Your Color Vibe for Tuesday, 10/08

Tuesday, October 8:    Filmy White

This is a day for things that are seen, things that are not seen, and things that hide in the shadows.  People see things, say things, mean things, screw things up, make things wonderful, and all of that is happening right now.  This is a time now for choice, for knowing what is or is not right for you.  This is a time to listen to your inner guidance and for knowing that all those so-called experts and learned ones have (as they say) “done their research and their studies” have done it all for themselves.  They, even more than you, are looking for approval, affirmation from outside.  So sometimes they coerce, force, manipulate.   You need to do your own thing.  You know what is right for you, for ytourself.  You know WHO you are.  You know that influences are just that. Aspects are just that.  They are all part of the scenery, but you are the director and can change things as you will.  Take heart in today’s energy and create, design, be, laugh, know….



Your Color Vibe for Sunday

Sunday,  September 22:    Magenta

Ah, Equinox, the sublimity of being in the balance.  BUT do not let it rock you into some kind of lethargy.  This Equinox is not placid.  It is active.  It is not allowing.  It is demanding.  Choices have to be made today and direction set.  Where will you go from here?  What is most important?  What to keep and what to let go of?  Arrrggghh.  This can be a day form hell or a day form heaven.  It all depends upon your readiness.  It is too late now to make the preparations.  That is what the past few months were for.  It is time to move forward into the next phase.  So, the balance is tipping today and you have the option of making it go and be and do what you wish it go and be and do, regardless of the outcome.  I hope this is not overly cryptic, but it is what it is.

Your Color Vibe for 9/21

Saturday, September 21:    Deep Forest Blue

Today brings a beginning to the next round of changes.  There can be some bumps along the road and some surprises.  Deal with each things as it arises and do not hold onto it after it has passed.  This is truly a day for enjoyment of the scenery as the Autumnal Equinox approaches and the light continues to fade.  Hidden in the depths of the forest is a new kind of magic, a magic that has been gestating for quite some time now; a magic that is ready to come forth to the light where it can show its wonder bit by bit as it continues to develop and mature.  The time of miracles is approaching, and you will feel this today.  Look towards the synchronicities that occur, the bits of déjà vu, the things that fall into your path.  They are not accidental.  Know that in all of this, you remain the creator.

Your Color Vibe for 8/28

Wednesday, August 28:    Amber Yellow

Old stuff continues to come back, sometimes in not quite so pleasant ways.  Start out the day being grounded and within your power.  There is no need to feel that things are too much for you.  If you will just look around, you will see that you have the knowledge, the help, the assistance, and the love to get you through what the day brings your way.  This is also a time for taking a look at what it is you are wanting to accomplish.  Your perspective is becoming clearer as you clean out some of the old stuff.  Your understanding is becoming more complete as you see what has attached to you to what over this turn of the wheel.  You relationships are shifting and there can be some important moves in that area right now.  Take time today to do some meditating, however that suits you, listening to music, sitting, walking, being in Nature, singing, baking, dancing, etc.  There is no wrong way to meditate as long as the intention is clear and the heart is open to receive.

Your Color VIbe for 8/05

Monday, August 5:    Rose Tint

There is something in the air today which really has no definition, no form, and that can bug you quite a bit.  Right now you are feeling the need for clarity as there are a number of issues in your life you want to take action on now.  But do they really need to be addressed right now?  Today’s energy is telling you to accept that there are things in the air which you cannot do a lot about right now.  They are merely hints of what is to come, lights, as it were, along the path.  Let things be as they are, and you can find that at least one item can be resolved.  This is something that actually relates to an item that you have been carrying forward from your past and which really has no place in your life right now.  So take that as your lesson for the day and let all those other things just be.  Accept that they are there and that you will get to them when the time is right to deal with them properly for WHO you are.

Your Color Vibe for 7/13

Saturday, July 13:    Red Orange

There are many issues that can be finding resolution today.  Some of the results may not be quite what you had expected or hoped, but they are all potential that were part of the earlier situations.  Roads can branch out in different directions.  As part of this will come some realizations and some acceptance of how things are falling together willy-nilly.  You have been putting things off, resisting things, ignoring others.  Today you will be able to see and work through a number of sticky items.  You have been holding onto a lot of stuff from the past that has no place in your life now as you change and move forward.  It is time to let those things go.  It can be difficult doing this.  It is easier sometimes to cling onto bad memories, worn out emotions, habits, and people even though on some level you are aware that they are not helping you in WHO you are.  Today your eyes are open and you are ready to make some changes.  Go for it.

THursday’s COlor Vibe

Thursday, July 11:    Hazy White

Emotions can be at the forefront today as you are finding yourself unbalanced and without a center.  This can surprise you because you always thought that you were so good at keeping yourself protected and centered and grounded and everything else.  And perhaps you were, however there is a layer of energy that is coming in, much like smoke from one of those fog machines, which can trip you up and leave you uncertain.  This is not a good time for starting anything nor for making major decisions.  The wool is over your eyes.  Not completely but enough so that you cannot really see what is entailed in things that you are considering.  This is a day of shift and turmoil.  Let it be what it will.  Step back and act from your core.  There is really nothing that cannot be put off to another time.  This is a day for observation, and with that observation will come new knowledge that will assist in the process of moving forward.  It will actually, if you are alert, be quite an interesting and profitable day.

Your Color VIbe for 07/10

Wednesday, July 10:    Periwinkle Blue

Uh, oh, it is a good day for watching what you do, what you say, where you go, what is said to you.  There will be some indication in all of this of just exactly where it is that you are needing to go, to do, to say at this time.  There is a time for being out in the limelight, and then there is a time for holding back and watching from the sidelines.  This is a sidelines kind of day.  From the sidelines, a lot of things can become much clearer.  From the sidelines, you can hear, see, experience things that might have missed you if you were out in front.  From the sidelines you can be open to many other levels of being.  From the sidelines, you can see into the multi-dimensionality of things.  Interesting day.  As always, you have a choice as to what you are going to do with it all.  Choose wisely and you can find some doors opening for you.

July 9 Color VIbe

Tuesday, July 9:    Light Peach

Just a note:  this morning around 3:00 AM, there was a huge surge of new energy onto the scene.  It has a clash with some of the older stuff hanging around, so you may have found your sleep disrupted or perhaps some very odd dreams.  There will be more of this happening.  It is a good time to journal your dreams.  That will assist in seeing how the pattern is merging.

This is a day for synchronicity, and if you are open to it, many things can become much clearer to you.  This will happen through the symbols and signs associated with the synchronistic event/s.  Things are happening on many, many levels now and while they can be read one way from a certain point of view, from another perspective there is a much deeper realm of meaning.  You will understand what this means as the day goes forward.  This is a day for being ready for whatever comes your way.  This is not a time to react without first grounding and centering.  It is important to have perspective today in order to see things as they are, beyond the illusion.


Overall Weekly Chromoscope

July 7-13

The theme this week is “of all things…”   And it will definitely be a week of all things, so choose wisely what it is that you are wishing to focus upon.  That can make a big difference this week.


Overall Color for the Week:    Light Green Blue

So, what you thought you knew, what you thought was so reliable, how you created your routine, all those kinds of things are turning out to be not quite as rock solid as you thought.  Just remember that most of the space in an atom is empty, and you might just find yourself staring into a new kind of emptiness this week as the energies begin to pull things apart, as things start tumbling about.  You will find this week can bring you some interesting confrontations, exchanges, conversations with people you know.  The effect of these will be to make you question a lot of the foregone conclusions that you had had.  Also, you might feel yourself spinning a bit off center as friends you thought you knew so well become somehow different.    The long view of all this is to see that things that once seemed so reliable are changing.  Interestingly, your reactions and doubts and questions can be provoked by a seemingly innocent comment.  As for some of the things you used to love, this week you will begin to look at as not quite so desirable.  You may still enjoy them, but you are becoming aware that a lot of the charm of the old stuff is beginning to fade.  This can lead to some deep questioning.  This week, take time to clear your environment through sound, smudge, etc.  Maintain that clarity as it will assist you in taking on a new perspective.  Also stay grounded.  Be centered in your heart.  Act from your core, and in all circumstances, proceed from love.  There is no clearer light.

On the larger scale, the foundations are coming apart in many, many countries.  Things are being seen on the news in obvious cases, but there will much that is not noted.  Some of this can be related to the one-sidedness of the media.  Some can be related to the fact that small movements in the beginning are not seen as having any real significance.  The myopia of the powers that want to be is becoming ever more pronounced.  The financial markets will ride something of a roller coaster this week, but should end basically on a high note as some double-talk announcement is made concerning an issues related to fuel and the environments.  Also the weather will turn wicked in some areas.  There will be unexpected bursts of weather conditions that are out of season, even frightening.  There is more flow within the mantle of the Earth.  It is as though the liquid core is becoming somewhat unbalanced.  This can lead to some unusual effects on the surface and in the seas.  Look for an individual to be arising possibly in the Mid to Far East who is going to have some promises of some kind of salvation, perhaps not reported just yet, but rumored in the social media.  There will be more UFO activity, much caught on camera, and there is the possibility if bot this week, but soon, of some kind of message coming to the Earth from the Galaxy.  Look for more talk of diseases.  Interestingly, none will be linked to the obvious culprits – GMO’s, vaccines, pollution, etc.  It is well to look to local farmers for your produce.  That one time extra-Galactic energy is beginning to exert more of a pull on the planets as a whole and on the Sun in particular.  There can be some weird events relative to planetary motion and solar activity.

It is time for all to be in touch with Gaia, to offer her your support, and to be connected with her at all times.