I was guided to take a look at Corey Goodes blog a few days ago and the article that caught my eye was ‘Cosmic Disclosure: Alien Tech at the Vatican’ The article is simply the transcript of a discussion that David Wilcock had with his whistle-blower friend Emery Smith who has suffered many attacks of various kinds from the cabal due to his speaking out. “Emery Smith claims to have autopsied about 3,000 different types of ET humanoids. The day after we announced his coming forward, he was hit with an attack that landed him in the emergency room.”https://divinecosmos.com/davids-blog/1224-emery-smith/
Emery and David were travelling somewhere by car when this discussion was recorded. They were discussing the autopsies Emery made but the conversation ended up being about a visit he made to the Vatican library to get more information on a particular type of ufo…!! “So, a private organization went to the DoD [US Department of Defense] and the mil [military] labs I was working at, and they needed some technicians and some scientists to go to the Vatican to look at their archives, because they know that they had some information on a craft that was taken in New Mexico.”
After nearly 8 years of learning new things from the places that I trust for information, I thought I heard it all. However, this discussion between David and Emery reveals things that were new to me. An example,
Emery; “And, of course, the Vatican has always been a huge database. It has a huge archive of many things: artifacts and things they have found from space and have collected over many, many, many, many years.
And they have an underground base under the Vatican.
So two scientists and myself were deployed to that area to the Vatican to an undisclosed location in the Vatican. And we took an elevator down about seven or eight floors.”
You will not be disappointed when you read this article and what it reveals. My reaction to it is something like this. My GOD WE ARE LIVING IN THE DARK AGES ON THIS PLANET WITHOUT HAVING A CLUE ABOUT IT. I released after reading this that if we were not in quarantine here on this planet that we would have reached the level of technological knowhow that we have to day already about 200 years ago.
I’m guessing that if that were the case then at this point in time we would be in a position of where we could be nearly 300 years ahead in time from where we are now! I’m hoping that you will understand where I’m coming from when you read the info from Emery.
Just to whet your appetite for reading on I will give a short quote from further down this article and then the link to the entire post.
“Emery: It’ll be cities will be put up everywhere. I know even our government has contacted me to orchestrate and architect a special city here that’s self-sustainable, that’s off-grid, has its own communications, its own electric, and all this stuff, because they’re preparing to do this model everywhere.” ….
Then this quote from Emery’s visit ‘inside’ (below) the Vatican
David: But what you’re describing right now is like straight out of a sci-fi movie. It must have been just breathtakingly incredible.
Emery: It was the most amazing thing . . . one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen, .
The Facts:David Wilcock’s latest update informs us that several sources believe that major disclosures will unfold within the month of July.
Reflect On:What would it mean to our lives if the ‘Deep State’ was finally defeated, and all the money that has been funneled out of our economy was suddenly returned to us? Further, what would be the impact of the disclosure of hidden technology?
From my reading of various commentators in our ever-growing collective effort to discover the truth, David Wilcock stands alone both in the scope of human activity he covers, and in the self-consistency of the paradigm he presents, which connects science, spirituality, politics, history, economics, media, and more.
David has just written a new post on his blog entitled, ‘New Briefings: Alliance Seizing Trillions Stolen By Deep State, Preparing to Give It Back.’ In it, he describes how the long and winding road many of us have been on for several years now, anxiously seeking some form of official disclosure of the truth behind the scenes, including the extraterrestrial presence, may soon be upon us.
If you are new to David Wilcock’s work, probably nothing short of reading his previous 8 to 10 blog posts–and they’re not short ones–would really help you to have the full, broad context of what his latest announcement means.
One of the fundamental tenets of his analysis is the existence of the ‘Deep State,’ which is the shadow government controlled by an elite group of bankers, corporate heads and other powerful people who have literally had control over all important political and economic activity in the world, as well as a strong influence on our very perception of reality through the media and other means. However this control should not be considered absolute, as there has been a growing secret Alliance of people in politics, the military, and elsewhere (a.k.a. the ‘Good Guys’) who have long been making efforts to combat the Deep State and help to bring peace, prosperity and freedom to humanity
It seems as though, after decades of needing to work very secretly, the Alliance has gained the upper hand, most importantly within the military, and now has a major influence on the actions of the President of the United States. There is speculation that this breakthrough was actually made possible by the election of Donald Trump, as he was never a Deep State ‘member’ like Hilary Clinton, and therefore would be much more difficult for the Deep State to control.
Insider Testimony
What is fascinating about David’s testimony is that it is informed by highly placed insiders whose trust David has earned over a number of years. Some have remained anonymous, while others, such as Corey Goode and Emery Smith, have publicly come forward with comprehensive and credible testimony about a secret world we otherwise might know nothing about.
In combining the testimony he receives with his own analysis, David paints a vivid picture of a struggle behind the scenes, not only between the Deep State and the Alliance but also of extraterrestrial forces that have come to influence both sides of the battle.
What’s Coming To Us In July
Many other commentators have been saying for years that we are on the verge of debt forgiveness, NESARA, prosperity funds, etc. because the ‘debt’ our countries don’t really belong to us. We have learned more and more about how the Deep State has been pulling money out of our economy for their own purposes. The first statement David makes in his update is some exciting news that he has corroboration that this money is finally coming back to us:
At least four independent insider sources have revealed that the Alliance is now locating and legally seizing trillions and trillions of dollars in assets stolen by the Deep State.
The money is set to be released back into the legitimate economy as “prosperity funds” that could almost immediately create radical improvements in our overall quality of life.
Things have long seemed to be coming to a head, with our growing awareness of the workings of politicians, central banks, the corporations, the media, the Western medical establishments, the legal profession, and so on. But many had started to feel that disclosure of the truth would never come, just because it has taken so long. But let there be no doubt–there is clearly hidden information out there, the revelation of which would instantly change life on Earth. If what David is saying turns out to be true, July 2018 will probably be the most remarkable month any of us has ever experienced.
One strand of DNA from one single cell contains enough information to clone an entire organism. Obviously, understanding DNA allows us to understand much about life and the universe around us. A deeper understanding of the new science tell us that DNA beings not as a molecule, but as a wave form. Even more interestingly, this wave form exists as a pattern within time and space and is coded throughout the entire universe.
We are surrounded by pulsating waves of invisible genetic information, whose waves create microscopic gravitational forces that pull in atoms and molecules from their surrounding environment to construct DNA.
One scientist who caught these microgravitational forces in their action is Dr. Sergey Leikin. In 2008, Leikin put different types of DNA in regular salt water and marked each type with a different fluorescent color and the DNA molecules were then scattered throughout the water. In the experiment’s major surprise, matching DNA molecules were found pairing together. After a short time, entire clusters of the same colored DNA molecules had formed. Leikin believes some sort of electromagnetic charge allowed the same colored molecules to cluster. However, other experiments show that this is not the case. That it is most likely to be gravity. Let us explain.
In 2011, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Luc Montagnier demonstrated that DNA can be spontaneously formed out of merely hydrogen and oxygen. He started out with a hermetically sealed tube of pure sterilized water and then placed another sealed tube next to it, which had small amounts of DNA floating in water. Montagnier then electrified both tubes with a weak, 7 hertz electromagnetic field and waited. 18 hours later, little pieces of DNA had grown in the original tube, which consisted of only pure sterilized water.
This new science tells us that the universe is constantly conspiring to make biological life, whenever and wherever it can. In any given area of the universe, these hidden microgravitational waves will begin gathering atoms and molecules together to create DNA, and thus, life.
Another phenomenal discovery was made when Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp caught DNA in the act of pulling in photons (tiny packets of energy that make up visible light). The new science reveals that photons are essential to the basic health and function of DNA and are apparently used to send and receive information throughout the body. He found that each DNA molecule stores up to 1,000 photons within itself, similar to that of a tiny fiber-optic cable. The photons shoot back and forth at the speed of light inside the molecule and are stored until they need to be used.
In 1984, Russian scientist Dr. Peter Gariaev discovered that when a DNA molecule was placed inside a small quartz container, it naturally absorbed every photon in the room. A stunning analogy of this would be that of a single person standing in a large sports stadium and having every photon in the stadium somehow bending directly to that person, leaving that person’s body literally glowing with light, while the rest of the stadium goes completely dark.
In conventional science, the only force that can bend light is gravity and it is done only around a black hole. Thus, it appears DNA is generating a microgravitational effect that attracts and captures light. Looking back to the first experiment mentioned in this article by Dr. Leikin, we see that it is indeed likely not an electrical charge that forced or allowed the same DNA molecules to attract to one other, but is likely due to gravity, as electrical charges have never been able to bend light as it moves through space.
The most incredible part of Dr. Gariaev’s experiment came when he thought it was over. He had pulled out the DNA from the quartz container and looked back into the container only to find that photons were still spiraling in the exact same place where the DNA had been. Apparently, some sort of gravitational influence was holding photons right where the DNA had been. This later became called the “DNA phantom effect. Thus, DNA is creating an energetic force that absorbs photons and pulls them right into the molecule, but the DNA itself isn’t even needed. It is some invisible force, or some wave, that attracts and holds the light (photons) there all by itself.
Dr. Gariaev found that he could “blast” the phantom with supercold liquid nitrogen gas and the photons would all escape from the force field. Within 5 to 8 minutes though, new photons would be captured and the entire phantom would reappear. He could keep doing this as much as he wanted, but new photons would keep appearing. In fact, it was only after doing this for 30 days straight that the photons finally did not reappear.
Certainly, this last experiment was done over 30 years ago, and yet, the significance of it has yet to be truly felt. The first two experiments are still relatively young and have also yet to be fully appreciated. Clearly though, our view of the universe and life itself is changing as these concepts are understood by more people each day.
Wisdom Teachings with David Wilcock – “The Cabal’s Downward Spiral” – Assessing the Final Days of a Crumbling Cabal, and a Prelude to Breakthrough
The Wisdom Teachings series has covered quite a variety of topics over time, and all of them have their high-points about them. Some focus on informing the audience on the vast infrastructure which has been built off planet, while others focus on the history of the human race here on the surface. Some episodes focus on the battle between the negative “Powers-that-Were” and the positive Earth Alliance, and at the same time, give insight into the role each of us plays in our planetary liberation. (Though, if you’ve been watching the series, you’re already aware of this.) This episode, The Cabal’s Downward Spiral, was unique, I feel, as it marks a new state of affairs on planet Earth.
The reason I appreciated this episode was that it brings attention to the concrete evidence which proves that the enormous, monumental change which has been unfolding in the background of society is now finally coming to the forefront of world consciousness. During the discussion, David Wilcock lists the numerous signs which indicate this enormous change, and reveals the different aspects of planetary progress that we have experienced in the months and days past.
To add, I have included my own commentary on these events, and have also included many more current events from the past few weeks which spell out in an even clearer way that our planet is positively progressing by leaps and bounds.
There’s a lot to discuss. Let’s get into it.
The Extinction of Cabal Control
They used to be so secretive. The inner workings of the vast and intricate infrastructure of the cabal used to be functional. They used to be successful at manipulating, exploiting, and stifling the prosperity of the world’s population, and their secrets were once held with great effectiveness. There wasn’t a soul that would dare defy their tyrannical orders of secrecy. These cabalists could clandestinely exploit the entire planet without the least bit of opposition from the public. However, all of that has changed.
Presently, the cabal is being opposed from every angle. People from all walks of life, from multiple backgrounds, whether from official organization, or retired government employees, the once abused and helpless masses are rising up against their once powerful oppressors. Even ordinary individuals and are able to get their licks in when it comes to rejecting the former control of this malevolent, anti-humanitarian crime syndicate.
This once dominant gang did as they pleased, but presently, in the year 2016, that trend is all changing at light speed. Here’s how.
NASA’s Reluctant Revelations
We have seen for months now, the numerous haphazard disclosures from NASA, which likely indicate a fear of the cabal’s inevitable loss of any hope of control. There have been multiple disclosures on the presence of water on numerous planetary bodies within our solar system, as well as around the galaxy.
Consider for a moment how thoroughly silent and ridiculing NASA has been in past decades on the subject of off-world life. This cabal-controlled organization has been boasted as the most reliable organizations in the world in the science of astronomy, and their long-standing doctrine of human solitude in the universe has been adopted and parroted for just as long. However, in 2015, this trend seemed to turn on a dime.
We have seen NASA do a complete turn-around, where before, they shamed and ridiculed anyone who even considered the possibility of exoplanetary life (at least publicly). Then, come 2015, they couldn’t stop talking about it. Finally, they make the bold claim that they will definitely find evidence of life within 20 years.
We have seen proof of an effort from NASA to disclosure on multiple subjects in rapid succession. Aside from these official organizations, we have seen proof that even single individuals who hold secrets are now unafraid to come forward. In general, we have seen that the secrets and crimes of the cabal (both past and present) are coming to the forefront of our conscious awareness, and this is only the beginning.
The Cabal’s Financial Downfall
We have seen irrefutable evidence that our financial system is wrought with corruption, theft, and chicanery. Not only this, we have come to the realization that this financial ponzi scheme is based upon nothing more than blind faith in worthless paper, and has been created for the purpose of establishing an illusion of superiority for a few wealthy elitists.
With the amount of funding which big banks steal from the world’s population, and contribute to pointless war, these institution have proven to be more hazardous than the terrorists/CIA agents we are presented with by the complicit and compromised media. However, with all of these issues, the truth of the matter is in full view within reliable, alternative media. (We will cover this topic of financial corruption more in depth in a moment.)
(David Wilcock mentions the fact that in order to completely take cabal influence out of the equation, we must have a controlled, financial collapse. During such a collapse, the cabal would loose all of their assets, and be unable to survive as an organization. The common people need this collapse so that we can wave goodbye once and for all to cabal influence, and there is no need to be afraid of such a change, as Wilcock states.)
Hacks of the Century
We have learned of the numerous actions of the positive Earth Alliance (lead by Russia and Vladimir Putin) at taking the cabal out of commission, and the year 2015 was key in this effort. Throughout this year, we may remember hearing of numerous hacking attacks which inflicted widespread damage to the cabal’s infrastructure, though we may not have known that many of these were accomplished by the positive Earth Alliance.
The following excerpt comes from the website, Tech Insider, and details numerous strategic hacks which likely originated from Alliance sources.
The controversial cybersecurity group Hacking Team got hacked, revealing that it was providing tools to repressive governments to spy on their own citizens.
The Italy-based Hacking Team had to tell all its customers to stop using its software in July after a hacker breached its systems and Twitter account, dumping 400 gigabytes of data.
The breach appeared to get “everything” on the company’s servers, according to Motherboard, which revealed business dealings with the FBI, Spain, Russia, along with other countries with poor track records on human rights, such as Sudan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia.
The company, which says it provides solutions for law enforcement and intelligence purposes, denied reports that it sold technology to any countries in violation of export bans…
Hackers gained access to unclassified White House systems in 2014, but the nature of the hack got way worse as new details emerged this year.
A breach of the White House’s unclassified network in October 2014 caused “temporary disruption to some services,” but it was downplayed at the time.
Months later it was revealed to be the work of Russian hackers, which accessed the President’s schedule and emails that revealed personnel moves and policy debates, among other unclassified but still-sensitive communications.
“This has been one of the most sophisticated actors we’ve seen,” one senior American official briefed on the investigation told The New York Times. The intrusion was believed to be linked to the Russian government.
Those same attackers are also believed to have gained access to the State Department’s email systems, according to CNN…
CIA Director John Brennan had his personal email hacked, which had sensitive personal documents in it.
A hacker claiming to be an American high school student said he “socially engineered” his way into the CIA Director’s AOL email account, which had sensitive attachments within.
The hacker posted John Brennan’s purported contact list and call logs. But the biggest leak was the 47-page SF-86 security questionnaire for his security clearance, which had Brennan’s and others social security numbers, names, addresses, and other sensitive background information.
The hacker told Wired how he gained access through a series of clever tricks, first posing as a Verizon employee to get info on Brennan, which he then used to unlock the email by lying to AOL customer service.
The US government agency in charge of background checks was breached, exposing information on virtually every federal employee since the year 2000.
Archuleta rubs her eyes as she testifies before a House Oversight and Government Reform hearing on the data breach of OPM computers, on Capitol Hill in WashingtonThomson Reuters
In June, it was learned that hackers gained access to the databases of the Office of Personnel Management and grabbed data on about 4.2 million federal workers. But the number affected later rose to more than 22 million who had undergone a federal security screening.
The breach, which some believe to be the work of the Chinese government, enabled access to sensitive SF-86 questionnaires, which military, intelligence officers, and others fill out to get secret and top secret clearances.
They disclosed names, addresses, health information, financial history, social security numbers, family members, and even the opinions of your next-door neighbors. The hack even exposed more than 1 million fingerprints, which biometrics experts believe could result in even more data thefts.
OPM Director Katherine Archuleta resigned amid bipartisan criticism just one month after the breach was made public.
Each of these hacks held extreme significance, as all of them displayed strategic planning, superior technical capability, and the ability to infiltrate government systems from foreign countries. The key detail which reveals these as those which most likely came from the Alliance was the fact that many of these hacks were proven to originate from either Russia or China (major BRICS nations).
Let’s consider for a moment the significance of each of these hacks. Each of them originates from a sophisticated and seemingly professional source, and and each one is targeted at some of the most sensitive systems within the Military Industrial Complex. The hackers are pursuing criminal backgrounds, presidential schedules, highly sensitive intelligence, as well as the personal e-mails of the CIA director. This is no typical source. It seems these hackers have the specific purpose of collecting evidence.
The Outing of Sony and RAND
The hacking attack on Sony Music Company was also of extreme significance in the outing of the formerly-hidden manipulation within corporate entertainment, and revealed the power structure of the cabal to be crumbling. Within this attack, we see direct connection between the Rand Corporation and one of the largest media companies on the planet.
As David Wilcock mentions, this collusion between the MIC and Sony serves as evidence that the infamous Operation Mockingbird is in full swing, despite the supposition that it ended when government sources claimed.
This hack and subsequent Wikileaks disclosure had multiple implications. The first is that corporate entertainment and CIA interests are virtually the same entity. As discussed in the previous article (and episode) the RAND Corporation is basically a global think tank which has a hand in multiple projects of the MIC (Military Industrial Complex) and is financed by the U.S. government. This company basically maps out the self-advantageous actions of the the MIC on a global scale.
When we find out that Sony is in bed with them (and likely numerous others), this is a concerning revelation. This is why Wikileaks made their findings publicly available to all. The way I see it, Sony has done everything they can to prevent public oversight of their attempts at manipulated the minds of their consumers, and fortunately, this revelation gives them little choice.
As discussed last week, the Sony hack was disclosed by the Alliance, as it is the Alliance who is running Wikileaks, according to insider intelligence. This is one of many instances where the vital secrets of the cabal and the MIC are being undermined on a global scale. Whereas before, they had absolutely no problem robbing, killing and manipulated the planet in secret. However, now, because of their long-standing deceptive and malevolent tactics, their secrecy is being forcibly removed.
(Wilcock makes the point that many excuses might be given as to why mass mind control is necessary. They may say that it is necessary to maintain public approval, or that national security is at stake if people are unhappy. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they actually try to sell this excuse. However, I would remind us that approving of a system that spies on its own people and launches domestic terror campaigns against them is not in the best interests of national security. No sane governance spies on or attacks their allies. These acts are committed against one’s enemies, and no sane population would ever bother approving of self-defined, terrorist governance.)
The LIBOR Scandal
One of the most revealing, and the most damning revelations on the cabal crime syndicate was the revelation that their financial game was completely rigged from the top down. The 2014 LIBOR scandal revealed to the world that each of the largest banks, instead of competing for value based upon accurate credit scores, they were actually colluding and conspiring to manipulate their own credit scores so that they (the banks) could come out on top, and everyone else would be left out to dry. So instead of exercising legitimate, capitalist competition, they were cheating the entire planet for their own gain. As David Wilcock points out, this is not at all capitalism, but is instead, a textbook oligarchy.
Within capitalism, fair and reputable competition is the basis for commerce. Everyone is supposed to have an equal ability to succeed in the long run. However, the cabal’s financial arm was caught rigging the system so that only they (the cabal) won out in the end. This was found to be occurring for ages before it was ever discovered. Here is a short excerpt from The Economist on the subject.
THE most memorable incidents in earth-changing events are sometimes the most banal. In the rapidly spreading scandal of LIBOR (the London inter-bank offered rate) it is the very everydayness with which bank traders set about manipulating the most important figure in finance. They joked, or offered small favours. “Coffees will be coming your way,” promised one trader in exchange for a fiddled number. “Dude. I owe you big time!… I’m opening a bottle of Bollinger,” wrote another. One trader posted diary notes to himself so that he wouldn’t forget to fiddle the numbers the next week. “Ask for High 6M Fix,” he entered in his calendar, as he might have put “Buy milk”…
Over the past week damning evidence has emerged, in documents detailing a settlement between Barclays and regulators in America and Britain, that employees at the bank and at several other unnamed banks tried to rig the number time and again over a period of at least five years. And worse is likely to emerge. Investigations by regulators in several countries, including Canada, America, Japan, the EU, Switzerland and Britain, are looking into allegations that LIBOR and similar rates were rigged by large numbers of banks. Corporations and lawyers, too, are examining whether they can sue Barclays or other banks for harm they have suffered. That could cost the banking industry tens of billions of dollars. “This is the banking industry’s tobacco moment,” says the chief executive of a multinational bank, referring to the lawsuits and settlements that cost America’s tobacco industry more than $200 billion in 1998. “It’s that big,” he says.
FOR THE REST OF THE ARTICLE, Check Out the SOurce: http://discerningthemystery2000plus.blogspot.com/2016/07/wisdom-teachings-with-david-wilcock.html
The following is a series of detailed notes from David Wilcock and Corey Goode’s talk from Friday the 19th of February 2016, History of the Secret Space Program.
Much of the data contained here is a summary of past disclosures, presented by Corey and David via their media outlets. But there are also hitherto unrevealed nuggets of information for those who have been following this unfolding story, several of which I think are of key importance.
This is the most well-rounded presentation of the Secret Space Program and history of the solar system that either of them has ever produced. It is an excellent place to start learning about what has apparently been happening under the cover of secrecy for eons.
Here are some important points to consider.
Full Disclosure is the Only Option
As some know, there has been a debate between various alliances negotiating for the freedom of the planet. Some of these groups want full disclosure and a complete release of advanced technology to all peopleat the same time, whereas others want a limited or partial disclosure, drawn out over 100 years.
David and Corey produced the following presentation in an effort to ‘blow the lid off’ of the partial disclosure agenda. The data presented below is in harmony with a full disclosure effort, which if it is shared virally, could make the partial disclosure agenda impossible to realize. David and Corey are making every effort to ensure full disclosure takes place, encouraging a grassroots effort from within the awakening community.
If you are reading these words, you are part of this grass-roots effort.
Solar Shift Could Be Delayed
In David’s Saturday talk, he mentioned that the Sphere Being Alliance has been holding back the energetic ascension of the solar system to provide humanity more time to heal themselves and regain their freedoms, one of the well-known aspects of Corey’s testimony. This is being made possible by thousands of massive spheres, cloaked throughout the solar system, here to dampen galactic energy waves which will one day cause a grand solar shift.
Recently, Earth-based alliances have chosen to move forward with a partial disclosure agenda, one that will drag the whole process out over 100 years, as mentioned earlier.
In a shocking revelation, the Sphere Beings recently said that if a grassroots full disclosure effort is not successful in uniting the awakening community to demand the whole truth, then the Sphere Beings will hold back the energetic shift for ‘an age’. David speculated that this delay could be at least 100 years, or that it could be as long as 700, referencing a passage from the Law of One.
To be clear: partial disclosure is not what the SSP Alliance or the Sphere Being Alliance want. And again, David and Corey are doing everything they can to stop this effort and ensure full disclosure takes place; this talk is part of that effort. The Current State of Affairs
I was personally taken aback by the notion the Sphere Beings would actually allow the partial disclosure plan to go through. But after some quiet contemplation, I realized that these beings are highly conscious of the laws of the universe, chiefly, free will and that they cannot avoid humanity’s choice, no matter how much they might want to. The Sphere beings have suggested in the past that full disclosure is the best option to give humanity a real chance at true freedom and prosperity. But the thing that has always held us back, now and in the deep past, is a consciousness of separation, hence their message of love, forgiveness and raising of our vibrations.
The reality is, the truther or awakening community is heavily divided, rendered almost completely ineffective insofar as realizing meaningful change for the planet. We’ve allowed ourselves to focus on our differences instead of the common ground we each share. This is no surprise, as there are countless social programs of subliminal influencing, not to mention personality parasites that compel us to choose fear over love, hate over compassion, and half-truths over the whole truth.
The good news is, the truth can be obscured, but never destroyed. We are already one people, we are already a global family, we are already powerful co-creators able to affect great change. We can deny the realities of interconnectedness, but they continue to exist, and we continue to share the burden of this world as one people. We just have to acknowledge these truths and then ask ourselves what are we actually creating with our choices.
What are we choosing to focus on and breathe life into via our consciousness? Are we focusing on truth, cooperation, and love? These are the questions we each must face as we walk our path in life.
Generally speaking, as individuals in the truther community, we’ve been trained through elaborate infiltration efforts, to attack, with prejudice, any point of view that doesn’t agree with our own. In many cases, we agree that the cabal must be stopped, that food is being poisoned, that the environment is being destroyed, and that something needs to change, yet because of one divergent belief or another, one disagreement or another, no lasting cooperation can be realized. I’ve even seen some fight over what words are used to describe our current predicament, with some claiming we’ve been enslaved by evil humans, while others say it was the archons. And these small differences prevents otherwise cooperative people from working together for change. Oh how powerfully we’ve been duped into choosing separation, fear and disempowerment.
What Can We Do?
What I think we could benefit from is to practice open-mindedness and respect the fact that our knowledge is limited, that we don’t know everything.
Our fellows have a different point of view that can provide us insights into the truth, into who we are and what our purpose in life is, but only if we receive what is offered with child-like innocence. An open mind and heart, combined with an honest appraisal of oneself, helps us keep our ‘reality bubbles permeable,’ as Corey has mentioned before.
While I think unity is essential right now, absolute unity is not a realistic goal. Initially, we’ll need to find a way to agree to disagree on any topic that would otherwise prevent cooperation. But common goals are what we can base a foundation of unity on, those being: the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; the desire for clean food and water, the desire for a sustainable society, free of toxic pollution, a world free of slavery and oppression, and so on.
I think that all our seeming differences are an illusory slick atop an ocean of unacknowledged commonalities. In addition, we’ve been indoctrinated to believe we are fundamentally separate from each other, the universe and even the creator, all founded on false perspectives of reality. The only way for us to stay divided, to continue to see the world as separate, is if we focus on our differences, if we focus on untruth, instead of the seemingly infinite reasons to focus on what unites us.
Often what holds us back is fear that what matters to us won’t be acknowledged by another, that they won’t care about what we do. And for those lost in separate self-consciousness, this may be true. In many cases, when we see that others believe something that we do not, we immediately feel a barrier go up between us, and then through our choices we reinforce that feeling. But when we bravely pour out kindness and compassion from within, healing is radiated without, helping to create a space for cooperation.
I think learning to develop the ability to listen to others compassionately, entertaining their ideas and beliefs, without feeling the need to defend our own, again with child-like innocence, is essential right now. In this way, a loving, cooperative, and accepting relationship can be developed, one that will allow us to share our most cherished ideas free of defensive reactions that maintain separation.
It is fear, lack of empathy and close-mindedness that has kept humanity divided over the eons, therefore, only love, forgiveness and truth can restore universal consciousness.
I, for one, am not satisfied to wait 100 years for what we could have right now. If the awakening community truly is the linchpin for making full disclosure a reality, then let’s stop the infighting, set aside our differences, and make steps towards a brighter future, together, as one people.
It’s so simple a child can see the wisdom of it. And perhaps it is a child-like point of view we need most right now to navigate this transitional age successfully.
Other Information
Note: The images David used throughout the talk were not captured via screenshot. All the images below were found online or provided courtesy of gaia.com. In some cases, I was also able to find the images David used online.
Much of the information presented in this talk is also available in Cosmic Disclosure.
Summarized notes will be in black, with additional information, or my commentary, in [green bolded brackets]. I also added additional data points provided from other talks by David and Corey in the past.
I did not offer much commentary below, for ease of absorbing the overall narrative. More in-depth analysis of this material can be found embedded within the Summary and Analysis of Cosmic Disclosure series, available here.
To support Corey and David’s work, subscribe to Gaia TV via blueavians.com.
As always, do your research, check out alternate sources, see what you feel in your heart:
What Does The Law Of One ‘Harvest’ Really Mean?
Updated August 14, 2014 by in5d Alternative News Gregg Prescott, M.S. Editor, In5D.com
There is a big difference between being one with Source versus being harvested like an ear of corn in order to bring yourself to the next level of spiritual progression.
Ra is claimed to be from the “Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator” and the books give an outline of a New Age description of evolution of consciousness; the concept of the soul (spirit, essence) is said to be reincarnating through these different levels or “densities:” 1st density being “mineral consciousness”, 2nd density being “vegetable consciousness and animal consciousness”, and 3rd density being human life, self-reflective consciousness.
The book argues that the goal of a soul is to “polarize” in one of two different directions: “Positive polarization” (labeled as “service-to-others“) through identifying with others empathetically, or “negative polarization” (labeled as “service-to-self“) through “separating” the self from others. Souls are said to “harvest” and proceed to the next level once they are properly “polarized”.
Ultimately, there should only be 2 laws:
1) Love everyone.
2) Respect everything.
I firmly believe the Law of One was channeled with honest intent by Carla Rueckert, as the archons, who keep us living in fear, were using Carla as a host for the harvesting of souls. Much of the information is quite fascinating but once the rose-colored glasses are removed, then what are we really seeing?
Service to Self versus Service to Others
Many people within this genre may feel guilty about spending time on yourself versus giving time and energy to others, but this is an unhealthy point of view. Try to think of your spiritual growth as being part of a team sport, like bowling. Each person tries to do their best while helping the team.
Ultimately, we should begin with loving ourselves and allowing that light to flow outwards. Additionally, there should be a balance between service to self versus service to others, so don’t feel badly if you’re meditating and trying to better yourself because in the end, everyone wins.
As above, so below
In this fractured universe, the premise of “As above, so below” is a prime tenet. While it can also be interpreted as “As within, so without”, it can additionally be viewed, “As long as there is someone above you (Gods, Archangels, Archons, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Priests, Popes, CEOs, etc…), there will always be people below you (Jesus, Yahweh, Yeshua, angels, vice presidents, Cardinals, managers, etc…)”.
We are equals with the infinite creator source who stands in the light of truth and love.
This is all part of a hierarchal (heir-archon) system designed to keep us enslaved through subservience, control and conformity. We are taught that we need this current system in order to prevent chaos, yet those who are “above us” know how to control the masses through fear. Even at the highest level of Freemasonry, their motto is “Ordo ab chao” which means “Order out of chaos”.
In an ideal society, order would emanate from truth and love but as we’ve seen, everything has been turned backwards and upside down.
By acquiescing to a harvest and being subordinate to higher forms of consciousness, we are still trapped within a system of control and dominance, albeit a more socially acceptable one that we already live in. The question is: “What is the trade off?” and “What does a true harvest really mean?”
Granted, there are benevolent extraterrestrials who want to see us succeed as a global community, but they must respect our free will and are not supposed to physically interfere with our progressions. Yet in this corrupted, fractured universe, many Universal Laws have been cast aside as we have been tricked time and time again into entering a system of reincarnation where our souls are recycled back into the matrix in order for those who feed off of our fears to be nourished. It was never supposed to be like this.
Are all forms of hierarchy bad?
In certain situations, a hierarchy-type program would be needed, such as the relationships between parents and children, teachers and students or even pets with their owners, but in most cases (with the exception of pets), the learner would become the teacher. In a traditional hierarchal system, the intention is forced through subservience, control and conformity. The difference between these relationships and the traditional hierarchal system is the energy of love behind the intention, which is to help others become all they are capable of being while respecting their strengths and perceived weaknesses.
Ideally, all systems of hierarchy would be eliminated and replaced with various forms of education that facilitates to the learners needs.
Questioner: Am I to understand that the harvest will occur in the year 2011, or will it be spread?
Ra: I am Ra. This is an approximation. We have stated we have difficulty with your time/space. This is an appropriate probable/possible time/space nexus for harvest. Those who are not in incarnation at this time will be included in the harvest.
(Scott) Mandelker and I figure(d) out what the Law of One really said, within its OWN system, is “ALL are harvested REGARDLESS OF PROGRESS.” The question is WHERE YOU GO once you pop through the worldwide “quantum leap.” Do you hang out in the astral planes for 100-150 years and holographically recreate what you already had, or do you start climbing the staircase of Ascension? At that point you have a choice.
Again, “all are harvested REGARDLESS OF PROGRESS” when the Earth moves out of 3D vibrations at the end of the cycle. A discontinuous event. Ra’s answer is VERY IMPORTANT, because once we know WHEN the planet “has moved through the useful part” of the third “dimension”, then we also know when “all are harvested regardless of progress”
To me, this does not sound like a free will choice.
Do you REALLY want to be “harvested”?
Imagine a fleet of UFOs who come to this planet for the “harvest“. The extraterrestrials tell you that you are a service to others person and are ready for your next level of spirituality. They promise to bring you to either your planet of origin (Pleiades, Lyra, Arcturus, etc…) or to a 5th dimensional planet where you will no longer be held down in this 3rd dimensional reality.
Would you willingly be harvested like an ear of corn?
Would you leave because, in your mind, anywhere else MUST be better than here?
We have lost our connection with the infinite creator source who stands in the light of truth and love. While we all carry that spark of divinity, the flame has significantly dwindled as those in power keep us perpetually living in fear. Additionally, many people will give away what little power they have to religion, governments, money, etc… and will refuse to see how their power has been hijacked by these controlling entities.
The central character in the Law of One is Ra. Ra is a “sun god” and is also known as Amon (Amen) Ra. According to Robert Morning Sky’s research, the Ra lineage eventually became the Rockefellers (Ra-Ka-Pharoahs) and the and Rothschild (RA-KA-M = RA-KAM <KAM = shield> = RA-Shield = Rothschild) families.
How much do you trust the RA-kefellers and the RA-thschild families?
How much do you trust Ra?
In the Sumerian texts, Ra is known as Marduk, Enki’s first born son (sun). The etymology of Marduk is as follows: MAR (MR = son of ) DUK (dog – Sirius). Marduk, the “sun” of a Sirian god, is literally a son of a bitch!
In chapter 8 of the 14 Tablets of Enki, it is stated, “At the first harvest there is a celebration and the two twin earthling men make their offerings to the kings two sons.”
No matter which origin you choose, Ra will always be a false “god” and is by no means, the infinite creator source who stands in the light of truth and love.
What does the harvest really mean?
To be “harvested” can never be a good thing. When you look at Ra and see how subservience, control and conformity are always hidden behind his intention of love and being of service to others, you get a good idea of where this is heading.
In all areas of our lives, we are being controlled while losing our connection to the infinite creator source who stands in the light of truth and love. We perpetually give away our power to those who will gladly take it through these same measures, whether it be through religion, government or any other form of control and dominance.
Schumann Resonance and the Harvest
Recently, the Schumann Resonance (SR) went up to 8.50, the highest I’ve seen since I have been watching it. The SR is the resonance or “heartbeat” of Mother Earth and has been at 7.83hz for what many people believe to be thousands of years. This is proof that our planet is raising her vibration and she is giving us the opportunity to raise our vibration with her.
Possible scenarios
Here is a very possible scenario: You agree to be part of the “harvest”, with no guarantees of anything except what “they” promise you or stay here while Mother Earth raises her vibration and eliminates the archons who have kept us enslaved for so long.
This is what Dolores Cannon is talking about when she says the Earth will be separated into two Earths. According to Cannon, those who raise their vibrations (in conjunction to Mother Earth) will be part of the New Earth where you could feasibly wake up one day and see a world like you’ve never seen before without the hierarchical control we have now.
Dolores is a hypnotherapist who specializes in past life regressions. For the past 20 years, she has been receiving messages from entities, through her clients, about what we can expect in the very near future.The following is an excerpt from Dolores Cannon’s ‘Convoluted Universe Book Two from the chapter, ‘The New Earth‘.
Let’s imagine you decide to leave. Even if you leave this planet, you’re still part of the system. The good news is that Earth is one of the few organically sentient beings in this galaxy, so staying with her could very well be the exit out of this system of control and domination.
According to Gregg Braden’s research, we are only utilizing 22 of the 64 codons in our DNA. Imagine if the raising of frequency between Mother Earth, in conjunction with the Schumann Resonance, was the only thing stopping our DNA from fully activating? If this were the case, then those who leave would still have 32 codons locked and would not be part of the DNA activation here on Earth. Conversely, there is no guaarantee that leaving would be any better than what we already have. It could possibly be worse.
If this scenario plays out, then those who choose to stay here would not only have a DNA upgrade, but Earth may even move herself out of this system of control.
Remember, all possibilities exist right now and we are simply playing out the highest probability of all possibilities.
What will I do?
Just like any other text, the words of Ra can easily be manipulated to control the masses, including my perspective in this article which is why I always insist on using your own discernment on anything you read because just about everything we have been taught is a lie. That being said, those who have followed In5D know I always stand up for love and truth and would never intentionally mislead anyone, so this is YOUR decision to make.
According to Ra, there have been two other times in Earth’s history for a possible harvest in which none of the criteria were met to have a successful one. Just like the story of how Jesus was created by the Council of Nicea, there is no material that supports this claim other than what was channeled through Carla Rueckert.
From what we have learned about Ra through the Sumerian texts along with how Ra is another “sun god” just like Jesus, the story has holes in it and it has us, once again, giving away our power to a higher source who appears to us as a savior.
As for me, if a spaceship comes for the harvest, I’m staying here because Mother Earth’s resonance will destroy the archons who have been feeding off of our fears for millennia. Plus, she has been raising her vibrations which may help to facilitate the “New Earth” that Dolores Cannon has written and spoken about.
For those who decide to be part of the harvest, I hope you enjoy the experience because this is why we ultimately incarnate into this world.
Please keep this in mind: You are MUCH MORE POWERFUL than you know! NEVER give away your sovereign power to anyone, especially to those who do not stand in the light of love and truth.
In this writer’s opinion, amazing days are ahead!
My decision: If there’s a “harvest”, you can count me out.
If you were given the choice, would you want to be part of this harvest? If so, why? If not, why? Comment below!
About the Author: Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit. He hosts a weekly spiritual show on In5D Radio and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. Gregg is currently working in collaboration with Michelle Walling, CHLC, in opening a holistic walk-in clinic called Alternative Holistic Healthcare (AHH) in Sarasota, FL with subsequent subsidiaries around the world based upon this model.
Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in any form.
Last updated on August 28, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News
David Wilcock asks profound questions: What if the Universe is alive — and is trying to communicate with you through synchronicity and the Law of Karma?
What if life on earth is not random, but is guided by mysterious forces that are written into the orbital paths of the stars and planets themselves?
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What if it is mathematically inevitable that the “bad guys” will be defeated at this very moment in our history — thanks to a 25,920-year cycle that is now completing itself, and is vastly older than human life on earth?
What if all space, time, matter and energy is composed of a Source Field that is alive and intelligent?
What if there is a celestial “personality” that affects how we think and feel as we drift through different regions of space, in repeating cycles of time?
What if the Cabal, New World Order and / or Illuminati are being guided by these same cycles — and have never been allowed to do more than what the cycles permit them to?
What if they inherited a variety of powerful symbols and teachings that were originally positive, and have since been horribly contorted into something negative?
What if we are now seeing the fulfillment of a vast script that is guiding all life on earth through a series of spiritual lessons known as “archetypes?”
June 17, 2013 i(BeforeItsNews) – One of BIN contributor, Ye Olde False Flag, recently posted an excellent article about a Firefox plug-in that warns computer users about potential government surveillance. Ye Old False Flag explains that a 28-year-old artist and developer from Brooklyn, NY has found a fun way to alert users of potential NSA snooping by creating the “The Dark Side of The Prism’ browser extension, which plays songs from Pink Floyd’s 1973 classic “The Dark Side of The Moon” each time a questionable website is crossed.
Since I already have many plug-ins, proxies, gadgets and other goodies that keep me invisible to prying eyes online, I definitely had to give this one a try. I installed the plug-in and accessed several web pages that Ive always been a tad suspicious about. Well, the songs went off on pretty much most of the ones I suspected!
Below are some of the websites where the “alarm” went off. I’ve compiled news, social media, alternative news, government and pro-constitution websites. Now the question is if these sites are unknowingly being tracked to keep tabs on visitors or if the ones behind them are nothing but government shills feeding the masses controlled opposition. You decide. Comments are more than welcomed so we can extend the discussion.
Written by David WilcockFriday, 16 September 2011 21:48
80 different countries have now formed an alliance against the Old World Order / Nazi-esque cabal.
Two huge underground cities were destroyed on August 23rd — which may be seen by historians as the critical moment in which the war was won.
[UPDATED next morning 9:32 am. Credible insider source confirms these accounts and adds new information! Pleaselink to this article but do not re-post it, as it is being dynamically updated as events unfold. Posting key excerpts with the link is encouraged.]
On Wednesday, September 14th, 2011, I interviewed one of the most interesting and controversial figures on Earth.
The information in this interview has the potential to rock the world. If the story is true, it already has.
The full, unabridged transcript of this interview follows – and you can download and listen to it yourself here:
As a prelude to his new book, THE SOURCE FIELD INVESTIGATIONS, David Wilcock gives a talk of about two hours highlighting some of the major points. Check it out here: