Tips for Dealing with Negativity

there is a lot of negative stuff out there these days, much generated by the overall atmosphere of fear that is being put forth in the media, so here are a few suggestions from Deepak Chopra on how to tackle this energy:


Deepak Chopra: Dealing With Negativity

August 17, 2015 

Deepak Chopra: Dealing With Negativity

by Deepak Chopra

There are a number of different techniques to deal with negativity. It takes time before you find the right response to suit a specific situation. The more patient you are with yourself, the better. One day you may need tears, the next day it’s a matter of patiently waiting or talking to your inner self. Here are some methods of dealing with negativity to add to your repertoire:

Patient waiting. Notice your negative reaction and watch it for a moment. Be attentive to your feelings as they are, without judging or forcing them to change. This response is quiet, but it isn’t passive. You are removing the shock value of the moment, softening the feeling so that you don’t act on it impulsively or push it away. You are letting it dissipate naturally, at its own pace. You are also practicing detachment.

Talk out the problem. Any negative experience in the mind is part of yourself. It’s neither alien nor evil. Try talking to your fear or hostility. Ask to know what it means. Find out why it chose to show itself at this particular moment.

Ask the underlying energy to leave. Not all negativity wants to stick around. We are all aware of passing moods and sudden flashes of emotion that soon subside. Ask the negative energy to leave, but first give it a chance to say what it has to say.

Summon help and assistance. Your mind has countless levels. At higher levels, you possess much more control and authority than you realize. Learning to trust in aspects of your higher self that you can’t see is important. Ask for help in removing unwanted negative energy. Some people address their angels and guides; others pray to God; still others make a request to the higher self directly. Depending on your own beliefs, don’t hesitate to say that you are feeling overwhelmed and need help.

Physical responses. Turn to the wisdom of the body. Although the mind always wants to rush in and take charge, life is a cooperative venture between mind and body. As some body workers like to say, there are issues in the tissues. So let your body do what it wants in order to release the grip of a negative experience. This can be physical, or even toning, which means humming or singing at certain pitch and then letting the body carry the tone up or down.


Japan Volcano Alert

8/15/2015 — ANOTHER Large earthquake in the West Pacific — M6.7 strikes Soloman Islands — Japan on Volcano ALERT

A large M6.7 earthquake has struck the West Pacific in the Soloman Islands East of Papua New Guinea.

This events marks the THIRD large earthquake to strike the Soloman Islands this week.

6.7m earthquake papua new guinea soloman islands aug 15 2015


The Soloman Islands were specifically forecast to see large earthquake activity this week (after several weeks of relative silence).

The earthquake forecast for the Soloman Islands was issued on August 8, 2015 — issued for a 7 day time period to watch the region.

In the past 7 days, three different large earthquakes struck the warned area.  See the full earthquake forecast video here:


In addition to seeing the large earthquake activity in the Soloman islands, the other area which was warned in the earthquake forecast  (South Japan) is now under alert / evacuations due to thousands of earthquakes near Sakurajima Volcano, with an impending very large eruption now possible.

The nearby Sendai Nuclear power plant is also under serious warning, locals evacuating, and “massive tectonic deformation” currently taking place (August 15):


San Francisco Earthquake 8/17

Moderate earthquake below the greater San Francisco area

Last update: August 17, 2015 at 3:21 pm by By


Update 14:51 UTC : Cracks in walls have been reported in Hayward

Update 14:17 UTC : The depth has been calculated by the USGS at 5.4 km or 3.3 miles which is extremely shallow. We would not be surprised that minor damage would be generated in the immediate vicinity of the epicenter (we call slight damage fallen tiles, hair cracks in walls, fallen objects, etc)

Update 14:03 UTC : ER does expect only very slight damage based on the current eq parameters.

Screen Shot 2015-08-17 at 16.00.17 Screen Shot 2015-08-17 at 16.00.27 Screen Shot 2015-08-17 at 16.00.36 Screen Shot 2015-08-17 at 16.01.01

1km (1mi) N of Piedmont, California
4km (2mi) ENE of Emeryville, California
5km (3mi) NE of Oakland, California
5km (3mi) SE of Berkeley, California
104km (65mi) SW of Sacramento, California

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 4.01

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2015-08-17 06:49:17

GMT/UTC Time : 2015-08-17 13:49:17


Serrapeptase & Your Health

Serrapeptase: an Enzyme That Treats Inflammation, Arthritis, Scar Tissue and More

Serrapeptase an Enzyme You Should Not Be Without

14th August 2015

By Dr. Michelle Kmiec

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The use of enzymes therapeutically is not a new concept, and has been widely accepted for its healing properties in both traditional and modern medicine.

Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme, which means that it breaks down protein into smaller components (peptides and amino acids) that the body can re-use. It is derived from the digestive system of the silk worm, which regurgitates serrapeptase to break free from its cocoon.

Scientists in India first began to research the enzyme to see how it could be used therapeutically in the human body. From the start, they were astonished to realize that serrapeptase is a very powerful anti-fibrotic enzyme, with applications for the treatment of  inflammation, arthritis, scar tissue and much more.

What Does Serrapeptase Do?

Realizing that serrapeptase is anti-fibrotic was an interesting discovery because many health conditions are the result of abnormal thickening or scarring of fibrous connective tissue, a condition known as fibrosis.

Fibrosis is any disease where excess fibrous growth is present. This includes a wide range of conditions and health issues, including the following:

  • Plaquing of the arterial walls (atherosclerosis)
  • Fibrocystic breasts
  • Uterine fibroid tumors
  • Scarring after injury
  • Scarring after surgery
  • Cystic Fibrosis; affecting the exocrine glands (secreting glands; mucus, hormones, etc.) of the lungs, liver, pancreas, and intestines.
  • Blood clots; due to the fibrin in blood

The action of serrapeptase doesn’t stop there. It is an effective enzyme against inflammation in all its forms. In other words, inflammation of the joints, the digestive system as well as other organs.

This is because serrapeptase breaks down the dead tissues and excess fibrin, thus eliminating the body’s defense mechanism which is known as inflammation. The body is then able to clean out the burdensome dead tissues and fibrin growths, allowing for the healing process to begin more effectively.

Inflammatory health conditions that serrapeptase is effective against are:

  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Serrapeptase, by helping the body eliminate dead tissues and fibrin growths, is extremely beneficial to those suffering from autoimmune disorders such as:

  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Psoriasis
  • Allergies
  • Cancer

Serrapeptase in these cases, not only breaks down the dead fibrin tissues, but also serve as a healthy alternative to NSAIDS (aspirin, ibuprofen), and powerful steroids that are sometimes used for pain control.

Conditions That Have Been Helped by Serrapeptase

  • Pain (of all kinds)
  • Arthritis
  • Arterial plaque
  • Headaches caused by inflammation
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Lupus
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Psoriasis
  • Emphysema
  • Bronchitis
  • Pulmonary Tuberculosis
  • Asthma
  • Sinusitis
  • Eye conditions caused by inflammation
  • Injuries and trauma
  • Post operative scarring
  • Inflammatory bowels diseases
  • Cystitis
  • Fibroid tumors
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Fibrocystic diseases
  • Varicose Veins
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Subclinical chronic inflammation; premature aging


Regarding the conversion of mg and IU for serrapeptase, the answer is not that easy. There appears to be a different standard of conversion depending on what company you choose to buy from. There is some research that has used the ratio of mg of serrapeptase which equals 20,000 units of activity, however not exclusively.

There has also been research done with 200 mg or 20,000 IU.

With this in mind, it would be best to not try to compare the two, but rather stick to one measurement or another.

The dosage varies depending on the condition you are trying to address or if you are simply using the enzyme for maintenance purposes.

Dosages range from:

  • 30 mg – 1000 mg
  • 10,000 IU – 100, 000 IU

In either case, taking 1 – 2 per day is typical for maintenance or for minor ailments. The therapeutic dosage can be as high as taking the max dosage (either 1000 mg or 100,000 IU. Keep in mind that this does not mean that they are equivalent) for up to 30 pills per day for the lower potency and dosages taken 1 -2 times per day for the higher range.

There doses seem to be the concern regarding the “blood thinning” properties of serrapeptase, so let’s clarify what is really meant by blood thinners.

Technically, the blood cannot get “thin”. What happens when you take something that acts to “thin the blood”, like an Aspirin or something stronger such as Coumadin, is that the blood becomes less sticky, so the blood can then flow more freely. The blood itself has not changed, but rather the mechanism that allows (or disallows) for free flow has. This is a subtle concept, but an important one.

There are many things that can impede blood flow such as:

  • Platelets sticking together
  • Clotting
  • Plaquing
  • Inflammation

With the use of serrapeptase, any of the above can be remedied and the research has proven it. However, the question is…will serrapeptase interfere with a drug therapy being used to “thin the blood”?

There appears to be no concerns with taking serrapeptase at the lower dosages. The really cool thing about this enzyme is that whether you take lower doses or higher doses, you will ultimately achieve the same effect. One just takes a bit longer than the other.

If you are concerned regarding any interactions, please consult a knowledgeable doctor. I say knowledgeable because this enzyme has a great deal of research supporting it, so if your current doctor dismisses the idea of trying serrapeptase, he/she is giving an opinion without having read the research. If that is the case, please seek out a healthcare professional who is open to all methods of healing — especially non-pharmaceutical methods that have been shown to be effective for your overall health!

Remember, there is only one you… it is your right to be in control of your health!


On Proper Breathing

What is Your Quality of Breath — Did You Know You Could Be Starving Your Body of Oxygen?

Written by August 13, 2015

Lavender Field by Cherie Roe Dirksen header

Taking Breathing For Granted

Breath — it is the first thing we do when we experience this life and the last thing we do when we make our grand exit.  As physical beings, it is our life – we cannot function without it.  And yet we take it so for granted.

“Did you know that your quality of breath can determine your quality of life?”

In meditation, it is our bridge between the noise of our minds and the accessible silence.  It can be our pathway to stillness and present moment awareness.

Did you know that your quality of breath can determine your quality of life?

Breathing correctly boosts the brain (it has even been shown to spark brain growth — especially in the elderly), invigorates the body and helps us to find clarity (especially when we find ourselves under stress or anxiety).

Controlled breathing can even lower blood pressure and heart rate.

Did you know that:

  • Oxygen is important to blood cells because oxygen is needed to make energy for our body.
  • You don’t get blood cell oxygenation from food — you breathe in O2 and it is picked up by the red blood cells in the lungs and taken through the body to all the cells via hemoglobin.

But Don’t We Breathe Naturally?

Most of us are on auto-pilot with our breaths — they are shallow and we don’t usually pay much attention to the inhalation/exhalation process.

Be honest with yourself — how often do you take a deep, belly-filled breath?

I know you’ve just done it now 😉 But think about it — it’s not that often, right?

Try to consciously breathe, even if it is every hour.  As mentioned above, deep breathing will help your body by infusing your cells with oxygen, bringing vitality and balance to your system.

Shallow breathing restricts oxygen to the brain causing fatigue and lethargy so — whenever you can — put your attention on your breath.

Try this exercise: 

Breathe in to the count of eight – really fill your lungs and let your stomach expand to the extent that you look pregnant.  Hold that breath to the count of eight and then release it slowly to the count of eight.

Do this 3 times as many times a day as you can, especially in the morning, when you awaken, and just before sleep.

It will give you an added kick to the day and induce restful sleep at night.

Using Mindful Breathing to Begin Therapeutic Meditation

To those of you who are old-hat with meditating — you can skip this part. For those who are new to meditation and want to try it out…it may benefit you to read on.

When you engage in mindful breathing (find somewhere quiet to sit or lie down, close your eyes and put your attention on inhalation and exhalation) you form a bridge to the ‘still’ place in your mind.

With time and practice, you will be able to cross that bridge a little easier every time you engage in meditation and breathwork.

Don’t judge yourself or get upset if your mind just won’t shut up – this is normal and takes a lot of practice to get to the point where you can achieve full stillness without all the fluff and ‘white noise’.

Sometimes my mind just won’t let go of a song or tune when I am trying to meditate (especially when it thinks it’s being funny and starts up with ‘The Sounds of Silence’) and I just let that be – it usually dissipates in the end.  Just persist with the mindful breathing and go with the flow of where your consciousness wants to take you.

“This is the journey into the mind and it can be a wonderfully calming experience…”

Mindful breathing techniques in meditation can be really awesome as you begin to sense the vibrations and different frequencies in the ether and all around you.  It might come in the form of flashing or bright coloured lights or a vortex or wormhole.  Sometimes it just remains dark or ‘spotty’ – a bit like the night sky.

Stay with this and see where it takes you.  This is the journey into the mind and it can be a wonderfully calming experience.

Enjoy using your nasal passages and lungs to enliven and revitalize your body and soothe your soul!


DNA Changes


by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Imagine being able to activate your dormant, “junk” DNA?  In recent news, scientists and geneticists have discovered three and four strand DNA in human cells while some geneticists believe we may soon evolve to a 12 strand DNA.

To those who may dismiss this theory, and article entitled, “Spontaneous Evolution Has Arrived!“, a child was recently born with a 3 strand DNA in England.

Brave toddler Alfie Clamp stuns doctors after being born with extra strand of DNA

A British toddler has become the first person in the world to be born with an extra strand in his DNA, in a condition so rare doctors don’t even know its name.

Alfie Clamp, from Warwickshire, northern England, has a seventh chromosome which has an extra arm.

We are taking an evolutionary leap

Dr. Berrenda Fox is a holistic practitioner of the Avalon Wellness Centre in Mt Shasta, California.  In an interview with Patricia Resch, Dr. Fox stated the following:

PR: What are the changes that are happening at this time on the planet, and how are our bodies being affected?

BF: There are major changes, mutations that haven’t occurred, according to geneticists, since the time we supposedly came out of the water. Several years ago in Mexico City there was a convention of geneticists from around the world, and the main topic was the DNA change. We are making an evolutionary change, yet we don’t know what we are changing into.

PR: How is our DNA changing?

BF: Everyone has one double helix of DNA. What we are finding is that there are other helixes that are being formed. In the double helix there are two strands of DNA coiled into a spiral. It is my understanding that we will be developing twelve helixes. During this time, which seems to have started maybe 5 to 20 years ago, we have been mutating. This is the scientific explanation. It is a mutation of our species into something for which the end result is not yet known.

The changes are not known publicly, because the scientific community feels it would frighten the population. However, people are changing at the cellular level. I am working with three children right now who have three DNA helixes. Most people know and feel this. Many religions have talked about the change and know it will come about in different ways. We know it is a positive mutation even though physically, mentally, and emotionally it can be misunderstood and frightening.

PR: Are these children displaying any characteristics different from other children?

BF: These are children who can move objects across the room just by concentrating on them, or they can fill glasses of water just by looking at them. They’re telepathic. You would almost think by knowing these children that they are half angelic or superhuman, but they’re not. I think they are what we are growing into during the next few decades.

PR: Do you think this will happen to all of us?

BF: It seems like most people who were born before 1940 have not been able to make the shift, but have initiated something into the next generation that gives them the capacity to form another helix within our lifetime. Our immune and endocrine systems are the most evident of these changes. That is one of the reasons I work with research in immunological testing and therapy.

Some adults that I have tested actually do have another DNA helix forming. Some are even getting their third. These people are going through a lot of major shifts in their consciousness and physical bodies, because it is all one. In my opinion, the Earth and everyone here is raising its vibration. Many of the children born recently have bodies that are magnetically lighter. 

PR: What other changes should we expect to see?

BF: There will be no disease, we will not need to die. We will be able to learn our lessons, not through suffering, but through joy and love. The old system has to crumble away, and is not doing that without putting up a big fight. So you have all the wars; a lot of the medical-type of healing is not working; the government is not working.

Biophotons and DNA

The eyes are precisely where the solar radiation that feeds life enters the body.
Johan Boswinkel

Dr. Fritz Albert Popp’s research confirmed the existence of biophotons, which are particles of light, with no mass, that transmit information within and between cells.  Dr. Popp discovered that the coherent emission of bio-photons is connected to energy and information transfer processes in the biological organisms, and has been linked to the function of DNA and to gene regulation.

In simpler terms, our bodies not only emit light, but they also store light within our DNA.

A living cell requires energy not only for all its functions, but also for the maintenance of its structure. Without energy, life would be extinguished instantaneously, and the cellular fabric would collapse. The source of this energy is the sun’s radiation.
Nobel Peace Prize recipient and Hungarian biochemist Albert von Szent-Györgyi

Four strand DNA reported by mainstream media

In a science article on NBC, ” researchers have found four-stranded DNA is also lurking in human cells. The odd structures are called G-quadruplexes because they form in regions of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that are full of guanine, one of the DNA molecule’s four building blocks, with the others being adenine, cytosine, thymine. The structure comprises four guanines held together by a type of hydrogen bonding to form a sort of squarelike shape. (The DNA molecule is itself a double strand held together by these building blocks and wrapped together like a helix.)”

Abstract: Quantitative visualization of DNA G-quadruplex structures in human cells

“The study showed that if an inhibitor is used to block DNA replication, quadruplex levels go down – proving the idea that DNA is dynamic, with structures constantly being formed and unformed.”

Is it possible that vaccinations, chemtrails and GMO’s have been acting as DNA inhibitors up until this point in time?

Reprogramming your DNA through words and frequencies

Dr. Peter Gariaev’s research into DNA concluded that DNA may be the universal language of spirituality, adding “wave genetics” shows that DNA functions like a holographic computer, part of the larger hologram of the information wave reality.  Our DNA has the capabilities of hypercommunication—telepathy, remote sensing and remote feeling, along with other psychic abilities.  We also have the ability to reprogram our genetic blueprint with simple word and frequencies.

How can we change our DNA right now?

Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research has concluded that water has consciousness.  Based on this premise, I have decided to experiment with water, Ho’oponopono, sigils and positive affirmations.

In February of 2012, I started drinking distilled water as recommended by Andrew Norton Webber.

I also drastically changed my eating habits from your typical processed food, GMO-ladened diet to virtually all organic, including grass fed meat, fresh squeezed juices and homemade smoothies. Initially, I noticed an immediate change in my complexion as well as energy levels but after 7 months or so, I also noticed that I was losing my hair and wondered if that was attributed to drinking distilled water, so I stopped doing this but soon found something even more amazing.

After researching the benefits of ozone water, I decided to buy an ozone generator to infuse my water with extra oxygen. In addition, as per Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research into the consciousness of water, I added affirmations and Ho’oponopono.

Ho’oponopono is the Hawaiian Code of Forgiveness that follows 4 simple mantras:

  1. I love you.
  2. I’m sorry.
  3. Please forgive me.
  4. Thank you.

Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research show us that water has consciousness, so I combined Ho’oponopono with positive self-affirmations.

My affirmations are:

  1. My pineal gland is fully open.
  2. My chakras are clear and balanced.
  3. My DNA codes are fully open to allow me to help myself and others in the best interests of humanity.

I decided to take this one step further after researching the power of sigils. A sigil is an inscribed or painted symbol considered by many to have magical powers.

Many corporate logos use symbols as a way to subconsciously influence us. A perfect example would be the Shell logo, which innocently looks like a shell, but it actually represents the sun and sun-worshipping, which preexisted before many religious belief systems.

Exxon uses symbols and sigils as a way to represent Saturn. In astrotheology, Saturn is Satan. Did you ever wonder why we exchange rings during wedding ceremonies? The rings represent the rings of Saturn (Satan). Look no further than the pre-Christian Chritmas-time celebration of Saturnalia, which was a week of debauchery and drunkenness.

In this world of polarity and duality, the same practices can be done with pure intent.

I decided to make a sigil glass that contained all of my affirmations. This is what it looks like:

I buy 5 gallon jugs of BPA free spring water from Zephyrhills and dispense it from a water cooler. Even my dog drinks this water! I have an ozone machine by the water dispenser.

The particular ozone machine that I use is a A2Z Ozone Aqua 6 Multi Purpose Ozone Generator because it gives me the biggest bang for the buck with a 600 mg/h ozone output.

After pouring water into my sigil glass, I speak my affirmations to the water, then I apply Ho’oponopono. I finish by saying, “Please send these messages to every cell in my body. Namaste.

It is important to keep in mind that the ozone leaves the water relatively quickly, so your best bet is to drink it as quickly as possible.  Some reports say that it only lasts up to an hour or two before dissipating.

High pitched frequencies and DNA

Many people are hearing high pitched frequencies that are not associated with tinnitus or a Vitamin D deficiency and some people believe these have something to do with a DNA upgrade.

In an In5D poll on the article, Do you hear perpetual high pitched frequencies? You’re not alone!, 97.8 people who responded confirmed hearing high pitched frequencies.  Is there a spiritual reason for these frequencies and/or is it possible that they are helping to evolve our DNA?

As a musician, it’s easy for me to figure out what tones I hear, which are predominantly in the key of B, but also in F# and C.  What sounds do you hear, if any?

We are beings of LIGHT

Science has proven that our DNA is evolving.  In order to keep the status quo, is it possible that our vaccinations are working as inhibitors to deter this process?  Despit the vaccinations, GMO’s and chemtrails, is it possible that our DNA will continue to evolve into a form of higher consciousness?

Only time will tell…

We know today that man, essentially, is a being of light. And the modern science of  photobiology is presently proving this.  In terms of healing the implications are immense.  We now know, for example, that quanta of light can initiate, or arrest, cascade-like reactions in the cells, and that genetic cellular damage can be virtually repaired, within hours, by faint beams of light.

We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life, but we can now say emphatically, that the function of our entire metabolism is dependent on light.”

Dr. Fritz Albert Popp


Moving into the 5th Dimension

How To Shift Into The 5th Dimension : 7 Things You Must Know

August 13, 2015 

How To Shift Into The 5th Dimension : 7 Things You Must Know

by Hannah,
Guest writer,

We are moving to an amazing era of New Earth or Fifth Dimensional Earth which is full of extreme heavenly bliss. However it is up to us to allow the flow of energy from the creator to manifest literally anything into our experience. Since our creator made ourselves in his image, we have a free will to create anything that we want in our reality.

Most of the humanity this time is in power and control from government and corporations as we don’t know our true nature as a creator and creating realities that involves lot of stress and struggle. As lot of us are waking up, we are enlightening others about their lost powers.

The need at this time is to be more spiritual and understand and practice it . No one can force anyone to believe in spiritual stuff. However with changing vibrations you won’t be able to survive in the negative influence and will very soon know who you are. To enter into the fifth dimensional Earth, it’s important for you to be happy and motivated all the time. Let the feelings be your guide and understand the following points:

1. Nothing is permanent

Understand that everything you see and feel is made of energy and energy can be transformed into different matter. Everything around us has some consciousness. Reason you are here on Earth is to experience and expand your consciousness as everything possible has already been done.

2. Live in the moment of the “Now”

Your past, future and present is happening right NOW. There’s no concept of time in spiritual world. That’s what fifth dimensions and higher are all about.

3. Set no goals

By setting goals you are trapping yourself in the future which you haven’t manifested yet and struggle to achieve those goals. The problem here is that most of us set goals which are very small and feel happy about manifesting them. If you are setting goals like pay bills, go to grocery, then probably you should know how to order from the universe. However it is always good if you maintain a journal writing down how you feel each day and what made you feel like that.

4. Everything is possible if you believe

We live in parallel universes and create our own universe by experiencing things from those parallel universes. By having a desire and feeling good about having it you are shifting your universe. More faith you have in yourself, it’d be much easier to manifest or experience anything.

5. Ask and it is given

Law of Attraction is a Universal Law which says like attracts like.That’s why people say think big because when you think big and have faith, universe will match the exact vibration. More you allow, more you’ll manifest. Manifestations in 5D Earth are instant and there’s no concept of Time.

6. Do only things that you love

By doing things you love, you are allowing Universe to shift itself and give you more and more experience of things and events that you would love.

7. We are all one

Everything is consciousness. The air you breathe or the mountains that you see are made by some spiritual beings. All of us on planet Earth are given free will which is not so with most of the planets, however there’s lot of judgement and differences that we create in our mind and don’t exercise our Free Will properly living in the world full of discrimination.  5D Earth is all about enlightened society of people where there is no discrimination and your manifestations are instant. Also know that as humans we are eternal beings and don’t die.

Understanding spirituality can be very profound unless you practice and have full faith in Creator. With the help of my angel guides and the wisdom gained over last few years I have written number of articles and writing lot many to help you awaken to your true nature.


Your Color VIbe for Thursday, August 13

Thursday, August 13:   Sky Blue

Well, things will be just a bit easier today than you expected, so enjoy it! There is a bit of serendipity in the air. This is a day for listening to your intuition, to that little voice in your head that tells you to take the road less traveled. You can find some surprises along the way. The day’s energy is good for tackling all those awful tasks that you have been putting off. You can find that they were not really all that difficult after all. Sometimes the biggest difficulty is convincing yourself just to do it.

Your Color Vibe for Wednesday, August 12

Wednesday, August 12:   Cinnamon Brown

Things will be up and down today, and some of those sups can be really, really up while some of those downs can go the other way. It is important to ground and center today and work with the intention of staying on an even keel. You can see through some of the fog that surrounds some issues to the real essence of what is being said, what is going on, what you need to know. So while it seems as though the day can be something of a workout, in fact it can be truly enlightening if you just allow yourself to be from your inner core and mediated through the deep knowing of your heart.