Hearts, Arteries, and Vessels — Oh, My!

How the Heart Controls Where Blood Travels in the Body

Analysis by A Midwestern Doctor 
heart controls where blood travels in the body


  • Innovative ideas which challenge longstanding orthodoxies and commercial interests are always attacked by the medical profession. Because of this, as we all saw throughout COVID-19, many critically important concepts simply never see the light of day
  • The conventional model of the heart views it as a mindless pump — a belief that is incompatible with much of what the heart is observed to do
  • Forgotten Russian researchers demonstrated that the heart is constantly observing the body, sorting the blood it receives, and then sending the correct type of blood to where it is needed by the body. This immensely complex task makes life possible and mirrors what many different traditions believed about the heart

One of my foundational beliefs is that many things exist around us that hide in plain sight and once you spot them, your entire perspective of reality and the way you live life can be profoundly transformed. A large part of my passion for medicine in turn arises from the fact I always discover things in the bodies, minds and spirits of my patients that I had completely missed each previous time it had been staring me right in the face.

This process has given me a deep appreciation for how many facets of life simply cannot be explained within our reductive scientific models and how often the body’s design incorporates many exquisite functions modern science has only the faintest inkling of.

With The Forgotten Side of Medicine, I’ve tried to focus on showing how this applies to the heart, as while our culture (understandably) places a huge emphasis on its importance, the heart simultaneously remains one of the most misunderstood organs in the body (e.g., cardiovascular disease predominantly originates from damage to the vascular system and the blood clots used to repair that damage — yet most cardiologists erroneously believe cholesterol, something essential for life, is the root cause of heart disease).

Traditionally, the heart is viewed as just being a pump that propels blood through your body (despite many things clearly contradicting that assumption).

Likewise, in a recent article, I discussed how organ transplants profoundly undermine our current conceptions of reality as they have demonstrated that much of what we consider to comprise our “consciousness” in fact originates from the heart and not the brain, as memories, talents and preferences from a donor are observed to transfer to the organ recipient.

This suggests that the heart is innately intelligent and in this article we will explore how its intelligence makes life possible.

The Politics of Science

Something not appreciated about science is how incredibly political the entire institution is; scientists typically only want to study topics that do not threaten the existing narrative as it is well known anyone who dissents from the narrative will be both relentlessly attacked by their peers and cut off from their economic livelihood.

To share a contemporary example, when the SARS-CoV-2 genome was made public, I looked at it, saw a few preliminary analyses of it and was relatively sure it came from the Wuhan lab (it was really obvious the virus was not natural). Before long rumors began swirling that this was the case and a team from India published a paper showing SARS had parts of the HIV genome (the part Fauci and his colleagues had spent decades trying to make a vaccine for).

The paper was immediately was harshly condemned by scientists around the world, causing it to be withdrawn from the pre-print server two days after it was posted.

Later, a very smart virologist (who knew a lot about SARS) showed that by the established criteria used to determine if a virus’s genome was natural or lab made, it was statistically impossible that SARS-CoV-2 came from nature. When I asked them why they never published this (my friend loves publishing papers), they told me if they did they would have been permanently blacklisted from any type of employment (and possibly had worse consequences as well).

Public knowledge SARS-CoV-2 could have been a lab leak (due to how obvious it was) created a lot of potential problems for everyone involved in making it. Before long, a paper, co-written by a team of expert virologists was published in a prestigious journal which stated SARS-CoV-2 was 100% natural.

This paper set the public narrative — it was widely promoted by our authorities and the media, and any discussion of the Wuhan lab became “misinformation” Big Tech did everything it could to censor.

This new narrative allowed those responsible for creating COVID-19 (e.g., Fauci) to assume control over the pandemic, create the most devastating public health policies in history (both in terms of deaths, general economic costs to the country, and the number of people that were thrust into poverty).

Because of how ridiculous and harmful the policies pushed were, had the public known the pandemic pushers had also created COVID-19, it would have never been possible from them to have them to have had so much power over America. Similarly, because of the power of the narrative created by that study narrative, we all received an immense amount of pushback from our peers for advancing the “conspiracy theory” SARS-CoV-2 came from a lab.

Note: Much more could be said about this process, but my favorite part was that Peter Hotez (one of those who most vociferously denounced the lab leak hypotheses) had a grant from the NIH to create a vaccine for SARS and justified it as a countermeasure for the scenario where SARS leaked from a lab. That grant was then used to fund the gain of function experiments that created SARS-CoV-2, and Hotez ultimately was able to get a widely utilized SARS vaccine to the market.

The type of gaslighting we saw with the origins of SARS-CoV-2 happens all the time (particularly from the national media), so I didn’t take it personally. However, what’s amazing is what happened afterwards. Independent investigators (and FOIA requests discovered that):

After SARS-CoV-2 emerged, Fauci per his emails appears to panic and switches to discussing things off email.

Prominent virologists are asked by Fauci to produce a paper which he reviews multiple times.

After the paper was published, Fauci repeatedly uses it to debunk the lab leak hypothesis and the lead author receives a 9.8 million grant from the NIH. Notably, the paper’s lead author lied to Congress by saying they were not being paid off after Republicans asked if he was.

Note: Fauci controls who gets these grants and has previously cut off political opponents from the grant system, thereby destroying their careers.

Subsequent leaks showed the authors of the paper did not believe at all believe what they published. This brief video makes the point quite clearly.

This episode is noteworthy in my eyes for two reasons:

1)It is one of the most clearly documented examples of a conspiracy occurring I have ever come across (e.g., intent was directly proven).

2)It helps to illustrate how hard it is for politically unpopular ideas to be published in the scientific literature. SARS-CoV-2 being a lab leak was really obvious and a lot of people knew it from the start.

Likewise, consider how clear it was that our COVID-19 treatment protocols (Tylenol at home and then remdesivir plus a ventilator) did not work while other non-profitable ones did, or how clearly unsafe and ineffective the experimental COVID-19 vaccines were — and how resistant everyone was to any of that being published in the scientific literature due to the politics at play.

I share the second point to help explain why the politics of science have prevented many other “controversial” ideas from ever seeing the light of day.

Note: as bad as the above video is, it only touches the surface of just how far reckless virologists led by Anthony Fauci have colluded to betray the American people for their own financial benefit. This recent five minute clip paints a much darker picture of exactly what those scientists were complicit in:

Russian Science

Although Russians in general have suffered from a significant lack of personal freedoms ever since the days of the Soviet Union, with science it has been quite the opposite and they have been able to perform and publish a wide variety of experiments we could never do here without facing significant political repercussions. I suspect this scientific freedom is due to a combination of:

  • Russia having significantly less money, so overpriced monopolies (e.g., the medical industrial complex) simply aren’t viable in Russia, and thus there is no incentive to invest in suppressing competing scientific models. Rather, their culture is incentivized to find the most economical solutions to the problems it faces.
  • Russia having a daring culture which is willing to be upfront about challenging entrenched dogmas and exploring unorthodox ideas scientists there found compelling.

Because of this, I find many of the promising but suppressed alternative medical technologies (e.g., ultraviolet blood irradiation — which is incredible for many vexing hospital conditions) now are primarily researched and utilized in the communist (or former communist nations) such as Russia, Cuba, and some of the former Soviet states in Eastern Europe.

The great shame with Russian research is that it’s very hard for English speakers to get access to it and a a result few are even aware that much of it even exists.

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Conjugated Heart Ties

Years ago, I came across an intriguing paper by a team of Russian physiologists lead by Dr. Goncharenko. It took me years, but I was eventually able to find a colleague who knew the researchers and received a copy of their research. What follows is an abridged summary of a longer article I wrote detailing all of it.

Dr. Goncharenko’s research originated from a study in the 1970s where a baboon experienced a heart attack and was then autopsied. There, it was observed that a fatal heart attack had occurred in a very specific site in the heart that was accompanied by the typical thrombus [clot] seen at the site of a heart attack. However, a curious observation was also made.

A large hematoma was found in the left iliac artery (suggesting damage had occurred to the artery during the experiment), and at that arterial hematoma, six thrombi were found matching the thrombi in the heart. Since no other thrombi were found in the arterial system, this suggested the heart was inexplicably directing thrombi from itself to the site of the injury in order to repair it.

Note: I am conflicted about sharing these animal studies as I have strong objections to the abuses animals regularly suffer during experimental research.

While investigating this, the researchers recalled another curious observation repeatedly made throughout the history of medicine; that blood in different blood vessels differed in its composition.

For example, blood to the brain is warmer and contains younger red blood cells (which are better able to nourish and meet the needs of the brain), something also seen when an actively exercising arm (which needs the healthiest blood) is compared to a resting arm (this has also been found when comparing an exercising hand to a broken one).

Conversely, blood to the spleen (which breaks down blood cells that have aged and lost their viability) typically receives older and weaker blood cells. Other examples occur as well, for instance, the blood that goes to a pregnant woman’s uterus has more nutrients than the blood the rest of her organs receive.

With their preliminary data, the researchers decided to repeat the initial experiment and discovered that for monkeys, dogs, rats and rabbits the same phenomenon was observed. If a specific artery was injured, multiple spiral-shaped thrombi containing heart tissue would appear at site of injury and nowhere else.

Reciprocally, a specific part of the heart would be experience a myocardial infarction (heart attack) when this occurred and the correlation between the specific artery and part of the heart, were similar in all the animals and identical for animals of the same species.

Conversely, they also found that injuring a part of the heart would gradually weaken the blood flow to its conjugated part of the body (e.g., a rat’s tail became necrotic or a dog’s leg muscles atrophied).

Suspecting the heart was somehow able to sort blood into different types (e.g., the fresh blood for the brain), they tried placing radioactive tracers in different parts of the left ventricle (the chamber that sends blood into the body) and found that each section of the left ventricle ended up in different parts of the body.

Goncharenko’s team eventually discovered the responsible structures were the tiny structures lining the inside of the ventricle (the Thebesian veins and the trabeculae carneae muscles), as blood conjugation stopped once these structures were destroyed.

While it was not ethically possible to repeat Goncharenko’s experiments on humans, there were a variety of observations that suggested the same thing was occurring in our species. For example, many surgeries require injuring an artery (e.g., by clamping it off) and there are numerous reports of individuals having heart attacks during those surgeries.

Goncharenko’s team was able to do autopsies on some of those cases and discovered the same thrombi clustering at the site of the arterial injury he’d seen in the animals he studied.

Likewise, there are thousands of reports in the medical literature of an arterial injury causing a heart attack. Conversely, Goncharenko also noted that operations on the cardiac base (which conjugates blood flow to the brain) were known to create disorders suggestive of impaired blood flow to the brain and heart attacks in specific areas of the heart have been observed to cause necrosis of the nose, ears, arms and impotence.

Note: similar brain damage also occurs when a patient is put on a heart lung machine (e.g., during a heart surgery) which suggests something besides just pumping blood to the brain is needed for its health.

From these reports, his own numerous observations (e.g., measurements of pulses throughout the body when heart attacks occurred), and the animal data, Goncharenko created a proposed map of the conjugations (discussed further in the longer article).

arterial injury causing a heart attack

However, while it was possible to prove this conjugation was occurring, it also posed a much greater question … how was it happening?

Note: I’ve asked manual therapists who treat the vascular system and the heart and the most talented ones have told me they can consistently feel a connection between regions of the heart and specific parts of the arterial system. Based on all of that, I am inclined to believe this is a real phenomena, but I am at a loss to explain how the heart is able to know where it needs to send blood and then get it there.

Goncharenko’s team tried to assess the most obvious mechanism (signals from the nervous system) and found that anesthetizing the nerves for the injured artery had no effect on the heart’s ability to detect and clot the injury. Later they tried fully disabling the central nervous system and that did not prevent the heart from doing this either.

Spiraling Currents

Previously, I touched upon Viktor Schauberger’s forgotten research which discovered that the ideal way for water to travel (both so it was energized and so it had the minimal amount of resistance) was in a spiraling vortex where everything carried within the water (e.g., abrasive elements like rocks) was concentrated in its center.

Schauberger’s conclusion was heavily influenced by his observation that streams and rivers would consistently adopt curved patterns (both horizontally and on the bottom of the riverbed). This suggested this was the most energetically favorable way for water to flow and that water was molding each waterway to match its motion (e.g., Schauberger was able to prevent rivers from further eroding riverbanks by restoring the natural curved motion of water).

If this is true, then natural selection should favor a similar architecture in the circulatory system — the benefits of reducing the energy needed to move blood through the body, and more importantly to reduce the damage blood flow causes to the lining of the blood vessels. If blood indeed travels as a spiraling vortex two things would be necessary:

  • Something to initiate the spiraling motion.
  • Blood vessels with a curved shape that create the vortex (a manner not all that different from what Schauberger observed with rivers).

As it so happens, there is such a curved shape to the arteries throughout the body, something I have seen best demonstrated by plasticized cadavers (e.g., see this video, or this high resolution image of a heart, a structure which is also curved to facilitate the spiraling motion of blood).

Blood Vortexes

From studying the tiny Thebesian vessels, they discovered the work of another anatomist who had filmed the Thebesian vessels spouting vortex shaped microjets during diastole (when the heart fills with blood).

This suggested sorted blood was being packed into individual vortexes that had the ability to travel to their chosen location in the body, and when it was subsequently tested in an artificial heart model, the researchers found they could direct exactly where the vortexes they created arrived.

Note: vortexes are known to a very stable liquid structure, and thus likely to be maintained while the blood travels throughout the arterial system.

To study exactly how this happens, dye was injected into hearts, which (along with arteries) were then flash frozen and sliced into slides looked at under a microscope. It was observed that in the openings to the Thebesian vessels, blood cells were packed into donut shaped rings (surrounded by microbubbles and containing other blood components in the center) which transformed into vortexes once these packets began to move.

Lastly, they saw that each of the individual micro-vortex would merge together to create a combined vortex that exited the heart before separating into each individual vortex that traveled to their conjugated parts of the body.

This mirrors what experienced vascular workers have repeatedly told me over the years — where blood ends up in the body is often predetermined long before its arrival (e.g., blood near the start of the left versus right sides of the descending aorta consistently goes to different arteries in the body).

When I thought this over, I also realized another major benefit of vortexing motion — its dispersive force plays a pivotal role in keeping blood separated. Conversely, once blood leaves the blood stream and loses that motion, it rapidly clumps together (which frequently prevents us from bleeding to death).

Note: Blood components will periodically stop being evenly mixed together and instead separate by density, which causes the red blood cells to clump together and stop moving. Normally all the negative charges of the blood prevent this from happening.

However, in many acute and chronic disease states (e.g., spike protein injuries), due to increasing positive charges or a loss of negative charges, the total electric repulsion (zeta potential) reverses and the blood cells clump together, which frequently leads to microstrokes (which for example are one of the most common types of vaccine injuries).

Electromagnetic Communication

Goncharenko’s team also found some (speculative) evidence to suggest a faint electromagnetic signal was emitted by stressed arteries which the conjugated areas of the heart may have detected and responded to.

Additionally, they argued that there may be an electromagnetic resonance at work that helped to guide blood to its preselected locations (as in some cases the vortexes appeared to move in the opposite direction to the flow of blood.) One of the most interesting proofs they found for this resonance coupling was:

“In the phase fluorometer, histochemists observed the same plausible glow of DNA and RNA preparations from heart tissues and organs, conjugated with each other, that confirmed their relationship … In addition, in portions of linking emboli [conjugated thrombi] the blood had an identical glow.”

Note: many holistic healers believe embryologic connections are maintained through your life and often are very important to consider when treating a patient. The above is one such example.

Goncharenko’s team eventually settled upon the hypothesis that electromagnetic radiation was being transmitted from the heart trabeculae to the conjugated vessel through fibers in the smooth muscles.

To test their theory, they exposed one carotid artery to a bioelectric current with a spool of wire wrapped around the vessel under the theory this external field would interfere with the electromagnetic flow through the vessel. It did and the heart’s thrombi no longer arrived at that carotid once it was injured.

Lastly, Goncharenko advanced the hypothesis that since the blood vortexes are packaged in specific shapes with specific vectors, information is transmitted to the target tissue and conversely that the heart is continually processing information it receives from the blood it then sorts. When you consider all the data bits involved, this in total represents an immense amount of information processing potential.

In a recent article, I discussed the inexplicable observation that memories, personality, preferences, and skills appear to transfer when someone receives a new heart. The hearts ability to monitor and communicate with the entire body would potentially explain both those observations and the belief in many traditions that the heart is where consciousness resides and is the structure that governs connection to everything in the body.

It also provides an entirely different mechanism to explain why organs stop functioning once they no longer receive their blood flow; rather than just losing their energy source, they also lose their instructions on how to functions. Conversely, it is well-known that (excluding a need for a ventilator) the entire body can continue to function for a prolonged period when someone is brain dead, which implies there may be another system (such as the heart) which regulates the body.

The Mystery of Blood Distribution

An axiom I’ve learned from one of my favorite authors, Dr. Malcom Kendrick, is that if you repeatedly encounter inexplicable “paradoxes” in your model (e.g., the COVID vaccines are completely safe and effective), then your model is probably wrong. Presently, our existing circulatory model includes the following foundational premises:

Any liquid system in the body is evenly mixed and the same throughout.
Movement of fluid requires a pressure (e.g., one created by a pump) to drive it.
The pressure generated by the heart’s beat creates an elevated pressure gradient that pushes blood through to the arteries, then the capillaries, and then back to the veins where it then reenters the heart. This movement occurs due to the established fact that high pressure fluids will flow into low pressure areas.
Increasing or decreasing the blood flow to areas is controlled by increasing the heartbeat (which allows a faster turnover of fresh oxygenated blood) and constricting arteries or arterioles (small arteries), which reduce or increase blood flow in a specific area.
5-6 liters of blood fill the entire circulatory system and continually cycles through the circulation as it is propelled by the heart’s pressure waves.
Circulation follows the laws of hydrodynamics and hydraulics. By those laws, blood should be evenly distributed throughout the entire fluid circuit of the body.

This model is based off of what is observed in engineered systems where a central mechanical pump is used to push fluid through the system and the resulting fluid motion is then studied. The problem with that model is that what is observed within the body frequently contradicts what is expected according to the model. For example:

The pressure, temperature, oxygen saturation and composition of blood, when measured at the same time differs within different portions of same chamber (ventricle) of the heart. Under the existing models (e.g., simple diffusion or fluid hydraulics), this should not be possible.

Blood flows are often observed going from low pressure areas to high pressure areas (e.g., a capillary bed to veins).

The rate of blood flow in the smallest blood vessels (capillaries) within a tissue such as a muscle can rapidly change in a few seconds while no change occurs in the tiny arteries that feed those vessels.

Likewise, there can be a huge increase in the blood flow to one organ but not the adjacent organ (Goncharenko cited the example of one kidney at times being measured to have 14 times the blood flow of the adjacent one despite the arteries to both remaining at the same diameter).

Blood has been observed to flow spontaneously in the absence of a heartbeat (e.g., after death).

Note: many of the above points (e.g., that liquid crystalline water may be the driving force that makes these inexplicable motions possible) were discussed in further detail here.

Another major mystery Goncharenko explored was blood sometimes appearing to change in size. For example, 7-8L of blood taken out of the body can shrink to being 6.5L over time, much more fluid is required to fill the blood vessels than the total amount of blood that embalmers first withdraw from a cadaver and when a heart-lung machine is used to keep someone alive while their heart is being operated on, significantly more blood than the patient initially has is needed for it.

Likewise, blood’s density can also change, as when blood moves further away from the heart (especially once it enters the veins), the red blood cell concentration increases, suggesting the fluid surrounding those cells somehow shrunk.

Goncharenko eventually realized that cavitation bubbles (bubbles created by abrupt localized reductions of water pressure) frequently formed within the blood and thereby allowed blood to expand or shrink as needed.

Some of the evidence he collected included microbubbles existing throughout flash-frozen blood, the electrical impulses and sounds detected from each heartbeat matching those created by artificial cavitations timed to the heartbeat and artificial models of the heart creating cavitation bubbles.

Cavitation bubbles appeared to serve two crucial roles: they significantly reduced the total amount of blood needed by the body (by allowing blood to expand as needed) and release significant amounts of energy (thereby allowing them to serve as an energy source to propel blood). In turn, both the heart and blood itself appeared to have a variety of unique adaptations that greatly enhanced their ability to form cavitation bubbles for the body.

One of the things I find the most intriguing about this entire theory is that within Chinese Medicine, there is a belief that the lungs are responsible for moving the blood through the body, and a variety of breathing exercises exist that seem to do just that when you try them out. Why this works never made sense to me and Goncharenko’s model provides a very elegant explanation for it.


One of the things that continually amazes me is how much people with relatively primitive instrumentation were able to figure out about the body. In the case of the research put forward here, much of it was done over fifty years ago (something that was likewise the case for many other areas I’ve previously covered like blood sludging and zeta potential).

This to me speaks of the issue with modern research I discussed in a recent article — that science is no longer producing paradigm changing discoveries, and when independent scientists nonetheless make them, the orthodox scientific community typically bands together to denounce those discoveries.

In short, because there is so much money in science, science in the wealthier nations has become a career where the goal is the protecting one’s career, not advancing science. If things like this could be discovered with instrumentation from half a century ago, imagine what our modern scientific apparatus could do if scientists were free to pursue unconventional ideas.

Presently, I believe Goncharenko’s thesis of conjugated heart ties is valid, but I am less sure about the other things (e.g., the cavitation bubbles), since they will require an independent and unbiased corroboration — something unlikely to be found in the current era. That said, if we simply assume the heart-arterial conjugations are true, this completely changes countless beliefs that underlie the practice medicine. Likewise, it helps to explain:

Why it has not been possible to make a mechanical pump that effectively replaces the heart — making an artificial heart that can replicate blood sorting, conjugation and vortexing borders on impossible.

What causes heart attacks and circulatory diseases. Likewise, my colleagues who have the most success in treating immensely complex medical issues frequently utilize the heart-arterial conjugations.

How the heart has a consciousness and is connected to the entire body (something many different traditions believe).

How the body solved the problem of not having enough space for all of its necessary blood vessels. Space is a key limiting factors in biology, and as a result the human body is very tightly packed with everything needed to support life. So by allowing the heart to direct both the volume and distribution of blood, it radically increases the available space for other essential tissues.

Why arteries (but not veins) are vulnerable to the endothelial damage which causes heart disease — as the shockwave from each cavitation the heart creates can be quite powerful and might damage the endothelium if it was sent out on a vector that causes it to collide with the arteries rather than smoothly transit through them.

As we conclude, I would like to share one of my core beliefs: If something is true, different systems will inevitably rediscover it. Consider for example in Chinese Medicine that the heart is viewed as the emperor that coordinates the functioning of the entire body, something that initially seems implausible.

Yet this begins to make much more sense if the heart in fact is responsible for monitoring everything in the body, sorting what blood is needed for each tissue, protecting the entire arterial system from damage, and emits a repeating electrical signal that entrains the tissues of the body.

Furthermore, in Chinese Medicine, the heart is viewed as the “fire element” organ of the body, and a fundamental characteristic of “fire energy” is that it travels in a spiraling pattern. This seems abstract, until you realize that that is exactly how the heart moves blood through the body.

This was a lot of ground to cover and I thank you for having an open mind and sticking through all of it. If you would like to learn more please consider reviewing the longer article and this compilation of all Goncharenko’s research.

A Note From Dr. Mercola About the Author

A Midwestern Doctor (AMD) is a board-certified physician in the Midwest and a longtime reader of Mercola.com. I appreciate his exceptional insight on a wide range of topics and I’m grateful to share them. I also respect his desire to remain anonymous as he is still on the front lines treating patients. To find more of AMD’s work, be sure to check out The Forgotten Side of Medicine on Substack.

from:    https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/09/02/heart-controls-where-blood-travels-in-the-body.aspx?ui=f460707c057231d228aac22d51b97f2a8dcffa7b857ec065e5a5bfbcfab498ac&sd=20211017&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art2HL&cid=20230902&foDate=true&mid=DM1458941&rid=1900829113

Sooooo…. Ivermectin DOES Work -Safe AND Effective

Ivermectin Worked: New Peer-Reviewed Study Proves It

Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked
ivermectin worked peer reviewed study proves it


  • A preprint paper showing ivermectin’s effectiveness against COVID-19 in Peru convinced a group of doctors that widespread ivermectin distribution could end the pandemic in October 2020
  • Because the paper wasn’t yet peer-reviewed, it was brushed off; ivermectin for COVID-19 was vilified, as were those who dared to prescribe it
  • Now, the study has been peer-reviewed and published in Cureus, vindicating ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19
  • Not only did ivermectin work against COVID-19, it was remarkably effective, resulting in a 74% reduction in excess deaths in the 10 Peru states where it was used most intensively
  • There was a 14-fold reduction in nationwide excess deaths when ivermectin was readily available and then a 13-fold increase in excess deaths in the two months after ivermectin use was restricted

As the COVID pandemic wore on, with potential treatments supposedly unknown, New York pulmonologist Dr. Pierre Kory and others tried to get the word out about ivermectin. A widely used antiparasitic drug that’s listed on the World Health Organization’s essential medicines list1 and approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, ivermectin is widely available, inexpensive and has a long history of safe usage.

In fact, since 1987, 3.7 billion doses of ivermectin have been used among humans worldwide,2 but it was quickly vilified — as were those who dared to prescribe it. Now, the tables have turned. Not only did ivermectin work against COVID-19, it was remarkably effective, resulting in a 74% reduction in excess deaths in the 10 states where it was used most intensively.3

Ivermectin Dramatically Slashed COVID Deaths

Kory and other physicians with the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group (FLCCC) had success early on treating patients with ivermectin and other therapies during the pandemic. His efforts to get the word out on this treatment protocol were stifled by censorship, ridicule and colleagues brainwashed by the official narrative and unwilling to accept the science.

A preprint paper showing ivermectin’s effectiveness against COVID-19 in Peru “was the final piece of evidence which convinced me, Paul [Marik] and the FLCCC that widespread ivermectin distribution could end the pandemic in Oct of 2020,” Kory tweeted.4 “Took 2 years but now peer-reviewed & published in a major journal.”

That study, published in Cureus,5 vindicates ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19. “Reductions in excess deaths over a period of 30 days after peak deaths averaged 74% in the 10 states with the most intensive IVM [ivermectin] use,” the study found.6 It used Peruvian national health data from Peru’s 25 states to evaluate ivermectin’s effects.

A natural experiment was set in motion in May 2020, when Peru authorized ivermectin for COVID-19. The significant reduction in excess deaths noted “correlated closely with the extent of IVM use,” the researchers noted.

Global Success Stories Highlight Ivermectin’s Potential

Few have heard about the astonishing success of ivermectin in Uttar Pradesh, India, which embraced large-scale prophylactic and therapeutic use of ivermectin for COVID-19 patients, close contacts of patients and health care workers.7

“The possibility of both preventative and treatment efficacies of IVM was raised by outcomes in another world region in which IVM was distributed to the population at risk for COVID-19 on a mass scale. This IVM distribution occurred in Uttar Pradesh, the largest state in India, having a population of 229 million,” the study added.8

There, widespread ivermectin distribution likely resulted in significantly lower COVID-19 deaths compared to areas not using the drug:9

“The cumulative total of COVID-19 deaths per million in population from July 7, 2021 through April 1, 2023 was 4.3 in Uttar Pradesh, as compared with 70.4 in all of India and 1,596.3 in the United States … The much lower number of COVID-19 deaths per population in all of India versus the United States in that period may reflect the use of these same home treatment kits containing IVM, doxycycline, and zinc in some other states of India.”

A similar series of events occurred in Itajai, Brazil, a city of 220,000 people. In June 2020, they implemented a prophylaxis program using ivermectin. The program was advertised throughout local media, and people were encouraged to participate and take ivermectin four times a month, on days 1, 2, 15 and 16.

On the appropriate days, they set up tents and centers where people could get the drug, and the entire program was carefully logged in an electronic database. In all, 159,000 Brazilians participated, of those 113,000 elected to take the ivermectin.

Kory and eight coauthors published a paper on the results, which showed “regular use of ivermectin as a prophylactic agent was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates.”10

Those who used ivermectin had a 44% reduction in COVID-19 infection rate, a 68% reduction in COVID-19 mortality and a 56% reduction in hospitalization rate compared to those who did not.11

Meanwhile, a study from Japan demonstrated that just 12 days after doctors were allowed to legally prescribe ivermectin to their COVID-19 patients, cases dropped dramatically.12 The chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association13 noticed the low number of infections and deaths in Africa, where many use ivermectin prophylactically and as the core strategy to treat river blindness.14D.

Government’s Ivermectin Restrictions Increased Deaths

In a striking revelation, ivermectin was used against COVID-19 in Peru for four months, before the new president put restrictions on its use. During that time, “there was a 14-fold reduction in nationwide excess deaths and then a 13-fold increase in the two months following the restriction of IVM use.”15

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has towed the anti-ivermectin narrative all along, with its infamous tweet reading, “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”16 While commanding the U.S. public and physicians not to use ivermectin for an off-label use, the irony stands that close to 40% of U.S. prescriptions are for off-label uses.17

But now, after years of vilification, it had no choice but to admit what’s been right all along — doctors have the authority to prescribe ivermectin for COVID-19. Attorney Jared Kelson of Boyden Gray & Associates, who is representing physicians who have sued the FDA for interfering with their practice of medicine, including relating to ivermectin for COVID-19, explained:18

“The fundamental issue is straightforward. After the FDA approves a human drug for sale, does it then have the authority to influence or interfere with how that drug is used within the doctor-patient relationship? The answer is no.”

The FDA did just that, nonetheless, but finally admitted the truth on August 16, 2023, tweeting, “Health care professionals generally may choose to prescribe an approved human drug for an unapproved use when they judge that the unapproved use is medically appropriate for an individual patient.”19

In September 2021, the American Medical Association also told doctors to stop prescribing ivermectin for COVID-19. In a statement, AMA, along with the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), warned:20

“We are alarmed by reports that outpatient prescribing for and dispensing of ivermectin have increased 24-fold since before the pandemic and increased exponentially over the past few months. As such, we are calling for an immediate end to the prescribing, dispensing, and use of ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 outside of a clinical trial.

In addition, we are urging physicians, pharmacists, and other prescribers — trusted health care professionals in their communities — to warn patients against the use of ivermectin outside of FDA-approved indications and guidance, whether intended for use in humans or animals, as well as purchasing ivermectin from online stores.”

How many died unnecessarily as a result of these commands? As noted by journalist Kim Iversen, even the FDA’s move advising doctors that they’re allowed to prescribe ivermectin for COVID-19 is too little, too late. “Now, two, three years later, too little, too late… ultimately, we now get this study that has been officially peer reviewed and published, and it shows significant, significant, significant reduction [of mortality] in COVID-19.”21

How Does Ivermectin Work Against COVID?

Ivermectin binds to SARS-CoV-2’s spike protein, limiting the virus’ morbidity and infectivity.22 The drug, while best known for its antiparasitic effects, also has demonstrated antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. An in vitro study demonstrated that a single treatment with ivermectin effectively reduced viral load 5,000 times in 48 hours in cell culture.23

Studies have shown that ivermectin helps to lower the viral load by inhibiting replication.24 A single dose of ivermectin can kill 99.8% of the virus within 48 hours.25 A meta-analysis in the American Journal of Therapeutics also showed the drug reduced infection by an average of 86% when used preventively.26

Ivermectin has also been shown to speed recovery, in part by inhibiting inflammation and protecting against organ damage.27 This pathway also lowers the risk of hospitalization and death. Meta analyses have shown an average reduction in mortality that ranges from 75%28 to 83%.29,30

Additionally, the drug also prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 when taken before or after exposure.31 As the Cureus study noted, the latest data only adds further evidence that ivermectin has an important place in COVID-19 treatment:32

“These encouraging results from IVM treatments in Peru and similar positive indications from Uttar Pradesh, India, which have populations of 33 million and 229 million, respectively, offer promising models for further mass deployments of IVM, as needs may arise, for both the treatment and prevention of COVID-19.”

It’s worth noting, too, that ivermectin has notable antitumor effects, which include inhibiting proliferation, metastasis and angiogenic activity in cancer cells.33 It appears to inhibit tumor cells by regulating multiple signaling pathways, which researchers explained in the Pharmacological Research journal, “suggests that ivermectin may be an anticancer drug with great potential.”34

Why Was Ivermectin Suppressed?

The average treatment cost for ivermectin is $58.35 Do you think this has anything to do with ivermectin’s vilification? The authors of the Cureus study certainly do:36

“The exceptional safety profile and low cost of IVM certainly support its use as in Peru’s operation MOT [Mega-Operación Tayta] and in Uttar Pradesh as an attractive national policy for COVID-19 mitigation. These significant reductions in mortality as achieved in Peru and Uttar Pradesh suggest that the impact of such a national IVM deployment would be observable within a relatively short period.

However, generic drugs have often fared poorly in competition with patented offerings in past decades, based upon the unfortunate vulnerability of science to commodification and regulatory capture … Such a potential bias against IVM was suggested by a February 4, 2021 press release from Merck, which was then developing its own patented COVID-19 therapeutic, claiming that there was ‘a concerning lack of safety data’ for IVM.

However, IVM is Merck’s own drug, found safe at doses considerably higher than its standard dose in several studies, as cited in the section on the background on IVM treatments of COVID-19, and the Nobel Prize committee specifically noted IVM’s safety record in honoring the discovery of this drug in its 2015 prize for medicine.”

If you’d like to learn more about ivermectin’s potential uses for COVID-19, FLCCC’s I-CARE protocol can be downloaded in full,37 giving you step-by-step instructions on how to prevent and treat the early symptoms of COVID-19.

Taking Care of Your Health

Protect Yourself From Disease and Outrageous Medical Costs

Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked

In the U.S., 66.5% of bankruptcies are due to medical bills, which amounts to 530,000 medical bankruptcies each year.1 Among those who file bankruptcy due to medical expenses, 72% have health insurance,2,3 highlighting the outrageous state of health care in America.

If you end up in the hospital, you know you’re going to receive a bill — but you don’t typically know how much that bill will be. It’s no wonder that two-thirds of adults worry about being able to afford surprise medical bills like these.4,5

In fact, in a survey of public financial worries, being able to afford unexpected medical bills topped the list, followed by concerns about paying for health insurance deductibles and prescription drugs.6 Staying healthy by taking control of your health is key to avoiding this medical bill debt trap.

Big Pharma Manipulates Patents to Drive Up Drug Costs

If U.S. medical costs seem sky-high, it’s not in your imagination. Big Pharma keeps drug costs elevated due to patents, which last 20 years, and sometimes up to 40, preventing competitors from introducing less expensive generics to the market.7 A report from I-Mak analyzed the 12 best-selling drugs in the U.S., finding that their makers file hundreds of patent applications, most of which are granted.8

While U.S. patent law intends patents to provide 10 years of protection, the mass patents allow drug makers to monopolize the market and drive up costs. “These patents are used by drugmakers for the purpose of forestalling generic competition while continuing to increase the price of these drugs,” I-Mak reported.9

On average, among the top 12 drugs studied, there were 125 applications filed and 71 patents granted per drug. Prices also increased 68% since 2012. According to I-Mak, “There are 38 years of attempted patent protection blocking generic competition sought by drugmakers for each of these top grossing drugs — or nearly double the 20-year monopoly intended under U.S. patent law.”10

Hospitals Charge You Up to 18 Times Over Their Cost

It’s not only drug costs that are bankrupting Americans. Hospital stays can also lead to financial ruin — and it’s easy to see why when you realize the price-gouging going on. In “Fleecing Patients,”11 National Nurses United highlighted that the 100 most expensive U.S. hospitals charge patients from $1,129 to $1,808 for every $100 of their costs.12

That is 11.3 to 18 times what their actual costs are. Many companies, like grocery stores, typically operate on margins of 1 to 3% profits,13 or 0.1 to 0.3 times their costs.

“There is no excuse for these scandalous prices. These are not markups for luxury condo views, they are for the most basic necessity of your life: your health,” Jean Ross, RN, president of National Nurses United, said in a news release, adding:14

“Unpayable charges are a calamity for our patients, too many of whom avoid — at great risk to their health — the medical care they need due to the high cost, or they become burdened by devastating debt, hounded by bill collectors or driven into bankruptcy.”

It’s gotten so bad that 30% of adults in one survey said they had to choose between paying for medical bills or necessities like food and housing.15 Hospitals then go after patients who can’t pay. In Maryland alone, one of the only states to publish such data, hospitals have filed more than 145,000 medical debt lawsuits in the last decade, trying to recover $268.7 million.16

5 Keys to Take Control of Your Health

I’ve long recommended staying out of hospitals as much as possible to protect your health. But doing so will also protect your pocketbook. While you should always seek medical care when you need it — especially in cases of emergency — I am going to list the most powerful lifestyle strategies I know that you can take to radically reduce your likelihood of getting sick and ending up saddled with oppressive medical debt that can lead to bankruptcy.

Assiduously following these recommendations will go a long way to immunizing you against all chronic diseases that are the primary reason most people wind up in the hospital.

1.Get one hour of daily sunshine — Head outdoors for a daily dose of sunshine as often as possible. Ideally, seek to get one hour of sun exposure daily with minimal clothing. If you spend more time in the sun, the rates of many types of cancers would radically decrease and there would be fewer cardiovascular disease deaths.17

One of the primary benefits is that your skin produces vitamin D in response to sun exposure. Vitamin D upregulates your ability to fight infections, as well as chronic inflammation, and produces over 200 antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), one of which is cathelicidin, a naturally occurring broad-spectrum antibiotic.

The cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide, or CAMP, is made by immune cells and skin and gut cells, which act as a barrier to infection.18,19 Beyond vitamin D, which may serve as more of a marker for proper sun exposure, getting out in the sun is involved in melatonin production.

Near-infrared rays from the sun penetrate deep into your body and activate cytochrome c oxidase, and also stimulate the production of melatonin inside your mitochondria. Your mitochondria produce ATP, the energy currency of your body. A byproduct of this ATP production is reactive oxidative species (ROS), which are responsible for oxidative stress.

Excessive amounts of ROS will damage the mitochondria, contributing to suboptimal health, inflammation and chronic health conditions such as diabetes, obesity and thrombosis (blood clots). But melatonin essentially mops up ROS that damage your mitochondria. So, by getting plenty of sun exposure during the day, your mitochondria will be bathed in melatonin, thereby reducing oxidative stress.20,21

2.Eliminate seed oils from your diet

You might be concerned about getting skin cancer from all the sun exposure in the first recommendation, but it turns out that the primary reason for getting skin cancer is related to the amount of linoleic acid (LA) that is in your skin. It is really hard to get any cancer, including skin cancer, if you have low LA levels.

I would strongly recommend that you view the video above even if you have previously seen it, as it will remind you of the vital importance of this strategy and, more importantly, how to properly implement a low LA diet.

Linoleic acid is the primary fat found in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), including vegetable/seed oils. It accounts for about 80% of the fat composition of these oils. Examples of seed oils high in omega-6 include soybean, cottonseed, sunflower, rapeseed (canola), corn and safflower.22

The single best comprehensive rule to follow is to avoid virtually all processed foods. If you simply do that you will be in the ball park and will only need some fine tweaks that are reviewed in the video above.

3.Avoid all processed foods — LA is found in virtually every processed food, including restaurant foods, sauces and salad dressings, so to eliminate it you’ll need to eliminate most processed foods and restaurant foods from your diet — unless you can confirm that the chef only cooks with butter.

Processed convenience foods are linked to an increased risk of developing and dying from cancer,23 and they contribute to premature death.24 Yet, 61% of Americans’ food intake comes in the form of highly processed foods and drinks. The amount is similar in Canada (62%) and the U.K. (63%).25

When you cut processed foods from your diet, not only will you drastically reduce LA but also other toxic additives, such as emulsifiers and artificial sweeteners, which can lead to pathophysiological changes such as impaired glucose tolerance, neuroinflammation and oxidative stress.26 Eating processed junk foods is also linked to metabolic syndrome and all-cause mortality,27 along with cognitive decline28 and depression.29

One caveat, because animals are fed grains that are high in linoleic acid,30 it’s also hidden in “healthy” foods like chicken and pork, which makes these meats a major source as well. Olive oil is another health food that can be a hidden source of linoleic acid, as it’s often cut with cheaper seed oils.

4.Walk one hour a day — Daily movement is another critical element of health and longevity. Ideally, walk outdoors, so you can combine No. 1 — sun exposure — with your exercise. Walking is a powerful form of activity for a number of reasons. It’s free and accessible — you can do it virtually anywhere. And it’s gentle enough that most people can engage in it, even if you’re out of shape and haven’t exercised in a while.

Walking even 8,000 steps once or twice a week is associated with significantly lower all-cause and cardiovascular mortality risk.31 People who participate in outdoor walking groups also enjoy significant reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, resting heart rate, body fat, depression scores and body mass index, along with increases in VO2max, a marker of fitness level.32

Any type of walking appears beneficial, but if you want to increase intensity, Nordic walking, which involves walking with fixed-length ski poles, leads to even greater increases in functional capacity — or the ability to carry out activities related to daily living — compared to other forms of exercise, including high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and moderate-to-vigorous intensity continuous training (MICT).33

5.Improve mitochondrial function — Your mitochondrial health plays a vital role in longevity and disease prevention. To put it simply, if your mitochondria are not functioning well, nothing else will either. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of your cells, producing about 85% of the energy generated in your body.

There are a number of ways to optimize your mitochondrial function, but one element is niacinamide (aka nicotinamide), a form of niacin (vitamin B3) that plays a vital role in energy metabolism. It’s essential for the mitochondrial electron transport chain to function. Without it, your mitochondria cannot make energy.

Niacinamide is so important because it is a precursor for NAD+, which is involved in the conversion of food to energy, maintaining DNA integrity and ensuring proper cell function. NAD+ is also a primary fuel for PARP, which is an important DNA repair enzyme. NAD+ also fuels the conversion of cortisol to its inactive form, cortisone.

Niacinamide at a dose of 50 milligrams three times per day will provide the fuel for the rate limiting enzyme for NAD+, NAMPT. Niacinamide also has potent antiobesity effects, can help prevent neurodegeneration and heart failure, and reverse leaky gut.

I recommend getting niacinamide in powder form because the lowest available dose in most supplements is 500 mg, and that will decrease NAD+ due to negative feedback on NAMPT, which is the opposite of what you’re looking for.

Niacinamide will only cost you about 25 cents a month if you get it as a powder. Typically, one-sixty-fourth of a teaspoon of niacinamide powder is about 50 mg. There is a company, though, that has just created an inexpensive 50 mg tablet for convenience.

I also recommend taking about one aspirin tablet daily. Aspirin plays a role in mitochondria function34 and also has other health benefits. Importantly, it helps increase the oxidation of glucose as fuel for your body while inhibiting the oxidation of fatty acids, specifically linoleic acid. I know this one seems silly, but it really does work to prevent so many diseases and it is dirt cheap. Aspirin has been (and still is) the target of a massive discrediting campaign by Pharma as it competes with newer, far more expensive blood thinners and pain relievers.

I will have a very comprehensive article in the future describing the justification for this recommendation. It is important to understand though that you want to take a very pure aspirin as frequently it is the other ingredients in the cheap aspirin tablets that cause complications. I take one that is 99.5% USP which is a pharmaceutical grade and take three of their scoops a day.

If you are taking it for blood thinning the dose is a baby aspirin (85 mg) per day. If you are using it for disease prevention it would be one regular aspirin. Ideally get a clean version of aspirin. You can find a bottle of 1000 on Amazon that only has corn starch. If you are sensitive to aspirin, it would be best to use a salicylic acid or willow bark supplement, as this is the active ingredient. Look for a clean, high-quality willow bark supplement.

By taking the five steps above, you can significantly improve your health — inexpensively — and reduce your risk of chronic disease. In turn, you’re less likely to require expensive medical treatments that put both your physical and financial health at risk.


Money and Fame Don’t Cut It Here

‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Artist Turns Down $8 Million From Stunned Music Execs, Says “Nothing Special About Me”

SATURDAY, AUG 19, 2023 – 06:00 AM

Nine days ago, Oliver Anthony’s gritty coal country ballad “Rich Men North Of Richmond” was published on YouTube. The song has become the blue-collar political anthem for millions of Americans ahead of the 2024 presidential election cycle.

On Thursday, Anthony revealed his real name is Christopher Anthony Lunsford. He said the viral response to the song blew him away and only anticipated it would get hundreds of thousands of views, not millions. As of Friday, the song ranks number one on iTunes.

Lunsford is a former factory worker and lives in the forgotten part of the US, Appalachia, an area plagued with an opioid crisis and abandoned factories. The song tells the story of working-class folk who struggle daily while being ignored and mocked by political elites just north of Richmond.

Lunsford detailed in a lengthy Facebook post that he turned down a $8 million deal from stunned music industry executives:

People in the music industry give me blank stares when I brush off 8 million dollar offers. I don’t want 6 tour buses, 15 tractor trailers and a jet. I don’t want to play stadium shows, I don’t want to be in the spotlight. I wrote the music I wrote because I was suffering with mental health and depression. These songs have connected with millions of people on such a deep level because they’re being sung by someone feeling the words in the very moment they were being sung. No editing, no agent, no bullshit. Just some idiot and his guitar. The style of music that we should have never gotten away from in the first place.

Since going viral nine days ago, he has received over 50,000 messages from people reacting to the song. He said some messages include stories about “Suicide, addiction, unemployment, anxiety and depression, hopelessness and the list goes on.”

Lunsford provided more details about who he exactly is…

My legal name is Christopher Anthony Lunsford. My grandfather was Oliver Anthony, and “Oliver Anthony Music” is a dedication not only to him, but 1930’s Appalachia where he was born and raised. Dirt floors, seven kids, hard times. At this point, I’ll gladly go by Oliver because everyone knows me as such. But my friends and family still call me Chris. You can decide for yourself, either is fine.

In 2010, I dropped out of high school at age 17. I have a GED from Spruce Pine, NC. I worked multiple plant jobs in Western NC, my last being at the paper mill in McDowell county. I worked 3rd shift, 6 days a week for $14.50 an hour in a living hell. In 2013, I had a bad fall at work and fractured my skull. It forced me to move back home to Virginia. Due to complications from the injury, it took me 6 months or so before I could work again.

From 2014 until just a few days ago, I’ve worked outside sales in the industrial manufacturing world. My job has taken me all over Virginia and into the Carolinas, getting to know tens of thousands of other blue collar workers on job sites and in factories. Ive spent all day, everyday, for the last 10 years hearing the same story. People are SO damn tired of being neglected, divided and manipulated.

In 2019, I paid $97,500 for the property and still owe about $60,000 on it. I am living in a 27′ camper with a tarp on the roof that I got off of craigslist for $750.

There’s nothing special about me. I’m not a good musician, I’m not a very good person. I’ve spent the last 5 years struggling with mental health and using alcohol to drown it. I am sad to see the world in the state it’s in, with everyone fighting with each other. I have spent many nights feeling hopeless, that the greatest country on Earth is quickly fading away.

He concludes with:

That being said, I HATE the way the Internet has divided all of us. The Internet is a parasite, that infects the minds of humans and has their way with them. Hours wasted, goals forgotten, loved ones sitting in houses with each other distracted all day by technology made by the hands of other poor souls in sweat shops in a foreign land.

When is enough, enough? When are we going to fight for what is right again? MILLIONS have died protecting the liberties we have. Freedom of speech is such a precious gift. Never in world history has the world had the freedom it currently does. Don’t let them take it away from you. 

Just like those once wandering in the desert, we have lost our way from God and have let false idols distract us and divide us. It’s a damn shame.

Meanwhile, the political left is triggered by this song for speaking the truth. And the country music industry is “confused by man actually from the country making actual music.”

Just remember this Ron Paul quote…

People are awakening from their multi-decade daze. The matrix is glitching… 

from: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/rich-men-north-richmond-artist-turns-down-8-million-stunned-music-execs-says-nothing?utm_source=&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=1761

Guts, Enzymes, Serotonin, And Health — And a note about DNA

How Endotoxins and Estrogen Can Wreck Your Health

Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked
  • Endotoxin and mycotoxins play an important role in many chronic degenerative diseases
  • Endotoxin, also known as lipopolysaccharide (LPS), is produced by gram-negative bacteria in your gut. When complex carbs aren’t digested in your stomach, they travel down to the intestine where they feed these bacteria, and as the bacteria grow, multiply and die, the bacteria release LPS, which can result in leaky gut, allergic reactions, organ dysfunction and even sepsis
  • Endotoxin also catalyzes metabolic reactions that convert tryptophan in your gut to serotonin. You do not want high levels of serotonin because it’s antimetabolic. It suppresses your body’s ability to create energy in the electron transport chain, so you become tired and fatigued, your metabolic rate slows and you gain weight
  • Estrogen excess can produce symptoms that are identical to endotoxin toxicity, and an estimated 30% of endotoxin cases are misdiagnosed, and are related to excess estrogen
  • Estrogen is one of our biggest toxic threats today, as both men and women are exposed to high amounts of estrogenic compounds in their diet and environment. Most already have too much estrogen, which is a major driver of certain cancers

Today’s interview features Kashif Khan, founder and CEO of The DNA Company, which analyzes your DNA and keeps your data private, unlike 23andMe and other companies that sell your genetic data to third parties like drug companies.

Our discussion here is not about DNA analysis, however, but rather endotoxin and mycotoxin, which can play an important role in many chronic degenerative diseases, and estrogen excess, which can produce symptoms identical to endotoxin. Khan is quite knowledgeable in this area.

“The biggest area where we’re seeing a flood of people coming in, is in the female health world,” Khan says. “Not that this is an answer for everybody, but what we’re seeing is that all these women are concerned about how they feel and it’s been labeled as an endotoxin problem.

We’re diving in and seeing that about 30% of them are misdiagnosed. It’s actually an estrogen problem. They have the same symptoms, same complaints, same everything. We know that endotoxins are a concern, and so that concern is being taught in functional medicine … Mycotoxins are also being misdiagnosed.

So, a big area we end up supporting and helping is actually looking at the hormone pathway and seeing what toxic hormones are people making. This is one piece of the conversation, it’s one slice, but it’s a big slice where the most help is needed …

Whether it’s men producing DHT that’s causing inflammation, or women producing 4-hydroxy estrogen or 16-hydroxy estrogen as this constant trickle of inflammation, representing the same symptoms, same everything, they’re just not getting help. They’re not getting fixed because that’s what’s actually driving the symptoms. And we keep seeing this over and over again.”

What Are Endotoxin and Mycotoxin?

Endotoxin, also known as lipopolysaccharide (LPS), is produced by gram-negative bacteria in your gut. When complex carbs aren’t digested in your stomach, they travel down to the intestine where they feed these bacteria, and as the bacteria grow, multiply and die, the bacteria release LPS, which can result in leaky gut, allergic reactions, organ dysfunction and even sepsis.

Endotoxin also catalyzes a series of metabolic reactions that convert tryptophan in your gut to serotonin. Most people think serotonin is good, but mostly, especially higher levels, it is not good for your health. You do not want high levels of serotonin because it’s an antimetabolite.

This means it suppresses your body’s ability to create energy in your mitochondria in the electron transport chain, so you become tired and fatigued, your metabolic rate slows and you gain weight.

While endotoxin typically is related to gram-negative bacteria, mycotoxin is generated by things like fungi and yeast, such as candida. Mycotoxin such as mold can also have a volatile organic compounds (VOCs) aspect to it. This is the smell or odor, which can make you sick all by itself.

Toxic Reservoirs Must Be Addressed

As explained by Khan, when it comes to endotoxin and mycotoxin, it’s important to realize that you likely have a reservoir of toxin-producing bacteria in your system that will continue causing problems for as long as you keep feeding them. What’s more, within the metabolic pathway of endotoxin, a gene expression change occurs that is triggered by nutrition or environment.

“That triggers production of enzymes and proteins like amylase and cellulase to then convert the fuel that they’re consuming into the building blocks of the ensuing toxins, like mycotoxins, for example,” Khan explains.

“So, you have this internal combustion engine of making more and more, and the genes are being triggered in the actual toxin to make more of the outcome of this inflammatory toxin. And so, it’s happening on the inside too. That’s what people don’t get.

You’re binding and clearing, but if you’re not dealing with innate fungal overgrowth or toxin overload, you’re still making more of it. We often look at the gut as the source of what you need to work on, but it’s not just about what’s coming in. It’s also what you make on the inside. People need to think about that.”

How to Address Endotoxin and Mycotoxin

To address this vicious cycle, you need to heal and seal your gut. Beneficial bacteria, such as bifidobacteria and lactobacillus, and beneficial yeast like Saccharomyces boulardii can help repopulate your gut with beneficial microbes.

Saccharomyces boulardii is frequently prescribed by knowledgeable physicians to individuals who need to take antibiotics, because the saccharomyces are not killed by antibiotics. Intermittent use of binders such as activated charcoal, cholestyramine (a prescription drug), clays and chlorella can also be helpful to clear out some of the endotoxin.

In severe cases, you may even need to use antibiotics to sterilize your gut, although I don’t typically recommend this. Obviously, you also need to reduce the fuel source, so avoid complex carbs and resistant starches.

The strategies for mycotoxin are similar. However, as noted by Khan, most of the mycotoxin you’re exposed to comes from your food, and most of the mycotoxin in food is produced during shipping and storage. Generally, about 10% of the food supply is contaminated at the source, but once it’s reached its destination, the contamination level is 25%. So, to avoid mycotoxin, eating locally-grown food is part of the solution.

Humic and Fulvic Acids Help Clear Intracellular Toxins

If binders and beneficial bacteria and/or yeast don’t do the trick, you may have leaky gut. In that case, your gut also needs to be healed. Signs of leaky gut include constipation or diarrhea, and the route of elimination needs to be fixed before you can start to really move toxins out.

“One really cool thing we’re finding is there’s sometimes solutions that aren’t labeled for a particular problem, but they work. Humic and fulvic minerals are doing a really good job of drawing [out] intracellular [toxins], and healing the cellular membrane, because fulvic minerals have this unique attribute where they have this charge to be able to bring nutrients into the cell.

Once they do that, they flip their charge to draw toxins out. They bring them back out with them. And so, we’re finding people who are taking good minerals are healing much faster, if they’re taking the right stuff, because there’s this double whammy of healing the gut, taking out what’s in the blood, but also intracellular [and] cell membrane-wise.”

You may also need liver and bile support to ensure efficient detox. One thing to remember is that complete healing can take a long time. “It can take two years,” Khan says. “If you’re not just masking a symptom to feel better, it’s going to take time. It’s not a question of weeks.”

Serotonin Toxicity

Getting back to serotonin for a moment, this is a major problem that most people aren’t aware of. There’s a disease process called serotonin syndrome, caused by excess serotonin in the gut. One of the signs of serotonin syndrome is loose stools or diarrhea.

If you’re one of the 40% of adult women in the United States over 40 who are taking an SSRI antidepressant, consider finding a competent physician to help you wean yourself from that drug as soon as possible. There are other safer ways to address depression and anxiety.

Safer, and far more beneficial would be drugs like Benadryl or diphenhydramine, which is an antihistamine. It can block serotonin quite effectively, as can famotidine (Pepsid). Also reduce your intake of tryptophan-rich foods, as tryptophan converts into serotonin. Khan adds:

“When it comes to the serotonin issue, it’s not always about production. It’s more about utilization. We can predict somebody’s genetic propensity to use serotonin. It’s in the length of the receptor. When somebody has the shorter receptor, it’s not that they’re producing less, but they can’t use it. They can’t utilize it efficiently, and so these people are often constantly irritable.

They’re very distractible. It becomes hard for their brain to prioritize a stimulus because they don’t have the right receptor to bind and experience the stimulus as it should be. So, they appear to be irritable and distractible. If things annoy you a lot, if things bother you, if you have trouble staying asleep in the second half of night, those are traits of serotonin dysregulation.”

The Hazards of Estrogen

While estrogen replacement therapy is all the rage, this strategy is likely doing far more harm than good. I strongly recommend avoiding estrogen replacement therapy, even bioidentical, organic estrogen replacement therapy. You can go on other forms of hormone therapy, but not estrogen. Khan explains:

“[Estrogen] is certainly one of our biggest toxic threats today, especially given that you have to think of it contextually. Our context today is not grandma’s context. [Due to] the hormone disruption and estrogen mimics we’re dealing with [today], you already have too much, and you’re adding more through hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills.

So, we’re already in a context where it’s a threat, so you have to pay attention to it. The layers you have to look at are dominance. So, what do I make? Am I more androgenized, am I more estrogenized? And you can predict that through the genes that metabolize each step of the cascade … progesterone to testosterone, to estrogen. What do I do in each one of those steps?

Many women — and men, by the way — are estrogen-dominant and just produce way too much. It’s [due to] a conversion of CYP19A1 to testosterone and estrogen. That’s why aromatase-inhibitor inhibitors work well, because you are just flowing the gene expression down in that one location, and all of a sudden, you have more free flowing testosterone.

By the way, there are three pathways that your estrogens convert into, potentially, before you clear them, and these metabolites are 2-, 4- and 16-hydroxy estrogen. 2-hydroxy estrogen is the good clean stuff you want. 4- and 16-hydroxy estrogen are toxic.

We’ve seen over and over again, when we’re dealing with breast cancer patients, ovarian cancer patients, who were told, ‘You have BRCA, go cut your breasts off.’ And then they’re just getting ovarian cancer instead. Or vice versa. It’s because of this.

So, BRCAs are a repair tool. It’s just supposed to fix things. It doesn’t cause anything. But these two metabolites, the 4 and 16 [are] highly inflammatory, [and] we know all chronic conditions are rooted in inflammation. For men, the 16-hydroxy pathway is closely connected to testicular cancer. In the androgen pathway, dihydrotestosterone fuels prostate cancer.”

Detox and Clearance of Estrogen

To detox estrogen, the same detox pathways used for other toxins also apply here, such as the glutathione pathway, antioxidation, superoxide dismutase and COMT, which is the tail end of methylation. COMT, in particular, is really important for clearing toxic estrogens, whereas glucuronidation deals with some of the androgen toxins.

“If you take a hormone therapy and look at this cascade, what are most women getting? They’re getting estradiol, typically, which converts into 4-hydroxy estrogen, which is a cancer fuel.

If you have a woman who is already teetering on the edge of poor health because she converts into one of these buckets and you give her estradiol, you’ve just given the raw ingredients to fuel this, and then all of a sudden inflammation’s through the roof. And where did this breast cancer come from?

I’m dealing with a family where there’s breast cancer, and a woman that previously had ovarian cancer. And what happened in those two parts of her life? Two years prior to the breast cancer, in menopause, she started her hormone replacement therapy, and she took estradiol …

Keep in mind, in menopause you don’t have a menstrual cycle anymore, so you’re not clearing that toxin. It just gets stored in fat. That’s what your body does with it, which is why you have inflammation in the breast. That’s where you have a lot of fat as a woman.

Take it back a couple of decades, when she had the ovarian cancer, it’s because she was on the birth control pill for eight years. Same thing, she was fueling more estrogen into that bucket that she converted into 4-hydroxy estrogen, which caused ovarian cancer at that time. Same problem. The root is the estrogen dominance and toxicity.

In men, we see things like gynecomastia, loss of libido, hair loss. And you’re seeing that in numbers today more than ever before. There are no manly men. Where did they all go?

We have estrogens in our water. Estrogens don’t break down, they’re like forever chemicals. When a woman flushes her tampon in the toilet or her birth control pill that she peed out and some guy drinks it months later, once it gets past filtration and sanitation, he’s still taking the estrogens in.

They’re still there. The challenge is that the total load just keeps increasing, and we’re all exposed to it. We have to think about not only what we make and who we are, but in the context of this estrogen toxic soup, where it’s everywhere already, so the total load is far too much.”

How to Measure Estrogen Excess

There are two ways to measure or gauge potential estrogen excess. One is to look at your genetics to understand how you metabolize estrogen. The other is to take a standard DUTCH test, which is commonly used to monitor patients on hormone replacement therapy.

Unfortunately, many doctors are not trained on interpreting metabolites. They’re looking at estrogen alone, not understanding that there are genes that metabolize and turn the estrogen into different things.

“We work with a lot of NHL hockey players,” Khan says. “In 2019, a bunch of them were coming to us with man boobs, and we found out there was a new trend of taking this AndroGel pack.

It’s a gel that goes on your stomach. Androgens, testosterone, enters your bloodstream, and the thinking is, ‘I gave you testosterone, you should have more testosterone.’

But … some men had the fast CYP19A1 gene that converts it all into estrogen. So, I gave you testosterone, but your body’s saying, ‘Turn that into estrogen.’ And that’s what you’re doing with it. All those gentlemen needed was an aromatase inhibitor. Just block the estrogen conversion.

That’s where knowing where to intervene in that cascade makes things a lot easier. Most of the time, we already have the raw ingredients, we just need to plug into the right place with the right supplement, either speed something up or slow something down.”

Better Options

I’m not opposed to all hormone replacement therapy. The master precursor hormone, though, is pregnenolone. That is the base hormone that converts to all others, and it’s unlikely to aromatize. The ideal administration route is once a day in a cacao butter suppository. DHEA, which is a male hormone, at 5 to 10 mg can also be added.

Easier, but not as effectively absorbed, would be to swallow it as an oral pill, but it must be taken with a saturated fat to make sure it bypasses liver metabolism. Something like a teaspoon of butter or beef with fat in it would also work.

DHEA can easily aromatize and can form estrogen, which is not a good thing, so you need to be careful about using too much. Those are two base hormones that people can use rather safely. You can also use progesterone, which is anti-estrogen.

The oral route is only about 85% effective with the butter, compared to nearly 100% with the suppository route. Cacao butter works much better than coconut oil, as it is a longer chain saturated fat and does not melt at room temperature. If you do use suppositories, ideally, you should not have a bowel movement for three to four hours after insertion.

Estrogen, aside from increasing intracellular calcium concentration, is also antimetabolic, as it slows down your metabolic rate and inhibits your thyroid function, both of which are bad news. It’s toxic to your body in most cases. It is likely only second to excess LA intake as a factor that increases your risk of cancer.

You do need it sometimes, certainly for reproductive purposes and for wound healing, but most of the time you have more than enough to fill those roles, and it’s just an excess, especially with all the xenoestrogens we’re exposed to in the food supply.

“Menopause is a protective measure,” Khan says. “You’re past the fertility stage of your life and this toxin that you needed for that purpose, you don’t need anymore, so your body naturally goes into a state to protect you by not having so much of it. We break nature and try and maintain it, not understanding why the body does this. It’s to protect you. That’s why you go into menopause.”

More Information

If you’re interested in learning more about gene sequencing and genetic testing, which Khan’s company, The DNA Company, does, please listen to the entire interview. We segue into that toward the end.

We also discuss a new Canadian bill that could potentially eliminate most nutritional supplements on the market. This, even though there has not been a single reported death in Canada from a nutritional supplement since 1965. You can learn more about this bill in “Discussion Paper on 2023 Health Canada Initiatives.”1

Basically, they intend to license supplements as drugs, which means bringing a product to market will end up costing around $250,000 to $500,000. “If you go to your naturopath who’s compounding something … they don’t even sell $20,000 of that product per year, so how are they going to pay $500,000 to get it registered?”

And, there’s no grandfather clause. They intend to do this for all products, including existing ones. The bill has already passed, so now they’re just working on its implementation. As a result of this bill, naturopaths may not be able to remain in business either, since they’ll have virtually nothing to prescribe, other than whole foods. “The intention is to put [supplements] in allopathic health care control,” Khan says.

Perhaps the most important take-home from this dialogue is that we need to be prepared. This is already happening in Canada, which means it probably won’t be long before the same kind of legislation shows up in the U.S. When it does, we have to be prepared to push back with all our might.

In closing, if you’re interested in getting genetic testing, go to thednacompany.com/Mercola for 15% (the discount will show at checkout). If you just want to learn more, visit theDNAway.com. There you can also learn more about Khan’s book, “The DNA Way.” You can also follow him on Instagram

A Question of Parental RIghts



Radicals Threaten to Kill, Dismember School Board President for Adopting Parental Rights Policy

July 25, 2023

A local school board president has been inundated with threats that left-wing activists will dismember her, murder her children, and slaughter her pets. Her crime? Saying that teachers should not keep parents in the dark if their children begin to identify as transgender.

The new Chino Valley (California) Unified School District Board of Education policy states that school officials will notify parents in writing within three days if a child seeks to identify as a gender “other than the student’s biological sex,” use different pronouns, adopt a different name, use the restroom, or join a sports team of the opposite sex. The board adopted the resolution last Thursday, July 20, by a 4-1 vote, with member Donald Bridge casting the lone dissenting vote.

“The next morning, our district got a phone call” from an anonymous caller threatening “to kill me, and they said that they were going to dismember” school board president Sonja Shaw, the official revealed on “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins” Monday. Police alerted Shaw to the threat shortly before a previous interview on the show, last Friday.

Then Shaw looked at her district email account, where she said she saw messages stating, “You’re going to die,” with a series of profane epithets. “Your children are going to die and your animals are going to die.” For a “point of reference, they would name what kind of animals I had,” Shaw added.

“I also got notification that people who identify as being in the terrorist organization Antifa posted on their website, ‘We declare war on Sonja Shaw,’” Shaw told Perkins, adding that the group posted her address. “They said, ‘We know where you sleep,’” the same message an angry mob screamed outside the home of Tucker Carlson in 2018. “They said things like, ‘Use all force possible to stop her.’”

“I’m not going to lie. I was shaking,” Shaw confided on Monday. Police had beefed up patrols around her home to ensure security, she said.

While she had been “hesitant” to share the details of her ordeal, “God reminded me that these are the people that are after our children.”

“Sacramento has waged a war on parental rights, and a lot of it has to do with the perversion of our children,” Shaw told “Washington Watch” guest host Jody Hice, a former Georgia congressman, on Friday.

“We have to put up safeguards. That’s why I was put here,” Shaw told the school board meeting on Thursday.

After being alarmed by Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom’s top-down imposition of radical education policy as a parent, Shaw ran for school board, and “God opened the doors” to implement the new policy, she told Hice. When the Newsom administration learned of the impending policy, State Superintendent Tony Thurmond arrived at the district meeting Thursday night.

“It was a political stunt. He was trying to scare us,” assessed Shaw.

Thurmond requested a private meeting with Shaw prior to the meeting but declined to follow through when he learned she would not withdraw the policy, Shaw has said. He instead addressed the board meeting, speaking as the first of 83 citizens to make their voices heard. Video footage shows the attendees booed when Thurmond concluded, as Shaw asked everyone to “be respectful” toward the official. Thurmond exceeded his one-minute speaking slot, then returned to the podium demanding a “point of order,” although he is not a board member. Police eventually escorted him out of the building.

Thurmond later claimed he “stayed within the one-minute limit,” and tweeted, “When done speaking, the board president verbally attacked me an [sic] instructed police to remove me.” State Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), who authored a bill allowing out-of-state children who identify as transgender to flee to California and be injected with cross-sex hormones against their parents’ wishes, alleged, “The QAnon school board president cut him off.” But his former colleague, State Senator Melissa Melendez (R-67), pointed out that “Thurmond militantly enforced the rules for speakers when he was in the legislature.”

The district’s newly enacted policy has won the support of parental rights advocates and education experts nationwide. “The school board in Chino Valley is making parental involvement and inclusion a priority. State level officials interested in a healthy school system should follow their lead,” Meg Kilgannon, senior fellow for Education Studies at Family Research Council, told The Washington Stand.

But the policy drew instant backlash from the California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus, which announced its members are already “actively working on new approaches” to override the democratically enacted resolution. The liberal caucus added that parents who represented the near-unanimous consensus of the Chino Valley school board “will not stop us.”

“It appears some state legislators are scheming to make the newly passed CVUSD policy illegal with a future bill,” said Jonathan Zachreson, a member of the Roseville City School District school board and the founder of Reopen California Schools.

Parents in the district have expressed enthusiastic approval. “I think it’s crucial that we keep parents in this conversation. I think that the worst thing you can do to a child is to ostracize their parents from such an important conversation,” Amy Davlin, a parent in the district, told Newsmax on Tuesday morning.

“Groomers and pedophiles are the ones who attempt to gain the trust of children and encourage them to keep secrets” from their parents, said Davlin. A school district should “not encourage children to deceive and lie to their parents.”

More than two-thirds (68%) of Californians agree that parents should be notified if their minor children change their gender identity, according to a poll taken by Protect Kids California.

“I believe there is an all-out agenda against our children,” said Davlin, who said the new policy sends a message to activists who have weaponized education against parents: “You have crossed a red line. The red line is our children.”

Democrats have indicated a legal fight will ensue. California State Attorney General Rob Bonta (D) threatened that the pro-parental rights policy “may violate California’s antidiscrimination law” in a letter to the Chino Valley school board seeking to sway Thursday’s vote. Disclosing a child’s transgender identification to his or her parents “is very likely to result in significant emotional, mental, and even physical harm,” Bonta asserted.

Parents and board members reject that talking point. “Why are you assuming that parents are dangerous?” asked Shaw.

“If you want a lower suicide rate, bring the parents into the conversation,” said Davlin. “We are the ones who love the kids the most. We are the ones who have their best interests at heart, not their teacher who is with them a few hours a day.”

As Newsom and Thurmond focus on social issues, California students fall further behind. California ranks 38th nationwide in K-12 education, according to U.S. News and World Report — behind such Republican strongholds as Florida (14), Virginia (13), Indiana (7), Utah (9), Nebraska (11), and South Dakota (24). Education levels may improve if teachers focused on fundamentals rather than indoctrination, said Kilgannon. “We’re just trying to get the crazy out: To not have children taught wrong history, not have children taught that they could be born in the wrong body, not have children shown sexually explicit images,” she told Perkins on Monday.

Shaw’s leadership could show the Republicans how to recapture the White House in 2024, one political commentator believes. “We need to have more Sonjas running the school boards around the country,” said Newsmax contributor Tom Borelli on Monday morning. “Republicans can make this a great issue going forward, that we’re the party that represents parental rights. How dare a school district try to deny a parent knowledge about their own child?! That’s just plain outrageous.”

Meanwhile a potential 2024 Democratic presidential hopeful, Gavin Newsom, “plays the biggest part” in fueling the vitriol, hatred, and potential violence directed toward the Chino Valley school board, said Shaw. “But I’m glad that they’re exposing themselves,” Shaw continued.

“My daily prayer is for those to be revealed, exposed, and removed that don’t have the best intentions and that have ill intent for children,” Shaw told Perkins. Thanks to their voluble radicalism, “More people are starting to realize what we’re up against.”

“They’re literally driving a wedge between parent and child,” said Perkins on Monday. “This is evil. It’s just pure evil.”

from:    https://washingtonstand.com/news/radicals-threaten-to-kill-dismember-school-board-president-for-adopting-parental-rights-policy


Autopsy Reports Reveal…..

Study: 74% of Post-Jab Deaths Caused by the Shot

Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked 



  • July 5, 2023, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, an expert clinical pathologist, and colleagues published a systematic review of autopsy findings in people who died after receiving a COVID shot on The Lancet journal’s preprint server
  • The autopsy review found that 62.5% to 73.9% of post-jab deaths were likely caused by the injection
  • Preprints with The Lancet pulled the study in less than 24 hours
  • The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) also rejected the paper, as did the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The preprint server medRxiv and others also refused to post it
  • Belgian researchers report that two doses of the Pfizer mRNA COVID jab induced lethal “turbo cancers” in a mouse. Two days after receiving its second dose, one of the 14 injected mice (7%) died suddenly. No clinical signs of illness were present before its abrupt death. Upon post-mortem examination, the mouse was found to have lymphoma in several organs, including the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen and lungs

July 5, 2023, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, an expert clinical pathologist, and several other colleagues published a systematic review of autopsy findings in people who died after receiving a COVID shot on The Lancet journal’s preprint server.1

Disturbingly, but not surprisingly, they concluded that 62.5% to 73.9% of post-jab deaths were likely caused by the injection. Previous autopsy reviews have also concluded that the mRNA COVID jabs are a causative factor in sudden cardiac deaths.2

Nearly Three-Quarters of Post-Jab Deaths Caused by the Shot

As explained by the authors:3

“The aim of this systematic review is to investigate possible causal links between COVID-19 vaccine administration and death using autopsies and post-mortem analysis … We searched for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023.

We initially identified 678 studies and, after screening for our inclusion criteria, included 44 papers that contained 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case. Three physicians independently reviewed all deaths and determined whether COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death.

The most implicated organ system in COVID-19 vaccine-associated death was the cardiovascular system (53%), followed by the hematological system (17%), the respiratory system (8%), and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases.

The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration. A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination …

Among adjudicators, there was complete independent agreement (all three physicians) of vaccination causing or contributing to death in 203 cases (62.5%). The one necropsy case was judged to be linked to vaccination with complete agreement …

The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine adverse events, their mechanisms, and related excess death, coupled with autopsy confirmation and physician-led death adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death in most cases.”

The Lancet Censors Paper

As has so often been the case over these past three years, the journal didn’t waste time censoring the paper. Preprints with The Lancet pulled it within 24 hours,4 stating “the study’s conclusions are not supported by the study methodology.”5 In what way? They don’t say. As noted by McCullough, the methodology is as standard as it gets. Will Jones at the Daily Sceptic adds:6

“A number of the authors of the paper are at the top of their fields so it is hard to imagine that the methodology of their review was really so poor that it warranted removal at initial screening rather than being subject to full critical appraisal. It smacks instead of raw censorship of a paper that failed to toe the official line …

Dr. Clare Craig, a pathologist and co-Chair of the HART pandemic advisory group, says that in her view the approach taken in the study is sound. She told the Daily Sceptic:

‘The VAERS system … is designed to alert to potential harms without necessarily being the best way of measuring the extent of those harms. Quantifying the impact of deaths can be done by looking at overall mortality rates in a country.

However, this is imperfect as a deficit of deaths would be expected after a period of excess deaths, making the accuracy of any baseline dubious. An alternative approach of auditing such deaths through autopsy is sound.

There may be a bias [in the study] towards reporting the autopsies of deaths where there was evidence of causation and the likelihood of causation might be exaggerated by that bias. For example, 19 of the 325 deaths were due to vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT) but these reports may be overrepresented because of the regulators’ willingness to acknowledge such deaths.

Nevertheless, it is important that attempts are made to quantify the risk of harm and censorship of these attempts, rather than open scientific critique, does nothing to help reassure people.”

Prior to this, The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) had also rejected the paper, as had the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). NEJM rejected it within a few days, and JAMA within about an hour of submission. The preprint server medRxiv and others also refused to post it.

In the video above, Naomi Wolf with Daily Clout interviewed McCullough about the censoring of his paper. According to McCullough, overnight, while the paper was still on the Preprint server, downloads of the paper were in the hundreds per minute, demonstrating there’s a clear demand for this information.

The paper is currently only available for download on the preprint server Zenodo.7 Ironically, by pulling the paper off the server, The Lancet magnified its existence, as news of the censorship went viral on social media.

Mechanisms of Action

In the featured Daily Clout interview, McCullough explains the jab’s mechanisms of action that appear to be responsible for a majority of post-jab heart-related deaths. The first is myocarditis (heart inflammation). The other is progression of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

In myocarditis, the electrical current can no longer conduct smoothly through the heart muscle, causing an abnormal heart rhythm. This abnormal heart rhythm can then lead to sudden cardiac death. This is one of the primary reasons behind many athletic deaths, where players have died on the field.

In a letter to the editor of the Scandinavian Journal of Immunology published in late 2022,8,9 McCullough compared the pre- and post-COVID jab cardiac death rates among athletes, finding that before the jab, there were an average of 29 cardiac-related deaths among pro athletes per year.

After the rollout of the jab, which was mandated on players, it shot up to 283 per year — a 10-fold increase. And, in many cases, players have no prior symptoms. Wolf points out that lipid nanoparticles have been found to damage electrical conduction in the myelin sheath, so why would it not also damage electrical conduction in the heart? It makes sense that it would.

McCullough adds that when lipid nanoparticles are taken up by human somatic cells — nonreproductive cells, found in the heart and other internal organs — it causes syncytia formation where cell membranes fuse together.

And, because the heart prefers lipids over glucose for fuel, it may preferentially take up lipid nanoparticles, more so than other tissues. On top of that, exercise increases blood flow, which draws more lipid nanoparticles to the heart.

He also cites research showing there are two primary periods of sudden cardiac death: during exercise and between 3 AM and 6 AM. The common factor between these two is adrenaline. Adrenaline surges during exercise and in the natural waking process. If you have myocarditis, this adrenaline surge can be enough to trigger sudden cardiac death.

Shining a Light on Possible Treatments

As noted by Wolf, by clearly identifying how the COVID jab is killing people, McCullough’s paper also helps shed light on potential treatments. The spike protein produced by your body in response to the mRNA shot is the primary culprit that needs to be degraded and eliminated.

The enzymes in your body that would normally do this job are unable to degrade the synthetic spike protein, but there are products that can get the job done. McCullough refers to Japanese research that found nattokinase can be very helpful in this regard. However, lumbrokinase is a much stronger fibrinolytic enzyme and would likely work better.

Bromelain, an enzyme derived from pineapple stems, also works, McCullough says, as does curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. We also know that both hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin aid in the elimination of spike protein.

As noted by McCullough, it’s interesting that while the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the spike protein produced by the mRNA jab are synthetic and wholly unnatural, most of the best remedies are turning out to be all-natural compounds.

Reprehensible Medical Censorship

At the end of the interview, McCullough says that if the current censorship trend continues, medical history may well state that the COVID shots are perfectly safe, even though there’s plenty of evidence to the contrary — evidence that was never allowed to be seen.

In a three-part series for TrialSite News, published in 2021, investigative journalist Sonia Elijah reviewed how scientific journals were censoring the science on COVID. July 7, 2023, she published a follow-up based on the most recent censoring of McCullough’s paper:10

“This is just another example of a paper with findings, not fitting in with the ‘very good safety profile of the COVID-19 vaccines,’ being expelled from a prominent journal,” she writes. “Dr. McCullough commented exclusively for TrialSite about this highly concerning issue. This is what he said:

‘This act of medical censorship occurred after the paper met all the criteria for listing on the Lancet PrePrint Server and appears to be triggered by very heavy worldwide interest and rapid downloading of the paper.

This speaks to the importance of our findings as the largest summary of autopsies after COVID-19 vaccination. Elsevier and Lancet are trying to suppress critical scientific observations on COVID-19 vaccine safety. Their actions are reprehensible.’

My own research11 in analyzing the Periodic Safety Update Reports compiled by Pfizer for the European Medicines Agency revealed damning data. As of June 2022, 161 children have died shortly after taking the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

What is even more shocking is that an overwhelming majority of autopsies were not performed or followed up by the pharmaceutical behemoth … This is why McCullough et al.’s study is so key because there is an incredible lack of laboratory data and post-mortem information on these post-vaccine deaths …

This begs the all-important question — has this scarcity been carefully orchestrated to prevent sufficient evidence of a causal association of COVID-19 vaccines with the reported deaths?”

Case Report of mRNA Jab-Induced Turbo Cancers

In related news, Belgian researchers report that two doses of the Pfizer mRNA COVID jab induced lethal “turbo cancers” in a mouse. Two days after receiving its second dose, one of the 14 injected mice (7%) died suddenly. No clinical signs of illness were present before its abrupt death.

Upon post-mortem examination, the mouse was found to have lymphoma in several organs, including the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen and lungs. The case report, published in Frontiers in Oncology May 1, 2023, noted:12

“Two days following booster vaccination (i.e., 16 days after prime), at only 14 weeks of age, our animal suffered spontaneous death with marked organomegaly and diffuse malignant infiltration of multiple extranodal organs (heart, lung, liver, kidney, spleen) by lymphoid neoplasm.

Immunohistochemical examination revealed organ sections positive for CD19, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase, and c-MYC, compatible with a B-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma immunophenotyped …

Given the paucity of data on the long-term safety of the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines, it is vital that clinicians and scientists report any adverse event to establish potential correlations.

Our case adds to previous clinical reports on malignant lymphoma development following novel SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination. Interestingly, we are the first to report a B-LBL subtype …

Although strong evidence proving or refuting a causal relationship between SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination and lymphoma development or progression is lacking, vigilance is required, with conscientious reporting of similar cases and a further investigation of the mechanisms of action that could explain the aforementioned association.”

Resources for Those Injured by the COVID Jab

Aside from autopsy assessments, case reports of harms and various other studies, things like job statistics, disability claims, life insurance claims and all-cause mortality statistics also tell us that the COVID jabs are having a devastating effect.13 All have skyrocketed since the introduction of these COVID jabs.

If you got one or more jabs and suffered an injury, first and foremost, never ever take another COVID booster, another mRNA gene therapy shot or regular vaccine. You need to end the assault on your body.

The same goes for anyone who has taken one or more COVID jabs and had the good fortune of not experiencing debilitating side effects. Your health may still be impacted long-term, so don’t take any more shots.

When it comes to treatment, it seems like many of the treatments that worked against severe COVID-19 infection also help ameliorate adverse effects from the jab. This makes sense, as the toxic, most damaging part of the virus is the spike protein, and that’s what your whole body is producing if you got the jab.

As mentioned earlier, eliminating the spike protein is a primary task to prevent and/or address post-jab injuries. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine bind to and facilitate the removal of spike protein. According to McCullough, nattokinase, bromelain and curcumin also help degrade the spike protein.

For a comprehensive treatment plan, see the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) I-RECOVER protocol. It’s continuously updated as more data become available, so be sure to download the latest version straight from the FLCCC website at covid19criticalcare.com.14

from:    https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/07/18/post-covid-vaccination-deaths.aspx?ui=f460707c057231d228aac22d51b97f2a8dcffa7b857ec065e5a5bfbcfab498ac&sd=20211017&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20230718_HL2&foDate=true&mid=DM1435273&rid=1858959125

Thirsty in the Woods?

Survival Skills: 10 Ways to Purify Water

Access to safe drinking water is critical in camping or survival situations

One of the top survival priorities in an emergency is to find and disinfect enough drinking water to supply your needs. Whether your crisis situation is unfolding in the desert after becoming lost or in your own home after a natural disaster, the human body can only last three days without any drinking water at all. Good thing there are abundant water sources across most of the globe, and multiple ways to disinfect the water. Which method of water processing is right for different situations? Follow along here and find out.
One of the top survival priorities in an emergency is to find and disinfect enough drinking water to supply your needs. Whether your crisis situation is unfolding in the desert after becoming lost or in your own home after a natural disaster, the human body can only last three days without any drinking water at all. Good thing there are abundant water sources across most of the globe, and multiple ways to disinfect the water. Which method of water processing is right for different situations? Follow along here and find out.

One of the top survival priorities in an emergency is to find and disinfect enough drinking water to supply your needs. Whether your crisis situation is unfolding in the desert after becoming lost or in your own home after a natural disaster, the human body can only last three days without any drinking water at all.

Good thing there are abundant water sources across most of the globe, and multiple ways to disinfect the water. Which method of water processing is right for different situations? Follow along here and find out.

tree sap spigot

Finding a Water Source

Depending on your location and situation, water can be abundant or virtually non-existent.

Before you can disinfect the water, you have to find it. Depending on your location and situation, water can be abundant or virtually non-existent. Water can come from freshwater surface sources like streams, creeks, ponds, and lakes. If you are able to distill the water, you can even use brackish or salty water as a source.

Let’s not forget precipitation as an emergency water supply. Rain, snow, sleet, hail, ice, and dew can be collected for water. Fresh rain that didn’t fall through a jungle or forest canopy should be safe enough to drink as is. New snow can be melted for drinking without processing as well.

Water issuing from springs and other underground sources can also be safe in most areas. Water coming from tapped trees like maple and birch can be safe to drink and abundant in late winter. But most other water sources should be considered “dirty” and must be disinfected with one of the following methods.

boiling water


In order to kill the parasites, bacteria, and other pathogens in water, the most reliable thing to do is boil the water.

In order to kill the parasites, bacteria, and other pathogens in water, the most reliable thing to do is boil the water. Boiling will not evaporate all forms of chemical pollution, but it is still one of the safest methods of disinfection. Five minutes of a rolling boil will kill most organisms, but ten minutes is safer. Elevations high enough to effect boiling and cooking times will require slightly more time over the flame.

Boiling can be done over a campfire or stove in a metal, ceramic, or glass container. If no fireproof container is available, heat rocks for 30 minutes in the fire and place them into your container of water. This container could be a rock depression, a bowl burned out of wood, a folded bark container, a hide, or an animal stomach. Don’t use quartz or any river rocks as these can explode when heated.

distillation still


In a scenario where the only water available is dangerous water, there aren’t many options. The safest solution is water distillation.

Radiation, lead, salt, heavy metals, and many other contaminants can taint your water supply after a disaster, and trying to filter them out will only ruin your expensive water filter.

In a scenario where the only water available is dangerous water, there aren’t many options. The safest solution is water distillation. Water can be heated into steam, and the steam can then be captured to create relatively clean water, despite its prior forms of contamination—including radioactive fallout. Distillation won’t remove all possible contaminants, like volatile oils and certain organic compounds, but most heavy particles will stay behind. For home-based disaster survival situations, a quick way to make a steam distiller is with a pressure canner and some small-diameter copper tubing. The best part of this operation (aside from safe water) is that the canner stays intact. This allows you to shift gears from water distillation to food preservation very easily (providing you are not dealing with radiation). The only tricky part is getting the copper line fitted to the steam vent on the canner’s lid.

If in the field, try your luck with a solar still, a simple invention that collects and distills water in a hole in the ground. To build one, place a square of clear or milky plastic (5×5 or 6×6 feet) over a three-feet-deep hole with a clean container centered in the bottom. (Run a drinking tube from the container so that you can drink your gathered water without taking apart the whole still.) Place dirt around the edge of the plastic at the rim of the hole to seal off the still. Place a rock in the middle of the plastic to create a roughly 45-degree cone over the container. Dig the still in a sunny location and in the dampest dirt or sand available. Add green vegetation and even urine to the hole to increase its water production. A transpiration bag is a smaller and less productive version of this set-up, involving a clear plastic bag tied around live vegetation.


Survival Straws

One of the smallest, lightest of water disinfecting tools to hit the marketplace lately is the straw style of water filter.

One of the smallest, lightest of water disinfecting tools to hit the marketplace lately is the straw style of water filter. Newer models can be used as you would a drinking straw and can also connect to the drain valve on a water heater to clean up the water you might find in a water heater after a disaster. They can also fit onto a garden hose to filter the water running through it. Don’t expect it to filter out every single virus or bacteria that could be growing in there, though—especially a hose that’s been laying in the sun, or a water heater full of tepid water after a prolonged power outage. Most of these filters contain an activated carbon filter element, which not only filters out larger bacteria and pathogens, but also removes odd flavors and odors from the water.

water filter IV bag


The two main types of water filters in use today are pump-action filters and drip/suction filters.

The two main types of water filters in use today are pump-action filters and drip/suction filters. The former utilize a pump to force raw water through a filter cartridge. The latter are filter cartridges that use a gravity drip action (like an IV bag) or are placed in line on hydration bladder hoses. When used on a hydration bladder, the user simply sucks water through the filter as needed. My favorite (for years now) is the Katadyn Pocket filter. It has a ceramic cartridge with silver imbedded inside. The ceramic filters out the larger pathogens, and the silver kills or disables smaller organisms like viruses. Most filters like this will pump about a quart per minute. If time isn’t an issue, you might opt for a gravity-fed system like the one shown here.

UV light filter

UV Light Devices

UV light is very damaging to small organisms. When used as a disinfection method, it’s surprisingly effective.

UV light is very damaging to small organisms. When used as a disinfection method, it’s surprisingly effective. Devices like the Steripen Sidewinder are battery-free, hand-cranked water purification devices that disrupt the DNA of illness-causing microbes in mere seconds. There are also a few battery-powered Steripen products that pack the same punch on bad bugs, and have been field-proven around the globe. These are not 100-percent effective in water with large floating particles (which pathogens can hide behind or inside), but for clear water of questionable origin these devices will do the trick.

solar water disinfection


Solar water disinfection (SODIS for short) is a water treatment method that uses the sun’s energy for disinfection.

Solar water disinfection (SODIS for short) is a water treatment method that uses the sun’s energy for disinfection. The most common technique is to expose plastic bottles full of contaminated water to the sun for a minimum of one day. The sun’s abundant UV light kills or damages almost all biological hazards in the water. The advantages to this way of treating water are plentiful. It’s easy to use; it’s inexpensive or free; and it offers good (but not complete or guaranteed) bacterial and viral disinfection. Furthermore, the method uses no dangerous chemicals, and it does not require constant attention.

But there are some problems with the method. You need sunny weather or two days of overcast sky to reach the maximum effectiveness. You cannot use it in rain; it offers no residual disinfection; it may be less effective against bacterial spores and cyst stages of some parasites; the water and the bottle need to be clear; and the bottle shouldn’t be glass. If that wasn’t bad enough, this method does nothing to help with chemical contamination, and only small bottles (2 liters, max) can be processed.

water disinfection tablets

Disinfecting Tablets

While these two products are using different chemicals, they both seem to be better than 99-percent effective against water-borne pathogens.

Two of the most common and popular water disinfection tablets are Katadyn’s Micropur tablets and Potable Aqua’s iodine tablets. They can both work very effectively, but there are some differences. If you’re stocking a cabin, cave, or BOB with purification tablets, you certainly want to consider the life span of the product. The iodine tablets from Potable Aqua have a one-year shelf life. That’s not bad, but Katadyn‘s Micropur tablets last for two years or more. While these two products are using different chemicals, they both seem to be better than 99-percent effective against water-borne pathogens.

Potable Aqua is the clear winner when it comes to speed. Water treated with those tablets is ready to drink 35 minutes after treatment begins. The Micropur tablets take a full four hours to achieve their maximum disinfecting action. One final thought to consider are the side effects.

The toxicity and flavor of iodine can be a little problematic. The iodine tablets are generally not a good choice for pregnant women or anyone with thyroid issues or shellfish allergies. Picky children are also notorious for failing to drink the iodine-infused water, which could lead to dehydration and other serious repercussions in an already dicey emergency. The Katadyn product is chlorine based, most of which dissipates over the allotted four-hour waiting period, so that product is widely tolerated and tastes much better.

To summarize, the Katadyn Micropur tablets cost more and take longer to work, but they last longer and are widely tolerated. Potable Aqua’s iodine tablets are cheaper and work faster, but taste worse and don’t store as long.

bleach for water purification

Household Chemicals

Either bleach or iodine can be carefully used to disinfect water with good results.

Either bleach or iodine can be carefully used to disinfect water with good results. Generally speaking, the amount of the chemical you use will depends on the water quality and temperature. Cold or murky water needs a little more disinfectant (four drops per quart) than warm or clear water (two drops). After adding the chemical, put the lid back on your water container and shake it for a minute. Then turn the bottle upside down, and unscrew the cap a turn, or two. Let a small amount of water flow out to clean the bottle threads and cap. Screw the lid back on tight, and wipe the exterior of the bottle to get the chlorine on all surfaces. Set the bottle in a dark place, or at least in the shade, and let it sit for 30 minutes if the water is clear and at room temperature. When you open the bottle after the allotted time, it should smell like chlorine. If not, add another drop or two and wait another 30 minutes. Don’t take chances or shortcuts with water safety. The last thing you need in an emergency is dysentery.

You can also use the two common forms of iodine to disinfect your water. Iodine is a more harmful substance than bleach in most people’s bodies, but it is an option. To use iodine, it is critical to identify which type you are using. Tincture of iodine 2% is actually much stronger than 10% povidone-iodine solution. Use 5 to 10 drops of tincture of iodine 2% in one quart of water and allow it to sit in the shade for 30 minutes. Again, flush the threads and wipe down the bottle. Use 5 drops for clear or warm water, and up to 10 for cold or cloudy water. Since 10% povidone-iodine solution is weaker, you’ll need 8 to 16 drops per quart of water. Again, use fewer drops for nice looking water and 16 drops for swamp water. Clean the bottle and wait. An added benefit to iodine products is that you can use them for wound disinfections too. Chlorine does not serve double duty like this, and you should never put bleach on any wounds. Never blend iodine and chorine for water disinfection.

cork filter

Build Your Own Filter

This type of filter has some humanitarians looking hard at conifer wood as a readily available material for water filtration devices in developing nations.

We’ve all seen the survival books displaying a water filter made from charcoal-filled pants hanging from a tripod. Sorry to burst your bubble, but that is not a reliable system. It will screen out larger particles, but don’t expect bacteria-free and virus-free water to shoot from this contraption. What could work, however, is a filter made from some flexible hose, glue, and a chunk of pine sapwood. The sapwood’s structure already performs a filtering action in the living wood, screening out air bubbles from the tree sap. Unchecked, these air bubbles would lead to tissue damage.

This type of filter has some humanitarians looking hard at conifer wood as a readily available material for water filtration devices in developing nations. Researchers have successfully used a one-cubic-inch block of pine sapwood as a water filter. (Click here to see their research article.) This chunk of wood was attached to a water supply by using a PVC pipe and some epoxy to prevent water from bypassing the wood filter. Flow rates of several quarts a day were reached in their trials, and E. coli was eliminated by 99.9 percent. These are the same numbers you’ll see from straw-style water filters. Though the wood might allow viruses to pass through (since they are much smaller than bacteria), some water filtration is better than none.

drinking glass of water

Drink It Raw

It’s better to be alive and sickened with pathogens, than dead and pathogen free.

Drinking raw water is certainly a gamble. Even in pristine wilderness areas, the water can be contaminated with all kinds of bowel churning pathogens. Unless you are lucky enough to find a spring that is issuing clean water out of the natural water table, drinking unprocessed water is risky at best. If there’s any way to process the water, it should be attempted before you say “bottoms up” to unprocessed water. But there are always exceptions. If death from dehydration is near, and you cannot treat the water, drink it anyway. It’s better to be alive and sickened with pathogens, than dead and pathogen free.

A water bottle survival kit.
Choose a wide-mouth bottle for easy removal of the items. Outdoor Life Online Editors

Bonus: Build a Water Bottle Survival Kit

A bottle of water can be a valuable commodity to a thirsty person, but it’s not just the water that has worth; the bottle itself can serve many purposes. One of the best uses is as a container for a survival kit. Whether you choose a plastic or metal bottle, here are some items to toss inside.

The Gear

The guts of your water bottle survival kit can be complex and diverse, or down to business. Whatever you stock in the kit, it’s a good idea to include a fair bit of redundancy. Back-ups are always a smart idea when your life may depend on such a small assortment of equipment.

  1. Folding knife and/or mini multitool
  2. Liquid-filled button compass
  3. Small LED flashlight or squeeze light with a spare set of batteries
  4. Bic lighter, ferrocerium rod, and tinder tabs
  5. 40 water purification tablets
  6. Signal mirror and whistle
  7. A space blanket
  8. A Fresnel magnifying lens (back-up fire starter)
  9. 50 feet of 550 cord
  10. Fishing kit, including: 30 yards of monofilament line, 10 bait keeper hooks of various sizes, and split shot
  11. 4 steel safety pins—2 large and 2 small
  12. Small first aid kit
  13. Several feet of Duct tape (could be wrapped around the bottle itself)
  14. A small pouch to hold all of this gear when the bottle is being used to hold liquid

The Bottle

One of the best pieces of gear to hit the outdoor marketplace in recent years is the stainless steel, single-wall water bottle. This rugged vessel is not only crack-proof and crush-resistant, but it can be used to boil your water to make it safe to drink. Important note: If you are using a metal bottle to boil water, the bottle needs to be made of either single-wall stainless steel or some other fire-friendly metal, like titanium, with no paints or coatings. Do not put an insulated bottle or double-wall bottle in the fire. The heat won’t go through properly, and the vessel will probably explode. Skip the aluminum bottles,too, as the metal and the coatings can leach bad stuff into your water.

If you go the plastic route, choose a wide-mouth bottle for easy removal of the items. Also, make sure the bottle is made of Lexan plastic, which can handle higher temperatures without melting, and add a metal cup that fits over the bottle. This gives you the boiling option in an easy and versatile contain

from:    https://www.outdoorlife.com/survival-skills-ways-to-purify-water/

Aspartame – Not So Sweet After All

Top Sweetener Officially Declared a Carcinogen

Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked
aspartame carcinogenic effects


  • The World Health Organization has finally gotten around to declaring the popular artificial sweetener aspartame a potential carcinogen
  • The ruling comes from sources with WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), who said aspartame will be listed as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” in July 2023
  • I’ve been warning about aspartame’s cancer-causing potential since 2010, so you can see just how long this danger has been known
  • For over a decade, researchers have been warning of aspartame’s neurotoxicity and carcinogenicity, stating reevaluation of aspartame consumption is “urgent and cannot be delayed”
  • A 2022 large-scale cohort study found people who consumed higher levels of artificial sweeteners had higher risk of overall cancer compared to non-consumers

The World Health Organization has finally gotten around to declaring the popular artificial sweetener aspartame a potential carcinogen.1 I warned about aspartame’s cancer-causing potential on my site over 25 years ago, in my best-selling book, “Sweet Deception: Why Splenda, NutraSweet, and the FDA May Be Hazardous to Your Health,” in 2006, and in an article I wrote for The Huffington Post.2 It’s since been deleted — but you can see just how long this danger has been known.

The ruling comes from sources with WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), who said aspartame will be listed as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” in July 2023.3 Additional findings from the Joint WHO and Food and Agriculture Organization’s Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), which is in the process of updating its aspartame risk assessment, are also expected.4

Donald Rumsfeld’s Hand in Aspartame’s Approval

JECFA has vouched for aspartame’s safety for decades, stating since 1981 that it’s safe when consumed within accepted daily limits.5 It was 1981 when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration first approved aspartame.6 At the time, the late Donald Rumsfeld, former U.S. secretary of defense, was chairman of G.D. Searle, aspartame’s manufacturer, and he was reportedly instrumental in its approval.

At a 1980 FDA Board of Inquiry, the FDA had refused to approve aspartame due to concerns that it could induce brain tumors.7 The late John Olney, a renowned neuroscientist who tried to prevent aspartame’s approval, also wrote a letter to the Board of Inquiry in 1987, warning of aspartame’s neurotoxicity, including the potential for brain tumors and damage to children’s brains.8 As reported by Rense.com:9

“The FDA had actually banned aspartame based on this finding, only to have Searle Chairman Donald Rumsfeld … vow to ‘call in his markers,’10 to get it approved.

On January 21, 1981, the day after Ronald Reagan’s inauguration, Searle re-applied to the FDA for approval to use aspartame in food sweetener, and Reagan’s new FDA commissioner, Arthur Hayes Hull, Jr., appointed a 5-person Scientific Commission to review the board of inquiry’s decision.

It soon became clear that the panel would uphold the ban by a 3-2 decision, but Hull then installed a sixth member on the commission, and the vote became deadlocked. He then personally broke the tie in aspartame’s favor.

Hull later left the FDA under allegations of impropriety, served briefly as Provost at New York Medical College, and then took a position with Burston-Marsteller, the chief public relations firm for both Monsanto and GD Searle.”

Aspartame’s Cancer Link Known for Decades

Despite aspartame’s approval, by 1987 a series of investigative reports raised concerns that the chemical’s approval was mired by conflicts of interest, poor quality industry-funded research and revolving-door relationships between the FDA and the food industry.11

By 1996, a team with the department of psychiatry at Washington University Medical School questioned whether increasing brain tumor rates had an aspartame connection. “An exceedingly high incidence of brain tumors” has been identified in aspartame-fed rats compared to rats not fed aspartame, they explained, adding:12

“Compared to other environmental factors putatively linked to brain tumors, the artificial sweetener aspartame is a promising candidate to explain the recent increase in incidence and degree of malignancy of brain tumors.”

Then, in 2006, a study led by Dr. Morando Soffritti, a cancer researcher from Italy who’s the head of the European Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences, found that, even in low doses, animals were developing several different forms of cancer when fed aspartame.13

That year, the team concluded aspartame was a “multipotential carcinogenic agent, even at a daily dose of 20 mg/kg body weight, much less than the current acceptable daily intake” and stated a reevaluation of aspartame consumption was “urgent and cannot be delayed.”14

A 2007 follow-up study confirmed the findings of aspartame’s “multipotential carcinogenicity,” even at doses close to the acceptable daily intake for humans. Further, it also demonstrated that when lifespan exposure beginning in utero was assessed, aspartame’s “carcinogenic effects are increased.”15 In 2010, Soffritti and colleagues again warned that aspartame was a carcinogenic agent in rats and mice.16

Research Supporting Aspartame’s Carcinogenicity Is Widespread

These studies were only the beginning of the evidence showing aspartame’s cancer-causing potential. In 2012, Harvard researchers published a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which found:17

“In the most comprehensive long-term epidemiologic study, to our knowledge, to evaluate the association between aspartame intake and cancer risk in humans, we observed a positive association between diet soda and total aspartame intake and risks of NHL [non-Hodgkin lymphoma] and multiple myeloma in men and leukemia in both men and women.”

Adding further concerns over aspartame’s safety, U.S. Right to Know reported:18

“In a 2014 commentary in American Journal of Industrial Medicine,19 the [Cesare] Maltoni [Cancer Research] Center researchers wrote that the studies submitted by G. D. Searle for market approval ‘do not provide adequate scientific support for [aspartame’s] safety.

In contrast, recent results of life-span carcinogenicity bioassays on rats and mice published in peer-reviewed journals, and a prospective epidemiological study, provide consistent evidence of [aspartame’s] carcinogenic potential.’”

A 2020 study further supports the Ramazzini Institute’s (RI) original findings, revealing a statistically significant increase in total hematopoietic and lymphoid tissue tumors (HLTs) and total leukemias and lymphomas in female rats exposed to aspartame.

“After the HLT cases re-evaluation, the results obtained are consistent with those reported in the previous RI publication and reinforce the hypothesis that APM [aspartame] has a leukemogenic and lymphomatogenic effect,” the researchers explained.20

Again in 2021, a review of the Ramazzini Institute data further confirmed that aspartame is carcinogenic in rodents. The researchers noted that their findings “confirm the very worrisome finding that prenatal exposure to aspartame increases cancer risk in rodent offspring. They validate the conclusions of the original RI studies.”21

In response, they called on national and international public health agencies to reexamine aspartame’s health risks, particularly prenatal and early postnatal exposures.22

WHO Warns Against Artificial Sweeteners for Weight Control

Aspartame’s cancer link is especially concerning given its prevalence in diet foods and drinks. Aspartame is used in 1,400 food products in France and more than 6,000 products around the globe. The chemical is commonly found in food products such as sugar-free gum, diet drink mixes and sodas, reduced-sugar condiments and tabletop sweeteners, including Equal and NutraSweet.26

Its high level of sweetness — 200 times greater than sugar27 — and low calories makes it popular among people looking to make their drinks and meals sweeter without the calories of a comparable amount of sugar.

But, in addition to labeling the artificial sweetener as possibly carcinogenic, in May 2023, even the beyond-corrupted WHO released a guideline advising not to use non-sugar sweeteners (NSS) for weight control because they don’t offer any long-term benefit in reducing body fat in adults or children.28

Previously, WHO conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis that revealed “there is no clear consensus on whether non-sugar sweeteners are effective for long-term weight loss or maintenance, or if they are linked to other long-term health effects at intakes within the ADI.”29

The systematic review also suggested “potential undesirable effects from long-term use of NSS, such as an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and mortality in adults.” Even cancer was called out in analysis, which included 283 studies and found artificial sweeteners are linked to an increased risk of:30

Obesity Type 2 diabetes
High fasting glucose All-cause mortality
Cardiovascular events Death from cardiovascular disease
Stroke High blood pressure
Bladder cancer Preterm birth and possible adiposity in offspring later in life

Further, according to the WHO study:31

“Mechanisms by which NSS as a class of molecules might exert effects that increase risk for obesity and certain NCDs [non-communicable diseases] have been reviewed extensively and include interaction with extra-oral taste receptors, possibly with alteration of the gut microbiome.

Because sugars and all known NSS presumably elicit sweet taste through the TAS1R heterodimeric sweet-taste receptor, which has been identified not just in the oral cavity but in other glucose-sensing tissues, it is not surprising that such a group of vastly different chemical entities could be responsible for similar effects on health.”

from:    https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/07/14/aspartame-carcinogenic-effects.aspx?ui=f460707c057231d228aac22d51b97f2a8dcffa7b857ec065e5a5bfbcfab498ac&sd=20211017&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1ReadMore&cid=20230714_HL2&foDate=true&mid=DM1432971&rid=1855621420