Taiwan Earthquake

Strong earthquake near Nanhu Mountain (Xiulin), Taiwan on March 7, 2013

Last update: March 8, 2013 at 12:15 am by By

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 5.5

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-03-07 11:36:46

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-03-07 03:36:46

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 15 km

Update 08:41 UTC : 16 M3+ aftershocks since the mainshock. Strongest aftershock so far : 4.5 (4 above M4). No evidence of damage so far. If we would track even some minor damage, we will report it here.

Update 05:52 UTC : NO reports of damage yet (more than 3 hours after the mainshock). This is a good sign as the earthquake has occurred during daylight, earthquake response and assessment is generally much faster during daylight than during the night.

Update 05:45 UTC : Taiwan is generally well prepared for earthquakes. After many cruel earthquakes in the past, building code has been improved a lot and earthquake drills are a common issue in education. To prove their building skills, Taiwan had during relatively long time the highest building in the world, the 509 meter high Taipei 101 Tower.

Update 05:37 UTC : Below the list of aftershocks of M3 or more as reported by CWB Taiwan, the strongest one being a M4.1. Epicenters are located in the same area as the mainshock.

Screen Shot 2013-03-07 at 06.36.18

Update 05:13 UTC : Today’s earthquake was mainly normal faulting (see beachball below). Taiwan has very complicated tectonics with all kind of focal mechanisms. The Philippine Sea plate is sliding 82 mm/year from the East to the West, which is an impressive speed and which explains at the same time the many earthquakes Taiwan has.
A good tectonic overview of Taiwan can be read here  (also the University who did publish the map below).

Taiwan tectonics - image courtesy Ludwig Maximilians University Munchen Germany

Taiwan tectonics – image courtesy Ludwig Maximilians University Munchen Germany

Update 05:13 UTC : The picture below gives an impression of the earthquake’s epicenter area, the Central Mountain Range.

Taiwan earthquake March 7 2013 - epicenter area

Image courtesy Tai2

Update 04:58 UTC : We are currently scanning our many sources but have luckily not found any trace of damage as yet. Let’s hope it remains like this.

Update 04:48 UTC : Based on the reports from our readers we do not think that serious shaking damage will be inflicted, secondary impact from for example landslides are a real possibility however. The picture below shows a landslide in April 2010 after a M6.5 earthquake struck the island.

Image courtesy Central News Agency, Taiwan - landslide after a M6.5 earthquake in 2010

Image courtesy Central News Agency, Taiwan – landslide after a M6.5 earthquake in 2010

Update 04:45 UTC : Taiwan has often damaging landslides during similar earthquakes. People in this area are somewhat used to earthquakes but strong ones like this do not happen very common. The area is well known for strong earthquakes however (see map below which shows the earthquakes near todays epicenter since early 2012 only).

Update 04:36 UTC : CWB Taiwan reports somewhat better numbers with the same Magnitude of M5.6 but with a deeper hypocenter of 15.6 km. The shaking intensity was max. 5 CWB in Yilan County and Taichung City. Other intensities : see below.
An intensity CWB 5 should be read as : Strong     Indoors : Most people are considerably frightened. Walls crack; heavy furniture may overturn. Outdoors : Noticeably felt by drivers; some chimneys and large archways topple over.
A CWB 5 can be compared with an MMI VII – The JMA (Japan) and CWB (Taiwan) intensity scales are rather similar.

Screen Shot 2013-03-07 at 05.37.36

Update 04:34 UTC : The epicenter is also close to Nanhu mountain. Nanhu Mountain is a mountain in Taiwan with an elevation of 3,740 m (12,270 ft). It is one of the highest mountains in Taiwan.

Update 04:27 UTC : ER calls this earthquake moderately dangerous mainly because the epicenter is below a wilderness area, otherwise we would call it very dangerous. The earthquake was felt in a wide radius and based on the reports from our readers below, objects fell from shelves in Taipei which illustrates the strength of the shaking.

Taiwan March 7 2013 earthquake

from:    http://earthquake-report.com/2013/03/07/strong-earthquake-taiwan-on-march-7-2013/

if you can, please donate to this site, http://earthquake-report.com/, they do an incredible job!!!!

Ancient Sunstone Said to be Found

Researchers May Have Found Fabled Sunstone

By: Raphael Satter | Associated Press
Published: March 8, 2013
Britain sunstoneAP Photo/Guy Ropars

This photo shows the Alderney Crystal, a piece of calcite. Researchers say the rough, whitish crystal recovered from the wreckage of 16th century English warship may be a sunstone, a special kind of mineral believed by some to have helped medieval seafarers navigate the high seas.

LONDON  — A rough, whitish block recovered from an Elizabethan shipwreck may be a sunstone, the fabled crystal believed by some to have helped Vikings and other medieval seafarers navigate the high seas, researchers say.

In a paper published earlier this week, a Franco-British group argued that the Alderney Crystal – a chunk of Icelandic calcite found amid a 16th century wreck at the bottom of the English Channel – worked as a kind of solar compass, allowing sailors to determine the position of the sun even when it was hidden by heavy cloud, masked by fog, or below the horizon.

That’s because of a property known as birefringence, which splits light beams in a way that can reveal the direction of their source with a high degree of accuracy. Vikings may not have grasped the physics behind the phenomenon, but that wouldn’t present a problem.

“You don’t have to understand how it works,” said Albert Le Floch, of the University in Rennes in western France. “Using it is basically easy.”

Vikings were expert navigators – using the sun, stars, mountains and even migratory whales to help guide them across the sea – but some have wondered at their ability to travel the long stretches of open water between Greenland, Iceland, and Newfoundland in modern-day Canada.

Le Floch is one of several who’ve suggested that calcite crystals were used as navigational aids for long summer days in which the sun might be hidden behind the clouds. He said the use of such crystals may have persisted into the 16th century, by which time magnetic compasses were widely used but often malfunctioned.

Le Floch noted that one Icelandic legend – the Saga of St. Olaf – appears to refer to such a crystal when it says that Olaf used a “sunstone” to verify the position of the sun on a snowy day.

But that’s it. Few other medieval references to sunstones have been found, and no such crystals have ever been recovered from Viking tombs or ships. Until the Alderney Crystal was recovered in 2002, there had been little if any hard evidence to back the theory.

Many specialists are still skeptical. Donna Heddle, the director of the Center for Nordic Studies at Scotland’s University of the Highlands and Islands, described the solar compass hypothesis as speculative.

“There’s no solid evidence that that device was used by Norse navigators,” she said Friday. “There’s never been one found in a Viking boat. One cannot help but feel that if there were such things they would be found in graves.”

She acknowledged that the crystal came from Iceland and was found near a navigation tool, but said it might just as easily have been used as a magnifying device as a solar compass.

Le Floch argued that one of the reasons why no stones have been found before is that calcite degrades quickly – it’s vulnerable to acid, sea salts, and to heat. The Alderney Crystal was originally transparent, but the sea water had turned it a milky white.

Le Floch’s paper – written with Guy Ropars, Jacques Lucas, and a group of Britons from the Alderney Maritime Trust – appeared Wednesday in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A.

from:    Associated Press Published: March 8, 2013 Britain sunstone /www.wunderground.com/

Anti-Facial Recognition Invention

Privacy Visor Confuses Face Recognition Camera

Jan 23, 2013 03:09 PM ET // by Jesse Emspak

“Hiding behind your glasses” just took on a whole new meaning.

At Tokyo’s National Institute of Informatics, Isao Echizen, an associate professor in the Digital Content and Media Sciences Research Division, unveiled a privacy visor — a set of glasses that prevents cameras with face-recognition software from recognizing you.

Echizen designed the glasses with near-infrared LEDs placed around the eyes and the bridge of the nose, two areas that computers use to pick out faces. Near-infrared is invisible to people, but many cameras can pick it up. The lights add digital “noise” to the image and when the computer tries to match the image with ones in a database, it gets confused and is unable to complete a match

Echizen told BBC News that the purpose is to protect people from being tagged and identified in photographs without their knowledge. The EyeSee mannequins, for example, use face recognition software to log when shoppers come in and build a database of people’s age, gender or race.

At the same time, he didn’t want to run into the problem of wearing a mask, which protects privacy but outside of 18th century Venetian masquerade balls, is considered a bit unusual.

Makeup could also fool face recognition software, as demonstrated with the CV Dazzle project, but that too could be problematic, since the designs are a bit outré.

Along with artist Adam Harvey’s stealth hoodie, these glasses are yet another indication that people are thinking more carefully about privacy – or the lack thereof – in a connected world.

Credit: National Institute of Informatics

from:     http://news.discovery.com/tech/gear-and-gadgets/glasses-foil-face-recognition-software-130123.htm

CC Treadway on Love and Money

A Love Letter From Money

A Love Letter From Money

Story by: CC Treadway

Dear Spiritual Community,

Soooooo, here we are in the new Baktun. It’s a beautiful morning. The sun is shining and I just finished eating breakfast and paying my bills. Yes my friends, I don’t know if you got the memo, but Money didn’t disappear into the ethers on the solstice.  Credit cards, banks, currency and the stock market are still doing their dance.

But don’t be sad, because it’s time to take it to the next level. Everyone found out that Money isn’t based on gold a few years ago, so the jig is up! They are printing Money like newspapers and yet inflation is not rising…because who cares right? It’s not based on anything material, so it’s a free for all! This is what the “money people” have known for years.

Whether we like it or not, all of us are still in relationship with Money. And in the year of the water snake, it’s ON.

That’s right spiritual people with big hearts, it’s time for you to be rich. So say goodbye to every negative story you have about Money, because your time has come.

The spiritual community is well known for its disdain of the material, and doomsday predictions, but from everything I am seeing and hearing, in the year of the snake, we are gonna rock it financially.

But there’s only one way that can happen. We need to make Money the most loving experience of our lives. We need to stop telling every negative story and just go ahead and fall in love with Money.

Eeeeeeeww, I hear you saying, but yes, Money needs our love. Money is tired of doing bad things, it told me.

We have a real opportunity to bring the vibration of Money into love. Think of the possibilities. If the consciousness of Money were based in love, the ENTIRE WORLD would transform. Money would be a force of peace and balance. Behind our backs it would thinking of all the ways it could be loving and adoring of us, it would bend over backwards for our benefit, because that’s what love does. It can’t help itself!

If you want an irrigation system for your perma-perfect backyard or extra cash flow to help empower those in true poverty, then a love drunk Money is just what you need.

I can say that one miracle after another has happened this year with my beloved Money, and that came after a lot of praying, questioning, clearing, working and learning. I went deep to the core of the earth, the heart of the sky and the depth of my being. And then I fell in love, and we (Money and I) started this delicious love affair…but there’s more.

I’ve been in this scene long enough to know that true devotees will not touch anything that is not love. An open hearted awake person will leave money in the dust, will chastise it, throw it away and punish it if it doesn’t feel good. But the spiritual community has too many great visions, ideas and love for the world for them not to flourish. It drives me crazy that all that heart and creativity gets stopped short due to lack of funds.  That just won’t do in the new world.

With money on our sides, there’s nothing we can’t do.

So, it’s time to love money until it becomes a passionate relationship, one you are proud of, and one you hold sacred. You may have to face deep darkness to open to this relationship, or just simply throw in the towel and give into Love.

My friends, there are laws to wealth and love, do you want to play a bigger game? Do you want your heart and money to be as One, in Love, and in community for a better world?

I do. For so many reasons, I really, really do.

Here’s a small exercise. Take this moment to feel deep gratitude for money, feel into the heart of life and how it wants to give to you, and let money go right into that feeling. Shake off any negative feelings or reactions and re-commit to loving. Believe that you are ready and deserve it all.

from:    http://spiritofmaat.com/magazine/march-2013-spring-equinox-edition/a-love-letter-from-money/

Drunvalo Melchizedek on March Energies

Drunvalo’s Corner

Story by: Drunvalo Melchizedek

“The Window Of Great Change” –  an important message from Drunvalo

There are so many changes taking place in our outer reality, anyone who knows how to keep up with it all understands that we are at a tipping point. Within the swirl of events that according to some, could turn the next few months, and the world, upside down, there are some simple things that need to be kept in mind. We are here to hold space for an incredible moment in time – and Drunvalo is here with a message that will help all of us know how, and where, to direct our energy in a realm of possibilities that is due to heat up between now and the end of June.

Dear Ones,
We are about to enter into a window of the time that has no name, but is inside of the Mayan END OF TIME window that was connected to December 21, 2012 and will end in about three years.

This window begins on February 18th, 2013 and continues for about three and a half months until June 2nd, 2013. However, it could last for as long as the end of August if the circumstances change.

I feel it is important to be aware of this significant period of time and what it could mean for you.

There are three reasons why this window was created. Let me explain.

First, the Mayans long ago predicted that if they had to choose the moment when the shift from male consciousness to female consciousness would begin, they would choose the dates of February 18/19, 2013. I wrote about this long ago. They see it like a sunrise that gets brighter and brighter each day.

At the same time, they said that they don’t really know for certain as it is Mother Earth that will decide exactly when the Mayan Prophecy will begin.

What the Mayans have told me about the 18th of February, 2013 is that it is the moment when the energy within Mother Earth begins to flow in a new pattern. I doubt if you will feel this in your daily life, but the Mayans say it is an important time in human history.

Second, NASA gave a public warning about a year and a half to two years ago concerning the solar flares. It was a dire prediction. It will take a moment to explain.

In 2000, we had the Y2K scare, around the realization that if the calendars within the computers of the world were not repaired so they would read “2000”, the world’s computers would stop working on the moment the year 2000 rolled around. I am sure most of you remember those events well.

This caused governments of the world to more or less freak out. The predictions were wild, but accurate. If the computers of the world were to shut down, most of our material needs would not be met and life on Earth would be challenged, at the least.

Then a French man saved the world by creating a software program that corrected the computers and allowed them to continue working into the 21st century.

As time went on, the world continued its dependency on computer systems and today all aspects of our lives are controlled by it. The way everything comes to us; such as food, water, electricity, gasoline, parts, medicine, and on, is controlled by computers.

If the computers were to stop functioning today, the ramifications of the experience would be many times greater that it would have been in 2000.

It’s been analyzed that if the internet went down permanently, hundreds of millions of people would die within months simply because there is no food or water.

NASA predicted that during the height of the Solar Cycle 24, which we are entering very soon, all computer memories could be erased. Exception to that would be hard drives, DVDs, and etc that are in Faraday Cages, which shields its interior from external electro-magnetic fields and radiation. If these memory drives were to be wiped clean, our entire electric grid around the world would fail. The world would be in the black. From there everything else would come to a stop. NASA has calculated that this may happen sometime toward the peak of the solar cycle from about February to August of 2013 and could last between one and nine months.

This would be a major human disaster.

England didn’t believe NASA’s reports and researched their own data; they shortly replied by saying that they agreed with NASA.  Red flags went up around the world for the governments who now are preparing for this possibility.

Russia then came back with even a more dire scenario that extended beyond what NASA was forecasting.  You can read about this in the newest book, The Mayan Ouroboros.

We didn’t learn from our past mistakes with Y2K. We should have slowed down our dependency on computerized systems until we knew it was safe, but we didn’t even look back.  Instead, we expanded our use of computer technology globally as rapidly as possible. The world quickly forgot how vulnerable we are with computers and solar flares.

And then there is a third concern that matures during this same time period; the Earth’s geomagnetic field which is about to shift it’s polarity from North to South, and the effects of that on humankind. I also wrote about this in The Mayan Ouroboros. Both of these scenarios are definitely necessary to understand, and both of them are inside the window we are entering in a few days on February 18th.

This geomagnetic field reversal is of greater concern for human life than anything that has ever happened in our memory including all the wars since WWI.

But why would I suggest ending the window on June 2nd, 2013 and not later in August? In the government’s remote viewing program back in the 1990’s, a team of expert psychics using their extra-sensory perceptions reported to the US military that something huge was coming to the Earth. They began to search into the future for when it happens.  When they viewed June 1st, 2013, the Earth was already damaged.  So whatever occurred has happened BEFORE June 2nd, 2013.  If this information is not accurate, then we have to continue to be cautious until the end of Solar Cycle 24. In any case, 2013 definitely looks like a year of dramatic change.

I am not here to create fear. That is not my purpose. I am here to bring your awareness to events that are occurring now by scientific standards. As citizens of the Earth, we need to be aware of these global transition events so that we can be prepared and not be surprised by them.

From a Mayan point of view, we must be ready to move into ascension at any moment over the next three years or so. This means staying in meditation, keeping your heart light as a feather and interconnected to your brain.

Now the question is, what can we do to prepare for both a rapid global change and ascension at the same time?  In my meditations it has become clear that I am to give you instructions so that you can make this change within yourself and ascend into the higher levels of Earth’s consciousness. I will do everything I can for you.

Very soon, hopefully before the end of this month, we will release  special instructions for those who know the Mer-Ka-Ba, either synthetic (Flower of Life) or natural (Awakening the Illuminated Heart™), on exactly how you can move from the 3rd dimension of Earth to the 4th dimension of the Earth. At this time, this piece of knowledge will only be useful for those who have been practicing either form of the meditation. It is the missing piece of knowledge that millions of you have been waiting for for years.

For the rest of you, you need to catch up as quickly as you can. In order to assist new people learning this meditation, we will be creating a series of lessons available to you over the internet.  And if you wish to really accelerate your understanding and practice, you can go to The School of Remembering™. There you will have full access to a global school with certified teachers in a vast number of countries and in many languages ready to serve you.

Trust yourself. You will know what to do.

Our filming studio, One Lotus Studios, is nearly completed; but until it is, we will share information with you in whatever manner we can.

Dear people, we are about to enter a time where you seriously need to be awake and prepare for inner and outer transformations that will change your life forever.

But please remember, if we successfully pass beyond the window of The Great Change, we are still in the timeline of the Mayan prophesy until we enter the year of 2016. The critical period of rapid changes will be over when we see a Red Star in our sky. Then we will enter into the change of order and harmony.

With great love for you, I promise, God willing, to help you.

From my heart,


rom:    http://spiritofmaat.com/magazine/march-2013-spring-equinox-edition/drunvalos-corner/

Dangerous earthquake – Yunnan, China

At least 30 injured (3 seriously) and more than 17,000 households with damaged houses in Yunnan, China earthquake

Last update: March 3, 2013 at 7:30 pm by By

Update 19:28 UTC : In addition to the 1405 collapsed rooms and 83434 damaged rooms, this has combined with other infrastructure losses to cause at least 350 million CNY damage (around 55 million USD). 12000 people have been relocated and at least 130000 people have been affected. The injury total remains at 3 severely injured and 27 slightly injured.

Update 17:47 UTC : The earthquake did affected six townships in three counties : Eryuan, Yangbi, and Yunlong (9.2 million people). The houses of 17,594 households has damage in various degrees and 83,434 rooms have been reported damaged so far.

Update 13:33 UTC : A far from final report states that 3 people were seriously injured and 27 slightly injured. The material damage is however far reaching. A lot of infrastructure like government buildings, schools, roads, water distribution, electricity have been damaged in various degrees.
At least 2500 houses were damaged and 700 collapsed.  This is only an intermediate report as the assessment is still going on.
No fatalities reported (which will probably will be final).
The most affected county (and city) is Eryuan, a county with a population of 330,000.

Image courtesy and copyright chinanews.com

Image courtesy and copyright chinanews.com

UPDATE 06:47 UTC:- There have been at least 20 injured, 700 rooms collapsed and 1800 rooms damaged so far in Yunnan. More damage is expected to be counted given the dense population of the area.

UPDATE:- The CENC has stated that it had a magnitude of 5.5 and was 9km in depth. The Yunnan Province Seismological Bureau has started grade IV emergency response which means they are expecting major damage.

This earthquake has likely caused some damage in Dali and Shimen in Yunnan Province of China.

Screen Shot 2013-03-03 at 9.41.16 AM

29km (18mi) E of Shimen, China
51km (32mi) WNW of Dali, China
116km (72mi) SSW of Dayan, China
209km (130mi) WSW of Dadukou, China


Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 5.4

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-03-03 13:41:19

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-03-03 05:41:19

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 9 km

– See more at: http://earthquake-report.com/2013/03/03/moderate-earthquake-yunnan-china-on-march-3-2013/#sthash.BX17BhRq.dpuf

Solar Cycle Analysis

Solar Cycle Update: Twin Peaks

March 1, 2013: Something unexpected is happening on the sun.  2013 is supposed to be the year of Solar Max, the peak of the 11-year sunspot cycle. Yet 2013 has arrived and solar activity is relatively low.  Sunspot numbers are well below their values in 2011, and strong solar flares have been infrequent for many months.

The quiet has led some observers to wonder if forecasters missed the mark. Solar physicist Dean Pesnell of the Goddard Space Flight Center has a different explanation:

“This is solar maximum,” he suggests. “But it looks different from what we expected because it is double peaked.”

Twin Peaks (splash)

A new ScienceCast video explores the puzzling behavior of ongoing Solar Cycle 24. Play it

Conventional wisdom holds that solar activity swings back and forth like a simple pendulum.  At one end of the cycle, there is a quiet time with few sunspots and flares.  At the other end, Solar Max brings high sunspot numbers and solar storms. It’s a regular rhythm that repeats every 11 years.

Reality, however, is more complicated. Astronomers have been counting sunspots for centuries, and they have seen that the solar cycle is not perfectly regular. For one thing, the back-and-forth swing in sunspot counts can take anywhere from 10 to 13 years to complete; also, the amplitude of the cycle varies.  Some solar maxima are very weak, others very strong.

Pesnell notes yet another complication: “The last two solar maxima, around 1989 and 2001, had not one but two peaks.”  Solar activity went up, dipped, then resumed, performing a mini-cycle that lasted about two years.

The same thing could be happening now.  Sunspot counts jumped in 2011, dipped in 2012, and Pesnell expects them to rebound again in 2013: “I am comfortable in saying that another peak will happen in 2013 and possibly last into 2014,” he predicts.

Another curiosity of the solar cycle is that the sun’s hemispheres do not always peak at the same time.  In the current cycle, the south has been lagging behind the north.  The second peak, if it occurs, will likely feature the southern hemisphere playing catch-up, with a surge in activity south of the sun’s equator.

Twin Peaks (shortfall, med)

Recent sunspot counts fall short of predictions. Credit: Dr. Tony Philips & NOAA/SWPC [full plot]

Pesnell is a leading member of the NOAA/NASA Solar Cycle Prediction Panel, a blue-ribbon group of solar physicists who assembled in 2006 and 2008 to forecast the next Solar Max. At the time, the sun was experiencing its deepest minimum in nearly a hundred years.  Sunspot numbers were pegged near zero and x-ray flare activity flat-lined for months at a time.  Recognizing that deep minima are often followed by weak maxima, and pulling together many other threads of predictive evidence, the panel issued this statement:

“The Solar Cycle 24 Prediction Panel has reached a consensus. The panel has decided that the next solar cycle (Cycle 24) will be below average in intensity, with a maximum sunspot number of 90. Given the date of solar minimum and the predicted maximum intensity, solar maximum is now expected to occur in May 2013. Note, this is not a unanimous decision, but a supermajority of the panel did agree.”

Given the tepid state of solar activity in Feb. 2013, a maximum in May now seems unlikely.

“We may be seeing what happens when you predict a single amplitude and the Sun responds with a double peak,” comments Pesnell.

Incidentally, Pesnell notes a similarity between Solar Cycle 24, underway now, and Solar Cycle 14, which had a double-peak during the first decade of the 20th century. If the two cycles are in fact twins, “it would mean one peak in late 2013 and another in 2015.”

No one knows for sure what the sun will do next.  It seems likely, though, that the end of 2013 could be a lot livelier than the beginning.
Author: Dr. Tony Phillips

from:    http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2013/01mar_twinpeaks/

Harlem Shake – Flight 157

FAA investigating “Harlem Shake” on plane

at 11:12 am Fri, Mar 1

Check out the video:

Colorado College students who are members of the school’s ultimate frisbee team convinced the crew of a Frontier Airlines fight to let them do the “Harlem Shake.” The FAA, the same killjoys who think your game of Angry Birds on an iPhone during lift-off will crash a plane, is looking into whether safety rules may have been violated. [NPR]

from:    http://boingboing.net/2013/03/01/faa-investigating-harlem-sha.html

The End of Aerial Photography???

Aerial photography ban proposed for all but government

at 10:59 am Sat, Mar 2

AGBeat: “Neal Kurk (R), member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives since 1986 has recently sponsored HB 619-FN to make aerial photography illegal in their state.”

The proposed bill states:

A person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor if such person knowingly creates or assists in creating an image of the exterior of any residential dwelling in this state where such image is created by or with the assistance of a satellite, drone, or any device that is not supported by the ground. This prohibition shall not apply where the image does not reveal forms identifiable as human beings or man-made objects. In this paragraph, “dwelling” means any building, structure, or portion thereof which is occupied as, or designed or intended for occupancy as, a residence by one or more individuals.

This bill would forbid you from tossing a camera two feet into the air with the shutter-timer feature activated. And Kite aerial photographers will have to switch to pole cams, I guess.

from:    http://boingboing.net/2013/03/02/aerial-photography-ban-propose.html