Pineal Gland Activation


Activating Your Pineal Gland
Activating Your Pineal Gland

Last updated on September 3, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News


by Eden Shetiyah

Having trouble meditating, or remembering your dreams, or just feeling lost and disconnected from the Source? The problem may be a blocked (or calcified) pineal gland.

The pineal gland, referred to as the Third Eye, the Eye of Horus or the Seat of the Soul, is a small pine cone shaped organ inside your brain that secretes hormones like melatonin, serotonin and DMT (Dimethyltryptamine), also known as the Spirit Molecule.

Melatonin and serotonin are responsible for sleep or meditative states, and emotional states of well-being, bliss and euphoria. DMT effects range from time dilation, time travel, journeys to paranormal realms to encounters with spiritual beings from other dimensions.

On the energy level, the pineal gland is the physical manifestation of the 6th Chakra – Ajna, associated with true mystic potential, perception of non-physical reality and spiritual wisdom.

Because of its pine cone shape, the pineal gland is often symbolized by a pine cone.

In fact, many religions and mystical traditions around the world reference the pineal gland through the pine Activating Your Pineal Gland | In5D.comcone symbolism: the staff of the Egyptian god Osiris has two intertwining cobras meeting at the pine cone (Kundalini energy rising up to the Third Eye), the Pope’s staff also features a cone, sacred ruins of Angkor Wat in Cambodia are also pine cone shaped, and numerous other examples.

What causes the blockage of the pineal gland?

This organ is your spiritual vision apparatus, your bridge between two worlds – physical and metaphysical. It allows you to have mystical and lucid dream experiences that are essential to your spiritual evolution. They are the messages from the Soul, and the pineal gland is the antenna designed to receive them.

Yet most people’s pineal gland is shut down by the time they’re 12 years old. You probably noticed it yourself – kids are all intuitive and spiritual by nature, but we loose these abilities when we grow up. Why?

The problem is the calcification of the pineal gland. This gland actually has a water-filled interior, which means that it calcifies with age, and for other reasons. What specifically causes the calcification?

• Fluoride in toothpaste and in water
• processed “junk” food
• soda and other carbonated beverages
• refined sugars, fats, flour
• limiting beliefs
• lack of spiritual practice

Step 1: Say Bye-Bye To Fluoride

Fluoride is the greatest enemy of your pineal gland! It’s harmless in very small quantities – in fact, it occurs naturally in water. However, fluoride in our tap water and toothpaste is not at all a naturally occurring fluoride, and the amounts of it far exceed the safety limits.

The pineal gland accumulates fluoride, so it has the highest concentration of fluoride in the human body, and that is the primary cause of the pineal gland calcification.

Activating Your Pineal Gland |

70 percent of US water supply is fluoridated. We’ve been told that fluoride is safe and that it prevents tooth decay, but it’s a lie. Research shows that there is no difference between fluoride-using and no fluoride-using countries. And as for safety…each year over 20,000 calls are made to Poison Control Centers in the U.S. due to acute fluoride toxicity from ingesting toothpaste. This is why a warning is required on all fluoride toothpaste tubes to avoid accidental swallowing: it’s a known poison. In fact, until recently fluoride was an active ingredient in rat poison.

I’m not going to go into the reasons why the US government (and some other countries) in its infinite wisdom decided to put fluoride in our water, food and toothpaste – make your own conclusions.

But whether or not you believe it, the fact is: fluoride is poisonous, and it shuts down our most important spiritual organ. If you’re interested, the documentary “DMT: The Spirit Molecule” explains why people having spiritual experiences might not be good for the ruling class.

So the number one thing you can do to activate your pineal gland is reduce your intake of fluoride.

• Use only natural no-fluoride toothpaste and decline fluoride gel treatments at the dentist

• Drink purified or filtered water, and keep in mind that bottled water can also be fluoridated

• Eat fresh organic food – the more processed the food is, the more fluoride it contains

• Avoid processed beverages like sodas, juice drinks, instant and bottled teas, sports drinks

• Avoid cooking with non-stick pans, they increase the fluoride content of food

• Drink organic wine. Wine (particularly red wine) is proven to be good for you in moderation, but because of heavy use of fluoride pesticides on vineyards in the United States, wines that are made from U.S.-grown grapes are the main source of fluoride

• Avoid any kind of processed meat (e.g., chicken fingers, chicken nuggets) – a mechanical de-boning process contaminates the meat with higher levels of fluoride-laden bone particles

• Drink teas that are made from young leaves (e.g., “White tea”) or yerba matte – a herbal tea from South America

• A lot of fluoride is absorbed through the skin when taking a shower or a bath. I know some people like taking a long shower or a nice long relaxing bath, in which case I recommend installing a fluoride filter in your bathroom. Otherwise, try rinsing your body and turning the faucet off, then lathering up, and then rinsing the soap off at the end. This way you’re conserving the water and minimizing your fluoride absorption.

• Avoid calcium supplementation as it is not absorbed into the bones and just ends up clogging your organs, including the pineal gland.

Step 2: Take Out The Trash

Cleansing is another important step in activating your pineal gland. This is to remove fluoride that’s already accumulated in your body over the years.

•Tamarind fruit or paste. I attended a spiritual retreat not long ago, and I heard someone saying that tamarind paste is the best way to decalcify the pineal gland. So when I came back, I researched it. Turns out, it’s true. Recent studies show that tamarind is highly effective in removing body fluoride through excretion of urine, and even in mobilizing deposited fluoride from bone.

•Borax (boron) supplement is another known antidote to fluoride. A teaspoon of borax in one liter of water can be taken in small quantities throughout the day.

•Liver cleanses are crucial to our physical and spiritual well being. A good liver cleanse can remove heavy metals and numerous toxins from our body, including fluoride. The one I recommend is a coffee enema or a coffee colonic. Of course, those should be done only after cleansing your colon, otherwise the toxins will get stuck, and then re-absorbed into the blood.

•Sauna or a sweat lodge ceremony are great for removing fluoride and other toxins from the skin as it’s excreted in the sweat. Wipe your body of the sweat often to prevent re-absorption and drink lots of water. Hydration is crucial if you consider this method!

Step 3: Spiritual Practice

The third step in activating your pineal gland is spiritual practice. Some argue that this is the most crucial step.

While it’s important to change your diet and maintain a healthy body, nothing substitutes a daily spiritual practice that allows for the healing to occur naturally, trains the mind to be still, and prepares you to experience higher states of consciousness.

Activating Your Pineal Gland |

•Meditate, Meditate, Meditate. There’s a number of meditations you can practice to target your pineal gland, for example, meditating with the word “Love”. Sit with your back straight, your eyes closed and your tongue between your teeth. Gently bite the tip of your tongue. Vibrate the word “love” through your teeth as you purse your lips.

•Breathing through your Third Eye is another technique you can employ to activate your pineal gland. Breathe in the brilliant silver light through your Third Eye, hold it, then visualize it surrounding your pineal gland. See it vibrating with that silver light, see that calcified shell breaking and deteriorating, see your pineal gland shine as luminous light is breaking through the barrier of calcium. Practice for about 15-20 minutes a day.

•Simply placing your awareness in your Third Eye is effective in stimulating the pineal. When you do it, you’ll notice a feeling of slight pressure in your forehead area, which is a good sign. Just hold your attention there and be mindful of your body and mind.

•The pineal gland can also be activated by Kundalini yoga which works with your Kundalini energy symbolized by the serpent. Kundalini can rise from the root chakra at the base of your spine all the way to the crown chakra and beyond. The idea behind Kundalini yoga and meditation is to create a gradual energy buildup that would activate your chakras one by one naturally.

•You can utilize gemstones and crystals. Gems that work with the Third Eye chakra are deep blue stones like lapis lazuli, sapphire or sodalite. Communicate with the stone. Ask it to help you awaken and heal your pineal gland. You can hold the stone during a meditation or place it on your forehead to increase the effect.


Herkimer Diamond Effects

Herkimer Diamonds

Herkimer Diamonds

Story by: Cal Garrison

“Looking into a Herkimer Diamond is like diving into a field of pure white, water clear light. As your consciousness merges with that field it feels as if the light formed into a crystal out of love, just so that you could hold it and be reminded of your own light. Swimming around, immersed in those frequencies, something shifts and you become aware of a much higher form of energy. Without really doing anything you tune in to your self on a much deeper level.”

When it comes to crystals, Herkimer Diamonds are definitely in a class by them selves. Any one with eyes can see that there is something extraordinary about these double-terminated clear quartz hexagons. Their shape alone distinguishes them. And the quality of light they refract is so unusual it looks like a blend of light and water. More brilliant and energetically superior to clear rock crystal, but not perfect or hard enough to compete with real diamonds, ‘Herks’ fall somewhere between the two and occupy a vibrational world of their own.

The theories around how Herkimer Diamonds came to be formed vary. Geologists believe they developed under intense heat and pressure, in sedimentary rock, about 400 to 500 million years ago. This is the standard take on the subject and it coincides with what we’ve been taught but what we know about the history of this planet, including its geological history, is based on incomplete data, and well monitored by larger forces who thrive on keeping the facts hidden. While this particular theory may have something to it, it’s only a theory and by definition, still open to question.

Two years ago, while perusing of a shelf full of crystal books, I randomly opened one up to a section that talked in detail about Herkimers. Circumstances didn’t allow me to buy the book or check the title and it’s a shame because the information in that book was quite different than anything else I had read.

Not falling in line with the standard theory, this writer put forth the notion that Herkimer Diamonds are in fact, shards of the big Atlantean crystal that got blasted to smithereens when Atlantis fell. Blown sky high in a volcanic explosion, he went on to say that those fragments of crystal got carried in flaming balls of hot lava all the way to what is now, Herkimer County, New York. The heat from the lava acted on the broken shards in such a way that the Silicon Dioxide liquefied and reformed into Herkimers as the molten rock cooled.

I don’t accept this theory as gospel but I have to admit I am partial to it because it certainly explains why Herkimer Diamonds have such extraordinary qualities. With a long list of attributes that make them valuable to anyone who uses crystals in conjunction with their spiritual work, ‘Herks’ are reputed to induce joy, inspire independence, improve every type of relationship, make it easier to access the higher spiritual realms, and enhance everything that happens in the dream state. If you take the time to experiment, what you discover about these unique crystals will show you exactly why these properties have been attached to them.

Most of the people who collect Herkimer Diamonds place more value on the clear ones. There’s a lot to be said for clarity. Life in this dimension is so unclear, crystalline perfection reminds us of what we could be and offers some proof that that level of attainment actually exists. Flawless ‘Herks’ embody something God-like and they are precious because they reveal to us what we long for and have yet to identify within our selves.

When I began working with Herkimer’s the clear ones drew me in at first but in the process of mining for them and handling them, I became more attracted to the so-called ‘flawed’ specimens without knowing why. It later occurred to me that if the clear ‘Herks’ gave me glimpses of perfection, the included crystals showed me how much I need to work on before I reach that state. Every mirror and internal fracture seemed to provide me with information about my own flaws and revealed so much about what lies hidden in me, each crystal became a teacher of sorts and all I had to do was hold one to download the lesson.

I can tell you that their capacity to “induce joy” is immediate. This may seem like a small thing but, as Abraham says, “Joy is the main point of attraction” for everything in Creation. Anything that induces joy is priceless. This feeling is the first thing you become aware of when you start playing around with ‘Herks’- try jumping into one and you’ll see what I am talking about. These crystals not only hold the Joy frequency, they willingly offer it up just so that we can that tune our selves to that vibration.

If Herkimer Diamonds “inspire independence” it is because they embody it. Unlike other crystals, each one of them is formed free of any matrix. They are born whole and complete, within themselves. This state of absolute independence appears to contradict their ability to “improve every type of relationship” but we can’t be one with anything until we are one within ourselves. Seen in that light, what seems contradictory becomes more of a paradox, because ‘Herks’ hold space for the desire to stand alone as readily as they enhance the desire to be one with other. Creating a sense of attunement and harmony within any kind of relationship, whether it be the one we have with God, with ourselves, with our significant other, with life and our fellow man, or with the people who come to us for healing, is important right now and that’s what these little super heroes do better than any other crystal formation.

The reason Herkimer Diamonds “make it easier to access the higher spiritual realms” is because their connective properties reinforce and remind us of the relationship we have to our higher aspect. By strengthening the desire to go within they present the opportunity to get closer to our own Source. That yearning for oneness is the key to how deep our meditations take us on any given day and anything that stimulates the ability to keep the focus where it counts becomes a very useful growth tool.

As far as “enhancing everything that happens in the dream state” goes, this is where Herkimer Diamonds really shine. Try sleeping with a ‘Herk’ and see how your ability to remember your dreams improves and then see if you notice a change in the quality and content of your night visions. This may seem like a small thing but it is virtually impossible to have a complete understanding of your self if you ignore the imagery that floats to the surface when your consciousness is in the dream state. These stones not only bring all of that imagery into focus, they seem to make every dream more meaningful. As we learn more about the part our dreams play in our spiritual unfoldment the Herkimer Diamond’s role as a ‘Dream Stone’ will make them indispensable to anyone who wishes to understand the true ‘Power of Dreaming’.

No crystal collection is complete without at least one Herkimer Diamond. And if you only own one crystal, a ‘Herk’ would be the best choice because these beauties do it all and they do it perfectly. A cut above any other crystal formation they even give ‘Vogel’s’ a run for their money! If clear quartz holds light, ‘Herks’ hold it in a more concentrated form and their superior connective properties make it possible to merge with that light and bring it home, to the heart, for safekeeping.

The best source for Herkimer Diamonds is The Ace of Diamonds Mine in Herkimer County, New York. There are many other mines in the vicinity, but the ‘Ace’ is the best. If you’re traveling to that area, don’t miss the opportunity to treat your self to a day of digging. It’s hard work, but for a twenty dollar entry fee you stand a chance of getting lucky and hitting a pocket full of crystals. Small ‘Herks’ the size of a cherry stone are worth $25 on the open market, and after a rain, these can be found right on the ground, if you keep your eyes pealed. Those of you who aren’t up for breaking rocks in the hot sun can check out the diamonds, and all the other crystals and books that are sold in the gift store at the mine.


Russian Prophecies

Prophecy In The Russian New Age - with Raduga Romanova and Vadim Mikailov

Prophecy In The Russian New Age – with Raduga Romanova and Vadim Mikailov

Story by: Carol Hiltner

Russia’s Spiritual Resurgence

In the decade since Russia emerged from the Soviet Union, her spirituality has more than blossomed — it has erupted. In the Western news, we hear very little about Russia’s remarkable resurgence. This resurgence spans cultural, spiritual, and scientific arenas, but these three aspects are not separated in Russian minds, for in the new way-of-looking, each is simply a slightly different lens for viewing the Cosmos.

All of the spiritually-aware Russians I have met during my extensive travels there believe that Russia, in particular among the world’s nations, has a pivotal role in the prophesized evolutionary shift of the Earth. As the following interview reveals, Russians are aware that “red is the color of initiation,” and the new Reds take this very seriously.

Carol: There seem to be many sources of new prophecies here in Russia that the rest of the world knows nothing about, but many of them are based in the Russian body of knowledge and thus may not be clear to Westerners. Since you two seem to be acquainted with quite a number of these new prophecies, I wonder if you would clarify for our readers, please, the cultural context within which they may be understood.

Raduga: To begin, I would like to say that we keep a little distance from the various Christian prophecies, of which there are many — not because we do not respect them, but because they are widely known and are spread by the Church. The Christian prophecies talk about the specific period of the End of Time: the horrifying Judgment Day and Apocalypse.

We are more interested in what is connected with what we call the Ray of Synthesis. We meet many clairvoyants from all over Russia through our workshops. And, as you know, there are more than 150 nationalities throughout Russia, with new prophecies from many regions, especially Altai, the Ural Mountains, Buryatia, and Yakutia. These prophecies are coming from different people, but they all say that Russia has a specific role at this time; that the territory of Russia has a mystical role that is related to special aspects of its soul.

The Energies of the North

Vadim: On our planet, there are four energetic directions: South, West, East, and North, in that order. These correspond to four types of energy: South corresponds to the element of earth; West to water, or our emotional plane; East is air, our mental plane and the principle of soul in our consciousness; and North, fire, corresponds to our Spirit.

Many Western countries are oriented in the principle of the East, the principle of the soul. The expression of this principle is the spiritual Hierarchy of Light. This is the principle of love and wisdom. All the consciousnesses of the different religions aim to the East. All the altars and temples are toward the East.

But Russia’s inner spiritual altar is toward the North. Russia is the only country that is oriented toward the North, and so it has a unique path that is connected with this orientation.

The North Pole corresponds to the Crown Chakra. It is connected with the energy of the First Aspect: the energy of will and power, energy of the Father. The expression of this energy is Shambhala.

Therefore, Russia will never copy other ways, and will follow only its own way, toward Shambhala. It is connected with the Shambhala in the star Sirius.

Carol: What do you mean, “Russia will follow its own way to Shambhala”?

Vadim: This means that there is no earthly spiritual Master guiding Russia. Russia is going its own way, through its own mistakes and experiences. It is sometimes said about Russia that it connects two ways, to the East and West. So the sign of our country is the two-headed eagle: One head looks to the East and one to the West.

The Cardinal Cross and the Seventh Ray

Also, this northern orientation creates a mystical orientation to what is known as the Cardinal Cross. To understand this, we need to look at the types of crosses in Esoteric Astrology and what they mean.

In Esoteric Astrology, there are three types of crosses. And since there are twelve zodiacal signs, there are then four signs to each cross.

First, there is the Mutable Cross, the sign of physical experience. It is the cross of our personality, our lower self. Here, we gain our inner power. This is the cross of changes. It is a diagonal cross, the familiar swastika. It relates to the astrological signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.

The next cross is a Fixed Cross. This is the cross of the soul, of discipleship. It is also the cross of crucifixion. It is upright, and relates to the astrological signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.

The last cross, called the Cardinal Cross, is the cross of our Spirit. It has a spoke coming out at a right angle to the fixed cross, making it three-dimensional. The Cardinal Cross corresponds to the Ray of the Monad, or Spirit, and is associated with the energy of the First Aspect: will and power, the force of God, the most powerful force. It relates to the astrological signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. It is this Cardinal Cross that is associated with Russia.

Raduga: Additionally, Russia has a so-called Seventh Ray. And to understand this, we need to know something about the rays. This teaching was given by Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, and others.

According to this teaching, we have seven primary types of energy on Earth, and these are called rays. The Seventh Ray is a new ray on Earth right now, and is connected with Aquarian energy.

The Seventh Ray corresponds to the energies of mysteries, White ceremonial magic, and ceremonial creativity, as well as synthesis, order, and manifestation. It is connected with Aquarius — and Russia is the country of Aquarius. The Seventh Ray is manifested through Russia.

The Physical and Spiritual Cycles

Vadim: We know that, right now, we are entering the area of Aquarius. The energies of Uranus guide this Aquarian era. Russia is the only country on the planet that has the ray of the soul that resonates with this type of energy. Therefore, Russia is especially guided, spiritually, by the energy of Aquarius. It is connected not with nationality but with Russia’s specific location on the planet, its territory.

Russia has four guiding planets: Uranus (its orbit of the Sun is 84 years), Jupiter (12-year orbit), and then the Sun and the Moon. But for prophetic purposes we are interested in Jupiter and Uranus.

When Uranus enters the Aquarius constellation, every 84 years, important activities begin in Russia.

For example, the previous entry of Uranus to the Aquarius constellation was 1905, which was the first bourgeois revolution in Russia.

And then, with the frequency of twelve years, the cycle of Jupiter, we have for example 1917 and the Revolution, 1929 and collectivization, 1941 and World War II, 1953, which marked the end of the Stalin era and the changing of the political structure of Russia — and later, on the same continuum, 1989, which marked the end of the Soviet Union.

This period of 84 years, from 1905 to 1989, is called in prophecies the Physical Revolution. This period represented an attempt to seed the collective or communist consciousness.

It is interesting that this cycle of 84 years ended in 1989, during which time the Christ consciousness grid around the planet was completed (as Drunvalo has said). So this was the first, or physical phase of the Russian revolution. In 1989, Uranus entered the Aquarius constellation once more, starting the second phase: the Spiritual Revolution.

Thus, all the twelve-year cycles will be repeated over and over again. So, for example, in the year 2001, José Argüelles came here and planted seeds to the new cycle, and this timing corresponds to the year 1917 in the old cycle, the year of the Russian Revolution.

2002 corresponded to a civil war in Russia in 1918. The conflict then was between Reds and Whites within the country. Correspondingly, right now, within each of us, White energies and Red energies are at war. Red energies are initiating everything new, and White energies are doing their best to absorb those energies and to change everything within ourselves.

That’s the inner struggle in every one of us between the Darkness and the Light. That’s the inner Armageddon, and we know that it last for three years — 2002, 2003, and 2004 — because the civil war ended in 1920. You can calculate correspondences to the physical cycle by adding 84. The year 1920, which marked the end of the physical civil war between the Red and White forces, plus 84 gives the year 2004, which signaled the end of the spiritual inner struggles between Red and White energies.

Carol: Wait, I need to go back. Are the Red and the White somehow associated with Light and Dark?

Vadim: No. They are two types of energies. One energy, the Red energy, is initiatory. The other, White energy, is at first struggling against initiation, but then absorbs that energy through resurrection. Thus, our consciousness is resurrected and purified.

According to José Argüelles, Red energy corresponds to the East, and White energy corresponds to the North. And Russia is now producing this transition from Red to White energies — from East to North, from the orientation toward mental energy to an orientation toward spiritual energy.

Therefore, we have to go from homo sapiens to spiritu sapiens. This is the transition, the 90-degree turn from the East to the North.

Carol: Is the mission of Russia to facilitate this for the Earth, or only within themselves or individuals?

Vadim: It’s for the Earth. Russia always works on the great scale of the planet.

Carol: So what kind of progress is being made? What’s happening?

Vadim: The internal civil war. That’s the progress.

Raduga: It’s not actually a war, it’s a battle — an inner battle with yourself.

Vadim: And the next point is 2013. This corresponds to 1929, or collectivization in the previous cycle, when there was the attempt to make people come together, to unite them. So 2013 represents a unique opportunity for us to experience the united consciousness throughout the planet: the Merkaba consciousness.

We deeply believe that the difficult experience that our country had in 1929 took all the negative and digested it and experienced it. So it is a really good opportunity for all of us and for the whole planet during 2012 to begin making this step toward the brotherhood of humanity.

Raduga: We think this is the reason all of the spiritual teachers who are coming here from different countries are having very large audiences. In other countries, teachers might have fifty people coming to their workshops, but in Russia, there are hundreds, even thousands, of people. And this is a sign that the people are ready, people are open, people are looking.

And there are many new newspapers and magazines, programs, spiritual centers, and that is a sign right now that people in Russia are ready and people are waking up. So now, let’s go back to the prophecies.

Carol: Thank you for the background — I appreciate it.

Mystical Crystals from the Ancients

Raduga: Both the ancient prophecies and the new prophecies are saying the same things. You know the ancient Hyperboreans — the civilization that was in the North? They are from the time of Atlantis, but they were in the North. There was a very large continent with a warm climate.

Carol: And the climate changed, yes?

Raduga: Yes, and the people were going from the North to the South, moving via the Urals and Siberia. And they went to India and brought with them the language that we now know as Sanskrit.

The legends and the modern prophecies are saying that the Aryan people — those people from the Hyperborean civilization — when they went from North to South, left magical quartz crystals underground in specific holy places. Those crystals are there right now. Today, many spiritual groups are finding them metaphysically, and then scientists, using special instruments, confirm that, yes, the crystals are there.

The prophecies say that it is time to collect these stones; that Russia has to collect the stones.

Carol: And where are they being found? Are they in Russia?

Raduga: Yes. Such crystals are situated very deep in the mountains. They are to be found in the Urals, along the Volga River, and in the Sayan Mountains of Siberia.

There are many of these crystals. And on their edges, according to legend, there is specific information that is meant for humanity right now.

Modern prophecy says that during the thirteen years starting with the year 2000, the crystals will be opening, awakening the consciousness of the Russian people, and, through the Russian people, the consciousness of the whole Earth.

Vadim: So the voice of crystals will be heard by the people.

There is a very ancient place of power in Volgagrad, formerly Stalingrad, on the bank of the Volga River, that is called Mamayev Kurgan. Do you know the word “kurgan”? It means a “big artificial hill.”

Raduga: Mamai is an historical person from when Mongolians were conquering ancient Russia.

Vadim: The Mamai himself was a very spiritually advanced being, and he knew that the time would come when the knowledge of these crystals would be accessible to people. And he knew that the time had not yet come.

So, according to legend, Mamai ordered his warriors to create a bigger hill at that place, moving soil with their hands, to keep the crystals underground. And the crystals were hidden.

Vadim: During World War II, Hitler was trying to get to Stalingrad.

Raduga: So this is knowledge that Hitler also knew. He wanted to possess those crystals, in order to rule the world.

Vadim: For four months, Hitler took over Mamayev Kurgan, and Russian soldiers tried to protect this place. Many people were killed. There is now a very large monument and grave there, called “The Motherland is calling,” in memory of those who died protecting this place.

Raduga: Modern prophecies tell us that these crystals will be found, and many scientists are working at Mamayev Kurgan right now, using dowsing rods and pendulums.

Carol: Trying to find these crystals?

Raduga: They are trying to find only the locations of the crystals. They are not trying to get them, not right now. At these places, ceremonial work is taking place to activate these crystals.

Carol: Ceremonial work by whom?

Raduga: Different spiritual groups. They received it as a prophecy — as “knowledge” — to do this work. And these prophecies about the crystals say that they will help Mother Earth to pass through this transitional period — these thirteen years.

Carol: Are these crystals related to the Christ Consciousness Grid?

Raduga: Definitely. The prophecy says that they are connected — that the Christ Consciousness Grid is above the Earth, and these crystals are underground.

Singing Stones and the Lake of the Bells

Now, in addition to the crystals, legends in Russia tell us about so-called “singing stones.” You can find such stones on the shores of Lake Baikal, in the Ural Mountains, and near the shore of Plesheyeva Lake near the town of Pereslavl Zalyeski, near Moscow.

If you touch such stones in a mood of love and harmony, the stones begin to make different sounds — to “sing.” The prophecies say that when 144,000 singing stones have been found, at a specific moment, people will touch them, and they will pour out the sounds of love. These sounds will surround and comfort the Earth, and will heal the Earth. That’s why people are looking for such stones right now.

Carol: How many of these stones have been found.

Raduga: I don’t know — many, many of them. These singing stones are on the ground. You can look at them. These are big stones you can find on the shores of different lakes and in different special places — in forests and in fields.

Vadim: Very often, these stones are described in legends as making miracles. One story is about a stone near Pereslavl Zalyeski. It was lying at the shore of the big lake for a long time. Many people gathered to this stone, and prayed and were healed by its energies.

During the time of ancient Christianity, the Christians were planning to build a church near the lake. The Christians thought that worshiping this stone was Pagan, but they could feel that it was very powerful. So they wanted to use it as a foundation stone for their future temple.

They waited until winter, when the lake was frozen, and they took this big stone onto a sled, and somewhere in the middle of the lake, the ice cracked. No one was killed — even horses were safe — but the stone drowned. A few years passed — and then they found the stone again, lying at the same place on the shore!

Raduga: That was a miracle. A lot of people witnessed that.

Vadim: Clairvoyant people said that the stone had been taken from the lake and put on the shore by a civilization similar to dolphins or mer-people.

Raduga: So there are also many prophecies in Russia connected with lakes. There is the story of the holy town Kitezh, which is under a lake near the city of Nizhny-Novgorod — it’s the most famous in Russia.

There are many variations of the story, dating from Pagan times. But the Christians also used such legends for their own purposes. Many pilgrims go to that holy lake.

And special celebrations take place at this lake to resurrect the ancient holiday of Ivan Kupala, a Pagan god who is the protector of lovers. This celebration includes jumping across fires, and swimming, and making special flower garlands that they put into the river.

Carol: I have heard of this bringing back of Pagan practices.

Raduga: The celebration is about the 6th of July — a very profound, very beautiful ceremony.

But the legend of this lake is as follows: Many years ago, when enemies attacked Russian territory, the people of this town, Kitezh, fought against the enemy. They didn’t want to be burned or taken. They wanted to keep the city for their future generations.

When the enemy got very close to the town, Mother Earth opened, and the town went underground, and water flowed over the place where the town had been.

Today, people keep hearing the sounds of bells from this lake. The prophecy says that during the most difficult times of Russia, from the very bottom of this lake the bells will start ringing, and they will call thousands of Warriors of Light, and those warriors will protect the Earth — fulfilling the prophecy of the victory of the forces of Light over the forces of Darkness.

Some people say that once, during hard times, a tradesman decided to get those big bells from the bottom of the lake because he heard them ringing all the time. So he hired many workers to take the water from the lake and get the bells. But he couldn’t drain the lake, and he never found anything. However, scientists say that the lake does have a double bottom, with a cavern underneath. The tradesman couldn’t get through the bottom of the lake to get to the bells.

We ourselves have been there. It is a beautiful lake. It has special water. And at sunrise, we heard the “silent” sound of the bells coming from the bottom of the lake, and miraculously saw a big temple made of clouds in the rays of the early sun. It was an amazing sight.

Some people say that, year after year, the bells sound louder and louder. And that is the sign of the prophecy here on Earth.

Dead and Living Water

A few kilometers from this lake, there is a holy spring where people wash themselves. They call it “the spring with dead water.”

Have you heard the Russian stories about living water and dead water? If you wash a sick or dead person with the “dead” water, his injuries would be cured by the water. If, for example, his arm or leg had been severed, it would go back to his body. The body would be whole. After that, they would wash the person with the “live” water, and the person would become alive and stand up. There are many Russian legends about this.

The reason we mention this is that this spring near the lake has “dead” water, and the lake is full of “live” water. We ourselves have washed our bodies in the different places, and we really felt the difference in the water.

If you first wash yourself with “dead” water, and then go and swim in the lake, it feels like the water starts boiling — bubbling — on your body. It’s the most famous lake in Russia — this town that went underneath the waters, and is connected with the “dead” and “live” waters. There are many such places in Russia, but that’s the most famous one.

The Coming of a Savior

Vadim: There is another prophecy we would like to mention that is important to many people, not only in Russia but also in Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Serbia, and Ukraine. This prophecy is that in Russia, a savior will come. People understand that he will be a reincarnation of Christ.

Maybe you have heard about the Master Vissarion. He lives in Siberia. A very large community has formed around him. There are many towns there, and people are going there as though to the Country of Dreams.

Carol: You talked about Shambhala. Isn’t Shambhala also called the Country of Dreams?

Vadim: Yes. But Shambhala is in a specific place on Earth. It’s not just a mystical place. There is a specific village in the Himalayan Mountains of Tibet called Shigadza, and near this village there is a passage or mystical gate that leads to the world of Shambhala. It is not the only gateway, however. There are many different gateways to that place in different areas — in Altai and in the Gobi Desert, for example.

Raduga: The Roerichs were in Shambhala, and also many researchers have been in Shambhala. If you would like to know more about that, I recommend a very good book called the Shining Shambhala, by Thomas Andrew.

Vadim: But this community in Russia around Master Vissarion is also called the Country of Dreams — Zemlya Obetovannaya. Many Russian people, as well as people from different countries like Bulgaria and Servia, are going there to live and work.

Carol: Where is it?

Raduga: In the western Sayan Mountains, near Krasnoyarsk. We call it a “country in a country.” Our government knows about this, but doesn’t touch them, only watches.

Carol: How many people are there?

Raduga: Not less than 200,000. It’s not actually a “community,” it’s a very large place. But on specific days they celebrate holidays and come together to a specific mountain — to the teacher. And the Master Vissarion says his words to them.

Carol: So he’s a person — a live person?

Raduga: Yes. He is a beautiful person. They recognize a Savior in him.

These people live in harmony with nature. They live in a collective way. Men do the physical jobs, women do many creative things — the sewing, for example.

And they resurrect very ancient Slavonic/Russian traditions. They wear long dresses, and they have long hair, and they sing wonderful songs and conduct amazing ceremonies. And they build temples using wood, using only their hands. They don’t eat meat, not even eggs and milk — all those people.

We suppose that this is the biggest community on the planet right now. But it is unknown to people in other countries, except those who are going there to live.

This is their newest prophecy: “The time has come. Only a person who lives in this ‘dream land’ will be saved.”

We would like to visit this place, maybe next year, because some of our friends live there, and we would like to witness it with our eyes and ears.

The prophecies of this Master are published in many books that are called the New Testament. These prophecies say that the Savior is here on Earth, that He has returned, and that salvation for people is only possible through unified work, creativity, and the common life in love.

And it’s interesting to us that the teaching of this new Master is about synthesis — the knowledge of synthesis. Apparently it is a new Bible. Representatives of every religion and every belief system can live there, including what is called the “teaching of the One,” which is a mystery school formed by Akhnaten during Egyptian times. You can read about that in Drunvalo’s books.

It’s really amazing that people live there in harmony with nature, in a creative way, and don’t use the technocratic path.

Moscow: The “Turning” Point

Carol: So why are you here in Moscow?

Raduga: Because we are fulfilling our role — our tasks that have been given to us by our own spiritual teachers. If our spiritual Master tells us to be there, we will be there.

Vadim: I also would like to comment on the question of why we are here in Moscow. This is the most important part of the prophecy for me, and I would like to make it clear. It is connected with the cycles of Russia.

The longitude of Moscow is 55.5 degrees. Three fives, according to our knowledge, and according to Drunvalo, means the Christ consciousness. From the equator to the North Pole, we have 90 degrees. If we divide 90 into the 55.5, we have the Golden Mean proportion — 1.6.

Look at your finger, from the knuckle to the first joint, and then to the second joint, and to the end. The relationship of the distance from knuckle to knuckle is the phi number, the Golden Mean proportion.

The transition will appear only at a specific section of this Golden Mean proportion. We are sure that the transition of the consciousness of people to the unity consciousness will take place in the center of Moscow.

If you remember from Drunvalo’s writings, we must make our “90-degree turn.” That is going to happen here — at this specific place on the map.

Raduga: So you wanted to know about modern prophecies, and these are modern prophecies, and a lot of people do really believe in these.
Raduga Romanova, whose given name means “Rainbow” in Russian, and Vadim Mikhailov are part of the leadership of the Light Center in Moscow.

Up through the early 1990s, Raduga worked for the Soviet Peace Committee, first as Secretary of the organization, and then as Vice President of the United Nations Association of Russia. This was a time when social connections were being established with Western countries, and she was involved in many special social events and actions, including the World Peace Trip to the U.S. in 1990, the People’s Summit in 1991, and the World Summit in 1992.

Vadim is a Ph.D. physicist and mathematician at the Russian Institute of Applied Geophysics, specializing in short wave propagation, modeling of ionospheric processes, and the influence of magnetic storms on our health. He has been doing this research for more than twenty years. However, he says that the Light Center is his “beloved” job. He jokes, “I rest at my institute, and I work here.”

Raduga and Vadim started the Light Center in 1992, and began to conduct spiritual summits, synthesizing the teachings of Theosophy, Roerich, Drunvalo Melchizedek, and José Argüelles.


On Rupert Sheldrake, Scientific ‘Heretic’

Rupert Sheldrake: the ‘heretic’ at odds with scientific dogma

Rupert Sheldrake has researched telepathy in dogs, crystals and Chinese medicine in his quest to explore phenomena that science finds hard to explain.

  The Observerrupert sheldrake in Hampstead

Rupert Sheldrake in north London. Photograph: Karen Robinson for the Observer

It is not often, in liberal north London, that you come face to face with a heretic, but Rupert Sheldrake has worn

that mantle, pretty cheerfully, for 30 years now. Sitting in his book-lined study, overlooking Hampstead Heath, he

appears a highly unlikely candidate for apostasy; he seems more like the Cambridge biochemistry don he once

was, one of the brightest Darwinians of his generation, winner of the university botany prize, researcher

at the Royal Society, Harvard scholar and fellow of Clare College.

All that, though, was before he was cast out into the wilderness. Sheldrake’s untouchable status was conferred

one morning in 1981 when, a couple of months after the publication of his first book, A New Science of Life,

he woke up to read an editorial in the journalNature, which announced to all right-thinking men and women that his

was a “book for burning” and that Sheldrake was to be “condemned in exactly the language that the pope used to

condemn Galileo, and for the same reason. It is heresy”.

For a pariah, Sheldrake is particularly affable. But still, looking back at that moment, he still betrays a certain sense

of shock. “It was,” he says, “exactly like a papal excommunication. From that moment on, I became a very dangerous

person to know for scientists.” That opinion has hardened over the years, as Sheldrake has continued to operate at the

margins of his discipline, looking for phenomena that “conventional, materialist science” cannot explain and arguing for a more open-minded

approach to scientific inquiry.

His new book, The Science Delusion, is a summation of this thinking, an attempt to address what he sees as the

limitations and hubris of contemporary scientific thought. In particular, he takes aim at the “scientific dogmatism” that sets itself up as

gospel. The chapters take some of the stonier commandments of contemporary science and make them into questions: “Are the laws of nature

fixed?”; “Is matter unconscious?”; “Is nature purposeless?” “Are minds confined to brains?”

Sheldrake is a brilliant polemicist if nothing else and he skilfully marshals all the current thinking that

undermines these tenets – from apparent telepathy in animals, to crystals having to “learn” how to grow, to

some of the more fantastical notions of theoretical physics. On the morning I meet him, his book is sitting near

the top of the science bestseller list on Amazon. It has also, unlike most of his previous work – Seven

Experiments That Could Change the World, Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home – been

generally reviewed respectfully. Perhaps it is something in the air.

One of the habits in nature that Sheldrake is interested in is polarity, and if he has a natural nemesis then it

is Richard Dawkins, arch materialist and former professor of public understanding of science at Oxford. The title

of his book seems to take direct aim at Dawkins’s The God Delusion. Was that, I wonder, his express intention

in writing it?

“Slightly,” he suggests. But the title was really his publisher’s idea. “It is dealing with a much bigger issue. But

Richard Dawkins is a symptom of the dogmatism of science. He crystallises that approach in the public mind,

so to that extent, yes, it is a pointed title.”

Sheldrake is the same age as Dawkins – 70 this year – and though their careers began in an almost identical

biochemical place, they could hardly have ended up further apart. If Sheldrake’s ideas could be boiled down to a

sentence, you might borrow one from Hamlet: “There are more things in heaven and earth, Richard, than are

dreamt of in your philosophy…”

“What we have in common,” Sheldrake says, “is that we are both certain that evolution is the central feature of

nature. But I would say his theory of evolution stops at biology. When it comes to cosmology, for example, he

has little to say. I would take the evolutionary principle there, too. I think that the ‘laws of nature’ are also prone

to evolve; I think they are more like habits than laws. Much of what we are beginning to understand is that they

clearly have evolved differently in different parts of the universe.”

Sheldrake talks a good deal of the fact that, as all good Brian Cox viewers know, 83% of the universe is now

thought to be “dark matter” and subject to “dark energy” forces that “nothing in our science can begin to


Despite this, he suggests, scientists are prone to “the recurrent fantasy of omniscience”. The science delusion,

in these terms, consists in the faith that we already understand the nature of reality, in principle, and that all that

is left to do is to fill in the details. “In this book, I am just trying to blow the whistle on that attitude which I think

is bad for science,” he says. In America, the book is called Science Set Free, which he thinks is probably a

better title. “They were aware that if they called it The Science Delusion it would be seen as a rightwing tract

that was anti-evolution and anti-climate change. And I want no part of that.”

The evolution of Rupert Sheldrake, would, you guess, be a worthwhile scientific study in itself, but one for which

you might struggle to attract funding. Like all heretics worth their salt, he started out in good faith, a true

believer, but he has been beset by increasing doubt ever since.

“I went through the standard scientific atheist phase when I was about 14,” he says, with a grin. “I bought into

that package deal of science equals atheism. I was the only boy at my high Anglican boarding school who

refused to get confirmed. When I was a teenager, I was a bit like Dawkins is today, you know: ‘If Adam and Eve

were created by God, why do they have navels?’ That kind of thing.”

Over a period, he found the materialist view of the universe – that matter was all that life consisted of, tha

t human beings were in Dawkins’s term “lumbering robots” – did not accord with his own experience of it.

Sheldrake was a gifted musician and “electrical changes in the cortex didn’t seem able to fully explain Bach”.

Likewise: “To describe the overwhelming life of a tropical forest just in terms of inert biochemistry and DNA didn’t

seem to give a very full picture of the world.”

The other thing that troubled him about scientific orthodoxy might be condensed into a single word: pigeons. As

a boy in Newark-on-Trent, Sheldrake had kept animals – a dog, a jackdaw and some homing pigeons. He would

place these pigeons in a cardboard box and cycle all morning with them and then release them to marvel how

they would always beat him home. Newark happened to be a hub of pigeon racing. “Every weekend in the

season, people would bring piles and piles of wicker baskets containing their birds; my father would take me

there and the porters would let me help release the pigeons. Hundreds would fly up and circle round, then you

would see them form into little groups and head off around Britain, back home. Pigeon fanciers were mostly

plain working men, but they were fascinated by this mystery, which they did not understand.”

They were not alone. When Sheldrake won his scholarship to Cambridge several years later, he asked various

scientists how they thought this happened. The scientists talked about the sun’s position and an internal clock

and scent traces, but what “they weren’t prepared to say was that it was a total mystery”. That refusal, and

others like it, troubled Sheldrake. “There is a lot of science that you can’t directly experience,” he says, “but to

concentrate on quantum physics when we couldn’t begin to explain homing pigeons seemed to me,” he

suggests, “a great distortion.”

For a decade or so, Sheldrake kept some of these thoughts to himself, but as his career developed his doubts

about the idea that “conventional, materialist” science would one day explain everything seemed increasingly

wrong-headed. He took a job working at the University of Malaya on ferns and rubber trees and to get there

travelled for some months through India and Sri Lanka. It was 1968 and India was a very interesting place to be.

“I met people, highly intelligent people, who had a completely different world view from anything to which I had

been exposed.”

Returning to Cambridge, Sheldrake became interested in a notion of biology and heredity that shared close

affinities with Carl Jung’s ideas of a collective unconscious, a shared species memory. He was profoundly

influenced by a book called Matter and Memory by the philosopher Henri Bergson. “When I discovered

Bergson’s idea that memory is not stored in the brain but that it is a relation in time, not in space, I realised that

there might potentially be a memory principle in nature that would solve the problem I was wrestling with.”

In 1974, Sheldrake returned to south-east Asia and took a job at an agricultural institute near Hyderabad

developing new varieties and cropping systems in chickpeas. “By day, I was working on these practical things,”

he recalls, “but in the evening I was reading a lot about crystallography and the philosophy of form.” He had

become friendly with an eccentric woman called Helen Spurway, widow of JBS Haldane, the great British

biologist. She lived in a remote full of animals, with a tame jackal and wasps’ nests in the living room; Haldane’s

library was being eaten by termites; Sheldrake felt right at home.

“At around the same time,” he recalls, “I had some exposure to psychedelics, and that opened me up to the

idea that consciousness was much richer than anything my physiology lecturers had ever described. Then I

came across transcendental meditation, which seemed to give some access to that without drugs.” Alongside

that, to his surprise, Sheldrake began to realise that there was “a lot more in my makeup that was ‘Christian’

than I cared to admit. I started praying and going to church.”

Did he pray with a sense of its efficacy?

“Well,” he says, “I still say the Lord’s Prayer every day. It covers a lot of ground in our relation to the world. ‘Thy

will be done’, that sense that we are part of a larger process that is unfolding that we do not comprehend.” By

the time Sheldrake went to live at the ashram of the exiled Christian holy man, Father Bede Griffiths, he had

been confirmed in the Church of South India and was the organist of St George’s, Hyderabad. It was at about

that time, “living in a palm-fringed hut under a banyan tree”, that Sheldrake decided to set out his decade’s

worth of thinking about memory being a function of time, not matter, shared by all living things, that he called


Was he aware that the book would be incendiary?

“Well,” he says, “I wrote it to try to find a broader framework for biology. A more holistic one, proposing the

argument that the laws of nature were also evolving in time.”

For the first three months after it was published, the speculative book got a generally favourable reception. But

then the “book for burning” editorial was written in Nature, by its editor, Sir John Maddox, and Sheldrake’s new

life began, as a discredited scientist and bestselling author.

Far from refuting his ideas in the face of this broadside, Sheldrake went on the offensive. His research since

then has concentrated almost entirely on the kinds of phenomena that science dismisses out of hand “but

which people are generally fascinated by and made to feel stupid about”. He has a long-running experiment that

collects data about how dogs “know” when their owners are coming home; another is concerned with the

apparently strong deviations from chance in human ability to predict when they are being stared at from a

distance. He retains an interest in subjects as diverse as the mysteries of crystal formation, the efficacy of

Chinese medicine, the forces that trigger migrations of birds and animals over vast distances, and the nature of


None of these pursuits has enhanced his standing in the professional scientific community. Sheldrake is

unrepentant. He cites Darwin as an example. “If you look at his books, almost all the data there come from

amateur naturalists, practical breeders, gardeners. TH Huxley, meanwhile, ‘his bulldog’, was very much against

amateurs, largely because many of them were vicars and he was very anti-religious. He wanted to marginalise

anyone who saw science and faith as compatible and mutually reaffirming.”

Though he remains at best a contentious figure, and to some an irredeemable charlatan, Sheldrake sees some

evidence that this old opposition is breaking down, that doubt and wonder might be returning to science.

“I think one of the reasons why my book has – so far – been well received is that times are changing,” he

suggests. “A lot of our old certainties, not least neoliberal capitalism, have been turned on their head. The

atheist revival movement of Dawkins and Hitchens and Dennett is for many people just too narrow and dogmatic.

I think it is a uniquely open moment…”

His hope is that there will be a “coming out” moment in science. “It’s like gays in the 1950s,” he suggests. “I

think if people in the realm of science and medicine came out and talked about the limitations of purely

mechanistic and reductive approaches it would be much more fun…”

The imminence of Sheldrake’s three score years and ten has made questions of mortality and consciousness

seem a little more pressing to him. He almost came face to face with his morphic energies in 2008; speaking at

a consciousness conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico, he was attacked with a knife by a Japanese paranoid

schizophrenic. He suffered a huge wound in his thigh, which just missed his femoral artery. “Apparently,” he

says, “he was aiming at my heart and stumbled at the last moment. It certainly made death a bit more present.”

Given his speculative nature, I wonder what he imagined, as his life flashed before him, would happen next?

“I’ve always thought death would be like dreaming,” he says, “but without the possibility of waking up. And in

those dreams, as in our dreams in life, everyone will get what they want to some degree. For the atheists

convinced everything will go blank, maybe it will.” He trusts in a more colourful future for himself. After Sheldrake

shows me out, I walk to work across the heath, imagining how his dream eternity might work out: hammering

out The Goldberg Variations on his Hyderabad organ, while the jungle grows around him, wondering all the time



December 11-17

Overall Color for the Week:    Grainy White

This week will bring surprises on every level.  Do not believe everything you hear or see.  This will be brought home to you again and again as the week progresses.  Use your discrimination and intuition.  People are getting confused messages and being confused by the energies that are playing out all around them.  There is a clash of vibrations going on at this time as old and new start to come into closer and more immediate contact.  Look to your health and be generous with yourself in that regard.  Do not overdo it.  Your body is reacting to the new energetic shifts.  This can result in aches and pains and emotional upsets.  While these things can be disconcerting and cause you some anguish, remember that it is merely a reaction to what is going on outside of you and does not necessarily reflect an inner condition.  This is a week for staying within your power, for taking care of yoruself, and for observation.  Before going out, it is a good idea to ward yourself against influences outside of you.  Step back from things and do not react.  Regard, reflect, and only then, respond.  Stay within your heart center and listen to the wisdom there.  It is your connection point with Universal Consciousness.  It is the ultimate perspective giver.  This is a time also for forgiveness.  Remember, though, that forgiveness is about you.  It will not change the other, so do not look for it to do so.  You must walk your path and show your light. Others have to take care of themselves.

On the larger scene, there will be oddities everywhere.  Strange noises in the environment will take place.  It will be difficult to pinpoint their source.  Meanwhile the weather will be crazy, out of sync, and out of season.  Expect more Earth movements in odd areas, and expect the strength to increase.  Animals and birds will be acting differently.  Look to them.  Their patterns are shifting and the direction of those shifts can indicate to you how things are going in the natural world.  The fish world also will have some odd occurrences, particularly in the usually ice bound areas.  There will be mention made of clearer communication with the sea mammals.  People will begin to speak of messages from whales and dolphins that will bring a kind of perspective as they tell tales of how this Earth was at the time of Atlantis and Lemuria.  The financial picture will be shifting behind the scenes, as news reporters tout the positive  nature of the  holiday season spending.  While those in power speak of peace, there are rumblings of war beginning to be heard, particularly in the Mid East.  Along with that will come some information concerning the role of that area in the development of history and influence from Extraterrestrials.  Things will be happening in the U.K. that are going to lead people to wonder.  The good news is that things are beginning to fall into place for a transformation on all levels.  Things have not been able to be hidden for quite some time now, and this week will bring more old stuff to the surface.

Sunday, December 11:    Sea Blue

Many things have been drifting about in your life, thoughts, ideas, images, stuff, people, plans, and things. This is a day for gaining some perspective on all of these.  Center and ground, then take a look.  What do they all mean?  It is time to prioritize and clear out.  What are the things that you cannot, will not, want not live without.  Those should be the first items on your list, then go down from there.  Oh, and in the process, it is important to know where you belong.  It is time to see, feel, understand, appreciate, and be true to WHO you are and where you are within your life.  You should be Number One on your list.  True selflessness at times comes out to be sincere and authentic selfishness.  There is no guilt here.  If, first and foremost, you are good for you, then you can be good for everything else.

Crystal energy:     Blue Tiger Eye—The energy of this stone grants vision without judgment and knowledge that opens accepts, and understands, and the discrimination to know how to react.  Resonates with the Third Eye Chakra.

Monday, December 12:    Lime Green

There is a shadow on some of the things that you are dealing with.  It is time for clarity.  People have been keeping you in the dark about events and items that you are wanting to clear up.  Today is a day for knowing what is right and just.  Your intuition is strong today, and if you feel that things are being kept from you, then it is time to speak out and ask for reasons, clarity, and guidance.  There is someone who has some answers to give you.  You could be surprised to know just who this person is.  Look for signs in the air today. The energy shifts are stronger and odder.  It is time to be aware of what is around you. You have always known more than you give yourself credit for.  Open to that and you can see the meaning in the signs and symbols you encounter.

Crystal Energy:    Serandite—-This mineral allows for connections to be made on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, being channeled through the energetic systems of the body.  At the same time it works to heal points and issues that could otherwise act as blocks to connectivity.  Resonates with the Crown and Upper Chakras.

Tuesday, December 13:    Dark Sky Blue

There are messages in the winds today.  Along with those, are words and statements made by others.  This is a good day for sorting out truth from fiction.  The overall energy has a number of different layers.  Some are related to truth and others are related to illusion.  This is a day for staying in your Core Self in order to know which is which. Listen to the knowing of your heart.  It will not lead you astray.  There can be some difficult moments today when you come to grips with stuff in your life.  Some of the things you already knew but were unwilling to accept.  Others can really surprise you.  There is much in the way of emotional energy around.  It is time to give in to the urges to cry, to laugh,k to be joyful.  This is not a time for holding onto, but allowing the flow.

Crystal Energy:    Azurite-Malachite—-The dynamic synergy of these two enegied brings about a movement into, or at leas,a sense of the greater whole and where you belong.  It brings a sense of calm and perspective to the troubled heart.  Resonates with the Heart and Third Eye Chakras.

Wednesday, December 14:    Barely Blue

The energy of the day favors goodness and compassion, understanding and brotherhood.  It is a time to look at people, places, and things that you have some kind of grudge or ill feeling about and see them in a new light.  Perspectives are changing.  What seemed one way in the past can be different today.  This is a time for being aware of the total picture, remember the story of the blind men and the elephant.  Step back from things.  Give them time.  You have plenty more opportunities for dealing stuff.  Today is a time to engage yourself in reflection. Take time in nature, listen to soothing music, close your eyes, dream, meditate — whatever allows you best to go within and connect with your true essence,  There is much you can teach yourself.  Today is a good day for a lesson.

Crystal Energy:    Sapphire—-The energy of this stone wards off negativity.  It assists one with centering, and though that activity with knowing one’s truth.  It is a good protection stone.  Vibrates to the Throat and Third Eye Chakras.

Thursday, December 15:     Golden Amber

Hearing, seeing, touching, tasting.  The senses are at the forefront today.  This is a good day to take things easily, quietly, slowly.  Let things be what they are and then taste them.  You have much to learn from that. There is no hurry.  If you choose to rush thing, then the magic can very easily fall apart.  The dimensions are exceptionally leaky today and you can see, hear, and feel things from times past, other places, and those who have moved on.  Listen closely to your inner knowing, your intuition, there are messages there for you.  It is time to realize what means most to you.  Take time to look around before you act.  Know the territory.  Sense the blockages.  There is nothing in the air today that can hold you back unless you allow it.

Crystal Energy:    Almandine Garnet—-This stone opens one to the wonder of life, awakening the passions and the joy in life.  Resonates with the Root Chakra.

Friday, December 16:    Light Magenta:

Take a breather today.  Allow yourself some fun.  The current energy allows for inspiration and understanding to come through enjoyable activities.  Look around and listen.,  You will know your real friends.  There are things that you have not been willing to look at because of the emotional upset that they have for you.  Let the energies of transformation that are in the air at this time run through you, and you will find yourself seeing things in a new way.  You need to let go of more and more old stuff as the Solstice approaches.  It is time for a change.  You have known that for quite some time.  Your power, strength, and resolves are growing.  Take time to meditate on what it is that you truly want.  Be centered and grounded.  That way you can follow through as you never have before.

Saturday, December 17:    Dark Lavender

This is a day for contrasts and noticing the relationships of one thing to another.  Questions can arise today that have no easy answers, and there will be those who become angry because the answers are not there.  Moreover, there is a sense in the air that things are more complicated and difficult than you thought they would be.Know that when you feel that way, it is merely a reminder to go within and see the larger picture.  There will be many themes that are run through today and you have the opportunity to choose which ones you wish to focus upon.  By making one or the other your point of reference, you allow the others to take care of themselves.  This is a day for seeing things one at a time.  If people or situations attempt to force you to do otherwise, know then that this is not the best place for you at this time.

Crystal Energy:    Psilomelane—-This mineral grants protection and grounding in times of need.  Resonates with the Root and Navel Chakras.

November 27-December 3

I was away all last week, and was unable to finish the Chromoscope before now.  It will be updated shortly.

Sunday, November 27:    Yellow Gold

There is something in the air today that will surprise you while at the sane time bringing you revelations and understanding about an issue, or possibly more, that has been bothering you for sometime.  Along with that, if you are open there is something within people in general today that can bring about an appreciation for the greater whole.  As that happens, you can find yourself moving more and more towards community.  All of the energies are open to awareness and self knowledge.  This is a good time for going within,. meditating, creating, and knowing things within your Core Self that you had not before realized.  The energy of the day is strange and new, but comforting.  Allow yourself to be with it.

Monday, November 28:    Bright Yellow

Things are getting very bright all around you, and it is important not to allow yourself to be blinded by the light. Rather use the extra illumination to see things for what they truly are.  There are those out there who are playing games and they feel that they can have the upper hand because people do not know what they are doing. You are in charge of what you do and what you choose.  Do not allow yourself to be swayed by others for any reason, especially because it is being nice.  Nice ultimately does not get you anywhere.  This is a time to honor and come into your own power.  You know what is right for you, and you must follow your intuition.  The deeper messages that are coming your way will help you see the patterns and the meanings behind all that is going on at this time.  It is important now to be aware of things.  That way, you will understand the movement of the energies as they cascade in with the times.

Crystal Energy:    Brown Tourmaline—-This stone casts a healing vibration on the lower abdomen and the legs, allowing one to move forward in things that were stuck.  Resonates with the Navel Chakra.

Tuesday, November 29:    Bright Orange

Issues will be arising today concerning your life path, what you are doing,m what you are wanting, what you are proposing, and what you are lacking.  You know these are all conversations and issues that you should have dealt with a long time ago.  The current energies favor looking at things straight in the eye, knowing what you are doing right, what you are doing wrong, what you can change, and what you cannot.  There is help for you in this endeavor, and from the most unexpected places.  Today is a day of mystery and unfolding.  Take hold of the frequency and let it move through you.  You can find that much is clearer.  And at the end of the day, there is some fun.

Wednesday, November 30:    Deep Blue

Things that you have not/had not thought about for a very, very long time are coming to the surface now.  This can cause emotional outbursts, confusion, and sentimentality.  You need to deal with each thing individually and for what it is.  You have changed.  That does not change the past, but it changes how you look at and are affected by the past.  This is a day for moving ahead or staying where you are.  The choice is, as always, yours.  There is no right or wrong, there is only what you are wanting at this point in time and what you are willing to accept.   Take time with things today and allow yourself the space to know what is truly right for you.  This can be the beginning of a lot of very new and very exciting things.

Crystal Energy:    Elbaite Tourmaline—–This stone works to unify all the disparate and varied elements of the self into a consistent whole through the energies of the knowing heart.  Resonates with the Heart Chakra.

Thursday, December 1:    Bright Blue

Dreams begin today.   And expectations.  Let it roll.  Dreams can come true, but who knows how, who knows when.  So take time out today to dream.  There is nothing to be lost, and much to be discovered.  Speak your truth and you will be heard and understood by those who, in the long run, truly matter.  Hedge, pretend, make nice and you will hear the emptiness of it all, but there are those who will take it seriously.  This can become an issue later on.  Know your heart.  Go within.  You know more than you give yourself credit for.  ANd you know it clearly and unequivocally.  It is time to sing your song, live your dream, and be your WHO.  Look around.  There is assistance if you will just allow.

Crystal Energy:    Blue Topaz—-The energy of this stone focuses purpose, when modulated with peace and compassion, to bring protection and fulfillment.  It hears and takes care.  Resonates with the Throat and Third Eye Chakras.

Friday, December 2:    Opera Blue

Go with the flow, both today and tomorrow.  If you have made plans, then take time to know what it is right to do, what needs to be done, what can be overlooked, and how you feel about the whole thing.  It comes down, basically, to you, to what you want, what you honor, what you desire, what you will and what you will not.  This is not a time for fear, and if you will take time to analyze your fears, you will discover that many of them are tagged to old programs and beliefs —- many of which you are choosing to release.  So take time in the energy of this day to do and be what is right for WHO you are.  There is no one you need to impress.  Those who are truly your friends, family, and community accept you always for yourself.  Take time to know that, to let go of a lot of stuff, and to relax.  It can all work out if you will just allow.

Crystal Energy:    Scolecite—-The energy of this mineral works with those who are feeling less than, fearful, and guilty to allow them to see through these things to the truth behind them.  Resonates with the Crown Chakra.

Saturday, December 3:    Lime Green

Things are going to be shifting and changing almost on a moment to moment basis today.  Just let it be, and take time to go withing.  There is a lot of uncertainty in the air today, much fueled by expectations from the past. You can accept them or not.  There is nothing wrong in either option today.  The important things here is to be centered and to work from your core self.  Where there is authenticity, there is knowledge. and where there is knowledge there is acceptance and manifestation.  Yes, you can do it all.  You just need to know that.  But first, be certain of what it is that you desire.  Once again, be careful what you wish for…

Crystal energy:    Albite—-This mineral works with that which is fluid on all levels.  It assists in moving things through.  Resonates with all chakras.