Time as Quantum entanglement

Change for a Paradigm? New Experiment Shows How Time May Emerge From Quantum Entanglement

March 4th, 2014
When cosmologists describe the formation of the Universe as occurring through the Big Bang – the logical question most people ask is “what happened before the Big Bang?” And the proper response to whatever explanation is given to that inquiry would logically be “oh, I see, well what happened before that?” This is much akin to asking what exists outside of the Universe – and it is an excellent line of inquiry because it forces our normally finite thought processes to ponder the nature of infinity. And perhaps most salient of all, it is an examination of the nature of causality and raises the question – What is time?
Change for Paradigm ADJ

 This is a question that has evaded a clear and definite answer within physics right up to our modern day theories. Time is absolutely fundamental to most of our conceptions of reality, and yet there is no consensus about what exactly time is. In the theory of Relativity, Einstein showed that time is relative – replacing the Newtonian framework of absolute time, wherein events in the Universe take place within an unchanging frame-of-reference, yet do not influence it in anyway. Interestingly, this still seems to be the conception of time harbored by most individuals (scientists included) – even after Einstein’s theory suggested that our experience of time is only relative to our frame of reference, such as how fast we are moving (different velocities will experience an objective difference in the passage of time, with inertial frames of reference that are traveling at greater velocities experiencing a slower progression of time relative to slower moving ones – so called time dilation factors). As Einstein put it – “put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT’S relativity.” Not so difficult to understand after all?

Note, since photons are moving at the velocity c (the speed of light, 300,000 km/s) – this would suggest that time is “standing still” for these particles – relative to an observer traveling at sub-c.

Yet, saying that time is relative does not explain what time is. In his original publication– On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies – wherein the principle of relativity is proposed, Einstein explains his definition of time in the following way:

The “time” of an event is that which is given simultaneously with the event by a stationary clock located at the place of the event, this clock being synchronous, and indeed synchronous for all time determinations, with a specified stationary clock.

According to this definition, which is the basis for the theory of General Relativity, and hence modern physics – time is the correspondence of events with a particular configuration of the hands on a clock located at the place of that event.  While this definition certainly sufficed to describe the principles behind the relativity of time – there are many major assumptions within the definition. Because the logical question to ask is, what is a clock? What is a clock’s relation to the concept of time?  The answer to these questions is – yet again – that what we call time is the relative correspondence of the geometric configurations of objects in space. To a certain extent this makes sense as our entire conception of time is based on the Earth’s movement through space: its orbital rotation and revolution around the Sun, begging the question “does time perhaps arise from spin?”

Regarding what Physics has to say on the nature of time, it is being shown more and more that time is perhaps an emergent phenomenon. That is, it does not underlie events, as something fundamental to physical processes – it emerges from them. Indeed, many posited solutions to quantum gravity do not involve time as a physical parameter within the calculations – such as the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, and more recently the geometric solution for particle interactions known as the Amplituhedron (see our article A Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics). For a truly enlightening exploration of the concept of time and a new theory regarding its nature, see the work of Julian Barbour, and his book The End of Time. Since this plays very predominantly into the framework of quantum gravity, understanding the nature of time may be instrumental to the unification of Physics – a Unified Field Theory.

When General Relativity was first quantized (becoming a theory of quantum gravity) in the 1960’s by John Wheeler, the result predicted a static state of the Universe, that is – no change, i.e. timelessness. This particular solution to the quantization of General Relativity is known as the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. The result seemed to be paradoxical – because how can the Universe be static and unchanging – when our every experience is of change. Like the seeming axiom, ‘the only thing that stays the same is change’.

Recently, an experiment has been performed with entangled photons that suggests time may be related to the quantum correlation – entanglement – of a subsystem with itself. A subsystem is much like the particular inertial frames of reference within General Relativity (an inertial frame of reference is an observer-dependent area that is defined as interacting uniquely from adjacent areas or systems). The static entangled photons appears to change to an internal observer when one of the photons is used as a clock to measure the evolution of the other. This is done by depriving the internal observer of an external clock, and only allowing the evolution of the subsystem to be determined by correlation measurements (such as changes in polarity). As the measurements are made, the internal observer becomes nonlocally correlated with the subsystem of photons, and this quantum spacetime interconnectivity makes it appear to the entangled observer that the photons have changed.

The remarkable occurs when it is demonstrated that if the entangled photons are measured without becoming entangled with them – which is accomplished by measuring their global, or overall state instead of the correlation between them, as is done for the internal observer – it can be shown that no change has occurred. The experimenters utilize an interesting technique to accomplish measuring the state of the entangled photons without actually disturbing the quantum correlation between them. The experiment uses a form of quantum erasure, in which the measurement that normally destroys the quantum “superposition” of a wave-particle can be reversed through operations performed on an entangled counterpart.

Change for a Paradigm2
Basic design of a quantum erasure experiment. The Down-Converter (a beta barium borate crystal) produces two quantum entangled photons, each directed into a separate channel. One of the photons goes directly to a detector, while polarizing filters “mark” the other photon as it passes through a double slit mask. Marking the photon in this way will inhibit formation of a wave interference pattern. If however, the other entangled photon (which does not pass through a double-slit but instead goes directly to a detector) is passed through a polarizing filter it “unmarks” the entangled counterpart – which will then produce a wave-interference pattern. In this way, it is thought that the operation on the first photon removes, or erases, the measurement performed on the second by the polarizing filters – allowing for “self-interference” of the photon passing through the double-slits, which will then result in a wave-interference pattern. Hence the appellation – quantum erasure.

Recall that one of the entangled photons was utilized as a clock to measure the evolution of the second, and this produces entanglement of the observer with that system. However, if those measurements are coherently erased, through a quantum erasure, then the observer can in a sense measure the global configuration of the subsystem without becoming entangled with it. From this vantage perspective, the so called super-observer can now determine if the global state of the photons evolves. And remarkably, the results suggest that the super-observer can show that there is no evolution of the subsystem, simply by not becoming correlated with the entangled photons.

The photons remain unchanged and static even while the entangled measurement of their quantum correlation gives the internal observer an apparent change – but it is an apparition of time! While this is all accomplished with a very clever experimental design – it does demonstrate how the appearance of change, or time, can emerge even within a static, timeless Universe. In this sense, there is time, but it is only the appearance of change within subsystems that are strongly correlated together – but less so with the overall system, being the Universe itself, which at that global scale, according to their result, experiences no net change, and within this model would be eternal.

In Haramein’s model (Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass) time is a function of the relationship of orbiting bodies relative to each other leaving a memory imprint on the structure of spacetime (encoded in Planck information pixels). In fact, he is able to show that the Planck pixels volume-to-surface ratio relationship generate the mass/energy of objects. However, the rotational relationships of all systems in an infinite boundary division Universe or multiverse would all cancel out so that each center of rotation would be the stillness that centers the rotation of all other relationships to infinity. Therefore, the global collective scale sees no change, while the local scale is obviously continuously changing. One could think of this as the center of your experience being the infinitely unchanging present emerging from the continuous changes of the past and the possible path of changes of the future.

By: William Brown

from:    http://resonance.is/change-for-a-paradigm-new-experiment-shows-how-time-may-emerge-from-quantum-entanglement/

Quatum Theory & Time

New Quantum Theory Could Explain the Flow of Time

  • By Natalie Wolchover, Quanta Magazine

Cups of coffee cool, buildings crumble and stars fizzle out, physicists say, because of a strange quantum effect called “entanglement.” Photo: Stacy/Flickr

Coffee cools, buildings crumble, eggs break and stars fizzle out in a universe that seems destined to degrade into a state of uniform drabness known as thermal equilibrium. The astronomer-philosopher Sir Arthur Eddington in 1927 cited the gradual dispersal of energy as evidence of an irreversible “arrow of time.”

But to the bafflement of generations of physicists, the arrow of time does not seem to follow from the underlying laws of physics, which work the same going forward in time as in reverse. By those laws, it seemed that if someone knew the paths of all the particles in the universe and flipped them around, energy would accumulate rather than disperse: Tepid coffee would spontaneously heat up, buildings would rise from their rubble and sunlight would slink back into the sun.

“In classical physics, we were struggling,” said Sandu Popescu, a professor of physics at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom. “If I knew more, could I reverse the event, put together all the molecules of the egg that broke? Why am I relevant?”

Surely, he said, time’s arrow is not steered by human ignorance. And yet, since the birth of thermodynamics in the 1850s, the only known approach for calculating the spread of energy was to formulate statistical distributions of the unknown trajectories of particles, and show that, over time, the ignorance smeared things out.

Now, physicists are unmasking a more fundamental source for the arrow of time: Energy disperses and objects equilibrate, they say, because of the way elementary particles become intertwined when they interact — a strange effect called “quantum entanglement.”

“Finally, we can understand why a cup of coffee equilibrates in a room,” said Tony Short, a quantum physicist at Bristol. “Entanglement builds up between the state of the coffee cup and the state of the room.”

Popescu, Short and their colleagues Noah Linden and Andreas Winter reported the discovery in the journal Physical Review E in 2009, arguing that objects reach equilibrium, or a state of uniform energy distribution, within an infinite amount of time by becoming quantum mechanically entangled with their surroundings. Similar results by Peter Reimann of the University of Bielefeld in Germany appeared several months earlier in Physical Review Letters. Short and a collaborator strengthened the argument in 2012 by showing that entanglement causes equilibration within a finite time. And, in work that was posted on the scientific preprint site arXiv.org in February, two separate groups have taken the next step, calculating that most physical systems equilibrate rapidly, on time scales proportional to their size. “To show that it’s relevant to our actual physical world, the processes have to be happening on reasonable time scales,” Short said.

A watershed paper by Noah Linden, left, Sandu Popescu, Tony Short and Andreas Winter (not pictured) in 2009 showed that entanglement causes objects to evolve toward equilibrium. The generality of the proof is “extraordinarily surprising,” Popescu says. “The fact that a system reaches equilibrium is universal.” The paper triggered further research on the role of entanglement in directing the arrow of time. Photo: Courtesy of Tony Short
The tendency of coffee — and everything else — to reach equilibrium is “very intuitive,” said Nicolas Brunner, a quantum physicist at the University of Geneva. “But when it comes to explaining why it happens, this is the first time it has been derived on firm grounds by considering a microscopic theory.”If the new line of research is correct, then the story of time’s arrow begins with the quantum mechanical idea that, deep down, nature is inherently uncertain. An elementary particle lacks definite physical properties and is defined only by probabilities of being in various states. For example, at a particular moment, a particle might have a 50 percent chance of spinning clockwise and a 50 percent chance of spinning counterclockwise. An experimentally tested theorem by the Northern Irish physicist John Bell says there is no “true” state of the particle; the probabilities are the only reality that can be ascribed to it.

Quantum uncertainty then gives rise to entanglement, the putative source of the arrow of time.

When two particles interact, they can no longer even be described by their own, independently evolving probabilities, called “pure states.” Instead, they become entangled components of a more complicated probability distribution that describes both particles together. It might dictate, for example, that the particles spin in opposite directions. The system as a whole is in a pure state, but the state of each individual particle is “mixed” with that of its acquaintance. The two could travel light-years apart, and the spin of each would remain correlated with that of the other, a feature Albert Einstein famously described as “spooky action at a distance.”

“Entanglement is in some sense the essence of quantum mechanics,” or the laws governing interactions on the subatomic scale, Brunner said. The phenomenon underlies quantum computing, quantum cryptography and quantum teleportation.

The idea that entanglement might explain the arrow of time first occurred to Seth Lloyd about 30 years ago, when he was a 23-year-old philosophy graduate student at Cambridge University with a Harvard physics degree. Lloyd realized that quantum uncertainty, and the way it spreads as particles become increasingly entangled, could replace human uncertainty in the old classical proofs as the true source of the arrow of time.

Seth Lloyd, now an MIT professor, came up with the idea that entanglement might explain the arrow of time while he was in graduate school at Cambridge University in the 1980s. Photo: Courtesy of Seth Lloyd

Using an obscure approach to quantum mechanics that treated units of information as its basic building blocks, Lloyd spent several years studying the evolution of particles in terms of shuffling 1s and 0s. He found that as the particles became increasingly entangled with one another, the information that originally described them (a “1” for clockwise spin and a “0” for counterclockwise, for example) would shift to describe the system of entangled particles as a whole. It was as though the particles gradually lost their individual autonomy and became pawns of the collective state. Eventually, the correlations contained all the information, and the individual particles contained none. At that point, Lloyd discovered, particles arrived at a state of equilibrium, and their states stopped changing, like coffee that has cooled to room temperature.

“What’s really going on is things are becoming more correlated with each other,” Lloyd recalls realizing. “The arrow of time is an arrow of increasing correlations.”

The idea, presented in his 1988 doctoral thesis, fell on deaf ears. When he submitted it to a journal, he was told that there was “no physics in this paper.” Quantum information theory “was profoundly unpopular” at the time, Lloyd said, and questions about time’s arrow “were for crackpots and Nobel laureates who have gone soft in the head.” he remembers one physicist telling him.

“I was darn close to driving a taxicab,” Lloyd said.

Advances in quantum computing have since turned quantum information theory into one of the most active branches of physics. Lloyd is now a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, recognized as one of the founders of the discipline, and his overlooked idea has resurfaced in a stronger form in the hands of the Bristol physicists. The newer proofs are more general, researchers say, and hold for virtually any quantum system.

“When Lloyd proposed the idea in his thesis, the world was not ready,” said Renato Renner, head of the Institute for Theoretical Physics at ETH Zurich. “No one understood it. Sometimes you have to have the idea at the right time.”

As a hot cup of coffee equilibrates with the surrounding air, coffee particles (white) and air particles (brown) interact and become entangled mixtures of brown and white states. After some time, most of the particles in the coffee are correlated with air particles; the coffee has reached thermal equilibrium. Image: Lidia del Rio

In 2009, the Bristol group’s proof resonated with quantum information theorists, opening up new uses for their techniques. It showed that as objects interact with their surroundings — as the particles in a cup of coffee collide with the air, for example — information about their properties “leaks out and becomes smeared over the entire environment,” Popescu explained. This local information loss causes the state of the coffee to stagnate even as the pure state of the entire room continues to evolve. Except for rare, random fluctuations, he said, “its state stops changing in time.”

Consequently, a tepid cup of coffee does not spontaneously warm up. In principle, as the pure state of the room evolves, the coffee could suddenly become unmixed from the air and enter a pure state of its own. But there are so many more mixed states than pure states available to the coffee that this practically never happens — one would have to outlive the universe to witness it. This statistical unlikelihood gives time’s arrow the appearance of irreversibility. “Essentially entanglement opens a very large space for you,” Popescu said. “It’s like you are at the park and you start next to the gate, far from equilibrium. Then you enter and you have this enormous place and you get lost in it. And you never come back to the gate.”

In the new story of the arrow of time, it is the loss of information through quantum entanglement, rather than a subjective lack of human knowledge, that drives a cup of coffee into equilibrium with the surrounding room. The room eventually equilibrates with the outside environment, and the environment drifts even more slowly toward equilibrium with the rest of the universe. The giants of 19th century thermodynamics viewed this process as a gradual dispersal of energy that increases the overall entropy, or disorder, of the universe. Today, Lloyd, Popescu and others in their field see the arrow of time differently. In their view, information becomes increasingly diffuse, but it never disappears completely. So, they assert, although entropy increases locally, the overall entropy of the universe stays constant at zero.

“The universe as a whole is in a pure state,” Lloyd said. “But individual pieces of it, because they are entangled with the rest of the universe, are in mixtures.”

One aspect of time’s arrow remains unsolved. “There is nothing in these works to say why you started at the gate,” Popescu said, referring to the park analogy. “In other words, they don’t explain why the initial state of the universe was far from equilibrium.” He said this is a question about the nature of the Big Bang.

Despite the recent progress in calculating equilibration time scales, the new approach has yet to make headway as a tool for parsing the thermodynamic properties of specific things, like coffee, glass or exotic states of matter. (Several traditional thermodynamicists reported being only vaguely aware of the new approach.) “The thing is to find the criteria for which things behave like window glass and which things behave like a cup of tea,” Renner said. “I would see the new papers as a step in this direction, but much more needs to be done.”

Some researchers expressed doubt that this abstract approach to thermodynamics will ever be up to the task of addressing the “hard nitty-gritty of how specific observables behave,” as Lloyd put it. But the conceptual advance and new mathematical formalism is already helping researchers address theoretical questions about thermodynamics, such as the fundamental limits of quantum computers and even the ultimate fate of the universe.

“We’ve been thinking more and more about what we can do with quantum machines,” said Paul Skrzypczyk of the Institute of Photonic Sciences in Barcelona. “Given that a system is not yet at equilibrium, we want to get work out of it. How much useful work can we extract? How can I intervene to do something interesting?”

Sean Carroll, a theoretical cosmologist at the California Institute of Technology, is employing the new formalism in his latest work on time’s arrow in cosmology. “I’m interested in the ultra-long-term fate of cosmological space-times,” said Carroll, author of “From Eternity to Here: The Quest for the Ultimate Theory of Time.” “That’s a situation where we don’t really know all of the relevant laws of physics, so it makes sense to think on a very abstract level, which is why I found this basic quantum-mechanical treatment useful.”

Twenty-six years after Lloyd’s big idea about time’s arrow fell flat, he is pleased to be witnessing its rise and has been applying the ideas in recent work on the black hole information paradox. “I think now the consensus would be that there is physics in this,” he said.

Not to mention a bit of philosophy.

According to the scientists, our ability to remember the past but not the future, another historically confounding manifestation of time’s arrow, can also be understood as a buildup of correlations between interacting particles. When you read a message on a piece of paper, your brain becomes correlated with it through the photons that reach your eyes. Only from that moment on will you be capable of remembering what the message says. As Lloyd put it: “The present can be defined by the process of becoming correlated with our surroundings.”

The backdrop for the steady growth of entanglement throughout the universe is, of course, time itself. The physicists stress that despite great advances in understanding how changes in time occur, they have made no progress in uncovering the nature of time itself or why it seems different (both perceptually and in the equations of quantum mechanics) than the three dimensions of space. Popescu calls this “one of the greatest unknowns in physics.”

“We can discuss the fact that an hour ago, our brains were in a state that was correlated with fewer things,” he said. “But our perception that time is flowing — that is a different matter altogether. Most probably, we will need a further revolution in physics that will tell us about that.”

Original story reprinted with permission from Quanta Magazine, an editorially independent division of SimonsFoundation.org whose mission is to enhance public understanding of science by covering research developments and trends in mathematics and the physical and life sciences.

from:    http://www.wired.com/2014/04/quantum-theory-flow-time/

Your Weekly Chromoscope 4/13-19

April 13 to 19:

One theme of the week is Secrets Revealed.  There are things that will be coming up in all areas that will be pointers to the truth of the matter.  Be open and alert.

Overall Color for the Week:    Gossamer White

This week will be a challenging one on all levels and in all areas.  There will be emotional ups and downs throughout the week.  More and more people are choosing to leave, and you will be seeing that occurring on a large scale. Pay attention to your senses.  Right now they are working in more than one dimension.  Things that you hear, see or smell can just be some of the leakages from other layers.  Those animals or creatures or whatever that seem to be there, actually are there.  Each one carries significance, and it is important that you become aware of that.  Your very existence is shifting these days and there are helpers and markers along the way for guidance and assurance.  You can find that on this 3D level that things may not be working out as you might have hoped.  People that you thought were close friends may be turning their attention to others.  Places in which you found comfort can begin to feel uncomfortable.  This is a week for using your intuition as your first guide.  This is a week for turning away from all the old habits, for seeing them for what they are, and for forging a new modus operandi.  It will not be hard, but you will be finding yourself more ready than ever to make some shifts.  There is always assistance there for you if you ask for it.  You can find your emotions surfacing at odd and perhaps inappropriate times.  When this happens, look into what is going on.  Perhaps your deep inner knowing is responding to things that you cannot see on the surface.  As always, start out each day centered and grounded, and do not forget to breathe.

The energies of the full moon and the lunar eclipse are going to cause some interesting effects on the Earth.  There can be some unprecedented movement within and on the surface.  Along with that there can be movements made by governments and their machines to carry out some agendas that involve takeovers or threats to the civilian population.  You will see more and more that the people’s voices cannot be ignored.  There is a new urgency in the air that motivates people to stand up for what they know is right as more and more see the illusory nature of what the media are spouting and the ads are touting and the “stars” are shouting.  There is a time shift going on right now and it can result in things being reported before they happen.   Likewise, you an be aware of things prior to their occurrence.  This is interesting because you will be asked to look at things in a non-linear, time free perspective which can cause some interesting shifts in your own perception as well as that of the larger whole.  The money siltation is even shakier as the markets fly up and down on bits of news and rumors.  Moreover, whereas it used to be that the various market would all sift one way or the other, you will find some going up and some going down.  This indicated that the traditional economic situation in falling apart and the time is coming for a new approach to things.  Will it be Bitcoin ot some other web based program?  Who knows, but changes are on the horizon in the area of finances.  You will become aware of this as the week goes forward.  There is also a huge burst in the atmosphere that will be felt near the end of the week as major storms and earth movements.  There is a good possibility that there will be a message coming from the skies.  You will need to check out alternative media in order to get the report.

Life in the 5th Dimension fr/Jim Self

The Way of Life in the Fifth Dimension

In the previous article What ARE the 3rd and 4th Dimensions? we compared the third and fourth dimensions. In this article we bring in the fifth dimension. Let’s briefly review the structures of the third and fourth dimensions.

The third dimension operates with a specific set of rules and has certain characteristics, aspects, boundaries, edges, mutations and structures. We see three main structures sustaining this dimension.

Rigid Structures of the Third Dimension

1.  Duality – A dual mode of perception: right-wrong, positive-negative, good-bad, should-shouldn’t, up-down, black-white.

2.  Linear Time – The perception that time only moves in a straight line (one direction) and is experienced as past, present and future.

3.  Rational Mind – The GPS of the third dimension. The analytical, reasoning thought processor designed to make comparisons, draw conclusions, store information, calculate, and make determinations.

Flexible Structures of the Fourth Dimension

1.  Now Time – This is your point of power. Each now moment is a threshold to new beginnings and fresh choices.

2.  Choice – The power to consciously choose to initiate something else in any moment.

3.  Paradox – Contradictory truths. Something that was true a moment ago but may not be rue in the next now moment.

4.  Alignment/Balance – A state of equilibrium which neutralizes opposing forces.

In the Fifth Dimension, 3-D “Reaction’ and 4-D ‘Responsive’ Give Way to Integration

Reintegration – When you attain fifth-dimensional consciousness you experience the reintegration with your Higher Self. This reconnection with the higher parts of you brings higher awareness and allow you to know yourself at the Soul level. You begin to Be who you came here to be. Your innate spiritual abilities increase and reveal themselves. These include clairvoyance, telepathy and abstract intuition.

Access the Wisdom You Know – Life in the fifth-dimension is stunning because you are fully conscious again. You are aware of and can access the wisdom and information available within your Being that resides in all the dimensions. There is no separation. You are one with the All and All is you.

Experience Higher, Lighter Energy – In 5D, you vibrate in feelings like reverence, beauty and kindness. The coat you choose to wear each day bears no resemblance to what you typically walk around waring in 3D. And much of what you experience is no longer expressed from the mind or in words (intellect/brain) but pours forth from the heart and the feelings (the senses recombine forming a sixth sense). You achieve a quiet knowingness.

Higher Mind – In this level of living, when the mental and emotional bodies merge, the union activates the Higher Mind and you operate from the mind of your Soul. You begin to know what the Soul knows and make Soul-guided choices.

Simultaneous Time – Living in 5D, you move into Simultaneous Time which allows you to see the broader perspective of All That Is. All the Answers to your questions lie exactly where the question is asked and you are able to view all possibilities before taking action.

So, why did we choose to leave this wonderful place where all is known and go to the third dimension, anyway? When Creator wanted to know Himself/Herself better He/She asked for volunteers, and guess who ran to the front of the line say “Pick me, pick me!”? You did! Creator sent the brightest and the best (you) on this special quest to explore the outermost regions of existence. It was, and is, a grand adventure that only the biggest and most enthusiastic spirits signed up for.

Why did we choose the third dimension and not another? Duality does not exist in the higher dimensions and duality is an important part of what we wanted to experience. Our explorations took us may places but as we went deeper into density we eventually found ourselves playing in the slower vibrations of the world of form )matter). Here we could delve into cause and effect and discover the results of our choices and actions. Here we had free will to explore the most divergent ranges of frequencies (including fear, hate, anger, betrayal, etc).  When we signed up for this adventure we did not know that we would become immersed in it or that we would forget who we are, where we came form, why we came, and how to get back Home. We now have an opportunity to remember who we are and return Home.

The Long-awaited “Shift of the Ages” is Upon Us

We have taken the third-dimensional adventure as far as we can. We have been wildly successful at what we set out to accomplish and explore in this diverse, dense, duality. A huge vibrational up-shift (on very level) is what the Earth and her inhabitants are undergoing right now. You are significant, not insignificant. You make a difference and your contribution is valued by all of humanity and by All That Is. Welcome the change to a new way of life, dear friends, for together we have begun the process of bringing Heaven to Earth.

Jim Self Featured on the Virtual Light Broadcast many times since 2009, Jim is often introduced as a teacher’s teacher and a healer’s healer. He has been leading seminars and teaching healing, clairvoyance and higher dimensional energy management tools throughout North America since 1980. As an author of What Do You Mean the Third Dimension is Going Away? Jim’s Spectrum column includes excerpts from this book, his free tele-classes, seminars and his third upcoming book.

Since childhood, Jim has had a conscious awareness and ability to remember his experiences within the sleep state. Over the last ten years, this awareness has expanded into relationships with the Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light. The tools and information presented in the Mastering Alchemy programs are co-creations of these relationships.

Jim walks with a foot in both worlds. At the age of twenty-six, he was elected to his first of two terms to the San Jose, CA City Council and later became the Vice Mayor. Before completing his second term, he was asked by President Jimmy Carter to be the Director of Governmental Operations for the Dept. of Energy. As an entrepreneur, he has successfully built and sold two corporations, and is the founder and current Board Chairman of a third.

from:    http://lightworker.com/Spectrum//articles/749/1/The-Way-of-Life-in-the-Fifth-Dimension/Page1.html

On Deja Vu & Dimensions

Could Déjà Vu Be a Way to Obtain Information from Other Dimensions?

deja vu inter dimentionalDeja vu is one of the little-known and mysterious phenomena of our psyche. Many people sometimes feel that a situation in their life has already been experienced before in all the details. But how and when? This phenomenon is called déjà vu, which in French means ‘already seen’. It is a condition in which a person feels that once he already experienced a situation of the present, but the feeling is not associated with a specific moment of the past, but refers to the past in general.

Deja vu is quite common. Psychologists believe that 97 % of people have experienced it at least once. Sometimes people are afraid of deja vu and worry about their mental health. What lies beyond human understanding, always frightens us.

The reasons that cause the phenomenon are still not clear. It might be caused by the processes in the parts of the brain associated with memory and perception. There is a hypothesis that sometimes the perceived information gets to the memory areas sooner than to the area of the primary analysis. Thus, the brain, comparing the situation with its ‘neurocopy’ already received by the memory, concludes that it already happened before.

The human brain works with the help of biological electricity. It receives bioelectric energy from the whole body and itself. The two hemispheres of the brain concentrate energy in different ways. The left hemisphere concentrates electrical impulses with a negative charge, and the right hemisphere – the ones with a positive charge. The potential difference results in a manifold increase of the incoming electrical energy of low-frequency waves. But there is also a high-frequency current, which is perceived by our brain and body as a whole from the environment. This high-frequency subtle energy is used by our nervous system to provide all the physiological and psychological functions. Science has long proven that no man or any other living being can survive without the subtle energy. At the same time, our brain can also produce this kind of energy. This happens during the process of thinking because as a result of mental activity, dense electricity is converted into the subtle.

Subtle energy has been known to man for a long time. Psychologists call it mental or spiritual energy, physics – the energy of the physical vacuum. Scientists have discovered an elementary particle of this energy – psychon, an analog of the electron in the dense energy. Psychophysical studies have shown that thinking is primarily a process of producing the subtle electricity with certain characteristics of the information. Thus, some psychics can see thought forms as subtle electric field in different colors.

Psychology cannot yet describe in detail this feature of our thought forms. But experimental achievements in the field of quantum physics prove the very possibility of the existence of thought forms as energy simultaneously in different spatiotemporal continuities. It is proved that quantum can exist in different places at the same time! Astrophysics confirms this possibility with the discovery that light from distant stars comes to us from the past, present and future simultaneously.

Thus, if a person is experiencing deja vu, it may be the result of the information brought by his strong thought forms from the past or future. We have a wonderful and mysterious at first glance possibility to obtain information from different spatiotemporal continuities connected with us through our thought forms. Very strong, sustained thought forms are created under the influence of strong emotions and motivations. Therefore, very emotional people with dominant behavior are most likely to experience deja vu.

Deja vu is not a mental disorder and there is no need to worry if you are experiencing it. Try to get the emotional satisfaction of this phenomenon and the fear will disappear immediately. Further studies on the deja vu phenomenon will help biconsciously control it and use it to explore human psychic abilities.
from:    http://www.learning-mind.com/could-deja-vu-be-a-way-to-obtain-information-from-other-dimensions/

Time Passages….

Why Time Slows Down When We’re Afraid, Speeds Up as We Age, and Gets Warped on Vacation


“Time perception matters because it is the experience of time that roots us in our mental reality.”

Given my soft spot for famous diaries, it should come as no surprise that I keep one myself. Perhaps the greatest gift of the practice has been the daily habit of reading what I had written on that day a year earlier; not only is it a remarkable tool of introspection and self-awareness, but it also illustrates that our memory “is never a precise duplicate of the original [but] a continuing act of creation” and how flawed our perception of time is — almost everything that occurred a year ago appears as having taken place either significantly further in the past (“a different lifetime,” I’d often marvel at this time-illusion) or significantly more recently (“this feels like just last month!”). Rather than a personal deficiency of those of us befallen by this tendency, however, it turns out to be a defining feature of how the human mind works, the science of which is at first unsettling, then strangely comforting, and altogether intensely interesting.

That’s precisely what acclaimed BBC broadcaster and psychology writer Claudia Hammond explores in Time Warped: Unlocking the Mysteries of Time Perception (public library) — a fascinating foray into the idea that our experience of time is actively created by our own minds and how these sensations of what neuroscientists and psychologists call “mind time” are created. As disorienting as the concept might seem — after all, we’ve been nursed on the belief that time is one of those few utterly reliable and objective things in life — it is also strangely empowering to think that the very phenomenon depicted as the unforgiving dictator of life is something we might be able to shape and benefit from. Hammond writes:

We construct the experience of time in our minds, so it follows that we are able to change the elements we find troubling — whether it’s trying to stop the years racing past, or speeding up time when we’re stuck in a queue, trying to live more in the present, or working out how long ago we last saw our old friends. Time can be a friend, but it can also be an enemy. The trick is to harness it, whether at home, at work, or even in social policy, and to work in line with our conception of time. Time perception matters because it is the experience of time that roots us in our mental reality. Time is not only at the heart of the way we organize life, but the way we experience it.


Discus chronologicus, a depiction of time by German engraver Christoph Weigel, published in the early 1720s; from Cartographies of Time. (Click for details)

Among the most intriguing illustrations of “mind time” is the incredible elasticity of how we experience time. (“Where is it, this present?,” William James famously wondered. “It has melted in our grasp, fled ere we could touch it, gone in the instant of becoming.”) For instance, Hammond points out, we slow time down when gripped by mortal fear — the cliche about the slow-motion car crash is, in fact, a cognitive reality. This plays out even in situations that aren’t life-or-death per se but are still associated with strong feelings of fear. Hammond points to a study in which people with arachnophobia were asked to look at spiders — the very object of their intense fear — for 45 seconds and they overestimated the elapsed time. The same pattern was observed in novice skydivers, who estimated the duration of their peers’ falls as short, whereas their own, from the same altitude, were deemed longer.

Inversely, time seems to speed up as we get older — a phenomenon of which competing theories have attempted to make light. One, known as the “proportionality theory,” uses pure mathematics, holding that a year feels faster when you’re 40 than when you’re 8 because it only constitutes one fortieth of your life rather than a whole eighth. Among its famous proponents are Vladimir Nabokov and William James. But Hammond remains unconvinced:

The problem with the proportionality theory is that it fails to account for the way we experience time at any one moment. We don’t judge one day in the context of our whole lives. If we did, then for a 40-year-old every single day should flash by because it is less than one fourteen-thousandth of the life they’ve had so far. It should be fleeting and inconsequential, yet if you have nothing to do or an enforced wait at an airport for example, a day at 40 can still feel long and boring and surely longer than a fun day at the seaside packed with adventure for a child. … It ignores attention and emotion, which … can have a considerable impact on time perception.

Another theory suggests that perhaps it is the tempo of life in general that has accelerated, making things from the past appear as slower, including the passage of time itself.

But one definite change does take place with age: As we grow older, we tend to feel like the previous decade elapsed more rapidly, while the earlier decades of our lives seem to have lasted longer. Similarly, we tend to think of events that took place in the past 10 years as having happened more recently than they actually did. (Quick: What year did the devastating Japanese tsunami hit? When did we lose Maurice Sendak?) Conversely, we perceive events that took place more than a decade ago as having happened even longer ago. (When did Princess Diana die? What year was the Chernobyl disaster?) This, Hammond points out, is known as “forward telescoping”:

It is as though time has been compressed and — as if looking through a telescope — things seem closer than they really are. The opposite is called backward or reverse telescoping, also known as time expansion. This is when you guess that events happened longer ago than they really did. This is rare for distant events, but not uncommon for recent weeks.


The most straightforward explanation for it is called the clarity of memory hypothesis, proposed by the psychologist Norman Bradburn in 1987. This is the simple idea that because we know that memories fade over time, we use the clarity of a memory as a guide to its recency. So if a memory seems unclear we assume it happened longer ago.

And yet the brain does keep track of time, even if inaccurately. Hammond explains the factors that come into play with our inner chronometry:

It is clear that however the brain counts time, it has a system that is very flexible. It takes account of [factors like] emotions, absorption, expectations, the demands of a task and even the temperature .The precise sense we are using also makes a difference; an auditory event appears longer than a visual one. Yet somehow the experience of time created by the mind feels very real, so real that we feel we know what to expect from it, and are perpetually surprised whenever it confuses us by warping.

In fact, memory — which is itself a treacherous act of constant transformation with each recollection — is intricately related to this warping process:

We know that time has an impact on memory, but it is also memory that creates and shapes our experience of time. Our perception of the past moulds our experience of time in the present to a greater degree than we might realize. It is memory that creates the peculiar, elastic properties of time. It not only gives us the ability to conjure up a past experience at will, but to reflect on those thoughts through autonoetic consciousness — the sense that we have of ourselves as existing across time — allowing us to re-experience a situation mentally and to step outside those memories to consider their accuracy.

But, curiously, we are most likely to vividly remember experiences we had between the ages of 15 and 25. What the social sciences might simply call “nostalgia” psychologists have termed the “reminiscence bump” and, Hammond argues, it could be the key to why we feel like time speeds up as we get older:

The reminiscence bump involves not only the recall of incidents; we even remember more scenes from the films we saw and the books we read in our late teens and early twenties. … The bump can be broken down even further — the big news events that we remember best tend to have happened earlier in the bump, while our most memorable personal experiences are in the second half.


The key to the reminiscence bump is novelty. The reason we remember our youth so well is that it is a period where we have more new experiences than in our thirties or forties. It’s a time for firsts — first sexual relationships, first jobs, first travel without parents, first experience of living away from home, the first time we get much real choice over the way we spend our days. Novelty has such a strong impact on memory that even within the bump we remember more from the start of each new experience.

Most fascinating of all, however, is the reason the “reminiscence bump” happens in the first place: Hammond argues that because memory and identity are so closely intertwined, it is in those formative years, when we’re constructing our identity and finding our place in the world, that our memory latches onto particularly vivid details in order to use them later in reinforcing that identity. Interestingly, Hammond points out, people who undergo a major transformation of identity later in life — say, changing careers or coming out — tend to experience a second identity bump, which helps them reconcile and consolidate their new identity.

So what makes us date events more accurately? Hammond sums up the research:

You are most likely to remember the timing of an event if it was distinctive, vivid, personally involving and is a tale you have recounted many times since.

But one of the most enchanting instances of time-warping is what Hammond calls the Holiday Paradox — “the contradictory feeling that a good holiday whizzes by, yet feels long when you look back.” (An “American translation” might term it the Vacation Paradox.) Her explanation of its underlying mechanisms is reminiscent of legendary psychologist Daniel Kahneman’s theory of the clash between the “experiencing self” and the “remembering self”. Hammond explains:

The Holiday Paradox is caused by the fact that we view time in our minds in two very different ways — prospectively and retrospectively. Usually these two perspectives match up, but it is in all the circumstances where we remark on the strangeness of time that they don’t.


We constantly use both prospective and retrospective estimation to gauge time’s passing. Usually they are in equilibrium, but notable experiences disturb that equilibrium, sometimes dramatically. This is also the reason we never get used to it, and never will. We will continue to perceive time in two ways and continue to be struck by its strangeness every time we go on holiday.

Like the “reminiscence bump,” the Holiday Paradox has to do with the quality and concentration of new experiences, especially in contrast to familiar daily routines. During ordinary life, time appears to pass at a normal pace, and we use markers like the start of the workday, weekends, and bedtime to assess the rhythm of things. But once we go on vacation, the stimulation of new sights, sounds, and experiences injects a disproportionate amount of novelty that causes these two types of time to misalign. The result is a warped perception of time.

Ultimately, this source of great mystery and frustration also holds the promise of great liberation and empowerment. Hammond concludes:

We will never have total control over this extraordinary dimension. Time will warp and confuse and baffle and entertain however much we learn about its capacities. But the more we learn, the more we can shape it to our will and destiny. We can slow it down or speed it up. We can hold on to the past more securely and predict the future more accurately. Mental time-travel is one of the greatest gifts of the mind. It makes us human, and it makes us special.

Time Warped, a fine addition to these essential reads on time, goes on to explore such philosophically intriguing and practically useful questions as how our internal clocks dictate our lives, what the optimal pace of productivity might be, and why inhabiting life with presence is the only real way to master time. Pair it with this remarkable visual history of humanity’s depictions of time.

Photographs: Public domain images unless otherwise noted

from:    http://www.brainpickings.org/index.php/2013/07/15/time-warped-claudia-hammond/

TIme Dilation Info fr/GIllian

Time Dilation Fields

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
Tuesday, 20 August, 2013

Father Time makes Himself known again rerouting the very best of intentions, sidestepping the 24 hr day and running us around in circles. Time as we know it cannot be forced into pigeon holes nor trained to do our bidding. Time has grown its own wings and takes flight into previously unknown patterns, reconstructing the highways and byways of what was.

The sextants of humanities DNA demand that it fly in a direction that brings a quickening. Do not take for granted what is etched in sand on the hourglass of time. For what once was instructed and carved in stone has shifted in context. The timelines cannot be tamed nor ridden into submission.

What was taken for granted is challenged non-stop, what you know to be truth is challenged, what you believe in your heart is challenged.  The body has received so many mixed signals, it feels like a long island ice tea. All of humanity is in overload. All circuits are in busy.  Senses are so overworked  they are taking a leave of absence which creates that fuzzy disconnected feeling. Earth is at an intersection of time with no clear directions. The playing field of earth is being changed forever. It is becoming a clearing house of light and information for all Universes.

We are traveling in and out of time sequences, past present and future. No longer are we anchored and docked. The time fluctuations are accelerated when the sun shakes her golden locks and her explosive nature is seen  by all who are brave enough to look. We are being escorted into different time portals of experience and this will continue in a dramatic fashion for the next several years.

Earth is experiencing a Time-storm which is one of the side effects of disrupting the flow of time itself. When a wormhole travels close enough to a star during a Solar flare, its time-path may be altered. A side effect of this is Time Dilation. Time Dilation slows down or advances the speed of time, reversing time in a localized field.  Time is only altered within that field and not throughout the entire universe. This can slow down the progression of time to the point that one year would equal a thousand years outside the field. If we all think time has sped up and slowed down simultaneously this is the reason.

Solar cycles always play an important part in the ungradement of human consciousness. Solar activity is a catalyst for our evolutionary process. Solar light stimulates change in matter, energy, and consciousness. It pushes us into a higher position of knowing and the ability to integrate and use that knowledge for the betterment of all Universes. Evolutionary change is Sun driven. New energy is coming from deep space via this Solar portal.

Our Sun as the pulsing heart of this solar system, sends a twelve-faceted geometric light into every atom of its solar universe. The Sun is a portal which streams information in the form of light from other light/solar systems and worlds beyond ours.  It is a storehouse of vital energies and is considered to be the Great Heart.  Stars like our sun are the visible raiment’s of celestial beings.

Their inner aspects are invisible, just like ours. The sun is simply the heart and brain of our little Universe, The mighty heart of the solar system beats to a different drum disrupting and erupting time at any given moment. With each beat, the sun expels its accumulated light and energy through sunspots projecting to the remotest corners of the solar system. The sun feeds its family: just as the heart feeds the body.

Earth and all her inhabitants are living receivers and transmitters. Solar flares affect the Central Nervous System all brain activity (including equilibrium), and all human and animal behavior. Solar flares can cause us to be nervous, anxious, worrisome, jittery, irritable, and lethargic, have short-term memory loss, lose time, feel nauseous, headaches, trouble with all forms of communication–both human and technological. Solar activity illuminates consciousness causing old patterns to be consumed in Light.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – PO box 217 – Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 – www.thequantumawakening.com thequantumawakening@hughes.net


Steve Rother’s Latest Beacons

Note: This message has been edited and in spots rechanneled by the group for better clarity in this format.

Greetings from Home, dear ones. I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service.

You can choose to be on top of the world, if you want to be. You can decide how you want to view life because that new vision is important. I am going to step back here for a moment to bring in my brother the Time Keeper, but I came in first to bring you one of my smiles. There it goes—see, I got you, did I not? You were not going to smile back but I got you anyway. You know I can do that and you can too and it is part of what you are going to be hearing more about. As you start to carry this light, there are so many ways you can use it. You are just starting to find out about the new energies on this side of the portal, and you are going to anchor this in a new way. I am going to step aside and let my brother come in because he has some key words he wants to bring you. Know that I love you and any time you get too serious I am the one sneaking up behind you and tickling your funny bone, to remind you that you are playing a game. You are supposed to be having fun and if you are not having fun, I am going to come and get you so just re-member that.

Greetings from Home. I am the Keeper of Time Today is a very magical day. You have now passed an energetic demarcation point that will allow most humans to begin to anchor in the new energy on this side of the portal. It has been very challenging for most of you. You have felt the differences in time; you have moved from compressed time into expanded time, and simply not been able to bring it into your heads at this point. You notice that it feels different, but you are not able to fully describe the changes or the differences that are taking place globally with all humans everywhere. Now you can start to change this.

Projection of a Shadow World

There was the first quadrant that had to complete. We could not even talk to you about it until the 31st of March. After the third month, we could begin to identify it because you have to settle this in. If we come in with information too early, we can impede your progress instead of helping it along. Therefore, the release of information and the timing of it is of great importance to all humans at this point. This is my job, for I am the Keeper of Time. I am the one who lowers his finger when humanity is ready to accept new information. We tell you, dear ones, you have passed a critical point. It had to do with the length of time past the portal and now you are into your second quadrant. This  is now allowing you to anchor your hearts, whereas before your energy was anchored with your physical body. You were searching in the shadow world that you had projected, because you knew the energy was going to be different. You realized it was all going to change the moment you stepped forward so you projected into it your expectations, belief systems, and daily routines so that everything would appear to be the same. Most reading this message are now at a very high vibration and are starting to see through the clouds. You are seeing through the illusion and the emptiness of the illusion and becoming very dissatisfied.  This is very challenging for most of you to do this because you are starting to see the reality, not the dream. It has been very difficult for you so you have been searching and looking all over for the different parts in your brain to find the right perspective. Most of you have tried on all sorts of new caps, ideas and perspectives during this time. That has been marvelous but now we are going to anchor your heart, because that is the part that has not found its grounding. We tell you, dear ones, that why many of you have felt so distant and challenged at times.

When you left Home, many of you were scarred in a way that has been carried with you throughout most of your lives. Many of you came to the table with all your ideas and said, “I am going in. I am going to live a life on planet Earth and make contracts and do different jobs, to make sure that I offer my part of god on planet Earth in the new energy.” You set up all the potentials. You set everything in motion but one thing that most of you were not expecting was a huge case of separation anxiety. Once you found yourself on planet Earth inside one of these bubbles of biology, you still remembered Home. Although you could not justify it in your brain, your heart knows the way Home and never forgets or takes you too far from it. Many of you experience such tremendous anxiety at that point of separation from Home that you have spent much of your life trying to heal that scar tissue, trying to re-connect that part of you that was missing. Now we tell you it is entirely possible to anchor your heart in new ways. and what you will find is that it has an effect on a global basis. You have always considered yourself to be a complete, the whole being within yourself which you are. But we also tell you that as you step further into this, you are connected to every single being, blade of grass and leaf; they are part of you in some way. Now you will have the opportunity to ground your heart on this side of the portal. As you have the opportunity to do this, you will be able to live in your heart energy much more than you ever thought was possible.

New Needs of the Physical Body

We will tell you that for some of you it is going to be uncomfortable, because most of you are not familiar with stretching your heart that large. The more you do this the more you feel and then you are able to recognize that light in others and help to bring it out. That is the connection that all of you will ground with. You are carrying more light than you have ever carried before; you are holding more energy in your physical body than ever before. Because your grounding has always been with the physical body, but now your spirit has taken over a physical body and therefore the physical body needs regular grounding. What is the grounding? It is everything from drinking water to feeding the body to nurturing it—oh yes, sex, of course. All of the things of Earth are part of that grounding process, but now your spirits need grounding as well. You are carrying more light than ever before and you have new needs even of your physical body, which is the reason there is so much interest in helping the physical change. As you start to align your energy in your physical body it aligns with your spirit automatically, which allows you to carry and be responsive from the spirit not the human. Now you are talking about living in multidimensionality, all of your perfection is here at once where you can call on the larger you, the one you call your higher self. That is the perfect you but you are living on a planet of imperfection. If you held your perfection from Home, you would not be able to play the game. You have great difficulties, and we have seen lots of them come through. You are here, now, to bring that to fruition.

Some of you will step into this very hesitantly because your heart is the part you have always protected. You are free to express your visions and try on different thoughts, but new feelings are much more difficult for you to harmonize with. You have a tendency to hold the old and protect what you have even if it is painful. Now is the time. As you ground in this new energy, your bodies will have an opportunity to connect more of your heart energy than ever before. That is the opportunity for all of you to find a stronger grounding and a new light Home. If you are still carrying some of these old energies with some of the challenges and scar tissue from when you left Home, you can learn to release them. Have you ever heard a baby crying to and you know their spirit is disturbed but you cannot find anything physically wrong? Dear ones, those are often the memories from Home, for when you finally awaken from the dream and open your eyes you will see us and understand what you have been missing. If it were possible we would pull aside the veil for just a moment and show that to you but that would not work either, for all of you would go Home. You would say, “This game is ridiculous. Let us go Home and play.” We would have to start all over again, would we not?

The Challenge: Exercising Your Light

Here is the piece we give you for this month. You are the bearers of light, of a new light. You are carrying a specific percentage of your own energy from Home in the physical body you have right at this moment. If you are able to share your light with 10 people over this next month, it will grow 100 percent. That is a simple equation to understand. How do you share your light with someone? You have opportunities every single day of your life. Most of you say, “Oh, but that does not fit into my world. I cannot say that to this person. I can say it over here in my safe room full of Lightworkers where I can say anything, but over there in my job at the bank, I cannot say that.” Try it. Push the boundaries. If you are not able to actually say something with words do it with your heart energetics. If you are able to touch and make contact with 10 beings over the next month, you will start a wave on planet Earth that will build and crescendo into a new energy toward the end of this year. That is how fast this can happen now. We tell you this because you have done it before. We shared with you a little secret—a mathematical secret quite some years ago. We simply said, share and celebrate these dates because these dates will build upon themselves and you began at the 02-02-02 and went all the way through the 12-12-12 where you walked yourselves through these portals. That was incredibly beautiful from our side of the veil. There was so much cheering going on here that we could not hear ourselves think. No. we do not have ears…and we have no need to think…but there were so many energetics behind you harmonizing with you, that it was amazing.

What happened was that you created the energy and at the time when the world was originally going to end, you had so much energy behind you that it just kept on going. That created a shadow world, comprised largely from your own expectations. Even though the portal was there and you knew that on the other side it would be different, you projected into it your dreams and your hopes. You put forth your image of who you were in that moment, and you created the possibilities to move effortlessly through something that would have quickly taken 90% of all life on Earth. You walked right through it, dear ones, never giving it a second thought. Now you are anchoring in a new way and you say, “Why are things different?” You knew things were going to be different, but you did not know how. You have all been looking for this point, thinking “I will wake up one day and all will be perfect.” We tell you if you did, you would be bored out of your mind. You would not like planet Earth at all, for it is the challenge that often brings you to your senses to who you really are and what your capabilities are. Know that you have made it. Now, what are you going to do with it? That is the real question. You can anchor this energy, you can ground it and find the new ways to balance your body and your spirit. As long as you are working with this, it will work.

We brought up the point of separation anxiety because there are many of you that carry scar tissue from the day you were born, and now is the time to start releasing that. There are many healers all over the planet and more surfacing and awakening every day. Why is that so? It is for the simple reason that you all brought something from Home. You have all brought a key element that only you could carry, so know that is needed now. This is why we are all here together awakening each other from the dream. You are becoming the new human every moment of every day. How will your heart adjust? That is the question. When you find that pain, that difficulty, or even when you love so much that your heart hurts, understand that you are in the right place. You know that you have just stretched your human being to carry more light. It is not about pain; it simply means that you have moved past the pain of separation anxiety. You have not been dumped on Earth, even though many of you feel that way. Some of you feel as if you made a deal and then all of a sudden, it is not there anymore you are all by yourself. We tell you that you were placed there for a very specific reason and you will find it very soon.  Trust your heart, as it always knows the way Home and you will find that if you can move past the fear of stretching your heart. Now you will find the strength that was never there before. Where you have always considered this to be a little bit of a vulnerable area, you would use this part of your brain to think around it,   justify it and to make it work in your world and now it can be pure energy. Allow yourself to reach as many people as possible.

Then there is the part of life on Earth that we see in so many humans called self-doubt. We are not aware of that feeling here at Home, as we are connected to each other in ways that we can see. We see self-doubt as a weak link in a chain that we will not allow here at Home. That may sound harsh to humans but it is not a judgment, only a vibrational measurement and a natural settlement of the universe. Humans have experienced self-doubt often in the third dimension.  Most humans have been successful at pretending to be separate so you do not always know that your greatest strengths are all around you. You have always pretended that they are a part of something else…another teacher, another lesson to learn, or another healing to go through. All of them are connected—one heart on the globe and that is what is taking place. You are connecting the one heart and it is working in ways that you never dreamed.

Take this opportunity and use it consciously over the next month. Touch no less than 10 people with your light freely. Do not try to determine the outcome because that is not your responsibility. Your responsibility is to use it to touch them and then let it go on its way. By December 31st of this year you will be celebrating in a new energy of the heart, for now it can exist on planet Earth in a new way. You are creating this reality every single day. It is not possible to predict the future at this time on Earth, because you are writing it the moment your foot hits the ground—you are creating your path. Welcome Home, creators. Welcome to the new planet Earth.

I am the Keeper of Time and I ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity.
Enjoy this new game and play well together.


from:    http://lightworker.com/beacons/2013/2013_07-ExpandingHeart.php

Jim Self on Time

Passing Through Present-Time

Jim Self
a message from Jim Self
Tuesday, 16 July, 2013  (posted 25 July, 2013)

As you move through your days, do you notice that your relationship with time has changed? First of all, there seems to be less of it. And what little remains is jam packed with commitments and obligations. In a very real sense, many are moving from the past into the future without even a glance at the present moment.

We are leap-frogging over the present to get to the future as we drag our past along. Business travel offers a tremendous opportunity to observe your relationship with time and where you are at every moment. As you rent the car, are you thinking about directions to the hotel (future), and in that unfocused moment misplace your driver’s license and have to go out of your way to retrieve it? As you check into the hotel, are you reminded of another (past) stay and forget to ask for a king-size bed?

Even in our personal lives, we rush through the present from the past into the future. As you check your email, is your attention on the conversation with your partner an hour ago? As you prepare your meal, are you focused upon it or is your attention on finishing up your taxes after dinner? Keeping your attention in the past or future can, at the very least, be stressful. Long term attention on the past or future can cause an imbalance in your present-time experience and your ultimate success, ease and well-being.

James attended a Level 1 seminar in Toronto, Canada. He was enthusiastic and ready to make changes in his life. He was also not in present-time. James asked many, many questions. Non-stop. Most of his concerns and questions were based upon experiences from the past (childhood injuries, lost relationships, unsatisfying career) and worries about the future (money, new town, his heath). The moment I answered one question, he had three more flowing out of his mouth.

He didn’t hear the answers and had his full attention on a time other than the present. Only after frequently and gently being reminded to ground and bring his attention back to the present moment did James take a breath and slow down. (“All your questions will indeed be answered, I promise. The answers lie exactly where the question is asked.”) By the end of the weekend he was quiet, in his body (pain-free), present, and saying he was the calmest he had been in a very long time.

Present-time is the only place from which you can successfully create, whether you are creating a day at the beach or a business meeting.  Your body is in the present – right here and now.  Keeping your attention with your body, instead of the past or future will allow greater health, well-being, success, and laughter.  The only way to solve a problem is from the present.  When you misplace your driver’s license at the airport, the only way you will know how to proceed is from the grounded present.

Self-Coaching Tool

Before you are in the thick of a stressful situation practice using your tools. If you practice them when you don’t need them, you’ll have them at your fingertips when you do. Try asking yourself one of these questions as often as possible during each day for a wonderful time-check:

“What thought am I thinking right now?”  (going shopping, the meeting we just completed, my kid at home)

“Where am I?: – Past, future or present? In my body?

“How did I get here?”  Try to trace back the (unconscious?) thought-path that got you here.

Asking yourself these three questions will bring your attention and your energy back to the powerful, present moment from which ease and success flow. The Grounding Cord tool and the Center of the Head tool will also help tremendously.

Universal Copyright 2013 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author and www.masteringalchemy.com is included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial
no charge basis.
from:    http://spiritlibrary.com/jim-self/passing-through-present-time

Kryon on The Three Winds

The Three Winds

Lee Carroll
a message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll
Saturday, 23 February, 2013  at Canada

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. So the time between when I last spoke to you and now doesn’t even exist for me. It is difficult to explain to a linear Human Being what it is like not to have time. All things occur at once, so it’s an odd thing to talk about, for in your minds your future to you is not known and your past cannot be revisited. So to you, your existence is always in the present. However on my side we are in all three realities, but we call it the now. These concepts are only energies, but you assign a 3D time location to each of them.

For instance, THE PAST: Past actions in 3D cannot be changed, but the memories of them can. So, therefore, if you rewrite your reaction to something that happened in the past and it changes YOU in the present, then what have you done? You just visited the past and have rewritten it!

THE FUTURE: You say your future is not known to you, yet the potentials of what you might do are indeed known. As you change your mind today, in a certain way you are then changing the potentials of what you may do tomorrow. Therefore, rewriting the future is doable today. When you make an appointment to go somewhere tomorrow, does that make you a fortune teller when you arrive at the scheduled event? If you cancel the appointment at the last moment, did you change your future? “Wait a minute, Kryon. These are things we have control over, so it’s not the same as a future that is a mystery to us.” What If I told you that to us, there is no difference. “Appointments” are scheduled and unscheduled in a reality that you can’t easily see in 3D, but they are still potentials you create for yourself. We see it all as one thing, and it helps us to give you the kind of channel we’re going to give you in this transcription. We’re going to call the channel The Three Winds.

Much of this information has been given in pieces and parts over many years. However, now we put it together. You’ve heard some of the terminology and we have alluded to it before, and now we wish to lay it all out as a carpet that will contain many answers and perhaps some controversies. Some of these things may not agree with what you might have heard from others, and this is where your divine discernment comes into play, for your intuitive sense should now be used to see if these things I’m going to tell you make sense or not. You can start to use what I would now call spiritual logic.

The Human Soul

First of all, the Human Being and the Human Being’s soul are seen as one item to us. It is never split up in our reality and is in many places at once. But for your understanding and for this lesson, we have the soul in only four places at once. The three winds are three of the four, and the other place your soul resides is home. That’s where I am, dear ones, and we don’t call it a wind because there is no wind when you’re at home. There is no action for or against, and there is nothing pushing or pulling. It is so difficult, if not impossible, to describe something to you that is so close to you, yet so hidden. Home is not one of the winds, for it is where you always are.

A piece of God is in you, yet what it is like to be on my side of the veil will remain hidden as long as you are a Human. It has to, for the test of energy that you are working on as a Human must remain in a certain kind of reality and consciousness for you to exist on the planet and work the puzzle. But there’s no wind when you’re home. Home is the place you are when you are not in one of the winds. Home is your natural “God state”.

How Humans “See” God

You’re a piece of the soup of God, which is measured in innumerable parts, yet all is one. The very essence of entanglement [a physics term describing a quantum attribute where things are locked into one reality regardless of distance] are the attributes of God. When you are in touch with your Higher-Self, you are in touch with all the parts of you. Sometimes Humans think that they’re getting messages from angels, and these angels are given messages from other angels, and so on and so forth. Humans see a hierarchy of authority in everything, since it exists in their own reality. But with God, there’s no such thing, for the wisdom of God is a singular wisdom, which is always the same wisdom and is fully present all the time, everywhere. The truth is the truth, and because you have a piece of God in you, you become aware of an absolute truth as you awaken spiritually. This is why you can take an awakened Human Being from another part of the world that is foreign to you, speaking another language that is not yours, and find the same truth. The God inside you is the same as the one inside them.

So as we give this lesson, honor your intuition, that part of your mind that discerns using spiritual logic. Some of you may actually have a revelation of what we are speaking of as we discuss the Three Winds.

The Three Winds

Human Being, there is nothing more honored within the Human life scenario than the Three Winds. They represent one of the three states that Humans are always in. Two of them are brief and one of them is long. There is the Wind of Birth, the Wind of Existence, and the Wind of Transition. In your words, you would say birth, life, and death. We don’t use those words since they are biased to a 3D reality, which often is your only view of the truth.

The Wind of Birth

The Wind of Birth is different from the actual physical event that you call birth. For us, the Wind of Birth is you right before you enter (taking your first breath).  In each “wind”, we’re going to start by dismissing the fallacies and giving you the truth. So let us discuss as much as we are able and start with the energy at the Wind of Birth.

Imagine yourself as a piece of the whole, a part of the love element of the Universe, and a part of the wisdom of God. You’re ready to go back to your planet, but you do not have the mind of a Human. What is involved? What energies spin around it that get you to this place? Who is able to be in the Wind of Birth and is there a system?

These things are difficult to describe, for they are not linear. Understand that you are aware of only linear things, since it is your reality. Your 3D reality as you sit there reading is only aware of one solitary life on Earth. But in this quantum Wind of Birth, we are seeing you standing at the precipice of another reality, returning to the planet after many lifetimes [speaking to old souls now]. So as you stand there, you are about to reconnect as a Human Being into the planet’s energy in a certain way. The “wind” of the 3D reality you are about to step into blows against you with great force. You seem to “lean into it” as we make our final love words to you. You are about to disconnect from the reality of Spirit, willingly give away your memory of all that is, and return to Earth yet again. What a beautiful time!

What are the attributes or “rules” of this as you connect again to humanity? First, let me tell you what they’re not, for so much of this is misunderstood. The first thing you should know is that the Human Being is absolutely unique. On this planet of the coming and going of sacred souls, Humans all have a divine part that we call the Higher-Self. All 3D Human DNA structure and the potentials within are identical. The only thing that differentiates one from the other are within the quantum DNA portions – the energy of the Akashic Record.

The Power of the Akash

The Akashic Record holds within it the ability and potential for enormous energy, depending upon what the Human has done in past lives. If the Human has awakened to spiritual potential before, then there is more energy than if they had not. Therefore, the potential creation of an enlightened old soul is literally available at the Wind of Birth, for it’s about prior knowledge and experience and what you’ve done before on the planet. It’s about who you were, what you have accomplished, and if you ever awakened to the workings of the light puzzle before or not, if you are returning or if it’s the first time.

So the Akashic Record is not just a record of how many times you’ve been here, but rather how much spiritual knowledge and life experience you have awakened to through all your planetary experience. The Akash is a sacred library that you pick up and hold through each lifetime and then into the next. You add to it every time you come and go on the planet, and it helps to develop and alter what your next life may be about. Remember the axiom we have given in the past: You will never have to return to a less-aware state. Once you open the metaphor of the “spiritual Akashic jar”, all spiritual learning is available from all lifetimes, all accomplished learning.

Your Biology is Not All From the Earth

The Human Being’s soul is a piece of God and is unique on the planet. However, biologically, the Human is not an animal of Earth. In fact, your unique Human chemistry proves it, since you have “fused DNA” that creates the 23 chromosome separation from the rest of Earth biology. You did NOT evolve from Earth!

The Human species as you see it today is not the Human species of 200,000 years ago. So the first realization for you is that your entire corporeal existence is not as “an animal of your planet”, despite what biologists will tell you. There was help along the way with an “awakening to light and dark” within your DNA. Even the most basic of religions tell you about this event as the divine “creation story” common to all humanity. The Human you are today is unique to the Universe and has amazing creative powers, just as the masters of the earth all told you.

The Animals System

Animals have their own kinds of energies, and even some of them have their own kinds of animal soul-groups. Animals are on the planet for several reasons, and we’ve told you all this before. However, all of them are on the planet as part of the balance of Gaia, and many as friends to Humans. They hold the energy of life for Earth, and sometimes they are here to love.

Certain kinds of animals have animal souls and incarnate within their own groups, but always in service to humanity. Their own soul groups come back as animals – only animals. They do not cross the soul barrier into a Higher-Self being. Animals do not graduate into Human Beings. But it is very easy for Humans to think they do, because this is the way Human thought has always worked for you. In your opinion, you graduate into higher levels and then you become better. Therefore, those who would look at the scheme of life would probably say, “A soul starts as an animal and then works its way up to become Human.” However, this is not the case and never was, dear one. A Human Being has a beautiful Higher-Self, which is the core soul of God energy.

The Human Spiritual System

The puzzle during your life is about how much of this truth of being part of the creator you can accept. How far can you open the quantum door to see this truth when you are alive? This single attribute determines how enlightened you become during life. Listen: It’s not how much knowledge and experience in is your Akash, but how much you allow yourself to believe it. There are many old souls on this planet who have an amazing amount of spiritual learning, yet they don’t want to touch that “spiritual jar” within them at this point in their lives. This is the free choice of the Human Being we speak about.

There is immense planning that puts you at the Wind of Birth. What did you accomplish during the last lives, if anything? Who were you and what did you do? What energies did you start that were not complete that you wish to continue? What soul group were you in? Who were your parents? Are you in certain soul agreements to become their grandchildren? That is more common than you think! There are so many things that go into the planning of the “entry energy” of your life, and each life potential is different and unique. The planning is done by you when you have “the mind of God” on my side of the veil.

Humans don’t like the fact that there is no generic spiritual instruction manual that states, “Here is what happens and here is what to do.” Listen, dear ones, humanity is honored way above that! Are all your children the same? Do books on how to raise children always work for your child? The answer is no, because each soul is totally unique. But Humans still wish to have a list of things to do and not to do, as though each soul somehow came out of a spiritual machine that made them all the same. No. Instead, Spirit honors each soul with unique choice and a tremendous variety of energy selections.

The Great Artists

There are certain attributes that Humans receive on the planet, and we’ll call them creative attributes. These are almost quantum attributes that may take several lifetimes to complete. What often happens to these creatives is that they go through a series of lifetimes as though it were one in order to have completion of their creative cycle. Famous artists will come back, and the first thing they want to do is pick up a brush and continue what they did before. Famous composers, famous poets and sculptors will come back and simply keep going! It’s so obvious, yet you deny this in your scientific way.

So the creatives are different from the others, and their puzzle is to bring the planet the greatest treasures of art through a unified series of lives, yet personally they try to sort out the puzzle of “what they carry inside is valuable, but nobody knows it”. If you’ve noticed, most of the great artists who have even lived and are here today carry a burden that is easily identified as “lack of self-worth”. Do you see the set-up? It’s ripe for personal discovery, isn’t it? So can you see the Human standing in the Wind of Birth, ready to continue what they only began last time? With the “mind of God”, there is a smile on their face as they hear the music that they will compose, for it’s with them when they arrive.

As you stand at the Wind of Birth, you are completely and totally a unique creature with incomplete energies. It takes more than one short earthly life to create Human attributes that grow into maturity. Even non-creatives (most of you) have a lineage of starting something that never got fully completed. Sometimes it’s within relationships. Sometimes it’s learning or teachings. Old souls are good at this coming and going and often pick up where they leave off as they slowly change the planet by their very presence upon it. The old soul is, “Sewing the seeds of light on the carpet of linear time, not even knowing that he will also be harvesting those exact mature plants of wisdom as he returns in a subsequent life.”

Therefore, dear one, you don’t arrive with a blank slate, but you have to know that, don’t you? The old soul feels it. The only ones who arrive with a completely blank slate are the newbies [first timers] and we’ll talk about that in the next wind. But this is a room of old souls who are hearing and reading right now. Each of you is here with a spiritual jar that is filled with the experience of living on Earth, and sometimes even the attribute of “awakening to your own mastery”.

Akashic Readers

There are those who can read your Akash. But unlike a linear file cabinet, they can’t read the lifetime in some linear way. Instead, they’ll be the energetic lives that stick out, the ones that have a profundity about them for you. These are the lives where you accomplished things, or perhaps even worse, you didn’t. There are the lives where dramatic things happened such as early death, loss of children, or battlefield experiences. It’s all based on energy and potentials. You’ll hear that again, since it’s important.

You are standing at the Wind of Birth and you’re about to come back to the planet. Laid upon you are all the potentials and possibilities based on your past experience and the imprint of “who you are.” You’re coming back as part of the spiritual family of Earth, which is what your soul group does. Where will you be? What gender? The most difficult thing for me to describe to you is that the planning is not linear and it is not something that you would see on a logical financial spreadsheet. It’s energy based and very often influenced by others. It’s, therefore, also family based.

If you have awakened to spiritual truth in a past life, there is strong potential it will greatly change the next life. So an old soul will go to another place that perhaps a young soul would not go. All of this is in the planning before the Wind of Birth, and you’re ready for it. You really are. Listen: No Human soul comes to the planet unwillingly or as punishment. Perhaps you should memorize that statement!

The Biggest Change…

Old soul, right before you come back into the planet, the energy is completely different at the Wind of Birth because of what has happened in the last 20 years. In this new energy past 2013, the old soul who is coming back with that spiritual library filled with spiritual purpose is comfortable with this process. He intuitively remembers very fully what he has been through. Did you hear that? This is different than the last time! This is a result of everything that has happened in these last years. You have changed the rules!

The old soul is not going to be subject to some of the energies that push and pull a younger soul. The old soul has made up his or her mind as part of the planning about what they are going to do that they could not do before within an older energy. This is only possible since they can now plan on having the spiritual jar intuitively open early in the new life. The old soul may even know this now and plan for this before the end of his/her current life, intuitively knowing about the next life during the current life. This is the difference, dear ones. It’s the beginning of “intuitive spiritual logic”.

We’ve told you in previous channels about some of the interesting differences between new Humans and ones like you, who have been born into an older energy. We’ve told you that the quantum DNA alterations that you have created by living many lifetimes of awakening to enlightenment and knowledge will now allow you to be a very different child in your next life. It will be a child who remembers how to read instead of one who is taught how to read; a child who can walk earlier and talk earlier, because he remembers how. This is because the bridge in the DNA is starting to be complete between what was and what is. What this means is that the DNA is starting to quantumly change into its original state of being, which is that of being far more efficient. You will see it first in the children and, dear ones, don’t expect to see it in a microscope. Instead, you will have to eventually ask a sociologist to prove any of this, for it will be seen first as a change in Human behavior.

Therefore, old souls will come in as Humans who will not need to start over and be taught everything from scratch, but instead will arrive with a full load of intuitive past-life experience. As their brains develop, they may even remember who they are [old souls who have been here before]. This is the promise of the new energy, especially after 2013. You’re going to see changes in some of your children and grandchildren as they arrive and grow up. The stigma of a planet that is going to be destroyed by war or by God will not be among the energies of the new ones. The promise of a planet going into new, unchartered areas of quantum discovery will be upon them. They’ll need a whole new set of tools.

Who Has Gone Through This?

Oh, you have all participated in this wind. Everyone in the room has participated in this. You stood there knowing what the life lessons were and the potentials of what was next due to what had happened in previous lives. These were not mistakes, dear ones. These were the results of potentials and plans you made for your own soul.

There is no newbie here in this room [to be explained]. Not all of you listening and reading, however, are old souls in the classic sense – souls who have been here hundreds of times. But you have been here before, so this counts as one who has walked through the process many times. It’s what makes you interested in this material. Did you think of that? There is great variety, however, in the understanding of this knowledge among you. It is absorbed very differently between you. Some will sleep through it and others will be spiritually awakened by it [Kryon smile]. It depends on where you are on the path you planned. Again, each path is unique.

The Wind of Existence

We arrive now at the Wind of Existence. This is what you call life. Let us give you the attributes. First, no matter what you have been told by spiritual authority, you are not here as punishment. You’re not here to be tested. Sometimes we call your life a test, but it’s a test of energy, not of you! Gaia then measures the energy of the planet and passes the results to the very fabric of time and existence – to the Great Central Sun. It’s the measurement of the vibration of the earth via the Crystalline Grid, which plays a part in a much larger scenario that we have not discussed much.

Therefore, the test is whether Humans can change that earth measurement by their consciousness. That’s the test. Again, Humans are not here to be tested, but rather you’re here as family. The bridge between the Wind of Birth and the Wind of Existence is not subtle. It’s where you remove everything you know about the truth and come in with it blocked out. When you step into that Wind of Birth, you’re no longer aware that you are a piece of the Universe. There is no longer the connection to the consciousness of God itself. You don’t remember where you came from or what you’ve been through.

The newer energy now has you awaken to intuitive potentials of remembering these truths. They are in your Akash, but available only through intent. As we have indicated, some old souls don’t necessarily awaken at all! Sometimes an old soul who has had a very difficult and profound previous lifetime will soar through this current life as a vacation from spiritual things and never claim they are interested. But, dear ones, you know who they are when you meet them and you can see it in their eyes. Some of you have even married them! They may not be here at a meeting like this either, but it’s the energy of this very thing that attracted you originally.

The Old Soul’s Purpose

Dear ones, you have to understand the uniqueness of life. It’s why we say there are no rules that state that you somehow must awaken to help the planet or that you have to send light while you are here. There simply are no have tos because the system is complex with variety. This time around, some are simply here to hold the energy of who they are and where they are. The next time around they will do the work, but for now they just hold a place. Some of you have had these very attributes and it’s necessary and needed on the planet. Like a spiritual relay race, some carry the baton swiftly and some sit and watch, but all are part of the event.

Some old souls are simply holding the energy, unaware of any metaphysical journey at all. So this would be like old soul recalibration or rejuvenation. However, some of you might say, “I’m not certain I like that. It seems like a waste of an old soul’s life – of 80 years or more!” Dear ones, is it a waste of three weeks when you go on vacation? No. You often come back rested and ready to work! It’s complex and you look at things in the light of “a lifetime”. But for us, it’s simply a passing day. It’s all about timing. So don’t make up your mind what is working and what is not based on your “lifetime clock”.

Old souls will have the greatest impact on the planet in the new energy. The ones who have been here the most often will know better what to do than ever before about the conditions they find when they arrive.

The Wind of Existence Categories: New and Learning

NEW: The newbies are always arriving. They have to, because the planet has a geometric expansion [population growth] rate. So logically, do you understand that there are new souls arriving all the time? It’s obvious. But you can recognize a newbie in a minute when you start talking to them. You say A and they hear B. You’ll ask them to go left and they’ll walk right. They’ll have no idea about anything, how anything works between Humans. They don’t really understand if a thing is good or bad. Appropriateness of behavior is a mystery – and it often shows.

They don’t know how life works in general. You will slap your head in amazement because you can’t believe anybody could be that way! They’re new. They don’t know about Human nature. They’re the ones who can be easily tricked by another Human Being who wants to trick them. Again, you will slap your head and think, “Did they just arrive?” Yes, they did.

They are naïve to the max in all directions and you’ve seen them. Each of them will have to come back a number of times before they start understanding the whole process of how life works, so there’s always quite a number of them. They are not about to be in a meeting like this and are better off being in a meeting that teaches “how Humans work”. Many of them wind up on the psychologist’s couch to discover more about themselves and, oddly enough, many even end up being psychologists themselves! This is because Human nature is such a vast mystery to be solved by them that they are fully aware how much they needed help, so they become the helpers of other newbies.

LEARNING: Within a few lifetimes, many arrive at a certain state where there is an intuitive awareness of how things work on the planet. There is a better emotional balance and then that Human is a learner. Spiritual knowledge can start to be collected.

Learners are an obvious category. These are the ones who are the potential awakeners, for these are the ones who have the potential to come to a place like this, hear the truth, recognize it or not, and leave. If they don’t feel it’s something they relate to, it just means the timing isn’t right. Again, remember the axiom about returning to a less-aware state? You can’t. So even if you don’t agree with something or act on something today, it doesn’t mean you forget it. Today’s foolishness can become tomorrow’s wisdom. It just depends on your perception.

Timing is everything. My partner has asked many times, “Kryon, why did I have to awaken to the truth in the middle of my 40s? It would have been so much more efficient if it had been in my 30s!” The answer I have given is all about timing. It’s about placing him at the age he needs to be in order to do what he does now, and also what he’s going to do next. I’ll get to that.

And so, dear ones, those who sit in the chairs in front of me and who are reading are all in the learning category. These are often the older souls and the ones who have awakened to spiritual questions. They sense what is happening on the planet and want to know more. They have a new awareness that the energy is changing and that the earth needs them. They also know that each path is different, so they are sitting in this room now or reading this transcription with that in mind.

This is the way it works, old soul. Some of you have awakened to the spiritual truth of the “Creator inside” many times. Your library is thick with spiritual purpose. Some of you have just awakened in this lifetime and realized you’re an old soul. So since you are all here listening and reading, I give you a diversion. It’s a complexity you didn’t expect and one for the new energy.

An Advanced Complex Quantum Attribute

This may be complex, but some of you are ready for it. This idea is intuitive to some here, for it’s spiritual logic. I mention this only briefly, since I have given it before and it needs to be included to make the winds explanation as complete as possible.

As I have told you, inside of you there is a library of the Akash. That is to say that there is a truth that you can pull from that is universal. But in a very linear way, you also understand that you can only have in your Akashic library what you have gleaned from your lives on Earth. True or false? We have spoken of this before in this new year of 2013. The answer is, it depends on how quantum you become.

Now, this is very difficult, but now I broach a subject that is completely nonlinear, so listen carefully. If it is true, dear Human Being, that you were seeded by an ascended race from another part of the galaxy [The Pleiadians], that means that you have a piece of their DNA! Everything that they know is in your DNA – and you know where I’m going with this, don’t you? That means that you can awaken to great amounts of truth, but truth that is not based on Earth experience. Instead, it’s there from what they gave you. This goes way beyond what we have taught you about your Akash, and takes it into a spiritual quantum Akash.

There will be some who ask, “Well then, we come in with that, right? Even the newbie has that? So why don’t we remember it as well?” The answer is this: In the new energy [past 2013], there will be those who will start to use what we will call “quantum Akashic tools”. Included in these will be the idea of “mining the Akash” [an attribute we have given before] and also the idea of “quantum Akashic inheritance”, which will be the beginning of remembering original galactic ancestor knowledge. This will eventually lead to quantum invention on the planet. As Humans become more quantum in their evolution, they will start to pick up these new tools. It’s DNA related, and we have spoken of it many times. It’s “remembering”. But these things will only begin happening to the oldest souls among you, for it happens only after full realization of “God inside”.


How does karma play into all this? The learner, who is the one who gets past the state of just “arriving on Earth”, now has something called karma, and it’s a big energy to work with. So let’s explain what it is.

Karma is “unfinished family group energy” that continues from one lifetime to another. It pushes and pulls you around life, and it has nothing to do with predestination. Instead, it has everything to do with predisposition. If you have a lot of karmic energy around you, then you are predisposed to move left or right when certain conditions happen. This is based upon the energies of the past and mostly from Human interaction.

We gave you information back in 1993 when Kryon Book One, The End Times, was published. We told you that old souls now have permission to drop the energy of karma and steer their own way through life, co-creating the energy of what they want instead of having to battle the past. We continue to tell you that karma is an old system of learning and that you are now beyond it.

Karmic energy is still needed for the learners who are not ready to drop it and need to walk through lessons based upon it. Karma is not available to the newbie [first-timer], since the new soul coming in has no past energy to pull from. By the way, that’s why they are clueless! But by the second or third time around, they start creating their own karma from the energy of ordinary life that then pushes them to do things in the next.

Once the old soul has dropped karma, it means that he has severed it completely and the next time around, it won’t be there either. Again, here is a quantum attribute that states that, “what you create within the patterning of your spiritual DNA today stays forever. It does not have to be done again in the next life.” Again, this is not predestination, but know that what you do in this life shapes the next, and in this new energy it is profound, old soul!


I want to talk to you about contracts. The very word is misunderstood. Do you feel you have a spiritual contract to do something on Earth? Some of you will arrive on the planet and will think, “I am here doing what I’m supposed to be doing in this city because it is my contract.” So while you are seemingly fulfilling your contract, what do you do when another person comes along with a better offer but you have to move to another city? It might be a spiritual offer, placing you in a far better place to help people. Oh no! Here is a big puzzle. What happens with your spiritual contract?

Part of you pulls in the direction of, “I must stay here and do what I came for.” The other part of you is torn with indecision. Finally, you bolster yourself and say, “My contract is that I must stay here and do my work. No matter what, I will fulfill my contract with God.”

Let me give you a word to remember – nonsense! Your contract is in invisible ink! Listen, old soul: Every single day of your life has a rewritable spiritual path. Did you know that? This is the essence of co-creation. The only contract you have is to be here, and it is being fulfilled as you read this. So pick up the spiritual pen and write what you need every day. If synchronicity comes along and sweeps you into another area, view it for what it is – it’s what you asked for! Feel the truth of it as it occurs. Go with your intuitive feeling and write a new contract for the day, which can disappear tomorrow as you rewrite it into something even better.

Old soul, you’ve never had an opportunity like this before. In this new energy, you can change the Wind of Existence to match what you need. In these next few years, you’ll decide a number of things collectively on this planet. Through very slow attrition of the old energy dying out, you will gain the upper hand.

There will be greater integrity and old souls will create it. Sometimes the old souls will be represented in young bodies that are awakening quickly. The very plan of what the earth is about will start to take shape. New alliances of nations will take place. More borders will drop, and governments will start to understand a new principle of unity that has never been seen before on the planet. It will eventually create the seeds for real peace on Earth. Even the Middle East will shift.

I’ve said it before: There will be future generations who will look back and identify everything before 2012 as, “The Barbaric Era”. You will see civilization as you know it start in 2013. That is the promise of a real demarcation point coming within three generations. Think about it. Human history has always been about war and conquering. However, you are beginning to turn a corner. As the old energy slowly dies away, survival will be seen as unity and cooperation. It’s already happening on the planet, did you notice?

The Wind of Existence is you, working the puzzle, old soul, and you’re not in karma and you’re not in a contract. Instead, you’re in manifestation mode. It may not seem like it, but give it a chance. We’ve said this before: When you start getting out of survival mode and stop worrying about every single thing, you eventually arrive into manifestation mode. The worry mode is what your parents were taught. You inherited it, but it’s not what enlightened beings do. Instead, they manifest what they need and they don’t worry about what they don’t have, for it comes to them when they need it through the process of synchronicity – an enlightened concept that gives credibility to divine wisdom inside.

The Wind of Transition

The last wind is the Wind of Transition. You call it death. What can I tell you about this that you don’t already know? Well, I think I can tell you a lot. First of all, the rules: You don’t know what you don’t know. You don’t know when it’s going to happen. Did you know that we need to keep some of you here for a very long time? It’s because you are not done with what you started. For others of you, we need you to transition sooner than later in order to follow your own plan. We need you at a new place on the planet soon, when you’re young. We need your Akashic knowledge to awaken early and keep developing what you’re developing now, because you’ll have the energy of youth.

We need you to be a certain age so you can run for office, just as you planned it. We need to have you young for other reasons that should be very obvious to you as you think about it from our standpoint. So, you don’t know when you are leaving. Cast away the fear of this transition, so you understand the reasons that are profound and the ones you helped create when you were on my side. The very awakening process helps to decide when you’re going to transfer the energy and move through transition yet again.

I want to give you an attribute you probably haven’t thought of: Death is fearful. In the corporeal sense, you have an incredible will to survive. The last thing anyone wants, even bacteria, is to die. Survival then pushes you to live and nobody simply walks into death without fear. This will remain, and it’s the way it should be. But there is a gift for you that we give you, and you don’t even know about it.

At the moment of transition, when your heart stops and you take your last breath, we are there. All the angels from the Great Central Sun are there, too, and they kindle a light that puts you at peace. It’s a peace so great that fear cannot exist. In a fraction of a second, you know it’s OK. You might call it a spiritual anesthetic, but we call it the gift from the Creator.

So the Wind of Transition from our standpoint, a quantum standpoint, is beautiful. It represents that instant where you realize you’re finished with this life. It’s only for a second, and then it’s gone. Then you move into the process of a three-day remembrance of who you are. Part of you is still on the planet and part of you is with us. All of it is beautiful.

Some Humans have gone through a near-death experience and explained it the best they could, but they all say they came back different. Oh, Human Being, they saw a piece of it; they saw a piece of the creator and when they came back, they exclaimed to you, “You won’t believe it! I was dead for a moment and I heard singing and saw light.” Just ask them and they’ll tell you. So this is the gift of transition that we have never talked about before. There is no sting in death, Human Being. The only sting is for the ones who remain and don’t know where you are. They feel you are gone forever, but you are not. Neither are the souls of those you have lost over the years, dear listener and reader. Did you know that the parents you may have lost will be with you till your last breath? They are holding your hand the whole time. This is complex, but it’s part of a beautiful, multidimensional system of soul grouping. Some of you know I’m right, since you have sensed them.

Human Beings, you have to know that your soul group can be in several places at the same time. We’ve given you that information before. Souls can be reincarnated somewhere else on the planet as a corporeal Human, and also be with you at the same time as what you perceive as a guide. Don’t ask the question about “how”, because it won’t make any sense in your reality. It’s a beautiful system. Death has no sting!

If you lose somebody you love, I want you to remember this: They may appear still and cold and gone forever, but that’s just in 3D and it’s not the truth. They are alive and well and looking at you, pleading with you to see the energy of love that they represent. They are not gone.

Those are the Three Winds for today. I love to talk about these things for they are near to me all the time. I work with all three, and I’m working with them right now. The energy that is Kryon is a group. It’s just like all of you are, since you have these attributes also. I’m part of a group right now who are working with those at the Wind of Birth. I am also welcoming those going through the transition – right now. This is the role of Spirit through the Higher-Self that is yours. Discover God inside. When you do, you will also see that the plan is beautiful, dear ones.

And so it is.


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Lee Carroll

from:    http://spiritlibrary.com/kryon/channelings/the-three-winds