Latest on El Hierro

El Hierro Volcano (Canary Islands) : Red alert – spectacular increase of harmonic tremor

Last update: November 20, 2011 at 1:29 am by By 

Late night data update 19/11 – 23:16 UTC
– 15 M+1.5 earthquakes today
– Strongest earthquake being a 3.3 at 18:27
– Depth of the earthquakes since midnight : 16 to 23 km
– Harmonic tremor remains 
strong since 17:16 UTC tonight
– GOOD air quality all day long


Important update 19/11 – 17:46 UTC
– We have just noticed that the harmonic tremor is almost saturated again, the biggest change since the fallback on November 17. The second graph shows the harmonic tremor from November 17 when it collapsed, until the new saturated graph today.

Increase of harmonic tremor between 17:00 and 18:00 UTC on November 19 – image courtesy IGN


harmonic tremor from late November 17 until November 19 – Click on the image to see it in full size


Data update 19/11 – 16:37 UTC
– 10 M+1.5 earthquakes since midnight (a lot less than we have expected)
– Strongest earthquake being a 2.8 at 08:20
– Depth of the earthquakes since midnight : 16 to 23 km
– GOOD air quality values this morning

Update 19/11 – 16:37 UTC
– Ian Carson reports from El Hierro : Civil guard went out to sea in RIB (rigid inflatable) this morning. Spoke to English speaker also aboard. He said ‘volcano quiet today, stain still visible but much lighter than in past ‘Jacuzzi’ times.

for more, updates, and reports, go to:

El Hierro Update

11/12/2011 — El Hierro LARGE undersea eruption — CO2 makes geologist sick — nearby NUCLEAR WASTE DUMP !
Posted on November 12, 2011 by sincedutch
watch RAW video of the latest El Hierro eruption here:

Screenshot below is from the pinnacle point of the undersea eruption.. this was a major event.. since the volcano vent itself is a few hundred feet below the surface of the water..

Link to story on geologist getting sick from CO2 after eruption:

Screenshot of geologist who was made sick by the CO2 gasses:

It is worthy to note the NUCLEAR WASTE DUMP nearby this eruption!!!!


FYI — the AD that appears on this video is NOT from me.. this video matched “canary island broadcasting” even though its public use RAW footage.. attempting an appeal on this “3rd party” notice.. til then.. THEIR ad appears.. either that or I have to take down these great shots of El Hierro erupting etc..

sorry, could not get a lot of the photos, but if you go follow the link below (story source), you can find them:

11/12/2011 — El Hierro LARGE undersea eruption — CO2 makes geologist sick — nearby NUCLEAR WASTE DUMP !


Video of El Hierro Volcano

El Hierro Volcano (Canary Islands) : Red alert – video recorded from an helicopter on November 8

Last update: November 9, 2011 at 3:28 pm by By 

Update 09/11 – 15:09 UTC : 
Helicopter video footage from yesterday November 8 as published by Diario El Hierro (video recorded by the Cabildo El Hierro)

(video on website below or @

YouTube Direkt

Update 09/11 – 14:01 UTC : 
– Joke has just reported that she had spoken to the technicians and the Cabildo (authorities).  The technicianstold her that the installation of the webcam was almost finished and that only the software had to be configured. The least that we can say is that this news is hopeful !
– Pevolca did meet at noon and as could be expected nothing new has been decided

Update 09/11 – 13:04 UTC : 
The Rámon Margalef has been throwing a buoy near the eruption vent yesterday. The ship is now circling the area. What the ship is doing know can be called a calculated risk. We have to admit that the ship is doing great work in continuous sampling of the emitted gases and the water (he has been observed many times at the edge of the stain the last couple of days). As Patrick Allard was telling in this article before, the composition of the gases is predominant in calculating the risk for the population.
– El Pinar webcam is live again, but it is hard to see any detail in the sea due to the back-light

Update 09/11 – 12:41 UTC : 
Picked up from the comments made below (Name and address known @ ER)
Cabildo de El Hierro and Telefonica are installing 2 webcams in La Restinga to enable people to follow LIVE the eruption events.
Cabildo de El Hierro y Telefónica ya están instalando 2 webcam en La Restinga para el seguimiento en directo del fenómeno eruptivo Twitter
If this message is confirmed, this is really good news, as Telefonica is the main telecommunications company in Spain and is maybe the only instance who is able to guarantee huge amounts of traffic.

Very Important Update 09/11 – 12:22 UTC :
– Scientists in La Restinga and Guardia Civil who is currently flying over the earlier jacuzzi location  have reported that the vent has probably closed completely. The activity has completely stopped at the moment. The Rámon Margalef Oceanographic ship is now close to the eruption vent is is probably taking gas samples and water samples.
We expect to publish images soon.
The closure of erupting vents is a normal phase in this kind of activity. This does not mean that the volcano activity is completely over. If the volcano continues in the same pattern, the seismic activity may getting stronger again as the magma trying to find his way to the surface has been blocked.

for more and updates, go to:

More Activity at El Hierro

Signs of second eruption off coast of El Hierro   2011-10-31 20:54:10

MADRID, Oct. 31 (Xinhua) — A second volcanic eruption off the coast of the island of El Hierro could be on the point of happening, scientists warned.

The warning came just over a week after the end of the first eruption, which forced a village on the island to be evacuated.

The offshore eruption began at a depth of over 100 meters below sea level on Oct. 10 off the southern coast of El Hierro, the smallest and most westerly of the Canary Islands, a group of islands off the western coast of Africa, which are governed by Spain.

It led to the creation of a stain caused by emissions of sulphur, pumice stone and magma which extended beyond El Hierro.

Although the first eruption died down and seismic activity began to fade, it has gained momentum again in recent days with El Hierro suffering over 120 earth tremors with the strongest reaching 3.9 on the Richter scale on Sunday.

In contrast to the first eruption, there are signs that a second eruption could happen off the northern coast of El Hierro.

Experts have met with government members of the Canary Islands to discuss the new developments. Although no new measures will be taken for the moment to evacuate the population from areas closest to a possible eruption site, the authorities will maintain their close observation of the area.

“What is happening in el Hierro has a lot of questions that still need answers. The movements have been changing their location and we need to continue studying the process to find conclusions,” explained volcanologist Nemesio Perez to Spain’s national broadcaster RTVE.

“What we do know is that there is activity with magma and this chapter has still not been closed,” he said.



Continued Seismic Activity at El Hierro

El Hierro Volcano (Canary Islands) : Red alert – seismic activity not over yet

Last update: October 20, 2011 at 3:55 pm by By 

Read also:   Part 4 (from October 14 until October 17 )

Update 20/10 – 15:53 UTC:  
– 10 earthquakes have been recorded by IGN (max. magnitude : 2.0) since midnight UTC.
– The diving companies, one of the important sub-economies on the island,  are living through a very bad period. Cancellations have been coming in until december 2012. Alpidio Armas hopes that the present crisis situation will end soon and that business will gradually be back to normal.

El Mundo Radiography animation of the El Hierro volcano eruption

Update 20/10 – 7:46 UTC:  Spanish newspaper El Mundo did something what you can expect from a quality newspaper, they invested money in afantastic animated overview of what happened .  The animation is divided into the following parts :
– Geography of El Hierro
– Divergent fault line
– location and size of the craters/cinder cones
– Ocean sea floor surrounding El Hierro
– Eruption specifics.
We advise our readers to take a look at this great animation. Click here to watch the El Mundo animation

Update 20/10 – 7:37 UTC:  slight changing harmonic tremors during the last 8 hours. Since midnight IGN reported 2 earthquakes (this number can change when IGN updates her records).
The number of earthquakes yesterday was the highest in number since October 10 when the active period started

Port of La Restinga on October 19 – many fish died by the acidic water – image courtesy and copyright Desiree Martin

Update 19/10 – 23:58 UTC:  Killing nature. Due to the  lower Ph, the water is very acid and a lot of fish did not survive it. The picture at right has been shot in the port of La Restinga.

Update 19/10 – 23:55 UTC:  A total of 16 volcanic earthquakes have been recorded on Wednesday. Max. magnitude: 2.6

Update 19/10 – 17:44 UTC:   La Restinga fishermen demand that the Ramon Margalef will not only have geologists on board, but also the “best possible biologists”. They want to know from the biologists when their fishing grounds will get back to normal.

to read more, and for updates, go to:

Grassroots Movements on the Rise

World uprising against corrupt thieves


World uprising against corrupt thieves. 45568.jpegThousands of Americans occupied Wall Street without violence  – an epicenter of global financial power and corruption. They are the last rays of light in a new movement for social justice that is spreading rapidly around the world: from Madrid to Jerusalem, and 146 other cities, with others joining all the time. But they need our help to triumph.

The families of workers are footing the bill for a financial crisis caused by corrupt elites. The protesters are demanding a real democracy, social justice and fighting corruption. But they are under strong pressure from the authorities and some media are portraying them as extremists. If millions of us around the world support them, we will increase our determination and show the leaders and the media that the protests are part of a massive movement for change.

This could be our year, our 1968 of this century, but to succeed it must be a movement of all citizens of all social classes. Click to join the campaign for real democracy. A giant counter will be erected in the center of the occupation in New York and when one of us signs the petition, it will be shown and relayed live on the petition page:

The worldwide wave of protests is the latest chapter in the history of this year’s global power of the people. In Egypt, people went to Tahrir Square and overthrew their dictator. In India, the fast of a man brought millions onto the streets and the government was forced to give in – winning a real action to end

For months, Greek citizens protested without a break against unfair cuts in public spending. In Spain, thousands of “angry” protesters defied the ban on pre-election demonstrations and set up a protest camp in Sun Square to speak out against political corruption and government manipulation of the economic crisis. And this summer, Israelis built “tent cities” to protest against rising housing costs and for social justice.

These national issues are linked by a narrative of global determination to end the connivance of the elites and corrupt politicians – that in many countries helped cause a damaging financial crisis and now they want the families of workers to pay the bill. The mass movement that is responding to this can only ensure that the onus of the recession does not fall on the most vulnerable, but it can also help to improve the balance of power between democracy and corruption.

In each revolt, from Cairo to New York, the request for a responsible government that serves the people is clear and our global community has supported the power of the people around the world, wherever it has appeared. The time when politicians were in the hands of the few corrupt is ending and, instead, we are building real democracies, of, by and for the people.

Translated from the Portuguese version by:

Lisa Karpova

