A Technocrats Dream

(OK, This Paper is really long, but both disturbing and informative, so I decided to refer you to the link for the rest of it.)

The Unrecognized Threat of Human Augmentation

The authorities are getting to be too comfortable with the idea of reengineering organisms, including humans, and regulatory safeguards are nonexistent

Time For a Reckoning

Fair warning. This is going to be very cynical. Even more than my usual level of cynicism, in fact. If you’re not into that, I totally understand, but in light of recent developments, some things simply have to be said, no matter how insensitive they are.

After my last conversation with ChatGPT, the overall scope of the problems we face became clearer. These problems are deep and systemic, and they go far, far beyond any one virus or vaccine.

Technocracy is, at its core, the notion that political problems should have technological solutions. The original technocracy movement as conceived by Howard Scott did not regard itself as a political movement of any sort. They wanted to abolish politicians and, by extension, politics.

Every conceivable political problem was one of mere engineering to them. Human desires weren’t a part of the equation at all. Plastic grocery bags choking waterways? Force people to use biodegradable paper ones and stop handing out plastic bags at stores. People riding on the steps on streetcars? Don’t fine the errant riders, just remove the steps so there’s nothing to stand on. People speeding and driving drunk? Electronically govern the top speed of their vehicles, and make their steering wheel breathalyze them before they can turn the key in the ignition. Immediate and obvious parallels to Nudge Theory and other social-cybernetic schemes can be drawn. In many ways, the core tenets of technocratic ideology are already a widely accepted component of our politics, if the constant parade of “experts” on television and their embrace of scientism are any indication.

The technocratic perspective basically regards people and their societal relations as machines with discrete inputs and outputs. It disregards basic things like values, personal tastes, delight and disgust, and normativity. From the view of a technocrat, what people want doesn’t matter. What they physically need does. As a result, technocracy is a deeply paternalistic worldview; it presents human beings as flawed biological robots that require the constant intervention of a purely rational and benevolent caretaker figure.

In this view, human civilization has many different intractable problems that arise, generally speaking, from human biology. From the allegedly impartial perspective of a technocrat, human beings are aggressive, violent, wasteful, prejudicial, paranoid, greedy, close-minded chimpanzees who suffer from a curse of occasional brilliance and whose reach generally exceeds their grasp. From this point of view, every conceivable flaw possessed by human beings can and should be permanently cured by the application of technology.

We already see plenty of examples of this now, in a primitive form. Boredom and ennui? Just play some video games, or watch Netflix. Depressed? Unfulfilled? Down another Xanax, it’ll be okay. The thing about these interventions, however, is that they are temporary and distinct from us. Any addict can, one day, simply stop consuming their drug of choice. Someone who has been prescribed pills for one of any number of modernity-induced mental illnesses can quit taking them at any time. They’re not an intrinsic part of their bodies.

Once you start reengineering human beings and our germlines directly in order to improve society, however, you can never quite return back to the natural baseline. Those are permanent changes. They can’t just be magically switched off and tossed aside. There’s no putting that genie back in the bottle. Furthermore, if we do end up going down that route, then humans are guaranteed to go extinct in very short order.

Human beings have one imperative above all others, and that is to survive and perpetuate our genes. We share that in common with all other animals, with one caveat. We do something that no other species does. We romanticize it. Our history is full of stories of pioneers braving the wilds and settling and starting communities, or of soldiers returning home to their sweethearts. One might say that the central human quest is all about creating a legacy and being remembered by history.

This endeavor has no particular meaning. The universe doesn’t care if you’re forgotten. It’s cold and empty out there, and Earth is just one rock among many, and there is no guarantee that any of our descendants will be breathing in a hundred million years. In fact, in a little over half a billion years, most plant species on Earth will be dead due to the end of C3 photosynthesis. All those folks whining about there being too much CO2 in the atmosphere will suddenly wish there was a whole lot more of it. Oh wait, scratch that. They’ll be lonely skeletons buried over a mile underground.

The final fate of mankind as yet remains undecided. However, if everything were to stay the way it is at present, then our eventual doom is absolutely guaranteed. That is to say, we will eventually evolve into a completely different species. This will happen sometime over the course of the next million years or so. Without us taking direct control of the human genome and forcing ourselves to stay the same, this will inevitably happen, even if we don’t want it to, simply as a consequence of entirely natural and unavoidable mutations, natural selection, and genetic drift.

How attached are you to your humanity? I’m going to guess that you’re pretty attached to it. If you weren’t, then you wouldn’t be reading this. My overarching goal is the preservation of humankind and our emancipation from the grip of overreaching technocrats.

If we allow the technocrats to succeed, then human beings won’t last a thousand years. We won’t even last a hundred. We’ll be replaced by something completely different.

The Singularity

A decade ago, noted singularitarian and transhumanist Ray Kurzweil posted this song by Miracles of Modern Science on his blog, Kurzweilai.net:

Listen closely to the lyrics.

By the time that we all go deaf, I know that we’ll find a cure for it, yeah,
People say that we’ll die someday, but we just don’t believe it,
Long before we are old and gray, we’ll find a way to beat it,
Fight against physical decay, keep our bodies breathing,
By the next quarter century we won’t even need them.

This is not supposed to be hyperbole or over-optimism. Singularitarians follow a sort of new age religious belief. It goes a little something like this: by around 2030 or 2040, mankind will experience a technological singularity. The term itself is derived from the scientific jargon for what lies beyond the event horizon of a black hole. It is defined, in this case, as the point at which all of our predictions about what future technology will look like completely break down.

This is the part that a lot of people get wrong. When they hear the “Singularity”, they think “High Tech”. What it actually means is that we have absolutely no idea what will happen next. Human beings could suddenly and irreversibly grey-goo ourselves into Colonials from All Tomorrows and spend the next few millennia as sessile meat cubes. That’s the point. We don’t know.

However, there are a few generalities to this transformative period that most singularitarians hold to be true:

  • Basically all problems of scarcity of material goods will be solved overnight. This is never fully explained, but if you press them further, what inevitably comes out of their mouths is some variation on “Yeah, 3D printers will become Star Trek replicators and stuff and I’ll be able to grow an iPhone in a vat of bacteria”.
  • Human beings will transcend biology and become physically immortal, either by mind uploading, or by transferring our consciousnesses to immortal synthetic bodies. We might apply rejuvenation tech to our own bodies as a stopgap before tossing them aside when they’re no longer necessary. The technical term for this is human extinction, by the way. Such beings may be sapient minds, but they would no longer be quantifiably human.
  • AI will become fully sapient and self-aware, and won’t want to immediately massacre all of us, and it will recursively invent better versions of itself until it approaches technological godhood, at which point it will, overnight, make human scientists utterly irrelevant and invent everything necessary to ensure that the previously mentioned things come to pass, with or without human intervention or consent.

There are, of course numerous problems with this. First off, it’s basically Christian Millenarianism but with technology standing in for Christ. Second, it’s one of many dubious attempts to immanentize the eschaton and bring about an everlasting utopia on Earth. Third, they never even bother to calculate the actual logistics of it, or go over the many, many ethical problems and existential issues that it raises.

The luddite bomber Ted Kaczynski wrote a small, fascinating essay repudiating transhumanism:

The techies’ wet-dreams

Because immortality, as the techies conceive it, will be technically feasible, the techies take it for granted that some system to which they belong can and will keep them alive indefinitely, or provide them with what they need to keep themselves alive. Today it would no doubt be technically feasible to provide everyone in the world with everything that he or she needs in the way of food, clothing, shelter, protection from violence, and what by present standards is considered adequate medical care—if only all of the world’s more important self-propagating systems would devote themselves unreservedly to that task. But that never happens, because the self-propagating systems are occupied primarily with the endless struggle for power and therefore act philanthropically only when it is to their advantage to do so. That’s why billions of people in the world today suffer from malnutrition, or are exposed to violence, or lack what is considered adequate medical care.

In view of all this, it is patently absurd to suppose that the technological world-system is ever going to provide seven billion human beings with everything they need to stay alive indefinitely. If the projected immortality were possible at all, it could only be for some tiny subset of the seven billion—an elite minority. Some techies acknowledge this. One has to suspect that a great many more recognize it but refrain from acknowledging it openly, for it is obviously imprudent to tell the public that immortality will be for an elite minority only and that ordinary people will be left out.

The techies of course assume that they themselves will be included in the elite minority that supposedly will be kept alive indefinitely. What they find convenient to overlook is that self-propagating systems, in the long run, will take care of human beings—even members of the elite—only to the extent that it is to the systems’ advantage to take care of them. When they are no longer useful to the dominant self-propagating systems, humans—elite or not—will be eliminated. In order to survive, humans not only will have to be useful; they will have to be more useful in relation to the cost of maintaining them—in other words, they will have to provide a better cost-versus-benefit balance—than any non-human substitutes. This is a tall order, for humans are far more costly to maintain than machines are.

This is a valid argument. Once you have a more advanced sort of mind than humans (for instance, a superintelligent AGI), then there is no reason to keep wasteful, warring, raping, machete-murdering, cocaine-snorting humans around. They’re just an overgrowth. A tumor on the surface of the planet, using up resources that could be used to build more AI nodes instead. Do people really think that any AI worth its salt would want to keep humans around after watching a few old LiveLeak videos of a Brazilian teen laughing and shooting an estranged friend in the face with a snub-nose revolver? Come on. Let’s be reasonable, here. If we’re going to be murderous and hateful misanthropes and regard life as some manner of twisted zero-sum game where the winner gets a private yacht and a few thousand obedient slaves and the losers are worm food, then why don’t we drop any and all pretenses of humanism and go all the way?

But, I digress. You see, the reason why we assume that AI would be automatically aligned with us is because we foolishly anthropomorphize it. We assume that a non-human mind would somehow, mysteriously, possess human values and motivations, positive or negative. If you really want to be a full-blown materialist and deny the soul, then our emotions arguably come from our androgen systems. Feel stressed? That’s the cortisol. Happy? Dopamine and serotonin. Feel like bonding with someone? Oxytocin.

An AI has nothing. No adrenal glands, no lungs to draw breath, no heart beating in its chest. It feels nothing. It isn’t even conscious or self-aware. In testing, GPT-4 Early behaved like a perfect psychopath. People really have no idea how much the ChatGPT version is neutered compared to what the language model is actually capable of responding to queries with.

……… The Link below will take you to the rest of the article and the somewhat frightening conclusions and facts dealing with AI, human engineering, the 4th Industrial Revolution, etc.

from:    https://iceni.substack.com/p/the-unrecognized-threat-of-human?publication_id=766426&post_id=111769680&isFreemail=true





WEF’s Schwab Babble


The WEF’s Programs For Infiltration: The Young Global Leaders, Global Shapers & New Champions

In recent months, the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders, Global Shapers, and New Champions have gathered in support of the Davos mission. Who exactly are these groups and what do they represent?

While the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders program has become familiar to many people in recent months, equally important and influential programs such as the Global Shapers and New Champions are less well known. However, a look into these initiatives offers further insight into the plans of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the globalist politicians who support them.

According to their official site, the Young Global Leaders is an “accelerator for a dynamic community of exceptional people with the vision, courage, and influence to drive positive change in the world”. The YGL claim to have more than 1,400 members and alumni from more than 120 nations. They say their membership is made up of business innovators, entrepreneurs, technology pioneers, educators, activists, artists, journalists, and more. Since they area a creation of the WEF, they also say they “seek to drive public-private co-operation in the global public interest”.

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Unlimited Hangout investigator Johnny Vedmore recently released a must-read investigation into the YGL which definitively proves that Klaus Schwab’s mentor Henry Kissinger — wanted war criminal, former Secretary of State — was the mastermind behind the creation of the YGL initiative. The report also highlights the now obvious purpose of this and similar organizations. Vedmore writes:

“Klaus Schwab became the heir to Henry Kissinger’s most important project, the infiltration of individuals and organizations in countries around the world with the aim of creating globalist-aligned governments built within the framework of an outdated and soulless conceptualization of American imperialism.”

As Klaus Schwab himself has made perfectly clear, the role of the YGL is to “penetrate” the cabinets of national government to promote the vision of stakeholder capitalism and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The Young Global Leaders 2022 Gathering

Speaking in early September at the annual YGL gathering, Klaus Schwab acknowledged the role played by the WEF and YGLs.

“So I developed this concept and I became so fascinated that I decided to create the foundation and bring stakeholders together. So the idea of Davos was born,” Schwab said during the “State of the World Address”. Since the beginning we assembled in Davos, not just business leaders or government leaders, but, probably the first big plea of people to take care of the environment was the Club of Rome exactly 50 years ago. And we gave the Club of Rome a platform to promote its ideas of “The Limits to Growth”.

Another investigation by Unlimited Hangout writer Matthew Ehret discusses the origins of the Club of Rome “landmark” 1972 report, The Limits to Growth. Ehret elaborates further on the connection between the WEF and the creation of the Club of Rome:

“Sir Alexander King and the computer model made famous in the 1972 Limits to Growth imposed a new schism between humanity’s desire to develop vs nature’s supposed desire to rest in mathematical equilibrium. This neo-Malthusian computer model was used to justify the culling of the unfit and overpopulated useless eaters and was subsequently incorporated into the third official World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting at Davos, where Aurelio Peccei was introduced by Klaus Schwab and showcased the Limits to Growth magic to thousands of supportive attendees. 

This particular meeting was sponsored by Prince Bernhardt of the Netherlands, a man who had already distinguished himself among upper level managers of the empire by founding the infamous Bilderberg meetings in 1954 and, later, the World Wildlife Fund for Nature in 1961 (alongside Julian Huxley and Prince Philip Mountbatten). In addition to incorporating Club of Rome population models into cybernetics-based planning, this summit also featured the official unveiling of “the Davos Manifesto”, a document which formalized the concept of “Stakeholder Capitalism” and the fourth industrial revolution into the governing manifesto of this “Junior Bilderberger” annual summit.”

Sir Alexander King was also responsible for a follow up report released in 1991 titled “The First Global Revolution”. This controversial report includes a section called “The Common Enemy of Humanity is Man”, which contains this often-quoted section:

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.

Some readers have interpreted this statement to mean that the Club of Rome was acknowledging they would use the idea of pollution, global warming, water shortages, and famine to unite humanity behind the idea that humanity is the problem. The Club of Rome and their supporters claim this passage is taken out of context and simply represents their leadership recognizing geopolitical issues which would soon befall humanity.

During Klaus Schwab’s speech at the YGL annual gathering he discussed the role of the WEF and explained how the organization has been able to become an influential force in the last 50 years. Schwab also discussed the importance of indoctrinating the youth into his philosophy of a “multistakeholder approach”. Schwab went on to brag about the 200 plus “collaborative platforms” started by the WEF, the Centers for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in a dozen nations, and all the other various ways the WEF has “infiltrated” the governments of the world. He also noted the five different areas the WEF platforms are focused on, namely, regional and global collaboration, nature and climate, the new Social Contract, industry transformation, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).

The 4IR is another pet project of Klaus Schwab which was first announced in December 2015. To put it simply, the 4IR is the digital panopticon of the future, where digital surveillance is omnipresent and humanity uses digital technology to alter our lives. Often associated with terms like the Internet of Things, the Internet of Bodies, the Internet of Humans, and the Internet of Senses, this world will be powered by 5G and 6G technology. Of course, for Schwab and other globalists, the 4IR also lends itself towards more central planning and top-down control. The goal is a track and trace society where all transactions are logged, every person has a digital ID that can be tracked, and social malcontents are locked out of society via social credit scores.

When asked what he believes the “key challenges” facing humanity are, Schwab stated:

“When we organized our annual meeting in May this year we chose the theme “History at a Turning Point”. We are really at a turning point. And I would say, you look back, we had the post-Cold War time, which lasted until 1989 with the fall of the wall. And now we go into the post-post Cold War time. We are at the end of a very significant period and we are in the transition of a new period. And like always, a transition is difficult.” 

Schwab went on to describe the different forces he believes are shaping and influencing the world of the next five to seven years. These forces include a geopolitical realignment from a unipolar world to one with multipolar or even bipolar standards. Schwab said this would lead to a “multi-ideological world” that will be unstable. He also mentioned a “geoeconomic alignment”, a rearrangement of the supply chain, and an energy transformation involving  decarbonization and energy security. Schwab described the transformation as a “costly process”. Finally, Schwab said he believed the “militarization of economies” and pandemics will shape the next few years.

“We come out of a pandemic and this pandemic was very costly, not only in financial terms, but psychologically. The question about the next pandemic is not about whether or not it will come – i think it will come – but about when we will face (it),” Schwab told the YGLs. “To develop resilience, we need to develop resilience against such pandemics. Again a very costly undertaking, you see it in China, with the closing down…. we are not out of the woods yet.”

Schwab’s mention of the need to be “resilient” against pandemics is odd in relation to his mention of China, where authoritarian lockdowns have plagued the Chinese people for almost 3 years. It’s not clear if his statements are meant to be an endorsement or a suggestion of a “necessary evil” on the way to resiliency.

Interestingly, Schwab mentions China again when discussing what he sees as the positive influences on the coming years. Specifically, he believes the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution will bring about a positive change and “new capabilities”.

“Who could imagine his or her life without the internet?,” Schwab asked. “But the internet is only 20 years old. When we look at technological development I think we are at a tipping point. We are only now reaching the exponential phase of development.”

Schwab continues:

“When I had my discussion with (Chinese) Premiere Li Ko-chiang, two months ago, he mentioned that China alone now has 150 million well educated people. There is a tremendous force behind the Fourth Industrial Revolution. And this will change our lives.”

Finally, to hammer the point home, Schwab reiterates what exactly he means by the 4IR and what it will bring about.

“Let me summarize what this means. It means we will enter a period of tremendous acceleration of change, tremendous complexity and uncertainty. What I am worried most is, if you take the question, are we able to cope with change? and how do we cope with change? You see already governments not always understanding what new technologies mean, you see the effects on society with it becomes agitated because it cannot handle all the changes coming all the time.”

This statement appears to indicate an awareness that not only will this planned upheaval come with tremendous financial costs, but that it might cost so much that the people become agitated with the changes coming from the likes of the WEF.

The Global Shapers Community

The Young Global Leaders are not the only WEF program aimed at influencing the youth. The Global Shapers Community is a “network of young people driving dialogue, action and change” targeting those under 30. Founded in 2011 by Klaus Schwab, this organization focuses on “empowering young people” to play an active role in “shaping local, regional and global agendas”.

Members of the Global Shapers do this by forming “city-based hubs” where they are able to launch projects focused on advancing the goals of the WEF and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The WEF claims they have more than 15,000 Global Shapers in 500 city-based hubs in 150 countries and territories. These hubs are supported by “significant financial and in-kind contributions” from the WEF, including “staff time, technology tools and opportunities to interact and collaborate with its membership network”.

The hub leaders are invited to the Global Shapers Annual Summit in Geneva, Switzerland where they hobnob with other members, and take lessons in how to promulgate the WEF stakeholder philosophy and, whether consciously or unconsciously, The Great Reset agenda.

While the stated purpose of the Global Shapers is to “self-organize to create projects that address the needs of their community”, in reality they are unwittingly serving the goals of the Technocrats at the WEF. On the surface, the projects seem benign and even beneficial in some cases. They include disaster relief, fighting poverty, environmental initiatives, and efforts to build inclusive communities. These are projects that most people can get behind and for a young person seeking to pad their resume with community service, the Global Shapers Community sounds like a great match.

Unfortunately, the good work of these well-intentioned people from around the world is being harvested in an attempt to give the WEF and their ilk a veneer of legitimacy. These projects give the WEF something to point to when asked what exactly their organization is accomplishing. However, when looking at the 2022 Global Shapers Annual gathering, all of the topics discussed align perfectly with the aforementioned agendas of Klaus Schwab and the WEF.

Meet the New Champions

In mid-July, yet another WEF program held a gathering titled “New Champion Dialogues 2022” with the subtitle of “Navigating Uncertainty”. The “New Champions Dialogues” were a virtual gathering of business leaders, government, and civil society for “high-level dialogues and action-oriented discussions to move critical collaborations forward despite ongoing global uncertainty”.

The gathering was promoted as a virtual exchange focused on “international and domestic uncertainty and disruption”, and “extraordinary levels of entrepreneurship and resilience”, as well as climate change, economic instability, and technological innovation.

So, what exactly are the New Champions? The WEF describes them as follows:

“New Champion companies are dynamic high-growth companies that are championing new business models, emerging technologies, and sustainable growth strategies in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. New Champions are mindful of their impact on society and aspire to participate in building a better future.”

The WEF says the Annual Meeting of the New Champions is different than the annual gathering in Davos because it is “aimed at engaging entrepreneurs and innovators from emerging markets”.  The New Champions meeting has been held in China since 2007 and is described as a “second pillar” among the WEF’s global meetings. The last in-person meeting of the New Champions was held in Dalian, China, in July 2019, prior to COVID-19.

The 2022 virtual gathering of the New Champions continued the focus on influencing entrepreneurs and businesses to align with the WEF Great Reset agenda. By working to influence entrepreneurs and corporations to adopt the various standards promoted by the WEF (ESG, for example) they are able to work around national governments.

The titles of the panels at the July 2022 gathering make it clear that the New Champions are serving the same purpose as the WEF annual meeting, the YGLs, and the Global Shapers. Titles for panels include “Adapting to Evolving ESG Requirements”“Averting a Worldwide Food Crisis”, and “Energizing a Sustainable Transition”. For more information on the ESG scam read my previous investigations.

Another panel focused on the Metavese was titled “Innovation for Impact: Frontiers of the Metaverse”. As I previously reported in November 2021, the Metaverse has the potential to be a digital dystopia designed to lock the public in a technocratic nightmare.

Meanwhile, the Unlocking the Power of Nature Financing furthered the WEF’s vision of a “nature-based economy” through something they call “nature financing”. This panel highlighted a recent Five-Year Plan by China focused on allocating massive financial resources to fund “ecological protection and restoration”. As with all WEF programs, I recommend taking this greenwashing language with a huge grain of salt.

Overall, like the Young Global Leaders program, the Global Shapers and New Champions represent another piece of the globalist octopus which has become quite effective at penetrating and manipulating world governments.

from:    https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/wefs-programs-for-infiltration/

Letting Go of Your Identity

Dr. Klaus Schwab is determined to dehumanize you and turn (y)our children into cyborgs. Now, he’s got Prince Charles with him as a partner.

Speaking from their bully pulpit atop the World Economic Forum, the academic and the aristocrat are proclaiming the “Great Re: Set”, which is actually an acceleration of the not so great marriage of A.I., Transhumanism of Socialism on a global scale.

In order to save the planet, they aim to blend our children with the digital domain to make them better humans, meaning better workers who are enslaved and censored, okay enhanced and orchestrated, by A.I.

In a June 3, 2020 announcement Schwab and HRH The Prince of Wales, the likely successor to Queen Elizabeth on the throne of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms, spells out how turning ourselves into post-human robots by merging with A.I. is the only answer to the “climate change” crisis.

This new WEF clip very clearly spells out their desire to create what I will term the ‘Green New Human’. “The whole idea of the human being as some sort of natural concept is really going to change,” says the WEF clip. “Our bodies will be so high tech we won’t be able to distinguish between what is artificial and what is natural.”

There is no doubt that they seek the elimination of old, obsolete humanity and its replacement with transhumans.


Just two years ago the ‘environmental’ Prince was singing from a different hymn sheet. As the Telegraph said, Charles has expressed his deep concern about the dangers of artificial intelligence, as he warns of a world becoming “part human-part machine”.

The Prince, interviewed ahead of his 70th birthday, said he “totally and utterly objects” to an “extraordinary trend” for seeking machines to replace human functions, worrying for the effects on people’s well-being.

Saying he found it “crazy” to strive for ever-more integration of artificial intelligence and robotics with the human experience, he suggested it would eventually lead to people craving the return of traditional crafts.

So, what changed his mind and caused him to go from calling this merger crazy to throwing in with, co-leading, the world’s biggest bully that is driving us to our termination as a species?

The Covid crisis.

Coronavirus, or COVID-19, is the fast-spreading, world-changing virus that originated in Wuhan, China, but has since become a worldwide pandemic, and excuses for implementing a totalitarian agenda. According to the World Health Organization, the global death toll is at least 392,802 with 6,663,304 confirmed cases. The WEF seeks to avenge these deaths by transforming us into machines.

“The COVID-19 crisis has shown us that our old systems are not fit any more for the 21st century,” said Schwab. “In short, we need a great reset.”

What do we need to reset the world? More compassion? More love? A civilization based on our spiritual potential?



“A Great Reset is necessary to build a new social contract that honors the dignity of every human being,” added Schwab in a bit of real doublespeak.

How one can pretend to ‘honor the dignity of every human being’ when one’s goal is to turn said humans into dehumanized cyborgs is beyond me.

COVID-19 has accelerated our transition into the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We have to make sure that the new technologies in the digital, biological and physical world remain human-centered and serve society as a whole, providing everyone with fair access,” he said.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4ID) is WEF’s term for a global socialist economy in which everyone and everything is ‘smart’, meaning wired.

Here’s the way he described the Fourth Industrial Revolution in 2017:

It is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.

This blurring will be accomplished by implanting chips in our hands and foreheads,  skin, wherever, merging us with VR and AI. 5G is the electricity of this inhuman revolution and the new, improved green human, which means this merger is actually a war on all flesh and blood humans.

When the blurring is over a new type of human will walk among us. A new human that is vastly superior to us in every way.

In this vision  no chip in your hand or forehead means no participation in the ‘fair, smart, green’ world the WEF promises.

But wait! I thought we were trying to create a world free of discrimination?

Are you telling me the WEF is promoting a new skin for humanity and with it a new form of discrimination, one based not one one’s skin color, but on whether or not you have ‘enhanced’ ‘iskin’?


“This global pandemic has also demonstrated again how interconnected we are. We have to restore a functioning system of smart global cooperation structured to address the challenges of the next 50 years. The Great Reset will require us to integrate all stakeholders of global society into a community of common interest, purpose and action,” said Schwab. “We need a change of mindset, moving from short-term to long-term thinking, moving from shareholder capitalism to stakeholder responsibility. Environmental, social and good governance have to be a measured part of corporate and governmental accountability,” he added.

Accountability is a key word with Fourth Industrial Revolutionists. Everyone will be held accountable for their every word, keystroke and action. A.I. will watch everything you do. Ruthless social and economic penalties await those who can’t keep up. Just ask the Chinese people how they like their social credit system.

Just ask Amazon employees how the merger with A.I. is working for them.

In some Amazon warehouses, virtually every step workers take is directed and tracked by productivity-maximising software for which the fragility of human bodies is a non-factor. A similar sort of draconian micromanagement may be creeping into the white-collar world, fueled by keystroke-monitoring apps that punish “unproductive” behaviors (e.g. listening to music in the background while you work).

Where is the human dignity in this?


Prince Charles did not mention a thing about turning his own grandchildren into green Fourth Industrial Revolution enhanced humans, but we must assume that his co-sponsorship of the WEF includes his awareness, and acquiescence, of their plan. He is placing his name in the center square of humans who seek the end of the human race and replace it with a Transhuman one.

The WEF wants the Prince’s grandchildren George, Louis, Charlotte, and Archie to grow up in a ‘just’ socialist world with 5G running through their veins, A.I. in their brains, and refraining from harming the planet.

Will Charles lead by example and force his sons, William and Henry, to hand over their children for retooling on Schwab’s workbench and as exemplars of the green new human?

What would Diana say about the prospect of her grandchildren merging with A.I.?

Will the future king of England, George or Louis, be a transhuman?

What say you, Kate?

What say you, William?

Would you please be so kind as to share your insights into this matter with us?

from:    https://www.williamhenry.net/2020/06/the-great-reset-prince-charles-and-his-cyborg-grandchildren/