September Beacons of Light fr/The Group

Beacons of Light
September 2015
Presented Live 08/29/2015

Get On With It
The Great Frustration

Greetings from Home, Dear Ones.

You are magic. Each of you holds a special form of magic, something that you specifically brought from Home. You intended to focus your entire life on bringing it to Earth, and you are starting to re-member that in new ways. This is a magical time on Earth, dear ones, where each of you can start to re-member your true power and step into it even the tiniest bit. Your actions and commitment are what creates your world in front of you, for these are new times. We will share a little bit of what lies before you right now so that you can view it from our perspective. When you do this, dear ones, you fall in love with humanity. There are times when you turn on your television sets and see that the world according to your belief systems is a mess. It appears everyone is going in different directions. Although you cannot see what is truly taking place, we do so we will share that with you. These are amazing times that may also a little bit challenging for many of you. You do not quite understand what is taking place. These changes are happening in many different areas simultaneously, but we will only share with you one that is making a difference in your own reality.

Many Governments Do Not Represent the Collective Heart of Humanity

You have this wonderful thing taking place in the United States called your presidential elections. Oh my goodness, we cannot wait to watch all of this mayhem that you are preparing. This is a massive journey into what we are not quite sure. In the beginning you used these elections to choose the best person for the job. Of course, over many decades it has turned into something entirely different. So, let us take you back quite a few years to when this change started to take place. It was actually during the early 1960s when you had a presidential election between Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy. This election was actually decided for the simple reason that one was able to present himself better on television than the other. That experience had a huge effect for the first time in the collective. Most of the people you have chosen to run your governments are lawyers. They have a history of all this understanding behind them. Why would it be that one must be a lawyer to run your countries? That would simply indicate that everything must go through the legal system. What has happened, dear ones, is that in many places in the world your governments no longer represent the collective heart of humanity. As we have very simply shared with you before, it is the collective heart of humanity that will run and rule. Now what you are seeing is your governments are trying to scamper to get in front of this. Your presidential elections in the United States are a very simple example of this happening.   All these people are jumping in front of the camera presenting themselves very well and confidently what they are saying does not always make sense. Why are so many people backing and encouraging them? Because they are channeling the frustration. It is very simple. They are the only ones that have even addressed this frustration. There is a gap in the middle of your economic system, where your middle class should be but quite simply is not. Why are your governments not representing you in that way? You have turned this into a capitalistic system and, therefore, the money speaks louder than the collective. That is in the process of changing.

Money Speaking Louder Than the Collective

Exactly how this change takes place we will have to wait and see. It could possibly result be a complete collapse of the system then rebuilding it on solid ground, which in our estimation is not a bad thing at all. We wish you would just get on with it! Or, you can continue to prop things up and pretend everything is okay, and actually make small changes along the way to evolve it in that way. We tell you, dear ones, the earlier method is currently underway but we will have to wait and see where this goes.  What about this frustration and why is it there? Quite simply, you have turned everything—especially in this area—into something based everything on capitalism. Capitalism was the most important piece and you have brought it into your government, In truth, through your systems, those that speak the loudest tend to get elected. Well, you are about to see how loud people can speak. In fact, you will actually end up voting most of the time by turning the channel because it will get pretty crazy over the next year. When you turn the channel, most of the time they actually know it. Yes, your voice can be heard in different ways, dear ones. Right now, it is a circus but it is fun and interesting to watch. Does it represent what is taking place? It represents the frustration that is still not being addressed.

The People’s Frustration

Why is there so much frustration? A person can see very clearly where the frustrations come from. You had an election at one point where your entire collective decided on one person, but another person became president. You can feel that your government does not actually represent you; it has more to do with those who are paid by these companies to be lobbyists. Those are the people that fill these gaps and move your government one way or the other with corporate money. Now you are at a point where you are going to make some important decisions. We are specifically talking about the United States at this time, but as you know all of your energies are connected especially through your economic systems. So, what is good for one is actually good for all countries. The whole world is watching these changes as they are evolving, because everyone will affect another one. We can hardly wait to see where you go with this. We see none of this as bad and it might help you to keep that in mind, because our vision is further than yours. We can see what you build on the other side and that is why we hope you just get on with it and take that next step. Above all we hope that your governments are able to adjust  quickly enough, because currently they are not listening.

Let Your Collective Voice Be Heard

Now you have a fresh energy of new people coming in. The good part about that, at least in the United States, is that your collective voice is being heard right now. That is fascinating, for all of this is bringing attention to something that has vanished. Many people have felt like, “Oh, that is just them. They will go do their thing anyway. They do not need me to participate.” Dear ones, they do need you. You are part of the collective in more ways than you can imagine. To express your voice in that collective is going to be one of the greatest possibilities that you have. You will create your world on a small scale, as well as on a large one where you will interact with the others. It is how you all come together at these magical times. Dare to dream. Dare to bring back your hopes. Look into the future and dare to plant the greatest possibilities for yourself at that moment. Treat yourself well knowing that you are a creature carrying all the energy of what you call god. Each of you can start using those abilities to create your world around you. When you reach that highest level to where you have created something that fully supports you, that is the time you become the highest use to the universe.  are Those times are happening right now.

It Is Time to Get On With It

So, we will ask you, what will it take in your life to get on with it and take that next step? Are you waiting for an election or for some door to magically open? We tell you, dear ones, you have that opportunity now…very clearly. Step into it. Claim it. Step forward. Each of you has brought a part of the blueprints for the New Earth from Home. Now you may call it your internal truth, but it only fits together when you can speak it in such a way that it fits together with the other truths around you. How do you do that? Very simple. Practice. That is all there is. Keep trying and step forward in love, then you will start to fill some of these gaps where this frustration is. How can this frustration about this middle level be solved? Through creativity, and through giving them a voice. Giving them the power to re-create. Of course when we speak of them, many of them are you. Channel it and do so in a very positive way. Look for change, absolutely. There are many shifts and rapid changes that need to take place in your systems in order to transition from one area to the next. We see those about to begin, though not yet beginning. The beautiful part is that the collective vibration is making a noise that cannot be misunderstood on this Earth. People are starting to step forward very carefully, knowing that every movement they make affects others around them. Your own vagus nerve is starting to evolve so you can feel that compassion even more throughout all humans. This is part of the lightbody returning that humans are now experiencing. You can hold more of your own light.  What we ask you to do dear ones, is get on with it. Step forward. Step up. Here it comes. Deal with it the best you can and do not wait for the perfect opportunity, for it is here, now. You have so much that is taking place, yet what you may not understand is that you are in charge of all of it. The collective vibration now decides. That means if you choose to be quiet, you give up your power. It is time to speak, and step forward, to claim your willingness and your wisdom. Not that it is always perfect, but unless it is offered up there is no possibility of reaching harmony.

A Critical Date

Bring it forward. In these times, dear ones, you will be well guided. Sometimes you will open your mouth with a clear intent of your heart to speak something, but you will not quite know where the words are in your head. So you will start to channel from the heart in a new way, which is the opportunity for spirit to speak clearly through you. As you devise and develop this new way of working together in the new planet Earth, we can hardly wait to see what you do next. We tell you specifically that we have given you a date to watch for, the second week in November was to be a critical tilting point. At the time we gave you that date it had to do with the Federal Reserve making a specific move at the end of October. Now, we tell you that has already passed and you have already moved that critical date. Not out of trouble but moving in the right direction. Yes, you had a little dip in the energies in the meantime, showing some of the weaknesses in the global economies in the world and China has a big part of that. Work together with it, dear ones. Send them energy and wish them the best. Know that you are all connected. Stop pointing fingers and calling yourselves separate and claim responsibility for all of it. That is the way of the new Earth, knowing that you are part of every piece of it. Claim your failures as well as your success because that is how you grow and just enjoy playing the game. It is time to get on with it.

It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity. Play the new game well together.

Espavo, dear ones

The group.

The word Espavo is an early Lemurian greeting : “Thank You for Taking Your Power”

– See more at:

Where is America Going?

As always, do your research.  Also remember the power of your intention.  You can change things:

I Am Mourning For America

Mourning - Public DomainI am mourning for America, because she is dying.  I am mourning for a nation that once knew such greatness but that has now fallen to depths that were once unimaginable.  I am mourning for the death and destruction that are coming, and I am mourning for a future that our children and our grandchildren will never get to see.  I am mourning for a nation that has refused to listen to the warnings and that now stands on the precipice of judgment.  I am mourning for games that will never be played, for books that will never be finished, for family vacations that will never get to happen and for memories that will never be made.  I am mourning for the economic depression that is coming, for the horror and suffering that friends and family will endure, and for the coming death of the country where I drew my first breath.

To many, these words will seem “over the top” and overly dramatic.  After all, despite the thousands of problems facing this nation, things still seem very “normal” at this moment.  Well, if you don’t “get” what I am saying right now, just bookmark this page and come back to it later.  Eventually it will make sense to you.

Last week, I was invited to be a guest on a major television show that is beamed into the homes of millions of people in the United States and Canada.  If you get a chance to view the shows that are being aired this week, you will notice that I wore all black.

I wasn’t just making a fashion statement.  I was doing it because I am in mourning for America.  Unlike so many that talk about the horrible things that are ahead for this country, I actually love the United States.  I truly wish that this nation had become everything that it could have become.  I love the part of the country where I currently live, I love the amazing people that I am constantly meeting, and I love the things that I have been able to experience just because I am an American.

Unfortunately, everything is about to change.

There are many out there that believe that America is still a great nation.  Well, great nations do not murder tens of millions of their own children.  As Dr. Chuck Missler has pointed out, the most dangerous place to be in America today is in a mother’s womb.

Since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, more than 56 million babies have been purposely destroyed in this country.

What does a nation that has murdered 56 million of its own children deserve?

I believe that we have just come out of a season of time when America has been shown exactly why it is about to be judged.

It is no accident that the undercover Planned Parenthood videos were released when they were.  Now the entire world knows that we slaughter our babies, harvest their organs and sell them off to the highest bidder.

So what has the response of the American people been to the revelation of this great evil?

Yes, a small minority of Americans have gotten upset, but most people have been completely unmoved by this news.

Our government gives Planned Parenthood hundreds of millions of dollars each year, and that isn’t going to change.  Planned Parenthood is just going to keep doing what they do, and the American people are just going to go back to ignoring the unprecedented holocaust that is happening behind closed doors all over the nation.

This past summer we also witnessed what I believe is the perfect bookend for the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision of 1973.  The institution of marriage was permanently altered in all 50 states, and most of the nation greatly rejoiced.

The White House was lit up with rainbow colors to honor what the Supreme Court did.  The rainbow is a symbol of God’s covenant with Noah, and in the book of Revelation there is a rainbow around the throne of God.  They have taken this symbol that belongs to God, and they are using it as a symbol of their defiance.

Of course these things that I have just mentioned are just the tip of the iceberg.  The truth is that evil is growing in this nation in thousands of different ways.  Every year there are 20 million new cases of sexually transmitted disease in the United States, we have the highest divorce rate in the entire industrialized world, and nearly one out of every five American women say that they have been raped at some point in their lives.  In the United States today, there are 60 million people that abuse alcohol and there are 22 million people that use illegal drugs.  America produces more pornography than the rest of the world combined, and surveys have found that Christian men use it at just about the same rate as everyone else.

I will not be publishing an article tomorrow.  In a few hours, Yom Kippur will begin where I live.  It is the most solemn of all the holidays described in the Bible, and it is a time of repentance.  I will be praying for myself, my family, my community and my nation.

If America had repented as a nation and had turned from her wicked ways, we would not have to go through the things that we are about to go through.

I believe that the time of grace that the United States has been given to repent is ending.

I know that this is very different from my usual format.  Is it okay if I just share what is on my heart from time to time?  On Thursday I will get back to sharing the facts, figures and hard information that you all have come to expect from me.  But today when I woke up I just felt that I should share these things with you.

Very shortly, things are going to start changing in a major way.

America is dying, and the hardest times that any of us have ever seen are right in front of us.


Winter Weather Forecast 2015-16

Climate Engineering, El Niño and the “Scheduled Weather” for the Coming Winter in The US

Climate Engineering, El Niño And The Bizarre ''Scheduled Weather'' For The Coming Winter In The US

24th September 2015

By Dane Wigington

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Weather “forecasters” are now trumpeting the arrival of a “Godzilla” El Niño event, but somehow they seem to already know that there will be no relief for the epic California drought.

How can such a prediction be made so early on? Because of ongoing climate engineering.

Ocean temperatures in the Eastern Pacific are at record shattering high levels (pictured top), so why wouldn’t this translate into more rain for the now empty reservoirs in Northern California? Since when does El Niño not bring more rain to the West??

The El Niño pattern has been trying to form since 2007 but has been repeatedly suppressed by what meteorologists have coined as “the ridiculously resilient ridge” of constant high pressure over the US west coast. Was this rain-starving scenario the result of climate engineers and their aggressive effort to suppress El Niño formation in a destructive attempt to hold the lid on soaring global temperatures? Yes.

The Eastern Pacific (off of the US west coast) is constantly the target of massive aerosol spraying operations. Given their secrecy, the question must be asked: Is “solar radiation management” the only goal of this spraying, or are the known drought-causing impacts of atmospheric aerosol saturation and ionosphere heater high pressure zones a desired outcome for the geoengineers?

The electrically conductive heavy metals being sprayed enhances the effectiveness of ionosphere heater installations (like HAARP) which would then increase the weather-makers’ ability to create and maintain consistent zones of high pressure. What does a completely sprayed Eastern Pacific look like on a radar map? The reflective metals show up like precipitation when there is none, the radar image below is a glaring example.

Climate Engineering, El Niño and the Bizarre “Scheduled Weather” for the Coming Winter in The US - West Coast Precipitation Map

Climate engineering is about power and control, and about hiding the severity of climate damage already done (while doing even more damage at the same time) from a population that so far has not wanted to face the truth in the first place. The climate engineers have managed to keep the Eastern US cooler than average for almost three years in spite of a record warm world.

Why? To help manipulate the perception of the US population.

How anomalous has the Eastern US cool-down been? The map below covers “departure from normal high temperatures” for a two year period from 2013 to 2015, this is clear as it gets.

Climate Engineering, El Niño and the Bizarre “Scheduled Weather” for the Coming Winter in The US - Anomalous Temperatures Map

What should the expected impacts should be in the US for a strong El Niño Event?

Climate Engineering, El Niño and the Bizarre “Scheduled Weather” for the Coming Winter in The US - Impact on Winter

With a potential record El Niño, abundant precipitation should show up in California with overall temperatures pushed from above normal to far above normal throughout the US. Higher temperatures should be especially prevalent given the fact that our planet is free falling into a state of total meltdown. All this being said, how is it some of the latest “forecasts” call for the US West to continue frying into the fall with little to no rain and with wildfires still raging? And with predicted snowfall further inland?

Climate Engineering, El Niño and the Bizarre “Scheduled Weather” for the Coming Winter in The US - UccuWeather Highlights Fall 2015

Next, given the fact that we have a record warm world, record warm oceans surrounding the US, a record El Niño, and predictions of above normal highs in the Northern US (see below), how can it be possible for winter predictions of a “below average” temperature band to run right through the US from Southern California, to the Gulf Coast, to New York, covering some of the most heavily populated zones of the country?

The “forecast map” below should be carefully examined.

Climate Engineering, El Niño and the Bizarre “Scheduled Weather” for the Coming Winter in The US - Winter Temperature Outlook December to February

Other maps (below) use terms like “wintry battle zone” to describe their predictions for the southern states, in spite of the record warm condition of our planet already noted. The map below also states there may be “above normal” snow in spite of warmer temperatures.

Climate Engineering, El Niño and the Bizarre “Scheduled Weather” for the Coming Winter in The US - Early 2015-2016 Winter Forecast Map

How can there be such anomalies? How does NOAA know about them already? Radical and highly destructive climate manipulation is how. These weather “predictions” are nothing more than the scheduled weather. 

Who is running the weather forecast industry?

In regard to weather forecasting, with few exceptions, the global power structure owns it all. Those in power have gone to insane, unimaginable, and unbelievably destructive lengths in their attempt to control the weather. In order to hide the crimes of the climate engineering assault on our planet, the globalists also needed to control the flow of information to the public that relates to the weather and climate. Thus the purchase of weather reporting and data modelling companies was necessary.

Climate Engineering, El Niño and the Bizarre “Scheduled Weather” for the Coming Winter in The US - The Weather Channel Chemtrails

Defense contractor Raytheon is involved in geoengineering programs, owns geoengineering patents, and also does the weather modeling for NOAA and the National Weather Service. Lockheed Martin (another defense contractor involved in weather modification) supplies the weather modeling for the FAA. The Rothschilds own the controlling interest in the world’s leading provider of interactive weather graphics and data services, and actually supply the weather modeling “predictions” for government agencies. The Weather Channel is owned by massive multinational corporations that are a core part of the global power cabal. And let’s not forget about Monsanto Corporation and their purchase of “Climate Corp” for nearly a billion dollars.

(Learn more at: The Weather Channel Interactive and Monsanto Announce New Agriculture News & Forecast Web Site.)

The Weather Channel and their cast of paid disinformation actors are tasked with covering up the completely engineered and unnatural climate anomalies that are now occurring constantly as the geoengineering programs are fully unleashed. The WC “meteorologists” constantly explain away an endless list of climate engineered events and occurrences as if completely natural. Many of the Weather Channel’s background photos are actually skies filled with geoengineering aerosol clouds, this is part of their disinformation and conditioning campaign.

The Weather Channel’s Geoengineering Advertisement Describes Geoengineering Chemtrails as a “$4 Trillion Solar Umbrella”

Continuously cooling down heavily populated regions of the US is about engineering public perception for as long as possible. Controlling the message also allows them to control public perception. Meteorologists (with few exceptions) are paid liars who are simply reading scripts. Their job is to convince the population that the completely engineered climate is just “natural weather”. Their job is to convince the population that “mostly sunny” predictions that involve the sprayed-out skies we are all subjected to are just normal. Their job is to cover the tracks of the criminal climate engineers. Anyone that contributes to such a cover-up in exchange for a paycheck and a pension should be considered a criminal accomplice to the geoengineering crimes. When the Weather Channel is not busy covering for the geoengineers, they now simply show countless reality shows in order to altogether avoid actually covering the engineered weather.

So how about those predicted cold zones which are surrounded by record warm oceans and a record warm world? Welcome to engineered snow storms. The Chinese openly announced their practice of engineering snow storms out of what should have been rain until they did a billion dollars of damage to Beijing. Do you believe our government does not know how to do the same? And do you believe our government would actually ask our permission before doing it?

Climate Engineering, El Niño and the Bizarre “Scheduled Weather” for the Coming Winter in The US - China's Weather Manipulation

With enough atmospheric moisture the geoengineers can produce snowstorms under a wide variety of conditions. The July 2015 snowstorm in Jackson Hole Wyoming is one of many examples. The extra moisture from El Niño will be used for the chemical cool-downs already scheduled for the US this winter. As the planetary meltdown accelerates, the Arctic continues to melt and glaciers continue to disintegrate around the world, the climate engineers are becoming increasingly desperate and blatant in their aggressive planetary assault. It appears that the moisture Northern California needs so badly may be siphoned by the climate engineers for use further east in the US.

Whatever unfolds this winter, this point should be clear: the geoengineers and the global power structure have a noose around our collective necks and they are not about to let go. They control not only the weather, but the toxicity of the air we breath, the water we drink, and the soils we need to grow our food in. Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the planet and the climate system (this must always be considered and remembered), climate engineering is mathematically the greatest and most destructive single factor of all. If we are to have any chance at preserving Earth’s life support systems, we must all make our voices heard in the battle to expose and stop climate engineering.


Information, Conditioning, & Discernment

Keeping Your “Reality Bubble” Permeable

During this time of massively conflicting information, misinformation and disinformation we must make sure our “Reality Bubbles” are permeable to new information.

by Corey/GoodETxSG on 10 Sep 2015 

 Every one of us have developed belief systems based on certain data-sets from Guru’s, Channelers, Contactee’s, “Whistleblowers” and Researchers. All of these people are fallible human beings who’s info is only as accurate as their chosen sources.If we say we are discerning, but basing or comparing information to our ensconced belief systems (rejecting anything that conflicts), we are deceiving ourselves. For our discernment filters to work correctly and truly they must also be permeable and allow new information to pass through to be filtered. Do not get caught up in enlightenment traps of the theologies and philosophies of others… No matter how well-intentioned they may be. You are responsible for your own growth and journey. Locking yourself into a belief system and then defending it from anything that conflicts with it, or makes you uncomfortable, will prevent you from evolving any further and make you dependent on another human or being who may have been mislead.

The bitterest truth is better than the sweetest lie.

There is more to come, however it is requested that in order to read the rest of the article, you please go to the source:

Oils & Fragrances to Reduce Stress

One Whiff of These 10 Scents Can Relieve Stress Almost Instantly

Ever wonder why some scents make you feel relaxed or energized? It’s no coincidence and we have our olfactory system to thank for its intimate relationship with the brain, which affects both our memory and mood. Here are 10 scents which will enhance this system with just one whiff.

1) Lemon
Promotes concentration and allows the mind to calm especially when angry, anxious or very exhausted. Lemon boosts the body’s immune system, improving circulation and is known to reduce anxiety and depression.

2) Cinnamon
The stimulating properties in cinnamon can help fight mental fatigue and improve concentration and focus. Researchers from Wheeling Jesuit University studied participants and found that those who took a whiff of cinnamon improved in cognitive functions like visual-motor response, working memory and attention span.

3) Lavender
Lavender helps calm the mind and body almost instantly. But perhaps its most useful benefit is its ability to help treat insomnia. This essential oil has calming ands sedative properties that help control emotional stress. Lavender has a soothing effect on nerves and can relieve nervous tension and depression as well as treat headaches and migraines.

4) Rain
After a rainstorm, especially a rain storm that breaks a long dry spell, the world smells different. The clean scent after a rainfall is partially caused by ozone cleaning away some of the scents we take for granted. The smell of rain can literally relieve stress and improve your mood by over 60%

5) Fresh Cut Grass
Scent researchers found that a chemical released by a newly-mowed lawn can make people feel joyful and relaxed. The smell apparently is so powerful that neuroscientists came up with a perfume and air fragrance that matches it so the lawnless can also reap the benefits of the feel-good scent.

6) Peppermint

Try peppermint when brainstorming. An energy booster, this scent invigorates the mind, promotes concentration and stimulates clear thinking. Smelling peppermint is linked to greater cognitive stamina, motivation and overall performance

7) Vanilla
In a study published in the Proceedings of ISOT/JASTS 2004, researchers found that taking a whiff of vanilla bean elevated participants’ feelings of joy and relaxation. The results were measured through mood mapping, which included emotions ranging from happiness and stimulation to apathy and irritation.

8) Rosemary
The stimulating effect of rosemary may enhance certain aspects of mental function. People who work in rosemary-scented cubicles have better long-term memory than those who worked in unscented cubicles. Rosemary improves long-term memory, alertness and has properties that fight physical exhaustion, headaches and mental fatigue.

9) Pine
Pine decreases anxiety and alleviates stress. In one Japanese study, participants who went on a walk through pine forests reported significantly lower depression and stress levels. The research also discovered that anxious subjects had a greater feeling of relaxation after indulging in the scent.

10) Jasmine
Like lavender, jasmine it is also used to calm nerves, but this oil is also commonly used as an anti-depressant because of its uplifting capabilities that produce a feeling of confidence, optimism and revitalized energy.


The Miracle of Wheatgrass

She Was Over 80 Without A Single Gray Hair! The Secret Is In This Drink

| September 23, 2015

She Was Over 80 Without A Single Gray Hair! The Secret Is In This Drink

by Healthy and Natural Life

When it comes to cleansing the body of toxins, it’s always the right time. One of the best ways to do this is using the most powerful means of detoxification – wheatgrass.

Wheat grass acts like pure solar energy, and only 7.5 grams of wheatgrass has the same nutritional value as 175 grams of carrots, lettuce or celery. Its cleansing properties were known even in the time of pharaohs.

Today, when we cope with stress, pollution, harmful radiation and unhealthy food more than ever, its detoxifying function seems even more important.

If you constantly feel tired and distracted, wheatgrass cleansing can help you restore your energy and improve your health.

These signs show that you need detoxification:

The benefits of wheat grass

Wheat grass contains over 100 elements important for humans, including essential fatty acids, important enzymes and antioxidants.

One of its most important elements is chlorophyll, which accounts for about 70% of wheatgrass composition. Chlorophyll is important for getting the toxins and heavy metals out of the body. Plus, wheatgrass contains the vitamins A, B, B17, C, E, F, K as well as the minerals potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium.

Wheat grass increases the number of red blood cells, cleanses your blood and other organs and stimulates your metabolism. Due to its high chlorophyll content, it enriches the blood with oxygen. Moreover, it effectively cleanses your liver and neutralizes toxins in the body. It stimulates your thyroid gland and reduces acidity in the body.

Wheatgrass juice returns the color of grey hair

Regular consumption of fresh wheat grass juice provides many advantages, one of which is slowing grey hair growth and restoring natural hair color.

The first person to promote drinking juice of young green cereals was Dr. Ann Wigmore. She studied the healing properties of wheatgrass juice in detail developing and describing fully the process of growing wheatgrass in shallow containers at home or elsewhere. She even came up with and inexpensive wheatgrass juicer in order to make this elixir of life available to everyone.

She Was Over 80 Without A Single Gray Hair! The Secret Is In This Drink

At 82 Dr. Wigmore did not have any gray hair! It was so incredible that her students asked for a permission to examine her hair in the laboratory. The results showed that it was her natural color!

Wheatgrass juice is also an excellent blood cleanser and helps in skin regeneration.

Due to its high content of chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals, vitamins and enzymes, wheatgrass provides a wide range of both health and medicinal benefits.

It’s recommended to start with 30ml juice per day, gradually increasing it to 30ml twice a day.

Here’s how to grow wheat grass:

  • Soak the wheat seeds for 8-12 hours.
  • Leave the seeds in a glass jar rinsing them three times during the next 24 hours.
  • When they start sprouting, plant the seeds in a separate jar filled 2/3 with soil.
  • Water the planted wheat and cover the jar during the first three days, so as to prevent drying. During these days water the wheat well in the morning and sprinkle it with water in the evening.
  • Uncover the jar on the fourth day leaving the seeds in indirect sunlight.
  • The ideal temperature for wheat growth and for avoiding mold is 21 to 26 degrees. If mold appears, plant new wheat grass.
  • You can harvest wheatgrass when it grows about 20 centimeters. Bring the wheatgrass in the sun two days before cutting so as to stimulate the synthesis of chlorophyll.
  • For the next planting, use new seeds and new soil.
  • You can extract the juice of wheat grass using a juicer or a blender with a little water added.

Wheatgrass can also be included in a shake.

Mix the following ingredients in a blender:

  • 30 ml wheatgrass juice
  • a tablespoon of chopped mint
  • a cup of pineapple
  • a cup of orange juice
  • half a cup of lemon juice
  • a teaspoon of honey
  • 2/3 cup of ice


Alien Species Among Us

September 23, 2015 

5 Alien Species Already Walking Amongst Us

While it is often believed that most aliens are an unfriendly bunch, there are a few species that have been on Earth for centuries who serve to disprove this claim. Some of the more friendly alien species are listed below.


5 Alien Species Already Walking Amongst Us

It’s a widely held belief that the Lyrans are our oldest ancestors. In fact, there are those that believe that the Lyrans were actually the first “humans” to form a civilization in the Milky Way galaxy.

The world famous Billy Meier was one of the first people to talk about Lyrans. He claims that they revealed to him their origins and story. He was extremely gracious to share this story with mankind.

Mr. Meier reports that, “They have described their ancient ancestry, and consequently ours, as originating in a far sun-system in a star group near what we now know as the Ring Nebula of Lyra, for which we have called them Lyrans in the same manner as we refer to human beings from what we call the Pleiades.


5 Alien Species Already Walking Amongst Us

After many eons of existence, one of the oldest alien species in our galaxy, the Arcturians, have reached such an ascended state that many classify them as a fifth dimension civilization.

Their home planet orbits the largest star in the Bootes Constellation and is located approximately 200 light years away from Earth.

While seemingly impossible for us to reach, it’s proven to be of little consequence to the Arcturians because while millions of years ago the Arcturians achieved the level of technology we have reached on Earth. They now possess some of the most advanced technology in the Milky Way galaxy.

While few people have directly interacted with the Arcturians, those that have report them as being between 3 and 5 feet tall with large heads and big, black almond shaped eyes. Their skin is normally a greenish color and they have three fingers on each hand.

In addition, they appear to be masters of telepathic communication and can move objects or interact with their environment all through the use of their minds. Furthermore, old age and death have been virtually eliminated from their society.

It’s believed that their fleet of starships crisscrosses the galaxy and one of them, the Starship Athena, is believed to be orbiting the earth to prevent something from threatening our existence.

The Arcturians take their role as protectors extremely seriously. So seriously, in fact, one of their probes, the Black Knight Satellite, is believed to have been orbiting Earth for the last 13,000 years.


5 Alien Species Already Walking Amongst Us

Described as being tall, blonde humanoids, the Telosians are believed by many to be the last survivors of long lost human civilizations on Earth.

There are those that say they are the survivors of the cataclysms that sunk Atlantis and Lemuria, while another school of thought believes they are much older than that.

Their name derives from the ancient Greek word “telos” meaning “end’ or “purpose.” It seems a fitting name for their largest city of Telos which many believe is located under Mt. Shasta, California.

Through psychotronic technology and highly developed cerebral abilities, their advanced society has been in constant contact with a number of other extraterrestrial civilizations including the Pleiadians and Arcturians.

The first person to describe the Telosians was Admiral Richard Byrd. In his diaries that were published after his death, he tells of a secret North Pole mission to the home of an advanced subterranean race.

Admiral Byrd wrote that this alien species had been living in a few secret underground cities but it was our nuclear bombs that finally drew them out to the surface. Admiral Byrd wrote,

“Our interests rightly begins just after your race exploded the first atomic bomb over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. It was at that alarming time we sent our flying machines, the “Flugelrads” to your surface world to investigate what your race had done.“

“You see, we have never interfered before in your race’s wars and barbarity, but now we must, for you have learned to tamper with a certain power that is not for man, namely that of atomic energy.”

“Our emissaries have already delivered messages to the powers of your world, and yet they do not heed. Now you have been chosen to be witness here that our world does exist. You see, our culture and science is many thousands of years beyond our race. Admiral.”

Thousands of years of scientific advancement have given the Telosians the ability to circumvent disease and aging. The Telosians are widely known for their longevity and could help us with our own. They are also true protectors of the Earth’s environment and keepers of knowledge about our planet’s past.


5 Alien Species Already Walking Amongst Us

The extraterrestrials from Alpha Centauri easily have the power to not only destroy us, but any other aggressive alien species. They are considered to be the most technologically advanced alien species in the Milky Way galaxy.

They got in this position because they are reported to be highly intelligent and possess a natural curiosity which in turn led them to rapid advancements in science and technology. It also appears that the Alpha Centaurians have learned that with immense power comes immense responsibility.

Over time they evolved into an aquatic species with gills and webbed limbs. Some researchers believe they are responsible for most of the underwater and the USO phenomena.

It’s also believed that they have a number of bases that operate on the bottom of our seas, oceans, and lakes around the planet.

In keeping with their nature, the Alpha Centaurians are believed to be very benevolent towards the human race and have a desire to help us overcome some of the many challenges that come with the evolution of a species.

It’s believed that they communicate telepathically and their influence, while subtle, is always there. Many researchers believe that the Alpha Centaurians promote social justice and human rights as they pertain to the responsibility advanced technology we’re developing.


5 Alien Species Already Walking Amongst Us

Believed to be descendants of the early Lyrans, the Pleiadians, in some circles, have come to represent one of humanity’s most active allies.

Their home is located in the Pleiades Star Cluster, which is a group of stars located approximately 400 light years from Earth. Their name is derived from the ancient Greek verb, “plein” meaning “to sail.”

The Pleiadians have always played an important role in human culture. One of their chosen representatives, Billy Meir, imparted the messages of Semjase, a Pleidian female who was deeply concerned for our fate. She told Billy:

“We are neither guardians of Earth nor beings of God-sent angels or similar. Many persons suggest we are watching over Earth and her beings and would control their fates.

This is not true, because we only perform a self-selected mission which has nothing to do with supervising or regulating Earth’s fate. Thus it is wrong to expose us as superterrestrial messengers and guardians.”

Despite the message from Semjase, the Pleiadians were the first to warn Earth about the danger that Grey aliens posed. The Pleiadians accused the Greys of having a lack of wisdom and empathy when using technologically inferior humans to serve their evil, remorseless purposes.

For this reason, the two alien species have fought one another not only here, but in other star systems.

Those that have been in contact with the Pleiadians claim that the Pleiadians have been attempting to free ourselves from oppression for quite some time.



Finding Happiness by Giving Up

Find Happiness By Giving Up These 15 Things

| September 21, 2015 

Find Happiness By Giving Up These 15 Things

by L Luminita D. Saviuc
Purpose Fairy

Here is a list of 15 things which, if you give up on them, will make your life a lot easier and much, much happier. We hold on to so many things that cause us a great deal of pain, stress and suffering – and instead of letting them all go, instead of allowing ourselves to be stress free and happy – we cling on to them. Not anymore. Starting today we will give up on all those things that no longer serve us, and we will embrace change. Ready? Here we go:

1. Give up your need to always be right

There are so many of us who can’t stand the idea of being wrong – wanting to always be right – even at the risk of ending great relationships or causing a great deal of stress and pain, for us and for others. It’s just not worth it. Whenever you feel the ‘urgent’ need to jump into a fight over who is right and who is wrong, ask yourself this question:

“Would I rather be right, or would I rather be kind?”
Wayne Dyer

What difference will that make? Is your ego really that big

2. Give up your need for control

Be willing to give up your need to always control everything that happens to you and around you – situations, events, people, etc. Whether they are loved ones, coworkers, or just strangers you meet on the street – just allow them to be. Allow everything and everyone to be just as they are and you will see how much better will that make you feel.

“By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try. The world is beyond winning.”
Lao Tzu

3. Give up on blame

Give up on your need to blame others for what you have or don’t have, for what you feel or don’t feel. Stop giving your powers away and start taking responsibility for your life.

4. Give up your self-defeating self-talk

Oh my. How many people are hurting themselves because of their negative, polluted and repetitive self-defeating mindset? Don’t believe everything that your mind is telling you – especially if it’s negative and self-defeating. You are better than that.

“The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive.”
Eckhart Tolle

5. Give up your limiting beliefs

about what you can or cannot do, about what is possible or impossible. From now on, you are no longer going to allow your limiting beliefs to keep you stuck in the wrong place. Spread your wings and fly!

“A belief is not an idea held by the mind, it is an idea that holds the mind.”
Elly Roselle

6. Give up complaining

Give up your constant need to complain about those many, many, maaany things – people, situations, events that make you unhappy, sad and depressed. Nobody can make you unhappy, no situation can make you sad or miserable unless you allow it to. It’s not the situation that triggers those feelings in you, but how you choose to look at it. Never underestimate the power of positive thinking.

7. Give up the luxury of criticism

Give up your need to criticize things, events or people that are different than you. We are all different, yet we are all the same. We all want to be happy, we all want to love and be loved and we all want to be understood. We all want something, and something is wished by us all.

8. Give up your need to impress others

Stop trying so hard to be something that you’re not just to make others like you. It doesn’t work this way. The moment you stop trying so hard to be something that you’re not, the moment you take off all your masks, the moment you accept and embrace the real you, you will find people will be drawn to you, effortlessly.

9. Give up your resistance to change

Change is good. Change will help you move from A to B. Change will help you make improvements in your life and also the lives of those around you. Follow your bliss, embrace change – don’t resist it.

“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.”
Joseph Campbell

10. Give up labels

Stop labeling those things, people or events that you don’t understand as being weird or different and try opening your mind, little by little. Minds only work when open.

“The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about.”
Wayne Dyer

11. Give up on your fears

Fear is just an illusion, it doesn’t exist – you created it. It’s all in your mind. Correct the inside and the outside will fall into place.

“The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt

12. Give up your excuses

Send them packing and tell them they’re fired. You no longer need them. A lot of times we limit ourselves because of the many excuses we use. Instead of growing and working on improving ourselves and our lives, we get stuck, lying to ourselves, using all kind of excuses – excuses that 99.9% of the time are not even real.

13. Give up the past

I know, I know. It’s hard. Especially when the past looks so much better than the present and the future looks so frightening, but you have to take into consideration the fact that the present moment is all you have and all you will ever have. The past you are now longing for – the past that you are now dreaming about – was ignored by you when it was present. Stop deluding yourself. Be present in everything you do and enjoy life. After all life is a journey not a destination. Have a clear vision for the future, prepare yourself, but always be present in the now.

14. Give up attachment

This is a concept that, for most of us is so hard to grasp and I have to tell you that it was for me too, (it still is) but it’s not something impossible. You get better and better at with time and practice. The moment you detach yourself from all things, (and that doesn’t mean you give up your love for them – because love and attachment have nothing to do with one another, attachment comes from a place of fear, while love… well, real love is pure, kind, and self less, where there is love there can’t be fear, and because of that, attachment and love cannot coexist) you become so peaceful, so tolerant, so kind, and so serene. You will get to a place where you will be able to understand all things without even trying. A state beyond words.

15. Give up living your life to other people’s expectations

Way too many people are living a life that is not theirs to live. They live their lives according to what others think is best for them, they live their lives according to what their parents think is best for them, to what their friends, their enemies and their teachers, their government and the media think is best for them. They ignore their inner voice, that inner calling. They are so busy with pleasing everybody, with living up to other people’s expectations, that they lose control over their lives. They forget what makes them happy, what they want, what they need….and eventually they forget about themselves. You have one life – this one right now – you must live it, own it, and especially don’t let other people’s opinions distract you from your path.


Robert Phoenix on Mercury Retrograde

All You Need To Know About This Mercury Retrograde

Keeping minds open.

It’s that time of year again and Mercury Retrograde is with us. It starts at Libra 15 and reverses to Libra 0. So it basically starts in the Aquarian/Uranian Decan and retreats back into the Libran Deacn, which means that on a collective level, the dialog starts with fairness and rights (Libra) at the collective level (Aquarius) and retreats backwards into the Libran Decan where we turn our attention away from what’s not right in the world, to what can I be better at between you and I. So we start off dialoging about refugees and end in talking about abandoned relationships, and lost connections, vowing more fairness in our lives, perhaps even giving people we had written off second chances. Of course this is going to really impact Libras in specific, but also the opposite sign Aries, who are rarely wont to look back. Over the next few weeks, they’ll depart from their forward thinking attack on life and take a rare retrospective journey.

Libra is also supposed to be a very artistic sign and for the most part, it is, but Libras are basically lazy. Yep, I said it. What gives me the right to say and judge Libras so harshly? Well, it’s because I have Mercury/Moon/Venus in Libra, so I ahem, have a little insight into the process. Actually, Libras aren’t lazy (I just wanted to get your attention) they simply have really great ideas that exist perfectly in their minds which unfortunately generally stay there in the ideal atmosphere of the un-manifest. Here’s advice to all Libras out there; Keep your plans and creations to yourself until they actually take shape and form–just sayin’.

As far as September 23rd goes, The Blood Moon, etc., whatever goes down, Mercury Rertrograde in Libra has the potential to remind us to stay polite and retain our social graces as the troops hit the streets to round us up for the FEMA camps. While all Hell is breaking loose we’ll be able to hold the space of fairness for our oppressors; “Can I help you get those cuffs on me?” “Don’t worry, I understand that you have to taze me, I know you have a quota. Go ahead and do it twice if you’re behind.” That sort of thing. Don’t forget to be fair, even with the so-called unfair and that’s really the nexus of this Mercury Retrograde. Life isn’t fair, but it is just (ultimately) and those are two, very different aspects to consider.

Understanding that life isn’t fair is a big, big, lesson in this Mercury Retrograde phase and once we disabuse ourselves of that notion, we are much better off, because at that point we can deal with our lives as they are and then direct them to where we would like them to be. Mercury Retrograde in Libra takes some of the old varnish off of our thoughts and perceptions and that’s okay, because we need to get down to the base and then come back with a new sheen and a brighter shine once Mercury goes direct on 10/10 at ZERO degrees, which equals “Reset.” To hell with Shimitah or the Jubilee where we are given the reset from some other authority. Claim it for yourself.


The Vatican’s Agenda?

As always, do your research:

The Pope Appeareth

by Jon Rappoport

Jon Rappoport

“Religions and, yes, even certain ‘economic systems’ have preached poverty as the way to salvation, or at least a ‘more honest’ life. Poverty is promoted as a kind of test of faith. But the promoters always had cash in the bank. The catch is this: in order to reap the spiritual rewards, a poor person has to remain poor. Otherwise, how can he continue to know true glory? The modern version of this is: a victim is a victim forever. Otherwise, he might eliminate the need for ‘social justice’ and the con artists who peddle it. Don’t spend a few dollars cleaning up the contaminated water systems in Third World countries. Don’t give back good growing land that was stolen. Poverty and starvation are glamorous. They give rise to humanitarian ideologies that front for theft and destruction on a grand scale.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

He’s here. The Pope. And his covert Jesuit message is: let’s get rid of separate nations, eliminate private profit for the middle class, and return to those glorious days of the Middle Ages; my Church flourishes under those conditions; we know how to deal with wall-to-wall misery; oh, and here’s the collection plate.

He’s part of the international gang that throws around the word “capitalism” as if it’s a mortal sin.

Making distinctions isn’t the Pope’s forte.

He ignores the differences between mega-corporations who align with governments (and his Church) to create a Globalist Order…and the untold numbers of small businesses owned by people who want to work for a living and earn a profit.

For the Pope, it’s all “capitalism.” Everything should be free—which, translated, means: almost everyone should be poor.

Migration of populations? No problem. It’s a good thing. After all, it helps, in the long run, to erase borders and nations and turn back the clock to more troubled times.

That’s the op, and the Pope is on board with it. He and Obama will get along well. Obama is in charge of making sure the inner-city communities he champions will stay poor and have ample targets to blame.

Obama never intended to create jobs in those inner cities and transform them. That was never on his agenda. He never intended to speak about how the jobs and the companies were lost there, as one Globalist trade deal after another sent work and factories overseas. Obama is touting new trade deals.

He and the Pope will give each other a nudge and a wink.

If these two have their way, the “settled science” on manmade warming will trigger global cuts in energy production (except for favored companies), thus creating even more horrific poverty among the Third World countries which are supposed to “benefit from the rational distribution of energy”).

These two men know how to use “humanitarian” utterances to front for their real goals. They know how to play that tune up and down the scale, instilling the proper amount of guilt along the way.

The Pope and the President will be popping champagne corks. It’ll be a party.

Obama: Your Holiness, I’m a rank amateur when it comes to psyops. You folks have been running cons for a couple of thousand years give or take. So any tips you can offer me…

Pope: Don’t kid a kidder, Barack. You’re doing a bang-up job. You started off with that messianic salvation utopia thing, and then you put it on the shelf and went for social justice, which is a biggie, because it diverts attention from the fact that most people just want jobs and enough money to survive—and of course that is never going to happen…

In his first comments to the press after election as Pope, Francis said: “This is what I want, a poor church for the poor.”

1.2 billion members, a separate nation (the Vatican), an estimated $170 billion in annual spending…sure, a poor church.

The “for the poor” part of the Pope’s quote is accurate. As in: a return to greater poverty. In such a world, the feudal lords will fill the collection plate.

There’s just one problem with the Vatican’s Globalist agenda. It doesn’t quite mesh with the mega-corporate view of Globalism. As fewer and fewer people around the world can afford to buy what the corporations are selling, a crack-up will occur. But for the Pope, those are petty details. He’s with the mega-corporations on the surface; but at a deeper level, the Vatican wants what it’s always wanted: chaos, poverty, and top-down control.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALEDEXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.
