Call to Awakened Warriors

Awakened Warriors Arise

by Zen Gardner

Life is a struggle. How much more then is the spiritual life, the fight to remain conscious in an illusory world where deviant forces vie for control more than caring, battering your very body and soul day in and day out on top of your struggle to survive . Oh, we’re going peacefully downstream in the conscious dimensions. There we learn to let go and follow the flow of the Universe and synchronicity. But in this physical, lower density world, we’re fighting directly upstream.

In addition, we’re living in a time of increasingly turbulent waters. Our kayaks hit all kinds of eddies and crosscurrents, never mind the rocks and rapids we have to navigate–all while idiots, enemies and doubters, prodded on by the propaganda whores, are screaming obscenities from the shore and trying to hit us with anything they can get their hands on!But alas, grasshoppers—we have powers they know not of!


The Call to Battle

We’re in a warfare, any way you look at it. Only it’s not a warfare of hate, but of love. It’s not a warfare of physical violence, but a spiritual one of intention and a Truth directed life. The inherent cause and effect of Universal consciousness is the dissolution of the ways born of ignorance and darkness by means of the all powerful exposing and enlightening weapons of Light, Love and Truth.

The medieval matrix, no matter how fancy and hi-tech it has become, is dissolving and losing its grip. We need to actively help it on its way to oblivion, identifying its lies and blatant agenda for control and subjugation.

Don’t forget, non-compliance is a decisive action, not inaction. Inaction is going with the current of the matrix.

There is no sitting still. We’re all doing one or the other. Complying, or rejecting and countering their flow.

That’s the choice. That’s the battle.


In A Time of Imbalance the Call to Rise is Natural

Similar to the poetic beauty of martial arts, the Truth warrior uses his weapons skillfully and with great discretion. While many argue we need evil for good to exist and all that esoterica, we happen to be living in a time of great imbalance.

Do you enjoy having lords of darkness rule over you and yours, exercising more death dealing, spirit quelling control over humanity by the day?

I didn’t think so. Will it collapse under its own weight? In many ways it has to. Will it do it all by itself? We have to play our parts. As long as we’re here we’re integral to the Great Design and clearly need to do our part.

All I know is that what I am finding out and tuning in to calls me to participate, as so many are experiencing. It’s as real as the sun and water hitting a seedling and the organism responding. If it’s not evident to you that our planet and civilization are under attack I do wonder how you got to this article. It couldn’t be any clearer. That’s why they direct the angst people are feeling, the knowing that something is wrong, towards fabricated “outside” enemies to divert attention from the real perpetrators and agenda. Hence the daily “scare” headlines, whatever they are.

Similar to how religion co-opts, steers and contains the human soul’s hunger for the spiritual, the Controllers arouse, channel and misdirect humanity’s sense that it is being attacked and they literally harness what they themselves have aroused, using it for their own parasitic, vampiric purposes.

Cattle prods and sheep dogs driving humanity into the slaughterhouse, mentally, spiritually and physically.

Sorry, not on our watch. It’s long been time to sound the alarm and awaken as many as we possibly can. The spiritual, mental and physical arousal has way more effect than we can begin to imagine. Only your mind and low level system programming diminish its importance.

Trust your heart.

There is No “They”…They Said.

The old “tell a big enough lie” ploy is at work here. Their biggest tool is to say there is no “they”. There are no dark forces according to mainstream understanding in this dumbed down world. In fact, we’re told the “they” are the good guys looking out for us. It reminds me of the adage that the biggest lie Satan ever told is that he doesn’t exist. Pretty clever these demons. Just laugh at them.

Yet their all usurping lie remains:

There is no negative, destructive, usurping parasitic force in the Universe other than far away safely distanced religious concepts. Most feel humanity just has other controlling humans to worry about. The powers that be are here to simply save us from each other then becomes the most believable option, and into the cattle chute they go.

After all, that’s the mantra of the anti-conspiracy camp. ” THEY? Are you crazy? You really think there’s some ‘secret cabal’ running things from behind the scenes? How insane are you? If that were the case we’d be hearing all about it in the mainstream media! No way they could hide something that big!”

Same old, same old.

A very dark time right now indeed. All the recent pandemic scares, terrorism stagings, and economic and phony political rattlings attest to it. And if those fade they’ll create some new ones.

Consciousness Calling

If you feel the call to participate more it’s consciousness calling, any way you slice it.  Take your place on the great mandala and all that, but there’s a bulldozer headed for your house. Are you just gonna sit there?

No doubt you’ve given all of this serious thought. And I know many of you have activated and it’s absolutely beautiful. I’m proud to be associated with so many amazing, loving committed people. I think we just need to be adaptive and prepared for more. The winds are picking up and the battlefield is becoming more fluid, more challenging and more demanding.

And for those on the sidelines: It’s time to choose your course of action – or let it choose you.

I’m not gonna tell anyone what to do. If people don’t learn to choose for themselves, consciousness is not at work and back to the old paradigms we go. But do something. Get the boat in motion or the rudder can’t take effect. Find and take your calling seriously and step it up. We all have to.

Meditate, intend, pray, affirm, that’s great…but act! Change your life, change the etheric world around you by your loving actions and intentions. Try new consciousness technologies while changing your lifestyle. And perhaps move to a smarter and safer location away from this obvious steamroller coming at many of you. Why just sit there?

Meanwhile write, talk, show up, contribute, speak to groups, attend gatherings of active and motivated individuals or just get honest with your loved ones. Find the opening and jump in. The rest will follow. Time is too short to do otherwise.

Contribute we must. Hopefully with our whole lives. It’s all we have for all we’re worth.

It’s not a time to get frantic by any means, but take this as a loving alert, something I know many of you are also feeling. Our old views of just weeks and months ago are shifting and will continue to do so. It’s subtle, but it’s profoundly real. We have to step it up and yield to what consciousness is calling each of us to do and let go of the baggage holding us back.


The Effect of Solar Flares on Consciousness

How Solar Flares Directly Affect Human Consciousness

How Solar Flares Directly Affect Human Consciousness9th October 2014

By Paul Lenda

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Everything within this dense configuration of Reality that we call the Universe is interconnected. Through this interconnectedness, everything affects everything else. From the dawn of human spiritual experiences to present-day scientific discoveries, the reality of oneness and interconnectedness has continued to permeate as a recurring aspect of existence within the vastness of what we refer to as Reality. We are realizing, with a continuously-growing conviction, that change and transformation, whether it be in society, consciousness, or otherwise is directly affected by other elements of our universe; elements that we sometimes fail to realize have the ability to affect us in such transformational ways.

These connections, which many times are unable to be seen through the limited field of human awareness act as two-way portals and tunnels through which energy particles and fields travel through. This may seem like something out of a sci-fi story but has time and time again been proven to be a very genuine part of our reality. It was only in 2008 that it was publicly stated that there are magnetic portals that connect the sun’s magnetic field with the earth’s. A year earlier scientists uncovered an elaborate and vast web of cosmic filaments hundreds of millions of light years long that connect galaxies to each others. Not only are the sun and the earth linked with each other but so are galaxies light years upon light years away.

Distance is no obstacle for the interconnectedness of our universe.

Getting back to the sun and the earth, we come to a very significant and important realization…that solar flares have a direct effect on everything that exists on our blue marble…even human consciousness. Solar flares were found to directly affect the mental and physical state of humans in 2008 and three years later, we are seeing just how true that finding truly is. The sun has such incredible power that it is able to send solar flares shooting into the Earth’s atmosphere and affecting its electromagnetic energy field, as well as affecting each person’s electromagnetic energy field.

When looking at profound shifts in society and consciousness, we can find the pineal gland to be of particular importance. Yes, this tiny part of our brain that has been professed as being a DMT production laboratory acting as our gateway into more subtle planes and dimensions of Reality also regulates circadian rhythm and melatonin production… it is incredibly sensitive to magnetic fields.

The case for solar flares directly affecting human consciousness is of the utmost important right now, since we can see all around us and within our own lives the intense changes and transformations occurring. These changes are exasperated by the electromagnetic forces at play around us. The Russian scientist Tchijevsky put together the histories of 72 countries beginning at 500 BCE and culminating in 1922 within the present era. He constructed an Index of Mass Human Excitability, in which he found that 80% of the most significant human events occurred during a 5 year period surrounding the peak of solar activity. What this discovery shows us is that when solar-geomagnetic activity is changing the fastest, it has the greatest potential to affect our moods, behavior patterns, creativity and trends. We are in for quite an interesting next few years.

There is a positive side to the increase in sun activity. Periods of increased solar activity don’t just correlate with societal unrest, but also give rise to innovation and enhanced imagination in architecture, arts and science. The old social structures which are not helping humanity become more consciously evolved might be replaced with more suitable and sustainable models. Above all else, this is a time of opportunity and possibility and the chance to use these rushes of energy to create humanitarian advances and a sustainable living environment.

Something that each and every one of us can do is to increase the emotional balance and coherence within ourselves.Harmony is essential in times of chaos. This will enable us as individuals to use these influxes of energy to our advantage. When we raise our internal coherence, we can positively affect our personal relationships and our social environment, which will also be positively reflected in the collective consciousness of humanity.

We are all affected slightly differently by these cosmic forces, such as solar flares, which is why one person may be affected negativity whereas another in a more positive way. Those individuals who have compressed anger, fear, and jealousy will see their energy fields weaken. Our thoughts help shape and create our reality so it should be of little surprise that the toxic emotions and feelings that we may choose to marinate within our minds may result in the weakening of our energy fields, leading us to become more vulnerable to the negative effects of these electromagnetic solar energy influxes. In order for us to not get into such a downward spiral, we need to identify the negative emotions before we are able to resolve them. If our electro-magnetic energy field is weakened, we become more likely to be significantly affected by the increasing solar activity.

The increase in solar activity activates compressed jealousy, anger, and fear in our minds, no matter if we are conscious or unconscious of this process. If people have not been working on healing these issues, the issues become stronger and magnified when there is a period of increased solar activity as there is now. We are living in a difficult period of our timeline, yet we should not allow ourselves to become sad about the state of everything because we can use this period to our advantage. Let’s use this period of increased solar energy to create great opportunities for positive social transformation… the world desperately needs it.


Whitewashing Evil in Disney FIlm

Disney Corporation: Making Evil Look Good?

What dresses in black, has black wings and black horns? Source

Disney is seen around the world as a source of wholesome entertainment for children, but is there a darker side to its productions hidden in plain sight? This article investigates occult references in Disney productions, how society’s values and perception of good and evil are under threat, and the effect this could have on the future of spirituality.

Question for you: What has black wings, black horns and is associated with darkness? If the first thing that comes to mind is a demon you’re not alone – they’ve been represented like that for centuries. But if you are one of the 35 million or so people who have recently seen Disney’s latest movie Maleficent, you might be feeling a bit confused, or your answer might even be quite different.

Maleficent’s Disney Origins

In the credits of Maleficent is the following text:

“Maleficent” is inspired by the original Disney Sleeping Beauty character

To make sense of the film then let’s take a quick look at the origins of Disney’s most infamous villain in the 1959 animated movie Sleeping Beauty.

Sleeping Beauty follows the story of Princess Aurora. At a celebration of her birth she is cursed by the “wicked witch” Maleficent to die on her 16th birthday (a number which in numerology relates to spiritual fragility and falling towards darkness) by pricking her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel. The curse is weakened by the magic of a good fairy whose intervention saves the princess from death, and instead of death the curse puts her in a deep sleep, a state she must remain in until awakened by true love’s kiss.

Maleficent, self-proclaimed "mistress of all evil" Source

In Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent is the self-proclaimed mistress of all evil. She has a pet raven named Diablo (the Spanish word for “Devil”) and even her name itself means doing evil or harm or to be harmfully malicious, a word originally coming from the Latin Maleficus which means “wicked or prone to evil”.

She is said not to know anything about love, kindness, or the joy of helping others.

Maleficent has an evil looking goblin army (whom she refers to as fools, idiots, imbeciles and a disgrace to the forces of evil) and in the final battle before Aurora’s true love Prince Philip saves her from her slumber, Maleficent transforms into a giant dragon with all the powers of the abyss behind her.

Sounds like a lovely person.

Maleficent is part of a sub-franchise of Disney Villains called the Diva’s of Darkness and is included in a merchandising line called the “Villains Designer Collection” that “re-imagines the stylish wickedness of classic Disney Villains” in order to capture the essence of their evil. In later crossover appearances by Maleficent she acts as the leader of the Disney Villains and was ranked number #1 in Ultimate Disney’s top 30 Disney Villain’s countdown Source

And this is where it gets confusing, because despite being based on Sleeping Beauty’s evil villain, in Disney’s new movie Maleficent, this character is made out to be good.

But Maleficent Wasn’t Really Evil, She Was Just Misunderstood…


At the beginning of Maleficent the narrator gives a bit of back story about the child-fairy Maleficent and then triumphantly proclaims “And her name is Maleficent” (remember the meaning from before?).

As Maleficent grows she becomes strong, a protective figure for the spirit realm where she lives which is composed mostly of good and innocent elementals. When “evil” humans come to invade her kingdom she calls on those who “live in the shadows” to “arise” and stand with her, causing a series of demon-looking figures to emerge from the ground and the forest. Interestingly one of them looks very similar to another movie demon who lives in the shadows; the Balrog of Mordor. This “demon of the ancient world” is defeated by the magician Gandalf who represents the white side of esotericism in the Lord of the Rings saga.

Later Maleficent rules over the spirit world in darkness with the king of the demon-looking creatures forcing the innocent spirits into submission. Interestingly, the name of this demon king is Balthazar, possibly a mockery of one of the three wise magi in the story of the birth of Christ.

The good fairies, who in Sleeping Beauty weaken Maleficient’s curse and give Prince Philip the weapons and power to destroy Maleficient, are shown as ditzy and useless and we are submitted to many scenes which are surprisingly dark and violent for a film aimed at children.

But then something happens. The plot causes us to start sympathising and identifying with Maleficent. She is not so bad. She becomes Aurora’s “fairy godmother” and in the end is the hero, a saviour of the two kingdoms who defeats the evil king (who we are made to feel negative towards as he is full of obsessive hatred).

A bright light illuminates Maleficent and inspiring music plays as (looking like what most people would think of as a demon) she ascends. Darkness is upheld as virtuous and as I watched I was left feeling confused – what just happened, who was bad, who was good, did darkness win?

The film ends with Maleficent flying towards the sun, while the background music changes from inspiring to slightly creepy giving us an indication that not all may be what it seems.

Popularising Evil?

People trust Disney to provide their children with wholesome entertainment, and it seems only recently that some parents are discovering there is more to what Disney is teaching our kids than what was initially thought.

“My children love Disney,” she said. “You know you can bring your kids to a Disney film.” – Angelina Jolie; star of Maleficent

Maleficent merchandise

If the US ticket earnings for Sleeping Beauty are adjusted for inflation, then it earned the equivalent of $578.5 million dollars at the box office by today’s standards, making it one of the top 40 highest-earning films of all time. This is significant – it’s a film most parents would have seen and would be likely to take their children too. It’s unsurprising then that Maleficent has grossed almost $756.5 million worldwide – that’s a whole lot of people who might now be looking at evil in a different light.

Despite what Angelina said about Disney films above, it’s hard to imagine that a film as dark as this would not leave an imprint on the people who saw it, especially the impressionable minds of kids.

Personally some of my most horrific and recurring nightmares as a child came from the scarier aspects of Disney films, but in the olden days good and evil were clearly defined, whereas nowadays the lines are blurred – are we being shown that darkness is not so bad, that we should embrace and support it?

Some possible clues come in an article from Entertainment Weekly. Angelina (who was also an executive producer for the film) talks about how when she was growing up she identified with Maleficent.

“Since I was a little girl, Maleficent was always my favorite. I was terrified of her, but I was so drawn to her. I wanted to know more about her, know what she was like and who she was,” Jolie said. “She had this elegance and grace, and yet she was so cruel, Just wonderfully and deliciously cruel.” – Angelina Jolie

Angelina knew the film needed to be beautiful but also “a little sexy and [a] little darker” because it was made from the point of view of the villain. Angelina’s costume was so dark in fact that her daughter had to be cast for a minor role as young Aurora because all the other child actors were afraid of her eyes, claws and horns.

Studio production chief Sean Bailey also chimed in saying that while the earlier film would be referred to in many ways, “We’ll see the epic battle with the dragon, but this time, just maybe, we may find ourselves rooting for the other side”.

After watching the film we are encouraged to indulge our interest in the dark side, as a whole range of merchandise has sprung up as a result of the movie. There are Maleficent dolls similar to Barbies, Maleficent make up, Maleficent jewellery – even a line of dress up Maleficent costumes for kids.

Facebook suggesting parents help their kids channel their dark side

On the Disney Facebook page we see a suggestion for parents to “help [their] kids channel their inner Maleficent with horn craft”, a sentiment that is repeated on the Perez Hilton website in promoting the Maleficent clothing line “for the little ones that would like to channel their bad side”.

Do we really want our kids channeling anything, let alone things which are knowingly dark?

It’s clear that the Disney Corporation understands the workings of the human psyche.

The buildings in the Disney parks are built with a forced perspective; the upper floors are to a smaller scale, thus making them appear taller. This has a subtle psychological on guests who are leaving the park. Standing at the end of a street, it appears that buildings are closer than they are, and guests naturally walk more slowly. Tests have confirmed that most people walk to the right. When facing towards the exit of the Disney parks, gift shops are to the right of streets, and food shops and camera film shops to the left. This way, designers have ensured visitors spend as much money as possible, gravitating to food shops and film shops upon first entering the park, and lingering at gift shops on the way home. On Main Street you may also feel uncommonly peckish – vents in the street pump out the hunger-inducing scent of Vanilla and Cinnamon. Source

It would seem unlikely that they are unaware of the effect that statements and productions like this would have on kids.

Occult Symbolism in Maleficent

From top to bottom: Angelina Jolie, Lana Del Ray and Elle Fanning with Illuminati symbolism

If you’ve been studying the occult in popular culture it’s hard to watch Maleficent without being reminded of a few things.

There are several instances in Maleficent where one of her eyes is highlighted, brief references to the all-seeing eye which has become so prevalent in popular culture nowadays.

Of course this might just be a coincidence, but let’s look at some images that might indicate otherwise of Angelina Jolie (Maleficent), Elle Fanning (Princess Aurora) and Lana Del Ray who’s hypnotic-sounding remake of the original Sleeping Beauty song “Once Upon a Dream” has been used for the Maleficent trailer and credits.

Maleficent’s costume, while appearing demonic, also bears a striking resemblance to the symbol of Baphomet drawn by Eliphas Levi in his book “Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie” in 1897, a symbol which has come to represent the powers of darkness, and is often depicted by celebrities in the music and film industries.

Angelina Jolie states that an inspiration for Maleficent‘s make up was Lady Gaga who also appears to have a fascination with Baphomet symbolism and the all-seeing eye, along with other dark occult symbolism.

Angelina Jolie was inspired by Lady Gaga for Maleficent's appearance. Lady Gaga has often dressed or posed as Baphomet

Other stars who have either been Mouseketeers, or appeared in Disney movies or on the Disney channel, are often shown using negative occult symbols – and those who have gone on to produce music videos often have much dark symbolism in their video clips.

Interestingly, the 2014 Grammy awards which were used to push an anti-spiritual agenda through Katy Perry’s performance of Dark Horse were also used to promote Maleficent.

Disney’s Links to the Dark Side of the Occult

Maleficent is not the only Disney film to contain occult symbolism. There are many references in the movie The Princess and the Frog for instance that relate to voodoo and the dark arts. A recent Disney cartoon Gravity Falls is also full of occult symbolism.

Demon on Bald Mountain from Disney's Fantasia

These references are not just recent. In Disney’s Fantasia the sorcerer to whom Mickey is apprenticed was named Yen Sid (Disney backwards) by the animators and was modelled after Walt Disney. In the film the sorcerer conjures a demonic-looking being from a vial, and then gives it the illusion of a butterfly. In the same film there is a scene called Night on Bald Mountain which has very dark undertones and shows depictions of demons and ghosts.

This dark occult connection can be taken even further. It appears that Walt Disney had an ongoing relationship with Anton LaVey, the founder of the Satanic church who’s symbol is an upside down pentagram (representing a person heading towards the abyss). Anton LaVey suggested in one of his books regarding satanic rituals:

“The tiny bells typical of Russian liturgical ceremony should be used wherever appropriate to the rite, and played in the rhythm associated with the Obikhod. If in doubt, Modeste Mussorgsky or Walt Disney can be your guides.”

Modeste Mussorgsky happened to compose the music which was used as the backing track for Night on Bald Mountain in Fantasia.

Another book from the church of Satan was dedicated:

The book is dedicated to “Ben Hecht, Robert E. Howard, Rudyard Kipling, Robert Knox Hammersly, and Walt Disney, who made their Pacts.”

The same book suggests that Fantasia and Bambi were recommended viewing for “Satanic education”.

To top this off, Roy Disney, Walt’s nephew and Vice Chairman of the Walt Disney company, is a Bilderberg attendee. Bilderberg is a secretive group many consider to be against spirituality and linked to the occult.

Indoctrinating the Youth?

A huge amount of the media we consume is in one way or another owned or influenced by the Disney Corporation. Television and movies can negatively influence our spiritual awakening, and we are likely to imitate the things that we see on screen.

Are we being increasingly shown that it is good to “channel our dark side” and even worship darkness, while being desensitised to dark esoteric symbols through repeated exposure? What is the end goal and agenda?

When so much of Disney programming is aimed at children, could it be that our kids (not to mention their parents) are being indoctrinated into the dark side of the occult in order that they begin incorporating it in their lives, turning themselves away from the light before they’re even old enough to know what they’re doing?

The use or linking to of Disney material in this article is in accordance with fair use and fair dealing principles. The videos and resources linked to were not produced by the author of this article, nor for him, nor have any payments been made for providing this information. The resources linked to have been created by others who are in no way connected with this website, and are only showcased here for your consideration.

– See more at:

Natural Pain Killers

16 Of Nature’s Best Natural Pain Killers
Christina Sarich | Are you in pain? You don’t have to reach for over-the -counter pain killers, or even the heavy pharmaceutical hitters prescribed by your doctor; there are literally hundreds of natural pain killers waiting for you in the abundance of nature. You can count on plants and herbs to alleviate everything from arthritis pain, to headaches, to burns – read on to find out more.

Many pharmaceutical pain medications, while effective and useful at times, can be downright dangerous, but there is another solution to your pain problem. “Almost always, if we find pharmaceuticals doing the trick, we’ll find a plant doing the same trick—and doing it more safely,” remarks botanist James A. Duke, PhD, author of The Green Pharmacy Guide to Healing Foods.

James N. Dillard, MD, author of The Chronic Pain Solution says:

“No matter how well you prescribe medication, chronic sufferers don’t get complete relief. It’s an enormous problem, and the medical community is doing a bad job solving it.”

Before you do anything else though, you have to ‘quit the junk food that riles up the body’s pain system.’ The modern Western diet comprised of highly refined foods, sugars, and refined carbohydrates, while devoid of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc., is going to block the ability of other non-pharmaceutical remedies to halt pain.

Once you’ve done that, you can turn to the many herbs that truly deliver. There are also over 60 different essential oils for pain that have analgesic properties. Analgesic means that a substance has shown to relieve or reduce pain. So many plants have pain-relieving properties.

Here are just a few natural pain killers.

15 Natural Pain Killers

  • 1., 2., and 3. Ginger, Turmeric, & Holy Basil – This set of herbs forms a sort of trinity in Ayurvedic medicine. All of them have anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric (a curry ingredient) contains curcumins which ease inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis, according to the Methodist Research Institute in Indianapolis. “Each herb has its own scientific database of evidence,” says James Dillard, MD, author of The Chronic Pain Solution.
  • 4. Devil’s Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) – This ominous sounding herb is actually great for treating numerous health conditions, among them are liver problems and heart burn. It also has anti-inflammatory effects and can reduce pain from arthritis, headaches, and low back discomfort. The University of Maryland Medical Center has published several studies that had great success treating Osteoarthritis with Devil’s Claw.
  • 5. Birch Leaf (Betula Lenta) – The leaves from the Birch tree act much like cortisone, a prescription drug used to treat endocrine disorders, arthritis, lupus, skin disease, autoimmune disorders, and more. A main chemical compound found in Birch leaves is methyl salicylate, similar to salicylic acid used in aspirin. It is anti-spasmodic, analgesic, astringent, antifungal, diuretic, detoxifying, reduces oxidative damage to skin (stopping wrinkles), and enhances circulation. It also promotes enzymatic secretions in the body. It is truly one of the first powerful pain-relievers ever used.
  • 7. White Willow Bark (Salix alba) –  The active ingredient in white willow is salicin, which the body converts into salicylic acid. This tree’s covering lowers the body’s levels of prostaglandins, hormone-like compounds that can cause aches, pain, and inflammation. What’s more, white willow bark doesn’t upset the stomach or cause internal bleeding like many over-the-counter aspirins. Turn to this herb for relief from menstrual cramps, muscle pains, arthritis, or after knee or hip surgery as it promotes blood flow and reduces swelling.
  • 8. Capsaicin (Capsicum) – Found in hot chile peppers, this natural remedy does wonders for pain. Capsaicin, the active pain-reducing ingredient, temporarily desensitizes nerve receptors called C-fibers which cause the pain response. Capsaicin also diminishes soreness for 3 to 5 weeks while the C-fibers regain sensation. A single 60-min application in patients with neuropathic pain produced effective pain relief for up to 12 weeks. Patients at the New England Center for Headache decreased their migraine and cluster headache intensity by applying capsaicin cream to their nasal passages.
  • 9. Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) – GLA can be found in numerous seed oils. According to University of Maryland, people who consume these essential fatty acids are able to reduce nerve pain associated with diabetic conditions.
  • 10. Cherries – Due to the presence of compounds called anthocyanins—the same phytonutrients that give cherries their rich ruby hue – you can count on cherries to tamp down pain. Muraleedharan Nair, PhD, says, “They block inflammation and they inhibit pain enzymes, just like aspirin, naproxen, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories.” Cherries are said to have the highest anti-inflammatory content of any food, making them great for remedying issues such as arthritis.
  • 11. Aquamin – Derived from red seaweed, aquamin is a powerful pain reducer, too. In a study published in Nutrition Journal, of 70 volunteers, Aquamin users reduced arthritis pain by 20% in a month and had less stiffness than patients taking a placebo. Helping to diminish inflammation and helps to build bone, aquamin is rich in both calcium and magnesium, too.
  • 12. Arnica – An excellent herbal rub to use after intense sports, an acute injury, or even post surgery, arnica is a well-known natural pain killer among athletes and yogis. It is derived from a European flower, and has anti-inflammatory properties, although the true nature of its healing action is still unknown.
  • 13. Peppermint (Mentha piperita) – Peppermint is most often used as a natural remedy for toothaches, discomfort from bloating and gas, joint conditions, skin irritations, headaches and muscle pain.
  • 14. Boswellia – This herb is sourced from the frankincense tree. Its resin is used to thwart chemical reactions that cause inflammation, and thus pain. Ayurvedic scientists have used Boswellia for centuries to treat arthritic conditions, as well as inflammatory bowel disease.
  • 15. Bromelain – This natural pain-reducer comes from the enzymes present in pineapple stems. Research shows that it reduces levels of prostaglandins, which are hormones that induce inflammation. Bromelain may benefit people with arthritis and conditions marked by musculoskeletal tension (like TMJ syndrome), in addition to those suffering trauma-related inflammation. The enzyme also promotes healing in muscles and connective tissues.
  • 16. Cranberry Juice – Having a bout of ulceritis? Ulcers usually result from a pathogen called H. pylori which attacks the lining of the stomach and small intestines, but cranberry juice can kill it – reducing pain. Instead of turning to antibiotics, destroy the bacteria causing your ulcers and urinary tract infections with cranberries.

There are hundreds more natural pain killers, but adding these to your home first aid cabinet is a great start.


Colordao UFO

Police And NORAD investigate UFOs spotted over Breckenridge, Denver TV News Cast, Oct 3, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 3, 2014 at 5pm.
Location of sighting: Brechenridge, Colorado, USA
News Source:

9News states:

SUMMIT COUNTY – Breckenridge Police say they are investigating reports of three “shiny” objects in the sky Friday morning. “NORAD is not tracking any anomalies in that location. We are investigating,” said Army Major Beth Smith, NORAD spokesperson. Multiple people have called in to report the objects floating in the sky. The Summit County Sheriff’s Office is also investigating. Police have called the FAA. The FAA says they have not had any calls from the public regarding the sighting. Witnesses say the objects would sometimes form triangles or straight lines across the horizon. 9NEWS reporter Matt Renoux said he doesn’t believe the objects were drones or weather balloons, because the objects appeared stationary for as long as 15 minutes at times. “They would just sit there… without moving an inch on our viewscreen in the camera,” Renoux said during a 5 p.m. live report. After about 15 minutes, a flash of light would appear and the “objects would take off across the mountain ridge,” Renoux said. A Utah television station reported Thursday about a similar incident happening in the Salt Lake City area.
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Health Myths

The Top 15 Lies You’re Being Told About Health and Mainstream Medicine


Valued sources of information are hijacked by much bigger interests than you can imagine

The Top 15 Lies You're Being Told About Health and Mainstream Medicine

Do you ever question what doctors, nutritionists, institutions and even science tells you about your health, food, environment and lifestyle? You should, because we live in an era of deception and duplicity where the most trusted and valued sources of information are hijacked by much bigger interests than you can imagine. The internet is one of the last frontiers for truth, informing and educating billions on why our systems of health, agriculture, medicine and many other areas we depend on are failing us. The reason they’re failing us is because corrupt governments, corporations and the media are constantly feeding us lies on a daily basis, which through repetition, the public eventually accepts as truth.

A lot of food that we eat today contains genetically modified ingredients and usually without our knowledge. Supporters of this technology maintain that it ensures and sustains food security around the world as the population increases. As well as scientific debates on the merits of genetically engineered food, there are equally, if not more important, debates on the socioeconomic ramifications of the way such science is marketed and used.

The dangers of GMO foods can no longer be denied. Researchers havelinked organ damage with consumption of Monsanto’s GM maize.

Biotechnology companies erroneously claim that their manipulations are similar to natural genetic changes or traditional breeding techniques. However, the cross-species transfers being made, such as between fish and tomatoes, or between other unrelated species, would not happen in nature and may create new toxins, diseases, and weaknesses. When genetic engineers insert a new gene into any organism there are “position effects” which can lead to unpredictable changes in the pattern of gene expression and genetic function. The protein product of the inserted gene may carry out unexpected reactions and produce potentially toxic products. There is also serious concern about the dangers of using genetically engineered viruses as delivery vehicles (vectors) in the generation of transgenic plants and animals. This could destabilise the genome, and also possibly create new viruses, and thus dangerous new diseases.

Unlike chemical or nuclear contamination, genetic pollution is self-perpetuating. It can never be reversed or cleaned up; genetic mistakes will be passed on to all future generations of a species.


The danger of magnetic, electric, wireless, radio (microwave), ground current, and high frequency radiation is that it is mostly invisible until great damage is done – like the increased risk of some brain tumors in long term cell phone users.

Sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation is a very big health problem of our youngest generations. The media and medical community dismiss it, but it is imperative health practitioners, governments, schools and our entire society learn more about the risks because the human health stakes are significant.

Studies suggest that women briefly exposed to very high-intensity EMFs have an increased risk of miscarriage, especially EMFs emitted by power lines and electrical appliances.

A growing percentage of people are now heeding the advice of holistic health experts and disposing of their microwaves due to the dangers of microwaved food.

The effect of EMFs on biological tissue remains controversial. Virtually all scientists agree that more research is necessary to determine safe or dangerous levels. It’s like one big human experiment which we won’t know the results of for several decades. Now, with the increasing proliferation of wireless handheld and portable devices, it is literally impossible to escape EMFs in any major city.

What they do know is that iron, which is necessary for healthy blood and is stored in the brain, is highly affected by EMFs. The permeability of the cell membranes of nerves, blood vessels, skin and other organs is also affected, as well as the intricate DNA of the chromosomes. Every bodily biochemical process involves precisely choreographed movement of EMF sensitive atoms, molecules, and ions.

Not only do EMFs impact your own health and that of your children and pets, but also the Earth as a whole, as our overuse of electricity contributes greatly to pollution from coal-fired electricity plants. Those who are wise will heed the warnings of the electrically sensitive and reduce the EMF radiation in their homes through good design and reduction of dependence on electric appliances.


Even though the medical community advocates for regular screenings for those with illnesses, they may bring little benefit and may actually pose harm to your health. This applies to almost every type of medical screening for cancer and several other diseases. Medical screening carries an immense risk in itself, not only due to the damage inflicted by screening techniques on the human body, but by the very nature of medical follow-up protocols. These protocols usually encourage patients to enter deeper into more invasive techniques, which further cripple health and lead to a very high percentage of fatalities.

Doctors are often criticized for prescribing unneeded tests and procedures that harm more than they help and add to medical costs that could otherwise be avoided. 12 medical tests and procedures now being questioned worldwide as unnecessary and potentially cause — sometimes harmful results to patients.

Radiation-induced cancers have tripled in the last two decades and diagnostic imaging has been already been admitted as a cause by the U.S. government.

There is a secular trend between breast cancer mortality and screening programs specifically medial diagnostic techniques such asmammography. In a Swedish study of 60,000 women, 70 percent of the mammographically detected tumors weren’t tumors at all. These “false positives” aren’t just financial and emotional strains, they may also lead to many unnecessary and invasive biopsies. In fact, 70 to 80 percent of all positive mammograms do not, upon biopsy, show any presence of cancer.

A prostate (PSA) blood test looks for prostate-specific antigen, a protein produced by the prostate gland. High levels are supposedly associated with prostate cancer. The problem is that the association isn’t always correct, and when it is, the prostate cancer isn’t necessarily deadly. Only about 3 percent of all men die from prostate cancer. The PSA test usually leads to overdiagnosis — biopsies and treatment in which the side effects are impotence and incontinence. Repeated biopsies may spread cancer cells into the track formed by the needle, or by spilling cancerous cells directly into the bloodstream or lympathic system.

News coverage of many diseases focus too much on treatments and not enough on prevention, a trend that could prove risky in the long run for most people who don’t understand how to take care of their health.


A growing number of communities are choosing to stop adding fluoride to their water systems, even though the federal government and federal health officials maintain their full support for a measure they say provides a 25 percent reduction in tooth decay nationwide.

There are now serious facts and health risks regarding fluoridation which can no longer be ignored and the practice itself is being questioned by most of the world.

Austrian researchers proved in the 1970s that as little as 1 ppm fluoride concentration can disrupt DNA repair enzymes by 50%. When DNA can’t repair damaged cells, we get old fast.

Fluoride prematurely ages the body, mainly by distortion of enzyme shape. All systems of the body are dependent upon enzymes. When fluoride changes the enzymes, this can damage every system and function of the body.

Dr. Paul Connett, PhD stated “When historians come to write about this period, they will single out fluoridation as the single biggest mistake in public policy that we’ve ever had.”

David Kennedy, DDS President International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology said that “water fluoridation is the single largest case of scientific fraud, promoted by the government, supported by taxpayer dollars, aided and abetted by the ADA and the AMA, in the history of the planet.”


Perhaps one of the biggest health myths propagated in western culture and certainly in the United States, is the misuse of an invented term “bad cholesterol” by the media and medical community. Moreover, a scientifically-naive public has been conned into a fraudulent correlation between elevated cholesterol and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Cholesterol has not been shown to actually cause CVD. To the contrary, cholesterol is vital to our survival, and trying to artificially lower it can have detrimental effects, particularly as we age.

We have become a culture so obsessed with eating foods low in cholesterol and fat that many health experts are now questioning the consequences. Could we really maintain a dietary lifestyle that was so foreign to many of our ancestral populations without any ill effects on our health? Many researchers are now concluding that the answer to that question is “NO.” Current data is now suggesting that lower cholesterol levels predate the development of cancer. Scientific papers prove that people with high so-called “Bad” LDL cholesterol live the longest.
The ‘noddy-science’ offered by marketing men to a generally scientifically-naive public has led many people to believe that we should replace certain food choices with specially developed products that can help ‘reduce cholesterol’. Naturally this comes at a price and requires those who can afford it to pay maybe four or five times what a ‘typical ordinary’ product might cost. But is this apparent ‘blanket need’ to strive towards lowering our cholesterol justified? And, indeed, is it healthy?

The cholesterol itself, whether being transported by LDL or HDL, is exactly the same. Cholesterol is simply a necessary ingredient that is required to be regularly delivered around the body for the efficient healthy development, maintenance and functioning of our cells. The difference is in the ‘transporters’ (the lipoproteins HDL and LDL) and both types are essential for the human body’s delivery logistics to work effectively.

Problems can occur, however, when the LDL particles are both small and their carrying capacity outweighs the transportation potential of available HDL. This can lead to more cholesterol being ‘delivered’ around the body with lower resources for returning excess capacity to the liver.

We need to reform education on what really causes heart disease and why cholesterol, whether high or low, is not an evil process in the body, but a natural part of our biology. When we stop listening to medical doctors, suddenly we start listening to what our bodies crave… to be the healthiest version of ourselves.


Sunscreen is full of some of the most toxic chemicals known. Yet both the cancer and sunscreen industries insist on their use to ironically prevent cancer from “bad” sunlight. People still fall for this nonsense, slather on the sunscreen in hopes to protect against a non-existent foe. If the sun was really that harmful, we’d all be dead long ago. Meanwhile, a growing body of evidence shows that blocking the sun’s rays from reaching our skin dramatically influences our optimal vitamin D levels, leading to higher mortality, critical illness, mental health disorders and ironically, cancer itself. Here’s why you need to make your own sunscreen.

There are well over 800 references in the medical literature showing vitamin D’s effectiveness–both for the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Blocking the sun’s rays from reaching our skin dramatically influences our optimal vitamin D levels, leading to higher mortality, critical illness and mental health disorders. Ironically, sunscreen itself causes cancer.

Exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet light has been repeatedly shown to NOT be the cause of skin cancer. Scientists from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center reported UVA exposure is unlikely to have contributed to the rise in the incidence of melanoma over the past 30 years.

The idea that sunscreen prevents cancer is also a myth promoted by pharmaceutical companies, conventional medicine and the mainstream media for one purpose…profit. The sunscreen industry makes money by selling lotion products that actually contain cancer-causing chemicals. It then donates a portion of that money to the cancer industry through non-profit groups like Cancer Societies which, in turn, run heart-breaking public service ads urging people to use sunscreen to “prevent cancer.”


The term “immunization”, often substituted for vaccination, is false and should be legally challenged. Medical research has well established that the direct injection of foreign proteins and other toxic material (particularly known immune-sensitising poisons such as mercury) makes the recipient more, not less, easily affected by what he/she encounters in the future. This means they do the opposite of immunize, commonly even preventing immunity from developing after natural exposure. There are 5 phases of awakening to the dangers of vaccination and many lie in different phases.

The actual frequency of health problems has been estimated by authorities to be possibly up to 100 times, or more, greater than that reported by government agencies. That difference is due to the lack of enforcement or incentive for doctors to report adverse effects. With the anti-vaccination movements now exposing the truth on the internet, the medical community is now on high alert, defending their claims and being told by vaccine manufacturers that they must never let their patients (or parents) think that the risks could outweigh the benefits, when in reality, it is precisely the opposite that is true.

Convincing evidence is finally coming forward from peer reviewed studies which show that the rapid increase in the number of vaccines given to children is creating synergistic toxicity and a state of immune overload in the majority of vaccine recipients manifesting in related health issues including epidemics of obesity, diabetes, and autism.

The benefit risk ratio is an important decision in anyone deciding whether to vaccinate or not. Contrary to popular belief and marketing, childhood diseases in a developed country are not as dangerous as we are led to believe. Catching a particular disease does not mean you will die from it. Vaccines were actually introduced at a time when diseases had already declined to a low risk level. This fact is proven, scientifically.

The main advances in combating disease over the last 200 years have been better food and clean drinking water…not vaccines. Improved sanitation, less overcrowded and better living conditions also contribute. This is also borne out in published peer reviewed research which prove that vaccine did not save us. The is irrefutable evidence which shows that the historical application of vaccines had no health benefit or impact on prevention of infectious disease.

All vaccines contain sterility agents, neurotoxins, immunotoxins, and carcinogenic compounds. Some examples include formaldehyde, a carcinogen found in almost every vaccine, neurotoxins such asmonosodium glutamatepotassium chloridethimerosal, sterility agents such as Triton X-100octoxynol-10, polysorbate 80, and immuntoxins such as neomycinmonobasic potassium phosphate,sodium deoxycholate to name a few of many.

It is no coincidence that the more educated you are, the less chance you will vaccinate which contradicts the misconceptions of many health professionals who profess that parents don’t vaccinate because they are under-educated, poor or misinformed. Those who become fully informed of the dangers of vaccines never see them in the same light again, as their motives then become clear.


Perhaps the biggest health myth today is the public’s misconception that mainstream medicine and the healthcare system helps sick people. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Why do people follow medical authorities who prescribe toxic vaccinations, medications and treatments which only serve as a detriment to human health?

The freedom of people to choose natural healing, alternative medicine and methods of disease prevention could soon be threatened by corporate lobbyists who will do anything to protect their wealth at the expense of your health.

90 percent of all diseases (cancer, diabetes, depression, heart disease, etc.) are easily preventable through diet, nutrition, sunlight and exercise. None of these solutions are ever promoted by conventional medicine because they make no money.

No pharmaceuticals actually cure or resolve the underlying causes of disease. Even “successful” drugs only manage symptoms, usually at the cost of interfering with other physiological functions that will cause side effects down the road. There is no such thing as a drug without a side effect.

There is no financial incentive for anyone in today’s system of medicine (drug companies, hospitals, doctors, etc.) to actually make patients well. Profits are found in continued sickness, not wellness or prevention.

The main error of the biomedical approach is the confusion between disease processes and disease origins. Instead of asking why an illness occurs, and trying to remove the conditions that lead to it, medical researchers try to understand the biological mechanisms through which the disease operates, so that they can interfere with them. These mechanisms, rather than the true origins, are seen as the causes of disease in current medical thinking and this confusion lies at the very centre of the conceptual problems of contemporary medicine.

Almost all the “prevention” programs you see today (such as free mammograms or other screening programs) are nothing more than patient recruitment schemes designed to increase revenue and sickness. They use free screenings to scare people into agreeing to unnecessary treatments that only lead to further disease.

Nobody has any interest in your health except you. No corporation, no doctor, and no government has any desire to actually make you well. This has served the short-term financial interests of higher powers in the west very well. The only healthy, aware, critically thinking individuals are all 100% free of pharmaceuticals and processed foods.


The levels are “acceptable” by industry and regulatory standards, but our exposure to other “acceptable levels” of toxic chemicals that then interact with each other and dance with our cells within our bodies is never taken into consideration.

We have over 200 synthetic chemicals in our bodies right now. Our exposure to toxins is that pervasive. Most of us do not detect their presence every moment of every day, but we have to wonder–how are they affecting us? What does this mean for future generations? This is all ignored by all industries.

Chemicals account for an annual $3.7 trillion in sales across the globe–the United States makes up almost 19 percent. Many jobs rely on this industry, yet 85 percent of the chemicals in commerce today have not been tested. How are the products containing those chemicals impacting our health? What’s the impact on those who work or live near the chemical plants?

Is it really that hard for most people to believe that we are being assaulted on a daily basis by chemical terrorism? Genetically modified foods, artificial flavours, colors, preservatives, emulsifiers, and sweeteners all made with toxic chemicals, all of which are proven toxic to human health.

Artificial sweeteners, preservatives, nitrates, artificial colors, MSG…if it’s processed, chances are it contains one or more of these ingredients. Sodium benzoate and potassium benzoate are preservatives that are sometimes added to sodas to prevent mold growth, but benzene is a known carcinogen. Butylated Hydroxynaisole (BHA) is another preservative that’s potentially cancer-causing. Reading labels is an easy solution–if you don’t recognize an ingredient, don’t buy the food product.

There are no acceptable levels of any chemicals that belong in our foods and it’s time we get the chemical industry out of our foods.


Many combinations of natural products are as effective as man-made drugs, but without the side effects when acting against specific diseases. For empirical evidence, look no further than the indigenous tribes and cultures which still use many formulations pre-dating the historical record and with great success. A comprehensive study and first of its kind published in PLoS One assessed 124 natural product combinations and found that in the right combinations, they can match drug level potency.

Plants are better than drugs on many levels. Specific herbs, fruits and vegetables have been found on many instances to work better than medication for specific diseases. For example, Soursop Fruit has been found to kill cancer up to 10,000 times more effectively than strong chemotherapy. Consuming apples daily has been found in some studies to be more effective than statin medications at reducing heart disease.Cranberry juicegarlic and turmeric are just three of dozens of other foods which beat drugs in treating and preventing disease.

There are herbs that boost and heal the lungs, others which increaseenergy and vitality, many that stabilize the thyroid and even lower blood pressure.

** The 7 Most Prescribed Drugs In The World And Their Natural Counterparts **

Despite the medical model which relies on pharmaceutical intervention for every known illness, there are well over one hundred common diseases that can be reversed naturally. That’s the difference between treatment for profit and healing for wellness. Arthritis (both rheumatoid and osteo) diabetes (both Type I and Type II), hypertension and cancer are all reversible with proper herbal strategies, nutrition and exercise.


Doctors and pharmaceutical companies make money from it. That’s the only reason chemotherapy is still used. Not because it’s effective, decreases morbidity, mortality or diminishes any specific cancer rates. In fact, it does the opposite. Chemotherapy boosts cancer growth and long-term mortality rates. Most chemotherapy patients either die or are plagued with illness within 10-15 years after treatment. It destroys their immune system, increases neuro-cognitive decline, disrupts endocrine functioning and causes organ and metabolic toxicities. Patients basically live in a permanent state of disease until their death. The cancer industry marginalizes safe and effective cures while promoting their patented, expensive, and toxic remedies whose risks far exceed any benefit. This is what they do best, and they do it because it makes money, plain and simple.

The reason a 5-year relative survival rate is the standard used to assess mortality rates is due to most cancer patients going downhill after this period. It’s exceptionally bad for business and the cancer industry knows it. They could never show the public the true 97% statistical failure rate in treating long-term metastatic cancers. If they did publish the long-term statistics for all cancers administered cytotoxic chemotherapy, that is 10+ years and produced the objective data on rigorous evaluations including the cost-effectiveness, impact on the immune system, quality of life, morbidity and mortality, it would be very clear to the world that chemotherapy makes little to no contribution to cancer survival at all. No such study has ever been conducted by independent investigators in the history of chemotherapy. The only studies available come from industry funded institutions and scientists and none of them have ever inclusively quantified the above variables.


The pursuit of truth in modern scientific query is marred by greed, profit and only a concept of truth built on the assumption of an unexamined good. While pharmaceutical drug approvals, genetically modified foods and various other controversial technologies may appear to be based on “science”, corporate interests and profits often interfere with the true meaning of what science represents to both academics and the public.

The primary methodology of science is to prise apart reality into its component parts in order to better understand how the whole functions. Cartesian logic began with the separation of mind and matter and the scientific method depends upon the separation of the observer from the observed. The absolute separation between mind and matter has now been shown to be entirely fictitious the importance of objectivity within the scientific method remains undiminished.

There is little real science to be found in the common practice of mainstream medicine. Rather, what passes for “science” today is a collection of myths, half-truths, dishonest data, fraudulent reporting and inappropriate correlations passed off as causation. Correlational studies can NOT prove causation, yet the end result of most scientific studies in mainstream medicine make a causal claim without any proof and then pass those suggestions to the public to sell the medical model to the public.

Advertisers and product manufacturers have certainly used this inherent cognitive bias towards trusting “scientific facts” in order to market products which they claim have a scientific basis in their effectiveness. The same is of course true within ideologies and politics. While many choose to focus on the large scandals such as the drug research fraud, countless fraudulent scientific claims are made every day in advertising, often with no repercussions.


Ask any scientist in the field of health and safety and they will tell you that toxicity is all about the dose. Not really. While you can die from anything taken in excess, even water, you can also run into serious fatal complications from any poison at any dose if you take it long enough. There is no safe dose of a poison because the body recognizes even the smallest dose and immediately creates inflammatory cascades and immune responses to combat these foreign entities. Toxic chemicals are now invading every facet of our lives from our schools to our workplaces. They are gradually deteriorating every single system in our bodies and causing so many diseases, that it’s now difficult to isolate exactly which chemicals are causing each disease.

The chemical testing we currently do to establish if a chemical is safe may not be sufficient. In particular, we may not be targeting nor understanding the effects of extremely low levels of chemical contaminants during critical phases when the organism is “listening” for chemical messengers. This occurs, for example, during fetal development and during changes that occur in puberty. The first question we need to be asking is: does this chemical mimic any of the messenger chemicals that organisms depend upon for survival?

What most of these chemical management companies, their regulatory agencies and scientists do not apprecite, is what a delicately balanced organism we are especially at the molecular level. At this level, chemicals act more like a handshake than like that third pint of beer.

Life expectancy at birth rose by a few years for both men and women in the last two decades of the 20th century. This has come at an enormous cost in the quality of life of our elders, for they are suffering with more pain and greater disability than ever before in last 15 years of life. People globally are living longer but chronic debilitating conditions are becoming more prevalent.

A recent Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 involved 486 authors in 50 countries who aimed to offer a comprehensive update on diseases and injuries since the last such report in 1990. It found the leading risk factor accounting for the disease burden in most developed nations is diet.

Perhaps most worrisome is the medicalization of childhood which is leading us to illness if adulthood. If children cough after exercising, they have asthma; if they have trouble reading, they are dyslexic; if they are unhappy, they are depressed; and if they alternate between unhappiness and liveliness, they have bipolar disorder. While these diagnoses may benefit the few with severe symptoms, one has to wonder about the effect on the many whose symptoms are mild, intermittent or transient.

Each successive generation is sicker and more diseased than its predecessor. Autism, learning disabilities, ADHD, asthma, diabetes and many other diseases continue to skyrocket. No government agency has ever done, or will ever do anything about it except continue to compile statistics.

The reason cannabis is so effective medicinally is directly related to its ability to interact with receptors in the body which inhibit inflammation and prevent disease. Cannabis does this so well, that few drugs can compete with its level of potency which come essentially with no side effects. Consquently cannabis is labeled a threat to mainstream medicine.

The question is no longer which disease cannabis can cure, but which disease can’t it cure? A study published in Nature Reviews-Cancerprovides an historic and detailed explanation about how THC and natural cannabinoids counteract cancer, but preserve normal cells.

It’s no surprise that the United States has decreed that marijuana has no accepted medical use use and should remain classified as a highly dangerous drug like heroin. Accepting and promoting the powerful health benefits of marijuana would instantly cut huge profits geared towards cancer treatment and the U.S. would have to admit it imprisons the population for no cause. Nearly half of all drug arrests in the United States are for marijuana.

According to editor Richard Cowan, the answer is because it is a threat to cannabis prohibition “…there really is massive proof that the suppression of medical cannabis represents the greatest failure of the institutions of a free society, medicine, journalism, science, and our fundamental values,” Cowan notes.

Many researchers have noted that there was “inadequate” data for decades to determine whether smoked marijuana was safe or effective in treating symptoms of pain and preventing disese. The primary reason for the s lack of data had to do with the National Institute on Drug Abuse, or NIDA, which was the only source of cannabis for research and they were blocking the most meaningful studies due to close ties with pharmaceutical companies.

This view was supported by Dr. David Bearman, the executive vice president for the Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine/Society of Cannabis Clinicians. “Part of the problem in the United States is that the NIDA has blocked almost all meaningful studies on cannabis,” Bearman said. Bearman argues that while synthetic cannabis pills do offer pain relief, marijuana is cheaper, has fewer side effects and can be more effective.

Now decades of propaganda is being reversed as scientists and the public are being exposed to the true potential of cannabis and its ability to both heal and prevent disease.

Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy. 


On the Effects of Antibiotics

Antibiotics Have Turned Our Bodies From Gardens Into Battlefields

Antibiotics save lives, but they also wipe out a lot of beneficial organisms that our bodies rely on, says Martin Blaser.    João Canziani

We’re in the midst of an extinction crisis, and it doesn’t involve Siberian tigers. Microbiologist Martin Blaser of New York University School of Medicine says that many species of germs are disappearing from our bodies—and that’s a problem.

In his new book, Missing Microbes: How the Overuse of Antibiotics Is Fueling Our Modern Plagues, Blaser argues that while antibiotics have saved countless lives, they’re an assault on our microbiome. His experiments have linked the resulting extinctions to disorders from asthma to obesity. wired spoke to Blaser about the need to look at our bodies less as battlefields to be conquered and more as gardens to be tended.

You’ve studied the Helicobacter pylori bacterium, which causes ulcers and gastric cancer. That sounds like something you would want to wipe out.

H. pylori is responsible for 80 percent or more of stomach cancer cases. But as we were studying it, we kept finding it in healthy people all over the world. I began to think, “Well, if everybody has it, maybe it’s not so bad.”

What’s so good about it?

Our research shows that people who have H. pylori are less likely to have childhood-onset asthma and hay fever.

If one species can have that effect, it’s fascinating to think about what all the other species we harbor are doing. How many species are we talking about?

The average person probably has at least several thousand. But we don’t really know. We’re in the early days of discovery.

And where are all these germs?

Maybe everywhere. Each of the major skin zones—oily skin, moist skin, and dry skin—has its own predominant microbiota. The mouth is a very rich ecosystem: Each tooth has its own series of niches. The top of the tongue and the bottom of the tongue are different. Where the tooth goes into the gum, what’s called the gingival crevice, that has a very rich microbiota—it’s probably as bacterially dense as the colon. But obviously smaller volume.

So what do all these bacteria actually do for us?

They help us extract energy from food. We’ve outsourced the ability to make certain vitamins to our microbes. And then there’s defense: The good guys help us fight off the bad guys. They can also affect the brain, because a lot of serotonin is made in the gut by neuroendocrine cells that are in conversation with the microbiota.

Where do the antibiotics come in then?

“Why don’t we just give some antibiotics, because it can’t hurt?” That’s how people think—doctors and patients alike. But our data says it does hurt. So we’re going to have to change our approach. If every time a baby takes a course of antibiotics, it’s going to increase their chance of getting diabetes or Crohn’s disease or obesity or asthma, maybe doctors will say, “Well, this is not without risk, so let’s wait a day and see if your baby gets better.”

My hypothesis is that every time someone takes antibiotics, a few species go to extinction in that person. I don’t have proof of this. But we know that the popu­lation sizes of some of the organisms are pretty small. For 50 or 70 years, every­body thought that if you take an antibiotic it will have some short-term effects and then everything will bounce back to normal. But why should they bounce back? If certain less common organisms disappeared, we might not even know.

So how can we take fewer antibiotics but still use them when they’ll save our lives?

We need better diagnostics so we can tell bacterial infections from viral ones. And if it’s a bacterium, which one is it? We’d have to develop drugs for each. That’s a sea change from the impetus over the past 70 years to create broad-spectrum antibiotics. We can either pay for the development of the diagnostics and the drugs, or we can pay for it at the clinic with the illnesses that are coming from this.

What about hand sanitizers?

I have a small photo gallery: When I see a hand sanitizer in a new place I take a picture of it. They’re very important in hospitals, but what’s the rationale for hand sanitizers everywhere? They don’t have antibiotics in them, but they have antibacterials like triclosan. Triclosan is in our soaps and our deodorants, in our clothes, in our pizza cutters, in our staplers. It’s everywhere. This is a germophobia that is unsupported.

What do you think of the probiotics sold in grocery stores?

In general they’re safe—they don’t seem to be associated with health problems. But with few exceptions, they haven’t been tested in rigorous clinical studies. The future will hold a lot of probiotics, but we’re going to have to discover what their specific activities are and when we need to use them. Maybe there will be particu­lar bacteria that are good to give to kids with asthma. Maybe if there’s one that turns off Th1 immune cells, that will be a good probiotic for people with rheuma­toid arthritis. I think we’ll be able to harness these microbes, just as we’ve har­nessed the microbes that make bread and beer for us.


Southern California Earthquake 10/06

Earthquake close to Ridgecrest, Southern California

Last update: October 6, 2014 at 12:41 pm by By

Update : A light shaking is expected to be felt in Ridgecrest.
Screen Shot 2014-10-06 at 14.17.07

14km (9mi) ENE of Ridgecrest, California
73km (45mi) NE of California City, California
96km (60mi) NNW of Barstow, California
98km (61mi) NNW of Barstow Heights, California
435km (270mi) SSE of Carson City, Nevada

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 3.7

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2014-10-06 04:35:21


Gunug Padang Pyramid

The Mysterious Ancient Pyramid In Indonesia That Is Rewriting History

The archaeological establishment is scrambling to find some reason to reject and pour scorn on the extraordinary consequences of the excavations now taking place at Gunung Padang in Indonesia.

Since its first exploration by archaeologists in 1914 the site was thought to be a natural hill with 2500 year-old megalithic structures on top of it. But in 2010 geologist Dr Danny Hilman Natawidjaja (who earned his doctorate at Cal Tech) recognized this “hill” as a possible man-made pyramid and began to explore it using ground penetrating radar, seismic tomography, resistivity survey and other remote sensing techniques, as well as some direct excavations and deep core drilling.

The results were immediately intriguing (see this article I wrote in January for background) producing evidence of deeply buried man-made chambers and yielding carbon dates going back as far as 26,000 years. This was the last Ice Age when our ancestors are supposed (according to the orthodox archaeological model) to be have been nothing more than primitive hunter gatherers incapable of large-scale construction and engineering feats. Was it possible that geologist Natawidjaja was unearthing the proof of a lost advanced civilization of prehistoric antiquity? Such ideas are heresy to mainstream archaeologists and sure enough the archaeological establishment in Indonesia banded together against Dr Natawidjaja and his team, lobbied the political authorities, agitated locally and succeeded in slowing down, though not completely stopping, the further exploration of Gunung Padang.

Dr Natawidjaja fought back, doing some high-level lobbying of his own, taking the matter to the President of Indonesia himself. There were further delays to do with elections in Indonesia but just a couple of months ago, in mid-August 2014, the final obstacles were lifted and Dr Natawidjaja and his team moved back onto the Gunung Padang site with full approval to go ahead with their work, including permission to excavate the concealed chambers.

Archaeologists were furious and immediately began lobbying to get the work stopped – fortunately to no avail as preliminary excavations have produced results that prove beyond doubt that Gunung Padang in indeed a man-made pyramid of great antiquity as Dr Natawidjaja had long ago proposed. Even the relatively young layer so far excavated (the second artificial columnar rock-layer beneath the megalithic site visible on the surface) has yielded dates of 5200 BC (nearly 3000 years older than the orthodox dating for the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt) and there are firm indications from the original remote sensing and core drilling work of much older layers below. In short, it is now evident to all that the site is vastly older than the 2500 years that archaeologists had insisted upon for decades. Even the most hostile amongst them are therefore now reframing their assessment of the site and referring to it as “a gigantic terraced tomb, which was part of the biggest megalithic culture in the archipelago.”

For a flavor of the sour grapes the archaeological establishment feel towards Dr Natawidjaja and his team see this recent article from the Jakarta Post.

I asked Dr Natawidjaja for his response to the Jakarta Post article and he replied as follows:

“The article has got the story all wrong.  All excavations were supervised by archeologists from Agency for Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites (BPCB) and University of Indonesia.  The excavation sites have also recently been inspected by the Director for Conservation of Archeological Sites (who is the boss of Miss Desril Shanti ), by the head of the BPCB, and by the Minister of Education and Culture himself.  Afterward, they gave a press conference confirming that all excavations are good and proper.  For information, the head of the National Archeological Center, which is the main office above local Archeological Centers including Bandung Archeological Center, is also a member of the National Team for Gunung Padang. The Jakarta Post article is also wrong about the funding.  The Minister of Education and Culture did indeed announce in the press conference that he would allocate about Rp 3 billion for the research but it has not begun to be disbursed yet.  So far, I and my team are still working willingly on our own funding with the help of the soldiers (TNI) who have been working alongside us.  Of course the TNI have their own funding – but not from that Endowment Fund.”

As to the progress of the work at Gunung Padang, Dr Natawidjaja writes as follows:

“The research progress has been being great.  We have excavated three more spots right on top of the megalithic site in the past couple weeks, which give more evidence and details about the buried structures.  We have uncovered lots more stone artifacts from the excavations.  The existence of the pyramid-like structure beneath the megalithic site is now loud and clear; even for non-specialists, it is not too difficult  to understand if they come and see for themselves.    We have found some kind of open hall buried by soil 5-7 meters thick; however we have not yet got into the main chamber.  We are now drilling to the suspected location of the chamber (based on subsurface geophysic) in the middle of the megalithic site.”


Some Thoughts on Mercury Retrograde

Revisioning Mercury Retrogrades 10.4.2014

Today Mercury turns retrograde in the sign of Scorpio…it’s a great day to discuss the mythology of Hermes and to eliminate some of the the negative hype surrounding Mercury retrogrades.

One of the first things to note about Hermes in Greek myth is that he is a journeyer rather than a traveler. Whereas a traveler has a goal, a mission, or a heroic deed to perform, a journeyer is someone for whom motion is a constant, and goals, however noble or lofty, are often rejected because of their limiting nature. Mercury represents the sudden turn of plot that provides a strange exit from a deterministic story line, or a sudden abundance of opportunities in contrast to an overly restrictive sense of fate or destiny that is possessing our consciousness.

It is so easy for us to plan the future and live in the present according to preexisting ideas. We often feel beholden to a certain fate or course of action and we forget that there are green pastures surrounding us everywhere, if we can only open our eyes.

Hermes, not coincidentally, ruled sleep, enchantment, dreams, and the sudden snap of the fingers that awakens us.

So when we talk about delayed or cancelled travel plans, or breakdowns of communication or the planned flow of events or activities during a Mercury retrograde, we’re missing the point. In fact, we’re trying to stay asleep by these explanations. For all of these events, Mercury’s gesture is always toward the limitless and overflowing multiplicity of options that for whatever reason we are forgetting about. It’s therefore important that we not bemoan, begrudge, or rant against Mercury when things break down during these times…but rather turn our eyes toward the winged footed god, and learn to pay attention to the interesting alternatives and the immediate freedom he brings.

However, this doesn’t mean that Hermes is always benefic or kind.To the Greeks, Hermes was a god who took people for a ride, enjoyed deception, trickery, and lies for the purpose of a lesson, and loved catching people with their pants down, so to speak. What looks to us like misfortune, in other words, looks like something else to Mercury.

For example, when Hermes stumbles across a mountain turtle outside of the cave he was born in, he talks to the turtle and delights in knowing that it’s greatest gift will be found in its death (when he kills the turtle and invents the Lyre).
During Mercury retrogrades there is sometimes a sense that someone with a sick sense of humor is trying to screw everything up for us. But if we learn to appreciate Mercury’s dark comedy, then the metaphorical death or breakdown we experience becomes the simultaneous crafting of a magical instrument. Hermes is always giving us gifts by stealing things away from us that we prize or hold with the most stubborn and moronic kind of ignorance. He’s like the fart in a yoga class that comes from the stuck up person whose totally vain and ruining it for everyone. And if he has his way with you, then you’ll laugh along with him the next time that person is you!

The story of how Hermes was created is also important because Hermes was born out of a love affair between Zeus and a nymph, hidden away in a secret cave. Hermes is thus a god of secrets. He is in a sense the god most symbolically begotten out of Zeus’ hypocrisy.

Zeus’ hypocrisy represents the tyranny of monotheism. The proud, singular, unifying, all important, goal oriented, heroic, solar, upward climbing, spiritual elitist. Accordingly, Hermes becomes like a gadfly to both his father Zeus and his sunny brother, Apollo. In fact, in one of the most well known Hermes’ stories, Hermes steals his brother Apollo’s herd of cattle. Apollo is the god of clarity, integrity, marksmanship, rationality, divination, and archery. Of course it is Apollo who owns the cattle…where the cattle are to some extent the docile, the fertile, and the masses of submissive folk. Those who are easily won over by Apollo’s ultimate claims are represented by the cattle. Hermes theft of Apollo’s cattle is therefore about the destabilizing of certainty and absolute thinking in general. Hermes theft of Apollo’s cattle back to the cave where his nymph mother still dwells is about the heretic, the rabble rouser, the goddess versus the god, and the exposing of the hypocritical or “rational elite.”

Hermes is not surprisingly called the magician, the trickster, the heretic, the one who moves against the pregivens and the high priestly or kingly figures. During retrogrades we often encounter breakdowns of various kinds because Mercury’s work is almost always about exposing our hypocrisy, opening up ambiguity, and confusing us where our certainty is most dubious.

As the guide of souls, psychopompos, Hermes has easy access back and forth between Hades. As the prince of thieves, Hermes also has a relationship to sudden discoveries, finds, and lootings.

Often enough during Mercury retrogrades, things that went missing show up again, back from the underworld. We lose things and find things out of the blue. We are guided through a dark period, uncertain, and yet mysteriously confident because we can sense the winged footed invisibility of our soul guide just around the corner.

Since I’m getting married in just one week from now, under a Mercury retrograde, I’ve gotten a number of emails asking me why we chose the timing. Wouldn’t it have been better to choose a different time?

First, I’m not big on the perfect astrological timing of things. Mercury is constantly foiling our plans, all the more so when we get too controlling and Apollonic about these things. My experience thus far with strong Mercury signatures in my birth chart has been that Mercury seems to screw with things at any point in time if you’re too confident about being in the “right” about something.

Second, and perhaps more importantly, Hermes has a beautiful relationship to oaths in Greek myth that is worth talking about. Worth talking about because one of the classic pieces of advice is always to “watch out for contracts signed or oaths or promises or agreements made under Mercury’s retrogrades.”
When it comes to oaths and promises and holy vows we have to ask ourselves who values these things the most? In the story where Hermes steals Apollo’s cattle he is eventually questioned by Zeus and Apollo, at which point he swears and offers oaths of his innocence (which are lies). As much as these oaths may seem like simple lies, Hermes is far too crafty and humorous to be a simple charlatan. We have to ask ourselves why he would choose the oaths and vows as deceptions before Zeus and Apollo? And of course the answer is that sacred and holy oaths and vows are just the kind of high moralizing and egoic things that Zeus and Apollo love. An oath is also exactly what Zeus broke when he had his love affair in the cave with Hermes’ nymph mother. When Hermes uses a “vow” or an “oath” to try and trick and deceive Apollo and Zeus he is essentially pointing out their hypocrisy in a kind of humorous evasion of their accusations.

The point being that in many ways oaths are like the prescripted storylines that we try to live by that can become a big target on our unsuspectings backs. It’s not that Mercury retrogrades are bad for oaths or that oaths are bad either…it’s that oaths made under retrogrades of Mercury are more naturally inclusive to all the doubt and uncertainty that oaths and vows are always in sacred relationship with (just like Mercury is the unavoidable son of Zeus…born out of Zeus’ oath breaking).

When Ashley and I met, during our first few months of planning and when launching Sky House Yoga, Mercury was retrograde. When I first started Nightilght, Mercury was retrograde. When we signed the lease on our second studio after the first, Mercury was retrograde. In each circumstance there has been the sense of an oath or commitment that is completely inclusive to the unknown, the potential for breakdown, and the ambiguity of a future we were both uncertain about at the time. And yet we’ve found this awkward uncertainty to be a critical component of how these things have evolved, including our own romantic relationship.

In our composite chart Ashley and I are also a Sun/Venus conjunction in Gemini (ruled by Mercury!). We will be married under a Sun/Venus conjunction in Libra, opposite Uranus in Aries, while Mercury is retrograde. We elected the chart with an astrologer friend of mine who specializes in elections. What was most important to us was to bring out into the open on the date of our wedding the tensions most enduring to the heart of our relationship. The subject of independent ambition versus coupled unity, the deep respect and love for each other and the presence of vows while also honoring the ambiguity of the future and our inherent suspicion of vows in general. Our priest is a practicing Episcopal, but our altar is pagan. We love these kinds of contradictions!
It’s been our experience, and it’s my astrological advice for the day, to embrace making commitments, purchases, oaths and travel plans during Mercury retrogrades if they come up. Because it’s not any of these things per se that Mercury likes to screw with or wreak havoc upon. Nope. That’s our superstition and laziness speaking. Mercury simply wants us to embrace the unknown and the uncertainties that can enter into any “plan” or “envisioned future” at any point in time.

Mercury is the “yes I’d do it again this way,” even when something breaks down or didn’t go as you hoped it would. Mercury is the “uncertainty at the outset” that creates heightened awareness..a kind of openness conducive to finding unexpected treasures. Mercury is the friendliness with ambiguity that says “I’m here to be guided, and I know that I can only control so much.”

Prayer: Stop me from trying to interpret every little thing, controlling every little ounce of certainty for my future. Let me embrace the deepest ambiguity of my holiest vows and let me laugh along with Mercury if and when he gets the “best” of me…


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