What’s Stopping You?

The One Thing That Stops Each Zodiac Sign From Achieving Their Life Goals

The-One-Thing-That-Stops-Each-Zodiac-Sign-From-Achieving-Their-Life-Goals.jpgWe all have a life goal that we constantly dream about. Whether it’s big or small, it helps keeps us going and working hard at what we actually desire.

Whether we want to get a dream job, to master a skill, or even become Instagram famous, we all have that one life goal that we just have to achieve.

Yet, we often find ourselves feeling completely overwhelmed as it feels like the whole world is against us. It’s easy to get discouraged when everything isn’t going our way and we feel like we’re just never going to succeed.

It’s totally the worst feeling in the world and is the last thing we want to feel.


As an Aquarius, you’re definitely fine in taking the back seat and just going with the flow. You have no crazy desire to do things your way and are fine following someone else’s orders since it’s much easier.

However, you’ve finally figured out your dreams and understand that you want something completely different from what the people around you want.

Yet, you’re so used to doing things with those around you it almost feels wrong to do your own thing. You feel pressured by others to stick to what you’re already doing and feel like you can’t grow.

It’s time you jump outside of the box and follow what you’re truly passionate about! You’ll feel so much better when you start to follow your dreams.


As a Libra, you’re so used to having a good time and hanging out with friends that the concept of hard work almost feels foreign to you. Even though you know what you want to achieve, and what you have to do to achieve it, you just don’t feel like putting in the necessary effort to get it done.

It’s time that you ditch your old ways and begin trying to figure out what you have to do to reach your goals.

You’re going to have to incorporate the element of hard work, even if you totally don’t feel like it. While it might not be glamorous and fun, it’s an absolutely necessary step in order to achieve your true dreams.


Even though you’re one of the fiercest and strongest Zodiacs out there, you’ve been way too hard on yourself lately. It feels like you just aren’t completely obsessed with yourself and don’t think you have what it takes to achieve your goals.

However, we’re here to tell you that we totally think otherwise and are completely positive that you have what it takes to reach any goal you set.

You have to take a look at all of the awesome qualities you have that will help you reach your dreams. It’s time you forget about everything you’re poor at, and triple down on the qualities you’re completely awesome at!


As a Capricorn, you’re incredibly strategic and logical in everything you do. You definitely believe that it’s best to plan something out rather than just jumping into something blind.

We couldn’t agree more, yet are here to warn you that your constant planning is getting in the way of actually achieving your goals.

Your endless strategizing and planning is getting in the way of you actually acting on achieving your dreams.

We understand that you don’t feel like you’ve completely mapped out what you have to do, but you never will. Instead, it’s time for you to finally start working at achieving your goals rather than just thinking about it.


While it might be hard to hear this out loud, you definitely know this is the issue that’s stopping you from reaching your dreams. You simply have no work ethic what so ever and it’s the critical thing in the way between you and your dreams.

It’s time you stop hoping you’ll reach your dreams if you’re watching Netflix all day.

Hard work is absolutely critical and is the secret to success. Sit down and make a schedule as to how you’re going to use your time wisely to get what you desire.

You’ll be absolutely blown away when you realize how easily you’re starting to achieve your dreams once you put in the work!


It’s time for things to change, and especially your mindset. As a Taurus, you often like to get people’s opinions on different matters, but you shouldn’t on your dreams.

Stop caring what people around you think and start following your passions.

It doesn’t matter that the people around you see your dreams as unattainable. If you believe in yourself and your dreams, you can do anything.

If instead you agree and ditch your dreams you’ll live your life in constant regret of ‘what if’. We can guarantee that this will absolutely break you. Instead, grow some thick skin and ignore any negativity around you.


Since you’re such a social extrovert, knowing that achieving your goals requires a lot of alone time is something you just haven’t come to terms with.

While you can keep wishing that reaching your dreams is a group effort, the stress is all on you.

You’re not exactly ready to have to face all of the obstacles that are about to come your way, and it’s completely okay.

You can completely go at your own pace and don’t have to follow anyone’s direction rather than your own. We’re absolutely positive that you’ll eventually feel powerful enough to achieve your desires on your own without anyone’s help.


We definitely understand your fear of losing the life you already have to follow the one you’ve always dreamed of. You have to take the risk of it not working out and being left with nothing. Yet, it’s better than living in constant regret of not taking the chance.

It’s time you understand that you’ll have to risk everything you have for everything you want.

While this question keeps you up at night, deep within your heart you know what you have to do. Simply remember that if you work hard enough at your goal, you’ll surely achieve it and feel relieved with your decision!


Trust us when we tell you that this is one of the most common fears out there. Everyone is terrified of jumping outside of their comfort zone, even if it’s what’s necessary to get what he or she has always desired!

That’s why we’re here to tell you that you’ll feel so much better once you take the next step.

If you keep living inside of your little safety bubble, you’ll never be able to experience the wonders of life.

Staying within your comfort zone will prevent you from growing into the person you’re meant to be. Having goals is the best way to begin your journey of growth and success!


While you feel like you know what your dreams are and what to do to achieve them, you often find yourself not working at them.

Instead, you procrastinate for fear of not being able to achieve your dreams. Perhaps, you also procrastinate for fear of not wanting to put in that hard work to get what you desire.

Yet, it’s time to put yourself in check and realize that this procrastination is ruining your life.

You’re never going to achieve your dreams if you’re not willing to put in the work. Whether it’s fear or laziness, you have to change your ways and work at bettering yourself.


It’s a pain deep in your heart as you ponder the truth that you just may never be able to achieve your dreams. It’s hard to give up everything you already have in hope of achieving something you may never actually achieve.

This is the one thing that’s holding you back from working towards your dreams.

It’s time that to come to terms with the fact that you may never achieve your goals, and get to work trying to attain them.

Don’t let this negative perspective stop you from getting what you truly desire. We can almost guarantee you that if you put the proper work and effort in, you’ll for sure reach your goals!


As a Cancer, you often get totally overwhelmed when things get a little tough. It feels like the world is against you and that you’re suffocating under everything that’s going on. That’s why we’re here to let you know that you have the strength within you to achieve your goals.

Simply calm down, breathe, and make a plan as to what you have to do.

The hardest step is the first one, and that’s the one you have to take. Once you do, you’ll realize that it’s not as difficult as you thought and that you have the power to achieve those dreams you’ve always longed for!

Source: thetalko

FROM:    https://gostica.com/astrology/the-one-thing-that-stops-each-zodiac-sign-from-achieving-their-life-goals/

Rethinking the Hope of Psychedelics

The Psychedelic Experience, 50 Years On

The name for The Doors occurred to Jim Morrison after a weekend experimenting with psychedelics. (Wikimedia Commons)

Editor’s note: John Densmore is the legendary drummer of  The Doors. To learn more about Densmore, listen to Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer’s interview with the musician here

All this to say—if you are up against that wall—in a place where it feels like there are no options—and your intuition says it’s right … go ask Alice.

I’m 73 years old and still feeling quite good about myself. Well, I know I’m on the descent, but it’s a nice ride … right now. I know it’s going to get more difficult, but if I can just hang on to what I experienced 50 years ago, I’ll make it to where I’m supposed to go.

So play the game “Existence” to the end … of the beginning, of the beginning

Fifty years ago, my friends and I were street scientists, experimenting with then-legal psychedelics. At Monday rehearsals, we would all share what happened on our weekend “trips.” On one of those Mondays, Jim suggested we call our new group The Doors, after the Aldous Huxley book, “The Doors of Perception.” It seemed the esteemed British scholar had written a little book about his mescaline experienceThe new name quickly became unanimous. All of us went through the gauntlet—tough moments that lasted for a few minutes, or quite a while. A few friends never came back fully to their former mental selves, and actually, all of us were in some way changed forever—mostly in quite positive ways.

Lifting the veil is dangerous, but if the environment is supportive, the outcome can be life-changing. I only took the trip a few times, but the opening is still with me. I realized these experiments were extremely rigorous on the nervous system, so I found myself heading toward a less shattering route: meditation. But the initial couple of liftoffs have definitely impacted my life permanently.

Now, 50 years later, I still can touch the feeling of wonder that I got from these initial excursions. It’s hard to describe any more than that; kind of like trying to describe God. My 90-year-old cousin, who is a diligent thinker, laments the loss of the framework of organized religion. I told him that the impact of a tab of acid made a much bigger impression on my spiritual life than the communion wafer at mass. And I can’t go back. Even though Pope Francis is challenging my renegade Catholicism because he is so wonderful, I still can’t go back. The great mythologist Joseph Campbell says that the new mythology might take 100 years or so to fully form. So I comfort myself with a patchwork cosmology: a little Hinduism here, a dash of Buddhism there, and a whole lot of indigenous wisdom.

Let me be clear—I am not advocating indiscriminate drug use. But recent studies have shown that used carefully, some psychedelics can actually help treat addiction to other drugs. Plus, carefully conducted scientific studies from nonprofit organizations and major universities are showing many physical and psychological benefits, including a powerful treatment for PTSD and anxiety in people with serious illness. Even the much-maligned weed is showing stunning evidence as an important medicine that fights diseases like epilepsy and cancer.

These are very exciting studies, but psychedelics still have a stigma: the old patriarchal, mistaken outlook that all drugs are the same. We now know that “Just Say No” is an extremely simplistic and misleading response to a very complex issue. As Ethan Nadelmann of the Drug Policy Alliance said years ago, the appropriate phrase is “Just Say Know.” This is apparently lost on the new U.S. Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who is trying to go back in time with tough policies that have failed. Sessions’ predecessor, Eric Holder, has called this “dumb on crime.”

Of course, there are those who will quickly judge this rant as a “hippie flashback.” If that’s what this is, then bring it on. I have raised a family, have grandkids, written three books, a significant amount of music, and many articles. No slacker’s or stoner’s rant is this. In fact, I’m very careful now about what I put into my system, and those early days of exploring my mind were key in forming my values and my spiritual path.

Now here’s the cosmic part (you saw it coming): when I stepped outside while under the influence of LSD, I saw God in every leaf. OK, now you expect me to say I started eating those botanicals since I was so loaded, but what I really came away with is a sense (which is still with me) that this moment in time is not the only moment happening at this moment! This might sound like double-speak, but there are other realities going on right now outside of our awareness.

But before I stepped outside, I had a few minutes of absolute terror. My friend, who was also “tripping,” pulled me out of it by laughing hysterically. You see, in those days, we didn’t have doctors like today at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore carefully monitoring our voyage. Due to our early experiments, and of course centuries-old shamanic cultures, researchers are now clear about the safe boundaries needed to make the excursions the most fruitful. Knowledge is often surrounded by danger. You have to get out on the edge to see the whole clearly.

Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream … It is not dying, it is not dying

Every night when we choose to go to bed, we are accepting a “little death,” giving up our conscious daily life. We know we need rest to reset our body for another day of sentient life. In effect, it’s a small rehearsal for the big “D” coming at the end of our time here on planet Earth. When that time arrives, going peacefully is what we all want. For thousands of years, Tibetan Buddhists have believed it is crucial to be calm in the moments before crossing, or you won’t get to where you’re supposed to go. Now we are seeing terminal cancer patients receiving effective help via psychedelics with the “little death” rehearsal.

Lay down all thoughts, surrender to the void … It is shining, it is shining

So once again, the U.S. government is very slow to get the message and continues to interfere with the availability of traditional indigenous medicine. Bipartisan support for criminal justice reform has been halted. Medicine that has helped people for centuries is once again under attack. It’s sad, because Vietnam vets that have been metaphorically stuck in the jungle have been finding their way out of years of mental and emotional torture thanks to medicinal plants.

Retired Sgt. Jonathan Lubecky, who served in Iraq, says about MDMA-assisted psychotherapy, “This treatment has made it possible for me to watch my son grow up. He will not be presented with a folded flag on behalf of a ‘grateful nation’ in recognition of a parent who took his own life.” So unfortunately, there are more roadblocks to the “good” drugs, but thank God for human enterprise. No wall can keep out the human spirit, which seeks healing.

All this to say—if you are up against that wall—in a place where it feels like there are no options—and your intuition says it’s right … go ask Alice. Make sure you have planned your excursion, have a guide, and this is really what you need to do. Then you will build a bridge or dig a tunnel into your soul and find yourself.

from:    https://www.truthdig.com/articles/the-psychedelic-experience-50-years-on/

Fissure Opens at Yellowstone

Yellowstone Volcano latest: Grand Teton National Park closed due to fissure | Science | News

The giant crack in the Wyoming–based national park has prompted officials to shut down areas from tourists in case of landslides.

The Grand Teton National Park said in a statement: “The Hidden Falls and Inspiration Point areas are currently closed due to elevated potential for rockfall.

“The area was closed to protect human safety on July 10 after expanding cracks in a rock buttress were detected.

“It is unknown how long the closure will be in effect. Geologists are monitoring the buttress for movement and have initiated a risk assessment for the area.”

It is currently unclear how the crack opened but it is likely due to normal seismic activity in the national park area.

Despite being around 100 kilometres from the Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton does sit over the Yellowstone supervolcano.

If it was seismic activity beneath Grand Teton which caused the fissure, it could be a sign that Yellowstone is reawakening.

If the Wyoming volcano were to erupt an estimated 87,000 people would be killed immediately and two-thirds of the USA would immediately be made uninhabitable.

The large spew of ash into the atmosphere would block out sunlight and directly affect life beneath it creating a “nuclear winter”.

The massive eruption could be a staggering 6,000 times as powerful as the one from Washington’s Mount St Helens in 1980 which killed 57 people and deposited ash in 11 different states and five Canadian provinces.

If the volcano explodes, a climate shift would ensue as the volcano would spew massive amounts of sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere, which can form a sulphur aerosol that reflects and absorbs sunlight.

from:    http://scienceglobalnews.com/uncategorized/yellowstone-volcano-latest-grand-teton-national-park-closed-due-to-fissure-science-news/

The Power of Creativity & Individual Freedom

Breakout from the controlled ordinary mind

by Jon Rappoport

July 16, 2018

When I was about to release my collection, Exit From The Matrix, I wrote several introductions. Here is one I didn’t publish. It shows how seriously I take what others consider a merely “quirky tendency” of humans to imagine a better and different future for themselves and this piece of space called Earth:

Suppose everything that is happening in the human world is taking place in a synthetic space, a grossly reduced arena; and suppose you could stand outside that space and look in. You would be seeing a great deal more than ‘what is going on’. You would be seeing how it is playing out, shot through with delusions at every turn; and of course the main delusion would be the space itself, as if nothing could be happening anywhere else but there, in that place. This is what the mind, all the minds, are telling themselves, as they fight over scraps. Humans have defined themselves as social constructs in small-time stage play.

The controlled mind thinks in the same patterns, over and over. It reworks familiar territory, and when that becomes insufferably boring, it lowers its energy output and initiates shutdowns.

Then it looks for outside stimulation that will replace thinking. The type of stimulation hardly matters, as long as it moves adrenaline through the system.

The decline of a society or civilization can be viewed in the same step-down fashion.

Occasionally, in passing, a writer makes reference to the creative impulse as a missing social factor, which could be remedied, for example, by restoring funding for arts programs in schools, as if that would repair a bureaucratic failing and thus restore balance to education and “the culture.”

Which is like saying Titans, who have developed profound amnesia about themselves, could recover their consciousness and power by shampooing their hair more frequently.

The individual human being, apart from the welter of his social relationships, is sitting on a volcano-range of creative energy, about which he knows almost nothing. This ignorance is purposeful. It enables him to fit into a small life defined by habits and shrunken subjects of interest and routine interactions. Within that space, he forms opinions and preferences and aversions. He says yes to this and no to that. He cultivates a passive tolerance for differences, as if he were auditioning for sainthood.

But whoever he is and wherever he is, underneath it all, something is waiting for him. A part of himself is waiting.

It is the part that can conceive of everything that isn’t, that never was. It is the part that dreams beyond the ordinary facades of time and space.

It is the part that refuses to believe habit and repetition and routine and systems are the core of life.

It is the part that knows something new and unprecedented and stunning can be invented at the drop of a hat, and that this is the unlimited territory of the individual.

It is the part off-handedly referred to as imagination, which over time has been sold away into oblivion. But which never dies.

The elites who try to control and define the common space of humanity would like to render imagination to the junk heap of history, never to be recalled. They would like to do this by replacing the individual with the group, which has no creative impulse, but is merely, with few exceptions, the lowest-common-denominator expression of any idea.

In Huxley’s Brave New World (1932), the overarching government slogan was: “Every one belongs to every one else.” One group, indivisible, with non-liberty and injustice for all.

Huxley’s slogan is now also the number-one elite propaganda message on Earth. It can be made to mean almost anything that derides and minimizes the individual and his repressed creative power.

In his 1954 short story, The Adjustment Team, Philip K Dick approaches the transformation of the individual into the group as an instantaneous, blanketing, mass-programming operation. Salesman Ed Fletcher, through an error, isn’t included in the “great change.” Instead, he witnesses it. Therefore, he is transported into the sky to meet the Old Man, the Chief, for a judgment:

Ed: “I get the picture…I was supposed to be changed like the others. But I guess something went wrong.”

Old Man: “Something went wrong. An error occurred. And now a serious problem exists. You have seen these things. You know a great deal. And you are not coordinated with the new configuration.”

The new configuration, at a deep level, is not new at all. It has existed since the dawn of history. It’s the self-fulfilling prophecy that, except for a few gifted ones, humans have no creative power, no wide-ranging imagination. Thus, they must surrender to the “shape of things as they are.”

Here is a statement about reality-creation that is crucial. —Philip K Dick, his 1978 speech, How To Build A Universe That Doesn’t Fall Apart Two Days Later:

“…today we live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups…So I ask, in my writing, What is real? Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo-realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms…And it is an astonishing power: that of creating whole universes, universes of the mind. I ought to know. I do the same thing.”

Philip Dick was talking about the elite invention of a synthetic common space for human activity. And on the other hand, he was talking about an individual’s invention, through imagination, of other spaces.

These other spaces aren’t mere fantasies. They’re as real as real can be—and they can be injected into the world, into the common space, to change it, and to wake people up from their group-think trance.

The bottom-line goal of all mind control is the removal of the individual’s knowledge that he has great creative power, that this capacity gives him enormous untapped energy, that it solves problems by rendering them irrelevant and defunct.

Suppose he brings back what he has lost? Suppose, finally, he takes a stand and refuses to see himself as a victim of circumstance?

Suppose he remembers that he holds the sword of his own imagination, and can invent reality?

Suppose he exercises that capacity and thus proves to himself how far-reaching his power is?

In his 1920 novel, A Voyage to Arcturus, which spawned generations of science fiction, David Lindsay writes: “To be a free man, one must have a universe of one’s own.”

This is no flippant observation. This is psychology light years beyond what Freud and his offspring concocted. This is the power of imagination, linked as it should be, to individual freedom. Nor was Lindsay recommending some closed-off fantasy existence. He was realizing that, with “a universe of one’s own,” the individual can then comprehend and participate in the common space we call the world—at a new level of unlocked and untangled power.

I dedicate my work to explaining these factors, and more importantly, providing many exercises that, when practiced, can reawaken and restore imagination as the unlimited dynamo it actually is. These exercise are contained in my mega-collections, Exit From The Matrix and Power Outside The Matrix.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

from:    https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2018/07/16/breakout-from-the-controlled-ordinary-mind-2/

A Change is Coming

Universal Law The Last Word

GillilandJames Gilliland – So many people are asking what is going on, will there ever be justice. The answer is yes. There is a saying Nature is slow to react but thorough.

People are awakening, the fake news and mind control programs are failing. The division games with cultures and religions are no longer viable. The crooked politicians, wayward agencies power abuses, deep state as well as the puppet masters, the global elite are imploding.

It is a byproduct of compression by the higher dimensional beings, their consciousness and Universal Law. Think of the Earth herself expanding ascending, then add the higher consciousness and energies pressing in. Add what the scientists are finally revealing about the solar system going through a highly energized place in the universe, the cosmic, ultraviolet, infrared rays, the Schumann resonance are off the scales.

The dark realms are being squeezed, forced into the light and they are lashing out, influencing and possessing people trying to create as much havoc as possible.

Healers and light workers around the world are asking what is going on. Their clients friends even family are losing it with emotional outbursts, some acting as if possessed. We are in those times.

The hidden and real agendas are being exposed. By their fruits you will know them, their actions will define their character. There is a lot of double speak, lots of posing, leaders in every walk of life are being exposed and their followers are having meltdowns trying to ignore the obvious. It looks as if the world is going crazy yet it has always been crazy, it is now being revealed. The world of opposites is ending, the chaos is the healing.

So how does one discern? There are many questions that need to be asked. One are we creating heaven on Earth? Are we operating under Universal Law, Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All?

Are the leaders self-serving? Where is their funding coming from? Who are they associated with? Where do the donations go? The main question is what is their income from?

Words without deeds are dead. I had a wise man tell me there are many Archon walk ins, wolves in sheep’s clothing. They prey upon people’s empathy, compassion, and good nature. They are placed into high positions of power and by nature people want to believe them. They are referred to as planned opposition. They usually have massive egos, are narcissistic, shameless and cannot tell the truth no matter how much evidence is garnered against them.

The tyrants realized people will revolt without a savior so they create one, usually with the above-mentioned characteristics. They remain in full control of that person with promises of notoriety, power and wealth to control the narrative.

These puppets take the podium, shake their fists at the government yet at the same time they are being paid by dark factions within the government, the global elite. These false icons brag about their high-level connections regardless of the fact these connections are Lucifarians, pedophiles, in some cases murderers.

They prey upon the gullible and the ignorant, blind followers who refuse to look at or do their own research. People who do not trust their own heart, their own inner guidance. If you were clairvoyant or clairsentient you would feel and see what is within and standing behind these people, it isn’t pretty.

These sacred senses are being activated. What would happen if you stopped giving your power away? What would happen if you made your own personal connection to God/Creator/ Great Spirit?

Did you know contact comes with enlightenment? Did you know you are not just a body and a personality? You are a spirit and that spirit is multidimensional.

Did you know you don’t need anyone or have to pay thousands of dollars to connect to Source, see ships or make contact? All that is necessary is pure intent, discernment, a few tools and spiritual discipline.

Get out in Nature. Walk away. It is an inner journey, always has been. The external is the distraction.

I want to leave you with two gems. One – no matter how hard you try you cannot separate yourselves from Omnipresent Creator. You can however be distracted. Two – the Earth’s history is a series of colonizing and terraforming experiments going back over 600,000 years according to true archaeology.

You want to see an ET, check out your DNA and look in a mirror. There is so much more to the story. The bottom line is those who are not frequency specific to the Earth’s ascension and act out of alignment with Universal Law will be eventually removed after some very hard lessons.

Karma is real and it is accelerating. Choose kindness as your religion. Be kind to each other and the planet.

Be well.

SF Source Eceti Jul 2018

from:    https://www.shiftfrequency.com/time-to-stop-giving-our-power-away/#more-111914

It’s Still Time to Stand for Standing Rock!

Standing Rock Activists Face Harsh Prison Sentences

Clergy members join activists in 2016 protests over the Dakota Access pipeline at Standing Rock, N.D. (unitedchurchofchrist / Flickr Creative Commons)

Thousands of Native Americans and environmental activists came to North Dakota in 2016 to protest the construction of the Dakota Access pipeline, which now runs through the Standing Rock tribe’s reservation. They were fighting both the desecration of Native American land and the environmental impact of oil drilling on that land. Hundreds of activists were arrested for civil disobedience, but the movement was a source of purpose and hope for many of them.

Two years after the protests faded from national headlines, The Guardian reports that many of these activists, also called “water protectors,” are accusing the U.S. government of “an aggressive campaign … to suppress indigenous and environmental movements, using drawn-out criminal cases and lengthy prison sentences.”

Michael “Little Feather” Giron, 45, a member of the Chumash tribe, was among those arrested. His wife, Leoyla Cowboy, told The Guardian that Little Feather had been battling drug addiction prior to participating in the Standing Rock protests, and that the protests gave him purpose, a renewed connection to tribal elders and sobriety.

“He has been taken from us, and it’s a huge void in our lives,” Cowboy said of Little Feather, who has been sentenced to three years in prison. She added, “He is a political prisoner. … We were protecting our land. It’s something we have to do, and we’re going to be met with this violence from these agencies, from the federal government, from the state.”

More than 141 activists were arrested at Standing Rock. Now that many movement leaders, including Red Fawn Fallis, who was charged with attempted murder, are being sentenced, activists have started to speak to the press about the toll these court cases are taking on their lives and those of their families.

As The Guardian notes, under President Trump, prosecutions of water protectors have increased:

The US Department of Justice has pressed forward with six cases against Native Americans. North Dakota prosecutors meanwhile have pursued more than 800 state cases against people at Standing Rock, including 165 still pending, according to the Water Protector Legal Collective, a legal support team.

Some activists, including Little Feather, and Rattler of the Lakota tribe, have agreed to plea deals. Like Little Feather, Rattler was charged with civil disorder and the use of fire to commit a felony. The civil disorder charges stemmed from a standoff with police on Oct. 27, 2016, when water activists set up a roadblock to the proposed pipeline. The Guardian says, “The arson charges related to the fact that ‘several fires were set by unidentified protesters’ to thwart police, as prosecutors wrote in one court filing.”

Rattler maintains that these were exaggerated charges. As he put it, “They needed these convictions to make examples of people.”

Had Little Feather and Rattler not taken plea deals, they would have faced a mandatory minimum of 10 years in prison. Rattler’s attorneys expect that he’ll get three years. As reported by KFYR, a Fox affiliate in North Dakota, Falliswas sentenced Wednesday to 57 months in prison. KFYR says she was charged with “one count of civil disorder and one count of possession of a firearm and ammunition by a felon. The sentences will run concurrently.” She’ll then have three years of supervised probation.

Meanwhile, Cowboy has been separated from Little Feather since his arrest in March 2017. While she’s relieved that sentencing is over, there are obstacles to manage when he gets out. In addition to maintaining his sobriety, he’ll have to contend with another challenge that Standing Rock activists have been coping with since the media gaze faded: a feeling that their hard work has stalled, that they’ve been left behind.

As Cowboy said of the rest of America, “They are forgetting that we are still here.”

from:    https://www.truthdig.com/articles/standing-rock-activists-face-harsh-prison-sentences/

Being True to Self

Transcending the Tribe

By Caroline Myss

All of us are born into a “tribal mentality” of various forms. These include our family unit, religious background, country of origin, ethnicity, etc. The tribal mentality effectively indoctrinates an individual into the tribe’s beliefs, ensuring that all believe the same. The structure of reality – what is and is not possible for the members of the group – is thus agreed upon and maintained by the tribe.

While the tribal mentality has definite benefits in terms of establishing common ground and ensuring group survival, it is not a conscious agreement. We are born into it. Yet at a certain stage, both personally and collectively, the tribal mentality must be challenged. People can then begin to recognize the need for a personalhonor code independent of the tribe. If humanity is to progress, we need to learn how to treat everyone – regardless of tribal affiliation – with honor and respect.

Every one of us is plugged into the tribal mind. We support tribal belief patterns by directing a percentage of our life force into maintaining our affiliation with the tribe. This involves an implicit agreement to think like the tribe thinks, to evaluate situations and people the way the tribe does, and to believe in right and wrong according to tribal values and ambitions. As long as the tribal mentality within us remains unexamined, we unwittingly subject others to our tribal laws.

When we are plugged into tribal thought forms, we can easily believe in nonsensical prejudices held by the tribe. Tribal mentality allows us to hold harsh, judgmental positions or attitudes about an entire group of people: “All fat people are lazy,” or “all Irish are drunks,” or “all Muslims are terrorists” for example.

A rigid tribal thought form may have little truth to it, but individuals hold to such beliefs because that perspective is what the tribe has agreed to believe. Innocent children, born into the hatred and prejudice of their parents and ancestors, grow up inside a tribal mentality that sponsors an endless march toward war against the tribe’s perceived enemies. People grow up hating other people – people they have never seen – based on group affiliation. This is the shadow side of the tribe.

Inevitably, some among us come to a point where we want to break out of the inflexible tribal mentality. At some point, these individuals want to explore, develop, and manage their own consciousness without the judgments and limitations of the tribal mind.

It is easy to spot these mavericks when they start to question and unplug from tribal mentality – they hang out on the periphery looking bored and restless, or whimsical and dreamy. Others may act out the agitated hot-head as they challenge tribal ways.

The unspoken assumption of the tribal mind is that everybody loves being part of the tribe. And in many ways, we do. Knowing where and to whom we “belong” is crucial to our self-concept and sense of safety in the world. Yet when we begin the real deep journey of questioning, “What do I believe?” and start to individuate from the tribe, we often enter a dark night of the soul. It is, by necessity, a passage we take alone.

It’s one thing to reject what we don’t want to believe anymore. It’s quite another to begin to explore what we do believe. All we know as we enter the dark night is that we can’t go back – even when the tribe is the only world we’ve ever known.

At this critical point in our development, the tribe doesn’t feel right anymore. It no longer offers us comfort. Previous feelings of security and familiarity begin to feel like a trap constraining our individuality and hampering our efforts to discover deeper levels of who we really are.

This dark night passage pushes us to look at our false gods – the tribal belief patterns in which we’ve become invested and to which we’ve given our allegiance.

The Language of Wounds

For a large segment of the population, the language of wounds has become the new tribal language of intimacy. Prior to the current age of personal therapy – which only really took off in the 1960s and 70s – the tribal language of intimacy largely involved the sharing of only superficial personal and family data. Deeper matters such as family secrets like sexual abuse or a mad aunt or uncle were shared with exceedingly few, if any.

Divorce and financial information were also considered very intimate. People would almost never talk about such matters, or about their inner life and emotions. They talked only about the details of what was going on in their external lives. The tribal mentality at the time kept people from revealing intimate matters or deep wounds or traumas even with their family and close friends.

The current age of personal therapy has brought about a very different situation. Now, the tribal mentality has shifted such that we not only share our intimate feelings more openly and willingly, many have even begun to define themselves by their wounds. Let me give an example of how this phenomenon plays itself out.

I was in an Indian restaurant in Scotland talking with two men friends when the woman friend I was to meet for dinner walked up and greeted the three of us. After I had introduced her, another man walked over and asked if she was free on June 8th, as he thought she might like to attend a lecture on that date. The question required little more than a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ answer.

Instead of a simple answer, she began an elaborate discussion about June 8th. “Did you say June 8th? No, no. Any other day would be fine, but not June 8th. That’s the day my incest survivor group meets and I have to be there because we never let each other down.” She went on and on for at least a full minute with this.

Later, I asked her, “Do you realize that in that brief introduction, you told two men whom you have never met before that 1) you had experienced incest, 2) you were still in therapy about it, 3) you were angry about it, 4) you were angry at men, and 5) you needed to determine the course of the conversation – all in one minute?”

She replied, “Well, I am a victim of incest.”

To which I replied, “I know that. Why did you have to let them know that?”

She was operating from a tribal mentality. The group mind within the incest survivor community has a belief about how this particular wound should be healed. The tribe says, “You need a group.” The tribe says, “You have a right to be angry.”

People now get together in support group tribes that function within many of the same rigid frameworks of ethnic, national, or family tribes. Some feel that the comfort and security of belonging to a group or tribe is more important than venturing alone in the direction of real healing.

Tribalism in Relationships

The tendency toward tribalism can keep us stuck in repeating negative cycles in our intimate relationships, and can wreak havoc when a relationship is ripe for transition. Tribal mentality often teaches a righteous stance in relationships: an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. When we feel violated, the first thought is vengeance, rather than forgiveness.

Tribal mentality even has gender-specific undercurrents – women do vengeance differently than men. Yet for both genders, what rules the day is the tribal mentality that holds “breaking up is painful” or “betrayal warrants retaliation.”

Healing revolves around this crucial question: “Do you want to make different choices?” Are we willing to let go of old, constricting tribal patterns? Sadly, the answer quite often is “No.” Being healthy isn’t always the most appealing option. Quite frankly, in many cases, it’s not appealing at all. What is most appealing is being out of pain. Old patterns are difficult to relinquish because they do serve to relieve pain, even if it is only in the short run.

Change is terrifying for many precisely because short-term pain relief must be given up. Deep healing requires learning to tolerate the pain that comes with change. Fortunately, the growing pains that come with new behavior – with making the choices that will change your life – are often short-lived.

Thought alone doesn’t heal. Nor does action without thought. For deep healing to occur, we need the chemistry of conscious thought and direct action combined. Every thought or attitude we have – whether consciously chosen or unconsciously adopted through the tribal mind – invests a part of our life-force into that thought or attitude. This is true whether the thought is one of betrayal and vengeance, or of understanding and forgiveness.

What matters is that a whole system of consciousness – the old tribal mentality – no longer holds us enthralled. We no longer have faith in those limiting patterns of thought. Through this transformation we learn a whole new level of trust. We break the habit of telling tribal lies which bring short-term comfort but long-term pain. We develop a new sense of self-worth and of trust and honor.

In spite of all the heavy tribal conditioning, we now have hope because tribal mentality the world over is going through a vast transformation. And each one of us can play a vital role in this transformation.

With increasing numbers of individuals changing and transcending limiting tribal beliefs, the codes of the tribe are being affected. As we collectively change and evolve, the tribes around us gradually change and evolve with us. Yet ultimately, the journey upon which we are embarking is an incredible solo flight of transcending the tribe to find our own trust, honor, and new sense of self-worth and meaning in life.

Note: Caroline Myss (http://www.myss.com) is a medical intuitive, mystic, and author of numerous books and audio tapes, including three New York Times best sellers. The above is an edited excerpt of her essay titled “Leaving the Wounded Relationship Tribe,” taken from a compilation of essays by various authors in the enlightening book, The Marriage of Sex & Spirit, edited by Geralyn Gendreau.

The above is an essay from one of the free Personal Growth Courses offered by PEERS

from:    https://www.personalgrowthcourses.net/stories/myss.relationship_transcending_tribe

Giants & Mound Builders in North America

Huge Historical Blackout: The Astrological Mound Builders of Ancient North America

June 14, 2018

By Arjun Walla


  • The Facts:Strong evidence points to the reality that giants existed on earth. Many ancient cultures recognized this. Many of these beings had great knowledge of the stars and astrology.
  • Reflect On:How much of our history is actually true? How much has been held back? When you begin to stretch your consciousness outside of simple everyday life as we know it, we begin to explore actual reality.

It’s truly mind-altering to contemplate history, I usually start with the fact that most of our recorded history remains in secrecy. The US Government alone, according to some historians, classifies approximately 500 million pages of documents every single year.

How can a researcher, historian, or anybody who is interested in diving into the archives of US history, for example, expect to find anything of any real substance that actually pertains to the truth?  History is written by the victors, and most major historical events are full of information and facts that don’t really show up in our secondary and post-secondary ‘educational’ textbooks. These days, no matter how much evidence and fact support a topic, if that topic and information simply defies beliefs, or offends current upheld belief systems (many of which are based on lies), then it is rejected.

We see this in all disciplines today, a great example would be the connection between consciousness and our physical material world, as demonstrated numerous times repeatedly by quantum physics. Despite the fact that we are told these rules only apply at the quantum level, there are several examples which show that, no, they can be applied at the classical level as well.  Cases of mind influencing matter have been reported throughout history and across many cultures, more specifically in regard to ‘supernormal’ abilities which include telepathy, psychokinesis, and other phenomena that lie within the realms of parapsychology. This is evident in ancient literature, from the Vedic texts and the yoga sutras to Jesus, Moses, Milarepa,  Mohammed and more. It’s also evident via declassified CIA documents, some of which you can access here.

What is going on here? Just as there is a scientific blackout in many cases, we also have historical blackouts and a modern-day blackout of information and discoveries that are made by the black budget world. A 1997 US Senate reportdescribed them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.”

Yet we still reject these blackouts and historical facts are no different. What about the Giants of North America? Have discoveries been ‘covered-up’ simply because they don’t fit the framework of accepted knowledge? It sure seems that way, especially because you won’t see any mention of giants in our textbooks. Perhaps that’s because they don’t fit in with the supposed theory of evolution? Is this information just too paradigm shifting? Where what we once thought we knew, is not true anymore? Kind of like another, ‘the Earth is not flat’ type of moment…

Giants are found within the lore of multiple cultures, from the indigenous to the ancient past, but bones have also been discovered on numerous occasions.

“It calls up the indefinite past. When Columbus first sought this continent—when Christ suffered on the cross—when Moses led Israel through the Red-Sea—nay, even, when Adam first came from the hand of his Maker—then as now, Niagara was roaring here. The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara, as ours do now.” – Lincoln

A discovery was made in 1883 when the Smithsonian (the United States government/military-led organization) dispatched a team of archaeologists to the South Charleston Mound. The report indicates that the team uncovered numerous giant skeletons ranging from 7 to 9 feet tall. They were decorated with heavy copper bracelets and other religious/cultural items. The report also mentioned that some of them had a skull that was of  “the compressed or flat-head type.” This would resemble similar skeletal characteristics to those found in South America and Egypt. (source)

Going back further still, in 1774 settlers found what they called “The Giant Town,” which housed several gigantic skeletons, one being an eight-foot-tall male. (source)

You can read more about that in the articles we’ve written previously about the subject, and see some examples. From New York Times articles and more, the evidence of giants is great.

The Ceremonial Astrological Mound Builders of Ancient North America

Another interesting topic I recently came across, was, just like Pyramids, and many other ‘wonders’ of the world built with remarkable mathematical precision and synchronicities, are the ancient structures in North America that’s been completely ignored by mainstream history.

Jim Vieira is a stonemason, writer, and star of History Channel’s Search for the Lost Giants had his TED talk banned. The banned TED talks are always the most fascinating, my favorite from Russel Targ, who was a physicist contracted by the CIA to create the STARGATE project, a program investigating parapsychological phenomena, where he shared everything he knows about ESP. It was banned simply because it was too controversial, similar to Vieira’s talk as well.

In one of Jim’s talks, he describes a structure, one of many which have apparently been found all over America, that goes to show just how interesting and mysterious, and advanced these beings are. It’s one of many pieces of the puzzle showing that extremely advanced, highly intelligent ancient civilizations once roamed the Earth, and many of them have been completely blacked out from history. Perhaps the ‘history makers’ wrote their own version and decided to cut out information that wouldn’t fit in with their plan to control the narrative of what is and what was.

In it, he describes “ceremonial” stone-works that have been found in New-England, these structures have been carbon dated, according to the talk, to thousands of years old, every single one of them, “but there’s a historical blackout,” according to Vieira, especially in New England.

He goes on to show a picture of the Goshen Stone chamber, one of the hundreds in New England. What’s remarkable about these structures is that the majority of them are oriented to the equinox sunrise or winter solstice sunrise.

Below is a picture he took on March 12th from the chamber:

He then goes on to say, “we are told that these are colonial root sellers.”This one has a 10-tonne sailing, and as a stone mason, he explains how the structure itself is quite a feet, which is why he has a suspicion that they might have been built by the giants which exist in ancient lore.

Another interesting shot from the talk, this particular structure (Goshen Stone) has a stone line shaft created in the chamber which allows the Equinox sunset to come through twice a year, only on those days.

Again, he also cites lab work done which sites carbon date reading of thousands of years old. So that would completely shatter the current mainstream accepted explanation, that these are simply colonial root sellers… How crazy is that?

You can check out the full TED talk below:

The Ancients Obsession With Astrology

The evidence for intelligent ancient civilizations that have been left out of the historical record is grand, but even the ones that have not been left out show a tremendous knowledge of astrology, planets, and facts about the cosmos that we didn’t discover ourselves till only a few decades ago, like the existence of Pluto, for example.

From the indigenous all the way to ancient Sumeria, astrology has obviously played a huge key role among these societies and was extremely relevant, yet today, this topic and its importance are brushed off as pseudoscience. I personally have no doubt the movement of the cosmos and the way it affects human consciousness is something real, yet perhaps not well understood, but it’s making a comeback.

There is a lot of validity behind such concepts and beliefs, but they are brushed off today simply because we’ve been trained to believe that this type of thing is bogus, when really, it’s far from it and once understood it could be of tremendous use to humanity, especially for goodwill.

from:     https://www.collective-evolution.com/2018/06/14/huge-historical-blackout-the-astrological-mound-builders-of-ancient-north-america/

Remembering Your Dreams

7 Steps of Dream Recall

by Dr. Doris E. Cohen

Step 1: Recall and Record Your Dream

  1. Place a voice recorder or notepad and pen within easy reach of your bed.
  2. When you begin to feel yourself drifting off to sleep, repeat aloud three times: “I will remember my dreams clearly and well, and will record them when I wake up.”
  3. When you awaken, whether in the morning or the middle of the night, quickly record whatever you can recall from your dream.
  4. Be very literal. Jot down the first images and feelings that come to your mind without judging or analyzing, Whatever comes to your mind, just note it and let it be.

Step 2: Give Your Dream a Title

  1. Familiarize yourself with titling by paying attention to newspaper headlines and magazine story titles.
  2. Let the title be the first word or phrase that comes to mind.
  3. If you have trouble, try saying aloud a very basic summary of the dream’s content to help identify its central themes.
  4. Repeat your title aloud, slowly, and think about what the word or phrase means or suggests to you generally.
  5. Set the dream and its title aside.

Step 3: Read or Repeat Your Dream Aloud – Slowly

  1. Repeat or reread your dream aloud.
  2. Speak slowly, keeping in mind that the dreamer is always dreaming about the dreamer.
  3. Verbalize your thoughts and feelings yourself, so that your brain fully absorbs the information. Don’t let others do it for you.

Step 4: Consider What Is Uppermost in Your Life Right Now

  1. Quickly review the title and/or summary of the dream with which you are working.
  2. Assess what is uppermost in your life right now, looking carefully at your work, your family, your relationships, etc.
  3. Be instinctive. Whatever first comes to your mind is most likely what your dream addresses.

Step 5: Describe Your Dream as if Talking to a Martian

  1. Consider which details stand out the most in your dream.
  2. Describe those details as if talking to a Martian, or someone with absolutely no shared frame of reference.
  3. Belabor the obvious. If something seems to go without saying, say it anyway. Explaining the obvious aloud offers clues to a dream’s meaning.
  4. Think about symbols that commonly occur in your dreams and familiarize yourself with their meaning and intent. This helps you to interpret dreams more quickly and easily as you move forward.

Step 6: Summarize the Message from Your Unconscious

  1. Reflect on the work you have done in steps 1 thought 5.
  2. Try to summarize your dream’s content in one or two clear messages from the unconscious.
  3. Remember your interpretation simple, grounded in common sense, and relevant to your current, waking life.
  4. Honor your work. Though it may initially be challenging, step 6 prepares you to understand the dream’s guidance.

Step 7: Consider Your Dream’s Guidance for Waking Life

  1. Repeat aloud the message you summarized in step 6.
  2. Consider the symbolic solutions offered in the dream.
  3. Translate the symbolic advice into commonsense guidance related to current situations in your waking life.
  4. If the dream does not seem to offer solutions, consider what steps you can take to address the issues raised in the dream.
  5. Consider one or two tangible actions you can take in response to the dream’s guidance.
  6. Honor your baby steps.

For more detail and guidance, look to Dr. Cohen’s new book Dreaming on Both Sides of the Brain: Discover the Secret Language of the Night.

from:    http://drdorisecohen.com/blog/

The Oculists – Secret Society


For more than 200 years, this book concealed the arcane rituals of an ancient order. But cracking the code only deepened the mystery.

to read the rest of the article, go to:    https://www.wired.com/2012/11/ff-the-manuscript/