Dr. Mercola Responds

Deep State Trying to Take Down Mercola.com and 2 Decades of Alternative Health Information

Lies Exposed: CSPI’s Organized Attack Against Mercola

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

For the past two decades, my mission has been to help you take control of your health. Recent developments now threaten my ability to do that. July 21, 2020, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) issued a press release1 and testified in a Senate hearing on the topic of COVID-19 scams.

The press release contained lies, fabrications and a reckless disregard for truth in an attempt to put an end to me and this website.

Additionally, in an August 12, 2020, email, CSPI president Dr. Peter Lurie2 — a former FDA associate commissioner — claims I’m “profiting from the pandemic” through “anti-vaccine fearmongering” and reporting of science-based nutrition shown to impact your disease risk. According to Lurie:

“Mercola brazenly has claimed that many of his products are coronavirus treatments or cures, including vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, selenium, ‘molecular hydrogen,’ licorice, and other substances.

Besides profiting from the pandemic, Mercola has seemingly advised people to contract COVID-19 after taking supposedly ‘immunity boosting’ supplements (which of course he sells). Making matters worse, Mercola is a leading proponent of anti-vaccine conspiracy theories — and has been fearmongering against prospective COVID-19 vaccines even before such vaccines are available!”

CSPI is now urging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission “to bring enforcement proceedings against Mercola and his companies for their unlawful disease claims that falsely and misleadingly claim to treat, cure or prevent COVID-19 infections.”

Lurie is asking CSPI members to flood these agencies with prewritten Tweets urging them to take action against us. You may have been one of the people who received this urging if you made the mistake of subscribing to their irresponsibly misleading organization.

How CSPI Is Spinning False Claims

Conveniently omitting the fact that I am a board-certified physician, the CSPI falsely claims I am promoting “at least 22 vitamins, supplements and other products” available on my website as being able to “prevent, treat or cure COVID-19 infection.”

These are some pretty hefty accusations to make, but luckily CSPI has provided an Appendix of Illegal Claims to easily verify the evidence they’ve uncovered, which you can view here.3 According to Lurie, I make COVID-19 claims for products such as Fermented Licorice Powder sold in the Mercola Market.4

You won’t find any claims as Lurie says, because they don’t exist. He is either delusional or lying. In CSPI’s listing for Solspring brand Fermented Licorice Powder in the Appendix, CSPI provides a link to an article about the benefits of glycyrrhizin, a compound found in licorice.

The article contains nine references to scientific journals, including The Lancet. What is not found in this article? Product advertisements or references to fermented licorice powder of any kind, let alone the Solspring brand.

Each product listed in the CSPI Appendix goes through the same bogus rearrangement of information, grabbing a snippet from a newsletter article and falsely applying it to my product pages. In reality, no product claims are made in the articles, and no COVID-19 claims are made on my product pages.

Here’s what The Lancet had to say about licorice:

“Of all the compounds, glycyrrhizin was the most active in inhibiting replication of the SARS-associated virus.”

Is this newsworthy to you? Do you find it interesting and relevant? Do you see any product ads on this page? Can you find any mention of “fermented licorice powder” on this page, as Lurie claims? No. That’s a complete lie and fabrication.

Each product listed in the CSPI Appendix goes through the same bogus rearrangement of information, grabbing a snippet from a newsletter article and falsely applying it to a completely unrelated product advertisement. In reality, no product claims are made in the articles, and no COVID-19 claims are made on any product pages found at the Mercola Market.

So, just what sort of intentional misrepresentation is going on here? What kind of legal charlatan would do something so reckless? It just so happens CSPI is the right charlatan for this con-job.

Two Decades of Health Journalism Are at Stake

For the last 23 years, I’ve fought against putting neurotoxic fluoride in water. I was one of the first doctors to alert the world about the dangers of Vioxx, which killed more than 60,000 patients before it was finally withdrawn from the market. I’ve campaigned against GMO’s and toxic agrichemicals, funding the original signature gathering to get GMO labeling in California in 2012.

For over a decade, I’ve funded the battle to end the use of mercury dental fillings worldwide. I’ve warned against the overuse of antibiotics in human medicine and the dangers of consuming them in CAFO meats.

I’ve funded research and was one of the first physician journalists to bring major awareness to the hazards of vitamin D deficiency. I’m now rallying public awareness of the importance to optimize vitamin D to minimize COVID-19 risks.

This public health advocacy has created an army of well-funded adversaries. They’ve attacked me using expensive PR groups and mass media, captured federal regulatory agencies and pharmaceutical front groups in an attempt to silence and discredit me.

Never before have Americans been exposed to such a coordinated assortment of lies and censorship. The brainwashing, social media surveillance, coercion and destruction of dissenters are accelerating. For a comprehensive overview of this New World Order, an empire built and run by billionaires, see my “Ghost in the Machine” article series.

CSPI Is Bankrolled by Billionaires With Their Own Agenda

Who bankrolls CSPI? Major hint, the general public plays a very tiny role in their funding. According to Influence Watch:5

“In 2017 CSPI’s received 37.6% ($5.3 million) of its revenue from membership dues and subscriptions to its Nutrition Action Healthletter. CSPI also took in 35.6% ($5 million) of its funding from contributions, and 15% ($2.2 million) of its revenue from foundational grants.

A number of foundations have given money to CSPI, among them the Rockefeller Family Fund, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, the Tides Foundation, the Public Welfare Foundation, Pew Charitable Trusts, and Bloomberg Philanthropies.”

CSPI has also partnered with Bill Gates’ agrichemical PR group, the Cornell Alliance for Science. In fact, Greg Jaffe, who heads up CSPI’s Biotechnology Project, is also the Alliance for Science associate director of legal affairs.6

CSPI Promoted GMOs and Trans Fat

For years, CSPI fought against your right to know the truth about genetically modified organisms(GMOs) in your food, saying GMO labels would be “misleading.”7

Apparently, they think GMO soy and corn drenched in toxic pesticides are in the public’s best interest, and they see no problem with synthetic fertilizer runoff poisoning fresh water supplies, or draining aquifers for irrigation.

Ironically, the top human ingredients from the genetically engineered products are high fructose corn syrup and vegetable oil. CSPI should likely change the name of the ‘Nutrition Action’ newsletter that competes with my own.

As if that isn’t enough, starting in the late 1980s, CSPI championed harmful trans fats,8 a tragically misguided yet thoroughly effective campaign that resulted in epidemic levels of heart disease. In fact, they celebrated their victory of converting Americans away from healthy saturated fats to trans fats, calling it “a great boon to Americans’ arteries.”9

It was largely the result of CSPI’s campaign that fast-food restaurants replaced beef tallow, palm oil and coconut oil with partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, which are high in synthetic trans fats linked to heart disease and other chronic diseases.

As late as 1988, CSPI praised trans fats, saying

“there is little good evidence that trans fats cause any more harm than other fats” and that “much of the anxiety over trans fats stems from their reputation as ‘unnatural.’”10

CSPI is also heavily funded by the American Heart Association,11 a group that in 1948 received a gift of $1.75 million from Procter & Gamble,12 the makers of Crisco, the top trans fat sold for decades. The cash bonanza, thanks to a radio contest, gave the 24-year-old AHA a solid footing to buy its way into America as one of the country’s most influential health organizations from then, on.

If that were not enough, today the AHA is funded in part by pharmaceutical companies making statins that fight the damage caused by trans fat,13,14 such as Pfizer, maker of Lipitor, which in 2011 was the world’s top-selling drug.15 In 2018-2019, Pfizer gifted the AHA with a hefty $824,595. Novartis, which also makes statins, gave the AHA a whopping $3.4 million that same year.

And, back to where we started with CSPI, in its 2018 Form 990 the AHA reports that it gave CSPI $49,500 in cash.16This, despite the fact that in 2003 CSPI published a report on lifting the veil of secrecy on how agencies like itself are funded — at the time, proudly declaring that CSPI doesn’t accept industry funding.17

I guess they think you don’t have to count it as industry money if you’re accepting that money from a major nonprofit that got its money from corporate and industry dollars. You can’t make this stuff up — it is hard to come up with groups that have had a more devastating impact on Americans’ health than the AHA — and CSPI is partly funded by it.

Which Side Is CSPI On?

In 2003, the Weston A. Price Foundation rightfully questioned whether CSPI might actually be promoting the interests of the soy industry rather than public health:18

“It is impossible to measure the hazards and grief … the leaders of the major nutrition ‘activist’ consumer organization have inflicted on many millions of an unknowing public — because CSPI’s campaign was wildly successful.

Thanks to CSPI, healthy traditional fats have almost completely disappeared from the food supply, replaced by manufactured trans fats known to cause many diseases.

By 1990, most fast food chains had switched to partially hydrogenated vegetable oil. In 1982, a McDonald’s meal of chicken McNuggets, large order of fries and a Danish or pie contained 2.4 grams of trans fat, out of a total of 54 grams of fat. In 1992, that same meal contained 19.2 grams trans fats, a 700 percent increase …

Who benefits? Soy, or course. Eighty percent of all partially hydrogenated oil used in processed foods in the US comes from soy, as does 70 percent of all liquid oil.

CSPI claims that its [financial] support comes from subscribers to its Nutrition Action newsletter … but in fact, in CSPI’s January 1991 newsletter, Jacobson notes that ‘our effort was ultimately joined … by the American Soybean Association.’”

CSPI Deceptively Erased Its Deadly History

Today, you’ll have to dig deep to unearth CSPI’s deadly campaign. In an act of deception, they erased it from their history to make people believe they’ve been doing the right thing all along. Notice how their historical timeline19 of trans fat starts at 1993 — the year CSPI realized the jig was up and they had to support the elimination of trans fat.

As reported in my 2015 article, “Did CSPI Kill Millions by Recommending Trans Fats?” CSPI rigorously campaigned for trans fat prior to 1993, resulting in an avalanche of ill health. (Should I mention that in December 1993 the AHA wrote in the journal Circulation that they didn’t believe Americans consumed enough trans fat to have a major effect on their LDL and HDL levels?20)

Post 1993, CSPI spent the next two decades raising funds to lobby against the very same trans fat they’d once promoted. Perhaps CSPI is just angry because I won’t let them get away with hiding their deadly history.

For years, CSPI has worked “in the public’s interest” in name only. Now, they’re attacking your right to be informed about the potential benefits of nutritional supplements and how you can bolster your immune system, thus minimizing your risk of COVID-19 and other infections.

My articles report published science. There’s scientific support for discussing the benefits of certain nutrients and inexpensive treatments against COVID-19 and other viral illnesses. It’s not pure speculation, it’s not fake news and it’s not a danger to public health, as CSPI would like everyone to believe.

It Is Time to Expose CSPI’s Lies

CSPI’s campaign in the 80’s switched Americans onto heart disease causing trans fats. CSPI fought against your right to know GMO’s, and is partnered with Bill Gates’ agrichemical PR group – Alliance for Science. CPSI wants vitamins and supplements banned, and is trying to bring an end to the mercola.com website.

Please share the truth about this dangerous group that is bankrolled by billionaires. Email, tweet, text and share by any method possible and help expose the CSPI lies.

Read the full article at Mercola.com.

from: https://healthimpactnews.com/2020/deep-state-trying-to-take-down-mercola-com-and-2-decades-of-alternative-health-information/

Garden of Life Sold Out to Nestle

Top Organic Vitamin Company Bought Out By Nestle Foods Corporation for a Cool $2.3 Billion

As far as massive multi-national food corporations go, few are more controversial than Nestlé, whose CEO Peter Brabek-Letmathe’s stances on water privatization have become infamous in the social media age.

The company specializes in a wide range of different food and drink products, but natural and organic has never been their true focus — until now, that is, as the company has agreed to purchase one of the biggest and most influential vitamin lines among holistic health conscious consumers.

What makes the pairing even more odd is the difference in styles between the two companies, with one continuing to place its products in big box stores and the other generally found only in a select few health food stores.

Now, the question on everyone’s mind is whether Nestlé will preserve the traditional values, ingredients and mission of the company, or change things up to their own liking, much to the chagrin of customers who value natural and organic supplements based on whole food ingredients.

Nestlé Buys Garden of Life Owners Atrium Innovations for $2.3 Billion

According to recent reports including this one from Reuters, Nestlé has agreed to purchase Atrium Innovations, the owner of the organic vitamin and supplement company Garden of Life, for the price tag of a cool $2.3 billion.

The move sent shockwaves through social media channels, particularly those in the natural and holistic world where Garden of Life’s whole foods based supplements and vitamins are staples for countless thousands of people. Many of them worry that the formulas could now be changed over the years and synthetic or non-organic ingredients may be added.

Brian Ray, President of the company, said that the plan is to continue with business as usual.

“I spent time getting to know the people at Nestlé, their vision and their values. I saw first-hand how much we have in common. They have no plans to change us — what we do, what we stand for or what we believe,” he said in this letter to customers about the acquisition.

While that may be reassuring to some, the use of the phrase “no (current) plans” still leaves the company open to changes at some point down the road, and it’s also hard for many to buy Ray’s statement that the two companies have similar values especially in light of Nestlé’s use of synthetic ingredients, GMOs, and other questionable items in their products.

Nestlé Plans to Build a “Health and Wellness” Empire Through Garden of Life, Others

Nestlé has been attempting to get into the health and wellness space for quite a while now, and also has been looking at potentially buying a stake in pharmaceutical giant Merck’s vitamin business.

“They’ve been trying to articulate a message around Nestlé Health Science and health and wellness for some time,” Liberum analyst Robert Waldschmidt said to Reuters about the purchase. “In terms of nutrition, this makes sense.”

While Nestlé is the largest packaged food company in the world, Garden of Life is sold almost exclusively in health food stores as well as online, and it is famous for products ranging from probiotics to Vitamin C sprays to multi-viatmins for both men and women.

Their products have been generally well-known and well-received in natural health circles because the company’s commitment to quality ingredients as they are certified organic, non-GMO, gluten-free, and vegan.

In total Atrium Innovations, which also owns other brands including Pure Encapsulations and Klean Athlete, is expected to sell about $700 million worth of products in 2017.

The company is also expected to begin throwing its hat into the food and drink market in the coming years, but the question now is whether or not they will live up to their lofty promises of quality organic and non-GMO ingredients.

Nestlé is also fond of using synthetic vitamins in its products, leaving some to wonder if Garden of Life may go down that same path at some point as well.

Whether or not they will is still an unknown at this point, but if you’re concerned, feel free to buy up Garden of Life products in their original state while you still can, on Amazon.com.

from:    http://humansarefree.com/2019/01/top-organic-vitamin-company-bought-out.html

Vitamin & Health

Vitamin D Found To Significantly Reduce Cancer, Yet Almost 90 Percent of The World Has Sub-Optimal Levels

by Mae Chan

There’s no doubting the magnitude of scientific evidence showing that the active form of vitamin D shuts down cancer cells. Higher levels of vitamin D are highly correlated with better chances of cancer survival and a new meta-analysis of existing data shows that increasing vitamin D status is associated with a significantly reduced risk of developing lung cancer.

“Almost every disease decreases in frequency and duration as we move towards equatorial populations, and the data shows that there is a minimum of a 1000 percent increase for many diseases in countries furthest from the equator, however we have obtained the same results based on data through populations and vitamin D supplementation,” said Dr. Anthony Petaku who studies the effects of Vitamin D2 and D3 on mutating cells.

Findings from the study, published in Cancer Causes & Control, suggest that the risk of lung cancer may be reduced by 5% for every 10 nmol/L increase of vitamin D intake.

The international research team, who worked in partnership with scientists at DSM, noted that while previous studies have suggested a link between vitamin D status and a variety of cancers, prospective observational studies examining the association between the circulating form of vitamin D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D), and lug have so far provided inconsistent findings.

“This is a significant result, as lung cancer is one of the top five cancers diagnosed among men and women, as well as being among the most common causes of death in the world,” commented ProfessorLi-qiang Qin from Soochow University in China — who led the work.

“More research is needed to determine whether a further increase has positive effects in reducing the risk of cancer, however this outcome helps us raise awareness of vitamin D health benefits.”

In a recent study, author Dr Hui Wang, said: “The results suggest vitamin D may influence the prognosis for people with breast cancer, colorectal cancer and lymphoma, in particular.”

Meanwhile, Dr Weiguo Zhang, corresponding author from DSM Nutritional Products, China, noted that 88% of the world’s population has sub-optimal vitamin D levels — adding that studies like the current meta-analysis help to understand how micronutrients affect the human body and how certain conditions can be prevented with increased and targeted intake.

“The new study adds to a larger body of evidence which demonstrates the emerging roles of vitamin D in protecting populations from developing other cancer risks, for instance, colon and breast cancer,” added Dr Manfred Eggersdorfer, Senior Vice President, Nutrition, Science & Advocacy at DSM.


Li-qiang and his colleagues performed a dose–response meta-analysis assess whether different levels of vitamin D status were related to an altered risk of lung cancer.

The team analysed data from 13 reports in ten prospective studies, totalling 2,227 lung cancer events.

The meta-analysis found evidence of a non-linear relationship between 25(OH)D and lung cancer — finding a significant 5 % reduction in relative risk of developing lung cancer for each 10 nmol/L increment in 25(OH)D concentrations.

They noted that the greatest reduction in risk was found at a vitamin D status of around 53 nmol/L, which remained protective up to 90 nmol/L.

“Further increases showed no significant association with cancer risk, but scanty data were included in the analyses of high-level 25(OH)D,” the team reported.

“This dose–response meta-analysis of prospective studies suggests that 25(OH)D may be associated with reduced risk of lung cancer, in particular among subjects with vitamin D deficiencies,” they concluded.


“Considering that vitamin D deficiency is a widespread issue all over the world, it is important to ensure that everyone has sufficient levels of this important nutrient,” Dr Wang said. “Physicians need to pay close attention to vitamin D levels in people who have been diagnosed with cancer.”

Professional recommendations for supplementation are made for groups at risk of deficiency including pregnant and breastfeeding women, children under the age of five not fed infant formula, people over 65 and those not exposed to much sun.

It said taking too many vitamin D supplements over a long period of time could cause more calcium to be absorbed than can be excreted, which could lead to kidney damage and softened and weakened bones.

For this reason it’s very important to take a high quality calcium and magensium supplement with vitamin D such as Life Choice Opti-Cal/Mag Complex which also contains Vitamin K2 which in itself also has been found to prevent cancer and also improve bone, cardiovascular, skin, brain, and now prostate health.

Article sources:

from:    http://www.riseearth.com/2015/09/vitamin-d-found-to-significantly-reduce.html

RE: Fish Oil

If Fish Oil is So Unhealthy, How Did It Pull Brain Damaged Victims Out of Comas?


fish-oil-shapeThere are a lot of health writers who recommend staying away from using fish oil as a supplement for omega-3, and there are mainstream reports of studies that “prove” supplementing omega-3 does nothing for heart health.

But rarely is anything mentioned about brain health. Omega-3s are the building blocks for the cell walls and neuron structures of the brain, myelin sheath, and nervous system.

“We have strong data that suggest omega-3 will activate good proteins to cope with brain damage and turn off proteins that cause neuroinflammation,” said Dr. Nicolas Bazan, director of the Neuroscience Center of Excellence at LSU Health in New Orleans and author of one of the studies that determined this.


Dramatic Episodes of Brain Damaged Victims Recovering With Fish Oil

Every once in a very great while, mainstream doctors look away from their “standard of care” medical bags and dare to use unusual approaches with non-pharmaceutical substances that deliver surprisingly effective results.

In 2010, high school student Bobby Ghassemi was taken out of his crashed vehicle and airlifted to a nearby Virginia hospital more dead than alive with severe brain trauma.

He was so much more dead than alive that the physician who eventually advised the Ghassemi family on using fish oil, Dr. Michael Lewis observed, “For all intents and purposes, he was dead on the scene. I’m looking at the reports, and they report a Glasgow Coma Score of three. A brick or piece of wood has a Glascow Coma Score of three. It’s dead.”

Bobby was placed in intensive care in a coma with all the apparatus possible to keep him a breath away from death. The hospital’s physicians commented that his brain injury was so bad, it was a wonder that he was alive enough to be in a coma!

They told Bobby’s father and mother it was doubtful he’d be more than a vegetable if he came out of the coma, and he’d be unable to speak or recognize his family.

A Good Time to Gamble with an Unusual Intervention

After 10 days, Bobby was still comatose but stable. His dad, Peter Ghassemi, felt more should be done than maintaining stability in a coma. So he started asking around to old Army buddies and was led to Army colonel Dr. Micheal Lewis.

“It really gets down to what I would call my brick wall analogy,” Dr. Lewis said. “If you have a brick wall and it gets damaged, wouldn’t you want to use bricks to repair the wall? And omega-3 fatty acids are literally the bricks of the cell wall in the brain.” (Emphasis added)

Dr. Lewis recommended fish oil based on an earlier episode of a West Virginia coal miner who barely survived a mining accident with severe brain damage. Except for extreme myelin sheath damage (nervous system’s fatty protective coats) from breathing toxic fumes, Randall’s condition resembled Bobby’s current state.

The 26-year-old miner, Randall McCloy, was “on death’s doorstep,” according to Randall’s hospital neurosurgeon, Dr. Julian Bailes. He and the other doctors then decided to forgo the normal wait and see after Randall was stabilized in intensive care.

Even as some recovery is noticed after a brain injury, the brain cells continue dying from progressive inflammation.

Dr. Bailes knew that the brain needs to feed on omega-3 fatty acids to heal inflammation as well as stimulate brain and nervous system cell growth. Unlike plant based omega-3s, fish oils do not require the body to convert ALA into the more efficacious aspects of omega-3 fatty acid, DHA and EPA.

After discussing Randall’s condition with fish oil omega-3 experts, Dr. Bailes determined that 20 grams of fish oil, several times the standard supplement dose of one to three grams, should be fed through Randall’s feeding tube daily might bring him around.

This successful intervention was explained to Bobby’s dad, Peter. In order to overcome authoritative medical “standard of care” resistance, Peter persistently urged the hospital staff to try the fish oil. Eventually the hospital yielded.

At his high school graduation, Bobby took off his cap and waved it to the cheering students. His dramatic three month recovery had left him with some weakness on his left side and walking difficulty, for which he had just begun therapy. But he was back.

More recently, in 2014, a repeat performance of a fish oil miracle. Grant Virgin was the pedestrian victim of a hit and run accident while walking near his family’s home. At first thought dead, he was rushed to a hospital. Doctors told his parents he would never recover from his coma and to “let him go”.

But the parents refused that and searched for solutions. They got an email from someone telling them about fish oil, and had to urge the hospital to perform “medical disobedience”, as reported from a medical source.

Here’s that story:

Instead of simply using the same treatment that saved these three trauma brain damaged victims when there is nothing Big Pharma can provide that effectively treats the 1.7 million people who suffer a traumatic brain injury each year in the United States, state Attorney Generals are waging wars against supplements.

from:    http://www.realfarmacy.com/fish-oil-unhealthy-pull-brain-damaged-victims-comas/

RE: Codex Alimnetarius

Will Codex Alimentarius Undermine Global Health Freedom?



What Is The Codex Alimentarius?

The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), based in Rome, Italy, is an international organization jointly created by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WTO) of the United Nations. The Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Use (CCNFSDU) is responsible for Dietary Supplements and Medical Foods and is one of some 27 separate Codex committees. The CCNFSDU meets once yearly in Berlin, Germany (its host country) and the National Health Federation is a Codex-recognized organization with the right to attend and speak out at these meetings.

The purpose of Codex is to provide a forum to facilitate global trade in foods and promote consumer food safety by developing science based standards and guidelines for use by member countries. Codex guidelines and standards are automatically implemented by the General Agreement on Trade & Tariffs (GATT) of the WTO and become binding for all international trade among GATT signatory countries. The CAC process calls for proposed committee standards and guidelines to be forwarded and approved by the Codex Alimentarius Commission’s Executive Committee.

When the proposals reach final approval (after an eight-step process), they then become binding on all GATT signatories, including the United States. Thereafter, no GATT-signatory country may use as a trade barrier any standard or guideline that disagrees with a Codex guideline or standard. According to some, it does not mean that all GATT countries must adopt Codex standards for their own domestic use. According to the NHF, we think that Codex guidelines and standards will inevitably supersede domestic laws, including the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.

The National Health Federation supports Codex guidelines and standards that are based on a free-market approach that maximizes freedom and health. In a free-market approach, the consumer is king and can choose to purchase and consume any foods and dietary supplements that he or she wishes. History has shown that the safest food products do not come from a top-down driven, controlled-market economy where an elitist select few decide what is “best” for all of us. Rather, the safest and healthiest individuals are those who are free to choose for themselves what is best for their health. The National Health Federation does not say that a free-market system is perfect.

No system is perfect. Instead, the goal is to minimize health errors and disease and a free-market system inevitably leads to such minimization. Recent history has shown centralized, planned economies to be among the unhealthiest for their citizens. And the more that free-market economies themselves are seduced into allowing health-care decisions to be made by elitist planners, the more health and health freedom will suffer. Therefore, the National Health Federation supports a decentralized system of health choices; and the most decentralized system is one where each individual consumer is free to choose what to put into his or her own body.

In the case of Codex, the National Health Federation opposes the current Codex member states who wrongly believe that consumer health will be enhanced by: (1) denying that dietary supplements can benefit normal, healthy people; (2) incorrectly defining dietary supplements as only those vitamins and minerals that the body cannot manufacture itself; (3) restricting the upper-limit amounts of vitamins and minerals, particularly by referring to currently-crude and archaic medical beliefs about nutrients; (4) restricting any physiological benefit information for consumers; (5) restricting the lower-limit amounts of vitamins and minerals that may be consumed by individuals; and (6) creating “positive” and “negative” lists of dietary supplements.

The current direction of Codex is off course and is unfortunately driven by a statist and elitist mentality that thinks it knows what is best for consumer health and protection. Unfortunately, such a mindset comes from the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s kind of “brave new world” thinking that elevated central planners into a form of “God on Earth.” That kind of out-dated thinking has caused more misery, death and disease than can possibly be imagined. That is why the National Health Federation supports a Codex process that will free up health knowledge and products for the entire World.

A free-market system of choice and knowledge will avoid the errors of central planning that sets standards, however well intentioned, into stone. With the doubling time of knowledge constantly accelerating, mankind cannot afford the “luxury” of getting stuck in health standards established in the 20th Century while new health knowledge and products are discovered almost daily. We also wish that such discoveries continue. The best way to ensure such progress and advancing health is to keep the planners and bureaucrats from strait jacketing dietary supplements with medievalist thinking and restrictions.

from:    http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/will-codex-alimentarius-undermine-global-health-freedom

Dr. Oz Scams on the Web – Be Informed

Dr. Oz exposes dietary supplement scam artists fraudulently using his name to dupe customers


(NaturalNews) If you look around the web, you’ll see the face of Dr. Oz on the sales pages of numerous dietary supplement products. Commercial emails routinely tout products with the claim that “Dr. Oz recommends this,” even as clicking on a link often takes you to a dubious website that signs you up for a deceptive auto-ship program for a counterfeit product. (Seriously, some supplements sold today by con artists don’t even contain the ingredients they claim.)

The problem with these promotions is that they are fraudulently using Dr. Oz’s name. Dr. Oz doesn’t sell any dietary supplements, you see, and he doesn’t endorse specific brands or products.

After sending numerous cease and desist letters to the scammers to no avail, Dr. Oz jumped on an airplane with his camera crew and drove to the scammers’ place of business to confront them on camera! Click here to watch the exciting segment yourself, which almost reminds me of an episode of COPS.

Dr. Oz doesn’t hold back, either. He marches right through their offices and warehouse and even grabs video of the people fleeing on foot. Truly, this is one of the most exciting Dr. Oz moments in history — and one of the most morally justified, too, in my opinion.

The people responsible for running the fraudulent “Dr. Oz” ads, according to this report, include:

Richard Fowler
Ryan Fowler
Oscar Maria
Nathan Martinez

… all reportedly operating out of San Diego, California, marketing “Garcinia Cambogia” supplements.

Sick and tired of the scammers and charlatans

Like Dr. Oz, I’m sick and tired of the scammers and charlatans who use deceptive business practices to hawk questionable dietary supplements. In fact, I’ve helped expose several of these companies, including the fake Acai berry scams which ultimately resulted in an FTC crackdown and huge fines.

While I’m a huge advocate of honest dietary supplements, superfoods and herbs, I have very little tolerance for people who think they can lie, cheat and steal their way to riches by exploiting the efforts of someone else.

Check out the fake news Acai berry diet scam ad below: the attractive news model in this picture has been the subject in incessant image piracy and misappropriation. She’s actually a French model who has been widely victimized by dietary supplement scammers, and her legal team has sent out hundreds (of not thousands) of cease and desist letters to violators.

If you ever see a suspicious-looking ad on the internet with her face on it, rest assured it’s a total scam:

We go to great lengths to police our own website of sponsors and ads

Natural News readers may not realize this, but we also go to great lengths to make sure scammers and cheaters don’t get access to our website. Sponsors that we accept have to adhere to strict quality requirements. We even review the ingredients of their formulas and reject them if their products contain certain ingredients we don’t allow.

While we can’t be 100% effective at policing all ads, we also work diligently to remove scammy or spammy Adsense ads, and we don’t knowingly allow any sponsors that run deceptive auto-ship programs (I’m a huge critic of deceptive auto-ship programs. Don’t you hate those?)

You may have also noticed we don’t allow things on our website like:

• Animated ads
• Auto-play videos (don’t you hate those, too?)
• Rollover-activated expanding ads
• Ads that link to pages which won’t let you leave

In fact, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes at operations like Natural News to stop the scammers from duping the public.

That’s why I applaud this effort by Oz. I’m really glad he took the time and effort to produce this video report, and I think it’s important for the public to be educated on the rise of internet scammers who exploit the gullibility of the public for their own selfish gain. These operators don’t care about your health; they don’t care about GMOs, or Smart Meters, or heavy metals… they only care about making a quick buck, no matter who they have to hurt (or deceive) in the process.

Click here to watch the Dr. Oz video I’m talking about.

Scammers give the industry a bad name

Hoodia Gordonii will forever be associated with scammers. Acai berry is much the same. And now, thanks to this explosive video investigation, Garcinia Cambogia will also be frequently associated with scammers.

The saddest part in all this is that products like Acai berry really do have many extraordinary properties (but they aren’t a weight loss miracle, by the way). There do exist some honest companies that sell these materials, but the rise of scammers tends to discredit the entire industry of dietary supplements. It also feeds right into the FDA’s desire to more aggressively regulate the industry — a move which would suppress the availability of many useful herbs and products, thereby harming many Americans who currently benefit from these products.

As someone who does have my own brand of dietary supplements, you’ll notice that I routinely downplay any health benefits of these products. In fact, if you look at my freeze-dried Acai powder product page at the Natural News Store, you’ll see that I don’t make any health claims at all. But I do go to the extra time, effort and expense to test everything we sell for heavy metals, and every product sold under the “Health Ranger” brand is validated to be very low in such metals.

There’s no arm-twisting, no aggressive sales pitch, no auto-ship program and no, you don’t see me stealing a picture of Dr. Oz to slap on the page either. My goal is to provide honest, pure, healthful products that nourish real people. It’s a simple goal but also increasingly rare in an industry where the almighty dollar so often trumps any sense of ethics or values.

(If you really want to understand what drives me in all this, click here to see my “Awakenings” video where I describe my philosophy of karma, spiritual truth, ethics and values.)

Do your homework before you buy

I suspect Dr. Oz would share in the final message of this article: Do your homework before you buy supplements. Know who you’re buying from. Steer clear of scammy-looking promotions. Ask the manufacturer if they’ve tested for heavy metals. Check out the reputation of the manufacturer.

There are a great many honest, quality-minded supplement manufacturers in the marketplace today, by the way. NOW Foods, in my opinion, is one of them. GAIA Herbs is my favorite herbal product company. I just tested the Whole Foods brand of Ginkgo herbs, by the way, and found the heavy metals to be remarkably low. Whole Foods seems to have some solid quality control going on with their in-house brand (from what I’ve tested so far, anyway).

Do your research and learn who to trust. And don’t be duped by some fly-by-night operation that says Dr. Oz (or the Health Ranger, for that matter) has endorsed their product. Chances are it’s a scam.


Supplements & Cancer Care

Available for a limited time:

Free Access: Seminal Paper on Integrating Top 10 Dietary Supplements Into Cancer Care

Posted on:

Sunday, September 15th 2013 at 4:15 pm

Written By:Glenn Sabin

ICT Cover

A new paper titled Integrating Dietary Supplements Into Cancer Care, authored by the Clinical Practice Committee of the Society for Integrative Oncology, will be published in the October/November 2013 edition of SAGE’s Integrative Cancer Therapies, edited by Keith I Block, MD.

SAGE has graciously made the article available, accessible here for 30 days, starting September 1, 2013.

A significant portion of cancer patients are now using dietary supplements. However, patients often don’t report their use of supplementation to their providers. Moreover, physicians have varying levels of understanding and experience with supplements and their use with oncology patients.

“Today’s informed patients truly value physicians who appreciate them as equal participants in making their healthcare choices.” ~Moshe Frenkel, MD

This important paper, written by leading researchers and clinicians with extensive experience using supplements, features the following 10 natural agents as having some of the strongest suggested benefits and evidence of effectiveness for cancer care:

1. Curcumin
2. Glutamine
3. Vitamin D
4. Maitake Mushrooms
5. Fish Oil
6. Green Tea
7. Milk Thistle
8. Astragalus
9. Melatonin
10. Probiotics

As the article states, “The information was constructed to provide an up-to-date base of knowledge, so that physicians and other healthcare providers would be aware of the supplements and be able to discuss realistic expectations and potential benefits and risks.” Read the entire paper here.

This article will be discussed during session conducted by lead author Dr. Moshe Frenkel during 10th International Conference of the Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO) in Vancouver.

For registration information on the 10th International Conference of the Society for Integrative Oncology, click here.

An excerpt from the Conference website is as follows….

Multidisciplinary oncology practitioners from around the globe, including stakeholders from virtually every major cancer center in the US and Canada, will convene to discuss the translation and evolution of evidence-based integrative oncology in practice, the steadily growing science base, and its continued rise in popularity as patients demand a whole person approach to cancer care that addresses the mind, body and spirit.

Keynotes by
Kerry S. Courneya, PhD
Victoria Sweet, MD, PhD
Frank Meyskens, MD, FACP

Program highlights include a moderated debate on the controversial topic of the role of cannabis in the treatment and management of cancer and related side effects, led by Dr. Donald Abrams from the University of California San Francisco’s Osher Center for Integrative Medicine. And, be sure to join us for our annual SIO Gala on Monday, October 21.


Media and marketing veteran Glenn Sabin is a 22-year cancer “thriver” who created a comprehensive, integrative oncology approach to achieve a complete pathological remission of his CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia)—considered an “incurable” disease—without conventional intervention. Glenn’s case has been chronicled through Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and his personal oncologist, Lee M. Nadler, MD, Dean of Clinical and Translational Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Read More at his website FON Therapeutics.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.
from:    http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/free-access-seminal-paper-integrating-top-10-dietary-supplements-cancer-care

Natural Reference Websites

4 Powerful & Extensive Natural Reference Websites.

The creator of Natural News Mike Adams, has complied four of the most extensive natural reference websites I have ever seen. This is a free public service to promote health freedom and empower consumers with information about the healing power of foods. Nature’s foods contain powerful medicine in the form of phytonutrients, and knowing how to use those natural medicines empowers people with the information they need to be healthier, happier and free from the ravages of chronic disease.

HealingFoodReference.com lists all the top healing foods along with the diseases or disorders they may help. It also lists the nutrients found in each food and which body systems may be helped (like the immune system or circulatory system). You can search for healing foods by food name or by disease name (like “osteoporosis”).

HerbReference.com lists medicinal herbs and their uses, covering Amazon herbs, Western herbs, Chinese herbs and even medicinal mushrooms from Japan.

NutrientReference.com is a reference database of healing nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and phytonutrients like anthocyanins or saponins. Using this online reference site, you can find out which nutrients help certain health conditions, or even which foods contain specific nutrients.

SupplementReference.com is the smallest of these sites, listing dietary supplements like psyllium, glucosamine and others that don’t quite qualify as individual nutrients. Currently, this site is sparse, but we are working on adding new supplements as quickly as we can. In time, we plan to list actual recommended products in this database as well.

All of these reference sites are hyperlinked to each other where appropriate. So you can click around and explore all the healing properties of foods, herbs, nutrients and supplements, or you can look up a particular health condition (like “depression”) and see what’s good for that.

This information is intended only as a general reference for further exploration, and is not a replacement for professional health advice. These pages  do not provide dosage information, format recommendations, toxicity levels, or possible interactions with prescription drugs. Accordingly, only use this information under the direct supervision of a qualified health practitioner such as a naturopathic physician.   

from:    http://wakeup-world.com/2011/07/05/4-powerful-extensive-natural-reference-websites/