August 19-25

Color of the Week:    Middle Lavender

So many things that you once thought were important do not seem so important right now.  You are in a mood for letting go, and that is good.  It is time to free up space and energy for the changes that you are going through, for all the changes around you.  There can be some doubt, some hesitation. Some tears, but it is all to be expected.  You are walking through the rift in time to a new place and a new you where things will begin to make sense again.  Be alert to your senses this week.  The sense of smell will be particularly acute.  You can find yourself being distracted by scents and odors in all sorts of odd places.  It is important to keep your cool and to stay focused.  Listen carefully also.  Things are being said and hints are being dropped, some on purpose, some quite by accident.  But there can be a clue as to the new direction that you are heading in.  All those crazy things are lining up this week to keep you focused and assist in setting your compass, things like synchronicity, déjà vu, Freudian slips.  And do not discredit the advice of someone whom you have known but never really considered significant.


This week so much will be happening on the larger scale that you will feel as though your head is spinning.  The political agendas are moving forward quickly and ruthlessly.  There will be lots of fallout from this, as some candidates will find themselves having to face their own inaccuracies and even lies.  Unfortunately, their advisers will counsel them to falsify their responses and the whole thing will begin to snowball.  It will all come to a head in October. There is an anger at work in the world these days that will be flaring up in skirmishes on the larger scale and even in personal exchanges.  This week will see problems with electronics becoming quite an issues going so far as to disrupt travel as well as communications.  The earth is ready to bring forth some surprises in water, air, fire, and ground events.  Some of them will initiate chain reactions that can lead to panic in the areas they hit. It is a good idea to back up your electronics as there are some bursts of energy that will hit the planet.  They will be coming from an “unknown” source.  Some of them are coming from an energetic vortex that lies outside of this galaxy, out of any galaxy that is even close.  They originate in a dimension that is beyond the 12th.  How did the energy het here?  That is a question, however you will find that if is being drawn in by a vibration that is being broadcast from our galaxy ever more strongly as time goes by.

Sunday, August 19:    Slate Blue

Put aside your plans today because there are things that will be standing in the way.  Along with that it will seem that time is playing tricks on you, speeding up and slowing down.  Step back from it all.  Use your sense of humor, and just see what is going on around you.  There are things happening on many different levels today, and for many of them, if you do not notice in the first instance, they will come back squarely in your face.  You will not be able to cast a blind eye.  But observe and learn, because there are many themes out there today that will be reiterated as the months go forward.  This is a kind of energetic introduction to what is on the horizon.

Monday, August 20:   Light Salmon Red

You might just feel as though every obstacle you ever knew or even thought about is in your way today.  Well, stuff is getting pretty confused, but you have the vision and the knowing to get through it all.  It is a good day for prioritizing, for putting things in order, for getting rid of all the little s___.  You know what it is.  Like the dust bunnies that hide out in the corners.  It just gets to a point where you let them be.  Well, today, get out the broom, and go for it.  IT is time to clean up on every level.  When you do that, and throw out all that stuff that is just there because it is there you can not only feel an amazing release, but you will also be letting in some new air, and with that, new energy.  You can by the end of the day see things differently.  Not only that, but you will also see clearly things that have been there the whole time, just lost in the background noise.

Tuesday, August 21:   Silky Red

So much stuff, so many memories, so many regrets.  These are all part of the day’s energy.  But the flip side is always there.  Amazing things, happy times, victories.  Two sides to everything.  This will become very obvious throughout the day.  This can make it a bit difficult to focus, as you become distracted by shadows, stuff popping in and out of view, which can make you wonder just what is going on.  Stay centered and grounded in WHO you are lest you find unintended words popping out of your mouth, inappropriate reactions, and uncharacteristic actions.  While these kinds of things can be okay in some circumstances, today they just do not work.  Anyhow, as the day winds down, let it all go.  Just be in the moment and take some time to enjoy all that you can do.  You will actually find of some of today’s situations quite funny.

Wednesday, August 22:    Magenta

The morning is about the things that are hard to do — getting out of bed, watching the clock, catching the train, getting on the right elevator, choosing what to eat.  This is a time for just watching what is going on.  Take a moment, a breath, and just look at what you are doing — the preparations, the routines, the rituals.  What is it all about?  Then go on with your day.  And quite a day it can  be! There can be some really, really, unexpected revelations from people who always looked different, felt different.  You know, the ones who once were touted as the popular, successful, can-do-no-wrong guys.  Whatever.  It is all there to make you take another look at WHO you are and what that all means.  Everything they do is part of the background.  You are the star in your own life.  Today gives you a breather to take a look at the background and see just what being the star means.  (Get rid of those extras!!!)

Saturday, August 24:    Pale Violet

Tears and laughter mark the minutes and hours of today as things appear to you differently.  You are trying to figure where you stand in the midst of everything, the family situations, the relationships, the job, the creativity, the greater whole, and it all is beginning to find a new kind of pattern.  So what do you want?  It is probably about time you realized that all that stuff revolves around you.  It is your super-universe and you are the super-hero.  So why have you let so many other people, other things, distractions, , etc., etc., etc. take your place.  The current energy is urging you to take a look at WHO you are.  WHO you are can be scary if you are not ready to accept what it means to walk in your own power.  And that means not letting the opinions, feelings, thoughts, opprobrium, etc. of others make a difference to you in your super-world.  Choices are yours and when you are completely and totally WHO you are, those of resonant vibration will come forward. So you just might have a few surprises today.