Earthquake near Tokyo

Moderate earthquake close to Tokyo

Last update: August 20, 2012 at 3:07 pm by By

Moderate earthquake close to Tokyo
A moderete M5.1 earthquake has struck close to Tokyo. Max. shaking was a 3 JMA while uses 5+ as a minimum to be dangerous for damage.
The earthquake occurred at 20:42 Japanese time.


Update – Sulawesi, Indonesia Earthquake

Earthquake Sulawesi, Indonesia – 6 people killed – a lot of villages still cut-off from aid due to blocked roads

Last update: August 20, 2012 at 3:11 pm by By

Update 20/08 – 14:58 UTC
The following information should make the 08:58 information more complete (courtesy Jakarta Post)
Due to the area being a national park, the government has forbidden to from construct roads to provide access to the area. To reach the villages, one has to either walk for around six hours, or ride a motorcycle for around three hours. The area also has limited telecommunication access. For all these reasons helicopter deployment is super-urgent. Helicopters can easily distribute aid to the isolated quake victims.
– The Sulawesi Lindu earthquake has killed six people, damaged 1097 houses, seven places of worship, three schools and one government office. Dozens of people suffered minor injuries during the earthquake.

Update 20/08 – 08:58 UTC
– The death toll has unfortunately climbed to 6
– Some reports are talking about 1000+ houses damaged some severely
– The landslides blocking the main road have not been removed completely, making it impossible for Rescue and aid transports to reach a lot of villages (Indonesian reports do speak about dozens of settlements). The landslide area is about 10 km long.
– A lot of villages around the Lindu lake (also a National Park) are still cut off from civilization which means that a complete assessment of the situation has not been done yet and also means that the toll of this earthquake can further increase. The current account of dead, injured and damage is thus far from complete.
– Red Cross Indonesia has promised to send an helicopter on Tuesday … to reach these remote villages.
– The Indonesian army has a big fleet of helicopters. Deploying 5 or 10 helicopters when the weather allows it, would be a great peacefull task. Where are they waiting for ? (comment ER)

Image courtesy

Very Important Update 19/08 – 22:00 UTC
BPBD, the government agency responsible for following up and managing disasters in Indonesia came with a long awaited first official assessment report. Unfortunately bad news.
4 people have been killed during this earthquake.
7 people were seriously injured
51 houses have been reported as severely damaged
The wordt impact occurred in 9 villages in 3 districts Kulawi (Namo, Bolapapu, Boladangko, Tangkulowi, and Saluwa), Lindu (Tomado) and Gumbasa (Pakuli, Tuva and Omu)
– The report is not yet complete as at least 10 landslides are still blocking the main road. Heavy equipment has been send to the landslide areas (bulldozers, trucks, etc)
– Victims with minor injuries have been treated in their respective villages.
– Buildings who have not been affected by the earthquake are used as shelters

Update 19/08 – 12:05 UTC
Avalanches occurred from kilometer 50 to kilometer 60 of on the main road to Kulawi  (border between the District and District Gumbasa Kulawi, Sigi Regency).

Update 19/08 – 12:05 UTC : a classic example of epicenter uncertainty
–  The image below made by our colleagues of  is showing what a difficult task it is to determine the location of the epicenter and accordingly the place to look at for SAR and AID workers to find the most damaged areas. Imagine that you are a rescue authority and that a massive earthquake strikes. Where to go to or to look at first. Telecommunications and power are down, so nobody can tell you what the exact situation of the earthquake is. Additionally, the seismological agencies are doing their best to provide the epicenter location as accurate as possible but they are differing often in tens of km’s for distant quakes, just like we have witnessed here in Sulawesi. Earthquake science is making big steps forward but is far from being 100% accurate. ER tends to give the benefit of the doubt for the local well organized seismological agencies, but as could be read below, also this is far from accurate as they are often nationally structured and as some equipment is installed and read locally, like in this case in Palu. The orange sign is an aftershock. We know that the buttons are hard to read, but the story behind the buttons is that they are far from accurate.
Based on the instruments which are monitored in Palu, the epicenter was located in the Sigi regency. BMKG matched the epicenter best (just north of the Lindu lake)

Epicenter location as reported by the different seismological agencies – image courtesy – Click on the map for the interactive version

Very important update 19/08 – 07:45 UTC (ongoing update):
– a 9 year old boy was killed during the earthquake (some (international) press is talking about 3 killed people, but this could not be confirmed locally at this moment
– 12 people have been seriously injured
– at least 40 houses have been seriously damaged or collapsed
– Houses have been seriously damaged houses in the following villages : Namo, Boladangko, Bolapapu and Tangkulowi  (Sigi district)
– There is still some confusion on where the epicenter was located of the mainshock. Soon after the earthquake epicenter was said to be in the Regency Parigi Moutong. After further investigation BMKG had admitted that the epicenter was located in the Sigi regency (sub-province Kulawi, Gumbasa and Lindu). the update has been reported by BMKG after that the data from the regional BMKG office at Palu was analyzed.
– 200 rescue workers have been mobilized to asses the damage in the villages and to help the people
– The power was off moments after the earth started to shake

for more information and updates, go to:


August 19-25

Color of the Week:    Middle Lavender

So many things that you once thought were important do not seem so important right now.  You are in a mood for letting go, and that is good.  It is time to free up space and energy for the changes that you are going through, for all the changes around you.  There can be some doubt, some hesitation. Some tears, but it is all to be expected.  You are walking through the rift in time to a new place and a new you where things will begin to make sense again.  Be alert to your senses this week.  The sense of smell will be particularly acute.  You can find yourself being distracted by scents and odors in all sorts of odd places.  It is important to keep your cool and to stay focused.  Listen carefully also.  Things are being said and hints are being dropped, some on purpose, some quite by accident.  But there can be a clue as to the new direction that you are heading in.  All those crazy things are lining up this week to keep you focused and assist in setting your compass, things like synchronicity, déjà vu, Freudian slips.  And do not discredit the advice of someone whom you have known but never really considered significant.


This week so much will be happening on the larger scale that you will feel as though your head is spinning.  The political agendas are moving forward quickly and ruthlessly.  There will be lots of fallout from this, as some candidates will find themselves having to face their own inaccuracies and even lies.  Unfortunately, their advisers will counsel them to falsify their responses and the whole thing will begin to snowball.  It will all come to a head in October. There is an anger at work in the world these days that will be flaring up in skirmishes on the larger scale and even in personal exchanges.  This week will see problems with electronics becoming quite an issues going so far as to disrupt travel as well as communications.  The earth is ready to bring forth some surprises in water, air, fire, and ground events.  Some of them will initiate chain reactions that can lead to panic in the areas they hit. It is a good idea to back up your electronics as there are some bursts of energy that will hit the planet.  They will be coming from an “unknown” source.  Some of them are coming from an energetic vortex that lies outside of this galaxy, out of any galaxy that is even close.  They originate in a dimension that is beyond the 12th.  How did the energy het here?  That is a question, however you will find that if is being drawn in by a vibration that is being broadcast from our galaxy ever more strongly as time goes by.

Sunday, August 19:    Slate Blue

Put aside your plans today because there are things that will be standing in the way.  Along with that it will seem that time is playing tricks on you, speeding up and slowing down.  Step back from it all.  Use your sense of humor, and just see what is going on around you.  There are things happening on many different levels today, and for many of them, if you do not notice in the first instance, they will come back squarely in your face.  You will not be able to cast a blind eye.  But observe and learn, because there are many themes out there today that will be reiterated as the months go forward.  This is a kind of energetic introduction to what is on the horizon.

Monday, August 20:   Light Salmon Red

You might just feel as though every obstacle you ever knew or even thought about is in your way today.  Well, stuff is getting pretty confused, but you have the vision and the knowing to get through it all.  It is a good day for prioritizing, for putting things in order, for getting rid of all the little s___.  You know what it is.  Like the dust bunnies that hide out in the corners.  It just gets to a point where you let them be.  Well, today, get out the broom, and go for it.  IT is time to clean up on every level.  When you do that, and throw out all that stuff that is just there because it is there you can not only feel an amazing release, but you will also be letting in some new air, and with that, new energy.  You can by the end of the day see things differently.  Not only that, but you will also see clearly things that have been there the whole time, just lost in the background noise.

Tuesday, August 21:   Silky Red

So much stuff, so many memories, so many regrets.  These are all part of the day’s energy.  But the flip side is always there.  Amazing things, happy times, victories.  Two sides to everything.  This will become very obvious throughout the day.  This can make it a bit difficult to focus, as you become distracted by shadows, stuff popping in and out of view, which can make you wonder just what is going on.  Stay centered and grounded in WHO you are lest you find unintended words popping out of your mouth, inappropriate reactions, and uncharacteristic actions.  While these kinds of things can be okay in some circumstances, today they just do not work.  Anyhow, as the day winds down, let it all go.  Just be in the moment and take some time to enjoy all that you can do.  You will actually find of some of today’s situations quite funny.

Wednesday, August 22:    Magenta

The morning is about the things that are hard to do — getting out of bed, watching the clock, catching the train, getting on the right elevator, choosing what to eat.  This is a time for just watching what is going on.  Take a moment, a breath, and just look at what you are doing — the preparations, the routines, the rituals.  What is it all about?  Then go on with your day.  And quite a day it can  be! There can be some really, really, unexpected revelations from people who always looked different, felt different.  You know, the ones who once were touted as the popular, successful, can-do-no-wrong guys.  Whatever.  It is all there to make you take another look at WHO you are and what that all means.  Everything they do is part of the background.  You are the star in your own life.  Today gives you a breather to take a look at the background and see just what being the star means.  (Get rid of those extras!!!)

Saturday, August 24:    Pale Violet

Tears and laughter mark the minutes and hours of today as things appear to you differently.  You are trying to figure where you stand in the midst of everything, the family situations, the relationships, the job, the creativity, the greater whole, and it all is beginning to find a new kind of pattern.  So what do you want?  It is probably about time you realized that all that stuff revolves around you.  It is your super-universe and you are the super-hero.  So why have you let so many other people, other things, distractions, , etc., etc., etc. take your place.  The current energy is urging you to take a look at WHO you are.  WHO you are can be scary if you are not ready to accept what it means to walk in your own power.  And that means not letting the opinions, feelings, thoughts, opprobrium, etc. of others make a difference to you in your super-world.  Choices are yours and when you are completely and totally WHO you are, those of resonant vibration will come forward. So you just might have a few surprises today.


Chris Dunn on Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt



Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt:

Advanced Engineering in the Temples of the Pharaohs

The landscape of the ancient world is dotted with fabulous structures that are breathtaking in their complexity. The Egyptians and Mayans had their pyramids and temples. The Hindus crafted elaborate temples throughout Asia. The Greeks built the Parthenon, and the Babylonians constructed the Jupiter Temple and the fabled Hanging Gardens. The Romans made their mark all over their world, with engineering geniuses guiding the construction of their famous roads, the Coliseum, and numerous temples and viaducts, while Roman sculptors guided their chisels over marble and alabaster, giving it physical presence and beauty.

With the exception of artifacts such as the mysterious Antikythera Mechanism, an astronomical computer found by fishermen on the sea floor near the island of Antikythera in 1901, the development of technology in the ancient world seems to have clear origins and is fairly well understood.

Going back yet further in time, a deeper mystery lies in the question of how the ancient Egyptian civilization could have flourished for three thousand years without improving the tools used to quarry and shape stone to near perfection. Since 1984, when Analog magazine published my article “Advanced Machining in Ancient Egypt?” controversy on this subject has persisted. The article proposed that the ancient Egyptians were more advanced than previously believed and that they used advanced tools and methods to cut granite, diorite, and other difficult-to-work stone. It does not seem credible that brilliant architects and engineers would continue to use stone tools and copper chisels for three millennia.

The most stunning and convincing artifacts that clearly contradict theories about how hard igneous rock was quarried and worked in prehistory are the incredible granite and basalt boxes in the rock tunnels of the Serapeum at Saqqara. Within these mysterious tunnels that were carved out of the limestone bedrock are over 20 huge granite boxes. These 70 ton boxes with their 20 ton lids were quarried at Aswan over 500 miles away and installed in arched crypts recessed into the walls of the labyrinth of underground tunnels. All of the boxes were finished on the inside and the bottom side of the lid, but not all were finished on the outside. It appears that work stopped suddenly in the Serapeum, for there were boxes in several stages of completion: boxes with lids, boxes that had yet to have the lids placed on them, and the rough box and lid near the entrance. The floor of each crypt was several feet lower than the tunnel floor. Iron railings were installed to prevent visitors from falling.

In 1995 I inspected the inside and outside surfaces of two boxes in the Serapeum with a 6-inch precision straight edge that was accurate to .0002 inch.

In one of the crypts there is a granite box with a broken corner, and this box is accessible by means of steps down to the lower floor. The outside of the box appears to be roughly finished, but the glint of a high polish on the inside surfaces beckoned me to climb inside. Running my hand along the surface of the granite reminded me of the thousands of times I have run my hand along a granite surface plate when I was working as a machinist and later as a tool and die maker. The feel of the stone was no different, though I was not sure of its flatness or accuracy. To check my impression, I placed the edge of my precision-ground parallel against the surface—and I saw that it was dead flat. There was no light showing through the interface of the steel and the stone, as there would be if the surface was concave, and the steel did not rock back and forth, as it would if the surface was convex. To put it mildly, I was astounded. I did not expect to find such exactitude, because this order of precision is not necessary for the sarcophagus of a bull—or any other animal or human.

I slid the parallel along the surface both horizontally and vertically, and there was no deviation from a true, flat surface. The flatness was similar to precision-ground surface plates that are used in manufacturing for the verification of exactly machined parts for tools, gauges, and myriad other products that require extremely accurate surfaces and dimensions. Those familiar with such products and the relationship between gauges and surface plates know that the gauge may show that the stone is flat within the tolerance of the gauge—in this case 0.0002 inch (0.00508 millimeter) flatness. If the gauge is moved 6 inches along the stone surface, however, and the same conditions are found, it cannot be claimed with certainty that the stone is within the same tolerance over 12 inches—unless the plate has been inspected by another means and is calibrated to a known standard.

Nonetheless, moving the steel edge along the granite provided enough information for me to conclude that I needed a longer straight edge—and, preferably, even more sophisticated alignment equipment—to determine the accuracy of the inside surfaces of the box. I was also impressed to find that each corner of the box had a small radius that ran from the top of the box to the bottom, where it blended with the corner radius of the floor of the box.

The artifacts I have measured in Egypt have the marks of careful and remarkable manufacturing methods. They are unmistakable and irrefutable in their precision but origin or intent will always be open to speculation. The following series of photographs were taken inside the Serapeum on August 27, 2001. Those taken of me inside one of these huge boxes show me inspecting the squareness between a 27 ton lid and the inside surface of the granite box on which it sits. The precision square I used was calibrated to .00005 inch (that is 5/100,000 of an inch) using a Jones & Lamson comparitor.

The underside of the lid and the inside wall of the box I found to be square, and finding that the squareness was achieved not just on one side of the box but both, raises the level of difficulty in accomplishing this feat.

Think of it as a geometric reality. In order for the lid to be square with the two inside walls, the inside walls would have to be parallel to one another along the vertical axis. Moreover, the topside of the box would need to establish a plane that is square to the sides. That makes finishing the inside exponentially more difficult. The manufacturers of these boxes in the Serapeum not only created inside surfaces that were flat when measured vertically and horizontally, they also made sure that the surfaces they were creating were square and parallel to each other, with one surface, the top, having sides that are 5 feet and 10 feet apart from each other. But without such parallelism and squareness of the top surface, the squareness noted on both sides would not exist

The flat surfaces of the inside of the boxes exhibited a high degree of accuracy that is comparable to surfaces found on surface plates in modern manufacturing facilities.

Finding such precision from any epoch in human history leads one to conclude that a sophisticated system of precise measure must have been in existence. This is an area of intense interest to engineers—such as myself—who find in Egypt a language with which we are familiar. This is the language of science, engineering, and manufacturing. Our counterparts in that ancient land left future generations of scientists, engineers, architects, and those who take their instructions and shape materials to their specifications, with a difficult challenge. This challenge is to recognize what they created and provide evidence-based, reasonable answers that give the ancient engineers credit for what they achieved.

The ancient Egyptians who built the pyramids and temples, who crafted monumental statues out of igneous rock, were thinking with the minds of architects, engineers, and craftspeople. Were ancient archaeologists responsible for the legacy they left us? Without the advice of modern Egyptian architects, engineers, and craftspeople, are today’s Egyptian archaeologists missing something? Are modern interpretations of the awesome feats of the ancient Egyptians irrelevant in providing new and powerful information about this ancient culture? Are the thoughts and conclusions of Western writers and travelers who stood in front of the Great Pyramid one hundred years ago (or some forty-five hundred years after it was built) more intrinsically linked to the ancient Egyptian mind than those who come after them, a century or more later? What can be described as a “modern perspective?” In his time, Herodotus would surely have been considered modern. So were Egyptophiles Petrie, Marriette, Champollion, and Howard Carter—each in possession of a modern mind that was clothed in a fabric of prejudices and stereotypes that existed within their own culture.

When it comes to completely understanding the ancient Egyptians’ level of technological prowess, there can be no final conclusion. What is left to study today is a mere skeleton of what existed at the time of the ancient Egyptians. This skeleton survives as highly sophisticated and precisely crafted sedimentary and igneous rock. It is my belief that the clothes we have placed on this skeleton are mere rags compared to what should be there. I have proposed in the past that higher levels of technology were used by the ancient Egyptians, but for the sake of argument, I have rejected some ideas and cast doubt on my previous assertions as to the level of technology they enjoyed. At the same time, I cast doubt on the methods of manufacture that Egyptologists have asserted were used to build the pyramids and the glorious temples in Egypt. These methods are primitive and include stone and wooden mallets; copper chisels; tube drills and saws; and stone hammers for quarrying, dressing, and sculpting hard igneous rock.

Having knowledge of the incredible precision in the boxes in the Serapeum, we should be reminded of the work of Sir William Flinders Petrie, who measured and recorded for prosperity the marvelous layout of the Giza Plateau, and particularly the accuracy and true alignment of many of the features found in the Great Pyramid. His measurements discovered that the casing stone were cut within .010 inch and the constructed portion of the Descending Passage was accurate to within the thickness of a thumbnail (.020 inch) over a length of 150 feet.

To understand how the ancient Egyptians created these testaments to manufacturing prowess, we need to rely on an examination by scientists and engineers. They would take measurements with modern tools and analyze the full scope of the work and compare them with our own capabilities. The full scope of the work includes the most difficult aspects of the work, which are ignored by Egyptologists when they attempt to explain how the ancient Egyptians created their monuments. For instance, dragging a 25 ton block of granite over wooden rollers, with great difficulty, does not explain how a 500 ton obelisk or monolithic statues weighing 1000 tons were moved by prehistoric people. Bashing out a few cubic centimeters of granite with a dolerite ball does not explain how thousands of tons of granite were extracted from the bedrock and shaped with extreme precision and displayed as monumental pieces of art in the temples of Upper Egypt. To know the true majesty and capability of the ancient Egyptians, one only has to know and appreciate the full extent of their work.

to read the rest of the article and view the images, go to:

eBay Bans Sale of Potions, Spells, Etc.

eBay Bans Sales of Spells, Curses, Advice and Other ‘Intangibles’

  • By Liat Clark
  • 08.17.12 3:14 PM

Photo: Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)

Haunted gypsy rings, a portal to the realm of the immortals and creepy ’40s dolls that promise to “come alive” will soon have to find a new home, along with nearly 100,000 other products, after eBay announced it would be banning the sale of items classed as metaphysical.

The online auction house announced the changes as part of a routine cleanup that will also see recipe and dieting advice lots stricken from the site. The decision, it says, is down to “a large number of misclassified items and eBay policy violations” that often lead to “issues that can be difficult to resolve.” Presumably a few angry customers unable to get a love spell working have caused eBay strife over the years. One seller, magickandmysticism, promises to “offer my services not just for the compensation, but for the experience of mystical co-creation shared between two people — that is something that never gets old.” With a sales pitch like that, all the terms and conditions in the world can’t protect some people from the disappointment that goes hand in hand with magickandmysticism’s curse turning out to be a dud.

Among the items that will be taken down and prohibited from August 30, 2012, are “advice; spells; curses; hexing; conjuring; magic; prayers; blessing services; magic potions; healing sessions; work from home businesses and information; wholesale lists, and drop shop lists.”

Potions and tarot readings will also take a hit, and a community of buyers is up in arms at the prospect. A petition, “Don’t ban our psychics on eBay” was published on August 11, 2012 and has so far gained 1,009 signatures. The premise of the petition is that eBay’s perception of what makes an “intangible,” and therefore unviable product, may not be the same for an entire community of people who regularly pick up charms and blessings on the site.

“What is alarming now is that the blanket term of ‘intangible item’ is being used to ban actual items,” the petition organizer says in a letter. “What concerns me is your purposed selective enforcement of what you (eBay) terms ‘intangible’. It seems you only have targeted those sellers who offer items of a certain occult or esoteric nature — for instance, pagan beliefs and witchcraft.”

Though the petition does not use the word discrimination, it does point out that the sales of items reflecting other belief systems that remain unproven are not in dispute. Most significantly, it singles out “rosaries, crucifixes or religious medals, all of which have perceived ‘intangible’ abilities and energies associated with them,” and goes on to say that feng shui items, such as crystals, and magnetic therapy jewellery could also be seen to offer “intangible benefits”.

eBay spokeswoman Johnna Hoff has cleared this matter up, however, explaining that “items that have a tangible value for the item itself and may also be used in metaphysical rites and practices (for instance, jewellery, crystals, incense, candles, and books) are allowed in most cases”.

eBay’s subjectivity, the petition goes on however, also relates to monetary value. According to the auction house, prices related to the items in question cannot reflect added value. Though as the petition points out, “the market determines the price and people will pay the price or they won’t” — value is entirely subjective, and always has been. It’s how eBay works.

According to a brief scan of the seller feedback results on eBay, it seems quite a few customers are happy with their products. Magickandmysticism, who is currently selling “Vampire Mistress Sex Spirit… Haunted Succubus Nymph Wife Girlfriend… Julianna the Vampire Mistress” for a bargain £80 (plus free shipping), has 100 percent positive feedback from nearly 100 buyers with one noting, “incredible energy output from spirit. Palpable. Unbelievably Awesome. Thank you,” and another excitedly proclaiming, “Instead of a Pokémon collector. I feel like I’m a spirit collector”. For the skeptics out there, seductive succubus’ aside, zero negative feedback looks a little suspect on eBay. And when it comes to selling said succubus nymph on eBay, we’re sure everyone is thinking the same thing — the auction house should never have been enabling slavery and prostitution in the first place.

Sellers might be able to get around the ban by adapting the wording used to promote items or, alternatively, they could head to Craigslist where professor Kaye is free to continue selling lost love spells.

In the meantime, we will be pondering eBay forum poster stinky*felix’s philosophical question: “I think it is presumptuous to state that anyone whose communication may transcend our abilities is a liar. After all, wouldn’t Moses and the prophets fit in that category?”


Jim Self on Judgment, Compassion, Forgiveness

Getting Out of the Judgment Game

a message from Jim Self
Tuesday, 14 August, 2012

You’ve been on this path of knowledge for a very long time. You’ve studied the best self-help books, taken the workshops and followed all the inspirational teachers. You’ve learned that you are in complete management of how you design your life. Then why do you continue to find yourself judging others? (Yes, that teeny-tiny voice is still there whispering.) So why does that continue to come up in your life when you thought you had gotten beyond all that?

Because YOU have been judged.

There is a very interesting line right in the middle of the Lord’s Prayer. It says, “Forgive us for our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” It doesn’t say, “Go fix that guy over there and when he is perfect and kind and considerate then I’ll consider forgiving him.”

What this really means is: “I’ve bought somebody’s baggage and I’m carrying it around. Now I’m deciding and choosing to believe that they’re okay. As mean and horrible as they may be acting right now, they’re really okay. They’re simply in a lot of pain.”

You see, there are no bad people—only a lot of people in pain. Sometimes that pain demonstrates itself very loudly. Sometimes that pain is thrown at you as judgments.

Did you ever try to work when you had a toothache? It’s not very comfortable. Have you ever had a splinter in your finger and tried to type? Not easy. People have massive pain because they have been lied to, and lied to, and lied to. They’re simply demonstrating what they know best. Have you ever seen someone walking around in anger, pain and victim-energy? They’ve been lied to. Their in-dwelling light has been dimmed and they are simply demonstrating what they believe as truth.

Have you ever had the experience of holding a grudge? For example, let’s say I kick you and walk away. You think to yourself, “What a jerk that guy was. He didn’t even say I’m sorry.” You’re really upset about it and you tell all your friends. A year later I come into town and I say, “Hey, nice to see you again.” What’s the first thing that comes into your mind? “You jerk.” But then what happens is I say, “You look like you’re angry at me.”

“I am! You kicked me and you’re such a jerk and…”

“Wow, I didn’t know that. Thinking back I realize that when I got up I thought I stepped on the chair or something. I’m really sorry. If I would have known, I would have absolutely apologized.”

At that minute, do you still hold that grudge? Not really. But throughout that entire year who was stuck—you or me? You sat for a year in that grumbling and judgment. Mostly you chose to stay in that judgment energy because you didn’t get what you really passionately wanted from me. You wanted a “Hello.” Hello. I see you! That’s what you’ve wanted all of your life. You just wanted somebody to say, “Hello! I see your brightness.” Pretty simple.

In kindergarten did you show someone your elephant drawing that had orange all over it and the color was outside the lines? Perhaps the response was, “That’s not an elephant. It’s a scribbly mess. Don’t you know elephants are gray and they stay within the lines? And don’t ever draw like that again.” If that happens to you, will you ever draw another elephant? Not likely. So, do you carry a little bit of judgment in your space about who you are and what you are capable of? (A lot.)

That invalidation comes from people who are in pain. They aren’t bad—they’re just in pain. Does looking at that past experience from a new perspective change it a bit? You got rid of the judgments of right/wrong and good/bad. There go the judgments. All that’s left is experiences—amusing, interesting experiences. You can make a different choice now.

You can choose compassion.

Would you like to begin to let some of that pain go so that you don’t have to carry judgment around anymore? When you choose to view life experiences from a higher perspective, you find that higher, older, wiser, broader part of you. Your Higher Self sits there and it says to you, “I want to add to All-That-Is. I want to experience more.”

You see, when you came in to this body, you said, “I’m a big, capable spirit. I remember who I am. I’m going to make a difference. I’m going to break up the current pain-game. I’m going to break up the judgments that were added to the judgments that were added to the lies that were added to the pain that was added to the punishment that was added to more judgment.”

You said, “When I come into this body I’m coming in with the goal to bring Heaven to Earth.”

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no charge basis.

Dangerous Earthquake – Sualwesi, Indonesia

Earthquake Sulawesi, Indonesia – 9-year old boy killed and dozens injured + lot of damaged buildings

Last update: August 18, 2012 at 5:05 pm by By

Update : The population versus the epicenter radies is as follows (courtesy GDACS) :
Radius    Population
100 km    1.2 million people
75 km    1 million people
50 km    900000 people
20 km    41000 people
10 km    1600 people
5 km     <1000 people
2 km     <1000 people
Based on these data and based on our experiences, about 50,000 people are having damage and injuries risks. To the positive side we have to explain that the building style in the area is mostly of wood and bamboo which is very earthquake resistant.

Shaking map courtesy USGS

Theoretical calculations are reporting that 120000 people may have experienced a potential damaging strong shaking!
In 1985 a similar M6.6 earthquake made no fatalities at 85 km from the current epicenter. Although this is looking good, earthquakes are hard to compare and almost never have the same output.

We are currently writing at this article, please refresh every couple of minutes.

Most important Earthquake Data:
Magnitude : Mw 6.6
UTC Time : Saturday, August 18, 2012 at 09:41:54 UTC
Local time at epicenter : Saturday, August 18, 2012 at 05:41:54 PM at epicenter
Depth (Hypocenter) : 20.2 km
Geo-location(s) :
56 km (34 miles) SSE of Palu, Indonesia
72 km (44 miles) W of Poso, Indonesia

pdate 16:57 UTC : Landslides have blocked the important road to Kulawi.

Update 16:41 UTC : The earthquake scene includes the districts of Sigi and Gumbasa. Hundreds of people have chosen to spend the night in tents (or self made tents or tents from the disaster authorities) as they are afraid to stay overnight is sometimes already damaged houses. Putting a tent in their own garden is guarding at the same time their property.
At present we can report that at least 30 houses have been seriously damaged and 100 slightly damaged.

Important update 16:15 UTC : Unfortunately we have to report that a 9 year old boy was killed by falling debris during the M 6.2 earthquake in Sulawesi. Dozens have been injured. (source Indonesian media stating BPBD)

Update 15:25 UTC : At least 23 houses have been damaged in Paragi Mountong district, close to the epicenter. The villages where the damaged houses are located are Desa Namo, Bolapapu, and Tangkolowi.

Update 15:05 UTC : A BPBD spokesman said that 2 people have been injured by falling debris in the village of Parigi Mountong, a district close to the epicenter.

Update 14:45 UTC : The American seismological agency USGS has updated the earthquake data and decreased the Magnitude from 6.6 to 6.3. The hypocenter depth has been changed from 20.2 to 19.9, not a real difference.

Update 14:30 UTC : The earthquake happened during the last hours of the Ramadan. The end of the Ramadan is a great feast for all the families.

Update 13:43 UTC : We are trying to obtain more news from the earthquake area but so far without a lot of details. As the night has fallen and as a lot of people do not want to go inside, we will need to wait until a calmer period. Electricity has been restored shortly before 7 PM in many populated areas.

Update 12:59 UTC : People in Palu have mentioned that the shaking lasted about 15 seconds. Darkness has fallen in Indonesia now, so it may take a lot of hours before we will have reports from the epicenter area. The current reports are arriving from the bigger cities at tens of km from the epicenter. As said before, the radius we have called very dangerous for injuries and serious damage is approx. 20 km around the epicenter. The locations were damage was reported are outside this radius !

Update 12:46 UTC : Shaking was felt until Palu City, Donggala, Poso, and Morowali which is about 100 kilometers from the epicenter. Panic broke out in a shopping mall in Palu city. A first overview is reporting many damaged buildings in Tavanjuka and Sigi

Update 11:51 UTC :  17 minutes after the mainshock a first strong M4.9 aftershock has been recorded.

Update 11:49 UTC :  The earthquake occurred along the Palu Koro fault line who is moving at a speed of 3 cm per year! The Palu Koro fault stretches over a distance of 800 km. A BPBD (National Disaster Management Agency) spokesperson said that the fault is known as very dangerous. The epicenter following this agency was at only 40 km from the big city of Palu. First reports out of Palu are not mentioning serious damage to important buildings.

Update 11:40 UTC :  As could be expected with this kind of strong earthquake, the power was down.

Update 11:30 UTC :  BMKG reported that the epicenter of the earthquake was located at 27 km Southwest of Central Sulawesi Parigimoutong or 40 miles Southeast Sulawesi Tenggah Palu.

Update 11:18 UTC : In Palu, a city located 54 km from the epicenter, people ran in panic out of their houses. Palu has 282,000 inhabitants !

Lindu lake – image courtesy Mujiyanto

Update 11:09 UTC : Ranu Lindu or Lindu Lake is an Indonesian National Park. The hills surrounding the lake are quite low making landslides less evident, although they can also be generated in lower hills if the area has been saturated by rain. The area of the national park is 2,180 km² covering both lowland and montane forests. It provides habitat to numerous rare species, including 77 bird species endemic to Sulawesi. The national park is designated as part of the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves. In addition to its rich wildlife, the park also contains megaliths dating from before 1300 AD.
The easiest access to visit the national park is from Palu to Kamarora (50 kilometers in 2.5 hours drive). Due to a lot of rainfall up to 4,000 mm a year in the southern part of the national park, the best time to visit is from July to September. ER : luckily we are currently in the relatively dry season

Update 11:07 UTC : Indonesian sources report no casualties or damage but this of course far too soon to say something like that. The strongest shaking has been experienced in a very remote area and it may take many hours before that we get a decent report. Additionally darkness will fall in a few hours making eventual rescue and assessment tasks even more difficult.

Very Important Update 10:48 UTC : Totally different (and less dangerous) numbers at BMKG, the seismological agency from Indonesia. BMKG reports at Magnitude of 6.2  (a HUGE difference in energy) at a depth of 10 km. Nevertheless these better numbers, the earthquake remains dangerous. BMKG (which has the most seismological instruments installed in Sulawesi, puts the location of the epicenter to the north of the lake. Once more we see totally different data depending on the seismological reports. It will take a while before the conflicting data will be solved. BMKG also reported that nobody has to fear for a tsunami but we know from earlier experiences that everybode will have fled to higher grounds following the shaking.

Update 10:48 UTC : The nearest populated places are: Pangana (17km), Tomado (7km), Loeo (11km). The closest civilian airport is Mutiara (52km).

Update 10:43 UTC : People may have been very lucky to have experienced a M4.7 foreshock at the same area a little less than 2 hours before the main earthquake struck. Indonesian people have the habbit to auto-evacuate if a strong shaking happens and a lot of them may have been out of their houses.

Update : this earthquake is not a (less dangerous) subduction earthquake, but a transform earthquake. Transform earthquakes are far more dangerous because of the ground movement styles.

Update : There is a substantial wave risk on the very big Rano Lindu lake as the epicenter of the earthquake happened only a few km from the lakeshore

for more information and updates, go to:

New Solar Flare

SIGNIFICANT SOLAR FLARE, NOT EARTH-DIRECTED: Magnetic fields snaking over the sun’s northeastern limb erupted on August 18th around 01:02 UT. The M5.5 class eruption was not Earth-directed, but it could herald a significant uptick in geoeffective solar activity as the new active region turns toward Earth in the days ahead. Solar flare alerts: text, phone.

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the eruption:


Jeff Masters On Current Tropical Storms

94L a threat to the Lesser Antilles; Gordon a hurricane; Helene hits Mexico
Posted by: Dr. Jeff Masters, 3:24 PM GMT on August 18, 2012 +22

A large tropical wave that emerged from the coast of Africa Thursday night (Invest 94L) is located a few hundred miles southwest of the Cape Verde Islands off the coast of Africa, and is headed west at 15 – 20 mph. This storm is a threat to develop into a tropical storm that will affect the Lesser Antilles Islands as early as Wednesday. The storm is under moderate wind shear of 10 – 20 knots, and is over waters of 27.5°C. A large area of dry air lies just to the north of 94L, as seen on the latest Saharan Air Layer (SAL) analysis. This morning’s 8:15 am EDT ASCAT pass caught the east side of 94L, and showed a partial surface circulation. Satellite images show just a modest amount of heavy thunderstorm activity, and I expect the earliest that 94L could develop into a tropical depression would be Sunday.

Figure 1. Morning satellite image of Invest 94L.

Forecast for 94L
The latest 8 am EDT run of the SHIPS model predicts that wind shear will be low, 5 – 10 knots, and ocean temperatures will gradually warm from 27.5°C to 28.5°C over the next four days, as 94L tracks westwards towards the Lesser Antilles. As is typical with storms making the crossing from Africa to the Antilles, dry air to the north will likely interfere with development. However, with shear expected to be low, dry air may be less of an issue for 94L than it was for Ernesto or TD 7. The storm should maintain a nearly due west track through Monday night, to a point near 50°W, about 700 miles east of the Lesser Antilles. At that point, a trough of low pressure passing to the north of 94L may be able to pull the storm more to the northwest, as suggested by the latest 06Z (2 am EDT) run of the NOGAPS model, and by three members of the GFS model ensemble forecast (Figure 2.) However, the models have been trending more towards a solution where this trough is not strong enough to influence 94L’s path. This scenario will be more likely if 94L takes its time to develop, since a weaker storm will be smaller and shallower, and less likely to respond to the trough passing to the north. Our two best performing models, the GFS and ECMFW, both take 94L through the Lesser Antilles. The ECMWF, which predicts that 94L will stay weak and not develop, is faster, bringing the storm through the Lesser Antilles on Wednesday. The GFS model is slower, bringing 94L to the Lesser Antilles on Thursday as a hurricane. The models have shown poor run-to-run consistency in both the timing and the track of 94L, so it is difficult to assess which land areas might be most at risk, and when. A database of historical probabilities of storms in the same location as 94L maintained by Dr. Bob Hart of Florida State University reveals that historically, 45% of storms in this location have eventually hit land, with Canada (13% chance) and North Carolina (15% chance) the most likely targets. In their 8 am EDT Tropical Weather Outlook, NHC gave 94L a 40% chance of developing into a tropical depression by Monday morning.

Figure 2. The 00Z (8 pm EDT) run of the GFS model from August 17, 2012, was done 20 different times at low resolution using slightly different initial conditions to generate an ensemble of forecasts (pink lines.) The high-resolution operational GFS forecast is shown in white.

Gordon becomes a hurricane
Hurricane warnings are flying for the central and eastern Azores Islands as Hurricane Gordon heads eastwards at 18 mph. Gordon became the third hurricane of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season at 5 am Saturday morning, and is sporting an impressive-looking eye on visible satellite loops. Gordon should be able to maintain hurricane status until Sunday, when wind shear will rise steeply to 30 – 40 knots, and ocean temperatures will drop to 25°C. The combined effects of high wind shear, dry air, and cooler waters will likely act to weaken Gordon to a strong tropical storm by the time it arrives in the Azores Islands Sunday night, but the storm will be strong enough to bring damaging winds and heavy rain to the Azores Islands. Gordon is not a threat to any other land areas, and the extratropical remnants of Gordon will not bring any strong winds or significant rain to Europe. The last time the Azores were affected by a tropical storm was in 2009, when Tropical Storm Grace brought 65 mph winds on October 4. No significant damage was reported. Ironically, the last hurricane to affect the Azores was the 2006 version of Hurricane Gordon, which caused minor damage in the Azores, consisting of mostly fallen trees and power outages. However, after Gordon became an extratropical low, four injuries due to falling debris from high wind were reported in Spain, and Gordon brought high winds and rain that affected practice rounds at the Ryder Cup golf tournament in Ireland. About 126,000 homes were without power after the storm in Northern Ireland and one injury was reported.

Figure 3. Morning satellite image of Hurricane Gordon.

Helene makes landfall in Mexico
Tropical Storm Helene made landfall near 10 am EDT as a tropical storm near Tampico, Mexico, with 40 mph winds. Helene’s formation on August 17 ties 2012 with 1933 for the 2nd earliest appearance of the Atlantic’s eighth tropical storm. Helene’s rains should remain south of Texas, but moisture from Helene may feed into a stalled frontal system over the northern Gulf of Mexico and bring heavy rains to the northern Gulf Coast early next week.


THe Group Thro’ Steve Rother 05/15 Message

All Levels Evolve ~ As Below So Above

Steve Rother
a message from Steve Rother

Wednesday, 15 August, 2012

Greetings from Home

The Reverse Wave Has Begun

The connection between Home and Earth has become much faster, especially over the last several months. Planet Earth is now changing in preparation for what is to come. Imagine what it would be like to have a giant wave of water like a tsunami coming in to change everything in its path. Before the wave comes in, the water first goes out toward the ocean and seems to form a reverse wave in anticipation of the huge one that is expected. It is as if the negative energy needs to draw everything out before the positive energy can flow in to make the change. This is typical of wave patterns.

We have been speaking about wave patterns for some time. Now we are about to tell you of the wave you are creating and the tremendous effect it is having. You are excited and ready to ascend. Very simply, that excitement is stirring within you and causing your heart to beat in such a way that you have created a vibrational movement around you. When you combine the vibration with that of other like-minded people around you, it forms a conglomerate of waves. All waves begin strongly, but when they meet resistance they fade out and eventually become a straight line. This is indicative of all wave patterns until you have two waves occur together.

When two waves combine, they surround the center equally on all sides and by its very nature it does not degrade. These are known as scalar waves, and we tell you that you are doing this with your hearts. It is happening on a global basis, not just in one segment of humanity, one area, or one country. It is literally taking place on many different levels at the same time. Because of your established structures and cultures, this new energy will be incorporated slightly differently in various parts of the world. Right now all of humanity is making monumental steps in raising vibrations, and by doing so two things are occurring. First, you are closing the gap between what you think of as heaven and Earth. Your spirituality, that part of yourself which you’ve always been trying to think of as separate, is now communicating in a different way with your mind and heart. You are starting to reach into new truths and areas that uncover your powers. You are re-membering more of Home and daring to look at that, which is profound on this planet at this moment. So, dear ones, your own connection between you and that part if you which is your spirit is growing stronger. As we have said before, as all of humanity evolves there will come a time when every one of you will start to channel. During that time the word channeling will disappear, for you do not need words to describe things that all of you do.

There was a time during the 1970s that you came up with a word to describe a new phenomenon you call ‘extra sensory perception.’ The word has completely disappeared from your language because you no longer need it. You understand that everyone has this ability, and it is not unusual anymore. Many of you will not call yourselves channels and that’s fine, for we are not burdened with the egos that you have to carry. We do not care which channel it comes from, as long as you can feel and allow that energy that is love to come through from Home. All of you on this planet have an opportunity to channel your own piece of Home that is unique only to you, and that is taking place right now. We are not the ones doing it, you are. Humanity has now reached a level to where you can hold this power within, while still continuing to grow and pretending to be a human inside of your physical bubble of biology. Bravo, dear ones! Well done. Well done.

Now let us speak of the second thing that occurs as all of humanity raises vibration. There is another wave that is created from the action of the first, and it is a form of harmonics that occurs naturally. Soon, all of these waves will combine. Imagine for a moment all the waves that have been coming in with each of the mastered years. The 9s were mastered, then the 10s, the 11s, and now soon the 12s. You have created a human wave of energy that is changing this planet radically.

All Levels Evolve ~ Earth bounds

There is also an effect that you are not aware of that we wish to bring your attention to. The creation of the wave causes its recession, by drawing out the old energy to help build and bring in the new wave. Although on one level that cause-and-effect reaction is creating a particular problem, you do hold the answer to it.

Re-member, dear ones, you are infinite spirits playing a pretend game to be finite. You are pretending to have a beginning and an end, pretending to be a human. But somewhere deep inside, each and every one of you knows this is only a game you are playing. Your biological bubble is only a temporary shelter. The real you is infinite and part of every other piece of the universe. Well, here is the challenge. Too often when humans step out of their body and leave Earth to go Home, they are still on the planet of free choice; sometimes they simply choose not to go Home. Humans love fear and often try to get into the state of fear. You even make up ghost stories and scary movies to explain this in-between space, and then you feel afraid. Embrace your emotions – even fear – because a human can only be on Earth if they hold onto all human emotions; it is the only way to be earth bound.

Human Emotions and the Gift of Tragedy

Many of you are feeling empathy for the beings that you believe are stuck on Earth, the ones you call ghosts. However, understand that they are on the planet of free choice too, so they can choose to go Home anytime they want. Some of them simply do not know how. Others are stuck in their story and have difficulty releasing it long enough to reach Home. You see, dear ones, human emotions will not work at Home. What are the human emotions? Fear is number one. All of the negative emotions are based in fear. These are human interpretations, because you live in a field of duality. You feel that if you have something good, then there must have something bad to balance it. This has been your way for a very long time. In addition, although that is now changing, it’s actually the point at which the problem arises. For eons there have been beings that have not yet returned Home. Maybe they have hung on to their anger, fear, jealousy, or even it is their love that has kept them stuck. Why is love a human emotion that could ban some to spirits to Earth instead of bringing them Home? It cannot, if it is true love. Your expressions of love on this Earth include both unconditional and conditional love. However, if you are bound with conditional love and you can do nothing but find the conditions for it, you will not be able to go Home. It is your choice.

This is causing an awakening of the entire dimension of humanity, but do not think for a second that they are any different then you are. These are your parents and grandparents, your brothers and sisters, your sons and daughters, and even your grandchildren. Every human being is a part of you in some way, no matter which dimension there are in. Free choice has been very challenging, because you cannot simply open the door between the two. As a result, there have been many times at which collective agreements were reached to experience tragedies. One of the ways of opening the doors for those beings that get wrapped up in their cycles of being stuck, is to have other beings across the veil standing in front of them. Often this is the deeper meaning and cause of a tragedy. Because of today’s technologies it is quickly spread to every single heart, and you all feel a tinge of pain when something happens to someone else. That is indeed beautiful, because that empathy will heal the planet!

Do not try to find the answers to every tragedy. Many times it is those who experienced the tragedy that agreed to go Home without warning. They are changing the planet, because they are opening the doorways to the other side of the veil that will allow some to go Home. You feel sad when you see or hear about a tragedy, because you are attempting to understand the how and why of the event. Know that on some level it is beautiful and there is nothing wrong with that. So, own it and know that you are helping to create a column of light for them to travel Home.

Flexing Your Magnetic Field

Here is another part of that we wish to share with you. You are beings of magnetics, and what is taking place on planet Earth is a magnetic shift beyond your understanding. Although you have learned to measure magnetic fields with certain vibrations, you still know very little about the long-reaching fields of your own magnetism. Many times that is how you communicate – telepathically. Some of you are starting to feel depression, which is very common on this planet right now; it is the emotional tug of all the water on its way. You may feel serious for no apparent reason, as if you know deep down that something’s happening but you can’t quite place what it is. If you are not able to process this feeling, you are likely to go into depression and become a part of that water moving out before the wave can come in.

We tell you, dear ones, that the easiest way to climb outside of your own problems is to reach up and help somebody else out of theirs. Sometimes you become so concerned about your own feelings, your little bubble biology, or the problems occurring within your field, that you forget your magic is always in helping someone else. Some have felt the recession in this way, and are now having difficulty functioning on a daily basis. We ask you to dare to put yourself aside for just a few moments everyday, to focus on your brothers and sisters who may be in these dimensions and need a little help. Reach through the dimensions, lift the veil, tap them on the shoulder, and tell them how very much they are loved. Tell them that when they let go, they can go Home instantly. Many times all you need to do is to point the way with your light. If instead you fall into fear, then you have reinforced their illusion rather than pulled aside the veil. “Go to the light, go to the light, go to the light!” We tell you, dear ones, sometimes that is really all they need to hear. Share with them that they do have the choice to break the cycle, and can go Home if that is what they wish. By daring to reach out, you help other spirits that will in turn lift you out of depression. Reaching out will help re-store your spirit into the energy you truly hold, and give you a direction for focusing your energy.

Holding Power

Each and every one of you are masters on this planet. You are waiting to be masters in all areas, but we tell you that has not worked well in the past. This person over here has a special gift, that person over there has quite a different one. We can hardly wait until you meet one another. When finally you come together and say, “We’ve been trying to meet each other for 20 years, what took us so long?” the unity is perfect. Each and every one of you carries a crystal that shines brightest only in your heart. It is not intended to save all of humanity, for it is simply your part of the puzzle that only you can carry. Only you can stand up and say, “I hold this unique piece of Home.” Many times your own self-judgments keep you from saying that. Instead, you think to yourself, “Who am I to do that? There all these famous people and sure they can do it, but as for me I’m just a little person not doing anything. What can I possibly write in my book that has not been written before?” But that is not the way to look at it, dear ones. Each and every one of you has a special unique art, and when you start combining some of the pieces you create Home. When you dare to reach out and let your voice be heard on another side of the veil, then it will create an energy also heard on planet Earth. It will lead you into the next millennium, into the thousand years of peace that was predicted a long time ago. You are magic, yet the hardest part is to believe in your own magic. Sometimes the evidence of your magic appears differently than you thought it would. Maybe your reach into the universe did not bring back the result you expected, because perhaps that spirit was instead directing you to something higher. Now comes a time when you can learn to experience a fluid lifestyle, by allowing spirit to be part of your energy at every moment and not just when you stop to channel or write, or play music. When you look at a person across the room and for a moment send them a wave of love, understand that you may be changing not only their day but also their entire life.

You have that power, but the question is what are you going to do with it? The waves coming in are beginning.. The middle of August is when this recession truly hits its highest peak, and from that point on you will start seeing some of the waves building and coming in. The idea is to place yourself freely in front of the wave. Ride the wave and let it carry you. Hold your breath if you must, for many times you are running away from the wave and trying to protect yourself. Letting go is what makes you feel overwhelmed by it when it finally does come in. This was not done through an alignment of any kind, for this is a wave you have created. It was not done through predictions. It was done by you, because you want to change your lives, your direction, and your world. We have only one answer, “And so it is.”

You are the greatest angels that have ever lived. You feel the new energy coming in, yet you also feel the pain and the restrictions. You feel the lack of love at times, and you’ll probably even feel fear. It’s what you do with that energy that makes a difference. What can you take out of that darkness and turn into the night? What part of that has your name? We are so incredibly proud to look out and see the brightly shining spirit in each of you. We know who you are, dear ones. We see you clearly, and we love you beyond your understanding. This world is changing one heart at the time and you are doing a marvelous job. Reach out and do what you can. When you feel as if you just don’t know what to do next, reach out and help someone else find their way. That is your gift. So, try to figure out a way to empower someone around you, and then watch as your own world and life changes very quickly. It is with the greatest of honor that we share with you in this way.

We ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another every chance you get. It’s a brand new game you are playing. . . Play well together.


The group

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