Work Less, Get More

The Many Benefits of Working Less

Yes, more time off would make us happier—but it’s a good idea for the economy and the planet, too.
 posted Jan 04, 2012


beach feet by Markus Kolb

Photo by Markus Kolb

Most of us have no trouble imagining the benefits of having more time off work: more time with friends and family, less stress, finally learning to play the violin. But the benefits of working less, it turns out, aren’t just for the individual enjoying a happier life. A culture less focused on the rat race means serious benefits for the planet and the economy, as well.

In this interview with Free Speech TV, sociologist Juliet Schor—who wrote the article Less Work, More Living in our Fall 2011 issue—explains why less work could work for all of us. (No Video?  Check it out at the link below.)

Video courtesy of FSTV

Juliet Schor is professor of sociology at Boston College and the author of the national bestseller The Overspent American.
