On the Upcoming Eclipse

Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse: Hope for Wisdom, Prepare for War

June 3rd, 2020

By Nikki Harper

Staff Writer for Wake Up World

Friday sees the first lunar eclipse in Sagittarius since the eclipse cycle of 2010-13 – and it looks like this new eclipse cycle might turn out to be a bumpy ride.

For a start, the eclipse is locked into a tight square with a highly passive aggressive, overly sensitive, emotionally volatile Mars in Pisces. It’s also opposite Venus retrograde, hindering the expression of genuine emotion and loving kindness. This combination of a Moon-Mars square and a Moon-retrograde Venus opposition do not bode at all well for interpersonal relationships. There’s a huge amount of anger in this energy, coupled with bitterness, resentment and perhaps jealousy too.

Lunar eclipses tend to clear the path towards something our souls need to learn, but they often do so with major accompanying drama, tears and upset. This eclipse energy may test even the most stable and loving of relationships; for a struggling relationship, the tension may just be too much.

On a geopolitical scale, both Mars and Venus retrograde are traditionally considered portents of war, so for them to be tightly involved with a lunar eclipse is pause for thought indeed. We are already seeing wide scale social anger, whether connected to the covid-19 epidemic, or connected to racial, economic and social injustice – this lunar eclipse suggests that this anger is not likely to simmer down any time soon. There are also hints of earthquakes or other geophysical upheaval connected to this energy.

Interestingly, the lunar eclipse occurs at 15 degrees Sagittarius, just one degree away from the mysterious ‘Great Attractor’ – a gravitational anomaly which, for reasons science can’t yet explain, appears to be pulling our galactic neighbourhood towards it. The Great Attractor lies at 14 degrees Sagittarius; the symbolism of its mysterious pull or hold over us is not lost in this eclipse, which exudes Sagittarian mystery energy as we collectively seek an elusive truth – but whose truth? My truth or your truth? What if there is more than one truth? What if the powers that be in today’s modern world are experts in manipulating ‘the truth’? Is this how wars start?

Sagittarius energy in its purest form is about wisdom and justice. Tumultuous events around this lunar eclipse should help to clear the way towards a greater understanding of wisdom and justice, but the path to reach that desirable end point may be troubled indeed. We can hope for wisdom, but we should also prepare, metaphorically at least, for war, both in our public and private lives. The two weeks between now and the solar eclipse on June 21st will be critical.


New religious or cultural experiences are opening your mind – but you may not be comfortable with that. You may be stuck in a process of denial, attempting to hold onto the status quo, but this lunar eclipse demonstrates that you must make a leap of faith or be left behind. It’s OK to have been wrong; what matters is that you are big enough now to acknowledge your mistakes and to adjust your thinking. You could lead the way towards a better understanding across cultures, communities and backgrounds, but to do so, you must first relinquish your need to be right and your need to ‘win’.


Something you’ve been clinging to, whether it’s a person or a project, is about to be removed. This will be upsetting, for sure, but in your heart, you’ve seen this coming. Whether it’s a relationship breakdown or the ending of a cherished idea, you will need some time to pick yourself up, dust yourself down and face the world afresh. What you lose will be more than made up for by the potential which is heading your way, but it might not feel that way at first. Understand that life goes in cycles. You will be back on the up again soon.


This eclipse is a turning point for a close relationship. If you are truly in love, and you believe it’s worth keeping and fighting for, then do that. Put in the work and heal your love life. If, on the other hand, you are not being treated well, then make a conscious choice to walk away with your head held high. Struggling on and pretending it’s not happening is no longer an option. If your relationship is settled and happy, you can easily ride out this bump, but in that case look for the ‘make or break’ effect in a different close partnership or interpersonal relationship. Something has to give.


Events around this lunar eclipse may throw your daily life into chaos for a while – never a lot of fun. However, this disruption to your routines is a blessing in disguise. Under the cover of chaos, you can start to work out what you want to keep and what you want to discard from your daily arena. When you emerge from the chaos, things will be very different, but you have a great deal of say over how different and in what way. It’s important to seize what looks like a problem at this time and turn it into an opportunity to clear the decks.


A compulsive desire to take risks surfaces for you during this lunar eclipse – especially risks involving love or money. Or both! You need to walk a fine line here, between getting an adrenaline rush versus getting run over by the consequences of your risk. Stay away from gambling, and don’t take chances with a relationship you value too much to lose. You do have some issues to work through here, regarding spontaneity and a quest for fun and enjoyment, but if you allow this eclipse energy to push you too far into recklessness, the lessons you’ll learn will be painful indeed.


Childhood trauma may resurface during this eclipse energy, particularly if you have suffered abuse of any kind. The struggle to get your truth heard may be very painful, but help is available to you if you ask for it. There’s also a focus on your current home and family, and you may be suffering from itchy feet and a strong desire to move home. Hold of on any major decisions until the eclipse energies have settled, because all is not quite what it seems here. Impulsive moves regarding major legal contracts are not, repeat not, a good thing right now.


For you, seeking wisdom during this eclipse may be quite a literal theme. Your plans to go back to school may be disrupted, or you may suddenly discover that you need extra qualifications or that you have to study for something, even if you don’t really want to. You’re being asked to make a distinction between facts and wisdom. ‘Knowing things’ is not wisdom in itself; wisdom is the skilful application of what you know. Don’t become complacent over your level of education; instead, seek to expand your mind and to gain true wisdom and insight.


Your ethics are in question during this lunar eclipse; if you have done something shady, you can expect to be found out. The eclipse also impacts your financial zone, and may bring unwelcome financial news. The key to handling this is to not panic. You will survive. Avoid going into unnecessary debt; avoid working yourself to exhaustion. Learn to be grateful for what you do have, not to be resentful over what you do not have. Fostering gratitude for life will help you to absorb any shocks this eclipse has in store, and will also put you in better touch with your divine self.


Think back to the 2010-2013 period. Something was going on in your life at that time which taught you a great deal – but now it’s time to re-visit that lesson. Your sign always seeks wisdom and truth, but you are kidding yourself over one particular issue, preferring to lie to yourself instead of facing reality. This eclipse cycle will show you the worst of what happens if you deceive yourself or others – but it can also show you the magic of self-belief and the divinity of honesty. Set your sail towards truth and be ruthless in pursuing it, even – especially – within yourself.


Your empathy and compassion are laudable, but during this eclipse you may be shown the folly of having a ‘saviour mentality’. Look to your own motives when you’re trying to help others. There’s more going on here than just you doing good deeds; it speaks to a fundamental part of your character and your need to be liked, admired and seen as a success. The eclipse is here to teach you humility; to learn this lesson, you need to listen to your higher consciousness and to stop caring so much about what others think of you.


Your sign has always battled a need to belong on the one hand versus a need to be independent on the other hand. The lunar eclipse shatters your illusions about the need to fit in, and frees you to be the different, unique soul you are. It’s time to stop trying to change the system from within the system. It’s not going to work. Step outside, learn about the greater concepts of reality, and discover the power of manifestation. The price of real change is that people may not like you for it; is that a price you’re willing to pay?


This lunar eclipse rocks your understanding of power – both the power you personally have and the power you as a citizen have delegated to your elected representatives. Neither your personal power nor the collective political power is serving you well right now. The eclipse teaches you, however, that you are never powerless. You always have your own personal integrity, and your freedom of choice. How you deal with your current crisis will be telling; others may be calling the shots and circumstances may be beyond your control, but you always, always have a choice over how to react.

About the author:

Nikki Harper is a spiritualist writer, astrologer, and editor for Wake Up World.

from:    https://wakeup-world.com/2020/06/03/sagittarius-lunar-eclipse-hope-for-wisdom-prepare-for-war/

Sagittarius Luna Eclipse

 Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius: Freedom and Power
Dana Mrkich
a message from Dana Mrkich
Thursday, 23 May, 2013

As our global awakening intensifies, and as our awareness of all kinds of truths increases, it is only natural that any energy that feels threatened by that or has fear around that, also increases. We always see this on a personal level whenever we are ready to jump into a new level in any aspect of our lives. Our inner doubts, fears and any remaining remnants of old patterns flare up in response to our decisions to commit to new actions and pathways.

Energy works the same way whether it’s an inner personal experience, or an outer collective one. So, we are seeing this type of response now on a global level with the sense that the net of control around humanity and human behaviour is feeling more and more like a choking stranglehold. The increase in this type of energy is always a good sign, not a negative one (even though it can feel very unpleasant). It is indicative of the degree to which something is expanding in its nature, the degree to which something has outgrown its old form. The ‘stranglehold’ we are seeing and feeling, is an attempt by those collective aspects of us to retain an illusion of control, to retain a sense that all is ‘business as usual’. This is making people feel more than ever like they have no choice in anything, and no power. Now, more than ever, it is important to look deeper and realise that this ‘stranglehold’ is not a sign we have no choice and no power – it is a fear response to the growing realisation that we DO have choice and we DO have power.

This is not about an ‘us against them’ tug of war. We are all part of the one energy. The collective manifestation of humanity is exactly the same as the inner manifestation of our personal aspects, only amplified. So when we see this stranglehold occurring it is helpful to realise, oh okay, I see what’s happening. That is exactly what my old wounds were trying to do that time I tried to get up the courage to leave my job or change a relationship pattern.

Very often when old issues flare up people get very disheartened that all their inner work has not been working, when in fact it is a clear sign your inner work HAS been working. The intense flaring up of fear is a clear sign that something has shifted on an energy level and is about to quantum leap on a physical level. It is important of course to address the fear response, but at the same time don’t jump in and let it suffocate you into thinking that is the dominant or expanding reality. It is the old reality leaving.

Now is a time to keep holding your focus on the reality you have committed to, and act accordingly in whatever ways you are choosing to do so. This week we have come across some information about an ingredient in certain foods, so we are immediately changing the brand we choose to buy. We all have choice. We can all say no to things, we can say yes to other things. Despite appearances to the contrary, we all have freedom of choice in what we do, say, think, eat, consume, in how we live.

The Lunar Eclipse this Friday night/Saturday depending on your time zone is in Sagittarius. Lunar Eclipses are about letting go (to let in something new) and Sagittarius is the freedom loving adventurer and truth-seeker. So this is a perfect time to let go of any fears or illusions you have that you are not in control of your life and reality, and that the powers that be are tightening the reins more and more every day. You have choice. You have power. You have freedom. Take it, own it, and use it well.

If you are free within yourself no amount of bars and guards can make you feel imprisoned. Likewise if you feel imprisoned within your own mental constraints and self-imposed restrictions, you will not feel free anywhere, not in your home, or workplace or relationship, not in the largest field or widest ocean. – Dana Mrkich, A New Chapter

(c) Dana Mrkich 2013. Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited, and the URL www.danamrkich.com is included.

from:    http://spiritlibrary.com/dana-mrkich/lunar-eclipse-in-sagittarius-freedom-and-power