One More Beast…

H.R. 6666 – The Nullifying Your 4th Amendment and Forcibly Separating Your Family to Keep You ‘Safe’ Act

Phillip Schneider, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Representative Bobby Rush (D-Il) introduced on May 1st H.R. 6666, a piece of Orwellian legislation that could create a national surveillance and quarantine program, allow government entry into our homes to test for Covid-19 and even grant the authority to remove Americans from their homes by force.

Also called the TRACE Act (Testing, Reaching and Contacting Everyone), the bill was co-sponsored by 58 house democrats and touts that it would allow the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to provide grants to some hospitals, schools, and nonprofits to help fight the coronavirus.

“This bill authorizes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to award grants for testing, contact tracing, monitoring, and other activities to address COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019).” [SOURCE]


However, the law would also give these organizations the power to test Americans for Covid-19 “as necessary, at individuals’ residences, and for other purposes,” and give the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) the authority to forcibly remove Americans from their homes if “necessitated by the circumstances of the declared emergency.” [SOURCE]

This bill is in clear violation of the fourth amendment, which guarantees, “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.” The key word here is ‘unreasonable’, however, meaning if the Supreme Court classifies it as ‘reasonable’, these home invasions will remain legal despite being clearly against the spirit of the law.

The push for forced entry echoes remarks made by the World Health Organization’s Dr. Michael Ryan in early April.

“In some senses, transmission has been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units, now we need to go and look in families and find those people who may be sick and remove them, and isolate them, in a safe and dignified manner.” – Dr. Michael Ryan [SOURCE]

The Queen of England voiced her support for forced entry as she compared it to British evacuations prior to the London bombings of WWII.

“[Citizens were] evacuated from their homes and sent away for their own safety. Today, once again, many will feel a painful separation from their loved ones but now, as then, we know, deep down, it is the right thing to do.” [SOURCE]

The TRACE Act has a keen focus on ‘contact tracing’, a term that effectively means government surveillance of our everyday behavior. Its purpose is to test for who has the coronavirus and to whom they may have come in contact. In Washington State, the government will soon require restaurants catalogue the phone numbers, emails, and time of arrival of every customer.

You may want to think twice if you believe that these programs will ever go away once enacted. Governments rarely give up power without incredible pushback from voters. Edward Snowden articulated this brilliantly while the pandemic was still in its early stage.

“Do you truly believe that when the first wave, this second wave, the 16th wave of the coronavirus is a long-forgotten memory, that these capabilities will not be kept? That these datasets will not be kept? No matter how it is being used, what is being built is the architecture of oppression.” – Edward Snowden [SOURCE]

Interestingly, Bill Gates was recently awarded patent #060606 for a, “crypto currency system using human body activity data.” In layman terms, it’s a patent for a digital tattoo microchip which can detect ‘body activity.’ Millions of dollars have already been awarded to companies for similar technologies by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Watch Luke Rudkowski discuss the larger agenda behind the TRACE Act on Bitchute:

About the Author

Phillip Schneider is a student as well as a staff writer and assistant editor for Waking Times. If you would like to see more of his work, you can visit his website, or follow him on the free speech social network Minds.

This article (HR 6666 – The Nullifying Your 4th Amendment and Forcibly Separating Your Family to Keep You ‘Safe’ Act) as originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Phillip Schneider and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

Time for the Red Pill!

(Okay, so we are all getting a bit tired of hearing about this plandemic/scamdemic/whatever, but then the MSM is pounding it into the media everyday, so the alternate media needs to keep reminding us that we just might be being snookered.)

Just Like 9/11 Did, COVID-19 Is Shifting Human Consciousness In A Major Way

In Brief

  • The Facts:Major events have a lasting impact on human consciousness, and help people see what they once never saw before. This appears to be happening with the new coronavirus.
  • Reflect On:How do events like 9/11, and the new coronavirus impact human consciousness?

It’s truly an exciting time to be alive, and that’s because more and more people are “waking up” to concepts about our reality and the overall human experience that they were once previously unaware of. This has been happening for decades, but every single year it seems to amplify, and the process of our ‘awakening’ seems to accelerate rapidly.

This type of ‘awakening’ happens in all areas that surround human life. People learn deep truths about health and medicine, education, geopolitics, consciousness, extraterrestrials and much more. The idea that a small group of corporations and the people that run them have a strong hold on our perception, thoughts, emotions, and reactions regarding information and major world events is now far from a mere “conspiracy theory” in the eyes of many. It can be seen quite clearly, and mainstream media has been exposed as the true bearer of “fake news” by many people.

Events like the coronavirus simply accelerate the process of awakening, and expose mainstream media outlets for what they truly are in this moment. There’s a reason why mainstream media has such strong connections to intelligence agencies and have their roots in psychological warfare. You can find documentation and examples of that in an article I published a while ago here.

A quote from Edward Bernays, known as the father of public relations, is powerful because it sums up these thoughts quite well:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.

Current Events & Collective Consciousness

When 9/11 happened, we were told that terrorists attacked the World Trade Centre. As the months and years went on, more and more people grew suspicious of their government’s explanation of what happened that day, this included many politicians and academics as well, further adding fuel to the fire. Evidence came forward, science was done and whistleblowers spoke out, giving us a very clear idea that what we were told happened that day, most certainly did not. Today, many polls show that more than half of the American people alone don’t believe the official explanation of what really happened that day. Since 9/11, hundreds of millions of people have become aware of “false flag” terrorism, which is the idea that the ‘powers that be’ created these events, fund terrorism, stage them, and then use these events to justify the infiltration of another country for ulterior motives. They basically create the problem, in several different ways, and then propose the solution.

Organizations like Wikileaks and whistleblowers like Edward Snowden have proved, as well as explained, how events like these are used to justify a heightening national security state, one where more and more of our basic rights and freedoms are stripped from us under the guise of ‘goodwill.’

But these events have shifted human consciousness. People become aware of how our world truly works and functions, a process we call ‘Breaking The Illusion‘ here at CE. People begin to see that the world they think is real is actually not, and that things like corruption exist within the geopolitical realm, an important realization if you wish to reflect on whether our political process truly serves us or not. This then changes the perception of people around the world, causing us to choose new paths and actions as to how to live our lives in society. Paths that would not change if we never ‘broke the illusion.’

Another major event is happening right now, the COVID-19 pandemic. When it comes to COVID-19, what has many people asking questions is the ban and censorship of information. For example, YouTube is now actively banning any content that contradicts anything that the World Health Organization (WHO) states with regards to the new coronavirus. Vimeo recently banned a documentary exposing “Big Pharma’s” influence within the WHO. These blatant forms of censorship have some upset, but many others see it as an eyebrow-raising moment, showing quite clearly the corruption that exists in our world and the efforts that are put forth to control the perception of the masses. We then begin to ask why?

Controlling information and what people think is important if you wish to control their lives. This is why ‘Breaking The Illusion’ is one of the first steps in the CE formula to shift consciousness. After all, why do you think people like Julian Assange are in jail, and people like Edward Snowden are living in exile?

How far have we sunk if telling the truth becomes a crime? How far have we sunk if we prosecute people that expose war crimes for exposing war crimes?  How far have we sunk when we no longer prosecute our own war criminals? Because we identify more with them, than we identify with their people that actually expose these crimes. What does that tell about us and about our governments? In a democracy, the power does not belong to the government, but to the people. But the people have to claim it. Secrecy disempowers the people because it prevents them from exercising democratic control, which is precisely why governments want secrecy. Nils Melzer (source)

With COVID-19, we are also seeing a large number of people questioning the measures that multiple governments have taken to lockdown countries. We are seeing people question the information that’s being put out by our federal health agencies, including the World Health Organization. We have seen a number of scientists in the field, as well as doctors, also question the official narratives, and we have seen people like Edward Snowden, and many more, explain how this ‘pandemic’ is being used for ulterior motives. You can access those articles at the end of this article if you’re interested.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we are now living in a time where a digital authoritarian ‘fact checker’ is patrolling the internet and censoring content it deems as ‘false.’ It does not matter if the information is true or false, backed by science or not, or whether it’s simply an opinion, if it doesn’t align with the mainstream narrative, you are not meant to see it or trust it. Should people not have the right to examine information, check sources, decide for themselves what is real and what is fake?

The Takeaway

COVID-19 has simply accelerated the process of awakening, and it’s also made even more people aware of the censorship of information that’s taking place. Along with the censorship of information, comes ridicule, and bashing by mainstream media in order to oppose and instantaneously shut down any opposite narrative.

Narratives that go against mainstream media narratives are not acknowledged or countered, they are simply ridiculed and deemed a “conspiracy theory.”

The point is, events like this serve the collective. They wake us up, they help us see, they help shift the perceptions about our world and our world ‘leaders’ and  serve as a catalyst for more people to start asking questions, and to see that what we are told is not always what is. This is why events as such, although hard in many senses, and real in many ways, do indeed move humanity forward in a ‘positive’ direction. What’s happening now is not a tragedy, it’s exciting, and it’s not as bad as they’ve made it out to be. But again, you can go into that type of discussion and many more, in the articles below.

Leading Scientist Claims Lockdown & Quarantine is a “Human Catastrophe” (New Interview)

Vitamin C For COVID-19: Critical Care Medicine Hospital Chief In Wuhan Provides Updates

Two Emergency Medicine Doctors On Why Quarantine “Just Doesn’t Make Sense”

If You Die of a Clear Alternative Cause, It’s Still Listed As A COVID Death” – Dr. Ngozi Ezike

Vimeo Bans Documentary Exposing “Big Pharma’s” Influence Within The World Health Organization

Wikileaks Highlights The Influence “Big Pharma” Has On The World Health Organization

New Study: The Flu Vaccine Is “Significantly Associated” With An Increased Risk of Coronavirus

Bill Gates’ Latest Instagram Post Has Been Bombarded With Accusations & Comments Against Vaccines

Renowned Microbiology Specialist On Why He Believes Coronavirus Measures Are “Draconian” (Video)

Renowned German Pulmonologist Questions Coronavirus Measures & If They’re Necessary (Video)

Updates On The New Coronavirus Vaccine – Are You Going To Take It? Will It Be Mandatory?

Spring Has Sprung In Sweden With No Coronavirus Quarantine Or Police Enforced Lockdown

Some New York Hospitals Are Now Treating Coronavirus With High Dose Vitamin C

Conscious Truth Behind Coronavirus Lockdown

Coronavirus Is Proving The Human Race Can Come Together, For Anything, At Anytime

White House: Out of 327 Million Americans – Coronavirus May Kill Up To 200,000

Edward Snowden: Governments Shouldn’t Have The “Mandatory Authority” To Keep People Inside

Scientist Predicts Second Wave of COVID-19 Because “Social Distancing” Has Prevented “Herd Immunity”

More Physicians Go On The Record Explaining Why COVID-19 Deaths May Be Exaggerated

Coronavirus Deaths May Be Miscalculated 

Dr. Ron Paul Gets Flagged As “Fake News” For Sharing His Opinion About Coronavirus

Donald Trump Says The Coronavirus Was “Artificially Induced.” 

Canadian Prime Minister Says We Won’t Return To Normal “Until A Vaccine Is Developed”

Bill Gates: We Won’t Go Back To “Normal Until” A Vaccine Has “Gotten Out To The Entire World”

LA Doctor: COVID-19 Patients Go From ‘Very Ill’ To ‘Symptom-Free’ In 8 To 12 Hours With Hydroxychloroquine & Zinc

Confirmed: High-Dose Vitamin C Has Successfully Treated 50 Moderate to Severe COVID-19 Patients


Italy Has Spoken




May 19, 2020 By Joseph P. Farrell

This was another story that so many people found and passed along, that a “general thank you” to all of you who did so will have to suffice. Their reasons for doing so will be self-evident: a member of the Italian parliament, in a speech delivered on the floor of that body, publicly called for arresting and charging Baal Gates (our new nickname for the busybody billionaire suggested by M.H.) with crimes against humanity. The speech was delivered by Ms. Sara Cunial, and according to the following article, which reproduces her speech in full, was met by broad applause and approval in the Italian legislative body, and in addition to referring to Mr. Gates, also implies his “philanthropical” foundation – the Baal and Malicious Gates Foundation – is a cover for these activities:

Italian Politician Demand Bill Gates Arrest For Crimes Against Humanity

It’s worth looking at a few highlights from her speech:

It is our children who will lose more, who are ‘raped souls’, with the help of the so-called “guarantor of their rights” and of CISMAI (Italian Coordination of Services against Child Abuse). In this way, the right to school will be granted only with a bracelet to get them used to probation, to get them used to slavery – involuntary treatment and to virtual lager. All this in exchange for a push-scooter and a tablet. All to satisfy the appetites of a financial capitalism whose driving force is the conflict of interest, conflict well represented by the WHO, whose main financier is the well-known “philanthropist and savior of the world” Bill Gates.

We all know it, now. Bill Gates, already in 2018, predicted a pandemic, simulated in October 2019 at the “Event 201”, together with Davos (Switzerland). For decades, Gates has been working on Depopulation policy and dictatorial control plans on global politics, aiming to obtain the primacy on agriculture, technology and energy.

Gates said, I quote exactly from his speech:

“If we do a good job on vaccines, health and reproduction, we can reduce the world population by 10-15%. Only a genocide can save the world”.

With his vaccines, Gates managed to sterilize millions of women in Africa. Gates caused a polio epidemic that paralyzed 500,000 children in India and still today with DTP, Gates causes more deaths than the disease itself. And he does the same with GMOs designed by Monsanto and “generously donated” to needy populations. All this while he is already thinking about distributing the quantum tattoo for vaccination recognition and mRNA vaccines as tools for reprogramming our immune system. In addition, Gates also does business with several multinationals that own 5G facilities in the USA.

The real goal of all of this is total control. Absolute domination of human beings, transformed into guinea pigs and slaves, violating sovereignty and free will. All this thanks to tricks/hoax disguised as political compromises. While you rip up the Nuremberg code with involuntary treatment, fines and deportation, facial recognition and intimidation, endorsed by dogmatic scientism – protected by our “Multi-President” of the Republic who is real cultural epidemic of this country.

We, with the people, will multiply the fires of resistance in a way that you won’t be able to repress all of us.

I ask you, President, to be the spokesperson and give an advice to our President Conte: Dear Mr. President Conte, next time you receive a phone call from the philanthropist Bill Gates forward it directly to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. If you won’t do this, tell us how we should define you, the “friend lawyer” who takes orders from a criminal.

Thank you.

And there you have it: on the floor of the Italian parliament, Baal Gates’ agenda has been read into the record, along with the public naming, for the parliamentary record, of the results of his programs in India and Africa, and his obsession with creating a genocide to “save the world.”

As I said some time ago, and in a very different context: watch Italy.

Ms. Cunial is correct, for Baal Gates, by his own admission, and by the doctrine of mens rea, has revealed himself as being of murderous intent. It was under that doctrine that people were hung at Nuremberg. Indeed, Ms. Cunial is implying the very same thing with her reference to the Nuremberg Code, one result of which was no human medical experimentation without consent (mandatory vaccines, anyone?).

Meanwhile, in the USA, don’t expect any such courage on the floors of either house of Congress. Indeed, Senator Lindsey Grahamcracker thinks having Baal Gates heading the WHO would be a good idea…

…’nuff said…

… See you on the flip side…


Thank You, Officer

Cop Refuses to Remove Video Reminding Officers Not To Obey ‘Tyrannical Orders’

Officer Greg Anderson
Greg Anderson, a Special Forces veteran and Port of Seattle Police Officer has been placed on paid administrative leave after refusing to delete a viral video reminding police officers that they don’t have unlimited powers, despite any unconstitutional orders from those higher in the chain of command. He warned other officers about violating citizens’ Constitutional rights because it undermines public trust. He said that police derive their power from the people. He implored officers to stand up for what is right, even if it costs them their jobs. He said that if we all stand together, it will be a non-issue because the people and law enforcement will be united.While this officer fights for his career, Washington State Governor Jay Inlslee is releasing violent felons who have gone on to commit new crimes

A Port of Seattle Police Officer has been placed on administrative leave after refusing to delete a viral video reminding police officers that they don’t have unlimited powers.

“I have seen officers around the country enforcing tyrannical orders; I was hoping it was a minority of officers, anymore, I am not so sure,” said Officer Greg Anderson, a Special Forces veteran.

Anderson took to Instagram on Tuesday to explain that he will likely be fired for refusing to remove the video, as it is considered insubordination.


Maybe It’s Time to Unmask

Study Finds That Cloth Masks Can Increase Healthcare Workers Risk of Infection

By.   CE Staff Writer

In Brief

  • The Facts:A study published in 2015 found that cloth masks can increase healthcare workers risk of infection. It also called into question the efficacy of medical masks.
  • Reflect On:If masks may not protect healthcare workers in an acute setting, what are they doing for the public? Are the decisions made by health regulatory agencies always in the best interest of the public?

A lot of places are mandating that people wear a mask. Some grocery stores here in Canada are making it mandatory for people who want to do some shopping, and Los Angeles County recently mandated that all people must wear a mask when going outside. But do these measures really help? We are living in strange times when people like Bill Gates are getting a lot of T.V. time, as he seems to be the world’s leading ‘health’ authority on the new coronavirus, what we should do, and how we’re going to stop it. On the other hand, there are several doctors and leading epidemiologists around the world who have been studying viruses for decades that have been censored from social media platforms for sharing their research and opinions. Their interviews are being taken down, and some have even been flagged as ‘fake.’ Ask yourself, what’s wrong with this picture? Many of them are suggesting that the new coronavirus is not nearly as dangerous as it’s being made out to be. There have been multiple studies that have also suggested this based on the data that researchers have accumulated. Mainstream media is trying really hard to shape our perception with regards to everything that surrounds the new coronavirus, from treatment, lockdowns, to social distancing and much more.

We’ve covered a few examples of these experts giving their opinions with regards to how dangerous this virus actually is, what the solution is, treatments and more. If you’re interested you can refer to the articles linked at the bottom of this one. At the end of the day, a lot of what these doctors, scientists and epidemiologists have been saying since the beginning of this outbreak, up until now, has completely contradicted the narrative of federal health regulatory agencies and the World Health Organization (WHO). In fact, social media and other platforms are banning content that opposes and contradicts the WHO, no matter how much evidence is behind the information, or even if the sources are some of the leading experts in the world.

Should there be a digital authoritarian Orwellian ‘fact checker’ going around the internet telling people what is, and what isn’t? Or should people have the right to examine information, check sources and evidence and ultimately decide for themselves?

So the question is, can we really trust these health authorities to guide us into doing what’s really best for us? Is this really about our health or is something else going on here? Are there powerful people profiting off of this both politically and financially? Was Edward Snowden correct when he said that the new coronavirus fiasco is no different from 9/11, in that it’s simply being used to push more authoritarian measures on the population? Just like they remained after 9/11, will they remain after this coronavirus? Why are there apps tracking people for coronavirus, but not for the pedophiles, murderers and rapists? These are important things to think about.

There is a lot of conflicting information out there and again, if you’re interested in going a little deeper you can refer to the articles listed at the end of this one.

But what about masks? Do they really help? How effective are they? According to Dr. Dan Erickson (former emergency-room physician) and Dr. Artin Massihi (emergency medicine specialist affiliated with multiple hospitals) of Accelerated Urgent Care in California, they’re not helping at all.

When you wear gloves that transfer disease everywhere, those gloves have bacteria all over them. “I’m wearing gloves,” not helping you…Your mask that you’re wearing for days, you touch the outside of it, COVID, and then touch your mouth, this doesn’t make any sense. We wear masks in an acute setting to protect us, we’re not wearing masks (right now). Why is that? Because we understand microbiology, we understand immunology and we want strong immune systems. I don’t want to hide in my home, develop a weak immune system, and then come out and get disease. We’ve both been to the ER through swine flu and through bird flu, did we shut down for those? Were they much less dangerous than COVID? Is the flu less dangerous than COVID? Let’s look at the death rates, no it’s not. They’re similar in prevalence and in death rate. (source)

According to a study published in BMJ Open in 2015,

This study is the first RCT of cloth masks, and the results caution against the use of cloth masks. This is an important finding to inform occupational health and safety. Moisture retention, reuse of cloth masks and poor filtration may result in increased risk of infection. Further research is needed to inform the widespread use of cloth masks globally. However, as a precautionary measure, cloth masks should not be recommended for HCWs, particularly in high-risk situations, and guidelines need to be updated.

We have provided the first clinical efficacy data of cloth masks, which suggest HCWs should not use cloth masks as protection against respiratory infection. Cloth masks resulted in significantly higher rates of infection than medical masks, and also performed worse than the control arm. The controls were HCWs who observed standard practice, which involved mask use in the majority, albeit with lower compliance than in the intervention arms. The control HCWs also used medical masks more often than cloth masks. When we analysed all mask-wearers including controls, the higher risk of cloth masks was seen for laboratory-confirmed respiratory viral infection.

According to the study, it was unclear if they help at all, and that they probably need to be worn at all times in acute/dangerous settings within the hospital to be effective at all.

There are also other potential health consequences of wearing not just a cloth mask, but also medical masks. The physiological effects of breathing elevated inhaled CO2 may include changes in visual performance, modified exercise endurance, headaches and dyspnea. The psychological effects include decreased reasoning and alertness, increased irritability, severe dyspnea, headache, dizziness, perspiration, and short-term memory loss. (source)

This study suggests that masks don’t really help, and depending on the material, they can actually make things worse. That being said, there are studies suggesting that medical masks are indeed effective, but the studies are referring to health care workers in acute settings, not the general public.

Below is a quote from a very interesting paper published in 2016, titled “The Surgical Mask Is A Bad Fit For Risk Reduction.”

 As represented by our cinema and other media, Western society expects too much of masks. In the public’s mind, the still-legitimate use of masks for source control has gone off-label; masks are thought to prevent infection. From here, another problem arises: because surgical masks are thought to protect against infection in the community setting, people wearing masks for legitimate purposes (those who have a cough in a hospital, say) form part of the larger misperception and act to reinforce it. Even this proper use of surgical masks is incorporated into a larger improper use in the era of pandemic fear, especially in Asia, where such fear is high. The widespread misconception about the use of surgical masks — that wearing a mask protects against the transmission of virus — is a problem of the kind theorized by German sociologist Ulrich Beck.

The birth of the mask came from the realization that surgical wounds need protection from the droplets released in the breath of surgeons. The technology was applied outside the operating room in an effort to control the spread of infectious epidemics. In the 1919 influenza pandemic, masks were available and were dispensed to populations, but they had no impact on the epidemic curve. At the time, it was unknown that the influenza organism is nanoscopic and can theoretically penetrate the surgical mask barrier. As recently as 2010, the US National Academy of Sciences declared that, in the community setting, “face masks are not designed or certified to protect the wearer from exposure to respiratory hazards.” A number of studies have shown the inefficacy of the surgical mask in household settings to prevent transmission of the influenza virus…

(Please note, to get the list of additional articles, go to the source listed below.)


Hopi Knowledge

Etched equilateral cross petroglyph seen at Inscription Canyon near Prescott,
Arizona. (Source)

In “Kásskara: Sunken Land of the Hopi Ancestors” (18th March 2020), Hopi elder Oswald “White Bear” Fredericks (1905-1996) described the Hopis’ epic migration story as it unfolded through aeons and on several continents, a couple of them now on the ocean floor. Their mythology, which I explain more fully in the first article, essentially envisions a series of “worlds” through which the human being, personally and collectively, must pass, these worlds corresponding generally to vast periods of time and changing configurations of global geology.

White Bear described a succession of cycles through which human societies develop and then self-destruct because they have fallen out of harmony with the intelligent universal force from which all life springs.

According to Hopi mythology, the First World, Tokpela, was destroyed by fire. The Second World, Tokpa, was destroyed by ice. Both conditions may have come about through disturbances in the Earth’s orbit and polar shifts. In the previous article I mentioned that Plato, recounting in Critias his uncle’s Egyptian sojourn, said a temple priest at Sais had told Solon that “a great conflagration of things upon the earth, which recurs after long intervals…” caused the sinking of Atlantis, a notion consonant with the Hopi world view. Kásskara (Lemuria) was coeval with Talawaitichqua (Atlantis) and was destroyed by water, White Bear said, in the following manner:

“The kickmonguity, or Queen of Atlantis, had been threatening Kásskara with destruction from weapons that could be fired from space. Our people had knowledge comparable with the people of Atlantis, but we used it only for good and useful ends. As I already mentioned, we studied the secrets of nature, the power of the Creator in living things,” White Bear said, explaining that his ancestors did not seek revenge and avoided killing even to defend themselves. The Hopi culturally embody Jesus’ admonition not to resist evil: “Turn the other cheek”.

The Shield of Protection

“My people did not defend themselves when [Kásskara was] attacked. And it was right! If that seems strange to you, look at what the Hopi do today. The government of the United States gave us a reservation. Can you imagine? And then they kept coming to cut pieces out of it. They reduced our country more and more. Each time the government does that we say, ‘It is not right’, as we were instructed [to do] by the Creator,” White Bear said, noting that even if his ancestors had not defended themselves actively, they still had their “shield of protection.” He said he could not scientifically explain what this shield was and how it worked, but he described it this way:

“If there is lightning, it reaches our shield, and there it explodes. It does not cross the shield. I remember well how my grandmother showed me the way in which the shield acts. One day when I was still a child, she took a basin and turned it over, saying, ‘Now you are under the basin. If something falls on it, it will not hurt you’. Perhaps I should tell you that she wanted me to repeat all the stories that she told me,” White Bear said. “When I made a mistake she stopped me, and I had to start all over again. It’s why I know by heart all of what my grandmother told me.”

We might, in our modern sophistication, feel tempted to disregard or trivialise White Bear’s grandmother as a credible source of information, but consider that the matrilineal Hopi respect and value wisdom passed down by their elders. His grandmother would not intentionally lie to him, and her insistence that he repeat minor details he hadn’t easily recalled suggests that she took seriously the transmission of this knowledge to her grandson. This transmission is the basis of all oral traditions. The Hopi in their annual cycle of ceremonies re-enact these stories because they consider them too important to be forgotten.

“All the bombs, or whatever they were, exploded far above our heads, and the shield protected all people who were to be saved and had been gathered in a certain area. Cities were attacked and many people perished. Only we were saved. And then—as my grandmother said—somebody pushed the ‘bad button’ and the two continents sank,” White Bear explained. “However, the destruction was not universal. The entire Earth was not destroyed, and not all men were killed. But Atlantis disappeared very quickly into the ocean and our Third World, Kásskara, disappeared very slowly.”

The Laws of the Creator

One interesting feature of the Hopi religious mindset is its similarity to that of certain Eastern religions. The Hopi embrace the idea of reincarnation. They acknowledge “Kundalini energy” and the vortices of psychic vitality called “chakras, and they also recognise the universal law of karma, the spiritual equivalent of Newton’s third law of motion: “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” The law of karma is also expressed eloquently in the biblical admonition, “As you sow, so shall you reap.” White Bear explained the Hopi view of karma:

“Let us suppose that I want to kill somebody and that I have an accomplice. We agree to do it. Even if it is me that kills, the accomplice does it in thought. But he is not as guilty as me,” White Bear said. “It is the reason for the fast destruction of Atlantis; they attacked. We, or some of our people, were only collaborators at the time Atlantis attacked Kásskara. This is why the fault on our side was minor and our group had a new chance. If we had been as guilty as the people from Atlantis, we also would have been quickly destroyed,” he added.

“The power external to the human capacity did not allow that the People of Peace be destroyed completely. These people were reincarnations of men who had lived in the Second World, Tokpa, and who had followed the laws of the Creator. It was His will to give to those who were to be saved the means of succeeding.

“We were saved and we came here because since the First World, Tokpela, we have always obeyed the Divine Laws! We will see now what occurred then and what role the Kachinas played in bringing us to this continent in the Fourth World,” White Bear said.

Kachinas: Emissaries from Space

Since their emergence in the First World, the Hopi and their ancestors remained in a close relationship with Kachinas, who White Bear defined as “initiated, highly ranked, esteemed beings.” They were originally called Kyákyapichina, the plural form of Kyápchina, the term also incorporating the word “chinakane”, which means “growth” as in the growth of a plant, although in this context the word also indicates the spiritual growth that the Kachinas inspire. The language evolved over time, and now these entities are simply called Kachinas.

Pahlikmana, Hopi kachina doll, c. late 19th century, held in the Brooklyn Museum. (PD0)

Kachinas can manifest visibly or invisibly, but White Bear made it clear that these beings come from locations vastly distant from Earth.

“The Kachinas come from space. They do not come from our solar system but from very distant planets. It would require several generations for our astronauts to get there,” White Bear said. “The Hopi name for these planets is Tóónatakha, which means ‘close to each other’, in a spiritual sense rather than a material one because all their inhabitants share the same responsibilities and work closely together. For this reason, the Hopi translate “Tóónatakha” as “Confederation of Planets”; and because we know there are 12 such worlds, we also refer to the “Confederation of Twelve Planets”, he explained, adding: “While I pronounce this sentence, they can traverse vast distances. Their vessels fly with magnetic force even when they circle the Earth.”

In 1978, White Bear accompanied my anthropology teacher, Henry Denny, and me to Inscription Canyon near Prescott, Arizona, an area noted for its ancient petroglyphs. He pointed out an equilateral cross on a rock slab, its deeply etched outline suggesting an amniotic enclosure. The glyph pre-dates the birth of Christ, he told us, saying that it anticipated this future divine incarnation. White Bear also showed us a glyph of the aforementioned Confederation of Planets, indicating those inhabited worlds that communicate with each other.

In ancient times it was known among certain people that intelligent beings had come from space and helped cultivate mankind out of its primitive state, but this knowledge was nearly lost when the Earth suffered global and semi-global cataclysms. Some of this knowledge survived in the mythologies of aboriginal people, and even in the West some of this information remained concealed by various powerful institutions, often with contradictory interests, such as Freemasonry and the Roman Catholic Church.

White Bear explained that Kachinas have varying ranks depending upon their capacities. While they’re all called Kachinas‚ some are also called Wuyas, which means “divinity” and denotes an exceptionally wise person.

“Comparing Kachinas and Wuyas with Christian entities, we might say Angels for Kachinas and Archangels for Wuyas. They are all Angels‚ but the highest in rank you would call Archangels. The divinities are positioned above the Kachinas, and above all there is the Creator,” White Bear said. “Only Kachinas are in contact with the human beings‚ not the divinities who only give instructions to the Kachinas.”

The Hopi refer only to Kachinas when familiarising children with the initiated beings. “It would be too difficult to explain the difference to them, and this is where the Kachina puppets serve their role: they accustom children to these beings’ physical appearance so they do not fear seeing the dancers,” White Bear explained, adding that even tourists who buy these puppets call them Kachinas, but it doesn’t really matter if they are unaware of the deeper meanings.

“We do the same thing with the San Francisco mountains [a sacred range southwest of Hopiland]. When children see those high peaks, they understand when we tell them that this is where the Kachinas go when they leave us,” White Bear said, saying that it’s easier for children to understand a high mountain than a distant planet. “Think about what you tell your children about Santa Claus and the child Jesus. But when the children are accepted among the adults‚ the difference is explained. The Kachinas come from a very distant planet, and when they leave us they return there. The men who carry out the dances represent these learned beings who came to us a long time ago,” he said.

The San Francisco Peaks, a volcanic mountain range in north-central Arizona, sacred to the Hopi. (PD0)

White Bear described three kinds of Kachinas. The first involves survival and the continuity of life. In the Hopi dances, these Kachinas appear in mid-winter when in nature all life sleeps.

“They offer the certainty to us that life will return and continue; and as reincarnation belongs to the continuity of life‚ it means that we will take birth again and have the possibility to improve,” White Bear said.

The second group consists of the teachers. “We learn from them who we are and where we are‚ what transformations we can undergo and what we must do,” he noted.

The third group represents the guardians of the law. “They are the ones who warn us. They explain to us patiently what not to do,” White Bear said, “but in time they stop informing us and start punishing us for any evil we do.”

White Bear reported that children have been born following a “mystical relation” between Hopi women and Kachinas. “There was a physical proximity between our people and Kachinas. We could touch them. But even if that seems strange‚ they never had sexual relations. The children were conceived in a mystical way,” he said, apparently referring to the phenomenon called “virgin birth” in Christian doctrine.

“Such children‚ when grown, possessed great knowledge and wisdom and sometimes even supernatural capacities, which they had received from their spiritual father,” White Bear explained. “They were splendid, powerful men who were always ready to help but never to destroy.”

Flying Shields and Magnetic Fields

White Bear made it clear that Kachinas have physical bodies. “That’s why they need vessels to travel in our skies and return to their planets,” he said, adding that the spaceships have various sizes and names. “One name is Patoowa, ‘the object which can fly above water’. Pahu means ‘water’ in our language, and Toowata is ‘an object with a curved surface’. Because of this form, we also call it a ‘flying shield’. I will tell you what it resembles: if you cut a calabash [gourd] in two‚ a form is obtained with the aspect of a saucer. You may assemble two of these and approximate the shape of the vessel which they used formerly to go to these planets. A pilot sitting inside can move the craft in all the directions and does not lose balance regardless of speed. Because of this form, we call it Inioma,” he said.

I haven’t been able to locate a definition for Inioma beyond White Bear’s description that suggests the occupants were unaffected by the ship’s velocity. It’s also clear that White Bear believed that the spaceships flew by somehow utilizing magnetic or gravitational fields.

The Hopi know that some of their ancestors flew in these spaceships, which had also been used in other countries. In India, for example, they were called Vimanas. “People from Atlantis came to us in these vessels. Near Oraibi there is a petroglyph representing a woman in a flying shield. The arrow signifies high speed,” he said. “You can see that she carries the hair of a married woman.”

Describing these spaceships, White Bear said the two halves are held together by a “support” which the pilots must actuate. When they turn a lever to the right‚ the ship goes up. When they turn it to the left‚ it goes down.

“The vessels do not have engines like aeroplanes and do not use fuel. They fly in a magnetic field. Pilots must only know the adequate height. If they want to move towards the east‚ they choose a certain height. If they want to go north‚ they choose another height. It is enough to go up to the height corresponding to the selected direction and the vessel flies in the desired direction. This way, they can reach any place inside our atmosphere and can also leave the Earth,” White Bear said. “It is very simple!”

Toowakachi, The Fourth World

It’s clear that the Hopi embrace a world view which is more expansive, timeless and wondrous than our own. Members of our “modern culture” are slowly abandoning the anthropocentric view that humanity represents a pinnacle of Creation. Life must exist elsewhere in the Universe and permeate it.

It took our clever culture of reason and science hundreds of years to apprehend knowledge that the Hopis have embodied all along—awareness that malicious human activity, including large-scale warfare and wilful environmental destruction, disturbs a delicate balance that directly harms all life on the planet. The Hopi say they know what’s coming because their ancestors have seen this inevitable cycle play out before.

After a great war between Kásskara and Talawaitichqua—the land we call Atlantis—Kásskara had begun slowly sinking, while Atlantis submerged quickly. A long time before Kásskara and Atlantis had been “absorbed into the earth” as White Bear described it, the Kachinas had noticed a continent to the east emerging from the water. “It was the same country as that we had lived on in our Second World, Tokpa, but its appearance was different, so now we called it ‘Toowakachi’— the Fourth World,” he said, referring to the continent we today call South America.

The Kachinas had been monitoring this emerging land mass, and when a sufficient portion was above the water, they began preparing for great migrations to this new continent, White Bear explained. These migrations spanned centuries. The Creator had decided to save these people and directed the Kachinas to help them reach this new homeland.

The initial groups, consisting of those essential to the development of infrastructure such as planners and engineers, arrived on various types of flying craft. The largest groups of immigrants were transported using reed boats via a chain of islands, Easter Island being the only one still above water.  ∞


HR 666 —Oops! HR 6666 (Coincidence?)

HR 6666: The Testing, Reaching and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act. Towards a Totalitarian State?

Unconstitutional Legislative Effort to Codify CV Response


And so it begins with the first Congressional effort to codify what may be the first of many unconstitutional legislative attempts to create a totalitarian One World Government under the guise of attacking the coronavirus COVID 19.

Some weeks ago the UN’s World Health Organization  recommended house to house searches for family members infected with  COVID 19 and the removal of those infected into a mandatory quarantine.  The American reaction was mostly ‘it could never happen here’  but that has not stopped House Democrats from introducing HR 6666 also known as the TRACE (Testing, Reaching and Contacting Everyone) Act .

Introduced by Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill) on May 1,  the TRACE Act would establish a nation wide contact and quarantine program, has been referred to the House Energy and Commerce Committee for a yet to be scheduled hearing before the Health Subcommittee.

That subcommittee has a hearing scheduled for Thursday, May 14 on “Protecting Scientific Integrity in COVID 19 Response” with no published description of the hearing or list of witnesses.  With 39 co-sponsors, HR 6666 could be rolled into a larger CV response legislative package yet to be introduced.

HR 6666 grants $100 billion to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) to establish a local mobile health unit in each community to conduct a diagnostic door to door COVID 19 testing program.  With the ACLU nowhere in sight, there is no doubt of HR 6666’s unconstitutionality as the Act states that such testing will take place “at individuals’ residences.”  

The bill goes on to establish the effort to trace and monitor the contacts of infected individuals and to support the quarantine of such individuals.’  

In other words, TRACE not only allows a massive dragnet type effort to seek and find those infected in what may amount to enforced home invasions but to force compliance by requiring the names of all individuals an infected person has had contact with – all of which raises the constitutionality of the entire CV effort with the ultimate goal being mandatory worldwide vaccinations.

HR 6666 is unconstitutional as it violates the Fourth Amendment which guarantees every American citizen the right to be secure in their own home.

Dr. Rashid Buttar has said that Ventura, California will be the first test location to initiate the TRACE program.

In addition, Microsoft was recently granted Patent #060606 for a “crypto currency system using human body activity data.”  In other words, Gates, a maniacal control freak, now owns the patent to conduct global surveillance via a quantum tatoo  inserted as a chip into the human body.  Gates has been advocating for digital surveillance system for some time.

Reminiscing about how British children were evacuated to the countryside during the WW II bombing of London, The Queen says it all:

”…evacuated from their homes and sent away for their own safety. Today,  once again, many will feel a painful separation from their loved ones but now, as then, we know, deep down, it is the right thing to do.

Presumably the royal family will line up for public inspection to allow its children to be tested and quarantined, ‘away from home’ if necessary. Belated kudos to Harry and Meghan for making their break to freedom – they got out just in time.


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Renee Parsons has been a member of the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and President of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official in Colorado, an environmental lobbyist with Friends of the Earth and staff member in the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC. Renee is also a student of the Quantum Field. She may be reached at

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Be Afraid… Wait.. Maybe Not…

UK Chief Medic confirms (again) covid19 harmless to vast majority

Catte Black

From the beginning of this crisis we have been pointing out that there are two mutually contradictory messages at the heart of the covid19 rollout, and, just as Orwell describes in 1984, a major point of the exercise seems to be to get people to believe both at the same time.

1. ‘Be Afraid…’

The first message is that covid19 is terrifying, unique, an existential threat to the human race.

This message is never sourced to much fact, because the facts about the virus don’t really support it. If it cites anything solid it’s the appallingly sloppy and discredited Imperial computer model, or some generic research into the pathology of severe infections or rare viral syndromes, which it tries to spin as being unique to covid19, even though it is not. But mostly it doesn’t cite anything at all. Or really claim anything at all.

It just tells people to be afraid. Very afraid. Of death, of uncertainty, of the ‘virus’, of other people, of ‘fake news’.

The fear being encouraged is not rooted in facts, and is therefore impervious to them.

2. ‘There is nothing to be afraid of…’

The second message is that covid19 is actually pretty harmless and no big deal.

This message is rooted in a great deal of fact, because, as we have been pointing out since day one, pretty much all the data coming out about this virus supports exactly this conclusion.

No official body has ever denied this, and most of them readily admit it. Regularly and unambiguously. Here and here and here and here.

All these sources admit the virus is ‘mild’ or even asymptomatic in the majority of cases, and chiefly a danger only to the already ailing or severely immuno-compromised. Just as most coronaviruses are.

So, Chris Whitty above is only one of many to point this out and this is not even his first go (see here) at explaining clearly that covid19 is only dangerous to a very very small minority of people, and that most who get it will be just fine.

Here’s a slide from his talk on April 30th:

Now, let’s look at what he is saying in the above video, on May 11th [our emphasis]:

[T]he great majority of people will not die from this and I’ll just repeat something I said right at the beginning because I think it’s worth reinforcing:

Most people, a significant proportion of people, will not get this virus at all, at any point of the epidemic which is going to go on for a long period of time.

Of those who do, some of them will get the virus without even knowing it, they will have the virus with no symptoms at all, asymptomatic carriage, and we know that happens.

Of those who get symptoms, the great majority, probably 80%, will have a mild or moderate disease. Might be bad enough for them to have to go to bed for a few days, not bad enough for them to have to go to the doctor.

An unfortunate minority will have to go as far as hospital, but the majority of those will just need oxygen and will then leave hospital.

And then a minority of those will end up having to go to severe end critical care and some of those sadly will die.

But that’s a minority, it’s 1% or possibly even less than 1% overall.

And even in the highest risk group this is significantly less than 20%, ie. the great majority of people, even the very highest groups, if they catch this virus, will not die.

And I really wanted to make that point really clearly…

It seems all the officials want ‘to make that point really clearly’, even while they behave as if it was not true.


There’s plenty of room for speculation there, and we leave it to readers to get into that BTL.

The motives, though, are less important than the basic and undeniable fact – the fear currently gripping the public mind is being simultaneously encouraged and acknowledged as unnecessary by the bodies overseeing the ‘response’.

And if enough people would wake up to the pea-and-thimble trick being pulled on them, then the most dangerous and far-reaching coup against human liberty we have ever seen would essentially be stopped in its tracks.


youtube kink:

Another Doctor Weighs In

Dr. Knut Wittkowski Strikes Again: ‘We could open up again and forget the whole thing’

Pam Barker | Director of TLB Europe Reloaded Project

Dr. Knut Wittkowski strikes again, giving us a retrospective on where we’re at with this non-event virus scare. He recently gave an interview to Spiked online magazine, which we’ve summarized below.

Wittkowski was head of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design at The Rockefeller University’s Center for Clinical and Translational Science for 20 years. We remind readers of an article we published on this doctor’s sensible, science-based perspective, titled Epidemiologist: Coronavirus could be ‘exterminated’ if lockdowns were lifted. The video from this article has been removed by Youtube, predictably, so we’re linking to it from a Facebook(!) page below. The transcript to this interview can be found at Perspectives on the Pandemic II by John Kirby, Libby Handros and Lee Davis.


We’re also linking to this paper published by Dr. Wittkowski on the medRxiv site on March 28: The first three months of the COVID-19 epidemic: Epidemiological evidence for two separate strains of SARS-CoV-2 viruses spreading and implications for prevention strategies.

See a report from yesterday by the NY Post titled YouTube censors epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski for opposing lockdown.

A recurring theme in the interview is that, ‘very early on, we knew from China and we knew from South Korea that this is an epidemic that runs its course, and there was nothing special about it.’



Reiterating the well-known point that covid is only dangerous to those having ‘age-related severe comorbidities’, and that people in nursing homes are very vulnerable, he says that the virus is now over in China and South Korea. Further,

‘It is substantially down in most of Europe and down a bit everywhere, even in the UK. The UK and Belarus are latecomers, so you do not see exactly what you are seeing in continental Europe. But everywhere in Europe, the number of cases is substantially declining.’

Protecting the hospitals was completely misguided. The original reason given for the lockdown, he says, was to ‘prevent hospitals from become overloaded’ but he says that this couldn’t have happened anyway, irrespective of the approach taken. ‘Flattening the curve’, i.e. prolonging the epidemic, was only ever about spreading out the same number of cases ‘over a longer period of time because otherwise the hospitals would not have enough capacity,’ but the vast majority do not end up in hospital:

The ideal approach would [have been] to simply shut the door of the nursing homes and keep the personnel and the elderly locked in for a certain amount of time, and pay the staff overtime to stay there for 24 hours per day.

On herd immunity, studies done so far show ‘that we already have at least 25 per cent of the population who are immune… If 25 per cent of the population are already immune, we are very quickly getting to the 50 per cent that we need to have what is called herd immunity. We will actually get a bit higher than that…’ It wouldn’t actually be a problem to let the infection run its course because ‘we already have enough immune people in the population.’

On the newly-touted second spike by the MSM, he says ‘this is an invention to justify a policy that politicians are afraid of reversing.’

Social distancing? ‘No’:

People need to ask the government for an explanation. The government is restricting freedom. You do not have to ask me for justification. There is no justification.

Fingering our governments for listening to Neil Ferguson, ‘who has a history of coming up with projections that are a bit odd’, ‘the government did not convene a meeting with people who have different ideas, different projections, to discuss his projection. If it had done that, it could have seen where the fundamental flaw was…’, of assuming that one percent of all infected people would die. Neither in Wuhan nor South Korea ‘did one per cent of all people infected die… The South Korean government was extremely proud to have resisted pressure to drop the very basic concepts of democracy.’ He continues:

‘The epidemic in South Korea was over by March, the number of cases was down by 13 March. In Wuhan they also did not shut down the economy…We have seen, then, in Wuhan and South Korea, if you do not do anything, the epidemic is over in three weeks… one per cent of all people infected does not make any sense. And we had that evidence by mid-March.

On the situation in Italy, Wittkowski fingers the policy of shutting schools so that children, who are generally not affected by the virus, didn’t achieve immunity:

But then, Italy did an illogical thing. It closed schools so that the schoolchildren were isolated and did not get infected and did not become immune. Instead, the virus spread almost exclusively among the old, causing more deaths and a higher utilisation of hospitals. And that is mind-boggling.

Very early on, we knew from China and we knew from South Korea that this is an epidemic that runs its course, and there was nothing special about it. But when it hit Italy, we stopped thinking about it as an age-stratified problem, and instead lumped everyone all together. The idea that if we did not shut down the schools, the hospitals would have been overwhelmed does not make any sense. I frankly still cannot fully understand how our governments can be so stupid.

On the topic of certain scientists having the power to dispense strange advice to our governments, he claims the problem lies in scientists being dependent on government funding:

Scientists are in a very strange situation. They now depend on government funding, which is a trend that has developed over the past 40 years. Before that, when you were a professor at a university, you had your salary and you had your freedom. Now, the university gives you a desk and access to the library. And then you have to ask for government money and write grant applications. If you are known to criticise the government, what does that do to your chance of getting funded? It creates a huge conflict of interest. The people who are speaking out in Germany and Switzerland are all independent of government money because they are retired.

Sweden, he continues, generally took the right approach despite the heat they took for it, except for their large nursing homes, which were not closed and where the largest number of deaths took place:

They decided to keep society open and they forgot to close nursing homes. Remarkably, the politicians acknowledged that it was a mistake to extend that open concept to nursing homes. The nursing homes should have been isolated to protect the elderly who are at high risk.

So the US’ first death in a Seattle nursing home in February gave a strong indication of what was to come, plus Italy’s situation of deaths among the elderly, yet New York State recently ‘told the nursing homes that if they did not take in patients from hospitals, they would lose their funding. So they would have to import the virus from the hospitals.’ 20,000 deaths in the United States could have been prevented by just isolating the nursing homes. ‘After three or four weeks, they could have reopened and everybody would be happy.’

That would have been a reasonable strategy. But shutting down schools, driving the economy against the wall – there was no reason for it. The only reason that this nonsense now goes on and on, and people are inventing things like this ‘second wave’, which is going to force us to change society and never live again, is that the politicians are afraid of admitting an error.

And it’s not a matter of hindsight, either. The Wuhan and South Korean epidemics were over by mid-March, and the data had officially been collected and published on it.

to read the rest, go to the source of the article:

Tracking You

Senate Approves Spy Bill, Possible Link to Pending Covid-19 Actions

By Janet Phelan

In a vote of 80-16, the US Senate yesterday approved HR 6172, which reauthorizes several surveillance authorities originally passed into law via the USA PATRIOT Act as temporary measures. HR 6172 cements the collection of business records, the “roving wiretap provision,” and the so-called “lone wolf provision,” which allows the surveillance of those with no known connection to terrorist organizations. While the FBI has testified to the Congress that the “lone wolf provision” has never been used, this is widely thought to be inaccurate and that this provision is the authority under which US citizens, activists and journalists, are being widely surveilled.

Several amendments were proposed to the Senate, only one of which passed. Senator Mike Lee, R-Utah, had proposed an amendment which would guarantee the participation of an Amicus Curiae (Friend of the Court) in cases involving requests for permission from FISA to surveil political figures, religious organizations and the press. This amendment passed by a vote of 77-19.

The Wyden-Daines amendment would have restricted the collection of browser activity and internet search history. This amendment also failed.

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) had proposed a widely publicized amendment which would prohibit the surveillance of American citizens, excluding Americans from the provisions involving wiretapping and data collection tools authorized by the FISA court.  This amendment went down in flames, receiving 11 yea votes and 85 votes against.

In a speech on the Senate floor, Paul had this to say about HR 6172:

To those of us that prize the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, the Patriot Act is a violation of our most precious rights. The Patriot Act, in the end, is not patriotic. The Patriot Act makes an unholy and unconstitutional exchange of liberty for a false sense of security.

The failure of Paul’s amendment points to an uncomfortable reality: it is appearing more and more that our government is dedicated to the surveillance of Americans. With Osama Bin Laden dead and ISIS under siege, one would wonder what is so compelling about the phone calls, internet activity and more of a growing number of American citizens who are now watchlisted.

Surveillance and the Coronavirus

It is compelling that Paul’s failed amendment comes at a time when the Department of Defense has just contracted with ApiJect to provide delivery systems for vaccines. ApiJect’s website details its capability to provide RFID tracking to every prefilled vaccine it provides, stating:

Whether health officials are running a scheduled vaccination program or an urgent pandemic response campaign, they can make better decisions if they know when and where each injection occurs. With an optional RFID/NFC tag on each BFS prefilled syringe, ApiJect will make this possible. Before giving an injection, the healthcare worker will be able to launch a free mobile app and “tap” the prefilled syringe on their phone, capturing the NFC tag’s unique serial number, GPS location and date/time. The app then uploads the data to a government-selected cloud database. Aggregated injection data provides health administrators an evolving real-time “injection map.”

ApiJect goes on to say:

Remote, real-time tracking of injections in the field can be achieved by affixing an NFC (Near Field Communication) tag to each BFS prefilled syringe. The NFC tag will hold a unique encrypted serial number. Just prior to injection, the health worker would tap the NFC tag to the back of their smartphone (just like using Apple Pay at a checkout counter). A free mobile app would capture and automatically upload the dose’s serial number, as well as append patient anonymous data including time, date, and GPS location to the government’s designated cloud database. Data would then be aggregated and analyzed to provide real-time coverage maps for more efficient vaccination campaigns.

In other words, everyone who gets the vaccine will have that event recorded and tracked.

It is entirely possible that this level of surveillance might have run into some problems should Senator Paul’s amendment, prohibiting the surveillance of US citizens, have passed the Senate. Clearly, a database concerning who has been vaccinated, when and where constitutes a surveillance authority.

Due to the passage of the Lee amendment to HR 6172, the Bill now goes back to the House to be reconsidered before going to President Trump to be signed into law. Senator Paul has stated he will ask Trump to veto the legislation. Given that Attorney General William Barr is a proponent of the Bill, and given that Trump appears to be on the fence concerning this, it is unknown whether he will veto it or sign it into law.

There is still time to contact the White House and voice your opinion on the tagging, tracking and surveillance of US citizens. Here is the contact information for President Trump:   You can also telephone the White House at this number and leave a comment for him: 202-456-1111

For a list of which traitors, er Senators that is, voted for the spy bill, you can check them out here:

Date Vote (Tally) Result Question Issue
May 14 92 (80-16) Passed On Passage of the Bill H.R. 6172
May 14 91 (11-85) Rejected On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1586 H.R. 6172
May 13 90 (77-19) Agreed to On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1584 H.R. 6172
May 13 89 (59-37) Rejected On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1583 H.R. 6172
May 12 88 (62-31) Confirmed On the Nomination PN514

Janet Phelan is an investigative journalist and author of the groundbreaking exposé, EXILE. Her articles previously appeared in such mainstream venues as the Los Angeles Times, Orange Coast Magazine, Long Beach Press Telegram, etc. In 2004, Janet “jumped ship” and now exclusively writes for independent media. She is also the author of two collections of poetry—The Hitler Poems and Held Captive. She resides abroad. You are invited to support her work on Buy Me A Coffee here:
