


2. Money

How To Deprogram Yourself | In5D.comWhen you find religion, you find money as these two tenets in life are married to one another. Within these two entities, you’ll also find their bastard stepchild, government as all 3 are perpetually tied to each other.

I often ask people, “If there was no such thing as money, then what would you be doing with your life?”  This will give you an idea of what your life purpose should be if you were not influenced by the almighty dollar.

While money can simply be viewed as another form of energy, neither positive or negative, it also takes us away from our true, natural selves along with what is truly important in our lives.

We are all economic slaves to the system.  How many of us work 40+ hours a week only to find ourselves so drained at the end of the day that we don’t want to do anything other than relax and watch TV?

That means that you are working 40+ hours so you can enjoy yourself for the weekend.  In essence, you are an economic slave for 5 days to the corporations in exchange for 2 days to yourself.  Does this sound fair?  And how are you spending these two days?  Are you helping to make this world a better place or are you simply recharging your batteries so you can go back to being a slave to these corporations who drained your battery in the first place?

Solution: We live in a society that relies on money for existence.  Some people are able to get off the grid completely but they are few and far between.  Find whatever it is that truly makes you happy, then find ways to make a living doing it.  There may be a time when you have to work your current job while building a new career, but in the end, you’ll find that working for yourself is much more gratifying than working some job that you hate for a boss who is an a*hole.

Also, stop supporting these companies that keep us living as economic slaves.  Buy local.

3. Nature

Everything that man has done has contributed to the degradation of nature as we have polluted our food, skies and water supplies.  Nature was much better off without us.

Despite our ways, nature provides an outlet and an opportunity to connect with what is important in life because without nature, we do not exist, period.

Solution: Take to time to connect with nature.  Go out for a long walk in the woods or at the beach.  Listen. Stargaze. Find that inner peace that nature provides.  This is much more enriching than wasting your time watching TV.

4. TV

Along with religion, this is one of the biggest mind control venues out there.  How many times have How To Deprogram Yourself | In5D.comyou ever felt good after watching the news?  If you trace who owns the mainstream media in the United States (TV, newspapers, radio stations, magazines, etc…) you’ll find that there are only 6 people at the top of the chain and all have Zionist ties, so what are the chances that your news is “fair and unbiased”?

Do you enjoy being (literally) programmed into what you should eat, wear, drink, etc… through the commercials?

This is why we never see an introverted person on TV ads because it shows the wrong message to those in power as they discourage people from looking within.  Every ad shows some extrovert with his or her group of friends living the fictitious life that you should be living (through their eyes). And these people have above average looks and portray success, which subconsciously tell us that we are not good enough the way we are and if we want to be successful, beautiful and have friends like them, then we need to purchase whatever product they are selling.  Does this sound ridiculous?  It is, yet many people fall for this ploy, otherwise the commercial would not exist.

Solution: Stop watching TV.  If you cannot do this, then record educational programs and skip through the commercials.

5. Meditate

The biggest excuse people say when asked why they do not meditate is, “I don’t have the time” yet these same people will waste hours watching their favorite TV shows.

Another excuse is, “I can’t clear my mind.”

There are many different forms of meditation and in time, you will be able to meditate at a crowded beach or swimming pool if you really wanted to.

There are many physiological, psychological and spiritual benefits to meditating.  (see 100 Benefits of Meditation)

Meditation allows you to connect to your higher while giving you clarity and insight to your direction and purpose for being here.  This is why our senses are over-stimulated with everything else… to keep us too busy to connect with our higher selves.

Solution:  Find the time to meditate, even if it is for only 5-10 minutes a day.  Experiment with different meditation techniques.


6. Cleanse Your Body

As part of the programming, our bodies have been introduced to many foreign substances, such as vaccines, GMO’s, fluoridated water, chemtrails, mercury fillings, etc…

There is a reason why 55 countries have BANNED GMO’s and why there is a Monsanto Protection Act in the United States.  If you haven’t already, please educate yourself on the dangers of genetically modified organisms.

Each of these substances and elements have been specifically designed to keep our energies at low levels while polluting our bodies along with the air, water and food supplies.

Plus, each of these are introducing elements that are foreign to our bodies and cannot possibly be good for you.

People will say, “Well, I’ve been eating GMO’s for years and I feel great!”

10 years from now, when they’re on dialysis from kidney failure or need massive tumors removed, will they be saying the same thing?

Solution:  Buy local.  Buy organic. Stop buying from chain stores.  Filter your water, use reverse osmosis or buy clean drinking water.  Plant organic heirloom seeds. Replace mercury fillings. Refuse vaccinations. Research holistic physicians and methods to cure holistically.

7. Education

Our educational system is a complete failure as it basically grooms our children to become corporate economic slaves while discouraging them to ask questions and to follow their own path.

Generally, there has been a “dumbing down” in our educational systems because it is not in the controller’s best interests to have a large part of the society questioning why things are the way they are, nor is it in their best interests for us to come up with better solutions.

College is yet another failure as it generally creates even more economic subservience through student loans that will take a life time to repay.

Solution:  Homeschool your children without the state sponsored propaganda. Teach them at a young age to take time out to meditate. Encourage metaphysical abilities within them (or yourself!).


For many people, they will not see or acknowledge the brainwashing and programming that has been occurring throughout the decades and centuries until it is too late.  Many will live their lives content as being economic slaves to a broken system.

There are options and solutions.  Please watch the video below, Global Unity Project: What The World Need Right Now.

We are at an important juncture in human history.  The path we are currently following is unsustainable and will inevitably self-destruct, as it is already doing under its own weight.  What we need are solutions and answers, but first, we need to awaken from the collective programming we’re under and work together to provide solutions in the best interests of humanity.


Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in any form.



Seth on the Past and Power

Seth: Challenges set up in our past lives

Seth: Challenges set up in our past lives

Story by: Jane Roberts

“As you know yourselves; you only accept those suggestions, ideas, and 
hang-ups that suit your purposes at this time. You are not, 
therefore, at the mercy of any neurosis from a past life, nor are there any 
fears from your present lives you cannot conquer. I have not said that you 
will necessarily conquer them, but it is within your ability to do so.

The decision is your own according to your understanding. You cannot 
be hounded from one level of reality to another by a fear that you do 
not understand. You cannot be threatened in this life by fears from your 
early childhood, or by so-called past existences, unless you so 
thoroughly believe in the nature of fear that you allow yourselves to 
be conquered by it. Each of your personalities are free to accept and 
develop, from the miraculous banks of reality, those experiences and 
emotions that you want, and to reject those you do not want.

Let me give you an example that each of you can use in your own way. 
Suppose the worst, that in this life you have the following 
You are poor, you are of a minority race, you are not intellectual, 
you are a woman, you have a severe physical defect and you are no beauty. 
Now you set these challenges for yourself in a so-called past life. 
This does not mean that you cannot use all of your courage and resolution 
to solve these problems. You set them in the hope that you WILL solve 

You did not set them like millstones about your neck, hoping ahead of 
time that you would drown.

All you have to do is realize your own freedom. You form the reality 
that you know, not esoterically, not symbolically, and not 

Some great over soul doesn’t form it for you- you cannot put the 
burden there, either. You have in the past, collectively and individually, 
blamed a god or a fate for the nature of your personal realities- 
those aspects, indeed that you did not like.

The personality is given the greatest gift of all; you get exactly 
what you want to get. You create from nothing the experience that is your 
own. If you do not like your experience, then look within yourself 
and change it. But realize also that you are responsible for your joys 
and triumphs, and that the energy to create any of these realities comes 
from the inner self. What you do with it is up to the individual 

Seth, from ‘Seth Speaks’ (Jane Roberts)

And for Dessert

Seth quote:
“There must be an open-minded, and openhearted attitude here. You must 
not try to use what you have learned in a narrow, limiting way. This 
hampers your own development. It closes your eyes to many 
possibilities that will be important to you. It is natural, perhaps, 
to want to use what you have learned, this information, as a 
technique to achieve what you at any particular time think desirable, 
a particular person, a particular thing. But what is important is the 
inner development. If this is taken care of, it will automatically 
lead you to the person that is best for you and to the circumstances 
that will help you develop. To insist that a specific individual or a 
specific goal be attained through these methods is limiting. There 
must always be the acknowledgement that you do not consciously as yet 
realize the depths of yourself, the goals you have set and the 
challenges, and this material should be used to open up your inner 
horizons and to lead you in those directions toward which your inner 
self has already set you. If you then egotistically, say – No – this 
particular situation is what I want, then you may be blocking the 
inner direction which has been meant for you.”

Seth (Jane Roberts) from The Early Sessions, Book 8

Jane RobertsJane Roberts
Jane Roberts was an American author, poet, psychic, and spirit medium who, for the last 20 years of her life, channeled spiritual information from a personality who called himself “Seth”. Her publication of what came to be known as the Seth Material established Seth as the Father of the New Age Movement, and established Ms. Roberts as a pre-eminent figure in the world of paranormal phenomena. Jane Roberts died in 1984. Her work, and all of the documents pertaining to her psychic research have been archived and preserved at the Yale University Library.


On Moving Beyond Fear

Hale Dwoskin

Author, ‘The Sedona Method’

Success Tips: Push Past Your Fear

Most of us would love to be more successful, yet we often feel stuck at our current level of success or feel that just getting by is always going to be the way we live our lives. We watch the news and see the statistics about what is going on in the world, and we can feel there is not much we can do to truly change our fortune.

No matter your current level of success, there are ways for you to eliminate the internal blocks holding you back from living life more fully, as opposed to watching life pass you by.

We all share common blocks. Just by seeing that these blocks are only thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, you can let them go and start to break free. If you allow yourself to do even a little conscious exploration of these apparent obstacles, you can discover that nothing can truly hold you back unless you allow it.

The following are the four most common inner obstacles to success:

1) Giving Up Before You Have Even Started
It is important to learn from our past successes and failures; however, most of us let them dictate what we attempt and how we approach the possibility of success. We often do not even try to move forward if the circumstances mirror past situations we feel we have not mastered. This all results in us backing through life rather than moving forward with open hearts and minds. We avoid the new and keep repeating the same strategies that have either failed or brought mediocrity in the past, while hoping for a different result.

2) Letting Fear Decide
We often let our fears, doubts, and anxieties decide for us how to succeed without checking to see if they are true. A friend told me that great adage: FEAR equals False Evidence Appearing Real. If we challenge the validity of our fears, we can discover that most are either completely unfounded, highly exaggerated, or can be easily overcome. Fear is just a feeling that we can let go of if we choose. When we stop letting our fear dictate what we can or cannot do, we find all sorts of new possibilities opening up.

3) Following the Herd
Most of us live life following the herd. We are like lemmings following our brethren off the cliff. The news and our friends tell us times are rough, and we earnestly believe them and act accordingly. Yet even in the worst of times, some people are still succeeding and even thriving. This is not to say that you ignore facts and pretend all is well when it is not. You simply examine the facts with clear reason and openness to your intuitive knowingness and discover what is true for you. When you allow yourself to challenge conventional beliefs about the state of the world, you can start to uncover the opportunities that are here for you right now.

4) Allowing Yourself To Be Sold
We are being sold all the time (even by ourselves), and when we buy the latest pitch, it can sometimes have disastrous results. When we buy the pitch of others, we often spend money we do not have. We can also start to feel like we are not enough or do not have enough, even when the opposite is obviously true. When we sell ourselves, we can plunge blindly into bad investments and stay with bad career choices long past the time that we should be covering our losses or changing our directions. In both cases, we feed our lust by imagining how great it would be for things to turn out well while ignoring all the signs that things are going in the opposite direction.

All four of these common blocks are not as real as they appear. By being open to this understanding, you will start letting them go.

Here’s a process you can use to go beyond these blocks. I also recommend that you find your own tools, techniques, and perspectives to help you find your way.

  1. Allow yourself to think of how any one of the four blocks is affecting your success right now. (You can repeat this on all four blocks as well any others.)
  2. In this moment, can you simply allow yourself to welcome whatever thoughts, feelings, or beliefs this brings into awareness? In other words, just stop fighting for a moment and notice what is actually here now.
  3. Could you allow yourself to welcome all of your desire to fix or change this and all of your desire to do something with or about this? Note that I am not saying that you should not take appropriate action — this is simply welcoming the energy that may be in the way.
  4. Could you welcome any sense that this is personal — about you or who or what you are? I know it feels personal. I’m not asking you deny that. I’m suggesting that if we welcome how personal we’ve made this apparent block, we can see beyond the personal to what is your highest and best good in this moment.
  5. Could you allow yourself to welcome your intuitive knowingness and clear reason and invite this inner power to lead you to a solution? You can also ask yourself: What is the simplest or most outrageous action you can take right now to move beyond this block? The more we open to our own clear reason and knowingness, the more likely we are to find real, lasting solutions.
  6. Now allow yourself to get into any constructive action.

As we allow ourselves to move beyond our blocks to success, we can start to find creative and intelligent ways to allow more success into our lives and the lives of those we care about. There are always more possibilities than it may seem if you are open to them.


Gary Zukav on Authentic Power

Creating Authentic Power When Things Go Wrong – Gary Zukav

posted 13 June, 2012,
For the youtube video:
Here is the link:

Gary Zukav’s gentle presence, humor, and insightful wisdom have inspired millions to realize their soul’s greatest potential. A master teacher and the eloquent author of four consecutive New York Times bestsellers, Gary is dedicated to the current extraordinary transformation in human consciousness — an unprecedented threshold in the human experience. This transformation is no less than a Revolution of the Soul, one that touches the heart of all humanity and is based on spiritual growth, conscious choices, and a deep celebration and reverence for Life. – from Gary Zukav’s website



The Master Key System — Part 1

Part One of a classic written by Charles F. Haanel in 1912, speaking of personal power, control, abundance, and potential:


1. That much gathers more is true on every plane of existence and that loss leads to greater loss is equally true.

2. Mind is creative, and conditions, environment and all experiences in life are the result of our habitual or predominant mental attitude.

3. The attitude of mind necessarily depends upon what we think. Therefore, the secret of all power, all achievement and all possession depends upon our method of thinking.

4. This is true because we must “be” before we can “do,” and we can “do” only to the extent which we “are,” and what we “are” depends upon what we “think.”

5. We cannot express powers that we do not possess. The only way by which we may secure possession of power is to become conscious of power, and we can never become conscious of power until we learn that all power is from within.

6. There is a world within – a world of thought and feeling and power; of light and life and beauty and, although invisible, its forces are mighty.

7. The world within is governed by mind. When we discover this world we shall find the solution for every problem, the cause for every effect; and since the world within is subject to our control, all laws of power and possession are also within our control.

8. The world without is a reflection of the world within. What appears without is what has been found within. In the world within may be found infinite Wisdom, infinite Power, infinite Supply of all that is necessary, waiting for unfoldment, development and expression. If we recognize these potentialities in the world within they will take form in the world without.

9. Harmony in the world within will be reflected in the world without by harmonious conditions, agreeable surroundings, the best of everything. It is the foundation of health and a necessary essential to all greatness, all power, all attainment, all achievement and all success.

10. Harmony in the world within means the ability to control our thoughts, and to determine for ourselves how any experience is to affect us.

11. Harmony in the world within results in optimism and affluence; affluence within results in affluence without.

12. The world without reflects the circumstances and the conditions of the consciousness within.

13. If we find wisdom in the world within, we shall have the understanding to discern the marvelous possibilities that are latent in this world within, and we shall be given the power to make these possibilities manifest in the world without.

14. As we become conscious of the wisdom in the world within, we mentally take possession of this wisdom, and by taking mental possession we come into actual possession of the power and wisdom necessary to bring into manifestation the essentials necessary for our most complete and harmonious development.

15. The world within is the practical world in which the men and women of power generate courage, hope, enthusiasm, confidence, trust and faith, by which they are given the fine intelligence to see the vision and the practical skill to make the vision real.

16. Life is an unfoldment, not accretion. What comes to us in the world without is what we already possess in the world within.

17. All possession is based on consciousness. All gain is the result of an accumulative consciousness. All loss is the result of a scattering consciousness.

18. Mental efficiency is contingent upon harmony; discord means confusion; therefore, he who would acquire power must be in harmony with Natural Law.

19. We are related to the world without by the objective mind. The brain is the organ of this mind and the cerebro-spinal system of nerves puts us in conscious communication with every part of the body. This system of nerves responds to every sensation of light, heat, odor, sound and taste.

20. When this mind thinks correctly, when it understands the truth, when the thoughts sent through the cerebro-spinal nervous system to the body are constructive, these sensations are pleasant, harmonious.

21. The result is that we build strength, vitality and all constructive forces into our body, but it is through this same objective mind that all distress, sickness, lack, limitation and every form of discord and inharmony is admitted to our lives. It is therefore through the objective mind, by wrong thinking, that we are related to all destructive forces.

22. We are related to the world within by the subconscious mind. The solar plexus is the organ of this mind; the sympathetic system of nerves presides over all subjective sensations, such as joy, fear, love, emotion, respiration, imagination and all other subconscious phenomena. It is through the subconscious that we are connected with the Universal Mind and brought into relation with the Infinite constructive forces of the Universe.

23. It is the coordination of these two centers of our being, and the understanding of their functions, which is the great secret of life. With this knowledge we can bring the objective and subjective minds into conscious cooperation and thus coordinate the finite and the infinite. Our future is entirely within our own control. It is not at the mercy of any capricious or uncertain external power.

24. All agree that there is but one Principle or Consciousness pervading the entire Universe, occupying all space, and being essentially the same in kind at every point of its presence. It is all powerful, all wisdom and always present. All thoughts and things are within Itself. It is all in all.

25. There is but one consciousness in the universe able to think; and when it thinks, its thoughts become objective things to it. As this Consciousness is omnipresent, it must be present within every individual; each individual must be a manifestation of that Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent Consciousness.

26. As there is only one Consciousness in the Universe that is able to think it necessarily follows that your consciousness is identical with the Universal Consciousness, or, in other words, all mind is one mind. There is no dodging this conclusion.

27. The consciousness that focuses in your brain cells is the same consciousness which focuses in the brain cells of every other individual. Each individual is but the individualization of the Universal, the Cosmic Mind.

28. The Universal Mind is static or potential energy; it simply is; it can manifest only through the individual, and the individual can manifest only through the Universal. They are one.

29. The ability of the individual to think is his ability to act on the Universal and bring it into manifestation. Human consciousness consists only in the ability of man to think. Mind in itself is believed to be a subtle form of static energy, from which arises the activities called ‘thought,’ which is the dynamic phase of mind. Mind is static energy, thought is dynamic energy – the two phases of the same thing. Thought is therefore the vibratory force formed by converting static mind into dynamic mind.

30. As the sum of all attributes are contained in the Universal Mind, which is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent, these attributes must be present at all times in their potential form in every individual. Therefore, when the individual thinks, the thought is compelled by its nature to embody itself in an objectivity or condition which will correspond with its origin.

31. Every thought therefore is a cause and every condition an effect; for this reason it is absolutely essential that you control your thoughts so as to bring forth only desirable conditions.

32. All power is from within, and is absolutely under your control; it comes through exact knowledge and by the voluntary exercises of exact principles.

33. It should be plain that when you acquire a thorough understanding of this law, and are able to control your thought processes, you can apply it to any condition; in other words, you will have come into conscious cooperation with Omnipotent law which is the fundamental basis of all things.

34. The Universal Mind is the life principle of every atom which is in existence; every atom is continually striving to manifest more life; all are intelligent, and all are seeking to carry out the purpose for which they were created.

35. A majority of mankind lives in the world without; few have found the world within, and yet it is the world within that makes the world without; it is therefore creative and everything which you find in your world without has been created by you in the world within.

36. This system will bring you into a realization of power which will be yours when you understand this relation between the world without and the world within. The world within is the cause, the world without the effect; to change the effect you must change the cause.

37. You will at once see that this is a radically new and different idea; most men try to change effects by working with effects. They fail to see that this is simply changing one form of distress for another. To remove discord, we must remove the cause, and this cause can be found only in the world within.

38. All growth is from within. This is evident in all nature. Every plant, every animal, every human is a living testimony to this great law, and the error of the ages is in looking for strength or power from without.

39. The world within is the Universal fountain of supply, and the world without is the outlet to the stream. Our ability to receive depends upon our recognition of this Universal Fountain, this Infinite Energy of which each individual is an outlet, and so is one with every other individual.

40. Recognition is a mental process, mental action is therefore the interaction of the individual upon the Universal Mind, and as the Universal Mind is the intelligence which pervades all space and animates all living things, this mental action and reaction is the law of causation, but the principle of causation does not obtain in the individual but in the Universal Mind. It is not an objective faculty but a subjective process, and the results are seen in an infinite variety of conditions and experiences.

41. In order to express life there must be mind; nothing can exist without mind. Everything which exists is some manifestation of this one basic substance from which and by which all things have been created and are continually being recreated.

42. We live in a fathomless sea of plastic mind substance. This substance is ever alive and active. It is sensitive to the highest degree. It takes form according to the mental demand. Thought forms the mold or matrix from which the substance expresses.

43. Remember that it is in the application alone that the value consists, and that a practical understanding of this law will substitute abundance for poverty, wisdom for ignorance, harmony for discord and freedom for tyranny, and certainly there can be no greater blessing than these from a material and social standpoint.

44. Now make the application: Select a room where you can be alone and undisturbed; sit erect, comfortably, but do not lounge; let your thoughts roam where they will but be perfectly still for from fifteen minutes to half an hour; continue this for three or four days or for a week until you secure full control of your physical being.

45. Many will find this extremely difficult; others will conquer with ease, but it is absolutely essential to secure complete control of the body before you are ready to progress. Next week you will receive instructions for the next step; in the meantime you must have mastered this one.

41. In order to express life there must be mind; nothing can exist without mind. Everything which exists is some manifestation of this one basic substance from which and by which all things have been created and are continually being recreated.

42. We live in a fathomless sea of plastic mind substance. This substance is ever alive and active. It is sensitive to the highest degree. It takes form according to the mental demand. Thought forms the mold or matrix from which the substance expresses.

43. Remember that it is in the application alone that the value consists, and that a practical understanding of this law will substitute abundance for poverty, wisdom for ignorance, harmony for discord and freedom for tyranny, and certainly there can be no greater blessing than these from a material and social standpoint.

44. Now make the application: Select a room where you can be alone and undisturbed; sit erect, comfortably, but do not lounge; let your thoughts roam where they will but be perfectly still for from fifteen minutes to half an hour; continue this for three or four days or for a week until you secure full control of your physical being.

45. Many will find this extremely difficult; others will conquer with ease, but it is absolutely essential to secure complete control of the body before you are ready to progress. Next week you will receive instructions for the next step; in the meantime you must have mastered this one.
