10/11 7th Day of 9th Level of Consciousness

FROM kASHONIA’S  BLOG — Read & Decide for Yourself:   



The following is a very important and relevant article to read at this time.  It is from Dr Carl Calleman whose extensive research of the Mayan Callendar and Culture suggests that the Mayan Calendar actually ends in just 3 weeks time, on October 28th.

My article  http://www.kashonia.com/summary/callemans-9-mayan-levels-consciousnessexplains Dr Calleman’s research and fully explains what the 9 levels of consciousness are all about and their timelines.  You’ll see from the timeline table that at this moment we are in the “7th Day” of levels of consciousnesss, or waves – 1 – 8.  We are also in the 6th Night of Level 9.

We will be entering the 7th Day of the 9th Level of consciousness next Tuesday, October 11th.

All 9 levels of consciousness are timed to end on October 28th.

In the following article, which Carl says will probably be his last before the completion of all 9 levels, he demonstrates how so many of the events happening around the world at this time have indeed occured because the cosmic energy is such that they were destined to occur at this time.

He completes the article with three possible scenarios of what might happen after October 28th, 2011.

Carl says he leans towards scenario 2.  Personally, I think number 3 is more likely.

This really is a fascinating, must read article.

Love, Kashonia


The “End” of the Mayan calendar, Solar Flares and Earth Changes

by Carl J. Calleman


We have now celebrated the Cosmic Convergence and there is less than one night and one day before the fulfillment of the evolutionary plan for all of creation (or at least the attainment of the top level).

As predicted the Ninth wave of this plan, which is coming to a close together with the other waves of the Mayan calendar on October 28, 2011, has brought a tremendous energetic frequency increase to the world. This has been experienced on a personal level by many, but it has also been easily visible in the spread of political and economical chaos in large parts of the world. The current instability is evident not only in what is actually happening, but also in the constant shifts in how events or developments are perceived and reported.

Greece, for instance, is one day said to be bankrupt, another fully afloat with the help of the troika, and the next day it is again said to be bankrupt. One day the Ghaddafi regime has fallen and another it is again fighting only to have fallen the next day again.

In this world of uncertain interpretation of news alternative media on the Internet have gone in to try to fill the gap sometimes speaking with total certainty about impending catastrophes. There, one day the comet Elenin is said to create earthquakes and to set an end to the world, the next it does not exist and then it is back again (or was it planet X?).

Anything, no matter how crazy or farfetched, can today find an attentive audience on YouTube and be presented as if it was serious information.

To the instability of the world has thus been added information chaos and it is a common feeling among many that they do not know who or what to believe anymore. The mental framework within which people have understood the world is eroding and this, as much as the actual course of events, is a sign of our times. Some reject the meaningfulness of mental understanding altogether.

This erosion prepares the ground for a new opening and radical shift in our ways of thinking and relating and attests to the fact that much of the world has been shaken off its previous balance by the Ninth wave.

Underlying all of this we may find a somewhat nervous expectation of something unknown and dramatic that is to happen. It is not surprising that in the minds of many people this expectation has been largely negative. After all, the development of the Ninth wave has been essentially predictable according to Revelation 16, where it is the seven days that bring the most destruction to the old structures of the world.

Thus, progress along the old routes has step by step been blocked and the experience of a dead end to our current civilization has spread widely with little to yet show in terms of alternatives. The novelties that have been generated by the Ninth wave have thus in the world at large been few and far in between. While many may have had inner awakenings of oneness, the external manifestations of these have been very marginal.

As part of the erosion of the current world I had predicted at a relatively early point, quite correctly, that the fifth day of the Ninth wave would be the energy that would precipitate the economic downturn (And the economy may be the best mirror of how humans relate to one another).

This was in fact also the time when the so called “markets” truly started to be affected by the global loan crisis, which has since with every new shift point of the Ninth wave continued to deepen. The drawn out nature of this crisis does not change the fact that we are going towards a collapse of the economical and political system of the world and there are no signs that this could be averted.

Growth in key countries such as the US and Germany has come to a halt (not to mention Greece and Italy), which in practice blocks all attempts for the repayment of debts.

The economic downturn has displayed some surprising elements such as the expressed desire of a choir of some of the super rich to be taxed more heavily and the possibility that China will buy debt from Italy or other Euro countries to keep them afloat.

I however find it hard to believe that any of this would actually happen and the feeling one gets is that the rulers are running out of tricks.

Despite the dead end, it can however probably be said that life in much of the world still appears much like business as usual.

Thus, no occurrence has yet been powerful enough to precipitate the collapse that many are expecting or fearing and it now seems that this will not happen until in the seventh day of the Ninth wave, October 11-28.  If so, the end of the calendar may become a very marked discontinuity.

What we are witnessing is thus not another recession, but the end of the world capitalist system and the protests in the US against “Wall Street” may be an indication as good as any of this.

One however gets the impression that as long as the old system survives, there is no real opening to create a new world to replace it. To do so would be too much in conflict with the legality of the current dualist power structure.

Only after some kind of full collapse has occurred would people in general be compelled and inspired to create a new way of living and relating in the realms of politics and economics.

to read more, go to:   http://www.kashonia.com/summary/mayan-calendar-scenarios

October 28, 2011 as End of Mayan Long Count

Why the Creation Cycles do not end
December 21 2012, but October 28, 2011
by Carl Calleman

Over the decades much discussion has focussed on finding the exact correlation between the Mayan Long Count and the Gregorian calendar. Most researchers in the field have now come to agree that the so-called GMT correlation, placing the beginning of the Long Count 4 Ahau 8 Cumku on the Julian day 584 283, August 11, 3114 BC, is correct. This means by consequence that it will end on December 21, 2012 and most students of the calendar of the Maya, such as Jose Arguelles, John Jenkins and Terence McKenna, have endorsed this date as the end of the current cycle.

I do not dispute that the GMT correlation for the Long Count with the Gregorian calendar is the correct one. And clearly, the Long Count is an approximately (within a year or so) correct reflection of the divine process of creation. There are however strong reasons to believe that the Mayan Long Count itself does not exactly reflect the shifting energies of the divine creation cycles that we today are interested in. What in this regard is most compelling is that the exact Long Count beginning date ultimately is calibrated based on the date of solar zenith in Izapa, which occurs on August 12. (Izapa is the ancient Mayan site in southern Mexico where the Long Count was first devised.)

This solar zenith day was since long, long before the Long Count was implemented, considered as the day of the year when “time began” and considered as a holy date in the location of Izapa. There is thus every reason to believe that the solar zenith was the reason the initial day in the Long Count, 4 Ahau 8 Cumku, was set on this day, although obviously the date of solar zenith in Izapa has nothing to do with the real beginning of the corresponding divine creation cycle. (Not to use the solar zenith date as the beginning of the Long Count would have been considered as heresy. We may make the comparison with the date of Christmas, which was taken from old solstice celebrations, and has not been changed, despite the fact that few, if any, believes that Jesus was born then).

That the end date of the Long Count falls on December 21, 2012 is thus just a necessary logical consequence of the beginning date chosen by the Izapans and not something that the Maya had intentionally targeted. The creation cycles described by the Maya, including the tzolkin, are fundamentally of a spiritual, non-astronomical, nature. Thus, any theory that implies that the Mayan Long Count would have been designed to reflect astronomical phenomena, be it the precession of the earth or a solar zenith, is a warning signal that its originator is off the mark. It should be obvious that if the Mayan calendar is a prophetic calendar describing cosmic energy cycles of a universal nature then the particular date at which the sun was in zenith in the particular location of Izapa is totally irrelevant for us who live today and must be considered as nothing but a result of a tradition too strong to be changed.

Another equally compelling reason why December 21, 2012 cannot be the true date of completion of creation is that this day is 4 Ahau in the tzolkin count. Since the Long Count consists of exactly 7200 tzolkin rounds then the true end of creation must fall on a day that is 13 Ahau in the tzolkin count so that the tzolkin rounds even out. If we want to find out what is the real date of ending of the creation cycles we must therefore look for a day around the year 2012, which is 13 Ahau in the tzolkin count. The inscriptions in Palenque, written about a thousand years after the Long Count was devised in Izapa, seem to indicate that the date of relevance is October 28, 2011, which in fact is 13 Ahau in the tzolkin count.

The issue of the exact correlation between the creation cycles and physical time may not have been as critical in the age of the Maya as it is to us, since creation is currently operating at a 400 times higher frequency. A discrepancy of a year or so may have meant less earlier than it does to us who live today. If we make a mistake of 420 days in calibrating the end date of the creation cycles we will be totally out of phase with the rapidly evolving Galactic Creation Cycle where the Yin/Yang dualities in the cosmos are switched off and on every 360 days. These energy changes are what a spiritual calendar should reflect if it is to serve humanity in its current phase of evolution.

It should be said also that those who propose December 21, 2012 as an end date, such as Terence McKenna and John Jenkins, are basing their entire interpretations of the Mayan calendar on this particular date of ending, as if this was what the entire calendar was about. I feel however that what is most important for us to know today is the processes leading up to the completion of creation and the attainment of Cosmic Consciousness. This process is driven forward by the roller-coaster-like Galactic Creation Cycle, and for those seeking to understand this process and its many manifestations an exact calibration of this cycle is imperative. This is now available in calendar form.

Baktun no
Duration (Corrected)
3115-2721 BC
355- AD 40
AD 40-434
10. 434-829
11. 829-1223
12. 1223-1617
13. 1617-2011

Corrected durations of the Thirteen Heavens baktuns of the Long Count

from:    http://www.calleman.com/content/articles/end_of_creationcycles.htm

you might also want to check ou this video:


Mayan Calender Prediction

You decide.  Anyhow, curious.

The Fifth Night of the Ninth Wave starts as of August 18th of 2011 and many are wondering what this energy will carry. When we look back at history the fifth night usually appears as a very destructive time period and this naturally adds drama to the interest. Typically, the Fifth night means a ¨dark age¨ with some kind of destruction and without exception it has meant a sharp economic decline. It is however never entirely true to talk about an energy in the Mayan calendar as exclusively being destructive or constructive, because similarly to how the god Shiva among the Hindus is both the creator and destroyer all calendrical energies carry both aspects and the destructiveness is there to give room for something new to be created. For us who are living in this momentous end time what is important is to be able to grasp the most relevant information from the Mayan calendar and not get stuck in simplistic labels. It was by recognizing this multifacetness of the calendrical energies (and, if you like, Revelation 16) that I was able to correctly predict that the economic collapse caused by the Ninth wave would be precipitated by the Fifth day that started July 31 and ends now on August 17. (For more on this, check out the website: http://www.calleman.com/). To some this downturn may seem like a destructive event, inconsistent with a day, but from the perspective of the emergence of unity consciousness, which is the chief purpose of the Ninth wave, the economic crisis is actually a constructive event that paves the way for the future. Based on that assumption it can actually be said that the development of this economic crisis has followed the Mayan calendar with exceptional precision. In the fifth day the stability of several major European banks has been seriously threatened and government leaders are in constant teleconferences to discuss how to halt the crisis. The US, on its part, has lost its status as AAA and since the midpoint of the fourth night (the seating of the energy of the fifth day) 7 trillion dollars of stock value has gone up in smoke.

to read the rest, go to:   http://www.calleman.com/content/articles/5thNight_9thWave.htm