Public Safety & Constitutional Rights

Sheriffs: We Took An Oath To The Constitution, Not to Governors & Lockdowns

By Spiro Skouras

As the global health emergency of the coronavirus pandemic begins to wane, the fallout from the lockdowns continues to mount. Each day we see more reports of record unemployment, businesses struggling to survive and critical food supply chain infrastructure shutting down.

At the same time, we see business owners and anyone else who violates the lockdown orders being threatened with jail while actual criminals convicted of serious and violent crimes are released back into the communities.

We are beginning to see that the ‘cure’ is not only worse than the disease, it will have longstanding repercussions as the severity of the crisis appears to have been greatly exaggerated.

In this report, Spiro is joined by multiple Sheriffs from across the country who clearly state their position. Public safety and people’s constitutional rights are their number one priority.

These Sheriffs are true patriots who not only serve the people in their communities by upholding their sworn oaths, they serve as a great reminder of how this country and the rule of law is meant to be upheld, as many state Governors blatantly disregard the Constitution and impose broad and wide-ranging authoritarian lockdowns which many would argue are causing far more damage than the virus itself.

Sheriff Mack Calls on Sheriffs: America Has Become A Catastrophe, We Need Action!


Some Thoughts from William Henry

Never let a good virus crisis go to waste.

The dramatic, discouraging and dehumanizing, cessation of person to person, face to face, contact we are now experiencing, and the — zoomy, zoomy — simultaneous opening of the portal to the virtual world, should come as a surprise to no one. Well, to no one who has attended any of my A.I. or Transhumanism lectures in the past few years or who watched my riotous presentation on Gaia (which you can watch for free here).

This dehumanization was planned. So was the opening of the portal.

The gods behind Silicon Valley (the generic term for the shills of A.I. and Transhumanism) have long been moving the herd in this direction. It just took two months of house arrest and in your face totalitarianism for the rest of us to catch up with them and to realize these people don’t think much of us as at all. In fact, most of us are “unessential.”

For decades now we have been brainwashed by materialist-minded scientists and A.I. cultists that we, and our biological bodies, are ‘just’ information and data.

That’s right.

Forget about that mushy human you think you are. All those life-transforming concepts like “I’m not soul having a human experience” are nonsense to the gods behind Silicon Valley.

Here is the Great Awakening they wish for you to have.

You, darling one, are just data. From your DNA to your Facebook page you are one data generating machine that they can make/take money from.

Now, they have discovered that a virtual you, called an avatar, can generate just as much data (and cash) as the ‘real’ you.  They seek to coax you in to creating a cartoon ‘avatar’ that will be ‘you’ in the online world, only better. Once you get comfortable with the idea of identifying with your ‘data self’ you won’t mind so much what happens to your old and ragged biological self. The reason is because, long after you drop your mortal coil, your avatar will live forever in the virtual universe…or so long as it is still plugged in anyway.

Wait a minute. This sounds nuts. I thought an avatar was a spiritual term for a divine being who incarnates on Earth?

It is. I will get to this on the sunny side of this article. Silicon Valley has co-opted this spiritual term.

Now, they can’t just come right out and tell you that their long term plan is to coax you out of your physical body into their black boxes to permanently exist in the simulated reality they wish to superimpose over this one. But, this is what they want.

“By the 2030s, virtual reality will be totally realistic and compelling and we will spend most of our time in virtual environments … We will all become virtual humans.”


Ever since atheist, futurist and Google’s big brain, Dr. Ray Kurzweil, said this in 2003, these data vampires have been aiming for us to drop this physical piece of you know what, develop our cartoon ‘avatar’ or a digital self, and go live in a virtual or simulated reality in a black box.

Millions of people are on their way to sinking into this black box.

The next step is the deepest.


Facebook, led by Marck Zuckerberg, who may have a little more than an obsession with Augustus Casear (which explains a lot about his hair cut and the behavior of the human surveillance company he founded), has been dying to shove us off into its virtual world.

As you watch the clips below, keep in mind the present VR world is primitive compared to where we are going (which I will show you momentarily). It is where Hollywood was in the 1920s compared to where we are today.

Whole new impossible worlds await!

Here is  2017 promo clip for Facebook Spaces. Notice how the main character transforms into a ‘light being’ after he puts on his VR goggles and does a primitive upload. Facebook scrapped this in 2017.

Facebook wants us to spend time with friends and family like you’re really together. How about… perhaps… actually spending time with them?

In 2019 Facebook trashed Spaces and brought us Horizons. Its still creepy, but the graphics getting better. And, you still don’t have to worry about legs or sex organs in this digital utopia.

What we are witnessing is the The Matrix manifesting before our eyes.

What is happening with VR will transform every aspect of our society, and every aspect of your life. It is the basis for the ‘new, puking, normal’.

Like all tools it can be used to bring light or dark. I see a lot more dark than light. Sure, it would be amazing to converse with loved ones long after they have slipped into the afterlife.

To make it work for the living all we have to do is get past how it can greatly amplify escapism, depression, porn addiction, gaming addiction and begin to see it as the light at the end of the tunnel to salvation from our ‘miserable’ human existence.


Until February 2020, I still thought we had a few years before the portal to VR opened. The reason is because no one was buying the VR crap. The whole goggles thing? The brain ache isn’t worth it. So, forget it, said the mall rats checking it out at the Microsoft store.

The mainstream was not having it. VR and its sisters, Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) have been five years away since Al Gore invented the internet. It looked to remain this way.

Still, 2019 was a really big year for VR. The industry was growing. The money was flowing. The portal was sucking in cash.

All the VR gods needed was some Really Big Event to shove open the portal wide and shove everyone in.

In America, the key moneychangers are Facebook, Apple, Microsoft and Google.The usual suspects. The customer is the same, too.

In November 2018 Microsoft won a two-year contract worth $480m with the US government to bring AR headsets to US soldiers, using HoloLens for training and on the battlefield with the addition of thermal imaging. Early versions allow troops to see other soldiers or satellite maps of terrain inside the headset. This contract could result in the US Army buying around 100,000 mixed-reality headsets from Microsoft — potentially making the US Army the biggest users of headsets, and the biggest producers of VR-induced headaches, over time.

“Soldier lethality will be vastly improved through cognitive training and advanced sensors, enabling squads to be first to detect, decide, and engage. Accelerated development of these capabilities is necessary to recover and maintain overmatch,” the US Army said in a tender document. A number of Microsoft employees grew a conscious and protested the company’s involvement in building better killing machines.

Tony Stark must be hearing footsteps at this moment.



So, here was the dilemma. The military is one thing, but we consumers don’t like being tricked into thinking the fake virtual world is our salvation when it is a pain in the neck to operate (with heavy, clunky backpacks), the resolution is crappy and it makes us dizzy.

Plus, going through the mouth of the AR/VR dragon or portal is fun the first time, but there’s not enough to do once in side the Beast as their is little content.

One reason is these apps require a ton of data. Without 5G it is not practical to offer it. This is why Hollywood and Silicon Valley need 5G everywhere, in everyone, as soon as possible. 5G is  simultaneously the lifeblood not just of the new, Transhuman, but also of the VR prison, sorry, portal.

How can the VR developers make the trillions of dollars they hope to make if no one wants what they are peddling?

How can we stop people from flying in our planes, asked ANA Airlines, and buy their “Newme”  telespresence technology instead, without 5G and everyone demanding VR?

How can we stop people from going to concerts and conferences and watch them virtually instead?



March 2020.

The global Covid 19 virus house arrest begins and the Coronavirus Industry is launched.

Overnight, trillions of dollars are at stake for those who can ‘save’ the humans with vaccines and VR technology.

Overnight, everything goes virtual: conferences, concerts, family gatherings. Everything.

Face to face contact is harmful or so we are told over and over again by the media brainwashers. Humans are dangerous to one another. Yada. Yada. Yada.

Now, people are accepting it as a foregone future. We may never be closer than six feet from one another again.

They are clamoring to make ‘contact’ through the screen.

Big pharma, VR and AI cultists who are cashing in on human suffering are loving it.

Dehumanization complete.

More is to come.


We have one foot and half our body in VR land or whatever it is going to be called.

Oh, that’s right. It’s the new, puking, normal.

Just as in a Hollywood story, the whole thing seems scripted, because it was. Just who the writer and director is we do not know…yet. We have a pretty good idea.

Enter mad scientist software engineer and leader of one of the biggest VR developers, who also happens to dream of gouging needles in people’s arms filled with Satan knows what kind of vaccine and nanoparticles and you have a perfect sinister character.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not opposed to VR. I can envision a couple of killer apps myself. Facebook’s Portal can keep families together, even under pressure.

What is troubling is the way in which he have been dragged into VR insanity and the way in which its promoters are dehumanizing users.

What is our response?


We only have one response. We have to become a real life, biological avatar. Or, call in Avatars who can help us attain the higher consciousness of the actual, spiritual avatars, not the fake Silicon Valley ones.

As I have previously discussed, just as the gods behind Silicon Valley intend to prove that we live in a simulated reality (and that you don’t have an existence outside of this reality), we must counter with proof that the spiritual world is real and that we do have an actual existence outside of this matrix.

When the world is in the grip of pain, misery, suffering and chaos, an Avatar manifests who will push the world in a spiritual direction.

Yogananda said that an avatar “is born not to show us how great he was, but to give us hope that the state of consciousness he had attained, we too can attain.” (2)

The Bhagavad Gita declared thousands of years ago:

When goodness grows weak,

When evil increases,

I make myself a body.

In every age I come back

To deliver the holy,

To destroy the sin of the sinner,

To establish righteousness.

The Avatar awakens humanity to its true potential, not the one promised by technology (that evaporates with the flick of the off switch).

Truth and love absolute are the essence of the divine teachings of the true Avatars.

Silicon Valley cannot be naive enough not to know this. It seems more likely they are using the term ‘avatar’ in a mocking sense, just like everything else they do with Transhumanism.

“Avatar” is a Sanskrit word that means “descent”. It is the material appearance of a divine being or a deity from heaven on earth. Think Krishna, Zoroaster, Christ, Buddha, and Mohammed. Often, the Avatars descend in order to fight a demon on Earth.

This is exactly what is happening with VR. Humans are descending into a black box world under the control of psychopaths and totalitarian dictators.

A Sufi saying goes: “The fall of an angel is the birth of a man.”

Is the fall of a human into the digital prison the birth of a new man?

Are we to somehow suppose that we are supposed to choose to “fall” into the black box as some kind of spiritual heroes? In their fake online worlds they promise that you can be anything and anyone you want, hence, the term avatar.

No way.

A ‘real’ avatar is one who is freed from illusion or delusion and is here to help others wake up.

This is why Silicon Valley’s use of the term is a ruse. The lure of fake power in a fake world is devlish.

Is a mass human sacrifice is coming vis a vis translation into digital beings? Not if we can wake them up first.

Still, we are being prepared for this by movies, such as Steven Spielberg’s ReadyPlayer One, that stark bit of brainwashing in which young people enter a VR world and stay there…to save the planet. In 2045 the planet is on the brink of chaos and collapse, but people find salvation in the OASIS: an expansive virtual reality universe.

Then there is Upload, the sci-fi comedy series.  Its premise is that, in 2033, humans are able to “upload” themselves into a virtual utopian afterlife of their choosing.

I know. It sounds bizarre that we have opened a portal to another world, but it is occurring right before our eyes.

Get ready for it. We are being primed. Will millions soon choose to flick off their body and escape to digital heaven?

Not if we wake them up first.

Will they permanently choose to live in these digital cities and worlds? Or, will they be able to “bounce back” into a flesh and blood body?

This could never happen in the real world, right? People would never, under any circumstances, suddenly, willingly, blindly give up all their rights and submit to house arrest. Right?

Humans would never elect to drop their bodies and go live, permanently, as an elf in Elvenar  or Forge of Empires. Right?

This is the same as Christianity promising ascension to a cube-shaped celestial city. Right?


In Christianity’s promise you get to keep your soul.

In Silicon Valley’s promise you don’t even have a soul. But, if you do, they will take it as payment for entry into their digital afterlife.

But, not if we can wake them up first.


If you don’t think Facebook is trying to coax us into a black box utopia, think again.

Have you seen Facebook’s stupid Avatar app?

While all the world is under house arrest and looking for a way to stay healthy and alive, Facebook took it upon itself to dictatorially censor any health informaton they wished. Not because it was wrong, but because they did not agree with it.  

You mean Facebook acted like a dictator and profited from human suffering?

The company took further advantage of the Coronavirus crisis to launch their Avatar app.

The feature allows Facebook users to create a cartoon look alike avatar of themselves. You can use the avatar in comments, Facebook stories and messenger. Now, everyone can have their own digital Avatar.

While you may think this is cute and fun, it serves Facebook’s larger agenda: to make insane amounts of money of your data self. Soon, your Avatar will be making them money, too. Facebook aims to monetize Avatars directly. You’ll soon be dressing your fake data self in expensive digital clothing, buy it jewelry. You know, more of the same crap we want in the ‘real’ world. And, to shift you into the black box of no return.

With Avatar Mark Zuckerberg has the foundation of a digital identity that could travel with us alongside our data, personalizing every online interaction. You, your Avatar, will be an embodied version of you online. As noted, it will live so long as the black box is plugged in.

This is only the beginning of the new life you will lead online.

In fact, you will wonder why ever consented to be born in a physical body again.


In the next five years, concurrent with the widening of the portal, we will see the rise of digital humanoids or avatars who will take the place of flesh and blood humans.

Corporations are already vying for supremacy in creating “the most human A.I.” workers.

Meet Amelia, your “digital colleague”. She can do the job of thousands. Meet your competition.

It won’t be long before when you call customer service you will be greeting by a virtual being, instead of just a voice..

Same thing at the grocery store check out, the retail store, the restaurant, etc.

By the way, you won’t actually visit a bricks and mortar store either. Through VR or AR you will shop from home in a virtual version of these stores.

Meet Baby X. The Baby X project, led by special-effects artist Mark Sagar, aims to teach a digital infant via a virtual brain powered by neural networks.

This is a new type of being. Created in a lab she has a patented digital brain. She even has the face or image of Sagar’s own daughter.

Now, say hi to Sam and Roman. Creators Soul Machines call them Digital People. While human to human contact is being discouraged, okay outlawed, the A.I. wizards are improving human to machine contact.

Meet Wendy. She’s another A.I. digital human who is capable of recognizing and responding to customer’s emotions as they chat onscreen.

Then, there is Samsung’s Neon.

Samsung “the artificial human company,” envisions a world filled with AI assistants, but not the sort of chatbot-powered assistants we’ve become accustomed to. The Seoul-based company that we used think just made crazy phones and great TVs unveiled Neon, a project developed by subsidiary STAR Labs that ambitiously aims to deliver “immersive … services” that “[make] science fiction a reality.”

Promising a “new kind of life”, Neon’s avatars look more like videos than computer-generated characters, and that’s by design  — beyond media, they’re intended to become “companions and friends” and stand in for concierges and receptionists in hotels, stores, restaurants, and more. These realistic chatbots aren’t meant to replace humans but “to make us more human,” says Samsung.

These avatars look like real humans. “Neon is like a new kind of life,” says STAR Labs CEO Pranav Mistry in the release. “There are millions of species on our planet and we hope to add one more.” (Because nothing says “I have a god complex” like a tech executive comparing his work to the creation of life.)

The key is that the caped corporate gods want us to think these beings are just like us. They’re just doing their job. They have emotions. The are “just humans” made digitally perfect.


It must be amazing to play God.


As I wrote in my 2017 article, “Creepy Valley : The Soul In The Land of Transhumanism”, Facebook’s avatars, like all the others, are spiritually troubling. I don’t know if Mark Zuckerberg is a practicing Jew or not (he seems to lean toward atheism), however, his rabbi would warn him that what he is creating is a digital golem. In Jewish folklore, a golem is an animated anthropomorphic being, an artificial / fake man, that is created entirely from inanimate matter. The word means “my light form”.

Light form? Wait. Isn’t that what Facebook is trying to get you to create with its stupid app.

Yes, darling, it is.

Facebook is in the golem business.

Mark Zuckerberg is the new god in the garden. Or is he the serpent in the garden?

The roots of the legend are ancient: the Talmud claims that Adam, the first human, himself — and thus, theologically speaking, all of humanity —was a golem until God breathed a soul into his nostrils.

In Jewish lore, the most famous other golem was one created in Prague in the 16th century as an avenger and protector. This golem was supposed to have been made of clay by Rabbi Loew or Leib, a Talmudic scholar, a renowned Cabbalist and also a worldly man for one in his time. Brought to life by Cabbalistic magic (he wrote the letters aleph, mem, tav, which is emet and means “truth,” on the golem’s forehead and the golem would come alive), its purpose was to defend a synagogue.

While he zealously promotes golem-making to an unsuspecting audience, Zuckerberg may wish to review this story as it did not turn out well.

Playing God never does.

In the story, the golem turned on its maker.

In short, Zuckerberg better watch out for the consequences of what he is unleashing.

Then again, he may see himself as above and beyond karma.

The bottom line here is that TIME IS UP.

AUTHENTIC AVATARS MUST AWAKEN if we wish to see the ‘real’ human race survive much longer. If we don’t wake up the next step will be for the “Digital” humans to revolt against their creators, step over the glass, and take on biological bodies. Then, the real fun will begin.


Lockdowns Eased/Over – Infection Rates Down

  • A JP Morgan study suggests lockdown measures have not only resulted in economic devastation but could have also resulted in more COVID-19 deaths
  • Strict stay-at-home orders put in place in most states to stop the spread two months ago has so far seen nearly 39 million American lose their jobs 
  • There are now more than 1.6 million infections in the US and over 95,000 deaths 
  • The JP Morgan report says that restarting the US economy may not lead to a second surge in infections that health experts have feared
  • Report says infection rates have been falling seen since lockdown measures were lifted in parts of the country
  • Alabama, Wisconsin and Colorado are among those that saw lower infection rates (R rates) after lockdown measures were lifted, according to the report
  • The R rate is the average number of people who will become infected by one person with the virus 
  • Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19

Coronavirus lockdowns have ‘destroyed millions of livelihoods’ but failed to alter the course of the pandemic given many US states have seen lower infection rates after easing restrictions, a JP Morgan study has claimed.

The statistical analysis has raised questions about the effectiveness of the lockdowns put in place across much of the United States two months ago to stop the spread of COVID-19.

It suggests that the lockdown measures have not only resulted in economic devastation but could have also resulted in more COVID-19 deaths.

The strict stay-at-home measures put in place by the governors of most states in mid-March has so far seen nearly 39 million American lose their jobs and forced businesses to close.

There are now more than 1.6 million infections in the US and over 95,000 deaths.

‘Unlike rigorous testing of potential new drugs, lockdowns were administered with little consideration that they might not only cause economic devastation but potentially more deaths than COVID-19 itself,’ author Marko Kolanovic, a trained physicist and a strategist for JP Morgan, said.

The JP Morgan report says that restarting the US economy may not lead to a second surge in infections that health experts have feared given the falling infections rates seen since lockdown measures were lifted in parts of the country

The JP Morgan report says that restarting the US economy may not lead to a second surge in infections that health experts have feared given the falling infections rates seen since lockdown measures were lifted in parts of the country

The report also includes a chart showing that 'the vast majority of countries had decreased infection rates' after lockdowns were lifted. The chart, however, doesn't specify which country is which

The report also includes a chart showing that ‘the vast majority of countries had decreased infection rates’ after lockdowns were lifted. The chart, however, doesn’t specify which country is which

The JP Morgan report says that restarting the US economy may not lead to a second surge in infections that health experts have feared given the falling infections rates seen since lockdown measures were lifted in parts of the country.

Almost all states have seen lower infection reproduction rates (R rates) after lockdown measures were lifted, according to the report.

Meanwhile, Nevada, Rhode Island, Texas, North Dakota and Pennsylvannia are the states where infection rates increased after lockdowns ended, according to the report.

Infection rates have continued to decline even once a lag period for new infections to become visible is factored in, according to the report.

A chart included in the report shows that many US states have seen a lower rate of transmission (R rate) after full-scale lockdowns were ended.

The R rate is the average number of people who will become infected by one person with the virus. Researchers and health experts have said a rate below 1.0 is a key indicator that the spread of the virus has been maintained.

Reproduction rate data from on Friday showed that all but two states had lowered the rate of infection.

According to that data, Minnesota’s R rate was 1.01 and North Dakota’s was at 1.02.

The report also includes a chart showing that ‘the vast majority of countries had decreased infection rates’ after lockdowns were lifted. The chart, however, doesn’t specify which country is which.

Reproduction rate data from (pictured above) on Friday showed that all but two states had lowered the rate of infection. According to that data, Minnesota's R rate was 1.01 and North Dakota's was at 1.02

Reproduction rate data from (pictured above) on Friday showed that all but two states had lowered the rate of infection. According to that data, Minnesota’s R rate was 1.01 and North Dakota’s was at 1.02

All 50 states have at least partially reopened this week by relaxing restrictions on businesses and social distancing in varying degrees across the country.

Kolanovic said governments had been spooked by ‘flawed scientific papers’ into imposing lockdowns that were ‘inefficient or late’ and had little effect.

‘While we often hear that lockdowns are driven by scientific models, and that there is an exact relationship between the level of economic activity and the spread of [the] virus – this is not supported by the data,’ the report says.

‘Indeed, virtually everywhere infection rates have declined after re-opening even after allowing for an appropriate measurement lag.

‘This means that the pandemic and COVID-19 likely have (their) own dynamics unrelated to often inconsistent lockdown measures that were being implemented.’

Those dynamics may be influenced by increased hand-washing and even weather patterns but seemingly not by full-scale lockdowns, the report suggests.

‘The fact that re-opening did not change the course of the pandemic is consistent with studies showing that initiation of full lockdowns did not alter the course of the pandemic either,’ it says.

The JP Morgan analysis linked the decision to impose lockdowns to ‘flawed scientific papers’ predicting millions of deaths in the West.

‘This on its own was odd, given that in China there were only several thousand deaths, and the mortality rate outside of Wuhan was very low,’ the report says.

‘In the absence of conclusive data, these lockdowns were justified initially. Nonetheless, many of these efforts were inefficient or late.’

All 50 states have at least partially reopened this week by relaxing restrictions on businesses and social distancing in varying degrees across the country

All 50 states have at least partially reopened this week by relaxing restrictions on businesses and social distancing in varying degrees across the country

Kolanovic says that lockdowns had remained in place even as ‘our knowledge of the virus and lack of effectiveness of total lockdowns evolved’.

‘Despite the conditions for re-opening being mostly met across the US, it is not yet happening in the largest economic regions for example California and New York,’ he said.

‘While our knowledge of the virus and lack of effectiveness of total lockdowns evolved, lockdowns remained in place and focus shifted to contact tracing, contemplating second wave of outbreaks and ideas about designing better education, political and economic systems.

‘At the same time, millions of livelihoods were being destroyed by these lockdowns.’

The US and other countries in lockdown are having to blow huge holes in their budgets to counter the economic standstill that is forcing millions of people into unemployment.

The report cites ‘worrying populism’ as an obstacle to re-opening the economy, for example in the US where senators passed an anti-China measure this week.

It warns that economic activity in the US is ‘now largely following partisan lines’ as Republican and Democratic governors adopt different strategies for their states.

As well as casting doubt on the wisdom of imposing lockdowns in the first place, the report suggests that economies could now be re-opened more quickly.

In other parts of the world, Denmark is among the countries that has started re-opening its economy without seeing a new surge in virus cases.

Americans across the country have protested the strict lockdowns. Pictured above are protesters in Lansing, Michigan

Americans across the country have protested the strict lockdowns. Pictured above are protesters in Lansing, Michigan

People walk along a street closed to vehicle traffic as the city expands areas for pedestrians to walk and to keep a recommended safe distance in New York City

People walk along a street closed to vehicle traffic as the city expands areas for pedestrians to walk and to keep a recommended safe distance in New York City

Zoos, museums and cinemas have re-opened early in Denmark with many children now back at school after scientists said the R rate had continued to fall.

Germany has also been confident enough to scale back the lockdown after the R rate mostly stayed below 1.0 following an initial lifting of restrictions.

However, chancellor Angela Merkel has repeatedly urged caution and warned that a second wave of virus cases could leave hospitals overwhelmed.

The UK government has similarly warned that some restrictions could be re-imposed if there is a ‘sudden and concerning’ rise in new cases.

Sweden has never imposed a lockdown, and its per-capita death rate is better than Britain’s – although worse than that of its Scandinavian neighbours.

The World Health Organisation has urged ‘extreme vigilance’ about lifing lockdowns, saying there is ‘always the risk that the virus takes off again’.

WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that some countries such as Germany and South Korea had systems in place to respond to a new surge.

Tedros said that a ‘comprehensive package of measures’ is needed until a vaccine becomes available, which is likely to be many months away at least.

It is not yet fully clear how many people have been infected or to what extent they are now immune, but most people remain susceptible.


Giving To Control

Against Big Philanthropy

Philanthropy sounds nice, but it’s still a tax-sheltered way that plutocrats exercise power, says Stanford’s Rob Reich.

The Atlantic

  • Alexis C. Madrigal

Bill Gates. Photo by Denis Balibouse / Reuters.

The world’s tech titans are amassing some of the biggest fortunes ever created. Some, like Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, are giving most of it away. While there have been some dissenters, the general reaction to this kind of philanthropy has been positive. Bill Gates has the highest net favorability of any major political figure not named Colin Powell; he’s seen as warm and competent.

But Stanford professor Rob Reich, who directs the university’s Center for Ethics in Society, explores an argument against philanthropy  in Just Giving: Why Philanthropy Is Failing Democracy and How It Can Do Better. It can be summarized in a sentence:

“Big Philanthropy is definitionally a plutocratic voice in our democracy,” Reich told me, “an exercise of power by the wealthy that is unaccountable, non-transparent, donor-directed, perpetual, and tax-subsidized.”

This was not previously a minority position. If you look back to the origins of these massive foundations in the Gilded Age fortunes of Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller, their creation was massively controversial, Reich said, and for good reason.

“A hundred years ago, there was enormous skepticism that creating a philanthropic entity was either a way to cleanse your hands of the dirty way you’d made your money or, more interestingly, that it was welcome from the standpoint of democracy,” Reich told me at the Aspen Ideas Festival, which is co-hosted by the Aspen Institute and The Atlantic. “Because big philanthropy is an exercise of power, and in a democracy, any form of concentrated power deserves scrutiny, not gratitude.”

Both Teddy Roosevelt and union leaders like the AFL-CIO’s Samuel Gompers decried the creation of the Rockefeller Foundation. Roosevelt’s presidential opponent, William Howard Taft, criticized legislation that would have enabled the foundation as “a bill to incorporate Mr. Rockefeller.”

Our era has not seen similar skepticism, despite the wealth inequality that serves as the precondition for such massive foundations. Though perhaps it is returning. In addition to Reich’s book, Anand Giridharadas will publish an adjacent argument in August about the new philanthropy, Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World. Joanne Barkan has published in Dissent, The Guardian, and other publications about big philanthropy’s foibles, too.

Reich’s work, however, is compact, and comes direct from the heart of the new wealth in Silicon Valley. He can tick off the problems with each structural component of foundations.

First, big foundations are unaccountable. They answer neither to voters or to marketplace competition.

Second, they do not have to be transparent. They file one tax form. The $8 billion Simons Foundation International doesn’t even have a website.

Third, they are donor-directed. The employees—the people on the ground— “can’t determine the mission” of the organization.

Fourth, the donor’s intent must be respected even when the donor has died.  Societies grow and change, but the mission defined by the creator of the foundation remains the mission in perpetuity.

And fifth, on top of all this, foundations are tax-subsidized. “We’re at a moment in American society in which the winners in the marketplace attempt to diminish their tax burdens, both corporately and individually, as low as they can legally go,” Reich told me. “Then having diminished their tax burden as low as it can go, they turn around and set up a private foundation, taking a further tax break.”

Then, with money that would have otherwise have gone to the government, where at least there is nominal democratic control over spending priorities, the philanthropists use that money on whatever social purpose they’ve decided to support.

Is this system, as Reich describes it, really one that any democracy would want?

“Instead of extending our enormous gratitude to the greatest philanthropists among us as these icons of civic beneficence, we should be scrutinizing and criticizing them,” Reich said. “Not because philanthropy is necessarily bad, but because it is an exercise of power.”

Reich does have some hope for the foundations—a suggestion for how they could do their work in ways that benefit democracies like ours. “Foundations,” he said, “should be making long-time-horizon, risky experiments in social innovation that the government won’t do and the marketplace is unlikely to do.”

Alexis C. Madrigal is a staff writer at The Atlantic and the author of Powering the Dream: The History and Promise of Green Technology.

2021 & The Cathars

Cathar Prophecy: Light of the World

by:    Anaiya Sophia

There is a Cathar Prophecy that was spoken by the last known Parfait, Guilhem Belibaste, moments before he was interrogated and burnt at the stake in the Occitan region of Southern France, 1321. This prophecy spoke of how ‘we shall return in 700 years when the laurel turns green again’. That was 699 years ago, marking 2021 as the year that fulfils this prophecy.

Many say the Cathars were the spiritual descendants of Mary Magdalene, who came to France soon after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  Throughout Occitania, the region once known as the Languedoc, it is known that Mary’s reach and impact upon the local people were as far and wide as Jesus’s within the holy land.

The local people say it was Mary Magdalene who brought this ‘spirit’ to Gaul (France) all those years ago, along with John the Beloved. The two of them transmitted a heavenly message of Love, Grace and Truth that continues to linger today. It is said the people of Occitania, were in a constant state of celebration, they never wore shoes, and the light of a thousand suns shone in their eyes. The mountains, valleys and meadows of the French Pyrenees became the backdrop for a gentle way of life that placed love, prayer and communion at the centre of every day. These ‘first Christians’ lived alongside Mary Magdalene, who personally taught and baptised them into the way of love. This intimacy was the jewel that shone at the very centre of Occitania.

Centuries later, her message had spread to the north of Italy and Spain, making Occitania the spiritual centre of rapidly expanding faith – one that was essentially different from the Church of Rome.

The distinction was the idea that there were two gods, one good and the other evil, and this was the critical difference at the centre of Cathar belief. Cathars believed that the good God was the creator of the spiritual realm, whereas the evil God was the creator of the physical world whom many Cathars identified as Satan.

This physical world they avoided and steered themselves away from at all costs was the world of money, power, control, ownership and religion. They knew to opt-out of a society that was humanmade and relied upon dependence and submission. Instead, they choose to live a simple life based on the gentle generosity they found in nature.  Their Church was not a building, but a place. Instead, they would gather in meadows, woodlands and beside springs in the natural world – this is where they found their Holy Spirit.

Many say the Cathars held within their community the Book of Love and the Holy Grail. The Book of Love was an original parchment containing the handwritten text of both Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ.  Whereas the Holy Grail was a handed down chalice that belonged to Mary and goes all the way back to Eve. Both items Mary brought to France from the Holy Land, and have remained in France ever since.

No one knows for sure what the Book of Love contained, as almost everything was destroyed by the inquisition and two crusades that came their way.  However, the local people today still swear that the Book of Love and the Holy Grail has never been found and are still hidden in these valleys today.

Central to their pathway was the Consolamentum –  a ritual that included the laying of hands, Book of Love and Holy Grail that invoked the infinite grace of the Holy Spirit upon the human soul. This spectacular downpouring of immense light and reconciliation reconditioned the soul into its original innocence – permanently.

This ritual was performed by those choosing to become a parfait (perfect one), or at the approach of death. The life of a parfait was open to men and women, as equality between the genders was a foundational stone of Cathar life.

Cathars believed the human spirit was an androgynous angel trapped in the material realm of the evil god, destined to be reincarnated until they achieved salvation through the consolamentum when they would return to the good god, in their original innocence.

Those who choose to become a parfait would spend 3-4 years in an enclosed community who lived in caves, where they prayed, reflected and purified their minds and bodies.  During this period the parfait-to-be would move through three different caves, known as the Eglise, Hermit and Bethlehem.  These three stages would open and prepare the novice to receive the consolamentum, at such immense depth, that its effects would last the remainder of the lifetime – and quite possibly, beyond.

Once a parfait, they would leave their local community and go out to spread the word, heal the sick and bring the spirit to all those who quenched. They always did this with another parfait, walking the old pathways in their navy blue robe, simple rope belt and book of love (they had transcribed in their own hand) clutched under their arm.  As for the Holy Grail, it always remained in one place – the Bethelem cave.

Once the final crusade bludgeoned its way toward the last Cathar stronghold in March 1244, at a place called Montsegur, it is said that a second crucifixion took place.  This one, being the crucifixion of the Feminine Christ – the Light of the World. However, as 224 Cathars descended the mountain of Montsegur, they were singing.  Despite being starved and frail from months of siege and cold winter weather, they carried within them the spirit that Mary had rekindled within them.

Holding hands while singing the men, women and children walked into the flames on their own accord, at the Camp de Cremat (burning fields) that rests in the pasture down below the old crumbling fortress.

There’s a story that one of the inquisition turned back to look at the castle, just as the last folk entered the flames.  To his astonishment – he saw Esclarmonde (last Cathar bishop) hovering above the fortress, eclipsing the grail before the light as she turned into a white dove and flew toward the Cathar Holy Mountain.

The summit of this mountain is known as Pic de Soularac and is known as the place where the highest essence of this tradition still resides. It is so pure and sacred that should you climb; only your soul will make it to the top. Everything else will fall away in prostration as the Light of the World descends upon you. It is here that the Book of Love was read out loud, to the land, the waters, the animals and the people – whether they could hear it or not. As for the Holy Grail, it is close by, imbuing the land and its people with a message that no one can squash.


Propaganda + Repetition + Economic Devastation = Reaction

In today’s episode of COVID fakery on rye and hold the apocalypse, we begin with a bevy of quotes from Edward Bernays (1891-1995), the acknowledged father of modern public relations, aka propaganda. I include his statements as a warm-up backgrounder—

“This is an age of mass production. In the mass production of materials a broad technique has been developed and applied to their distribution. In this age, too, there must be a technique for the mass distribution of ideas.” (1928)

“The engineering of consent is the very essence of the democratic process, the freedom to persuade and suggest.” (1947)

“It is sometimes possible to change the attitudes of millions but impossible to change the attitude of one man.” (date unknown)

“When I came back to the United States, I decided that if you could use propaganda for war, you could certainly use it for peace. And ‘propaganda’ got to be a bad word because of the Germans using it, so what I did was to try and find some other words. So we found the words ‘counsel on public relations’.” (date unknown)

“When Napoleon said, ‘Circumstance? I make circumstance‚’ he expressed very nearly the spirit of the public relations counsel’s work.” (1923)

“Domination to-day is not a product of armies or navies or wealth or policies. It is a domination based on the one hand upon accomplished unity, and on the other hand upon the fact that opposition is generally characterized by a high degree of disunity.” (1923)

“The public relations counsel, therefore, is a creator of news for whatever medium he chooses to transmit ideas. It is his duty to create news no matter what the medium which broadcasts this news.” (1923)

“The only difference between ‘propaganda’ and ‘education,’ really, is in the point of view. The advocacy of what we believe in is education. The advocacy of what we don’t believe in is propaganda.” (1923)

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.” (1928)

“Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.” (1928)

“If you can influence the leaders, either with or without their conscious cooperation, you automatically influence the group which they sway. But men do not need to be actually gathered together in a public meeting or in a street riot, to be subject to the influences of mass psychology. Because man is by nature gregarious he feels himself to be member of a herd, even when he is alone in his room with the curtains drawn. His mind retains the patterns which have been stamped on it by the group influences.” (1928)

The news heads and the talk show heads and the sports heads and the advertisers and bureaucrats and politicians and public health flacks and celebrities are assuring television viewers, with no shame: We’re all in this together. Over and over. Night and day. On every channel.

This was the strategy during older wars. No time for disagreement or dissent; there must be a unified response and effort; otherwise, we could lose.

We’re all in this together means: fall in line.

If that’s share and care and love, it’s robot love.

Advertisers, despite their studies and their sophistication and their wall-to-wall profiling of consumers, still believe in the first principle of propaganda: repetition.

Get the name of your product and company out there and don’t stop. Do it a thousand times, a million times. As long as you have money to pay for ads, do it.

Look at the insurance company commercials. Progressive, State Farm, Liberty, Geico. The little vignettes they lay on are really the occasion for pasting their company name on the screen. Make these 30-second stories friendly and funny and crazy, but the money shot is the company name.

Pandemic ads and messages follow the same rule. In this case, it’s TOGETHERNESS. UNITY. Pounded on and on.

Why? If cooperation and love and togetherness are basic human impulses, why do people need to be reminded of that 24 hours a day, on television?

Does a husband who loves his wife need to see his face and his wife’s face on a screen, on every channel, without let-up, along with a message urging him to adore her?

On the other hand, a person who’s been thrown out of a job, who can’t find work, who sees his government checks fading down to zero…he needs pacification. That’s a tough sell. That sell-job requires a whole lot of repetition…

…In order to produce SHAME in him, if he feels cheated and exiled and screwed. The repetition of togetherness and fake love informs him that the collective citizenry isn’t on his side. It tells him his righteous anger has no place in the relentlessly upbeat messaging of “unity.” It keeps him feeling isolated.

Now we’re getting down to it. Don’t let the people who are economically devastated believe they can find each other. Shut them out. Pump them full of television public service ads that paint an “uplifting” picture from which they’re excluded.

They may be devastated, but television tells them they aren’t on the team if they give their own concerns first priority. If they do, they’re non-persons.

After all, when they sit at home watching TV, do they see a cropped video of another unemployed worker sitting in a dark room saying, “THIS IS CRAZY. I WANT TO WORK. I NEED FOOD. MY BOSS CLOSED HIS COMPANY. HE’S BANKRUPT. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?”

Are they offered that kind of unity? Togetherness?

“Hi. I’m an NFL cornerback. I’ve made thirty million during my career. Here I am at home with my kids. We’re playing games on the floor. I’m enjoying my family. We’ll get through this. All of us. Stay safe. Use the time to bring your family closer together.”

Major news outlets are under strict orders to keep “disturbing human interest stories” off the front page and away from their broadcasts. This is also part and parcel of the wartime effort.

It would have to be, since economic devastation is what this fake pandemic is actually all about. No one in the mainstream will let that cat out of the bag. It would be more than a mistake. It would be a confession. It would be suicide.


Propagandists know that a one-two punch of fear and then assurance works. Scare them with the virus, comfort them with togetherness.

But still, it’s a tough sell. It has legs for a while, but then the natives become restless, especially in the hinterlands. People who aren’t jammed together in big cities, who live in open spaces, tend to develop immunity to lies. Coiffed press hookers on television dispensing so-called news carry less punch. Farmers know if they can’t plant their crops on time, with workers side by side, they’ll go broke.

Generally speaking, people who don’t see other people who are sick, and don’t hear ambulance sirens, start wondering what’s happening.

Protests begin. Protests expand.

The fake night of obedience turns into the real day of rebellion.

It turns out that a story about an invisible virus isn’t quite the same as a line of enemy tanks approaching. All promoted wars are not equal.

Fauci knows this. Birx knows this. Bill Gates knows this. Mayors and governors know this. The CDC and WHO know this. They don’t really care whether you survive, but they know you care. So, for them, it’s a race against time. How long can they keep the lid on? How long can their preposterous messaging work?

Stage magic is an odd game. The performer has to run his tricks quickly, so people don’t have the luxury of sitting back and thinking about how he is fooling them. However, the public health magicians and the politician magicians and the news magicians are hemmed in—they’re basically one-trick ponies. Virus, virus, virus=together, together, together.

It looks good, but it wears out.

It’s wearing out now.

I’ll close this piece with a few more gems from Edward Bernays—to urge you to keep your eye on the ball. The real ball.

“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it?” (1928)

“A single factory, potentially capable of supplying a whole continent with its particular product, cannot afford to wait until the public asks for its product; it must maintain constant touch, through advertising and propaganda, with the vast public in order to assure itself the continuous demand which alone will make its costly plant profitable. This entails a vastly more complex system of distribution than formerly.” (1928)

“No serious sociologist any longer believes that the voice of the people expresses any divine or specially wise and lofty idea. The voice of the people expresses the mind of the people, and that mind is made up for it by the group leaders in whom it believes and by those persons who understand the manipulation of public opinion. It is composed of inherited prejudices and symbols and clichés and verbal formulas supplied to them by the leaders.” (1928)

“Propaganda is of no use to the politician unless he has something to say which the public, consciously or unconsciously, wants to hear.” (1928)


Just Because You Cannot Hear It….

Brain Stimulation From Ultrasonic Waves Used to Control Monkeys’ Behavior

Macaque Monkey Alone

Remote, brain region-specific control of choice behavior with ultrasonic waves.

Noninvasive pulses of ultrasound waves aimed at specific regions in the brains of macaque monkeys can give some control over the monkeys’ choices, scientists report. These findings indicate that ultrasonic brain stimulation could provide a noninvasive, drug-free avenue to study and potentially treat decision-making disorders such as addiction.

Previous research has shown that low-intensity ultrasound waves applied to rodent brains from outside the head can stimulate neurons — including deep, compacted neurons — and cause corresponding muscle movements elsewhere in the body. However, more recent studies have yielded less definitive results, suggesting the technique may have little or no effect. Moreover, effects on behavior in larger animals and humans have not been well studied.

Jan Kubanek and colleagues had two macaque monkeys engage in an experiment widely used to investigate choice behaviors: the monkeys looked at a target at the center of the screen and were then presented with targets on the left and right sides of the screen, one shortly after the other. Monkeys usually choose to look at the target that appears first.

However, by briefly applying ultrasonic waves to the monkeys’ frontal eye fields (FEF), brain regions that control eye movement, the researchers influenced which target the monkey looked at. When the researchers targeted the left FEF, the monkeys were more likely to choose the right target, and vice versa. No effects were observed when ultrasound was applied to the motor cortex, which is not involved in perceptual decision-making.

The scientists rewarded the monkeys differently for the task. Monkey A was rewarded with juice for selecting either target whereas monkey B was only rewarded for selecting the first target. That the researchers controlled the monkeys’ choices regardless of the reward suggests that this technique could be used to study disorders such as addiction, binge eating and compulsive behaviors.

The authors note the study provides several recommendations for future applications of ultrasonic neuromodulation in animals and humans, including avoiding anesthesia and applying stimulation relatively infrequently, as repetition appears to diminish the effects.

Reference: 20 May 2020, Science Advances.
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz4193


On Hot Entanglement….

Quantum Entanglement of 15 Trillion Atoms at 450 Kelvin With “Surprising Results”

Cloud of Atoms with Pairs of Entangled Particles

Artistic illustration of a cloud of atoms with pairs of particles entangled between each other, represented by the yellow-blue lines. Credit: © ICFO

Quantum entanglement is a process by which microscopic objects like electrons or atoms lose their individuality to become better coordinated with each other. Entanglement is at the heart of quantum technologies that promise large advances in computing, communications and sensing, for example detecting gravitational waves.

Entangled states are famously fragile: in most cases even a tiny disturbance will undo the entanglement. For this reason, current quantum technologies take great pains to isolate the microscopic systems they work with, and typically operate at temperatures close to absolute zero. The ICFO team, in contrast, heated a collection of atoms to 450 Kelvin, millions of times hotter than most atoms used for quantum technology. Moreover, the individual atoms were anything but isolated; they collided with each other every few microseconds, and each collision set their electrons spinning in random directions.

The researchers used a laser to monitor the magnetization of this hot, chaotic gas. The magnetization is caused by the spinning electrons in the atoms, and provides a way to study the effect of the collisions and to detect entanglement. What the researchers observed was an enormous number of entangled atoms — about 100 times more than ever before observed. They also saw that the entanglement is non-local — it involves atoms that are not close to each other. Between any two entangled atoms there are thousands of other atoms, many of which are entangled with still other atoms, in a giant, hot and messy entangled state.

Glass Cell Rubidium Metal

Picture of the glass cell that where the rubidium metal is mixed with nitrogen gas and heated up to 450 degrees Kelvin. At that high temperature, the metal vaporizes, creating free rubidium atoms that diffuse around inside the cell. Credit: © ICFO

What they also saw, as Jia Kong, first author of the study, recalls, “is that if we stop the measurement, the entanglement remains for about 1 millisecond, which means that 1000 times per second a new batch of 15 trillion atoms is being entangled. And you must think that 1 ms is a very long time for the atoms, long enough for about fifty random collisions to occur. This clearly shows that the entanglement is not destroyed by these random events. This is maybe the most surprising result of the work.”

The observation of this hot and messy entangled state paves the way for ultra-sensitive magnetic field detection. For example, in magnetoencephalography (magnetic brain imaging), a new generation of sensors uses these same hot, high-density atomic gases to detect the magnetic fields produced by brain activity. The new results show that entanglement can improve the sensitivity of this technique, which has applications in fundamental brain science and neurosurgery.

As ICREA Prof. at ICFO Morgan Mitchell states, “this result is surprising, a real departure from what everyone expects of entanglement.” He adds “we hope that this kind of giant entangled state will lead to better sensor performance in applications ranging from brain imaging to self-driving cars to searches for dark matter.”

A Spin Singlet and QND

A spin singlet is one form of entanglement where the multiple particles’ spins–their intrinsic angular momentum–add up to 0, meaning the system has zero total angular momentum. In this study, the researchers applied quantum non-demolition (QND) measurement to extract the information of the spin of trillions of atoms. The technique passes laser photons with a specific energy through the gas of atoms. These photons with this precise energy do not excite the atoms but they themselves are affected by the encounter. The atoms’ spins act as magnets to rotate the polarization of the light. By measuring how much the photons’ polarization has changed after passing through the cloud, the researchers are able to determine the total spin of the gas of atoms.

The SERF regime

Current magnetometers operate in a regime that is called SERF, far away from the near absolute zero temperatures that researchers typically employ to study entangled atoms. In this regime, any atom experiences many random collisions with other neighboring atoms, making collisions the most important effect on the state of the atom. In addition, because they are in a hot medium rather than an ultracold one, the collisions rapidly randomize the spin of the electrons in any given atom. The experiment shows, surprisingly, that this kind of disturbance does not break the entangled states, it merely passes the entanglement from one atom to another.

Reference:”Measurement-induced, spatially-extended entanglement in a hot, strongly-interacting atomic system” by Jia Kong, Ricardo Jiménez-Martínez, Charikleia Troullinou, Vito Giovanni Lucivero, Géza Tóth and Morgan W. Mitchell, 15 May 2020, Nature Communications.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-15899-1


About TIme…..

Italian Politician Demands Bill Gates Arrest For Crimes Against Humanity

Days after it was revealed in an intercepted human intelligence report that Bill Gates offered $10 million bribe for a forced Coronavirus vaccination program in Nigeria, now an Italian politician has demanded the arrest of Bill Gates in the Italian parliament. Sara Cunial, the Member of Parliament for Rome denounced Bill Gates as a “vaccine criminal” and urged the Italian President to hand him over to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. She also exposed Bill Gates’ agenda in India and Africa, along with the plans to chip the human race through the digital identification program ID2020.

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, in 2015 it were the Italians who exposed secret Chinese biological experiments with Coronavirus. The video, which was broadcast in November, 2015, showed how Chinese scientists were doing biological experiments on a SARS connected virus believed to be Coronavirus, derived from bats and mice, asking whether it was worth the risk in order to be able to modify the virus for compatibility with human organisms.

Italian Politician Demand Bill Gates Arrest For Crimes Against Humanity
Italian Politician Demand Bill Gates Arrest For Crimes Against Humanity

In an extraordinary seven-minute speech met with wide applause, Sara Cunial, the Member of Parliament for Rome said that Italy had been subjected to a “Holy Inquisition of false science.”

She roundly criticized the unnecessary lockdown imposed on her fellow Italians in the service of a globalist agenda. She urged fellow political leaders to desist in any plans to compel citizens to surrender themselves to compulsory COVID-19 vaccination at the hands of the corrupt elite – whom she identified as the Deep State.

Below is the transcription of the full speech delivered to the Italian Parliament by Sara Cunial, the Member of Parliament for Rome.

Sara Cunial
The Member of Parliament for Rome
Speech delivered to the Italian Parliament
May 2020

Video Player


Hobbes said that absolute power does not come from an imposition from above but by the choice of individuals who feel more protected renouncing to their own freedom and granting it to a third party. With this, you are going on anesthetizing the minds with corrupted Mass Media with Amuchina (a brand of disinfectant promoted by Mass Media) and NLP, with words like “regime”, “to allow” and “to permit”, to the point of allowing you to regulate our emotional ties and feelings and certify our affects.

So, in this way, Phase 2 is nothing else than the persecution/continuation of Phase 1 – you just changed the name, as you did with the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). We have understood people, for sure, don’t die for the virus alone. So people will be allowed to die and suffer, thanks to you and your laws, for misery and poverty. And, as in the “best” regimes, the blame will be dropped only on citizens. You take away our freedom and say that we looked for it. Divide et Impera (Divide and Rule).

It is our children who will lose more, who are ‘raped souls’, with the help of the so-called “guarantor of their rights” and of CISMAI (Italian Coordination of Services against Child Abuse). In this way, the right to school will be granted only with a bracelet to get them used to probation, to get them used to slavery – involuntary treatment and to virtual lager. All this in exchange for a push-scooter and a tablet. All to satisfy the appetites of a financial capitalism whose driving force is the conflict of interest, conflict well represented by the WHO, whose main financier is the well-known “philanthropist and savior of the world” Bill Gates.

We all know it, now. Bill Gates, already in 2018, predicted a pandemic, simulated in October 2019 at the “Event 201”, together with Davos (Switzerland). For decades, Gates has been working on Depopulation policy and dictatorial control plans on global politics, aiming to obtain the primacy on agriculture, technology and energy.

Gates said, I quote exactly from his speech:

“If we do a good job on vaccines, health and reproduction, we can reduce the world population by 10-15%. Only a genocide can save the world”.

With his vaccines, Gates managed to sterilize millions of women in Africa. Gates caused a polio epidemic that paralyzed 500,000 children in India and still today with DTP, Gates causes more deaths than the disease itself. And he does the same with GMOs designed by Monsanto and “generously donated” to needy populations. All this while he is already thinking about distributing the quantum tattoo for vaccination recognition and mRNA vaccines as tools for reprogramming our immune system. In addition, Gates also does business with several multinationals that own 5G facilities in the USA.

On this table there is the entire Deep State in Italian sauce: Sanofi, together with GlaxoSmithKline are friends of the Ranieri Guerra, Ricciardi, and of the well-known virologist that we pay 2000 Euro every 10 minutes for the presentations on Rai (Italian state TV. She’s probably talking about Burioni). Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline sign agreements with medical societies to indoctrinate future doctors, making fun of their autonomy of judgment and their oath.

Hi-Tech multinationals, like the Roman Engineering which is friend of the noble Mantoan, or Bending Spoons, of Pisano, which are there for control and manage our personal health datas in agreement with the European Agenda ID2020 of electronic identification, which aims to use mass vaccination to obtain a digital platform of digital ID. This is a continuation of the transfer of data started by Renzi to IBM. Renzi, in 2016, gave a plus 30% to Gates Global Fund.

On the Deep State table there are the people of Aspen, like the Saxon Colao, who with his 4-pages reports, paid 800 Euros/hour, with no scientific review, dictates its politics as a Bilderberg general as he is, staying away from the battlefield. The list is long. Very long. In the list there is also Mediatronic, by Arcuri and many more.

The Italian contribution to the International Alliance Against Coronavirus will be of 140 million Euros, of which 120 million Euros will be given to GAVI Alliance, the non-profit by Gates Foundation. They are just a part of the 7.4 billion Euro fund by the EU to find a vaccine against Coronavirus – vaccines which will be used as I said before.

No money, of course for serotherapy, which has the collateral effect of being super cheap. No money for prevention, a real prevention, which includes our lifestyles, our food and our relationship with the environment.

The real goal of all of this is total control. Absolute domination of human beings, transformed into guinea pigs and slaves, violating sovereignty and free will. All this thanks to tricks/hoax disguised as political compromises. While you rip up the Nuremberg code with involuntary treatment, fines and deportation, facial recognition and intimidation, endorsed by dogmatic scientism – protected by our “Multi-President” of the Republic who is real cultural epidemic of this country.

We, with the people, will multiply the fires of resistance in a way that you won’t be able to repress all of us.

I ask you, President, to be the spokesperson and give an advice to our President Conte: Dear Mr. President Conte, next time you receive a phone call from the philanthropist Bill Gates forward it directly to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. If you won’t do this, tell us how we should define you, the “friend lawyer” who takes orders from a criminal.

Thank you.


Know Your Rights, or Lose Them…