On Being a Spiritual Warrior

Elana Miller, MD

Psychiatrist and writer at Zen Psychiatry

9 Ways to Be a Spiritual Warrior

Posted: 10/27/2013 10:04 am


Only as a [spiritual] warrior can one withstand the path of knowledge. A warrior cannot complain or regret anything. His life is an endless challenge and challenges cannot possibly be good or bad. Challenges are simply challenges. The basic difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge, while an ordinary man takes everything as a blessing or a curse. — Don Juan, as quoted by Jack Kornfield in A Path With Heart

I first read these words in medical school, in the middle of a difficult surgical rotation. I felt depressed and beaten down from working 80+ hour weeks and arduous overnight shifts, and demoralized by poor treatment from my superiors (who were undoubtedly demoralized, themselves). I wanted to be a surgeon, but couldn’t imagine the rest of my life looking like this. And then, out of nowhere, my boyfriend broke up with me. It felt like things couldn’t get much worse.

Then, I read these words in Jack Kornfield’s book, A Path With Heart. I mulled over what he said, and turned it over in my mind. I began to consider whether it was possible to see painful experiences as challenges to work through, and not as bad luck to lament. I wondered, could I see the same circumstances through different eyes? Soon after, I decided to abandon a career in surgery for a future in psychiatry (and haven’t looked back since). Here are some ways we can all cultivate our own inner spiritual warrior — the part of us that faces challenge with wisdom, equanimity, and compassion.

1. Turn straw into gold. Our deepest suffering is often our greatest opportunity to learn about ourselves and take action to be better people. Working through suffering is how you learn to be patient, humble, and grateful. And developing strength in the face of painful circumstances teaches you that you don’t need to fear the natural ups and downs of life, and instead can face whatever comes your way with inner calm and peace.

2. Integrate mindfulness into daily life. Being mindful doesn’t mean you need to spend hours a day meditating — you just need to pay attention. We think we don’t have the time, but it doesn’t need to take any extra time. Practice paying attention when you’re engaged in daily activities. When you’re washing the dishes, wash the dishes, and try not to let your mind wander to the past or future. When you’re eating, eat. When you’re walking, walk, and pay attention to the ground under each step.

3. See everyone as your Buddha. Just as difficult circumstances can be opportunities for growth, so can interactions with difficult people. Imagine that any difficult person you encounter is actually the Buddha in disguise, put there to teach you a specific lesson about life or about yourself. What do you think the universe is trying to teach you?

4. Recognize the difference between pain and suffering. In Eastern philosophy, pain and suffering are two very different things. Pain is the inevitable hardships of life, and suffering is the avoidable negative narrative we add on top of that. Losing your job is pain — telling yourself that this means you’re a failure is suffering. Ending a relationship is pain — interpreting this to mean that you’ll never meet anyone again is suffering. You can’t eliminate pain, but you can end suffering.

5. Set a daily intention. In many meditation and yoga classes the teacher will ask the students to set an intention at the beginning of their practice. The same exercise can be useful in your day-to-day life. Try asking yourself every morning, “What emotion or feeling do I want to cultivate today?” Maybe it’s to be patient, nonjudgmental, self-assured, happy, or open-minded. Whatever it is, set an intention to foster this quality throughout your day.

6. Create space for negative emotions. A common reaction to painful emotions like doubt, fear, or anger is to squash them down and pretend they’re not there. You’ll actually find it a lot more tolerable if you create space for them, instead. Imagine whatever painful emotion you’re feeling as a compact ball of energy at your heart. Now expand that ball of energy to take up the whole room, the whole street, the whole planet, the whole universe. As it diffuses outward, the strength of the emotion wanes. As you pay attention to it, it loses power.

7. Cultivate wise thoughts. So little of how we see the world is based on fact and reality, and so much is based on subjective perceptions and interpretations. This is why unwise thoughts can be so destructive and wise thoughts can be so empowering. Choose to cultivate wise thoughts. We can’t always choose how we feel, but we can choose what thoughts patterns and narratives we want to nurture.

8. Do something you’re afraid of every day. In order to be able to do anything really amazing or courageous, we need to be able to act even when we’re afraid. This is learned skill. The more you do it, the better you get at it. Practicing in small ways can help you build the momentum for something bigger. Maybe it’s asking that cute girl out at the grocery store, or negotiating a price when you don’t feel comfortable haggling, or speaking up at work when normally you keep quiet. Whatever you’re afraid of, practice doing it.

9. Act out of love, not fear. Many people think the opposite of love is hate, but I would argue it’s fear. While fear is a closing and contraction of the heart, love is a warmness and openness to yourself, the people around you, and whatever circumstance comes your way. If you’re ever confused and unsure how to act, ask yourself one question: Does the action you’re considering spring from love or from fear? Always choose love.

from:    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/elana-miller-md/spiritual-development_b_4152726.html?utm_hp_ref=gps-for-the-soul&ir=GPS%20for%20the%20Soul

Project Live/Love


The Need For Love

Mother Teresa once said, “The greatest disease in the west is not TB or leprosy. It is being unwanted, uncared for, and unloved.” In America you don’t have to go far before you find someone who is in desperate need of love. Communities have been crushed by the addiction of drugs. Thousands of people sleep in the streets because they are without a home. Women and children cry themselves to sleep at night because they have been sexually exploited all day. The need for love becomes more and more apparent when seeing the absence of it.

What if it was possible to put more love in the world? Could we create real change to today’s social issues? Could we start a movement that would change the world? Could we, through love in motion, change the reality of so many living with out it? Project Live Love was born as an attempt to answer these questions with a Yes.

The Project

proj⋅ect [n. proj-ekt, -ikt] 1. something that is contemplated, devised, or planned; plan; scheme. 2. a large or major undertaking.

Project Live Love is a non-profit organization designed to influence culture through love in action by engaging, networking and mobilizing people who are motivated by love.”

The Mission

THINK – Our desire is to remind people to think about Living Love by exposing the need for love and bringing awareness to our message.

SHARE – Our desire is to create environments and resources that allow people to network with each other and their community’s needs to collectively Live Love.

DO – Our desire is to mobilize individuals, corporations, social organizations, and churches by providing ideas, events, and opportunities to actively Live Love.


The Initiative – THINK LOVE

The Live Love Initiative is designed to influence the hearts and minds of individuals with the idea of “Live Love” by infusing that message into culture. We use tools like t-shirts, stickers, billboards, social media, art shows, and more to inject the message into everyday life. We are marketing a message. The initiative focuses on working with all different areas of culture (Art, Music, Words, Education, Politics, Religion, Media & Fashion) to advance the message.

The Action – DO LOVE

The Action is designed to provide hands on opportunities for individuals to serve others. We partner with individuals, corporations, social organizations, churches, and schools that desire to put their love in motion. We provide opportunities for them to do so by creating programs and projects that are based on local community needs and collecting projects from various 501(c)3 organizations that work on today’s social issues. (i.e. homelessness, sex trafficking, drug and alcohol rehabilitation and more)

Each activity is highly organized and well executed. We have systems to manage the expectations of both the project creator and those living love. Projects are designed and organized according to the geography of volunteers, love languages, time commitment, skill levels and more.

from:    http://projectlivelove.com/theproject/

Here is one of their winter projects:


In Atlanta alone, it is estimated that 20 plus homeless people die each year from sleeping in the freezing cold… This year, things are going to be different!


Every night from November 10th to March 30th we are on call. If the temperature is forecasted to go below freezing the GO-Alarm is sounded and volunteers are alerted. On GO-Nights our team of volunteers assemble together at 9:00pm at LOCATION TBA. From there we divide up locations and supplies then take to the streets with hand warmers, blankets, winter items, and LOVE. Our hope is to help those we encounter make it through the night warm and safe.

Click here to read the story of how THREE-OH-WE-GO began.

from:    http://projectlivelove.com/theaction/three-oh-we-go/

Love & The Apocalypse

What’s Love Got to Do with the Apocalypse? We Asked This Group of Young Leaders

On life, leadership, and the future in an age of catastrophic change.
posted Jun 10, 2013
Young Leaders Roundtable

From left: Henia Belalia, Pancho Ramos-Stierle, Adrienne Maree Brown, Clayton Thomas-Muller, Carlos Jimenez.

Change is coming fast. The brief window we have to turn around the climate crisis, the growing gap between rich and poor, the violence at home and abroad, debt and austerity politics—these are among the most pressing issues facing all of us, especially young people. We asked a group of leaders, all under 40, to talk to us about how they see their lives, their leadership, and their future.

Sarah van Gelder: How do the challenges facing your generation (people under 40) compare with those faced by leaders of the civil rights, women’s, and labor movements? What’s at stake now?

Adrienne Maree Brown: I would say the biggest difference is we’ve increased our exposure to all the suffering and struggle in the world without increasing our capacity to handle it.

The speed of knowledge has increased—now it’s a nearly instantaneous flow of crisis, tragedy, and need, sprinkled with glimpses of triumph, resilience, humanity. And we are supposed to have a coherent opinion on all of it and stay focused on those things we can impact. We need mindfulness practice to come with our smartphones!

Henia Belalia: We’re looking at the frequency and impact of climate-related “natural disasters,” and it’s daunting—how do we take our foot off the gas pedal when we have very few years before we hit a point of no return and it’s game over for the planet?

Clayton Thomas-Muller: I think of our aunties and uncles who were in the American Indian movement, the Black Panthers movement. Back in the day, there was a lot of responsibility on a very small group of leaders, and it was relatively easy for agents of oppression to target those individuals. Whereas today, through social media and digital technologies that can transfer popular education materials to vast audiences, we have a more level playing field.

Carlos Jimenez: Power is becoming more concentrated and more removed from our daily experience.

I assume it never was cool to question capitalism or ask hard questions about systems of oppression. But these days, it feels like we have to stretch in ridiculous ways to question the structures of our society without being seen as radicals or crazy people.

Pancho Ramos-Stierle:
In fact, sister Sarah, we are not under 40, we are 13.7 billion years old, our cosmic age, and we are part of an unfolding story of love.

Our pioneer brothers, sisters, and kin of the civil rights movement during the ’40s, ’50s, and ’60s didn’t have that gorgeous picture of ourselves, the Earth, from space. And now, we’re able to detect planets outside the solar system that might support life, which is bringing a new sense of our humanity. All of a sudden, all of the nonsense divisions based on the colors of our skin or culture or spiritual practice or religion just vanish, and we’re one sacred living organism that is the wonderful Earth.

Pancho Ramos-Stierle photo by Noah Berger

Pancho Ramos-Stierle meditates during Oakland’s Occupy protests in 2011. Moments later he and others were arrested as police cleared the plaza of Occupy campers. Photo by Noah Berger.

van Gelder: How do you see where we’re headed as a human community? How does that shape your own choices?

Belalia: One has to believe that another world is possible, but we need to be very real about what that looks like and not just put on Band-Aids.

We’re going to have to make some big changes in how we live. We’re going to have to consume a lot less and give up luxuries. Living in the Global North, in the United States especially, we have a responsibility to the rest of the world to reassess how we live.

How can we create alternatives that are so beautiful that they just naturally are in conflict with a collapsing, broken system?

Brown: In the stories I hear of past generations, we weren’t just moving toward a better world, there was a sense of responsibility to maintain and/or create a better world for the next generations. Right now I think we need to move toward being better and better ancestors.

Thomas-Muller: We need to be talking about a new economic paradigm, not patching up the existing one like some crazed engineer obsessed with patching up the Titanic. For example, green jobs are not created by producing photovoltaic panels under indentured servitude in massive industrial wastelands in China, then shipped to California where young African Americans are hired at minimum wage to install these panels onto rich people’s houses.

If instead we look at the establishment of local economies, the 100-kilometer diet, urban farming, and radicalizing the conversation around the distribution of wealth and land—that’s the conversation that I’m interested in.

Ramos-Stierle: Seeing with the eyes of an astrobiologist has given me an appreciation for technology. Everything can scale up very quickly. Small decisions can have big impacts in all directions—exponentially more so than a few generations ago. Scalable new design principles—local, decentralized, open, non-linear, emergent, biomimetic—all can spread like wildfire today. We not only have the chance now to name a new story, but our generation has the means to live a new story into being.

van Gelder: Can you tell a story from your own experience about how social change is happening today?

Thomas-Muller: We’ve seen the rise of Idle No More, which is being led by the most marginalized group in Canada: First Nations women. Canada is going through a painful process of reconciliation, not unlike what South Africa continues to go through post-apartheid. Idle No More and the tar sands movement and other indigenous struggles have ripped away the scabs of racism. We’re seeing television, print, and radio airing the voices of the most extreme racists against indigenous peoples. What’s kind of beautiful about it, though—as ugly and as painful as it is—it’s driving people to our side of the movement who are sick of the hatred, bigotry, and overall nastiness. So it’s actually expanding our political base of allies and our overall resistance.

Brown: Recently I was involved in facilitating a gathering on black reproductive justice. The folks came into the room with a lot of painful history, and they committed to healing, whatever that took. And it took sitting in that room with each other and listening to each other in new ways, hearing each other’s ancestral stories and current stories. This meeting felt so different. Instead of: “Who’s got the best strategy and the most resources?” it was: “Who’s really committed to transforming inside themselves, how they show up in this movement, and then how we can be together?”

Ramos-Stierle: One of the most revolutionary direct actions I’ve been involved in was building a 20-by-30-foot greenhouse on a third of an acre in San Francisco. We had 100 volunteers show up at the Free Farm to help, and since then, we’ve given away close to 9,000 pounds of local, organic produce.

That greenhouse became one of the main providers of Occupy the Farm a year ago on land administered by the University of California. We planted close to 15,000 seedlings in one day with 300 people, and it was such a celebration to be there disobeying with great love. Children and all the generations stood up for life and beauty.

So how can we create alternatives that are so beautiful that they just naturally are in conflict with a collapsing, broken system?

Patricia Moore photograph by Paul Corbit Brown

Patricia Moore, 75, of Charlotte, N.C., is a grandmother concerned about the impact that coal pollution is having on her granddaughter who suffers from chronic asthma. She joined her first protest in November, against Bank of America’s role in coal financing. She and others were arrested after disrupting four bank branches. Photo by Paul Corbit Brown.

 van Gelder: Sometimes people working for change get separated into silos. My impression is that those silos are getting less rigid—that people are more open to each other’s perspectives and issues. I’m wondering if you think we’re getting better at working together?

Jimenez: Yeah, I feel like there’s less time spent trying to tell each other what to do and more collaboration, both among members and leaders.

Belalia: For me it’s a systemic change. The corporate powers that are running the world today are all-pervasive, involved in everything from our food to our education to our elections. So for me the systemic is what feels the most authentic.

In our movement, we’re pushing for a paradigm shift that will require connecting migrant rights, economic justice, housing justice, and other social justice issues with the work on runaway climate change.

It feels like we have to stretch in ridiculous ways to question the structures of our society without being seen as radicals or crazy people.

Ramos-Stierle: I’ve heard a lot of people say, “How can you bring peace if you’re not peaceful with yourself?” And then I think, “That’s over!” We need to have both. We need the inner revolution connected with the outer revolution. It’s time for activist people to become spiritual, and for spiritual people to become active.

We need to focus on our means. It really doesn’t matter what you’re doing if you’re making a more violent and resentful world with your brothers and sisters and kin through your work. There’s no reason why we have to wait; we can be making the world more harmonious right now!

Belalia: Part of my own personal philosophy is learning to just be in this moment. What we envision in our minds is part of what we create in the world, so we need to take care of soul and heart, and create a much more tranquil and sane inside to be able to carry out our work on the outside.

Thomas-Muller: Yeah. I share that perspective. Coming from an indigenous perspective, that’s one area where we actually have a bit of privilege: We have only been separated from our relationship to the sacred for a few decades, whereas for other groups, it’s been millennia. The connection we have to the sacredness of Mother Earth has been damaged by the psychotic Western industrial experiment called capitalism. Through re-evaluating our relationship to the sacred and embracing our place in the sacred circle of life, we can fill the gap left by hyper­individualism and consumption.

Activism has to be grounded in something bigger than yourself. However you perceive God, whether that’s through the smile of your child, or by connecting with the sacredness of Mother Earth through hiking in the forest, or going to church, or practicing Buddhism, or being a sun dancer, it’s important to have those elements in your activism so as not to get overwhelmed and to fall. And even with those elements you still fall, because we are facing unimaginable foes in our struggle.

van Gelder: We chose this issue theme now because there’s such urgency around the climate crisis, extreme inequality, and the growing power of the 1 percent. A lot of our change strategies don’t seem to be working in terms of these critical questions. How do you think we can get the real change that we need?

Belalia: Building networks of resistance and resilience is a really powerful way to look at change. From Occupy grew a kind of sustained resistance—the idea that “We’re going to be in a space, and we’re not going to leave until we get something done.”

But Occupy also has done a lot to build sustained resilience. I just spent time in New York with friends who are part of the Occupy Sandy networks, which set up distribution centers after Hurricane Sandy and are still working with those communities. One group I met with is creating workers’ cooperatives.

Jimenez: I’m becoming a big fan of assemblies. Occupy was a space for assembly, but I’m also talking about people’s assemblies like those the social forums tried doing. I can’t emphasize enough how powerful it is when people come together from different walks of life, different traditions, and see that we can work together. I’m thinking a lot about how we can extend invitations and bring in more people so that it’s a bigger assembly every time.

Ramos-Stierle: As brother Carlos was speaking, I was having this vision. Wendell Berry said that if you eat, you are involved in agriculture. I say, if you eat, you’re involved in the movement, like Occupy the Farm, which some of us call Occupy 2.0. Our elder Wendell Berry says, “An economy genuinely local and neighborly offers to localities a measure of security that they cannot derive from a national or a global economy controlled by people who, by principle, have no local commitment.”

Brown: I’m writing and collaborating around speculative and science fiction, which involves strengthening our capacity for vision and for imagining ourselves in a future where we’re experiencing abundance. I’ve been reading a lot of Octavia Butler and trying to get more people to read her work and to write their own work.

And I’m a facilitation evangelist! Facilitation means to make things easy—facil—to make sure that the time we spend in each other’s presence is authentic, invigorating, and healing, and that it leads to real impact.

van Gelder: My last question: When you think about what you’re doing now and when you look to the future, what do you find most daunting, and what is most hopeful?

Brown: The most daunting thing to me is the scale of change that’s needed.
What makes me the most hopeful is that so many people are asking “How do I live my life? How do I spend my money? How do I care for my babies and care for the loved ones in my life?”
People are realizing the front line is within us, and we have to practice. And that makes me hopeful because I can feel that change in myself and see it in the people I love.

Jimenez: It’s the little things that give me hope, like that I’m starting to see people leading meetings and conferences who look like the people I grew up with—who look like my family.
In terms of fears, the scale, as Adrienne said, is really freakin’ scary. The world could literally collapse. It’s daunting that people don’t even realize how grave the crises are.

Thomas-Muller: What overwhelms me the most is patriarchy. Speaking as a Cree man, I fight internally all the time with patriarchy as it plays out in my life. We come from a matrilineal society. In our traditional way, it was the women who made decisions, and the men were told what to say. We were the spokespersons for some really tough old Cree ladies!

The most daunting question for me is, “How are we going to take out this system of predominantly white male patriarchy that’s driving the destruction across Mother Earth?”
And what is most empowering is seeing the rise of strong First Nations women all across Mother Earth who are rising up and leading the movement, teaching all of us what the sacred feminine creative principle is about and what it means to think seven generations ahead.

Belalia: One of the things that’s the most daunting is how closely politicians are working with corporations, and how blind a lot of people are to their own power.

I was recently invited to work on the next U.S. Social Forum, and it’s really inspiring to me that low-income folk, people of color, women, and LGBTQ are at the core of the process.

Thank you for providing a space for us to creatively weave this thread. Even though we’re coming from diverse backgrounds, it’s amazing that we’re saying similar things, and I’m grateful for the space and definitely think that was cool.

Ramos-Stierle: We’re kind of orphans in this generation. We better pay attention to the elders and listen to the re-generativity of cultures that have been living here for millennia and be a little less arrogant. We need to listen to many examples of selfless service and to everyday Gandhis and everyday Emma Goldmans and everyday Dolores Huertas, everyday Martin Luther King Jrs., and everyday Cesar Chavezes. One little star at a time forms a galaxy, and one little drop creates an ocean. And we see these shifts happening everywhere—like the shifts from scarcity to abundance, from consumption to contribution, from transaction to trust, from isolation to community, from perfection to wholeness.

We are overwhelmed by the ways that we put in danger the magnificent biodiversity of our planet. At the same time, we are recognizing that there are small things that we could be doing on a daily basis.

Like, after this call, I just feel that I love you. That’s what I think is happening. I don’t know you physically, and I feel that you are my sisters for real and my brothers, and we’re connecting with this technology that wasn’t there before. And so if this is the last time that we talk, I’d like you to know that I am going to keep this for the rest of my days in my heart to continue this great journey.

Brown: I love you back!

Jimenez: Much love!

from:    http://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/love-and-the-apocalypse/for-young-leaders-it-s-personal

Dr. Christiane Northrup

Dr. Northrup

Photo by Charles Bush

“I’ve learned that the beloved that I’ve been seeking outside is within me. All my grief and sorrow is a failure to connect with the divine in me. I am whole and complete. I have the ability to create heaven on earth.”

She is a world renowned author, pioneer and visionary illuminating women all over the world to flourish with her health expertise and wisdom. She has more than 4.4 million books in print, in 24 languages. She has also hosted seven highly successful public-television specials, beginning in 1998. Her latest is based on the newly revised edition of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom and first aired nationwide in June 2010.

She has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, the Today Show, NBC Nightly News, The View, Rachael Ray, Good Morning America, 20/20, and The Dr. Oz Show. I especially admired her on a health documentary called “Hungry for Change”. It is truly an honor and a dream alike to have been given a chance to speak with such a beautiful soul, Dr. Christiane Northrup, today on Soulspeak.

Who is Dr. Christiane Northrup?
Dr. Christiane Northrup is a brand new version of herself. All or parts of me from my birth to age 4 went into hiding…

I am an OB Gyn, a visionary, a pioneer in wholeness and health.

I have created a new language of women’s health… I’m at a brand new beginning. I am a dancer, a goddess, a joyful being in addition to being a healer and doctor. My sense of childlike wonder and joy are very important to me now. But they are solidly routed in the reality of being at the bedside of women in the very throes of everything from death and pain to birth and joy. I know the human experience in all its glory, all its sorrows. I choose to dance anyway because doing so is part of the healing of the entire planet.

Is this something you saw yourself doing, even as a child?
No, absolutely not. I never thought I’d be a doctor.

I was drawn to the harp, to nature divas and ballerinas. It was an extraordinary foundation for me- very unlike the way medicine is taught and practiced– as though it’s separate from nature and energy and spirit.

You work a lot with women. Tell me about your experience with men and their own healing.
The beauty of my experience with men is being able to understand the depth of their love and devotion. To see that the woundedness of women adversely affects the wholeness of men. That they will die for a devotion, for an idea…. The thing that keeps them going is to serve the goddess.

By being who I am and helping the women in men’s lives, I am helping to heal men.

Men want to be heroes, We as women can help uplift them and make them heroes.

It is time we know how powerful a woman is in a man’s life. If she stays steady to her own divinity, sexuality, a man can be elevated to his full stature, by a woman who believes in him.

We have a whole planet that is raped and wounded. The only way out is a path that includes delight and pleasure- as well as being “wiling” to release the pain.

People ask each other “How are you fighting violence?” I’m not going to fight it, because what you fight gets bigger. You have to surrender to the joy and pleasure but first you have to grieve for what you have lost, grieve for what hasn’t been because at the end of it is, in the words of Buddhist nun Pema Chodron– A BIG BLUE SKY. All these near death experiences let us know the truth about who we really are. It is our nature to be childlike and joyful.

What have you learned from yourself lately?
I’ve learned that the beloved that I’ve been seeking outside is within me. All my grief and sorrow is a failure to connect with the divine in me. I am whole and complete. I have the ability to create heaven on earth.

I also learned that I love Argentine Tango. I surrender to that. I’ve learned to dance my own dance and simply let go of the what the mind tells me. Our mind is a bad neighborhood. I learned that God comes through us as us. It took me 45 years to know this.

I’ve also learned that we choose families that challenge us to see how God comes through us.

Tell me about “Hungry for Change”. What do you love most about this movie?
The filmmakers are an adorable and beautiful couple from Australia. What I love most about this movie is that it talks about the spiritual nature of the diet. That self love is the solution to the pain you have been carrying all your life. The fact that everyone in the movie had been either very ill or morbidly obese and lived to talk about it from a place of true healing.

Jon Gabriel, he was very inspiring to me. When he talked about being 400 pounds and losing all that excess weight. It was amazing. He reminds me of Archangel Gabriel. He really is an angel. People like Jon, it’s like they come here and take on these physical bodies and put on all that weight and then they realize that this is what they came here to do… heal, and transform their lives… And when someone like that transforms it’s just wonderful.

Any regrets?
My one regret is that I wish I had known about orgasmic pleasurable birth when I was giving birth to my children. I would still have walked out of the hospital the same day like I did with both births. I might even have had home births. I have no other regrets.

What is LOVE?
Love for me is a feeling in my chest and in my heart that makes my entire body uplifted and tingly. Right between weeping, and laughing. It is the substance that binds the universe together and it does not require anything. Love is unconditional.

Your ONE MESSAGE to the world.
You have the power of creation itself within your heart. You can trust your dreams. You can trust your desires. You can trust what you are naturally drawn to. Don’t let anyone let you think differently because they will try. For every test you survive you will get stronger. You are stronger.

from:    http://www.organicsoul.com/soulspeak-interview-with-dr-christiane-northrup/


Tibetan Perspective on Mankind

The Brotherhood of Man: A Tibetan Perspective

Brotherhood 329th May 2013

By Ethan Indigo Smith

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

The value of all that you know and all that you’ve been taught can be quickly be outweighed and forgot by your belief in and support for man-made national, racial, religious and cultural institutions. All wars root themselves in a bed of belief in and support for institutions, and in contrast, the hatred for and stigmatization of individuals within varying alternative institutions. All zealotry and loyalty begins in the feeling of being involved in an institutional family. People are convinced that they are part of an institutional family, an institution that presents itself as immortal.

In Tibet and the region, Buddhist lamas are known to reincarnate and return to their monasteries variously proving they are toddler reincarnates and the Dalai Lama is found through reincarnation tests.

To the profoundly compassionate Buddhists, heritage and family lineage is unimportant next to the compassionate brotherhood, at the monastery or wherever. Seeking to solve suffering with compassion is much more important than any other community, more important than your family, your friends, your neighborhood, your state, your country and whatever institution you might put before compassion.

The Buddha posited love and into four parts; love of self, love of others, love for the happiness of others and love for all beings in equanimity. You cannot love others without love of self and you cannot love at the higher level unless you love at the level preceding it. Loving compassion is true wisdom and the brotherhood of man is the only family one should be loyal to. All else is tribal impulses played by controlling institutions. The institutional apparatuses and apparitions which seek to inspire your enlistment are bogus. There is only the brotherhood of man.

You can see the disturbances caused by people within themselves and outside of themselves when their love is covered up by beliefs in alternatives to the brotherhood of man. Some people hate themselves, many people hate other people, many people hate the happiness of others… and some people just hate everything. Loving compassion elevates all whereas hatred of others, used by institutions, degrades all.

Our love, which can be equated to childlike innocence, gets covered up by traditions and training mechanisms, often through instigation of feelings of guilt. We do not lose our love it simply gets covered up by ignorance. We tend to think of ignorance as lack of knowledge, however normally ignorance stems from being full of incorrect ideas and misguided beliefs. Ignorance is usually full, not empty. Let go of your pride for your family and country and whatever institution gained your loyalty and share love for humanity.

Calculate which stage of love your heart stops at and push forward through the installed ignorance with a flaming sword of a peaceful warrior.

In Tibet and India the flaming sword signifies the weapon of the mind, yielded by the heart. The flaming sword cuts through layers of ignorance, through the training and institutionally supportive traditions layered on us. The flaming sword cuts away the extraneous and superfluous ignorance preventing us from loving ourselves, others, the happiness of others all things equally. Let go of your beliefs and false pride, grab your flaming sword and be a peaceful warrior.

If not now, when? Stop make believing.

from:    http://wakeup-world.com/2013/05/29/the-brotherhood-of-man-a-tibetan-perspective/

THe Heart and Change

How the Heart Helps You Chang

By Deborah Rozman

Ever tried to make a change in your life only to fail or come up short on motivation? We all have. What we’ve learned at HeartMath is that when you really want to change, reinforcement will come from your heart. Your heart wants to get out of the negative trap and not have to endure the hurt, resentment and anguish anymore of not making the change you say you want. When you’re ready, your heart will motivate you to improve your relationship, save your job, lose weight or write that book.

What many people don’t realize is that love is integral to motivation. Feelings of care and appreciation move you out of old hurts and resentments as you realize you don’t need to hang onto them as security any longer. Love makes it possible for you to shift to the wide-angle lens of perception. Take Shauna for instance. She was constantly annoyed by her parents. Every time she visited them, she felt her anger triggered. Then Shauna fell in love. Riding high and feeling great about herself, she saw her parents in a new way. Their reactions no longer bothered her. Instead of making her want to run a hundred miles, their reactions slipped off her like water off a duck’s back. Why?

When you’re in love, you open your heart more. The hormones released from being in love give you a more cushioned response to situations. You can build that same cushion from within. You don’t need to wait to fall in love. Learning how to self-generate more love in your system creates that cushion — so you don’t react as quickly to people or events with an angry survival response but respond with a centered response. The heart tools build security — a cushion of inside reinforcement — and inner security is what gives you the power to change.

The heart is really about transformation. That’s part of nature’s design. Your heart is what transforms the physiology of anger that drains your system into the physiology of love that gives you wholeness and effectiveness. You achieve this by replacing angry emotions with real care. Feelings of care and appreciation are the building blocks for love that you build inside yourself. When you replace the anger with care, you choose a more effective emotion. Care transforms perception. Care is an ingredient of intelligence that causes your entire system to work more harmoniously and respond more effectively to resistances that come up in life. Care gives you rhythm. Life happens, negative things happen. Self-generated care enables you to move through the resistances and inconveniences of life with more intelligence and less energy.

For example, say you are in a crowded airport and late getting to your plane. You start to anxiously push your way through the crowd, bumping into luggage and people, frustrated because you can’t move as fast as you need to. You’re angry at whoever is in your way. Your head is driving you. If you stop and use a heart tool, get centered in your heart, and find an attitude of appreciation or care, your flow changes. You see the openings in the throng and feel your way through in a rhythm, dancing around obstacles, getting to your gate with minimum energy expenditure. That’s what tuning to your heart rhythm can do.

The heart rhythm is subtle. To find a smooth rhythm when you need it requires a new reference place inside from which you respond — a heart-intelligent place. That reference place will feel different from your mechanical head, and you’ll come to recognize it. So how do you tell the difference? See my previous post, “Distinguishing Mind from Heart.”

My heart has led me to change, as well. I knew I needed to go to bed earlier to get more sleep. I had been staying up late to have more time for me after a full day and often evening of work. I’d be tired in the morning and not as clear during the day, but it was hard to break out of that. When I finally got sick, I had a talk with my heart. It gave me a very clear feeling that I needed to turn off the TV and stop earlier and have that time to journal, meditate and create quality time for myself. Those self-care activities were far more rewarding than what I had been doing that I thought was rewarding. That quality time for myself refreshed me and felt really good. I find that if I do something nurturing – not just mind-stimulating – for me – it keeps my heart open and is fulfilling. Using “my time” to connect with my heart and having a creative dialogue between my heart and head inspires and empowers other positive changes in my life.

How do you bring the heart into the changes you want to make? Follow this adaptation of HeartMath’s Heart Lock-In® technique:

  1. Shift your attention to the area of your heart and breathe slowly and deeply.
  2. Activate and sustain a genuine feeling of appreciation or care for the thing you want to change.
  3. Radiate these feelings of care and appreciation toward yourself and your intention for five minutes or longer.
  4. When you catch your mind wandering, simply refocus your attention on the heart area and reconnect with feelings of care and appreciation or other heart qualities.
  5. Notice how this extended radiation of care has affected your body, emotions and thinking.
  6. As you complete your Heart Lock-In, be receptive to your heart’s intuitive guidance. Is there anything your heart would like you to know in this moment about your intention? Write down whatever you quietly sense.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           from:    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/heartmath-llc/life-changes_b_2846251.html?utm_hp_ref=gps-for-the-soul&ir=GPS%20for%20the%20Soul

CC Treadway on Love and Money

A Love Letter From Money

A Love Letter From Money

Story by: CC Treadway

Dear Spiritual Community,

Soooooo, here we are in the new Baktun. It’s a beautiful morning. The sun is shining and I just finished eating breakfast and paying my bills. Yes my friends, I don’t know if you got the memo, but Money didn’t disappear into the ethers on the solstice.  Credit cards, banks, currency and the stock market are still doing their dance.

But don’t be sad, because it’s time to take it to the next level. Everyone found out that Money isn’t based on gold a few years ago, so the jig is up! They are printing Money like newspapers and yet inflation is not rising…because who cares right? It’s not based on anything material, so it’s a free for all! This is what the “money people” have known for years.

Whether we like it or not, all of us are still in relationship with Money. And in the year of the water snake, it’s ON.

That’s right spiritual people with big hearts, it’s time for you to be rich. So say goodbye to every negative story you have about Money, because your time has come.

The spiritual community is well known for its disdain of the material, and doomsday predictions, but from everything I am seeing and hearing, in the year of the snake, we are gonna rock it financially.

But there’s only one way that can happen. We need to make Money the most loving experience of our lives. We need to stop telling every negative story and just go ahead and fall in love with Money.

Eeeeeeeww, I hear you saying, but yes, Money needs our love. Money is tired of doing bad things, it told me.

We have a real opportunity to bring the vibration of Money into love. Think of the possibilities. If the consciousness of Money were based in love, the ENTIRE WORLD would transform. Money would be a force of peace and balance. Behind our backs it would thinking of all the ways it could be loving and adoring of us, it would bend over backwards for our benefit, because that’s what love does. It can’t help itself!

If you want an irrigation system for your perma-perfect backyard or extra cash flow to help empower those in true poverty, then a love drunk Money is just what you need.

I can say that one miracle after another has happened this year with my beloved Money, and that came after a lot of praying, questioning, clearing, working and learning. I went deep to the core of the earth, the heart of the sky and the depth of my being. And then I fell in love, and we (Money and I) started this delicious love affair…but there’s more.

I’ve been in this scene long enough to know that true devotees will not touch anything that is not love. An open hearted awake person will leave money in the dust, will chastise it, throw it away and punish it if it doesn’t feel good. But the spiritual community has too many great visions, ideas and love for the world for them not to flourish. It drives me crazy that all that heart and creativity gets stopped short due to lack of funds.  That just won’t do in the new world.

With money on our sides, there’s nothing we can’t do.

So, it’s time to love money until it becomes a passionate relationship, one you are proud of, and one you hold sacred. You may have to face deep darkness to open to this relationship, or just simply throw in the towel and give into Love.

My friends, there are laws to wealth and love, do you want to play a bigger game? Do you want your heart and money to be as One, in Love, and in community for a better world?

I do. For so many reasons, I really, really do.

Here’s a small exercise. Take this moment to feel deep gratitude for money, feel into the heart of life and how it wants to give to you, and let money go right into that feeling. Shake off any negative feelings or reactions and re-commit to loving. Believe that you are ready and deserve it all.

from:    http://spiritofmaat.com/magazine/march-2013-spring-equinox-edition/a-love-letter-from-money/

THe Group through Steve Rother on Time

Smile Your Way Home ~ Harmonizing the Fabric of Time

Steve Rother
a message from The Group channeled by Steve Rother
Friday, 15 February, 2013

From Steve: This was by far “our” best attempt at explaining the two important points that the Keeper of Time wants us to know about our new relationship to time. Each time he says it a bit differently, but this time it flowed evenly and smoothly. He is now beginning to give me deeper information about the new time that will be surfacing soon in the Direct Light series.

Elrah stepped in at an uncharacteristic second position as it was important for him to “have your hearts at the end.” as he puts it. Elrah seems to be adjusting to this close human contact quite well. In fact he is looking forward to telling everyone his own secrets in the next Direct Light when he reveals “The Truth about Rhythm.” In this message, he speaks of the importance of what I have learned to first tolerate, and then love. That is Elrah’s smile. At times he does it so fast that I feel like my face is going to crack and fall off. Then, as I am sitting with this silly grin on my face in front of live cameras, he even has the audacity to show me that no one is smiling back at me. Hum.. Just when I think he is doing it to embarrass me, he makes a noise or says something short, usually only a few words, not always making sense. That is how he changes the rhythm in that situation and in that instant everyone smiles back.

He wanted to have the last position this time so that he could send you off with his rhythm of the heart. If you have a strong rhythm for the month, you’ll enjoy each moment in the moment. Elrah represents the strong connection that we have with each other. You know, the one that we have all pretended was not there so we could play the game of pretending to be a human. Now the game is changing and it’s time to re-member that connection.

With that in mind, I’m OK with sitting on the stage looking foolish. If I’m honest with myself, I’ve been doing it for many years now. You think I would get used to it, or at least good at it by now.

If there is a chance that he can activate a single spirit from Home by me holding this silly grin, then I’m up for it. Turns out Elrah says that I’m just re-membering how to smile my way home.

Have a great month and keep the rhythm!
Big hugs and gentle nudges

Greetings, dear ones, I am the Keeper of Time.

A New Relationship to Time

I am here in the first place for normally Elrah takes the first place and I have to follow up and pick up all his little pieces that he leaves laying all over the place and try to make sense out of it for you. Today I thought I would come over first and leave all sorts of pieces laying around for him. So, we will see how that works but the reason I wanted to come in first is to tell you all something you started to understand on a very deep level. The whole illusion that you call time is in very specific areas of your existence on Earth. It has helped you greatly to see yourselves as beings on a timeline. It has allowed you so many possibilities for you to see yourself as a spirit pretending to be the human. Not easy and most of the time you were up against challenges with time because you have always believed time to be finite – in other words there is only a specific amount of time. Well, we tell you your relationship to time has now changed and that is the difficult part to understand. It will take some time for all of it to filter into your beings and into your new set of regulations for all of you have your own little set of rules that you go by. You all have your own set of definitions that you are there and it has worked quite well for you so it will continue in that manner; however, you are now starting to see everything from a different perspective for you can actually see more of what you have called time.

There is no challenge with that because there is truly only one piece of it. You see the shadows on both sides of time but you see that as what you call the future and what you call the past for those are the shadows of the only imprint of time that is available anywhere throughout the universe and that is now…right in this moment. Without this moment, without the other parts of it nothing exists for it is only reflections in both of those directions. Now, the challenge has been for most of humans have been controlled quite a bit by your reflections in both of those directions. Most of you have wanted something.

Positive = Future Negative = Past

So when humans have something of value, they place it in their future. If we ask you to all close your eyes for just a moment and go back 12 years from now, just go back 12 years in your own life and pull up an image. Do not call it good or bad, just call it on a scale of 1-5, where is your energy? Good. Now, clear that energy for just a moment and step back into your body. Now close your eyes again and go into the future 12 years. Test your energy, where is it? How do you gauge it? The vast majority of you are going to hide your joy in your future and you hide your pain in your past. That has been the normal part of all of humanity so when you are in the present moment, you still have these strings going to what you are trying to accomplish in the future and what you have experienced in the past and what you are not quite aware of yet is that all of the rules have changed very suddenly. You are still playing the same game because it is the game that you are accustomed to playing and that you have been playing all along. Now, the rules have changed and you are going to find that you do not have the reflection in the future the same way and the past can be much more malleable. Humanity has always considered the past to be something certain and very finite in existence. Dear ones, it is only a memory and if those memories are going to control your life, you can change those memories. Humans can harmonize on the timeline in the present moment.

Harmonizing the Fabric of Time.

It is very easy. Most harmonize in every moment. As you walk into a room full of people the first thing you do is to feel everybody’s energy and harmonize it. You do that by finding a part of yourself in their reflection. That is the connection that all of you have naturally. So, when you are bringing this in and harmonizing in that way, it takes an effort for most of you. That effort comes because of your belief systems about who you are and who you have been. That is your present and the present moment is the only moment that you have. What is taking place now is that humanity will be able to bring all of it into a singular present moment. The energy imprint that this experience leaves on the fabric of time. It will still take some adjustments to utilize. Most systems on planet Earth are still gained and still regulated to measure finite time. Well, time is not finite and never was, therefore human keeping of time will need regular adjustments.

The Call

You will learn more about these yourselves for in this moment is your call. That is the time that you have been called to Earth. This is the part that you have been called for…right now. You are thinking, “Well, when I take all these courses, when I master this, I will step into my work, I will make something available and I will make a difference on the planet.” And dear ones, that is now. That is not in the future; it never was in the future. You placed it there along with many other hopes. Now we say, all humans will change their relationship to their future and past. This is the beginning of altering the expression if linear time on Earth. This will change the marking of time on Earth. This will change much of the illusion of the rigidity of time as it has been defined on this planet so far. We have given exercises and opportunities to bend time and to start playing with it and start making it a little more malleable. The first thing is an understanding and belief system of it. It’s very simple. If you believe you can alter time, you will. And if we tell you that time is not alterable that would even be better because the moment we tell you that you cannot do something, humans will do it. And do it quite well.

The truth is that humanity is learning to look at time differently and that is the beautiful part. There is no time, yes, I have to say it, like the present. There is nothing other than this piece and although humans have divided much of their energy between the past, present and future, they will no longer place them in the same sentence. Humanity will also find out how easy it is to change when the past and future are accessed in the moment. Many walk around with emotional scar tissue which helps to define them. They will not lose their identity; they will only lose how they use it in each moment. They fall into a reactionary lifetime rather than a purposeful action. This is often the result of an imbalance in the importance of the present moment. It is very common on Earth to simply react to everything coming in, rather than to set ones own pace.

Circular Time

Dear ones, you are the greatest angels that have ever lived and you are now in place to make a difference on planet Earth. We will show you only small parts of this as you become aware of them. Watch for them because they will come in slow increments in the beginning. If you miss one or do not grasp each moment and it slips into your past, let it go. You have no control over it but if it is in disharmony, you can change it even though it has gone into your past. Now how do you change the future? You do not need to change the future; you change the future by clearing your energy in the now moment. That is the concept of circular time. I will not spend a great deal of energy on it at this moment, but I will simply say that the energy of what humans call their past, actually creates the fabric of their future. It is a large circle. The fabric of the past and those unresolved issues circle around and recreate the same problems over and over and over on your planet. It is the reason you have the same challenges with different people. Have you not found that interesting? We tell you that all humans learn from repetition. That is how time actually works and that is the beautiful part for now, as you are releasing those parts of your past that have claimed you so dearly, you will find it much easier. Now that you have passed through the portal, you will find it much easier to release those strings that have controlled your life in many ways.

Let’s say that you have a disharmony in your life. You have a confrontation with someone who is very dear to you for example. You say something that is very hurtful, walk away and do not talk to one another for 5 years. We tell you that the pain of what you said to that person is hurting you the whole time – every moment of every day – because you have not reconciled and harmonized that time imprint. Now, does it mean that you must harmonize with every being and every person? Oh no, of course not. That is not what Earth is all about. It is about diversity. We know that you are going to have places where you are going to have challenges as you call them. Sometimes it is actually your challenges that define and bring out the spirit of Home in all of you and it is done very well over the past several years. Now, what is taking place is that your Earth is changing. You have created this opportunity to step into the future and to claim your present now. Do not wait for tomorrow, dear ones, it will not come in the way that you think. If you hold on to your old belief systems in the past, you will also be thwarted form grounding your energy in the most beautiful time stamp in this moment. So, we ask you to be aware of this. You have a habit here on Earth of walking to each other and saying, “Hi. How are you?” Well I am not going to say, “Hi. How are you?” I am going to say, “Hi. How is your time stamp? How are you doing in this moment? How is your spirit adapting to that physical body in this moment only?” It is perfectly fine to say, “Oh, my girdle is too tight,” or whatever it is. For we are sure you are going to have some sort of reaction. But the reason we ask you that is to bring you into awareness of it for that is when you can use it in alignment with your power. That is when it will empower humans and that is as it should be.

Repetition is at the Base of Linear Time

Now, I wish to mention one other piece before I step aside and let my brother come in. I will also tell you that there are cycles. Humanity is going through cycles on many levels including the one you see before you that you call your reality. These cycles are what Elrah calls rhythms. The easiest way to explain that is to compare this with a random pattern on the carpet here right in front of me. I can find one spot where the pattern is different than the rest, but if it is truly a random pattern, that pattern will repeat itself in other places. That is the way the universe is built. It consists of multiples of many things. Over the next 7 months, all of Earth is going to have an opportunity to collectively shift the planet. You are teetering on many of these arguments and many of these challenges on Earth right now. But we tell you that a simple harmonizing technique will work for many of you. I will turn this over to my brother now for he is graciously waiting for me to speak and that is unusual. I will leave you for the moment, but know that I love you dearly and I know each and every one of you from the heart of who you are and I could not be prouder of the beautiful beings that are walking in consciousness on Earth. You are changing this planet with every breath you take and we are cheering you on from this side of the veil in a way that you have never known. Excellent job.

I am the Keeper of Time.
Enter Elrah

Greetings, I’m Elrah of Rhythmic service

Smile Your Way Home

Okay, let me tell you what is going on here because I am here to talk with you about something very important to me and it really is important for all of you. It is not that long ago that the Keeper himself basically pushed us into telling a few stories – writing a narrative about what the whole thing that you call life was about. He wrote a book and put the book out. I was in the book! It was one of the first times I was in an Earth book. He actually called me by name and all. But then I told him, “You know, I want to write my own book. Can I write my own book?” It is called, “Smile Your Way Home.” Smile Your Way Home. Why would I call it Smile Your Way Home? Because every time you smile the spirit leaks through you and brings all of humanity a little higher. So I am going to give you a little effort, a little work to show you how it works because all of you can do it and you do it quite well most of the time so it is not a problem. It is very simple. Ready? Here it comes. (Elrah flashes his infamous “Elrah Smile”) Gotcha! You all smiled back, even those of your reading this. Well, you see how the mirror works. When you shine the energy from Home it comes back to you.
“Well, what am I going to do, just walk around and smile at people? That does not make sense to me. How am I going to use this in some way?”

Dear ones, there are times when you walk past a person on the street and look over and see their soul. It may only be for a split second. It may just be that their eyes lit up and suddenly revealed to you their true self…who they are. In the past this has caused fear. And if you turn around and make contact with them and they look up at you, they see your soul the same way. Although it only happens for a brief moment, it is enough to help you re-member who you are and it is enough to help you imprint the memories of Home because that is what you are doing when you touch these people. You are reminding them of how you know them from Home and which part of you they currently are.

Sneaky Healers

So here is a simple technique. It is a smile, it is a sneaky smile – some of you are sneaky healers anyway. Some of you do not pretend to be healers. You just walk around healing people anyway, so this is a perfect place to do it. The smile. Well, sometimes you can do this and do a whole smile for people – and sometimes you cannot. Sometimes you have to sneak it in a little bit. Sometimes you have to look over at the last minute and give a quick smile. Whatever it is, when you see that energy coming from Home through another person, when you see their eyes light up, when you see their heart, their pulse and they make a rhythm, you have an opportunity to make that connection. Dear ones, you are at the stage in your history of planet Earth where you have gone through this whole contraction in order to get through this portal you have just gone through. How was the contraction? Contraction is very simple…throw yourself into fear and you contract. It is real simple. When you get scared on planet Earth, you pull your energy field very tight around your body and hold it there because it is almost like you are afraid of losing it in some way. You bring it to your body but it makes it very difficult for you to interact with other people. You actually have less eye contact on Earth when there is a lot of fear on Earth. Well, what was the fear? Well, the fear is a little bit about economics. It was one of the easiest ways to spread a wave of fear on planet Earth, to pull the rug out from under some of you, to pull the rug out from under a lot of you just so you can kind of rework your systems to exist in the new vibrations, the higher vibrations of the new planet Earth.

Now you are starting to do well with it so you are starting to climb out of this global economic problem. Well, good for you. It is the first time that all of you have experienced it. We tell you that you have been thinking of your economies as quite different from your personal lives but they are not. The truth is that everybody is invested in everybody else. You cannot go to war on this planet the same way that you have been going to war for very long because those people you go to war for own a lot of the property that you now have here. That is perfect! It is a perfect way to blend the energy. It cannot be done anymore. It is going to work out quite well and yes, we tell you that a lot of your governments and many of your organizations and a lot of the economies of the world are going to have to flex a little bit and get the new pace of the new energy. Humanity is at the stage where you are going to start building again because building is not in the proposition when you pull your energy field around you. All you are thinking about is this moment, now, you are not thinking about where you are going to go or what you really want to do and how you want to set it forward. So right now, what is taking place is that all of humanity is starting to stretch out. You are right on the brink of what we would call an economic recovery. We are not economists and we do not really care about your economies of the world; however, it was able to send a fear shock through all planet Earth and you pulled your energy fields in and you made it through the portal quite well. Now it is time to lose the fear. It is time to start doing something and to start setting things forward. I told this to you before and I will tell it to you now, there is not a greater time on Earth to start something. Any project, any business, anything you want to do will find the wind at your back if you start it in this energy.

Now the biggest problem that you had on planet Earth has been that all of you have been trying to define yourselves so clearly. It is very difficult because when you start to open up energetically, you feel everything and everyone. You start giving too much of yourself, start spreading yourself too thin, you get exhausted and pretty soon you got a problem. So you start defining yourself and you say, “My energy field only goes to here. I am not responsible for…” That is wonderful because now that you define yourself, you can lose the boundaries all together. They do not need to be there. You can look at the person sitting in front of you and see what part of you they are. Did you ever think of that? Now you have a chance because over the next 7 months, there is a teetering balance. You go back into polarity f like your governments, especially the one here in the United States. It is so funny to watch one side fight over here and the other side fight over there and it all stretches into polarity. Well, somewhere you are going to meet in the middle. It is just a game you have been playing. Now it is time to start working with that. So when you start looking at how you are alike with the people and the energies around you rather than how you are different, you can define yourself the same way. It has always been that you define yourself differently. You look at that person and say, “Oh, that person…well, I have something better than they do. I have something I am working with here…” and you define yourself that way. Now it is time to define yourself the other way. How can you be a part of a rather large family that is making a huge difference on this planet right now?

A Tapestry of Love

It is not always easy, dear ones. That is why we call it, smile your way Home. All you have to do is to connect with a few other spirits on the planet every single day and spread your energy. That way you weave a tapestry of love that cannot be beat. It is very magical indeed and you are in the perfect position to do this now. This is the time to really look at your harmony, to really look at the people around you and all the other energies – the people that are working with you, the people that are working against you, even what you call your enemies. Humans need to move away from all this polarity very quickly now because it is going to make a big difference on planet Earth and you are going to build something that will last. It is not going to work the same way it did before, even your economic systems are not going to work the same way they did before. You are welcome, thank you. Good job. You do not need to go through that same problem again. Now, what is going to take place is that it is up to you. So are you going to let the spirit come through you? Are you going to smile with those eyes and plant seeds of light in everything you see? Or are you going to put your stare down and say, “I do not know who I am. I am not valuable enough. I do not know if I have anything to offer. So I am not going to look into others eyes?” Go for it. Now you can make a difference in the smallest ways because if enough of you do it – if only five thousand of you do this over the next 7 months – you are going to change the planet so fast it is going to be really beautiful. You are going to start making Home with a capital H right where you are and we are here to help you. Do not ever think you are alone, dear ones. You could not be even if you tried and we would appreciate it if you would stop trying so hard. Sometimes you try to be separate so much, you sit there and say, “Spirit, touch me. Feel me. Make me feel you. Make me understand what part of spirit I am.” And spirit is standing there telling you the same thing. In reality, you are the ones. You are the creators. Dare to step forward and see yourself in a new light and above all, do not forget to smile your way Home. It is the most beautiful part of being a human. I love you more than you know. I am with you always.

I close now with one little word that came from the story of the Lemurians who simply wanted to pat each other on the back all the time. They came up with a word that they used for hello and goodbye and it is Espavo. It means,
“Thank you for taking your power.” Espavo, dear ones. I am Elrah of rhythmic service.


The group

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from:    http://spiritlibrary.com/lightworker/beacons-of-light/smile-your-way-home-harmonizing-the-fabric-of-time

Using “Switchwords” to Attract our Desires

Speak Successfully With Switchwords

Speak Successfully With Switchwords | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Databaseby Kim Caldwell

“Remind yourself that loving words and loving thoughts seem to be supercharged with power to produce good.”
—Catherine Ponder

How would you like to have words that turn your subconscious mind on like a light switch to create more of what you want? This may be better relationships, enhanced peace, creativity or abundance. Switchwords, created by James Mangan in the 1960’s, for many people, do just that.

When I encounter people caught up in a scarcity and fear mentality, I want to instill their power back to them. Of course, each person must do this for himself or herself. I want to explain that speaking about what we want really serves us well.

James Mangan gave us The Secret Of Perfect Living in the 1960s. Mangan explains that there are certain words that can be used with intention to get more of what we want. He coined the phrase “Switchwords.” These power words will turn on our subconscious like a switch with focused intent. Mangan spent 45 years of his life researching and finding these words for us. For those of us who connect with them, they are a wonderful tool for creating and enjoying life more. They help to lift our consciousness to a Divine state. They help release fear and put us back in our power.

These words have been known to help people with all kinds of situations. I have a dear friend who called me upset because she was overseas in Paris, France and lost her purse. She was in a little shop and set it down. She walked away and soon realized it was gone. By the time she went back to find her purse, no one knew where it was. She called me crying and worried that she would be without funds for the rest of her trip. I told her to remain calm and say the Switchword “Reach” anytime she worried about her purse (Reach is the Switchword to find anything lost). Her credit card was canceled and she was sent funds to enjoy the remainder of her trip. Anytime she thought about her purse she said, “Reach”. She told me that she must have said “Reach” a thousand time. The next day the Paris police called her. They had her purse and wanted to make arrangements to return it. She called me ecstatic with the wonderful news. Her purse was returned with all her money and credit card in it. This is just one of many miracles created with Switchwords.

Needless to say, “Reach” is one of my favorite Switchwords and I use it with success to find anything lost. I also use reach to get the best parking spots. Be sure to say Reach and forget about it, knowing you will find your object in Divine time. Attachment to the outcome slows the process.

Switchwords may be said aloud or to ourselves. Obviously in public it is best to keep them to ourselves, as others negative comments or energy will dispel their power.

I will now share some of the words that allow more prosperity of health, love and wealth:

TOGETHER – is the master Switchword. Together pulls together our conscious, subconscious and super-conscious mind to bring out the best in us — our God Self. Please use Together in all of your Switchword combinations, as it brings the whole creation Together perfectly.

DIVINE – to create the extraordinary (or miracle). I get wonderful results with the word Divine and use it in all my combinations, which we will discuss next.

LOVE – Love is, of course, the most powerful force in the world. When we say “Love,” it wraps a healing energy around the person who sends it and the receiver.

BE – to be in radiant health and connected to our God mind.

LEARN – to make youthful in appearance and thought.

CURVE – to make beautiful or handsome.

REACH – “Reach” is one of my favorite Switchwords. We may use reach to find anything we have lost. Simply say reach and go about your business. You will be guided to what you are looking for in the perfect time. Reach can also be used to reach emotional states like joy and bliss.

Change – To get rid of any unwanted physical condition or mental state. Say Change and forget it. Then if you notice the pain or thought, say Change again and forget it.

Clear – To clear a negative thought. Perfect for conscious creators.

Praise – To stop finding fault with others or ourselves.

Bluff – To dispel fear or worry. If one has anxiety, say bluff, bluff, bluff. The idea is to bluff and pretend everything is alright. And it really is.

Ho – To relax. Say ho enough times and you will yawn.

WHOLE – to understand that we have everything we need within ourselves. There is no need to look for it in another.

PLETHORA – I discovered the word “Plethora” during a period when I wanted to constantly remind myself that there is more than enough of everything for everyone. Competition for resources is an illusion. There is a plethora of health, money and mates.

COUNT – to attract money. The theory behind this word is that every time we see a pile of coins lying around, we automatically start counting them in our mind.

FIND – “to find a fortune.” Say, “Find,” when you want to attract wealth and abundance.


We will also benefit by using combinations of the Switchwords. Always use Together in your combos for great results. Feel free to create your own combinations of Switchwords, as the only rule is to enjoy the process.

Here are some suggestions:

TOGETHER DIVINE LOVE – this activates love in any relationship or situation. It is perfect for solving fights and communication problems. This combination will create wonderful results when said to yourself or aloud with intention.

TOGETHER DIVINE PRAISE – To make ourselves more physically attractive and stop finding fault with others.

TOGETHER DIVINE LEARN CURVE – to make youthful and beautiful or handsome. (very transformative for looking our best)

TOGETHER DIVINE FIND COUNT – this combination creates wealth and income when said consistently with belief.

BE TOGETHER DIVINE – this combination may be used to attract vibrant health on all levels.

TOGETHER DIVINE TIMING – if you ever find yourself needing things to move faster than they are, simply say, “Divine timing,” and remind yourself that everything is working out perfectly in the perfect time. If you go with the flow, important components to your success will fall right into place.

Anytime you find yourself doubting your ability to succeed, say one of these Switchwords until you feel your energy shift. This is another great way of focusing your mind and energy now. As you practice this, you will notice these tools just come to you when needed. They will become a very good habit. Switchwords are like anything else in that the more we practice and play with them the better we get. So be patient and let go of any attachment to results. You will soon find yourself becoming a Switchword Master and creating on levels you never imagined.

from:    http://in5d.com/speak-successfully-with-switchwords.html

Jim Self on The Fall of Consciousness, Part 3

The Story of the Fall of Consciousness – Part 3

Jim Self
a message from Jim Self
Wednesday, 25 July, 2012  (posted 1 August, 2012)

Then in the year 2003 something very, very exciting occurred. A new Ray of Creation was co-created by Creator and many great beings of Light, led by Archangel Michael. This Ray contained an element that had never been in the creative process before. Within All-That-Is, this element was found here, on the planet Earth. The element in this new Ray is the love that humanity holds for humanity. That simple, pure vibration of Love was put into this new Ray and activated. It began to permeate many, many aspects of the contaminated Fall of Consciousness. And the new Ray worked. And then the new Ray continued to work. The growth of the mutations and wobbles and distortions slowed down.

To this day, the Fall of Consciousness has begun to reverse its influence. For the first time ever, the distortions, mutations, the darkness and Fear that have permeated many aspects of the Creator’s creation are reversing. They are weakening and slowing down, and the Christed Light of Creator has more and more room to expand and reach out. This is all because of You. You are the Great Experiment. The Christed Light was placed as a tiny spark of Light deep within the Sacred Heart to be found, grown ,and brought forth.

The Rays of Creation, their process and their creative power is now very much moving throughout All-That-Is. whether you know it or not, this incredible process came about because of you, The mere fact that you are on this planet at this moment is a testament to how big and significant you truly are.

How is it that you participated?

Simple. You raised your hand and screamed out, “Me—choose me! Send me! I will go.”

If you have read the stories in the Bible of Revelations, they describe multiple paths that could have been chosen in the process of getting humanity to a decision point where we either choose to follow the mutations or the Light of the Creator. Many, many times in humanity’s history, we have fallen back into the darkness and we didn’t have the strength or will to step away from the distortions and wobbles. It was easier to simply give up and fall.

The year 1987 was different. Again, the momentum brought us to a critical moment of decision. Do we, as humanity, agree to let the momentum continue and simply fall back into darkness and wait until eons pass so we can try again? This was the question put forth to you as a Soul. In 1987 we all took a type of vote, and all the souls and all the beings on the planet, together, decided to see if we could change what was in motion. Our purpose in making this change was to bring the Christed Light back to this planet. It was a wild consideration. This was a Light that had not been experienced for hundreds of millions of years. 51 percent of us said “Let’s go for it.” We didn’t know it would even be possible. We had no role models and didn’t know the steps required. But we committed to going forward.

Since that time there have been many grand beings that have birthed onto this planet. These are the children, the little ones. They are Big. These are the ones that were born after that auspicious moment in 1987. They are big, big beings, carrying with them a vibratory field of Light that has been very stimulating to you and me. They come from many Christed places, and many have never been on this planet before. They have arrived with a strong intention.

In 1987 we began to hold a level of possibility that had never been held before. Because of that possibility, and because of our passion, that love for humanity that each of us holds, is transformative. How do you communicate and how do you love one another? As you look around, it may not be very apparent as we all play out our life-game, but in fact, it is very apparent.

Because of what occurred in 1987, many of those potential, predicted catastrophes were averted. In the year 2000, an entirely new energetic was brought onto the planet. A new element of Love was also brought onto Planet Earth. 2003 was the year that the new Ray, brought from Michael, began to end the distortions. All because of you. That Ray is now operating in All-That-Is. All of the universes and sectors of this universe are now very engaged in the Shift of Consciousness.

In 2007 another event occurred which made it possible for the presence of the Christed Light to begin the return to the planet. That possibility began to grow and unfold and reveal itself.

On November 11, 2011 there was a grand, collective focus of energy all over Planet Earth. There were many who were able to hold that Christed vibrational pattern and there were numbers of others who were able to call it forth and re-anchor it into the earth… and it was anchored.

A new high vibration of Love has begun to radiate back out into the waters of Planet Earth. Every drop of water within all life on this planet today is now growing, radiating, and reflecting this Christed Light. The third dimension is now rapidly falling away. Planet Earth has begun to return to that fully Christed status. It now reflects its vibration of unity back into humanity and all her inhabitants.

As of 2011, you are not the same person as you were. On that 11-11-11 date there was a change. That change is now very strongly anchored within the hearts of everyone on Earth and it is growing very, very rapidly. It is believed, by Metatron, Uriel and Michael that because of this creation, coupled with the return of the Christed energy, Planet Earth is now beginning to vibrate in harmonic resonance with the other 11 Christed Light centers in All-That-Is. All who have been affected by the loss of Light and by the Fall of Consciousness are now returning Home to the heart of Creator.

This is Uriel’s story, Metatron’s story and Michael’s story. It describes a shift that they and other great beings held as an intention and believed was possible. In addition to being an amazing story, this is also a personal process. If you would pause right here and feel the story, what you will feel is a crystallized aspect of Light that sits in your Sacred Heart. It is in the form of the geometry known as the star tetrahedron. This Light has always been there, but until 11-11-11 it hasn’t held the capacity that it currently holds. What you feel is the unified aspect of All-That-Is that now has been magnified in the Christed Light.

If you pause, exhale and feel the energies in this story, you will begin to have an idea of what the unified field of consciousness holds for all of us. You will touch and begin to integrate the ability to experience yourself within that unified field. Here,there are no mutations, no distortions, no fear or distrust.

Here you are Home.

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from:     http://spiritlibrary.com/jim-self/the-story-of-the-fall-of-consciousness-part-3