What is the All Seeing Eye?

The All-Seeing Eye: Sacred Origins of a Hijacked Symbol

Is the all-seeing eye a symbol of divine omniscience or sinister influence? Today it symbolizes control and domination by a shadowy elite, but its original use was quite different. This article traces its use and meaning back to ancient times, when it was a symbol of divine providence, powerfully representing spiritual truth and awakening.

Humanity is Losing Its Precious Symbology

The all-seeing eye is a powerful esoteric symbol which is widely misunderstood and misused today; few know what it originally stood for. It was originally symbolic of a higher spiritual power or God, a watchful caretaker of humanity or an awakened spiritual part within. But these days it has quite different associations.

Today the all-seeing eye is more likely to be seen as an “Illuminati” symbol of control and surveillance by elites who to a large degree run the show on this planet at this time. This is because, over time, dark sinister forces have taken over esoteric symbols that for thousands of years were used to convey positive, helpful, uplifting spiritual messages and principles.  The all-seeing eye is a prime example of how spiritual symbols have been hijacked and inverted. There has not really been much push to understand the symbol’s original meaning or to reclaim it for the spiritual significance it first conveyed.

This is the first in a series of articles I am presenting that will take a closer look at individual symbols, and delve into their origins and history to uncover their deeper esoteric significance. I am writing these as part of an effort to reclaim these positive esoteric symbols and restore them to their previously esteemed state.

Universal Nature of Symbolism

Symbolism has long been used by humanity to communicate ideas which are best crystallised in a compact form. As the well-known saying goes, a picture tells a thousands words! Esoteric symbols are alive today as they were in the ancient past, but there is much confusion surrounding their usage, history, intent, and meaning.

In ordinary life we use symbols to show at a glance important information such as traffic and road signs amongst many other symbols which are widespread and common today. Some other examples are corporate logos and certification statuses.

Symbolism is also especially used in the communication of non-physical, spiritual ideas, phenomena, and processes.

The all-seeing eye is one of the most powerful and widely used  and misused  symbols of all. In this article I trace its use from the earliest of times through to the 18th century, and show what the symbol originally stood for. My next article will examine its use from 18th century freemasonry onwards, and show how it has since been hijacked and misused.

Use of the All-Seeing Eye in Ancient Cultures


Shiva’s third eye

We perhaps find the precursor to what eventually became known as the all-seeing eye in the Rig Veda, a sanskrit text thought to have been written over 3,000 years ago and one of the oldest known texts. In it there are many references to the sun and to other deities as being an eye in heaven, as an eye which reveals creation, or an eye which never closes.

One can liken this to being symbolic of a high level of awakened consciousness that advanced spiritual beings have and which an ordinary person can potentially attain.

The Hindu god Shiva has three eyes. The third eye or brow chakra eye is known as the eye of Shiva, possessor of all knowledge, which when opened will destroy anything it sees. Thus it is a symbol of knowledge which destroys evil and ignorance.

This again can be likened to an awakened higher spiritual part of a person which sees the truth of things and can then eliminate within a person’s psyche that which is opposite to and blocks divine consciousness from manifesting more. In this way it is a “creative destruction” of evil to transform it into higher consciousness.

Even in modern times, the eye of Shiva is used in jewellery to give protection against evil to its wearer and to gain wisdom and understanding from the world, from life events and from the self, for positive transformation.



Buddha’s all seeing eye

In Buddhism, Buddha is referred to as the Eye of the World. It is typical for temples in Nepal to display a graphic of the “Eyes of Buddha” as shown to the right – notice it includes a mark for the “third eye” as well. The eyes are also known as the eyes of wisdom and compassion.

Statues of Buddha typically show a dot in the mid-brow to represent the third eye.

Ancient Egypt

Eye of Osiris

It is interesting to find that the Egyptian hieroglyph for their god Osiris contains an eye as shown below. So as with  Hinduism and Buddhism we find a spiritual deity being represented in ancient times as an eye.


Hieroglyph for “Osiris” contains an eye

Eye of Horus

In ancient Egypt, the all-seeing eye was known as the Eye of Horus or the Eye of Ra and also formed part of the symbology of Wad-jet. Through various myths they were symbols of protection, healing and restoration. The left eye of Horus was said to be the moon and his right eye the sun.


The all seeing eye is a major part of Egyptian spirituality / Image credit: Hajor

Horus was a falcon-headed sun god and it could be said the Eye of Horus was styled like an eye of a lanner falcon with its marking beneath the eye.

Could the Eye of Horus represent parts of the brain used to manifest consciousness?

It is also very interesting to note that the drawing of the Eye of Horus very much matches the cross section of the mid brain where the thalamus, the pineal and pituitary glands are situated. The pineal gland is often said to be the “third eye” and a centre of spirituality and of spiritual insight, which can be developed in a person.

It’s as if the Eye of Horus could be a depiction of the thalamus as the eye ball with the corpus callosum the eye brow above and the medulla oblongata (brain stem) and the hypothalamus being the two markings below. If this is what they were drawing but calling it the Eye of Horus, does it suggest they considered the mid brain to be the seat of consciousness or even of divine consciousness or “Horus consciousness”? Horus being a sun god and symbolic of the universal Christ, a spiritual force which a suitably prepared person can merge with.

Middle East/Asia – Hamsa


A Jewish Hamsa

In the Middle East the all-seeing eye has been known in the form of a hand-eye symbol called either Hamsa, Khamsa or Hamesh.

It’s the symbol of an eye in the palm of a hand, usually the right hand. Again it is a symbol of protection against the evil eye (bad luck caused by jealousy from others) and danger in general and can been seen as a good luck charm in that way.

Detail from “The Divine World” by Kahil Gibran

It is also known as the hand of Fatima in Islam and the hand of Miriam in Judaism. In India it is known as Humsa Hand. The Jains also have a form of the Hamsa in their symbolism with the word ahimsa (meaning non-violence) inside a wheel instead of where the eye would be. The Hamsa has been used for thousands of years and is still in use today as amulets, charms or wall hangings. It would seem to have its origins from ancient Mesopotamia with the hand of Ishtar being a symbol of divine protection although it did not contain the eye in the palm.

A more Christian-themed representation of the Hamsa is an art work called “The Divine World” by Kahlil Gibran, a Lebanese Maronite Catholic prominent in the early 20th century as a poet, painter, writer, philosopher, theologian.


A Nazar / Image credit: Alborz Fallah

In Greece and Turkey they have something similar to the Hamsa which they call a “Nazar”. It is just an eye without the hand but it is used in the same way and has the same meaning as the Hamsa, that is, to ward off the evil eye, in the form of amulets or hanging ornaments usually made from blue glass.

Similarly in Buddhism there is the “eye of Buddha” amulet to ward off the evil eye.


The enigmatic rattlesnake disc  Image credit: Dennis Vesper

The symbol of an eye in a hand also appears in Aztec and Mayan cultures and in Native American artworks although archaeologists are not sure what meaning it had for these cultures.

To the right is a Native American example referred to as “The Rattlesnake Disc” which was unearthed by a farmer in Moundville, Alabama in the 1800’s. Some archaeologists think its symbolism may have represented a portal to spiritual dimensions. It is the most elaborately decorated artwork found at Moundville giving rise to the belief it was of the most importance to its creators. Other artworks found there also contain the hand-eye symbol.

Ancient Ecuador

There is also the amazing discovery in 1984 in La Mana, central Ecuador, of an ancient artefact referred to as the Black Pyramid amongst 300 artefacts found there of unknown origin.

It is not known what culture they come from and the many objects found are baffling and seemingly out of place for this part of the world, such as an object designed as a hooded King Cobra of south east Asia. Cobras don’t exist in South America.

The so-called Black Pyramid is made from black stone with an eye at the apex. The stone has gold inlays forming 13 levels of “bricks” and an eye at the top. These inlays glow when under black light. Overall it looks like a representation of the great pyramid of Giza (7,470 miles away) and also amazingly just like the eye pyramid symbol used on the Great Seal of America and the US $1 bill.

It is also interesting to note the cobra artefact has another similarity with ancient Egypt where the raised cobra is associated with the Eye of Horus/Ra and Wad-jet in their protective aspects with it being worn on the foreheads of Pharaohs at the mid-brow right where the third eye is located.  This symbolises the raising of a person’s energies to a higher vibration which internally leads to the awakening of psychic faculties such as those latent in the third eye.


Images via YouTube user Wellington Marin – Illuminati Pyramid from Ecuador

It is not known how old these objects are as dating them has not been possible but they are thought to pre-date the known ancient cultures of the region. There is also a pre-Sanskrit type language (making it very old) engraved on some of the objects including on the underside of the black pyramid where there are also markings which appear to map out the stars of the Orion constellation, which the pyramids at Giza also map. The 4 pre-Sanskrit markings are thought to translate as saying “the son of the creator comes”.

Given the care taken to create this object it would seem to have been an important symbol for its creators although it is not clear how they interpreted it.

Ancient Greek

In the Hymns of Orpheus, the hymn To The Sun describes it variously as thus;

as an “eternal eye with broad survey” ;

and compares it to being the “Father of ages” ;

and as “Immortal Jove, all searching, bearing light” ;

then later as the “Great eye of Nature and the starry skies” ;

followed by “Faithful defender, and the eye of right”

So here we see in an ancient text of the western world similar representation of the sun like that presented in the ancient text of the east, the Rig Veda, as being an eye of the creator and an all-seeing never closing eye watching over and protecting the good.


“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” (Jesus in Matthew 6:22)

“The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their cry;” (Psalms 34:15)

“The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.” (Proverbs 15:3)


Does the Talpiot tomb display an all seeing eye?

A possible first known use of the all-seeing eye symbol in Judeo-Christianity is the so-called “Jesus tomb” from 1st century AD discovered in 1980, which uses a similar symbol over the entrance to the tomb. Regardless of whose tomb it is, could this be a first known or early use of the eye-pyramid symbol in the Judeo-Christian tradition?

In Christianity, the all-seeing eye or “Eye of Providence” or “Eye of God” has been used as a symbol from at least the 16th century as seen in the following painting below which depicts a scene from Luke 24: 13-32 where after his resurrection, Jesus has supper with two disciples.


16th century Christian painting – dated 1525 by Italian artist Pontormo (student of Da Vinci), called Supper in Emmaus – depicts Luke 24: 13-32

The eye is inside a triangle, and surrounded by rays of light, with the triangle representing the holy trinity and the whole symbol meaning God’s omnipresence and all-seeing eye watching over creation.

Some claim that the eye in triangle symbol was added to the painting soon after the Council of Trent 1545- 1563, to conform with its canons and decrees but even if that is so that would still place its use in the 16th century.

In Alsace, France, the fresco painted above the altar of the Abbey Church of Saint-Jean-Baptiste (1763) shows a large example of the eye-in-pyramid symbol, with the rays of glory breaking through the clouds.

Another example is on the Aachen cathedral in Germany. It was originally built in the late 8th century under the Emperor Charlemagne and then enlarged in the middle ages with various other changes and updates along the way. It would seem the all-seeing eye symbol was placed on the cathedral in 1766 to mark the renovations done that year.

Note that these first two examples pre-date the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati (1776) although Freemasonry already existed in England and Europe by this time. Perhaps it was a masonic influence that saw these symbols used on these cathedrals yet it was not until about 1797 that masons are regarded as beginning to use the eye-in-pyramid symbol.

The eye-in-pyramid symbol also features prominently on the front facade of the Hartegbrugkerk Church in Leiden, the Netherlands, built in 1835-36. The Latin words “Hic Domus Dei est et Porta Coeli” translates to “This is the House of God and the Gateway to Heaven.”


An all-seeing eye in the St. Jean-Baptiste Abbey Church / Image credit: Ralph Hammann


Aachen Cathedral all-seeing eye / Image credit: Trexer


Another all-seeing eye atop Hartegbrugkerk Church, Netherlands / Image credit: Robbiedoes









These are just some Christian examples of many that appear in Europe.


As we have seen, throughout history there has been a strong tradition across time, continents and cultures of using eye symbolism to generally represent a benevolent creator force watching over, helping and protecting humanity and to represent a spiritual part within.

In my next article I will continue to trace the use of the all-seeing eye symbolism over the last 240 years and reveal how it has been inverted and increasingly used for sinister aims in current times.

[ You can see the video of my interview with Total View on this topic here:                          Total View interview: All-Seeing Eye – Sacred Origins of a Hijacked Symbol ]

from:    https://consciousreporter.com/conspiracy-against-consciousness/corruption-sacred-symbols-all-seeing-eye/

That Feline Magic!

CAT – Protects You And Your Home From Ghosts And Negative Spirits!

CAT – Protects You And Your Home From Ghosts And Negative Spirits!


 The aura of the cat is so big, that includes not only the individual, but also his family, home, and territory that the cat is committed to.1

Therefore, we must understand that when a cat rubs against your legs, it’s not only that it’s trying to get some food from you, but it also means that the cat is sharing its magic with you, its astral force.

The one who pushes the cat away at this moment, saying “leave me alone, get out” simply blocks that positive energy the cat was trying to give him or her. Next time the cat won’t share its astral force field with you, as a matter of fact, it may even take some of yours.

Cats don’t only protect the home from evil spirits entering it, but it also protects the house from negative energies that resided there before even the cat came to the house. This is especially useful if you move to a home that belonged to other people before, or a house where bad things happened.


When a cat senses a spirit in the house, the first thing it does is following it around in order to figure out its intentions. To make sure that this astral entity won’t threaten its territory, the cat is making every attempt possible to expel it through her energy field displacement.

If that doesn’t work, the cat traps the entity in its energy field and leads it out oh the house. Hence, in some traditions, there were motives when the evil spirit rides or flies on a cat.

So, pay close attention to your cat and notice whether it keeps returning to a certain spot in the house, keeping a tense posture, and obviously staring at something. Such a behavior can be a sign of an evil presence.

To help your animal to get rid of any evil spirits, read a prayer over the spot or do a cleansing ritual.  If you don’t know any prayers or rituals, you can simply burn some White Sage – it’s a powerful way for getting read of negative or stale energy.

The cat’s astral field is so strong that it can easily chase any negative entity away. For this reason, people who communicate with spirits don’t allow cats in the room where a seance is taking place .

It can scare the astral beings. However, in some cases the presence of cats during magic rituals, is very encouraged.CAT – Protect You And Your Home From Ghosts And Negative Spirits!1


The presence of cats will also protect you from any evil eyes and curses.

But in order to protect you from an evil eye, or during a  conversation with a person whom you suspect of impure thoughts, you need to keep your hands on the cat, using your left hand for stroking her neck, and your right one for stroking its tail.

In this case, you will be in full contact with the animal. Your energy fields will come together in a single force field that will keep you safe even from powerful attacks.

Since cats are conduits of cosmic energy, they can bring positive energy into the house, which will contribute to the welfare and prosperity of the whole family. Cats like being in places where the energy is strong, like in geopathogenic zones.

They often choose these places because there is a strong negative energy flow or underground water.

Russians used to have a very interesting ritual: when moving to a new place of residence they first let a cat in the house. If the house was old, the cat was taking care of all the unwanted negative energy – a remainder of the former owners.

If the house was new, it demanded “a ransom,” which represents a powerful energy charge that a cat can give.


A great use of cats’ magical powers is found in healing. Cats of any breed and color have the ability to treatment and may inadvertently treat their masters, lying on their sore spots.

One of the easiest methods of treatment with the help of a cat – a simple stroking her, release people from mental and emotional stress. In healing cats are used to improve vision too. To this end, some healers advise to pet tail white cat.

In terms of the psycho-emotional effects on humans, cats with congenital (not acquired!) main features of the body structure and facial (scottish-fold, Persians and Exotic, Bobtail, sphinxes, munchkins, Rex), have double magic powers!


Those people who are going to use the magical properties of the animal, need to know how to choose a cat.

In some cases you need a black cat, and in others a red-haired cat. When choosing a cat for a magical procedure it is very important to take their color into consideration.

  • Black: witchcraft, occult powers, protection, deep magic! Despite all the superstitions, the beasts of color take negative energy is removed from the trouble of households, grant wisdom and discernment!
  • Red (red) cats and cats: the classic witches moon, full of male power, the power of the sun, Yang energy. No matter of the cat sex, the representatives of this color are the magic of wealth, money, focus.
  • Blue (gray, smoky gray): Cats of this color bring love, happiness, good luck, as well as emotional stability and sensual peace!
  • White: cat-and-sorcerers create lunar magic, have powerful healing powers! Give people a sense of beauty and admiration, relieve stress, give out healing and recharging energy! In America, considered a good omen.
  • Colorpoint (Siamese), the royal color! Cats with the color of diluted Siamese temples, jealously guarding the purity of the color. Cats of this color bring fame and success, longevity, help in the solar magic, Yan energy!
  • Calico (Three-colored) – Cat supreme goddess. The classic three-color combination white color varieties (maiden), red (parent: the mother and father), deep black -color magic! This color is associated with the triple goddess. Calico cats are good luck and on land and at sea, keep home and family from harm, are happiness and prosperity!
  • Two-tone (black-and-white, orange-white, gray and white): according to legend, two-colored cats best Mouser and very friendly. Allow the energy of wisdom, understanding and common sense!
  • Tortoiseshell: Women’s magic, because this color pattern is inherited only by females. Children, pure magic, the giver of clairvoyance, healing.
  • Golden, golden brown (like the Abyssinian): revered temple cat, playful, wise, regal, which bestows grace, helps to master the age-old wisdom, solar magic.
  • Tabby (striped): smiling Cheshire cat, which bestows good luck, light, cheerful attitude to the situation, even the most critical, energizing humor and fun!

from:   https://gostica.com/spiritual-lifestyle/cat-protects-home-ghosts-negative-spirits/

Sarah Biermann on Being in the Outside World

COMING OUT OF THE PSYCHIC CLOSET; How to feel safe and joyful being your authentic self in the outside world

By Sarah Biermann

Have you been cocooning or hiding out in your safe little home? Has it been challenging to go into public places, especially where there are a lot of people? Or maybe you have had to “adjust” yourself in order to fit in with the Muggles (non-magical or unspiritual people). By adjust I mean shrink your energy field, watch what you say and try to appear “normal”. Or maybe being around other people, certain people or a lot of people makes you feel exhausted. Perhaps you’ve experienced the weird phenomenon of people not seeing you, in your car or in your body. They drive or walk in front of you as if you are not there.

In 2011 especially we have been doing a lot of inner work. We’ve needed time alone, away from the distractions and challenges of interacting with other people. I have talked to so many people who have told me they fear becoming agoraphobic! It’s like you have to gird your loins (which means preparing yourself for danger or war by putting on your armor) just to go to the grocery store or a shopping mall or a movie. We are expanding and increasing our psychic/intuitive abilities at an amazing rate.

With these increasing abilities it is easy to become overwhelmed. We’ve got to change the way we are living as expanded spiritual beings and how we interact with the people and energies in the world.

I’ve been feeling the push to be more public, to go out into the world more. And I’m not alone. I know a lot of you are feeling like it’s time to step up or step out of your “Psychic Closet”. For some of you this just means being willing to say what you want and be as big and cool and spiritual as you really are, no matter where you are. For others the push can be to go public (or more public) with your spiritual work. This is the year to let go of fear and enjoy freedom. 2012 is a 5 year (2+0+1=+2=5). This means there’s going to be change! 2011 was a 4 year. That was a year of building foundations, working and setting the stage for the changes inherent in a 5 year. The negative aspects of the 4 year are frustration, exhaustion and fear about security. In a 5 year there are so many potentials available that the negative aspects are distraction and overwhelm. So it is important that we are centered and grounded in the now moment and our own Authentic Energy to use the 5 energy of freedom and change is a positive way and not lose focus.

So I’ve been practicing for a while to learn or create techniques that allow me to be my Authentic Self in situations that have been challenging lately. How do I maintain my sense of self when surrounded by a lot of other people and low frequency emotions like fear, shame, hopelessness, etc.? I attended a very fun event at the beginning of December. I went with my sister and a couple of her friends to Sing Along to The Sound of Music at the Castro Theatre in San Francisco. There were many opportunities to be distracted. First, it’s the city AND the Castro District. For those of you who don’t know about it, the Castro (as described by Wikipedia) “is one of the United States’ first and best-known gay neighborhoods, and it is currently its largest. Having transformed from a working-class neighborhood through the 1960s and 1970s, the Castro remains a symbol and source of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) activism and events.” The Castro Theatre was originally built in 1922 and is beautifully restored and absolutely gorgeous! It was a warm and sunny day and the sidewalks and streets were crowded (two separate men walked by us as we waited in line, both buck naked, whoohoo!). There was a protest against banks across the street, curious tourists and fun costumes. Basically, there was a lot going on. I kept my center, didn’t pick up anybody’s energy and had a really wonderful time.

I continued to develop the skills and decided to put it to the ultimate test. I went to the biggest shopping mall in the county on Christmas Eve! You can imagine what the energy was like in there. My daughter who is very empathic was blown away and begged me to get her out of there. I tried telling her how to stay sovereign but she couldn’t quite do it. Several times she pulled me to the side to let the “crazy people” walking behind us go past. I was aware of them, they were loud verbally and energetically but I was unaffected. A true victory!

Here’s a brief guide to the process I use:

The first step is to be present, in the here and now and in your body. Focus on your breathing. Use the ImagiCreation Breath (simultaneously contracting and expanding into you center chakra (joined 3rd and 4th chakras). This keeps you centered and feeling safe. If you are in this exact moment, you can’t worry about the future or regret the past. Scan your body and notice how different parts feel. Stress can knock us out of our bodies, leaving you feeling ungrounded and susceptible to being influenced by outside energies.

Connect with the Earth; physical connection, skin to earth is best, but at least connect energetically. You are part of a greater organism. Let the earth share her strength with you. This also helps you to feel safe.

Connect with your Greater Self. Breathe in your Authentic Energy and expand it out to fill your body and beyond. Expand this energy as far as it will go. You are much bigger than you think. Your body is surrounded by this unique field of your Authentic Energy. It’s like being in your own dimension. Note: Sometimes people in other dimensions can’t see you when you are in your Greater Self Dimension. Like most people can’t perceive fairies. An example was once when I was in a restaurant after teaching a class. I was really buzzing. The waiter literally walked by my table less than 12 inches away from me at least 5 times without noticing me or my friend. Finally, I shifted my energy and reached out to touch him as he walked by. The poor guy nearly jumped out of his skin and said, “Oh my god, I didn’t see you there!” This was not because the restaurant was bust. It was still early and there were only three other tables with diners at the time. So, it’s a good idea to create a “human costume” that can be seen by those who are unable to perceive your frequency, especially when driving your car.

What I discovered by frequently focusing on and being in the energy of my Greater Self is the true nature of unconditional love and self-love. It’s not the romantic longing of infatuation. It’s not something that comes from someone else being lovable, desirable or kind. Unconditional love is our natural state as Infinite Beings outside of the Earth Game. I would describe it as being peaceful, content, safe, non-judgmental and absolutely knowing that you are lovable, exactly as you are.

Once you are anchored in your Authentic Energy, in your body and in the present moment, you can’t be knocked about by other energies as long as you maintain that sovereignty.

How to keep your sovereignty when you are out there:

Don’t start reading other people. It’s a fun game when you are first learning to do it and many of us have used this technique to try to feel safe. I would always read my mother’s energy before I went in the house so I could be braced for any angry attacks. You can perceive if there is someone with whom you do not want to engage without “going in” and getting stuck with their stuff. Let your empathic system know to let you know if there is anything dangerous out there and trust that it will do just that. This does take practice.

Don’t send out love and/or light when you perceive others difficulties or hurts. This opens a path for their negative stuff to flow right into you. This has been a struggle for healers for a very long time. Instead, focus on this person’s Greater Self, knowing that they are having exactly the experience that they need for the path they have chosen.

Most people unconsciously match frequencies with others when they want to connect and communicate. Stay conscious of this tendency and focus on your own frequency. This also takes practice.

If you must engage with someone (a family member, cashier or co-worker for example), don’t focus on what you dislike about them. Find something that you can appreciate, like or even love about them and focus on that. It can be nice earrings or necktie, great hair color or eye color. This doesn’t mean that you forget that your co-worker loves to spread gossip and start telling your secrets! Trust what you know but don’t focus on the negative. Focusing on the negative lowers your frequency and gets you hooked in to their energy.

Be willing to be silly, wrong, look stupid or whatever. You know that you are loved and loveable. You do not have to be perfect. You can’t be perfect anyway.

If you find yourself feeling judgmental about someone, look at where you judge yourself. Once again, this doesn’t mean that you tell your secrets to the office gossip. It is discernment to know that this is how this person is. To choose to stay away from a poisonous snake doesn’t mean you are making the snake “bad” for its nature. It is following your knowing to steer clear (unless you are a professional snake handler) of a situation that would not be good for you.

These are the basic methods I have successfully used. You must stay conscious and practice to break old habits and trust yourself to be safe and secure.


About Sarah Biermann

Sarah Biermann


Sarah Biermann is an internationally renowned Teacher, Intuitive Healer, Channel, and is the founder of ImagiCreation. Clairvoyant and highly empathic, she works directly with the language of the unconscious mind to clear and transform limiting beliefs, implants, past life material and much more. Sarah can be reached at: sarah@limitless-one.com

Please visit Sarah’s website, www.limitless-one.com for free articles and channels, audios, videos, teleseminars and events. Experience the Golden Mesh and the Un-create Wormhole, a powerful guided process to clear out unwanted energies from your system.

Visit Sarah’s blog www.imagicreation.wordpress.com for her series about the hidden meanings of words, Playing with Language, and much more.

from:    http://www.spiritofmaat.com/feb12/coming_out_of_the_psychic_closet.html