Global Lunar Week

Global Lunar Week – April 10 to 16, 2011


Lunar Week Logo Courtesy of Astronomers Without Borders

In 2009, hundreds of thousands of people participated in one way or another with the International Year of Astronomy, and there’s no reason to let the excitement die!Astronomers Without Borders are celebrating the entire month of April as Global Astronomy Month and one of the focus points is just three days from arrival… Global Lunar Week!

” A week-long series of programs, from April 10 through 16, will be dedicated to the Moon during Global Astronomy Month to help people rediscover our closest companion in space.” says AWB. “Lunar Week takes place while the Moon is well-placed for observation in the evening sky. As the Moon’s phases and positions change during its orbit around the Earth, there will be Moon-themed star parties to observe the Moon by telescope and naked eye, educational programs, online observing events, competitions and a celebration of the Moon in different cultures.”

to read more go to;


Unprecedented Cosmic Blast

Space Telescopes Observe Unprecedented Explosion


Images from Swift’s Ultraviolet/Optical (white, purple) and X-ray telescopes (yellow and red) were combined in this view of GRB 110328A. The blast was detected only in X-rays, which were collected over a 3.4-hour period on March 28. Credit: NASA/Swift/Stefan Immler

From a NASA press release:

NASA’s Swift, Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory have teamed up to study one of the most puzzling cosmic blasts yet observed. More than a week later, high-energy radiation continues to brighten and fade from its location.

Astronomers say they have never seen anything this bright, long-lasting and variable before. Usually, gamma-ray bursts mark the destruction of a massive star, but flaring emission from these events never lasts more than a few hours.

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Herbs for Health

Herbs are not only great in meals for spice and added flavor but are key to the nutritional density in the foods you eat. Herbs can protect you against diseases, clear toxins from your body, and provide you with vitamins and minerals.

Here are some examples of such, from a list of nine assembled by Planet Green:


Basil provides Vitamins A, C, and K, along with iron, manganese, magnesium, and potassium. Loaded with flavonoids, basil helps prevent cell damage from radiation and oxygen.


Treat nausea and an upset stomach with ginger; prevent and treat the common cold with its antiviral components.


This Mediterranean herb is good for menstrual cramps, menopause symptoms, cholesterol, and diabetes.

Flat Leaf Parsley

Parsley is renowned for containing high levels of antioxidants and is full of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber that help balance cholesterol and ward off constipation.


The Cork Cancer Research Centre’s test results show that turmeric can kill gullet cancer cells in 24 hours!


Dr. Mercola’s Comments:

Believe it or not, but common herbs and spices are actually some of the healthiest foods on the planet—topping the list of high ORAC value foods—so you can easily boost the nutritional value of your meal simply by spicing it up a bit. ORAC is a standardized method of measuring the antioxidant capacity of different foods and supplements. The higher the ORAC score, the more effective a food is at neutralizing harmful free radicals.

So, every time you flavor your meals with herbs or spices you are literally “upgrading” your food without adding a single calorie.

The Secret Powers of Herbs and Spices

to read more and find out what herbs are good for what, go to:

Arctic Ozone Layer reaches New Low

Arctic Ozone Levels Reach All-Time Low


In the past, massive ozone loss over Antarctica has grabbed the headlines. But this year, measurements by several different sources show record levels of stratospheric ozone loss over the Arctic. Scientists say the main reason for the record ozone loss this year is that unusually cold stratospheric temperatures, which have endured later into the season than usual. Scientists say the unusual loss is not catastrophic, but something that needs to be monitored.

To read more go to:

April 3-9

Overall Color for the Week:   Purplish-Blue

Sometimes, when things are very much at the forefront and in one’s face, you can lose sight of what is going on in other places.  This is and has been happening with the situation in Japan.  This week, and for some time to come, there will be other elements that are heating up around the globe. They might be noted, but will generally be glossed op ver.  It is important this week to look below the surface of the news as there are new themes and elements developing that will be needing close attention as the weeks go on.  It is time to become prepared.  You need to determine what that means for you.  This is also a week in which quick changes and reversals are possible, and that means in all areas —- weather, decisions, allegiances, etc.

On the personal level, things will be pretty much up in the air and as they will be for most of this week.  This is not a good week for large projects or important conversations.  If you attempt either, there is both frustration as well as lack of closure in the air.  Take time this week to just be.  Watch what is happening around you.  Everyone is responding and reacting to what is going on in the news in different ways.  A lot of people are feeling themselves lost and friendless.  There is much disillusion, worry, and fear out there.  You will find this as you go through the week.  If you are strong in WHO you are, not only will this week be a positive experience for you, but things will fall into place, and you will come out with a new concept of your own abilities.

On the larger scale, there is more and more shifting of the plates of the Earth.  No continent will be immune.  As the plates shift, the winds and waters stir up, both on the surface of the Earth and in the air.  This is a week in which many will wonder what is going on, and then again, many will be leaving.  There is a sense of sorrow that is growing larger and larger. This is a sign that with time, joy will follow, but it is necessary to be strong and centered in WHO you are.  As things shift on the surface of the globe, in terms of politics there will be some ups and downs.  There are going to be some surprise alterations in power in a number of smaller countries, particularly those in the Middle East area.  Also, there will be more and more grassroots movements coming about.  People will be standing up for what they know is right, and they will not allow the interests and threats of others make them back down.  This movement of the grassroots is gaining momentum, and as that happens, people will begin to become aware of their own power and how to use it.  In the financial sector, there will be news of great stuff, but it is mere facade.  On a different note, something is poised to fall from the sky.

Sunday, April 3:    Flesh Pink

So the energy of the day has to do with what is happening on the surface. This means that you will be seeing a lot of stuff going on, but will not be able to pinpoint the why and wherefore.  It is a good day to relax and take it easy.  Do not expect big things.  Nothing big is ready to happen within your world.  Sit back and get to know WHO you are within your own skin. Do things you have always liked to do — garden, paint, watch a favorite movie. But,  by all means take time to regroup.  Then you will be ready to address the coming week in your own power.

Crystal Energy:    Pyrrhotite—The energy of this mineral assist one in dealing with differentiation, of the self from others, of the child from the mother, of the truth from the illusion.  It resonates to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chakras.

Monday, April 4:    Light Periwinkle Blue

You may be feeling tired today.  Energies are low, as is ambition.  This is not a good day to realize what it is that you desire.  DO not plan to get a lot done in terms of the tangible.  Rather, take time to watch and see what is going on outside of you. This is a day for looking outside.  What is going on inside needs time to ferment and grow.  As the week progresses, you will become more aware not only of your strengths but also of what it is that you need to move forward with your desires.  There are hints in the air today.  Be aware of them..  Note them down.  They are transitory and will not return.

Crystal Energy:    Clinochlore—The energy of this mineral aids in focus and follow through.  It resonates with all Chakras.

Tuesday, April 5:    Apricot

There is a playfulness in the air today, but along with that comes the Trickster.  It is important to discriminate what is what.  This is a day on which it is important to use your vision and trust your intuition.  Much is happening today on all levels, but where you put your focus will determine what it is that you are aware of to the exclusion of everything else.  It is important also to be open to synchronicity as that will point you in the right direction.  There is a message coming form someone that will bring you joy.

Crystal Energy:    Unakite—This mineral allows for one to be flexible in response, while at the same time resonating with the energy of the heart. Heart Chakra.

Wednesday, April 6:    Night Blue

There is much that will be done in secret today.  If you are wanting to get to the bottom of things, you will need to be very thorough in your approach and follow through.  People will be feeling that they have a lot at stake, and because of this they will not be forthcoming.  There are allies for you in unexpected places, be open to helping hands.  Right now the energies are shifting crazily so much is up in the air in terms of personal relationships. The good news is that the true friends made at this time will become part of your emerging community.

Crystal Energy:    Pecos Diamond—- This stone assists one in dealing with whatever situation comes your way.  It brings calm, lessens stress, and alleviates negativity.  Resonates to the Heart Chakra.

Thursday, April 7:    Scarlet

There is a ‘dreams can come true’ energy about today.  take time to dream and to dare the Universe to bring to you your heart’s desire. Although it may not be completely manifest in today’s energy, when the seeds of heartfelt desire are sown in the energy of true possibility, much can be achieved.  You will find that there are those out there who have things to say to you, and that some of them are those you would least expect.  Take time to rest tonight.  The day’s energy will be frenetic, and you will need to recover.

Crystal Energy:    Bronze—This metal combines both the masculine and feminine energies.  It carries vibration into matter and resonates with all levels as well as all Chakras.

Friday, April 8:    Pale Lavender

There will be some deja-vu around.  Do not let it startle you.  Combined with the continuing thinning of the veils, you might think sometimes that you are going crazy, but no.  Craziness is just the way things are right now. This is a good day to check things twice, including taking a second look before going out into traffic.  The air of the day is also somewhat distracting so not only you, but everyone else will be feeling it.  Take some time to appreciate the beauty of nature.  Feel its authenticity and give thanks.

Crystal Energy:    Selenite—The energy of this mineral allows for grounding in the Now, while giving a sense of what is to come.

Saturday, April 9:    Slate Blue

There are things that will be coming out related to you that can make you wonder.  There are those who will be recognizing you for your efforts in the past.  And that too can make you wonder.l  You might be feeling a bit out of control of things around you, but do not get shaken up about this.  Rather this is a good day for appreciating the fact that you are making a difference to people and things.  Sometimes you forget.

Crystal Energy:    Vermiculite—This mineral is good at absorption and cleansing.  It can assist one in lightening up.

April 1st Aurora


PRIL AURORAS: According to the space weather forecast, geomagnetic storms were unlikely on April 1st. It would’ve been foolish to go out looking for Northern Lights. Warren Gammel of Fairbanks, Alaska, decided to check the skies anyway, and this is what he saw:

“I didn’t expect to see too much when I went out at 2 a.m. on April 1st, but the auroras were fairly strong,” he says. “I took these pictures using a Canon T1i with a Pelang 8mm fisheye lens.”

The display was caused by a minor but effective solar wind stream that arrived during the early hours of April 1st. The impact sparked bright lights across the Arctic realm of North America.


Good Time to View the Planet Saturn

ASTRONOMY: Saturn will star Sunday evening

11:26 AM PDT on Friday, April 1, 2011


The Press-Enterprise

Saturn will be at its best and brightest on Sunday evening and will be the only planet in the evening sky all month.

The planet will be so bright, viewers won’t necessarily need a telescope to see its rings. A set of binoculars with at least 20-power magnification will be sufficient, said Tyler Nordgren, a physics professor at the University of Redlands.

Saturn takes its starring role in the sky each April, when the planet is in opposition to the sun. That means that as the sun sets in the west, Saturn rises in the east.

To read more and check out where to look to see Saturn go to:

You can get some information about myths and legends about Saturn, the Roman god, here:





Continuing Problems in the Gulf

Corexit and Crude Oil Still in Gulf A Year After BP Disaster;
Marine Life Dead and Some People Sick

New evidence that Corexit dispersant is degrading very slowly while sea floor marine life suffocate covered by oil. Dolphin stillborn deaths in January and February 2011 were ten times normal and many Gulf coastal residents are sick.

© 2011 by Linda Moulton Howe

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Earth is a ‘Rotating Potato’?

New Results from GOCE: Earth is a Rotating Potato


Although they aren’t particularly fond of the comparison, scientists from the GOCE satellite team had to admit that new data showing Earth’s gravity field – or geoid — makes our planet look like a rotating potato. After just two years in orbit, ESA’s sleek and sexy GOCE satellite (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer) has gathered sufficient data to map Earth’s gravity with unrivalled precision. While our world certainly doesn’t look like a spinning tuber, this exaggerated view shows the most accurate model of how gravity varies across the planet.

The geoid is nothing more than how the oceans would vary if there were no other forces besides gravity acting on our planet.

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