Your Color Vibe for Sunday

Sunday,  September 22:    Magenta

Ah, Equinox, the sublimity of being in the balance.  BUT do not let it rock you into some kind of lethargy.  This Equinox is not placid.  It is active.  It is not allowing.  It is demanding.  Choices have to be made today and direction set.  Where will you go from here?  What is most important?  What to keep and what to let go of?  Arrrggghh.  This can be a day form hell or a day form heaven.  It all depends upon your readiness.  It is too late now to make the preparations.  That is what the past few months were for.  It is time to move forward into the next phase.  So, the balance is tipping today and you have the option of making it go and be and do what you wish it go and be and do, regardless of the outcome.  I hope this is not overly cryptic, but it is what it is.