What Is Going On With Disney?

O’Keefe Media Group Exposes Disney for Racial Discrimination and LGBTQ Agenda for Children

O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) released three undercover videos recently that exposed corruption within the Disney corporation that provides entertainment for children. Michael Giordano, a Vice President of Business Affairs, reveals in the first video that Disney is discriminating against white males in hiring for middle management, and writing and acting jobs. Sohrab “Dave” Makker, Walt Disney Television’s Director of Production/Finance revealed in the second video that only white Jewish males are promoted to upper level executive management jobs. The last video report is about internal documents that show that Disney promoted Pride events for children that involved naked men.

Michael Giordano, a Vice President of Business Affairs

Senior Vice President at The Walt Disney Company details discriminatory hiring practices: “Nobody else is going to tell you this, but they’re not considering any white males for the job,” says Michael Giordano, a Vice President of Business affairs, “there’s no way we’re hiring a white male.” Giordano reveals Disney uses “code words and buzzwords” to avoid legal action and even mentions a candidate being rejected for not looking black enough. Giordano also admits Disney gives bonuses to executives for practicing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), agreeing that “diversity helps with financial incentives.” Giordano further claims he’s been denied promotions due to his race.


Sohrab “Dave” Makker, Walt Disney Television’s Director of Production/Finance

Walt Disney Television’s Director of Production/Finance, Sohrab “Dave” Makker reveals Disney won’t hire anyone who’s not a white Jewish man for C-Suite roles, confirming discriminatory hiring practices detailed in OMG’s ‘The Disney Tapes: Part 1.’

Makker pointed out that the tech industry is run by Indians and the entertainment business is run by white Jewish men.

Makker says Disney prioritizes LGBTQ stories for children, stating, “We insert diversity when it’s not really organic to the story,” admitting shows have “flopped” because “the audience didn’t connect” to forced diversity.

He calls Disney CEO Bob Iger “corrupt,” saying, “He just wants to stay in power.” He proceeds to criticize Elon Musk, calling him a “narcissist” driven by attention, yet agrees with Musk’s call for Iger’s firing.


Amit “Genie” Gurnani, Walt Disney’s Creative Marketing Director

‘It’s the unspoken thing for children to see LGBTQ content,’ says Walt Disney’s Creative Marketing Director, Drag Queen Amit “Genie” Gurnani, into OMG’s hidden camera.

Gurnani adds, “I’d love to get a drag queen at Disneyland,” furthering, “I’m sure that would happen at some point.”

Gurnani insists, “Bob Iger is not axing LGBTQ content at all,” supporting concerns that Disney is ramping up their LGBTQ content, influenced by DEI hiring practices and the inclusion of forced diverse storylines.


An insider source at Disney has provided OMG with startling internal documents and communications. These documents reveal Disney’s promotion of Pride events for children that involve naked men, maps of Disney-sponsored pride parades nationwide, Disney’s covert partnership with “Zebra Youth,” a program supporting LGBTQ youth ages 13-24, and messages about polysexual virtual hangouts.

from:    https://needtoknow.news/2024/07/okeefe-media-group-exposes-disney-for-racial-discrimination-and-lgbtq-agenda-for-children/

It’s Halloween in DC?

Odd Article, But, as always, do your research:

Former CIA Chief reveals in great detail how they use full face masks to ‘walk around as someone else’…

As you likely know, the internet is overflowing with theories about Joe Biden and rubber masks. What does that mean, exactly? Well, many believe that Joe Biden has one or two body doubles who parade around in masks, impersonating him.

Truth be told, they’ve certainly come a long way with masks, haven’t they?


While Biden doubles running around in a mask may sound like the plot of a Hollywood movie, can we truly dismiss anything in these strange times under this bizarre regime? Probably not. And it’s even more difficult to write it off as just another kooky conspiracy, especially when former CIA chiefs have disclosed how they use elaborate masks to allow people to “walk around as someone else.”

It’s not surprising that the CIA has a department called “Disguise” with an official chief who runs it. The former chief details below how the CIA operates, much like in a James Bond movie. Is it any wonder if they use these tactics with presidents and other key officials? It almost seems like a no-brainer, right?

Wall Street Apes:

Here’s The Uncut Version Of The CIA Chief Of Disguise Confirming They Use “Full Face Masks” To “Walk around as someone else”

This is why Joe Biden needs both a drug test and a DNA test before the CNN Debate with Donald Trump

“I was Chief of Disguise. The office I worked in was like the Q in James Bond. We were the Q for the CIA and the intelligence community. So there were different parts of it, whatever you needed.

If you needed a bug, if you needed secret writing or a microdot or a concealment device or whatever you needed, you had to come to us and we’ll put something together for you.

Okay. What’s the most memorable moment from being in disguise for you? Um, there were a number of them, but the one I mean, one that has to stand out, I went to the White House and I briefed George H. W. Bush, the president, at the time while I was wearing a full face mask.

So we’re sitting, like, this close together, and I’m telling him that I’m gonna show him the best disguise that we have. And he’s looking for a bag, like, where where is it? I said, well, I’m wearing it, and I’m going to take it off. And I reached to start taking it off, and he said, stop. And he got up and he walked and he looked and he looked at it.

He couldn’t he didn’t know it was a mask. He wasn’t sure what I was wearing. He sat back down. He said, okay. So I took it off.

And I was holding it up in the air so he could see it, my whole head. It had hair and a face and a neck.

So you could walk around as someone else?


And that would be the disguise.



A clip like this will only fuel more conspiracy theories about Joe’s “doubles” and their rubber masks. The question we have would be this: If Joe Biden does have all of these body doubles, why on earth wouldn’t they come off brighter and more cognizant?

For example, why would this wandering, confused man be a body double? It makes no logical sense.

Granted, there are times when Joe seems like he’s sharper than usual. This leads many to think there are two types of “Joe.” One who is semi-energetic and can actually stand, walk, and talk. While the other “Joe” can’t string a sentence together and wanders off like a lost nursing home patient. Could that be drugs, body doubles, or just good and bad days? Whatever the case may be, you can’t deny that many of the videos online paint a very bizarre picture.

Wall Street Apes:

Recently Images Of Joe Biden Have Been Going Viral, Many Questioning If He’s Being Impersonated Using The CIA Mask Technology

This Is Documentation Showing The Changes Seen In Joe Biden

Not only does he look completely different, have changing earlobes, changing chins, changing skin textures, changing teeth, changing wrinkle lines, etc

But after 30 years it looks as though he’s changed his signature

“Who changes their signature after 30 years?”

President Trump is even questioning what’s going on with Joe and his “fake nose.” And what about that bizarre chin? It looks like it was molded with Play-Doh.


Let’s talk about this…

Trump is 2 I don’t give a fooks away from literally saying that Joe Biden is wearing a mask.

The world just saw the other day that Joes chin somehow transformed into a PlayStation controller and now this? 🤣😂

Oh we are definitely building up to something shocking…

Do you think the world is ready to learn “Joe’s Shot” and central casting?

Trump https://rumble.com/v3r904m-trump-joe-bidens-fake-nose-thered-be-plastic-all-over-the-floor.html

Biden https://rumble.com/v3q8gra-joe-biden-is-completely-shot-and-why-does-his-chin-look-like-a-pair-of-ball.html

This clip claims to catch a “body double” red-handed. Honestly, for security reasons, using decoys makes sense, especially for a world leader. But the stuff online about Joe seems just as crazy and off-the-wall as his entire regime.

Is the CIA using body doubles and face mask technology to pass off different “Joe Bidens” to the American people? Maybe, who knows? But if they are, they’re failing miserably. They should probably go back to the drawing board and figure out a better way to present this buffoon, because right now, it’s more like Joe or his double is impersonating a full-blown dementia patient. We’d like to think that even our intel people could do better than this.

from:    https://revolver.news/2024/06/cia-chief-reveals-they-use-full-face-masks-to-walk-around-as-someone-else/

Who Knows? Beatles – Yes or No?

No conspiracies please, we’re reality theorists

 Read Time:27 Minutes

By Chris Rea

I cannot remember a time in my life when I was not crazy about the Beatles.

Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band was the first record that I listened to as a young child and even today it reverberates with the sensibility of early consciousness.

I became fascinated by the extraordinary story of the Beatles’ achievements and accepted without question the orthodox narrative about their uniqueness, which was the answer to any nagging doubts I might have had about how exactly they became so good so quickly and so enormously – they were unique. They were just … the Beatles.

The Beatles were above all the other groups and solo artists of the 1960s, a decade which produced some outstanding pop and rock music. Everything flowed from them. Their best songs, and there were very few duds in their catalogue, were imperishable achievements of popular musical culture which warranted the exceptional praise they received from music establishment critics and the acclamation they received from the public.

Fixing a rabbit hole

I cleaved to this view until 2022 when I watched a presentation by the US researcher Mike Williams entitled Did the Beatles write all their own music?

Williams argues that at least between 1962 and 1966 they did not, and that they may not have done so from 1967 to 1970 either.

Williams’ thesis is built on an analysis of the recording of the 1965 Rubber Soul album.

It’s a fascinating exposition and I won’t attempt to describe it in detail. The four-and-a-half-hour presentation is worth investing your time in.

In short, he argues that the official narrative about the production of Rubber Soul is not credible.

The band went into the EMI studios on Abbey Road on 12th October 1965 with an almost empty musical locker, faced with the challenge of composing, writing, rehearsing, demoing and recording 14 original songs for the new album and two for a double A side single (‘Day Tripper’/ ‘We Can Work it Out’).

They are supposed to have completed all this by 11th November – and they did not work every day between these dates – with the album mixed, pressed and ready for the Christmas market by 3rd December.

Williams argues that it was simply not possible for the band to produce such a quantity of original music in so short a time.

According to the mainstream story, Rubber Soul’s songs were recorded in an extraordinarily small number of takes. ‘Drive My Car’, for example, was knocked off in four takes, the fourth being the only complete one.

For the conventional narrative to work, there had to be no failed attempts at songs and minimal reworking. Every song they wrote had to be nailed quickly and perfectly.

This would be a tall order under any circumstances but it becomes gigantic when you think about the great leap forward in musical sophistication and complexity Rubber Soul represented compared to its predecessors.

When they were signed by EMI in 1962, the Beatles were a hard-gigging covers band that showed no signs of the musical chops that would be required to write and perform songs like ‘Girl’, ‘Norwegian Wood’, ‘In My Life’ and ‘If I Needed Someone’.

If you’re not sure about this, listen to the Live! at the Star-Club album which was recorded in Hamburg in December 1962, less than three years before the recording of Rubber Soul.

The sound quality is terrible but it is possible to hear the singing and playing beneath the murk and there is nothing, absolutely nothing on this record that indicates that this was a band destined for world-straddling greatness, not to mention high-grade studio proficiency.

Williams also identifies problems with Rubber Soul’s production timeline, suggesting that for all the record’s components, including the sleeve and the disc’s label, to have been ready for manufacturing on 19th November, the running order of the songs must have been known before they had all been recorded – or written, since the mainstream version says that the band were composing throughout the time they spent in the studio.

His conclusion is that the songs that appeared on Rubber Soul were already written and the instrumental parts already recorded by the time the Beatles arrived in the studio on 11th October.

And not by the Beatles. Their job was to learn and lay down the vocal tracks. This task alone was more than enough to fill up the available recording time, Williams argues.

Williams and other researchers have also examined the set lists for the Beatles’ live shows between 1962-1966 and questioned the absence of many of their ‘original’ compositions.

Out of 91 songs allegedly written by the band (almost all of them by Lennon and McCartney) during their time as a touring outfit, just 25 were performed live at their concerts, less than 30% of the total.

There are 26 songs on the aforementioned Star Club album and just two of them are Beatles ‘originals’.

‘Love Me Do’, which had been released as a single that October, wasn’t one of them. It’s extraordinary to think that they weren’t routinely playing their first big hit at this time.

They didn’t play their next big hit single ‘Please Please Me’ either. Although it wouldn’t be released until January 1963, the song had already been recorded by the time the band played the December 1962 Hamburg shows.

The Star Club recordings were made less than two months before the band recorded their debut album, Please Please Me. Just two of the eight Beatles ‘originals’ from that album feature in the set list. Surely by then they would have been road-testing the songs that they were shortly to lay down on their debut album?

And just two songs from Rubber Soul were ever performed live.

More extraordinarily still, the Beatles’ August 1966 tour of the United States that concluded with the band’s last ever public concert at Candlestick Park in San Franscisco featured not one song from the Revolver album that had been released on 5th August.

In 1966, with nearly 100 original pop classics in their armoury, the Beatles were still including rock and roll cover songs in their sets, which typically lasted for no more than half an hour.

The orthodoxy has it that by this time in the band’s career, their songs had become too complicated to replicate live.

According to Wikipedia, ‘none of the tracks from Revolver were included due to the difficulty in reproducing their sophisticated studio sounds and arrangements in a concert setting.’

It is interesting how widely accepted this point of view is. I subscribed to it myself for many years.

But it’s nonsense. ‘Tomorrow Never Knows’ admittedly would be hard to perform live in a way that sounded like the original. The brass parts from ‘Got to Get You into My Life’ would have to go.

But as for ‘Taxman’, ‘And Your Bird Can Sing’, ‘Dr Robert’, ‘She Said She Said’ etc – Beatles tribute acts have easily mastered these songs. You can find many examples on YouTube. The Jam seemingly had no trouble picking up ‘Taxman’ and turning it into ‘Start!’ fifteen years later.

The idea that the band that wrote and performed these songs to such a high standard in the studio couldn’t reproduce them live just weeks later is absurd.

Returning to ‘Drive My Car’ – if it’s the case that they recorded just one complete take for the album, that will have been the only time the band ever played the song right through. Why would they have not wanted to include it in their live shows? Were Lennon and McCartney not proud of their composition? It’s a terrific pop song. You would think that they would be itching to play it, and all their other brilliant songs. ‘Drive My Car’ would have been great live. The band could have dropped out the vocals while the crowd all sang ‘beep-beep, beep-beep, yeah!’ That would have been amazing. But it never happened.

Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth

It makes no sense at all that the Beatles did not routinely perform their latest studio records at live concerts. With respect to Sherlock Holmes, these are the songs that weren’t played in the night.

Williams believes that the most likely reason they performed such a small part of their own catalogue was because they hadn’t learned how to play most the songs that had been attributed to them.

If it was the case that the Beatles’ job in the studio was to record the vocal tracks for songs that had already been written and instrumentalised, there would have been no need for them to learn to play the instrumental parts.

The Beatles did of course perform some of their ‘original’ compositions live. It would not have been possible to maintain the ‘Lennon and McCartney genius songwriters’ persona otherwise. Therefore, they would have learned just enough of their ‘originals’ to uphold the artifice, with the balance filled out by covers.

This explains why a) their shows were so short, b) why reasonably uncomplicated and straightforward ‘original’ songs like ‘She’s A Woman’ and ‘Baby’s in Black’ stayed in their set for so long, and c) why they had to include the rock and roll covers they had been performing for most of the decade.

The Beatles had a limited palette and they stuck to it right up to the point where it would have been difficult for the biggest band in the world to explain away the absence of great swathes of their own catalogue from their live shows.

I have come to the sad conclusion that John, Paul, George and Ringo were merely the dancing puppets in the shop window of a gigantic psychological operation called Beatlemania and that the Beatles were in fact the world’s first Beatles tribute band – and a tribute band that played fewer Beatles songs than their successors, and not as well.

The Beatles were finished as a unit by 1970 but they have cast a vast shadow over popular culture ever since. It is impossible to treat them insignificantly, which is why what was intended to be a preamble to a larger article has already expended 1,700 words on them.

Thank you for bearing with me while I exorcised my Beatles possession. It hasn’t been a pleasant experience but it has been less traumatic than the realisation in 2020 that most of the Left had sided with the ruling class in the covid war. I don’t think there are many more scales to fall from my eyes now.

By the time we got to Tavistock

If the Beatles were a construct created by powerful ruling class forces, most likely the combined efforts of the intelligence agencies, the Tavistock Institute, media interests, commercial/financial networks, elite families etc, then who knows how many other artists from that era and beyond were not the authentic articles we have been led to believe.

To read the rest, go to the article:  https://real-left.com/no-conspiracies-please-were-reality-theorists/

Not so Apeel-ing -Thanks, Bill!!!

Bill Gates’ Apeel Treatment for Produce Turns Fruit Into Rubber Zombies

Apeel is a preservative coating for fruits and vegetables that is funded by Bill Gates. People have made videos showing that the texture of produce appears to change when treated. One woman said that a blueberry from a package that she bought for a snack for her baby was like hard rubber, even though she chose an organic product from Whole Foods. A food researcher exposed toxic chemicals used on McDonald’s french fries.We previously published a list of grocery stores and growers who use Apeel and some that have rejected treated produce (click here for article)..

Alex Jones drills into claims by some consumers that certain produce at big-name supermarkets turn into rubbery Frankenfruits after getting treated with a Bill Gates-funded plant-based protective coating.


Read full article here…

from:    https://needtoknow.news/2024/06/bill-gates-apeel-treatment-for-produce-turns-fruit-into-rubber-zombies/

What is Happening to our Young?

Democrats Shut Down Investigation into Maine’s Surging Excess Deaths

Democrats in Maine have stepped in and shut down an investigation by Republican lawmakers into the state’s spike in excess deaths.

Republican State Rep. Heidi Sampson (R-Alfred) is raising the alarm over Maine’s surging excess deaths.

Sampson warns that the state has suffered an alarming “silent epidemic.”

She revealed that data shows that excess deaths are now 18% higher than they were in 2020.

Specifically, the state has seen a surge in sudden deaths among young and middle-aged adults with no known previous illness.

However, Sampson revealed that the state’s Democrat lawmakers “shrugged their shoulders” when she proposed investigating the deaths.

Alarmingly, she warns that Democrats have stymied her effort to investigate the issue.

After growing increasingly concerned about the soaring excess since the pandemic, Sampson tried to bring the issue to the Maine House of Representatives in March.

Sampson compiled Maine’s all-cause mortality data for 2015-2022.

The data was analyzed by a statistician.

The lawmaker warned her colleagues that Maine has suffered an 18% increase in excess deaths among 25- to 64-year-olds since 2020.

She also cited the CEO of the One America insurance company, J. Scott Davison.

Sampson said Davison “publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarter of 2021, death in people of working age 18 to 64 was 40% higher than it was before the pandemic.”

She went on to describe the recent emergence of the now-common phenomenon of “sudden death syndrome.”

Examples of sudden deaths include death by heart attack, stroke, meningitis, brain aneurysm, pulmonary embolism, anaphylaxis, and asthma.

“You will find hundreds, even thousands, of examples,” she told her colleagues in the state House.

“A few years ago, this was unheard of.

“Sudden death syndrome (SDS)” is a “silent epidemic” that demands immediate attention and investigation, she asserted.

“SDS is an umbrella term. It includes biologically based scenarios describing [the] quick onset of unexpected mortality without prior signs of illness. I’ll repeat: without prior signs of illness,” Sampson said.

“Autopsies may be non-conclusive due to the lack of obvious abnormalities. They may also be non-conclusive because we may not be asking the right questions.”

“If there is even a chance this data is correct, we have the moral obligation to our children to investigate,” she said.

“This data represents a flashing red light.”


In a new interview, Sampson described the surge in excess deaths as “earthshaking.”

“This data was compiled by actuaries who are the mathematical experts insurance companies rely upon,” she told the Defender.

“A 40% increase in deaths is literally earthshaking.

“Even a 10% increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event.”

Sampson presented her findings to her colleagues at the state House and urged Maine lawmakers to back investigations into the issue.

However, she said Democrats moved to block Sampson’s efforts to investigate the deaths.

“The Democrats could not reject this order fast enough,” she added.

She said two Democrats, both doctors, approached her after her speech demanding to know where she got the data.

They then proceeded to insist that the increased deaths were due to suicides.

“They just shrugged their shoulders,” Sampson said.

“We shut the whole damn state down for 6%,” she said of the lockdowns during the Covid pandemic.

“What are we doing with almost 18%?

“As a mother and a grandmother, this entire issue deeply concerns me.

“I want my children and their children to have long, healthy lives.

“We need to get to the bottom of this.”

Sampson has also raised critical questions about the safety of Covid mRNA shots which were misleadingly pushed onto the public as “vaccines.”

She also warned against the growing influence of unelected international organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO).

“The data are in — it is not safe and effective,” she said.

“And until the federal government removes the liability shield from the vaccine manufacturers, the COVID-19 shot must be removed from the Maine market.”

But she told the Defender that “she once again faced resistance from her colleagues.”

She described the response from Democrats as “tense and uncomfortable.”

Her Democrat colleagues also shot down her order to nullify WHO’s now-failed pandemic treaty authority that surrenders state’s rights to the United Nations “health” agency in the event of a future pandemic or “climate emergency.”

“It was heart-sickening to watch my colleagues on the other side of the aisle rapidly stand, object, and vote against this motion,” Sampson wrote in April.

“All I can say is now they are responsible for the information they have heard,” she said.

“It is on the record.”

from:    https://slaynews.com/news/democrats-shut-down-investigation-maines-surging-excess-deaths/

Tiny “Brains” = Big Trouble

Swiss Startup Connects 16 Human Mini-Brains to Create Low Energy ‘Biocomputer’


Computer scientists have for decades been vying to emulate the human brain, replicating its neural networks to build artificial intelligence (AI) with enhanced processing power.

But the more sophisticated those artificial neural networks become, the more powerful they get, and the more we rely on them, the more energy they consume. And sometimes nature’s original design is just better in some regards.

In the latest demonstration of nature’s efficiencies, a Swiss start-up company has just launched a ‘biocomputer’ that connects to living, pulsing brain cells and, according to its makers, uses far less energy than traditional, bit-based computers as a result.

Rather than merely integrating biological concepts into computing, FinalSpark’s online platform ‘taps’ into spherical clusters of lab-grown human brain cells called organoids. A total of 16 organoids are housed within four arrays that connect to eight electrodes each and a microfluidics system that supplies water and nutrients for the cells.

The approach, known as wetware computing, in this case harnesses researchers’ abilities to culture organoids in the lab, a fairly new technology that allows scientists to study what are essentially mini replicas of individual organs.

The rise in organoids as a popular research technique comes at a time when artificial neural networks, which underpin large language models such as Chat GPT, have also exploded in use and processing power.

FinalSpark claims that so-called bioprocessors like the brain-machine interface system they’re developing “consume a million times less power than traditional digital processors”.

Images of clusters of brain cells grown in lab dishes, forming spherical masses called organoids.
Brain cells cluster together to form organoids, which are placed in arrays connected to electrodes. (Jordan et al., Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 2024)

While we don’t have any numbers on their specific system, its energy usage, or processing power, FinalSpark’s research team says that training a single large language model like GPT-3, a precursor to GPT-4, required 10 gigawatt hours or about 6,000 times the energy that one European citizen uses in a year.

Meanwhile, the human brain operates its 86 billion neurons using only a fraction of that energy: just 0.3 kilowatt hours per day.

Technology trends also indicate that the booming AI industry will consume 3.5 percent of global electricity by 2030. Already, the IT industry as a whole is responsible for around 2 percent of global CO2 emissions.

Clearly, it’s becoming increasingly necessary to find ways to make computing more energy efficient, and the synergies between brain cell networks and computing circuits are an obvious parallel to explore.

FinalSpark is not the first outfit to try connecting probes to biological systems, or attempt to reliably program neural networks so they perform specific input-output functions on command.

In 2023, researchers in the United States built a bioprocessor that connected computer hardware to brain organoids, and the system learned to recognize speech patterns.

“Over the past three years, the Neuroplatform was utilized with over 1,000 brain organoids, enabling the collection of more than 18 terabytes of data,” FinalSpark co-founder Fred Jordan and his colleagues write in their published paper, which has been peer-reviewed like other scientific studies.

While the end goal may be new, energy-efficient computing approaches, for now the system is being used to enable researchers to run lengthy experiments on brain organoids, just like its predecessors.

However, there are some improvements: The FinalSpark team says researchers can connect to its system remotely, and the mini-brains can be sustained for up to 100 days, their electrical activity measured around the clock.

“Currently in 2024, the system is freely available for research purposes, and numerous research groups have begun using it for their experiments,” Jordan and colleagues write.

“In the future, we plan to extend the capabilities of our platform to manage a broader range of experimental protocols relevant to wetware computing,” such as injecting molecules and drugs into organoids for testing, the team concludes.

Whichever way this goes, aiding computing or organoid research, it’ll be exciting to see what researchers can achieve.

The study has been published in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence.

from:    https://www.sciencealert.com/swiss-startup-connects-16-human-mini-brains-to-create-low-energy-biocomputer

Fighting Back

7 Ways To Stop The Matrix Control System From Enslaving You

Matrix Control

The matrix control system acts like a disease masquerading as a cure, sneakily giving the illusion of democracy. The undermining of our democratic processes continue: Brutal tyrannical laws; ordinances, rules and oppressive restrictions have further ramped up, tightening the controlling noose on what we’re not allowed to do and say.

Then there’s the highly encroaching technocratic mass surveillance operations, petty police intimidations and reprisals that could lead to imprisonment or threats of getting heavily fined, planned 15-minute cities, raging unfair taxes and out-of-control money-draining manufactured inflation… etc., etc…

-These attacks on our freedom are designed to drain the life-force energy out of we-the-people as the perpetrator globalatarians get richer…

The resulting inevitable societal collapse has long happened. However, because the related traditional societies and societal values have eroded away so slowly, many people with their unchallenging complacency, having been conditioned through social engineering, are yet to wake up and realize just how un-free they really are.

The delusional, power-mad, ego-maniacal, greed-driven parasite globalists involved in orchestrating this matrix control system charade, imposing their governance on almost every aspect, are doing it ultimately for total global domination and complete ownership. Yes, it’s all just a game, and it’s that pathetic. (Remember the WEF (Wrecking Everybody’s Future) statement: “You will own nothing, and be unhappy happy.”)

However, many people refuse to lay down and roll over like lame dogs in their acquiescence. Further, the more oppressive it gets, the more it serves as a wake-up clarion call to action.

-In light of this, here are 7 ways to stop the matrix control system from enslaving you?

  1. Educate Yourself

In 1930’s middle-America, some plantation slaves started to learn how to read. They then furthered this reading by learning law, discovering that their enslavement was illegal and acted…

-This can be used as an analogy in respect of what’s going on today. In other words, if you want to stop being a slave to the matrix control system, then educate yourself and act.

 Educate yourself to see the bigger picture. Remember the application of knowledge is true power. From what you’ve learned, take the necessary precautionary measures needed to protect you and your family from the endangering globalists control system. As the saying goes, the truth will set you free.

Whatever it takes, do what calls, moves and inspires you and live it by setting example. For instance,  you could develop a certain skillset.

  1. Question Everything

Following on from 1, live life as an inquiry: Keep questioning everything. Play detective, look for irreconcilable errors, inconsistencies and so-named coincidences. Discernment is key.

For example, discernment of truth from lies through questioning the official mainstream media narrative. Then there’s the ability to discern those hidden ulterior motives from the globalists…

An awakened peaceful activist truth-seeker refusing to be enslaved knows that questions are answers.

  1. Refuse to Comply

Those orchestrating the controlling matrix know that they thrive on getting our compliance. So, refuse to comply.

-It’s that simple: No matter how much the farmer shouts and whistles to his dogs barking desperately, but the sheep continue to refuse en masse to be moved through the gates, then there’s nothing that can be done. The farmer is helpless.

The same goes for we-the-people. When we fearlessly refuse to comply en masse with the fascistic oppression the controllers are rendered helpless.

Have a look at this awe-inspiring video featuring Christine Anderson (German MEP) with a view to non-compliance:

Matrix Control
  1. Practice Self-Sufficiency

Globalists involved in tyrannical control systems don’t want you to be self-sufficient. They ideally want you in a state of total dependency on them. So, become independent, avoid the matrix control system by practising and maintaining self-sufficiency.

Devote your time to practicing self-sufficiency through natural health, growing food, financial matters, alternative energy, ways of mobilising and preparing for a worst-case scenario…

For one of many examples, practice food freedom by homesteading. When it comes to supporting each other look to others who align with food farming communities. These established communities help each other out with agricultural expertise, trading and legal matters. -Yes, community-power does exist!

Give Up Consumerism

Care of media brainwashing, advertising and marketing, consumerism entices you into becoming socially conditioned with the so-called cultural norm.

It’s a trap that keeps you stuck in an endless insatiable loop of consume, consume, consume, where you can never be satisfied, as you’re forever chasing the latest material item in fashion to be so-called socially accepted, successful, happy and fulfilled.

An aspect of the matrix illusion, it works under the rubric of “He who dies with the most toys wins.” –All part of the empty-shell social conditioning to the detriment of the false persona.

It’s a distraction, designed to take us away from life’s real values: Spirituality; personal growth, expressing your authenticity through the true self, handling relationships well, living in peace, being a unique individual…

  1. Don’t Get Distracted 

Getting distracted is a sure-fire way of staying inescapably bound to the chains of the matrix control system. It takes real devotion to escape. Stay focussed.

For example, don’t get distracted by the mainstream media moron box (T.V – Tell-lie-Vision) designed to forever blurt out its addictive distraction in the form of worthless empty shows, disinformation, misinformation, lies, coverups, unjustifiable character assassination, fear mongering, biasedness, mind controlling such as Bernaysian subliminal advertising…  -Avoid, avoid!

Do however, pay attention to the alternative media. It’s there to guide you.

  1. Disengaging is Key

Disengaging is key to breaking free from the chains of the matrix control system.

Disengage from:

*Fear through the fear mongering the controllers and their associates try to put upon you.  Choose love over fear.

*Supporting fake wars fomented by bankers, corporations and politicians. Let them fight these illegal, amoral wars amongst themselves. Let’s see how far these low-lives would get.

*Enforcing unfair oppressive laws if you’re a policeman.

*Working in a healthcare system: If you know in your hearts and minds that you’ve been told to use toxic/invasive medicines capable of maiming and killing people, all in the name of making profits on a fake disease. Have the courage and integrity to walk away from the system.

-There are many things that you could disengage from. The more you do this, the easier it gets as you develop confidence.

That concludes just 7 ways to stop the matrix control system from enslaving you.

What have I missed out? Would love to hear your comments.

Dual Citizenship Has A Price

Thomas Massie Says Every Republican in Congress has ‘AIPAC Babysitter’ from the Israeli Lobby

Tucker Carlson interviewed US Representative Thomas Massie who recently won the Republican nomination in a primary election in his home state of Kentucky despite attempts to thwart him by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a powerful Israeli lobby group. AIPAC spent $400,000 to sink his campaign and destroy his character, but Massie got 76% of the vote.Massie told Tucker Carlson that every GOP congressman has an “AIPAC babysitter” who guides them on how to vote in the interests of Israel. Massie said that most Americans are unaware of this situation because “It doesn’t benefit anybody. Why would they want to tell their constituents that they’ve basically got a buddy system with somebody who’s representing a foreign country?” He said that most Evangelicals are unaware that the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) organization is not a grassroots organization, but is managed by AIPAC.

Massie made the case that his fellow Congressmen are not bribed and blackmailed into selling out Americans, but do it to be liked and to avoid criticism.

Massie also discussed the growing national debt and the future of America’s economy, building a home and living off grid, and much more.



Full interview:


Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) has shockingly claimed that each Republican member of Congress has been appointed a representative by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) so that they vote for bills benefiting Israel.

On ‘The Tucker Carlson Show‘ on Friday, June 7, Massie revealed that he did not share a cordial relationship with AIPAC as they lobbied against his reelection following his rejection of writing a white paper on Israel, as reported by Mediaite.

Thomas Massie says he does not have ‘an AIPAC person’

He shared, “I have Republicans, you come to me on the floor and say, ‘I wish I could vote with you today. Yours is the right vote, but I would just take too much flak back home’.”

“And I have Republicans who come to me and say, ‘That’s wrong, what a PAC is doing to you. Let me talk to my AIPAC person.’ By the way, everybody but me has an AIPAC person,” the 53-year-old politician stated.

Carlson soon interrupted asking, “What does that mean – an AIPAC person?” to which Massie replied, “It’s like your babysitter. Your AIPAC babysitter who is always talking to you for AIPAC. They’re probably a constituent in your district, but they are, you know, firmly embedded in AIPAC.”

Thomas Massie elaborates on Republicans and ‘AIPAC guys’

The host further questioned, “And every member has something like this.”

The congressman replied, “Every Re– I don’t know how it works on the Democrats’ side. But that’s how it works on the Republican side. And when they come to DC, you go have lunch with them. And they’ve got your cell number and you have conversations with them.”

He went on to elaborate, “I’ve had four members of Congress say, ‘I’ll talk to my AIPAC person.’ And like that’s clearly what we call them, my AIPAC guy. I’ll talk to my AIPAC guy and see if I can get them to, you know, dial those ads back.”

Expressing his shock, Carlson remarked, “Why have I never heard this before?”

Massie said, “It doesn’t benefit anybody. Why would they want to tell their constituents that they’ve basically got a buddy system with somebody who’s representing a foreign country?”

“It doesn’t benefit the congressmen for people to know that. So they’re not going to tell you that,” he asserted.

Internet reacts to Thomas Massie’s revelations

Meanwhile, Massie’s statements have stirred conversations on the internet with a reader below the Mediaite article writing, “Wait until MAGA discovers US taxpayers fund government-subsidized abortion in their beloved Israel.”

Another one said, “Well… Are we finally getting to the truth about AIPAC? Wouldn’t that be nice…”

The third one commented, “Israel owns the USA and I’m not quite sure how or why.”

from:    https://needtoknow.news/2024/06/thomas-massie-says-every-republican-in-congress-has-aipac-babysitter-from-the-israeli-lobby/

Warning: Voter Fraud

Non-Citizen Voting In November: TTV’s 611 Project Has Answers

Non-Citizen Voting In November: TTV’s 611 Project Has Answers

by Wendi Strauch Mahoney for True the Vote

Unprecedented numbers of illegal aliens have been allowed to pour across the nation’s borders since Biden took office in 2021 because of his open borders policies. At a minimum, 10 million illegal aliens have entered our southern border alone, not including the got-aways.

Contrary to popular opinion, non-citizens do end up voting in our elections because we simply do not have universal measures in place to prevent it. Our system makes it relatively easy for non-citizens to get on the rolls and very difficult to track. However, you will never hear that from most politicians or election officials.

Engelbrecht wrote the following in an April 25, 2024, OpEd for The Blaze:

True the Vote believes non-citizen voting could be game-changing in the 2024 election. In response to the issue, Catherine Engelbrecht’s organization has produced an initiative called the 611 Project to make Americans aware of non-citizen voting and help citizens address the problem at the grassroots level.

Recent Study Confirms Large Numbers of Non-Citizen Voters in U.S. Elections

It is true that at a statutory level, non-citizens, including permanent legal residents, cannot vote in federal, state, and most local elections. However, it has always been difficult to track non-citizen voting because there is no easy one-step way of tracking that universe of voters. To make matters worse, the Biden administration has made it even easier for non-citizens to get on the rolls by flooding our borders by way of its various humanitarian parole programs and its abuse of asylum laws.

Our election system is poorly equipped to track the average number of illegals who might inadvertently appear on state voter rolls, let alone the 10 million or more who have moved into the interior United States. In the United States, it is the states and counties that maintain voter registration rolls, not the federal government.

The system poses significant challenges in tracking and purging those who do not belong on the rolls. No national database tracks illegals who might register to vote or whose identities might be used to vote. As such, illegals and non-citizens can land on voter registration rolls in a variety of ways, some of which are not necessarily purposeful or nefarious.

Just the Facts Finds 10% to 27% of Non-Citizens are Illegally Registered to Vote

A recent study by Just the Facts shows that between 10% to 27% of Non-Citizens are illegally registered to vote based on the 2022 Census records. Using well-sourced data, from a “ground-breaking” study published by Jesse Richman and two others as well as non-citizen voter registration data from 2022, Just the Facts concluded that “roughly 27% of non-citizens were registered to vote and about 16% of them voted in the 2008 national elections.” Of note, the numbers from the 2014 study were slightly lower at approximately 25% of non-citizens who were illegally registered to vote.

Notably, Just the Facts data were challenged on March 6, 2024, in an article by the Washington Post’s “lead fact checker, Glenn Kessler.” Kessler stated he had evidence from a second report from a court case, again from Jesse Richman, that seemed to vastly undercut both the 2014 study and Just the Facts data.

Kessler interpreted the data from Richman’s second report to say that only “1% of non-citizens are registered to vote.” However, Just the Facts examined Kessler’s data and reviewed its own for accuracy. In the end, the data from Just the Facts was correct. As it turns out, it seems Kessler misled readers with “half-truths,” and various statistical ruses. For more detailed information on the Just the Fact study, please read more here.

The Just the Facts data portend a 2024 election that will almost certainly reflect illegal votes cast by non-citizens. The study states that “roughly half of non-citizens who are registered to turn out to vote,” or about 5% to 13% will illegally vote in the 2024 presidential and congressional elections.

Just the Facts reports:

What is the 611 Project?

True the Vote recently launched a new initiative called the 611 Project in anticipation of the 2024 election. The 44-page 611 Project handbook articulates the issue of non-citizen voting in the U.S. As usual, True the Vote lays out a practical call to action that will help citizens engage to address the matter.

The 611 Project helps Americans become aware of the history of public policy in the U.S. that has led to where we are today with non-citizen voting. A detailed “Public Policy” timeline starting in the 1970s through the present administration summarizes the history of voting with an emphasis on the issue of non-citizen voters.

Next, the report explores some of the legal cases and loopholes that allow non-citizens to register to vote and then vote in American elections. The report moves through the many avenues available to those who would either purposely or unwittingly break the law to vote as a non-citizen. In many cases, it seems our system is “rigged” to provide myriad loopholes and make things as confusing as possible.

In an April 1 podcast, Engelbrecht discussed, among other things, the numerous ways lawfare can impact non-citizen voting. She has been the target of groups who repeatedly sue to prevent what they often disingenuously call voter suppression. These highly politicized legal maneuvers can lead to the blocking or abandonment of authentic and well-vetted efforts to maintain clean voter rolls, throwing a real wrench in the most foundational building block of free and fair elections.

Martinez Fischer v. Whitley, for example, argued a voter roll purge in Texas unfairly targeted naturalized citizens and violated their constitutional rights. According to Engelbrecht, other lawfare has limited methodology used for “data comparison and collaboration with agencies like the Department of Motor Vehicles to verify citizenship status. The State agreed to use no data source other than DMV to verify citizenship status, ceding all other available data outlets that would have offered a more thorough assessment” by cross-checking databases.

Some jurisdictions are now allowing non-citizens to vote in certain local elections, a privilege that adds to the confusion on the part of a neophyte non-citizen who is naive to the rules and laws surrounding voting. In other cases, it seems NGOs who are charged with counseling and resettling illegals are encouraging non-citizens to vote. There are a whole host of ways a non-citizen can enter the system and a paucity of ways to ensure non-citizens are not somehow allowed to vote.

There are many ways non-citizens may end up voting in a U.S. election. One recent complication resulted from Congress passing Section 611 of Title 18 of the U.S. Criminal Code in 2000, (the origin of the name of the 611 Project). It allows a person who believes he is a citizen but cannot provide proof when registering to vote to register to vote in federal elections by signing a sworn statement affirming their citizenship under penalty of perjury. What could go wrong?

According to Engelbrecht, other ways non-citizens vote are:

  • Errors in voter registration processes, such as the example above, when an illegal applies for a driver’s license and checks off the “register to vote” box.
  • Through misunderstanding or lack of information. Many non-citizens pay taxes, have green cards, or have been in the country for years. Confusion arises because they lack information, and according to Engelbrecht, “their confusion is supported by the numerous organizations that mail out voter registrations and absentee ballot request forms.
  • Assuming eligibility because of local laws. Some jurisdictions allow non-citizens to vote in local elections under specific conditions but are not permitted to vote in federal elections.
  • Intentional illegal voting to influence the outcome of an election.
  • Misrepresentation or fraud. According to Engelbrecht, non-citizens “might deliberately misrepresent their citizenship status to register and vote in elections.” This type of behavior is illegal and subject to severe penalties, but it often goes unpunished, which in turn encourages the behavior to continue.

In the end, Engelbrecht points out that many people who arrive here have no identification. In many cases, their home nations have sparse documentation regarding their identities and histories. Other countries are unwilling to share their databases. These are gaping holes that the Biden administration refuses to recognize. As a result, we are admitting millions who will effectively live as ghosts in our communities. Engelbrecht adds:

Go to the Link for more:  https://truethevote.org/news/non-citizen-voting-in-november-ttvs-611-project-has-answers

Peter Dazak – Head of EcoHealth Alliance and Criminal – hmmm

At age 21, Peter Daszak was a hardened criminal. Spent 4 months in jail for a litany of thefts, including B and E and breaking a Madonna statue and stealing the head.

Thanks to Igor Chudov for doing the digging and getting to the heart of this sociopath.

Where were the mainstream media; why has no one looked into the background of this criminal whose work likely assisted in the deaths of millions?

Now there is no question about who Peter Daszak really is. A phony impresario pretending to run an ecology charity when it is really a biowarfare agent trafficking operation for the DOD, USAID and CIA, as well as NSF and NIH. A petty thief at heart who commits crimes for fun as well as profit.

Igor’s Newsletter
Drunken Student Stole Madonna Statue’s Head, Later Killed 6 Million People with a Deadly Virus He Designed
Sars-Cov-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, came from a laboratory. While there are some legitimate differences of opinion about who exactly released it, where, and for what exact reason, it is clear that Sars-CoV-2 was described in a certain 2018 financing proposal…
Read more
from:    https://merylnass.substack.com/p/at-age-21-peter-daszak-was-a-hardened?publication_id=746368&post_id=144520182&isFreemail=true&r=19iztd&triedRedirect=true&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email