April 29-May 5

Overall Color for the Week:    Bright L:avender

There are three large themes this week: 1} Loneliness 2) Sorrow 3) Physical symptoms.  Loneliness has many roots and causes, but this week it stems from an existential sense of not belonging.  This is not unusual in the current energy.  Things are falling apart and there is no real feeling of continuity or context.  Because of this, what once seemed a good idea or to be part of something now seems not quite right.  There can be a lot of emotion in the air this week.  It is best to step back and take a look at things.  This is not a good time to act, but it is a good time to marinate.

2) Sorrow;  Things past and things present.  All are experiencing change at this time, and it is out of your control.  THis is a week when you can find yourself looking back on things that have happened, seeing them in a new light, taking no responsibility, and moving forward.  There is always something of a feeling of loss when we let things go, even things we know do nto serve us.  It is nostalgia and what if coming up and taunting.  It is time to move on.  Take what you need from what has gone before and leave the rest behind.

3) Physical Symptoms:  The body is going through shifts and changes.  Many are disturbing, making you wonder if something is wrong.  There will be  off headaches, eyes flashes, feelings of vertigo, memory lapses.  These are all part of the new energy charging into the rifts that are opening up as the illusions of the old energies begin to dissipate.  Take time in what you do this week and listen to your body.

On the larger scale, things are going to be quite uncomfortable in all areas.  Expect some odd news to come out, and then be quickly retracted.  There is activity going on in Washington that is going to hit the news.  It revolves around taking away more of individual freedoms.  Expect new fringe groups to rise up on the right calling for even militant responses to things.  These will be exacerbated by their media stars, who will end up effectively putting their collective feet into their mouths.  The Earth is shifting and changing and there are movements that will be going on within large land masses, things not heard of before.  This can be a dangerous week in terms of Earth Changes.  Again, there is movement on the Sun, so take care to back up your electronics.  That galactic energy is moving closer, and it is exerting a pull on our solar system that can kead to strange effects.  Astronomers will be watching this.  The dimensions are getting closer, so there will be some popping in and out of things.  Look also for some things happening in the area of religions which will try to deal with all that is going on.  Travel can be tough this week.  This is all aprt of the coming together of various pieces of the larger puzzle that is 2012.

Sunday, April 29:    Frosty White

This is a day on which you will be wanting to bring things out into the open.  You are feeling as though what you have been working on is ready now for a larger audience.  While this may be true, the current atmosphere does not welcome novelty or unexpected events.  It is best to step back and develop a master plan.  Be the observer and see how people are acting and reacting.  The energies are crazier every day, making people’s reactions less predictable.  It is best to has an intuitive feel for what is going on before taking a step.  Aso use the wisdom of your heart to know which is the best audience.  Presenting things to the wrong people can cause them to become pushed aside.

Crystal Vibe:    Glory Blue Gate—-This stone assists one in transmitting and interpreting the light of the spirit as it enters in through the Throat.  Resonates with the Throat Chakra.

Monday, April 30:

There is a good possibility that this April will go out like a lion, so be prepared for confrontations.  When they happen, the best response is to step back and take a look at what exactly is going on and what exactly is being said.  Also, it is a good idea to remove yourself from that atmosphere.  Things tends to brew in small spaces today.  This includes mental as well as physical spaces.  This is a day on which you or others can become fixated on a certain thought or idea to the point of obsession.  Step back from that one also and take a look at it.  Right now, lots of things are surfacing, as hints of the greater pattern emerge. You are changing.  It is time to honor that and just be with the change.  Do not try to force it.

Crystal Vibe:    Psilomelane—-The energy of this mineral assists one in grounding.  It also can help in releasing stuckness and toxins in many of the layers of the body.  Resonates with the Root Chakra.

Tuesday, May 1:    Apricot

There is a peace in the morning that will be more than made up for in the afternoon as things begin to spiral out of control.  If you have things you are working on, back them up, set them in stone, get your models done before noon, because the energy of the afternoon today can shake things up.  Make sure you have everything you need before going out.  Check and double check, take along some extras just-in-case.  The Trickster is about, and he has some surprises in store.  Be alert for information that will be coming today in unusual ways.  The pattern is emerging in this energy and you will be glimpsing more of it.

Wednesday, May 2:    Cloudy White

Things are not clear today.  People are muddled and out of sorts.  This is not a day on which a lot of things will get done.  Put aside your expectations and enjoy the ride.  In the current energy many things that have been hidden or out of the way are popping to the surface.  If you are observant, aware, or even awake there is much that you can learn, especially about one issue that has been confounding you for some time now.  Be alert today and take nothing for granted.  You can learn much that way, as well as gain some important insights as to what is coming next.

Crystal Vibe:    Analcime—-This mineral works to bring into alignment energies that have vibrational frequencies that tend towards instability.  Resonates with the Crown Chakra.

Thursday, May 3:    Cherry Rose

What started slowly and without promise will end with a flourish, a zing, and a grand hurrah.  Take time today to savort every moment.  Yes, the morning can be confusing.  There are many different strands and elements in the air.  Nothing has settled, however by mid-morning, there will be a leveling out and a sifting through.  Things will be clearer.  Today is a day for seeing things as they are and knowing them in their true essence.  It is a day to step into your power.  To be strong enough to accept what you know is true and to act on that.  There will never be a better time.  The energies are settling today, albeit briefly.  If you can seize that time, then things will become more clear.  You can get some answers.

Crystal Vibe:    Morganite—This stone allows for leaving it behind, moving on, and opening to the wisdom of the true heart.  Resonates with the Heart Chakra.

Friday, May 4:    Rose Tint

The beat goes on, as they say.  More and more comes faster and faster.  It is time to see things for what they are.  The rapid pace allows for you to take what you desire and let the rest go.  Choose wisely.  There are decisions to be made in this energy that will affect you and your movement throughout this year.  There is a wise one deep within your soul.  If you are confused or uncertain, turn to the true wisdom of your heart which is linked to Universal Consciousness, and a light will shine.  This is a day for knowing that you are never alone.  Even in your most solitary and despairing moments, you are not alone.

Crystal Vibe:    Galena—-The energy of this mineral brings balance and perspective.  It can assist in bringing one into alignment with the here and now while opening a window to the larger picture.  Resonates with the Solar Plexus and Third Eye Chakras.

Saturday, May 5:    Hazy White

There is a kind of drowsiness that pervades the energy of the day.  Things will not be terribly clear.  You can see things that are not there and wonder if they are there, because, perhaps, they are there…. But then they could not be there…..  These kinds of exchanges will be common today.  It is important to ground yourself and stay centered throughout the day.  The balance ifs off right now, and nothing will be as it should.  Stay away from emotional conversations.  Look.  Observe.  Let action take a back seat to everything else.  This is not a time for doing, rathier it is a good day for marinating.

Crystal Vibe:    Vivianite—-This mineral takes the etheric and brings it into the physical through intention and awareness.  Resonates with the Third Eye, Crown, and Ninth Chakras.


2011 Energy Analysis fr/Emmanuel Dagher

Energy Forecast – The Year of Epic Transformation

Emmanuel Dagher
a message from Emmanuel Dagher
Thursday, 1 December, 2011  (posted 2 December, 2011)

Hi my amazing friend,

As the year 2011 comes to a close, and we briefly reflect back at what this year has brought into our personal & collective lives, it becomes clear that 2011 has been the year of epic transformation.

Noticing What Is Already Here

As a result of habit & conditioning, many of us (including those in conscious communities) may have a tendency to always look for the next big ‘thing,’ ‘event,’ or ‘experience’ to happen we feel will bring us closer to the expected changes we deem necessary as proof we are in fact ‘awakening.’ Although having a sense of excitement about the amazing possibilities that may be in store for us is healthy, being heavily focused on what’s next all the time can really prevent us from noticing the miraculous transformation that is already happening right now.

Let’s take a quick inventory of some confirmations we’ve had this year letting us know we have indeed moved into an era of higher global consciousness. In areas of community & social change, the Middle East paved the way early in 2011 & is still undergoing a radical facelift moving away from the archaic fear tactics created by leaders in that region for thousands of years. Now, people from all walks of life are no longer allowing themselves to be ‘led’ by a select few who have thrived on making “fear” a big part of the daily life of their people. Since early 2011, social change has spread far & wide across the globe and is now more evident than ever with the Occupy Wall Street movement. No matter how much the media tries to trivialize this movement, it has lasted long enough to begin changing the global conversation. The foundation of this conversation being, how do we, as a society, step back into our Divine power as a whole rather than give our power away to a select few?

The change is also starting to be felt in the monetary systems. For the past few months, as I mentioned in some previous forecasts, the dismantling of the World Financial Banking systems has been well on course. For example, if we look at what’s happening in Europe and the United States, we can see that some countries are really struggling to hold on to their old ways of doing business and as a result their economies have already or are starting to crash. This is creating an unstable atmosphere which in turn creates a rippling effect around the world. In fact, on November 28th European leaders came to the U.S. to discuss how they can move out of the economic crisis they have created. This move is definitely a sign that we are on a brink of a major breakthrough, because the old ways of running things is no longer working.

Another confirmation that the old paradigm is losing steam very quickly is the fact that nothing can remain hidden anymore due to the beautiful discovery of social media platforms through the internet. Literally, whether it’s Prime Ministers, News Corporation Owners, Renowned Football Coaches, or anyone/anything operating from lack of integrity, everything is coming out in the open for the world to see. Many of us may also see this happening in our personal lives. There’s nothing to fear when there’s nothing to hide. Although many of the confirmations I just shared have people thinking its grounds to move into panic mode, all of these experiences are simply nudging us in the direction of choosing to live our lives with integrity & honesty always.

There are many other global shifts we’ve experienced this past year through geological & climate changes that also confirm Mother Earth is reconfiguring herself to support our collective shift in consciousness. There have also been new discoveries. Recently, the remains of an other-worldly being were discovered in Peru, shaking things up for the scientific community that we may not be the only beings that exist in the Universe. Also in 2011, there were a few important discoveries that went a bit un-noticed that showed us other worlds similar to our planet did indeed exist out in the cosmos. These discoveries will eventually pick up traction and come to the forefront. Of course many of us have known that life exists across all Universes, however it’s an amazing step in the right direction that the masses are also figuring it out.

Just as everything externally seems to be changing, it’s all a mirror of how we are changing from within. The year 2011 has greatly magnified the sensitivity factor in each of us. Being sensitive is actually an amazing indicator that we are becoming more clear and aware of energy, and we can no longer tolerate energy that is not in alignment with our greatest good. Whether it be sensitivity to foods we eat, old habits we are still engaging in, people we surround ourselves with, products, or movies we watch, it’s important to see if these things are enhancing our life or taking away from it. Even those who may not have classified themselves as being sensitive are starting to feel the changes. It’s up to those of us who have always been sensitive to really step up & assist those who have no clue on what’s happening within & all around them. I know it may seem challenging at times to even want to assist due to the fact that many of us “sensitives” did not have anyone supporting us, however we now have the opportunity to show ourselves how much we’ve really evolved by choosing to assist others who may be struggling.

We Are the Ones

Recently, I heard people in some conscious circles express their disappointment that ‘nothing happened’ after the Mayan Calendar came to an end on October 28th, and after passing through the November 11th energy portal. Energy dates are just here to serve as anchor points reminding us that with the power of our own intention, we are co-creating the new world. It’s interesting to observe how people react in different ways. I’ve noticed that those who focus a great deal on something/someone outside of themselves to save or fix the world are constantly disappointed with most things going on in their lives. Those who have realized that we are the creators of our lives, and are the ones we’ve been waiting for, are constantly aware of all the miraculous transformation we are creating at this time. These are usually the people actively doing their part to bring about the changes we have been witnessing on the planet.

This leads me to a message I received during a meditation recently. The message was that if we keep looking for something/someone outside of ourselves to intervene or ‘save’ us from what we perceive to be a difficult circumstance, we prevent ourselves from receiving life-changing lessons & gifts from that experience. It’s in these valuable lessons & gifts that we end the patterns that lead to those very difficult experiences. So, if we keep looking to be ‘saved,’ and let’s say it even happened at some point, we’d find a way of getting ourselves right back to the same difficult situation we were in before we were saved. Why? Because, we have not learned the lessons we were meant to learn from creating that experience. When we choose to take full responsibility that we are the creators of our lives, and are willing to walk through all of our experiences knowing that there are many gifts & blessings in them, we can then start to attract a reality more in alignment with the greatest vision we have for our lives and for the world.

Time Acceleration

Since the 11.11 gateway & the completion of the Mayan Calendar, linear time seems to have accelerated many folds. A good amount of us are feeling extremely tired and many seeming issues that we felt we had resolved seem to be popping right back up. This serves as a gauge to how far we have come with our inner healing. If we are still being triggered by these old issues, it simply lets us know that we have a little more work to do. If we’re not triggered, we know that we have moved on. Usually, after big energy shifts happen, we need to allot ourselves some time to integrate with the new energies. That’s what is happening right now. Although the moments of clarity and feeling super connected to everything are happening more often, we may still be experiencing some energy highs & lows which eventually will balance out. Feeling tired could also be coming up as a result of all the multi dimensional work we are doing during our sleep state. If we are waking up and still feeling very tired, we are most definitely working in other realms of existence.

We are being given the opportunity right now to slow down a bit, take a break, and reflect at all the blessings this year has brought us. Yes, even in the seeming challenges which I like to call blessings in disguise. It’s an excellent time to express our gratitude to the Universe within us for making the shift into higher global consciousness a very real experience. 2011 has been the year of epic transformation, wouldn’t you say so?

Till next time,

Miraculously Yours,


©2011 Emmanuel Dagher, All Rights Reserved – You are absolutely welcome to share these forecasts with others as you feel guided! Thank you!

from:    http://spiritlibrary.com/emmanuel-dagher/energy-forecast-the-year-of-epic-transformation

Monthly Earth Changes Update fr/Aquarian Solutions


October 2011 will host extreme weather, volcanic eruptions, super jor quakes, hurricanes, severe cold fronts, hyper solar actvity, tsunamis, floods, perilous cyclones, sink holes, strong deluge of water, land and mudslides, extreme weather around the world
floods will continue along with droughts, still chances for dangerous tornadoes,while weather records will broken.
The month was actually kicked off with a New Moon in Libra on September 27th @ 11:09 AM UT
which continues to initiate major weather events from typhoons to hurricanes along with seismic and volcanic eruptions
Then on October 11th a fiery Full Moon in Aries @ 19 degrees on 7:06 PM PDT or 10:06 PM EDT leads to massive seismic and volcanic events.
Events will happen quickly after the Full Moon:
Mercury will enter Scorpio on Oct. 13th. the same day that the Sun meets Saturn in Libra bringing in cold winter weather
Venus already in Scorpio by Oct. 8th. will oppose Jupiter on October 14th. for major storms and seismic events
Then a double whammy with Mercury opposing Jupiter in Taurus on October 17th.
The month ends with the Scorpio New Moon on October 26th in the 4th degree of Scorpio occuring @ 12:56 PM PDT or 3:56 PM EDT –
for more, go to:    http://www.aquasoul.com/index2.html

fr/Martin Thoughts on Winter Forecast


Interesting take on the whole question of long term forecasting, particularly at this time when so much is changing, the abnormal has become normal, and anomalies are routine.

2011-2012 Winter Forecast from TheWeatherSpace.com released

Published on September 8, 2011 3:35 am PT
– By Kevin Martin – Senior Meteorologist
– Article Editor and Approved – Warren Miller

Click for larger image

(TheWeatherSpace.com) — Winter forecasting is probably the most useless forecasting one can do and I’ll give you the reason why.

Every year hundreds of weather forecasters shoot out forecasts for snow in the Northeast. Why? Snow happens all the time during the Winter!

The truth of the matter is that TheWeatherSpace.com believes producing such forecasts are useless. So the 2011-2012 forecast for winter is sometimes cold, sometimes warm, sometimes snowy, sometimes icy, sometimes windy, sometimes dry, sometimes rainy, and sometimes snowy.

Winter forecasts are as useless as long range hurricane forecasts. We just do not need them. What people really care about is the accuracy in the next three to five days, that is it.

Sure, farmers rely on long range forecasts but no one is 100% accurate in a winter forecast. There are times when people forecast Southern California in a La Nina to have dry and warm conditions and yet Los Angeles gets blasted by cold air, thunderstorms, low elevation snow, and above average precipitation.

Winter season cannot be forecast and the best thing we can do is take what comes at us and warn for what we see. Sometimes it will snow, other times it will not. The winter seasons have troughs and ridges which change each week to a different scenario.

This is not meant to be a joke to you from TheWeatherSpace.com, but a real thing to think about. Do we need long range forecasts when it changes each week? In my eyes we do not so let us take and forecast what is in reality, three, five, seven, and ten days down the line


Pipes Across the Nation Burst as US Water Infrastructure Rapidly Fails

Hugh Pickens, Slashdot.com contributor, writes:

“Thom Patterson writes that, triggered by this summer’s record high temperatures, hundreds of crucial water pipelines have burst across the nation, temporarily shutting off water to countless consumers just when they need it most — a clear sign that Americans should brace for more water interruptions, accompanied by skyrocketing water bills. “It’s the heat and the high water usage,” says Debbie Ragan of Oklahoma City’s Utilities Department, adding that as days of 100 degree-plus temperatures bake the region, the utility has reported 685 water main breaks since July alone, four times the normal rate. Much of the nation’s underground water lines are 80 to 100 years old — and approaching the end of their lives as the shifting climate brings more droughts, record high temperatures and other weather conditions that will damage water infrastructure.

Read more with source links.

Earth Update fr/Aquarian Solutions

Site Last Updated August 11, 2011: We have passed the mega energized Mid-Point of the Mayan 5th Day
and today with Galactic Tone 13 it is a time of ascension as the earth is awakening big time .
The deeply primal energies of the Mars-Pluto opposition are separating and have triggered major earth changes .
Volcanic activity is starting Southern Hemisphere with Java and Coral Sea plumes to Ascension Island
to the Canary Island magma plume in the Northern Hemisphere along with Mt. Etna and now Undersea off Oregon along with the Cleveland volcano in Alaska

Magma plume report: A barometer of the planet indicates earthchanges are accelerating

Deep recycling in the Earth faster than thought
The most frequent question I’m asked is how much time do we have left before something major occurs? Not long, as you’ll shortly see. I included this map in my book so everyone could know that magma plumes are the planet’s geologic thermal dissipative features and as such, they are an early-warning sign that entropic processes are accelerating and magma levels are rising uniformly across the planet. Let’s start with Indonesia’s 18 volcanoes that are now on alert and showing above-normal activity- Because of the Java and Coral Sea plumes, we can expect growing unrest from the Merapi Sundoro Dieng volcanic complex, the Taboro, the Gunung Ranakah and Sirung volcanic complex which comprises about 28 volcanic cones.

to read more, go to:    http://www.aquasoul.com/index2.html

Indonesia’s Mt. Lokon Erupts Twice

Double eruption at Indonesia volcano: vulcanologist

(AFP) – 1 day ago

JAKARTA — An Indonesian volcano erupted twice on Monday following its biggest eruption in weeks over the weekend, a government vulcanologist said, forcing people to remain in safety shelters.

“The two eruptions happened within ten minutes which sent a column of ash and smoke up to 600 metres (1,968 feet) into the air,” government vulcanologist Freddy Korompis told AFP from a monitoring post.

The 1,580-metre Mount Lokon experienced its biggest eruption on Sunday with huge clouds of ash propelled 3,500 metres (11,500 feet) into the sky.

to read more, go to:    http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5iHkNq8gxx0wagcaNfO8iGj8m1-wA?docId=CNG.632dd3dcc1a56a277155541c2c08b556.91

Earthquake in The English Channel

Earthquake hits English Channel

Aerial photo of southern EnglandThe earthquake was the biggest in the area for nearly 300 years

An earthquake with a magnitude of 3.9 has struck in the English Channel, the British Geological Survey (BGS) said.

The quake had a depth of 10km and its epicentre was south of Portsmouth, according to the BGS.

Residents in parts of West Sussex reported buildings shaking for a few seconds at about 0800 BST.

Sussex Police, Solent Coastguard and West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said they had not been called out to any incidents related to it.

‘Largest since 1734’

David Kerridge, from the BGS, said it was the biggest incident of its kind in the area for nearly 300 years.

to read more, go to:    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-14153116

Costa Rica Earthquake

Costa Rica earthquake : numerous landslides and considerable damage

Last update: July 13, 2011 at 2:58 pm

By Armand Vervaeck and James Daniell

Earthquake overview : A strong earthquake occurred in the early afternoon in the border area of Costa Rica – Nicaragua and close to the Miravalles Volcano. Although the hypocenter was at an intermediate depth, people in the epicenter area have sustained some minor damage.

Damage inflicted after the July 12 2011 Costa Rica earthquakes.

UPDATE 13/07 – 14:54 UTC : A number of houses have been labeled inhabitable by the Costa Rican emergency services.

UPDATE 13/07 – 14:31 UTC : Just after the earthquake, villagers living near the Río Guacalito at Armenias de Upala were surprised that the river was suddenly dry! Villagers believe that a dam was created on the slopes of of the Miravalles volcanowhich dried up the river.

UPDATE 13/07 – 09:46 UTC : Due to various signs of damage and traumatized people we haveupgraded this earthquake to the CatDat Orangecategory.

to read more, go to: http://earthquake-report.com/2011/07/13/costa-rica-m56-causes-minor-damage/

Earthquake near Phillipines

Very strong coastal seaquake close to Sipalay, Negros, Philippines

Last update: July 12, 2011 at 10:03 pm by By Armand Vervaeck and James Daniell

Earthquake overview : A 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the coastal waters of Negros Island, Philippines  at 4:47 AM local time. The epicenter of the earthquake is approx. 30 km out of the coast (USGS) and 45 km (Phivolcs). Phivolcs (the Philippines seismological service)  has not called a tsunami alarm for this earthquake as also the Magnitude was less than initially measured by USGS.

to read more, go to:    http://earthquake-report.com/2011/07/11/very-strong-coastal-seaquake-with-tsunami-danger-at-negros-philippines/