Censorship & Alternate Sites

Elites Panic as Information Control Flounders

by Zen Gardner May 20, 2015

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by James Corbett

Do you want the good news first or the bad news?

Alright, here’s the bad news: Google is about to start ranking sites according to their conformity with mainstream opinion. Or at least that’s what the headlines would have you believe.

The usual sources in the controlled corporate media are telling you that this is a good thing and that only “Anti-science advocates are freaking out about Google truth rankings,” but if that seems like a remarkably blase attitude to take when facing the prospect of a 1984-like reality where the modern-age Ministry of Truth (Google) is going to determine the “truth” of controversial subjects and rank search results accordingly, then keep in mind that such articles are written by the likes of Joanna Rothkopf, daughter of mini-Kissinger and author of “Superclass,” David Rothkopf.

New Scientist–the website that broke the story with their article “Google wants to rank websites based on facts not links“–also framed the story, predictably enough, as “science” versus “anti-science,” starting their article by lamenting the fact that “Anti-vaccination websites make the front page of Google, and fact-free ‘news’ stories spread like wildfire.” The article rejoices in the fact that the good chaps at Google have come up with a bulletproof answer to this mess: “rank websites according to their truthfulness.”

The slightly good news is that, ironically enough, the New Scientist article seems to be a perfect example of a fact-free story spreading around the internet like wildfire. While the story does link to a research paper from a Google research team that outlines a “novel multi-layer probabilistic model” for assigning a “trustworthiness score” to web pages, it neglects to mention that the idea is still very much a theoretical work-in-progress at the moment and is nowhere near ready to be launched. If you have a fetish for multivariate equations, dynamically selected granularity, and line graphs comparing calibration curves for various data analysis methods, have at it! For the rest of us who are not fluent in boffin-speak, the gist of it is this:

Google research paper extract

First, a page is harvested for its “knowledge triples.” These are connected triplets of information consisting of a subject, predicate and object. The paper itself helpfully provides the example: Obama – Nationality – USA. A “false value” (again according to the paper itself) would be Obama – Nationality – Kenya. These knowledge triples are assessed for their (Google-determined) accuracy and the page is assigned a KBT (Knowledge-Based Trust) score, which Google could use in place of (or perhaps in some combination with) the traditional PageRank score to determine how high in the search results the web page should place.

The paper uses a list of 15 gossip websites to demonstrate that using this method, sites with disputed and often incorrect information (gossip sites) might rank high in traditional search results, which are weighted toward popularity, but low in the KBT results. But even the paper itself admits there’s a long way to go before this KBT method would be usable by Google to rank billions of web pages.

This is good news for those alt media websites (and their readers) who realize that they are the ones directly in the crosshairs of this technology. Given that Google is nothing other than an American intelligence adjunct (and has been since its inception), would we expect anything resembling a fair assessment of the “truthfulness” surrounding the most politically controversial subjects of our time?

The Federal Reserve is a private cartel created by the banksters for the express purpose of manipulating the money supply and controlling the economy? CONSPIRACY THEORY! No Google for you!

Governments always and throughout history use false flag terrorism in order to justify their wars of aggression? SLANDER! Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go directly to the bottom of the search results!

google-bouncer-blog-small-fileGoogle and every other major Silicon Valley firmis in bed with the DOD and/or the CIA and/or the NSA? BLASPHEMY! You have been excommunicated from the church of Google.

You get the idea.

But here’s the really good news: even if Google does launch such a system, it is doomed to failure. The internet is one of the last, best bastions of the free market in action that we have in our stultified, regulated, controlled, manipulated economy. Google’s popularity did not come about because government goons pointed a gun at everyone’s head and forced them to use it. They didn’t even create a licensing system for operating search engines, a favorite government trick for keeping genuine competition out of the market. It became popular because it was a million times more useful than AskJeeves or Yahoo! or any of the other outdated, clunky, dysfunctional search “portals” that dominated the web in the late 1990s. Granted, the power of Google’s PageRank may have come directly from the NSA’s own engineers, as some have speculated, but the fact remains: people use it because they can find what they want quickly and easily with minimal fuss.

At that point at which Google stops being useful for its intended purpose (helping people to look for information), people will start to look for alternatives. And alternatives do exist.

Ixquick.com is a privacy-protecting search engine that returns results drawn from a wide range of other search engines.

DuckDuckGo is another popular alternative search engine focusing on privacy protection that uses a number of innovative tools to make searching quicker and easier.

SigTruth is an “Alternative Media Search Engine for Liberty Minded People” that uses Google’s own custom search abilities against itself by returning only alt media website results on various topics.






And even the news that Google might at some point start using its “truthiness” score to downgrade the alt media has spurred others in the alt media (like Mike Adams) to announce the creation of their own search engines.

This is how the free market of ideas is meant to work, and if and when Google starts returning sanitized propaganda, those who are uninterested in sanitized propaganda will vote with their feet (fingertips?).

But here’s the best news of all: what this urge to categorize sites by “truthfulness” (and all of the back-slapping, high-fiving articles about this news from the dying establishment mouthpiece media) really shows is just how desperate the would-be gatekeepers are becoming in their fight to put the alt media genie back in the bottle. And even better yet, this is by no means the first sign that the gatekeepers are losing their war to keep the people in the dark on the topics that matter.

In 2008, arch-globalist Zbigniew Brzezinski started lamenting how, for the first time in human history “all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive.” This, as he stressed in speeches and articles at the time, means that it is no longer possible to dominate people in the same ways that they have been dominated for centuries.

In 2011, Hillary Clinton admitted that the US was losing the information war to alternative media outlets of all stripes.

In 2013, PopularScience.com had to turn off comments on all of their articles because, they said, a “decades-long war on expertise has eroded the popular consensus on a wide variety of scientifically validated topics” like catastrophic man-made climate change.

internet-bringing-down-nwo-house-of-cardsAnd poll after poll after poll in year after year after year continues to chart the decline of the dinosaur print/radio/tv media and the rise of the internet as a source of daily news and information for the majority of the public.

Yes, there are dark skies and reasons to be concerned about what’s coming in the inevitable digital clampdown. But there are bright spots as well, and these deserve to be noted, highlighted and celebrated. After all, the people have had a taste for real information and now more people than ever before see through the increasingly clumsy propaganda of the establishment. And that makes the propaganda increasingly useless for setting the political agenda.

The internet revolution toothpaste is out of the tube, and it’s going to be one heck of a job getting it back in. And that’s good news.



from:    http://www.zengardner.com/elites-panic-information-control-flounders/

Your Color Vibe for Thursday, May 21

Thursday, May 21:   Storm Cloud White

There is much to be learned by watching how a thunderstorm comes in, bellows, and leaves. There is much to be learned by watching how people around you are acting today. Their bellowing is a reflection of what they really are feeling right now, so you can except to encounter a number of Freudian slips. These are clues to what is actually going on, so it would behoove you to take note and do a bit of sleuthing to find out what is really being said. The person behind the mask is very active today as people are finding that their levels of frustration are growing, and they are feeling powerless to do anything about it. You must, therefore, be aware that there will be anger about today and take a moment to ground, center , and protect so that in your encounters you are dealing always with the deepest wisdom of your True Heart’s knowing.

Galactic Merging, Consciousness, & DNA

DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies

May 18, 2015 

The following is a thorough explanation of how DNA and human consciousness are completely interconnected, along with how this is related to the merging of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy and the Milky Way Galaxy.


The picture below on the right shows the Milky Way Galaxy as seen from earth on a clear night.

Since our earliest education, we have always been taught that the earth, our sun and solar system belonged to the Milky Way Galaxy. New scientific evidence clearly shows that not to be the case.

One of the greatest astronomical mysteries is why the Milky Way is at an angle when seen from earth. If our solar system emerged OUT from the Milky Way, we would be in line with the whirlpool disk but as it is, we reside at an angle to it. That long time mystery has now been solved.

A new infra red digital survey of the entire sky was made in 2003. Teams from the universities of Virginia and Massachusetts used a supercomputer to sort through half a billion stars to create a — NEW STAR MAP showing our Solar System to be at the exact nexus crossroads where two galaxies are actually joining.

DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies  in5d in 5d in5d.com www.in5d.com http://in5d.com/ body mind soul spirit BodyMindSoulSpirit.com http://bodymindsoulspirit.com/

We are now joining the Milky Way Galactic community … with all the implications thereof.

A sense of shock came as scientists announced that the Sun, the Moon, our planet and its siblings, were not born into the familiar band of stars known as the Milky Way galaxy, but we actually belong to a strange formation with the unfamiliar name of the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy!

How can this be?

Using volumes of data from the Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), a major project to survey the sky in infrared light led by the University of Massachusetts, the astronomers are answering questions that have baffled scientists for decades and proving that our own Milky Way is consuming one of its neighbors in a dramatic display of ongoing galactic cannibalism. The study published in the Astrophysical Journal, is the first to map the full extent of the Sagittarius galaxy and show in visually vivid detail how its debris wraps around and passes through our Milky Way. Sagittarius is 10,000 times smaller in mass than the Milky Way, so it is getting stretched out, torn apart and gobbled up by the bigger Milky Way.

We are at an angle to the arms of the Milky Way Whirlpool Disk because we did NOT come out of the Milky Way but the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy which is now colliding with and being “eaten” by the huge Milky Way.

It has always been known that the Milky Way collects material from other galaxies and overwhelms the small ones. The Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy from which our solar system came is very very small and being energetically consumed. We are about to join the Milky Way at the energetic level of the Whirlpool Disk.


DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies  in5d in 5d in5d.com www.in5d.com http://in5d.com/ body mind soul spirit BodyMindSoulSpirit.com http://bodymindsoulspirit.com/

The rings around the Milky Way Galaxy here are the remnants of other, smaller galaxies. You can see where our Sun is located and that it has been moving in an entirely different direction than thought. Trace the ring in which our solar system resides and you can see its path. Now it becomes obvious why the Milky Way is viewed at an angle from earth. And the coming convergence also becomes obvious as our solar system, from the diminishing Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy now joins with the Milky Way.

The Overall Biggest contributing Cause to Global Climate Changes, and the melting of the polar icecaps of — both — Earth and Mars (and Pluto) is caused by our arrival into the brighter, more energetic equator region of the Milky Way galactic disc ( where all the action is ) as we cross cut in from the clearly less energetic darker deep space.

With a little contemplation, it should become clear to anyone what is happening.

DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies  in5d in 5d in5d.com www.in5d.com http://in5d.com/ body mind soul spirit BodyMindSoulSpirit.com http://bodymindsoulspirit.com/

Actual Infrared Photo of Milky Way from Earth: nearly centered side view amidst glowing plasma region of whirlpool disc  [Image Credits NASA]

Crossroads of Convergence

DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies  in5d in 5d in5d.com www.in5d.com http://in5d.com/ body mind soul spirit BodyMindSoulSpirit.com http://bodymindsoulspirit.com/


The many scientists studying these phenomena are telling us that this has vast implications for all DNA on planet Earth and her entire web of life. Big and sudden evolutionary changes are already beginning to occur.

These sudden and rapid changes have been called by evolutionary biologists a punctuated equilibrium.

Punctuated Equilibrium: The evolutionary process involving long periods without change (stasis) punctuated by short periods of rapid speciation.

At this moment we are beginning to undergo such a punctuated equilibrium.

The nature of our species, homo sapiens is now undergoing a huge shift. Some call it a transformational evolution, others call it the end of our old world and the beginning of a new one happening simultaneously.

Some can only perceive the negative side of it and are reacting with extreme fear over the loss of the familiar. They predict doomsday but, although many things in our old world are perishing rapidly, there demise will only herald a new age. A new age so different from the past dysfunction of thousands of years as to be almost incomprehensible from our present perspectives. The metaphor of a “golden age of peace’ has been used many times and in many cultures to describe the after-time.

Our physical DNA affects our personal human conscious awareness. DNA and human consciousness are completely interconnected, intertwined, commingled. What affects one affects the other. DNA is the material/physical aspect of human consciousness. Those who are becoming aware of the spiritual aspects, due to activating their energenic heart, are able to see the metaphysical implications as well.


DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies  in5d in 5d in5d.com www.in5d.com http://in5d.com/ body mind soul spirit BodyMindSoulSpirit.com http://bodymindsoulspirit.com/

This bombardment by the rapidly increasing energies now coming in from the Milky Way Whirl Pool Disk means rapid changes for human consciousness and it means genetic changes for all life on earth, as every quanta of matter and energy in our entire solar system is transformed while colliding with the many energetic frequencies, ions, radiations and cosmic dust pouring out from the Milky Way equator and rapidly engulfing our entire solar system, including The Sun and planet earth.

It was the work of Russian scientists that made us alert to the physical aspects of this convergence.

There is an institute in Russia which focuses on studying our Sun’s Heliosphere. The Heliosphere is the huge magnetic field of our Sun which surrounds the entire solar system like an envelope. We are continually moving through space in a certain direction. As I understand it, when you draw this on a two dimensional graph, we are rapidly charging downward from Northeast to Southwest right into the Milky Way equator at an angle. We will cross it and come out underneath the Milky Way as we enter its lower western quadrant.

DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies  in5d in 5d in5d.com www.in5d.com http://in5d.com/ body mind soul spirit BodyMindSoulSpirit.com http://bodymindsoulspirit.com/

Above: Convergence of galaxies from an Earth perspective of the Milky Way Galaxy


DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies  in5d in 5d in5d.com www.in5d.com http://in5d.com/ body mind soul spirit BodyMindSoulSpirit.com http://bodymindsoulspirit.com/

Basically, the Mayans said that it is NOT the end of the world but our world’s recycling and transformation into an entirely new world where peace will reign. It is the golden age long prophesied by many, many cultures on earth, although described in various cultures with different metaphors.

So, how do these Russians who study the Sun’s Heliosphere know about this coming convergence?

DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies  in5d in 5d in5d.com www.in5d.com http://in5d.com/ body mind soul spirit BodyMindSoulSpirit.com http://bodymindsoulspirit.com/

Our Sun and solar system speeds through space surround by our electro-magnetic envelope called the Heliosphere. It is shaped somewhat like a tear drop with a blunt leading edge and a thinner tail. As the blunt leading edge encounters the energies, radiations and cosmic particles of space, it effervesces or glows due to the energetic plasmas produced along the leading edge.

Scientists have long known this and have measured the length of this plasma effervescence in astronomical units. One astronomical unit (au) is the distance between the Earth and the Sun. It has remained fairly constant up until now. The length of this effervescence along the Heliosphere’s leading edge is now 1000% greater than what had always been considered normal. And, it is increasing rapidly the closer we get to the extreme energy of the Milky Way ecliptic as we plunge down into it and come out on the other side like a bunch of kids getting off the world’s most exciting roller coaster ride with trembling knees, seeing the world according to their inmost heart’s desire. Only in this case, some of the kids decided to go off on a different roller coaster ride to an environment they were more familiar with.

And, although no human being can do anything to stop it from happening, nor should we, those who are aware of it will definitely have a heads up as these tumultuous Earth changes increasingly build up until they can hold no more energy and all the quantum particles in our solar system suddenly and instantly shoot apart from each other and remain stable at that increased distance.

This is a dimensional shift. It is a sudden density shift of all matter in our world from what is called third to fourth density.

Considering all the new insights concerning the nature of matter and time, I now increasingly understand this probability.

What then? What’s the next step in evolution?

If one contemplates this, the answer is found in thousands of years of prophecy in all cultures from the beginning of humankind’s awareness. These prophesies center on the emergence of a new era of peace while, at the same time, the old worn out and dying age completely recycles.

In a good sense, the dross is vaporized.

This has been foreseen in the prophecies of EVERY culture on earth, using different mythologies and metaphors of description, for thousands of years.

The cataclysms which are now increasing all over our planet will not come on all at once, but gradually and with increasing intensity.

The earth changes have already begun, as many people now fully realize and other people are starting to realize.

Most folks are highly perplexed by it. Perhaps what I am writing here will bring some comfort as well as practical help.

Some of you reading this right now are aware of this through your inner intuitions. Like myself, your intuitions have sensed this change coming on for a long, long time.. many since birth. It is that inner gut feeling of expectation. An anticipation which includes both angst for physical survival, as the outer energetic intensity increases and, at the same time, the inner expectation for an entirely new paradigm to emerge upon our planet and its confused people who are so caught up in war, criminality, religious and ideological fanaticism, violence and control, all for various selfish interests.

We intuitively feel the pressure building and inwardly know that eventually something will give.

Those intuitive feelings about this coming change are accurate, although our interpretations of them vary. But, you are not alone.

We can call this emerging new state of our existence fourth density. When the term density is used instead of dimension it is referring to differing states of the quantum particles between one world dimension and another. It refers to the cohesion and oscillation rate of each quanta which is an expression of material density.

In this vast Universe, time and space are completely comingled and consist of many different ratios. All quanta vibrate (or spin) at different frequencies and the quantum particles exist in linear time at varying distances from one another.

In our present third density world, the quantum particles of matter have a certain known distance between them. Most folks do not have any conception of how incredibly small these basic quanta are and even less idea of how much empty space exists between each one.

What is the empty space between?

It is the field of infinite energy and intelligence. It is the time domain.

Presently, in third density, this distance between the quanta which make up everything, including light (photons), is analogous to the distance between a golf ball at one end of a football field and a second golf ball clear down at the other end.

In between the two golf balls (quanta) is lots of space indeed.

But, it is not “empty” space, but a seething energetic flux of both entropy and organization.

In the coming, and much finer, fourth density, these quanta are further apart. It should be understood that the quantum level is much, much smaller and finer than the gross atomic level where these various quanta congregate. All is energy. Matter is energy spinning in various configurations.

Albert Einstein stated: “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”

from:    http://www.chromographicsinstitute.com/wp-admin/post-new.php

Eat more ‘Shrooms for Health

A Delicious & Easy Way To Boost Your Immunity

A Delicious & Easy Way To Boost Your Immunity

Here is a delicious and easy way to boost your body’s ability to respond to allergies, infections and inflammatory conditions.

Medicinal mushroom experts have been telling us for years that mushrooms can help prevent numerous immunological conditions, including cancer and inflammatory ailments. Is this simply wishful thinking? No. These effects have been backed with hard science.

Now we find that even so-called culinary mushrooms also have many of these immunity-boosting effects. Once again, clinical research is providing the evidence.

Shiitake mushrooms tested clinically

The most recent evidence comes in the form of a clinical study conducted at the University of Florida’s Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition.

The researchers conducted a four-week study using 52 healthy young adult volunteers, ages ranging from 21 to 41 years old.

The test subjects were divided into two groups. One group was given 5 grams of whole shiitake mushrooms (Lentinula edodes) per day and the other group was given 10 grams per day for four weeks.

Before and after the four weeks of mushroom consumption, the volunteers’ blood and saliva were analyzed. They were tested for T-cell counts, natural-killer T-cells, C-reactive protein and immunoglobulin A (sIgA) in saliva among others. The researchers also collected mononuclear cells from each person and cultured them for a day to help establish immunity parameters.

Shiitake boosts immunity

After four weeks of eating the shiitake mushrooms, the subjects showed significant increases in immunity parameters. These included a 60% increase in γδ-T cells, and a doubling of natural-killer T-cells. They also found these two types of T-cells were more powerful – as they expressed greater receptor activation.

The researchers also found the mushroom consumption increased secretory IgA levels. This corresponds to an increase in intestinal immunity and an increase in sinus and respiratory immunity.

The mushroom consumption also significantly reduced C-reactive protein levels within the bloodstream. This means a reduction of inflammation within the blood and tissues.

In addition to these responses, the mushroom consumption also significantly boosted the subjects’ levels of cytokines that correspond with the ability to fight off infections and inflammatory injury. These include interleukin (IL)-10, IL-1alpha and IL-4, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha.

They also saw a reduction in macrophage inflammatory protein-1α/chemokine C-C ligand 3 (MIP-1α/CCL3). This means a significant reduction of inflammation took place during the four weeks of mushroom consumption.

The medical term for such a response by the body – which is not found among pharmaceuticals – is called immune modulation. The shiitake mushroom is modulating the immune system. Another term is immunostimulating – the immune system is being stimulated. This also means that the body’s autoimmunity is being improved.

This is confirmed by the researchers, who concluded:

“Regular L. edodes consumption resulted in improved immunity, as seen by improved cell proliferation and activation and increased sIgA production. The changes observed in cytokine and serum CRP levels suggest that these improvements occurred under conditions that were less inflammatory than those that existed before consumption.”

Delicious culinary mushroom

Organic shiitake mushrooms are readily available in whole dehydrated form and as fresh. Dehydrated versions can easily be hydrated in soups and sauces, to make a delicious addition to your meals.

The ancients were not wrong about mushrooms. We find mushrooms used therapeutically by practically every ancient civilization around the world, and for good reason. This ancient use provided the best clinical evidence – use over generations.

from:    http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/delicious-easy-way-boost-your-immunity

Your Color Vibe for Tuesday, 5/19

Tuesday, May 19:   Buff Yellow

Today is a good day for listening to what is not being said, seeing what is not obvious, and feeling the truth of your inner knowing. There is a shift in the air today, and it is not just because Mercury is going retrograde, it is a larger shift. You are part of the Universal Consciousness, and this shift emanates from the very core of that center. You are going to find that there are surprises in the air today as things you took for granted are not as predictable as they once were. People will be acting differently to you. When these things happen, and if you find yourself confused, do not react, rather accept that everyone is feeling a bit out of sorts and unsteady right now, and it is time for understanding and accepting that.

Seafood to Avoid Eating

16 Popular Seafood Choices You Should Avoid Eating

Posted by May 17, 2015


By Cole Mellino | Truth Theory

Most commercial fisheries are in decline. Scientists and economists are concerned that commercial seafood harvesting may end within three decades. If the long-term trends continue, they predict there will be little or no seafood available for a sustainable harvest by 2048.

Luckily, there are organizations working hard to change that. The Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch program has been providing consumers with information on “ocean-friendly choices” for 15 years through its printable guides, website and recently revamped mobile app.

The app is a user-friendly guide for choosing the most environmentally responsible seafood to eat. It tells you best options, good alternatives and ones you should avoid.

Here are 16 popular seafood options that you should avoid eating, according to Seafood Watch:

Caviar: “Avoid” caviar from all wild-caught sturgeon and paddlefish. Instead, opt for caviar and fish that’s been farmed in the U.S. or Canada as a “best choice.”

Cod: Atlantic cod from the Gulf of Maine and the Georges Bank is generally considered an “avoid.” The exception to this is, the “good alternative” handline fishery on Georges Bank, which is more selective and does not catch any other depleted stocks. All Pacific cod from Japan and Russia is on the “avoid” list because so little is known about the health of cod populations in the Japanese and the Russian Pacific.

Eel: Freshwater eel is most commonly sold as “unagi” and served in sushi. Worldwide, farmed freshwater eel is on the “avoid” list. Young eels are farm-raised after being captured from the wild. This practice adds pressure to wild populations already in decline. In addition, there’s concern about habitat loss and damage, and the amount of wild-caught fish required to feed farm-raised eels.

Halibut: Most Atlantic halibut is overfished, so it’s on the “avoid” list. The exception is farmed Atlantic halibut. It’s a “good alternative” because it’s raised in closed tank systems that have little impact on local habitats.

Lobster: American (Maine) lobster from the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank is a “good alternative,” but “avoid” lobster from southern New England. Avoid spiny lobsters from Belize, Brazil, Honduras and Nicaragua, which have poor management, declining populations of lobsters and high levels of illegal fishing.

Mahi Mahi: Generally, mahi caught by international longline fleets is on the “avoid” list. The exception is Ecuador, where improved longline methods reduce accidental catch so mahi is a “good alternative.”

Marlin: All striped marlin and most blue marlin are on the “avoid” list. The exception is blue marlin that’s caught in Hawaii. There’s minimal bycatch in this fishery, so it’s a “good alternative.”

Octopus: Octopuses from Mauritania, Morocco, and the Philippines are all on the “avoid” list due to heavy fishing pressure, habitat damage and a lack of fishery management. Octopuses from Spain and Portugal caught with trawl are also an “avoid.” Trap-caught octopuses from Spain, Hawaii and the Gulf of California are “good alternatives.”

from:   http://consciouslifenews.com/16-popular-seafood-choices-avoid-eating/1186032/

Mandalas & Minds

Archetype of Wholeness: Jung and the Mandala

by Elle

Peter Patrick Barreda
Waking Times

In his writings on mandala symbolism, Carl Jung refers to the mandala as “the psychological expression of the totality of the self.” Within everyone’s psyche, to one degree or another, can be found a seed-center of the self surrounded by a chaotic maelstrom of issues, fears, passions and countless other psychological elements. It is the very disordered state of these elements that creates the discord and emotional imbalances from which too many of us suffer on a regular basis. The mandala is a template for the mind, a state of peace and order, a resolution of the chaos within. In Jung’s words,

“The severe pattern imposed by a circular image of this kind compensates the disorder and confusion of the psychic state—namely, through the construction of a central point to which everything is related.”

This central point is the absolute seat of the self, the anchor for all the extraneous elements of your environment and your psyche. In actuality these two are not separate entities, rather they are intimately combined, inextricably linked. The effects of the world within and the world without are often indistinguishable as far as your self is concerned. Internal elements (ideas, emotions, compulsions) interact freely with external elements (news, relationships, taxes) in the interface that is your mind. Understanding this exchange helps us see more clearly how certain patterns and symbolic elements from our most ancient origins have been internalized and carried through the ages, only to be unconsciously externalized in the beauty of the mandala.

Ritualistic mandalas from specific cultures display a style and variety of elements with special significance to that culture. There are nearly as many types of mandalas as there have been societies in the history of Humankind. But the essence of the pattern of the mandala, the “squaring of the circle,” is a basic motif in the architecture of so many dreams and fantasies whose unifying similarities stretch across the ages. The quaternary pattern imposed upon the circle symbolizes the application of an orderly architecture upon the infinity of the cosmos. It gives the psyche a safe place on which to stand, a solid foundation upon which it can gather itself to achieve completeness and harmony. Furthermore, the central point, or bindu, is the reference point for the self to identify with. Jung refers to this pattern as the “archetype of wholeness.”

This ordering effect on the human psyche is not, Jung stresses, the result of conscious reflection or cultural effort. It is a pre-existing condition of consciousness that such patterns help bring it into focus or return to an earlier, more peaceful state. This is why Jung found the mandala to be present in so many cultures and mythologies spanning the globe and the history of Humanity itself. It is an integral part of the collective unconscious that is shared by every person that has ever lived. The mandala is an unconscious state in which all opposites come together and are united, where the polar aspects of the cosmos and the individual can become one. This union of opposites is the very process by which we achieve wholeness, and through which we find peace.

A great deal of Jung’s psychotherapy dealt with the interpretation of individual mandalas created by his patients. In addition to the soothing, focusing effect he noted as a result in his patients’ psychological states, there was also a great deal of commonality between the images they created. Patients who had no prior knowledge of mandalas or any other conscious symbolistic expression repeatedly put to paper strikingly similar images in the course of their progress. Jung writes of the significance of these similarities:

“In view of the fact that all the mandalas shown here were new and uninfluenced products, we are driven to the conclusion that there must be a transconscious disposition in every individual which is able to produce the same or very similar symbols at all times and in all places. Since this disposition is usually not a conscious possession of the individual I have called it the collective unconscious, and, as the basis of its symbolical products, I postulate the existence of primordial images, the archetypes.”

It is these archetypes, ageless connections between every conscious being, in conjunction with the elemental pattern of the quaternary and the cardinal points, that create the powerful effect the mandala exhibits on the human psyche. It is as if there were a common reference point at which all our seemingly individual consciousnesses are connected, and it is from this realm that the form and effect of the mandala are drawn. The mandala can be considered a blueprint for the essential structure of our existence, and something about this structure is instantly recognized by the unconscious within us. We perceive the shapes, the patterns, the elements within the mandala, we see their relationships to each other, and within that sacred matrix we recognize our self and our place in the cosmos. It is an ancient and fundamental relationship from which we have strayed. The mandala is the key that can help us return to it.

Jung also equates the mandala with the eye in form as well as spirit, stating that “the eye is the prototype for the mandala.” The eye symbolizes seeing and light, and therefore consciousness itself. The eye is the part of us that beholds the universe and sees our place in it. It is knowledge, awareness and wisdom. The eye takes in light, the pure energy of the universe, and presents it to the inner spirit. It is the gateway, indeed the very union, between the self and the cosmos. As is the mandala. In addition to the structural similarities between the eye and the mandala, the image of the eye is a common element in individual mandalas. Often one can find a repeating pattern of eyes in a mandala. Jung refers to this as polyopthalmia (many-eyed), and considers this a representation of the unconscious as multiple consciousnesses.

It is evident that the mandala is the link, albeit a mysterious one, between our modern consciousness and our most ancient origins. Jung concluded that “their basic motif is the premonition of a center of personality, a kind of central point within the psyche, to which everything is related, by which everything is arranged, and which is itself a source of energy.” Somewhere in the vast, forgotten reaches of time lies the answer to this wondrous mystery, but also does it lay, quiet and dormant, deep within each one of us. It is for us to rediscover, and to cherish. It is for us to hold this inexhaustible source of energy close to our hearts. Within it we will discover ourselves, we will find each other, and we will reconnect with the essential center of existence.

About the Author

Peter Patrick Barreda is a mandala artist, occasional writer, chronic over-thinker, and webmaster of mandalaZone.com. He is fascinated by origins and causes, and the deeply-hidden reasons behind everything. He believes that mandalas are the underlying pattern for everything in the universe—physical, mental and spiritual, though at their core these three are essentially one. Please visit his fascinating website, where this article was originally featured.

from:    http://www.zengardner.com/archetype-wholeness-jung-mandala/

Importance of Schumann Resonance

Staying In Tune With The Schumann Resonance Is Key To Our Well Being

May 18, 2015 

Staying In Tune With The Schumann Resonance Is Key To Our Well Being  in5d in 5d in5d.com www.in5d.com http://in5d.com/ body mind soul spirit BodyMindSoulSpirit.com http://bodymindsoulspirit.com/

by Joe Martino, CollectiveEvolution

The law of biogenesis states that life cannot be created from nothing, it is always life that creates life. This profound statement can begin a series of questions into the scientific unknown relating to who or what created human life.

“Omne vivum ex vivo – all life is from life”

In 1952, German physicist Professor W.O. Schumann of the Technical University of Munich began attempting to answer whether or not the earth itself has a frequency –a pulse. His assumption about the existence of this frequency came from his understanding that when a sphere exists inside of another sphere there is an electrical tension that is created. Since the negatively charged earth exists inside the positively charged ionosphere, there must be tension between the two, giving the earth a specific frequency. Following his assumptions, through a series of calculations he was able to land upon a frequency he believed was the pulse of the earth. This frequency was 10hz.

It wasn’t until 1954 when Schumann teamed up with another scientist (Herbert König) and confirmed that resonance of the earth maintained a frequency of 7.83 Hz. This discovery was later tested out by several scientists and confirmed. Since then The Schumann Resonance has been the accepted term used scientifically when one is looking to describe or measure the pulse or heartbeat of the earth.

Even though the existence of the Schumann Resonance is an established scientific fact, there remain few scientists who fully understand the importance of this frequency as it relates to life. In the 1920’s another German scientist, Hans Berger, built an EEG machine himself which led to the first ever recording of frequency transmitted by the brain. While this was a profound discovery on it’s own, it is when we link it to the Schumann resonance that we see an even more profound truth.

Dr. Anker Mueller, a colleague of Hans Berger, stumbled across Schumann’s published research results in the journal `Technische Physik.’ Upon reading Schumann’s results about the earths frequency, Dr. Anker Mueller was astonished to discover that the frequency of the earth was an exact match with the frequency of the human brain. Herbert König who became Schumann’s successor at Munich University, discovered and further demonstrated a clear link between Schumann Resonances and brain rhythms. He compared human EEG recordings with natural electromagnetic fields of the environment (1979) and found that the main frequency produced by Schumann oscillations is extremely close to the frequency of alpha rhythms.

Natural electromagnetic processes in the environment (I-IV), human EEG readings in comparison. Schumann oscillations (I) and the EEG a-rhythm, as well as locally conditioned fluctuations of the electric field (II) and the EEG d-rhythm, show a noticeable similarity in their temporal variation. – Herbert König, 1979

Research carried out by E. Jacobi at the University of Dusseldorf showed that the absence of Schumann waves creates mental and physical health problems in the human body. Professor R.Wever from the Max Planck Institute for Behavioral Physiology in Erling-Andechs, began a study where he built an underground bunker that completely screened out magnetic fields. He then got student volunteers and had them live in the bunker for four weeks where they were hermetically sealed in this environment. Throughout the four weeks, Professor Wever noted that the student’s circadian rhythms diverged and that they suffered emotional distress and migraine headaches. Considering that they were young and healthy, no serious health conditions presented -which likely would not have been the case with older people or people with compromised immune systems. Wever then added the Schumann frequency back into the environment and the results were astonishing. After only a brief exposure to 7.8 Hz (the frequency which he had been screening out), the volunteer’s health stabilized. This demonstrated a direct link between humans and their connection with the pulse of the earth. This was later confirmed in 2011 by Luke Montanye who stumbled upon a discovery during research of water memory.

We go back to the statement that all life must come from life. This life was always believed to come from material forms like egg and sperm or spore and cell division. The professor showed that DNA sequences communicate with each other via frequency. Further, he was able to show that the frequency communication was so advanced that it was able to organize nucleotides, which are the ingredients that make up DNA, in such a way that it could make brand new DNA. While other previous studies were able to show this, Montanye did something different that no other study had done. He removed all DNA from the water and introduced a frequency. That frequency was 7.38 Hz, Schumann Resonance. When introduced, the test tubes were producing new DNA helixes. When the frequency was not present, no new DNA formed. Thus we have a link between Schumann Resonance and the creation of life.

Even though Schumann Resonance could be confirmed by measurements at the time of discovery, it is now much harder to detect that resonance due to the fact that our atmosphere is now heavily inundated with man-made radiation and various frequencies. This suggests that our wireless technologies of today are drowning out the natural signal our mental and physical body requires to function in a healthy way. Could this be a link to the increase in cancer cases over the past few decades? Considering the importance of the Schumann Resonance as it relates to health and the creation of life, one would assume our energetically polluted air space is certainly not helping.

More About Professor W.O.Schumann

More About Professor W.O.Schumann  in5d in 5d in5d.com www.in5d.com http://in5d.com/ body mind soul spirit BodyMindSoulSpirit.com http://bodymindsoulspirit.com/

Winfried Schumann was born in Tubingen, Germany, the son of a physical chemist. His early years were spent in Kassel and in Berndorf, a town near Vienna. He majored in electrical engineering at the Technical College in Karlsruhe. In 1912 he gained a doctorate with high-voltage technology as his thesis.

Prior to the First World War, he managed the high voltage laboratory at Brown, Boveri & Cie.

During 1920, he was made a professor at the Technical University in Stuttgart, where he had previously been employed as a research assistant. He subsequently took a position as professor of physics at the University of Jena. In 1924, he was made professor and director of the Electrophysical Laboratoy at the Technical University of Munich.

The Munich laboratory subsequently became the Electrophysical Institute, where Schumann continued working until retiring from active research in 1961 at the age of 73, though he continued teaching for a further two years. Schumann was 86 years old when he died on September 22, 1974.

from:    http://in5d.com/staying-in-tune-with-the-schumann-resonance-is-key-to-our-well-being/

Detox Water Recipe

Great Detox Ingredients You Should Be Adding to Your Water This Summer


If you want to flush out toxins from your body, this simple method is probably the most effective way: lots and lots of water. You don’t have to drink the plain water directly, add a little flavor with these tasty additions. Plus, they are all with great detoxification function.


Lemon water helps to cleanse and alkalize the body. Add one thinly sliced lemon to a large pitcher, or squeeze fresh lemon juice into your glass. Drink it first thing in the morning, and wait about 30 minutes to have breakfast. This will help you fully receive the benefits of lemon water, which are listed below:

  • Reduces inflammation
  • Aids digestion
  • Helps you lose weight
  • Keeps your skin blemish-free
  • Gives your immune system a boost
  • Excellent source of potassium
  • Freshens your breath
  • Gives you an energy boost
  • Helps fight viral infections


Mint adds a touch of sweetness without the sugar to your water, and it also helps settle your stomach and aids in digestion as well.


Cucumber water is one of the most refreshing and delicious ways to take advantage of the great beneficial effects that cucumbers can deliver. Adding a few slices of cucumber to your water makes for excellent rehydration, and cucumber also contains anti-inflammatory properties.


The spicy root helps cleanse out your system, aids in digestion, and settles your stomach. Add a few thin slices or grate a tiny piece into your water and taste before adding more as necessary.

To make one serving of detox water, add three to five slices of cucumber, half a lemon, and a few sprigs of mint leaves to 24 ounces of ice-cold water. You can also add sliced peeled ginger (about a one-inch piece of ginger root, or to taste) for a spicy kick.

from:    http://blogs.naturalnews.com/great-detox-ingredients-adding-water-summer/

Latest fr/Hathors Through Tom Kenyon

The Fifth Perspective: Transcending Space and Time

A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

Entering into higher dimensions of consciousness requires a fundamental shift in perceived time and space.

This is a crucial shift in perception that we wish to address using a theoretical perspective and a practical technique, which includes the use of a sound meditation we have created for this purpose.

The Theory

There are many ways to view higher dimensions. What we wish to share is a basic schematic of how we view dimensions and the challenges you face as you transit into higher dimensional reality.

Your embodied biological reality (i.e., your physical body) is anchored in the third and fourth dimensions of consciousness as we view it.

You are quite familiar with the third dimensionality of your world. Your nervous system is keenly tuned to this reality. Your brain/mind/body complex is synchronized to the physical reality of your world. Your very biological survival depends upon your navigation of the space around you. Furthermore your body, mind and consciousness are anchored in your perception of time.

Your higher dimensional levels of consciousness, however, are not bound by these constraints. They are free of spatial and time-oriented restrictions. This is due to the fact that your higher dimensional bodies have no mass or physicality and are thus unaffected by gravitational fields.

Time is greatly affected by gravitational fields. Furthermore, your perception of time is affected by conditioning. The combination of gravitational fields and social conditioning has resulted in most human beings finding themselves marooned in the constraints of space and time.

Pragmatically speaking, your experience of “reality” is a result of the vibratory level you identify with. When you identify with higher dimensions of consciousness you are freed from the constraints of space and time, and you operate in a more fluid reality.

When you identify solely with your biological reality you are, for all intents and purposes, trapped in space and time.

In this message we will be presenting a method for you to shift your personal identity from the constraints of perceived time and space to the freedom of higher dimensions while also living your day-to-day life in a civilization and dimensional reality that is bound by these constraints (i.e., space and time).

But before imparting this method we need to delve into the theory a little bit further.

As we view it, time is the fourth dimension. For us space and time are intimately related. Your scientists have confirmed Einstein’s theory that large objects with mass generate gravitational fields, which alter both space and time.

For us the fifth dimension is the first dimension of consciousness outside the constraints of space and time (i.e., the third and fourth dimensions.) And beings in the fifth dimension have no mass and are therefore not subject to the effects of gravitational fields.

While the fifth dimension has no physicality per se, it does have form, or objects. But from your perspective, forms in the fifth dimension seem ephemeral—having no substance or reality.

When you enter the fifth dimension you will still experience yourself as having a form (i.e., a body). And things in the fifth dimension will appear to you as solid as the forms you experience in your current reality. But your experience of space will be much more fluid, and time as a reference point will not exist.

There are those who say that all of your problems will be magically and instantaneously solved when you enter into higher dimensions. This is not our experience. It is just that the challenges are different. The opportunities are also different, because you are not confined by the limitations of space and time as you experience them in your current embodied reality. This gives you greater opportunities for creativity and what we call “dimensional evolution.”

Dimensional evolution is the development of the ability to be aware of, and operate within, multiple dimensions simultaneously. The journey to this state of mastery can indeed be a long and convoluted one, because it involves living in a specific dimensional reality through direct experience. For instance, your current embodied life is—from the standpoint of dimensional evolution—an opportunity to master the third and fourth dimensions. It is also an opportunity to experience higher dimensions while simultaneously living an embodied existence. A life lived in this manner rapidly accelerates dimensional evolution, and this message is coded with multiple levels of information for those of you that have entered this radical way of being.

From our perspective, you possess a form that is human-like up through the ninth dimension. Each successive dimension of consciousness is subtler (less dense) than the one before it. For those who enter the tenth dimension, form, as you know it, disappears completely, and you become more geometric in nature.

When we enter the tenth dimension we become spheres. We are not the spheres that show up in photographs that some people refer to as orbs. True orbs, as opposed to photographic artifacts or hoaxes, are interdimensional beings that have spherical geometry. And if you look more closely these spheres will reveal complex labyrinths inside. The spherical nature of interdimensional beings is a commonality, and many different types of beings have this geometric form.

When we enter the tenth dimension some of us become what we call the Aethos, which we have discussed in other messages.

But let us turn our attention back to you. Collectively humanity is being rapidly drawn into the fifth dimension. This is an inevitable evolutionary shift, one fraught with both danger and opportunity, and we wish now to discuss a few of the challenges facing you as you make this transition.

For the purposes of this discussion we would like to divide these challenges into three broad categories: 1) naturally occurring challenges to transitions in consciousness, 2) manmade influences and 3) alien interference.

Naturally Occurring Challenges

Transitions into higher dimensions are problematic due to radical differences in perception between beings that are gravity bound and those that are not. In other words, at the threshold between your third and fourth dimensional reality and your fifth dimensional reality you are faced with a “wall” of perceptual differences.

Indeed some individuals who experience fifth dimensional reality think they are losing their minds. This is because perceived space and time are temporarily suspended. Perception is more fluid in the higher dimensions, and when you enter these dimensions you stand outside of your own life. It’s as if you are disconnected from the realities and demands of your earthly existence, which can create immense relief or immense distress depending upon your personal psychology.

When your consciousness shifts into the fifth dimension your personal identity changes. You simply cannot identify with your earthly existence in the ways you are used to. This challenge, from our perspective, is actually the most difficult when you first enter the fifth dimension. Transiting from the fifth into higher dimensions is inherently easier because you are already used to the disappearance of space and time as limitations.

Transiting into the fifth dimension (and higher) requires finesse on your part if you are to accomplish the task of living your day-to-day life while accommodating this expanded reality.

One of the future abilities of humanity, collectively speaking, will be the ability to live in third and fourth dimensions—meaning space and time as you currently know them—while simultaneously living in the fifth dimension where space and time are not experienced as constraints.

This dual reality will offer humanity immense creative insights and abilities, but as with most progressions this is a bell-curve. And most likely many of you reading this message are further ahead in this transition than the bulk of humanity. This may leave you feeling like a stranger living in a strange land.

Manmade Influences

Your transition from third and fourth dimensional reality into the fifth and higher is made all the more difficult by manmade or cultural influences.

From the standpoint of dimensional evolution the edifice of your entire civilization is founded upon an illusion. The illusion is that your world is solid and that space and time are unyielding realities that cannot be affected by your consciousness.

While you are biologically compelled to attend to the demands of the third and forth dimensions in your everyday life, paying attention to perceived space and time is different from believing that they are the only reality.

Your territorial-based philosophical, religious and political systems thrive upon and depend upon the perpetuation of this illusion. But in our opinion, the house of cards that you call human civilization will eventually collapse and radically evolve as more and more individuals free themselves from living confined lives that are solely oriented to lower dimensional realities.

Let us turn our attention now to other influences that can, and are, negatively impacting your transition into higher dimensional realities.

Your eco-system is in a downward spiral making it more and more challenging for biological organisms to survive. This is creating immense stress for all animal and plant life including humans. Some of the threats to your ecosystem are cosmic in nature such as solar activity as well as gamma and other forms of radiation from deep space. Some of the threats come from changes in the Earth itself, but much of the degradation of your ecosystem is manmade, including—but certainly not limited to—carbon emissions and the acidification of your oceans.

We will not take the time or space (a private joke) to discuss this further as it is very complex. But anyone who believes that everything is fine with the ecological reality of your planet is in denial.

This leads us to the power brokers, those who empower themselves by disempowering others. We are referring, in this instance, to corporate entities that disseminate misinformation about the ecosystem so that they can perpetuate their income at the expense of your planet’s life forms.

This is an intelligence test for humanity, and if you do not collectively wake up and see that you have been manipulated and taken advantage of by the power brokers—both seen and unseen—your ecosystem will continue to degrade, and you will be confronted with a future not worth living.

Alien Interference

Part of what we call alien interference is genetic in nature and has to do with early genetic tampering by the Annunaki. This alien civilization created what is essentially a slave race for the purpose of mining gold, which they desperately needed to reinforce the energetics of their dwindling atmosphere. A genetic experiment was undertaken in which early primates on earth were genetically altered by the Annunaki to serve as workers, as slaves, for the purpose of mining. Thus, built into the very genetic coding of your biology is a deeply engrained tendency to be subservient and to worship what you perceive to be “divine beings.”

Early humans perceived the Annunaki (and many other galactic and intergalactic travelers) as gods, but these beings were simply so technologically advanced their mere presence and actions seemed like magic to less evolved minds.

The transition point from the constraints of third and fourth dimensional existence into the greater freedom of the fifth dimension and beyond can create an emotional challenge. This is due to the fact that the immense freedom experienced in higher dimensional reality can be temporarily disorienting. This type of disorientation is caused by two factors 1) the disappearance of perceived space and time as reference points and 2) the Annunaki manipulation.

If you have not freed yourself from the Annunaki genetic template of subservience and worship, your experience of the higher dimensions can be contaminated.

This is due to the simple truth that there are a multitude of interdimensional beings, alien and otherwise, who will be happy to fill in the gap—who will feed on your subservience to their will and glory in your worship.

If this is your choice then this will be your reality. We have no judgment as to whether you choose this or not, but we do think that such a choice would be unfortunate.

The nexus of our message is one of personal empowerment and freedom, so we caution you as you enter into the fifth and higher dimensional realities to avoid alien implanted delusions that there are other beings you should bow down to. Honor them if they are honorable, yes. Bow down to anyone? Never!

Death and the Fifth Dimension

When you shift your identify into the fifth dimension your personal history in this life seems like a dream. This is because you have transcended the sensory anchors of your embodied life, and all of your history and all the histories of this universe are experienced as dream-like.

During certain states of profoundly expanded consciousness, this dream-like nature of life can be experienced directly. But for most human beings this experience only emerges through the passage you call death.

There are two types of death we wish to discuss. The first type of death is the psychological and spiritual metamorphosis that occurs when you shift into fifth dimensional reality. This can often feel like a type of death because your habitual orientation to the sensory-based realities of your life disappears. Who are you? What is the meaning of your life? These fundamental existential questions are profoundly affected by transitions into fifth and higher dimensional realities.

And so for those of you reading this who are transiting into the fifth dimension—or higher—we say to you, do not be dismayed by the feelings of your demise. Your feelings of your impending death may be arising within you as a result of your transition into higher dimensional reality and not a harbinger of your physical death.

The second type of death we wish to discuss is the death of your biological reality (i.e., your physical body). At the final completion of the death process you will no longer receive sensory input from your external world, and your experience of space and time (as you currently experience them) will be obliterated. This can be quite disorienting if you are not prepared. It can also be quite exhilarating if you understand the nature of what is happening.

If you fully and completely identify yourself solely as a biological organism the moment of your death can be frightening. If, however, you have already tasted the freedom of fifth dimensional reality or higher your transition through death will be easier.

At the completion of your biological death, from our experience and perspective, you will be confronted with three portals. The first is a tunnel of light. The second is a portal opened through the energetics of a guru or savior. And the third is a portal, or tunnel, that leads into darkness.

The tunnel of light is generated from the pranic tube that runs through the center of your body, which runs from your perineum to your crown, and it is a tunnel-like or tube-like channel. At the moment of death, your consciousness moves upward through this tunnel that opens into another dimension of consciousness through your crown chakra.

On the other side of this tunnel is a bright light, and you may find yourself sensing that you are on a bridge crossing over a stream or a river. On the other side of the bridge will be those persons of your previous life, the lifetime you have just ended. You may sense those who have died before you, including pets you have had, because the animal spirits also dwell in this realm. If there are incomplete relationships or issues still to be resolved with these persons or beings, you may feel a yearning to enter this light, and by doing so you re-enter the wheel of birth and death, and you will reincarnate—most likely on Earth.

The second portal is created by the personal will of a guru or savior. Entering this portal will lead you into the vibratory field of the guru or savior that you have a deep personal connection to. And for those of you on this path, entering this dimension of consciousness will be the completion of a profound desire to be with this being. Our caution here is that you will be entering a realm defined not only by the evolutionary attainment of your guru or savior but also by his or her limitations.

The third portal opens into darkness. And entering this portal leads you into the Void, the creatrix from which all things arise. If you choose this portal and have prepared yourself to deal with this level of freedom you will be freed to explore other dimensions of this cosmos and beyond, meaning states of being that transcend all physical phenomena. In this realm of existence you can become an explorer of other realities as you so choose.

Some individuals swoon when confronted with the vastness of the Void. They rush into choosing a new reality rather than taking their time to rest in the potential of all things. We have addressed this in a previous message called Transition States.

We have no judgment as to which portal you enter through the dimensional shift you call death. But we think it is beneficial for you to know what awaits you beforehand so that you can prepare yourself for the choices that you will be compelled to make on the other side of your earthly experience.

Death is not an ending. It is merely the completion of one journey through space and time. Death is a harbinger of new potential realities, and you will create these realities through the choices you made during your life as well as through the choices you make at the moment of your death.

We will now turn our attention to a simple method for training your consciousness to enter higher dimensions and to enter the freedom of your transcendent reality—unconstrained by the limitations of perceived space and time. This method is based on the use of a simple sound meditation to explore the freedom of consciousness that arises when you shift your self-identity to higher dimensions.

As you experiment with this threshold of consciousness, which we call the Fifth Perspective, we caution you to avoid the temptation of escapism. We are offering this method, not as a means to escape the realities of your embodied existence, rather we are offering it as a means to enhance and enrich your experience of life by giving you access to the fifth dimension and beyond.

Higher dimensional realities, unconfined by the constraints of perceived space and time, conjoined with the realities of your biological existence creates a potent catalyst for dimensional evolution, and in our opinion this is to be celebrated rather than avoided.

For those of you reading this who are, in fact, at the brink of your physical death this sound meditation can assist you to enter a more gracious passage.

The Fifth Perspective

The Fifth Perspective is quite simply the recognition that you are unconstrained by space or time. It is a foyer or an entrance into the fifth dimension and from there into higher dimensions as well.

It is a direct perception, not just a thought or an idea. It is a visceral experience generated through the activation of your right cerebral hemisphere’s ability for spatial mastery.

When you enter into an expanded sense of spaciousness through direct experience, a shift in consciousness occurs. You become a witness to the dream-like nature of your life, your history and all phenomena around you. This sense of freedom, this transcendence of perceived space and time, can allow you to deal with the realities of your embodied existence in more creative and resourceful ways, and this is why we are imparting this method.

As we cautioned you earlier, this is not meant to be a form of escapism. But there is indeed a temptation in the Fifth Perspective we need to address more clearly before proceeding.

When you enter the Fifth Perspective, which is the transcendence of perceived space and time, everything about your life and the world around you seems dream-like. You are detached from it all, and it may seem to you as if your day-to-day life is like a dance in which you have no interest.

If you remain in the Fifth Perspective without engaging the realities of your embodied life you will enter a bubble, but in terms of dimensional evolution you will not be benefitted by such an escape.

We can imagine that remaining in the bubble of the Fifth Perspective would be the best choice for some individuals in very rare instances. But for most persons the Fifth Perspective is best used as a springboard into deeper insight and creativity.

When you work with the sound meditation, you will be training your brain/mind to enter the Fifth Perspective. The spatial nature of the sound patterns will create a response in your brain/mind/body that opens a doorway into the Fifth Perspective, and eventually you will find yourself in an expanded state of awareness. The more you work with the sound meditation the stronger this ability becomes. Ultimately you graduate to a place where you can enter the Fifth Perspective in the midst of your daily activities—and this is the goal.

When you are confronted by a difficult situation in your life and are able to simultaneously reside in the Fifth Perspective, the pressure of the situation decreases. This is due to the fact that your consciousness is less bound by the circumstances. You have a little “wiggle room,” so to speak, and within that inner freedom new creative insights and problem solving abilities will spontaneously arise within you.

The Meditation

We call this meditation A Bridge Between the Worlds. It stimulates a mental state that allows you to experience the freedom of the Fifth Perspective.

We suggest you listen to this sound meditation with earphones or ear buds so the acoustic information is routed more directly into your brain without the presence of other sounds in the environment.

As you begin listening you simply recall the feeling of being surrounded by an immense space. It is the feeling of being surrounded by space that activates your brain’s right hemispheric abilities. Thinking about being surrounded by a large space will not activate this potential. You must kinesthetically feel or sense yourself surrounded by a large space.

If you are an advanced explorer of consciousness you can deepen the experience by sensing that there is no barrier between the external space around you and the internal space of your body. In other words, the boundary of your body temporarily disappears, and there is nothing but space. You simply hold this state of mind as you listen to the sound meditation. When your mind wanders you bring it back to an awareness of space and the sounds you are hearing. When the meditation is complete we suggest you take a few moments to sense what is happening within you.

When you have mastered the ability to enter the Fifth Perspective using this sound meditation, you are ready to graduate and explore using this ability in the midst of your life circumstances. The union of the constraints of your embodied life with the freedom of higher dimensional realities creates a most interesting paradox, and through entering this paradox you will greatly accelerate your dimensional evolution.

The Hathors
April 20, 2015

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

This sound meditation (A Bridge Between the Worlds) is about 12 minutes in length. But as you begin to experiment with the method of listening to the sounds while entering into the Fifth Perspective (i.e., the feeling of spaciousness), don’t feel that you need to meditate on this sound piece for its full duration. Some people will find that a few minutes are all they can “handle,” and if you are one of these persons I would say to just slowly extend the time according to your comfort zone.

Paradoxically some people will wish that the sound meditation could be longer. If you are one of these individuals, I would just hit the repeat button as often as you desire—up to a point. If you stop doing the things in your life that need to be done, like the laundry and dishes, I think you may have gone overboard and need to reel yourself back in a bit. It’s all about balance.

A link to this audio file appears at the end of my comments.

It is not advisable to listen to this sound-piece or experiment with the Fifth Perspective in situations requiring alertness such as driving a car or operating machinery since the combination of the two is quite mind altering.

Those of you who have listened to The Elevatron will notice strong similarities, and I suggest you read the previous Hathor message, Escalation of Chaotic Nodes and Dismantling of 3 D Reality, to get a sense of what this fundamental harmonic is about.

A Technical Note: For those of you curious about the technical differences between the two sound meditations, A Bridge Between the Worlds is an extended version of The Elevatron with a contoured EQ to enhance its inherently calming effects. Having worked with the meditation in multiple settings, I feel this sound piece is quite effective as an aid to attain the Fifth Perspective.

In this message the Hathors refer to two of their previous messages, The Aethos and Transition States. I think reading both of these would be beneficial, especially Transition States. If you click on the underlined titles above, it will take you to the messages or you can go to the Hathor section of the website (www.tomkenyon.com) and look them up by their titles.

Experienced Explorers of the Mind will be able to enter into the Fifth Perspective quite easily. If you are new to the exploration of your inner worlds, the Fifth Perspective may seem a bit foreign since it stands in such stark contrast to most people’s everyday perception of reality. But the Fifth Perspective is fundamentally a brain skill, a way to activate the spatial intelligence of your brain’s right hemisphere.

And it is through the agency of your right brain that you will be able to explore the vastness of inner space. While the outcome of this brain skill is a seemingly exotic state of mind, like any brain skill it can be developed. It just takes time and experience with the method.

Every time you work with the sound meditation, as the Hathors suggest, you will be building new neurological circuits in your brain that will eventually allow you to enter the Fifth Perspective and transcend space and time with true mastery—even if you have never ever tried anything like this before.

The secret is repetition. The more you work with the Fifth Perspective in conjunction with the sound meditation, the more effective your brain will become at producing this unusual and resourceful state of mind.

Click here to listen to and/or download the sound meditation, A Bridge Between the Worlds.

from:    http://tomkenyon.com/the-fifth-perspective-transcending-space-and-time