11/11/11 — 11:11

Sarah-Jane Grace
a message from Sarah-Jane Grace
Friday, 11 November, 2011

The 11th minute of the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of the 11th year of the 21st century. How often can we have a moment like this is our lifetimes?!

There is a great deal of focus and energy being placed on this moment in time; a great deal of hope and expectation. What does it represent? What does it mean? There are lots of theories and ideas bubbling around the globe, from portals opening to a shift in DNA. In essence though, perhaps the most significant focus of this day is to simply bring together like minded souls who collectively share a vision of hope, healing, love and evolution.

The more people that come together and unify, the more we can truly understand the nature of all of the cosmic shifts, twists and turns that we have witnessed and will continue to witness. Unity is one-ness, the Uni-verse is one-ness and the more we connect to, and live, this one-ness, the more we realise just how magnificent we truly are.

The nature of being human sees us define ourselves by the sum of our past; what happened before shapes us, moulds us and makes us whom we are today. We look back to spiritual knowledge and to the wisdom of the past to give the present (and the future) meaning and purpose; we seek a full awakening from our seemingly long dark nights of the soul.

Yet, can the past truly shape and define us? Have we not reached a point in our evolution where we need to define ourselves by the present moment? Can we always find an answer from the past? In some ways, of course we can, but if we are truly evolving now surely we need to stop looking backwards and start looking forwards!

In essence, it seems to be a time to stop seeking meaning from the outside world and to go within in order to find the answers and solutions to our lives. We may not have ‘all the answers’, but no one has, not on this earth. Yet, if we are to grow and evolve, isn’t a part of that making ‘mistakes’ and learning from them? Like a baby finding its feet; it will fall and bump, but after each fall comes not only a determination to try again but an evolving learning process to make the next attempt a step closer to its goal.

We are being re-born now, and it is time to have trust and faith in our own abilities to learn and to find our own ways forwards. This is not about isolation, but it is defining ourselves from within not without. Groups are a powerful way to manifest change and transformation, healing and love, but in order to find Truth, we need to go within our Selves and not define ourselves through the collective. is a special moment, perhaps mainly because we decide it will be. This may sound twee or a little light-hearted, but it is not. At the end of the day, it is our intent that is the most important gift that we have. Intent and personal power are our guiding lights and are the forces in our lives that can transform, destroy and create. Imagine what we can do personally and collectively if we believe that we can. If we can make special, then we can do anything!

Portals may open and our DNA may change, but perhaps the most significant things we can embrace is unity, self-awareness and the power of intent, for once we have these, then life can be truly wonderful…

You are encouraged to share articles as long as copyright and contact information are always included.  Thank you for your courtesy. Sarah-Jane Gracewww.theplanetwhisperer.co.uk

Copyright © 2006-2011 Sarah-Jane Grace. All Rights Reserved

from:    http://spiritlibrary.com/sarah-jane-grace/11-11-11-11-11

Tom Kenyon Hathor Message re: 11/11/11

Transmissions of Light: 

A Hathor Planetary Meditation Reminder from Tom Kenyon

The World Meditation on 11/11/11

The actual “Transmissions of Light” World Meditation (as our group together in Seattle will experience it) will run from 9 pm until 10 pm November 11th PST. Note: This is 5 am – 6am Saturday, November 12, GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).

During this specific hour Hathors from the 5th through the 12th Dimensions will be bringing in light through sound. Hathors who reside in the higher dimensions (i.e. 9-12) are the ancient masters of their culture.

In past Hathor events, Hathors from the 5th through the 8th dimensions have participated, but this will be the first event where Hathors from the 9th through the 12th dimension will bring in light and sound.

While the concept of dimensions is a very complex affair, in this instance the central idea is that each dimension upward means that it is subtler in its nature. And the subtler the dimension, the more potential power there is to be accessed. As a result of this multidimensional orchestration on the part of the Hathors, I fully expect a profound and potent experience for all of us.

If you choose to ride the energetic wave during this specific hour-long meditation, the Hathors suggest you listen to the Pituitary Dimensional Attunement seven times and then sit in silence for twenty to thirty minutes with your attention in the area of your pituitary. If possible, they suggest that you then lie down and rest. (Note: a link to the audio file for the Pituitary Attunement and instructions on how to use it, are at the end of this message.)

The transformational energies around this Meditation will extend for a three-day period. The portal will initially open when we begin working with the group in Seattle at 7 pm on November 11th PST and continue until November 13th at 4 pm, PST, when it will close.  Meditation on the Pituitary Dimensional Attunement will be particularly potent during this entire time period. (To find your time corollary go to www.timeandate.com)

The energetic of the Meditation, as well as the three-day gathering in Seattle, will transcend both time and space.  In other words, you can enter into profound states of inner awareness using the Pituitary Dimensional Attunement at anytime while the portal is open during the three-day period, regardless of where you might be physically located.

If you follow the Hathors’ suggestion regarding the meditation, you would set aside about an hour when you won’t be disturbed. You would then listen to the Pituitary Dimensional Attunement seven times back-to-back (from your own computer and/or mp3 player). Then you would sit in silence with your attention in the area of your pituitary gland for twenty to thirty minutes. And finally, you would lie down, if possible, and rest for a while. Many of us will, no doubt, fall asleep during this rest period, and this is a good thing. If it happens for you, my suggestion is to just go with it.

If you feel drawn to do the meditation more than once during the three-day period of the energetic, monitor yourself. If you start feeling more weird than usual, stop the meditation and rest.

I anticipate a profound and deep experience for everyone who joins us in this meditation wherever they may be. And I welcome all of our world sangha to The Table of the Great Mystery.

May we all be nourished and enlivened by the realms of light that will be opened. And may these transmissions of light extend to all beings who wish to receive them.

Note: To listen to this file seven times, you must download it onto your computer and/or mp3 player. Do not continuously listen to it on our website. Too many people trying to listen to it on our site by clicking “play” over and over will literally freeze the audio file, and no one will be able to listen to it. Please download it to your computer. Also, you cannot download directly to a smart phone or an MP3 player. You must first download to a computer.

Click here to read the instructions for the Pituitary Dimensional Attunement, as previously given, as well as to access the free audio file.

On an unrelated topic:
An independent documentary is being made about Tom’s life and work in sound healing. To see a preview of the film:

© 2011 Tom Kenyon. All rights reserved www.tomkenyon.com
You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media you wish as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include this copyright notice and web address. 

More On 11/11/11

What’s So Special About the Date 11/11/11?

Natalie Wolchover, Life’s Little Mysteries Staff Writer
Date: 07 November 2011 Time: 01:38 PM ET

In medieval times, numerologists — those who searched for the mystical significance of numbers — believed all numbers had both positive and negative aspects … except for 11. In the words of the 16th century scholar Petrus Bungus, 11 “has no connection with divine things, no ladder reaching up to things above, nor any merit.” Stuck between the divine numbers 10 and 12, 11 was pure evil, and represented sinners.

That doesn’t bode well for Nov. 11, 2011, the date when three 11s will align for the first time in a century. A new horror film, “11/11/11,” has even been made for the occasion, and it plays on (or perhaps plays up) people’s fear of coincidences surrounding the number. Film characters experience the so-called “11:11 phenomenon,” a tendency to look at the clock more often at 11:11 than at other times of the day. In the film, this is a warning of what’s to come: “On the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the eleventh year, a gateway will open … and on this day, innocent blood will spill,” says a voiceover in the trailer

Indeed, the 11:11 phenomenon is widely reported in real life, with entire online discussion forums dedicated to figuring out what the number means. People say they feel haunted by 11s, which appear to them eerily often. To them, the impending date is bound to seem ominous.

On the flip side, some modern-day numerologists have deemed 11/11/11 auspicious, and according to local news sources around the country, an unusual number of couples have planned to marry on the day. The number 11 is also a favorite of gamblers — particularly blackjack and Keno players. So, amid all these alternative perspectives, what’s the real deal about repeating 11s? Is there anything special about the numbers lining up?

No. With regards to the 11:11 phenomenon, rather than being a supernatural warning sign, psychologists say it is a classic case of “apophenia,” or the human tendency to find meaning or patterns in randomly occurring data. This condition feeds on itself, because the more conscious you are of something — such as repeating 11s — the more often you’ll notice it in the world around you, and thus the more certain you’ll become that the pattern is real.

In online forums about the 11:11 phenomenon, people often say they didn’t notice how many 11s appeared to them until hearing about the phenomenon from someone else. This is a tell-tale sign of apophenia: When they found out about the phenomenon, they subconsciously started keeping track of all the 11s they saw, with each new sighting seeming more significant than the last.

Just as there is nothing to fear about 11/11/11, there is no reason to be optimistic about the date, either.

According to Alan Lenzi, professor of religious studies at University of the Pacific who studiesbiblical numerology, seeking meaning in numbers is a natural human tendency. “Cognitive scientists have demonstrated that the human brain is hard-wired to look for meaningful patterns in the sensory data it collects from the world,” Lenzi told Life’s Little Mysteries.

In most situations, this cognitive wiring helps us: It enables us to pick important information out of a background of random noise. But sometimes we overdo it by finding patterns where they aren’t — from faces seen in the clouds to numerical coincidences. Once found, these patterns “are easily imbued with imaginative meaning,” he said.

There is nothing unusual about the time 11:11 or the date 11/11/11, but our brains can’t help noticing the repeating digits, and seeing them as meaningful. “Numbers that are already significant to us, such as calendar dates that also coincidentally fall into an obvious pattern, become doubly significant,” Lenzi said. “11/11/11 is another example of people doing what people are cognitively prone to do: find significance.”

from:   http://www.lifeslittlemysteries.com/meaning-date-11-11-11-2145/

Metatron via Tyberon on Atlantis, 11/11/11, & The Law of One

The Energy of the 11-11-11 (Part 1)

a message from Metatron channeled by Tyberonn
Wednesday, 5 October, 2011  (posted 28 October, 2011)
The Platinum Crystal of Bio-Plasmic Interface

Revisiting the Story of the Law of One in Atlantis

Part One of a Three Segment Channel

Greetings Masters, I am Archangel Metatron, Lord of Light! I greet you all in a vector of unconditional love!

And so as the 11-11-11 rapidly approaches, the powerful Atlantean Temple Crystals across the planet surge into greater potency. The Platinum Crystal brings forth the facilitated access into higher dimension, and brings the completion of the Divine Feminine Energy through the Platinum Ray.

The magnificent Platinum Crystal, long held in dormancy beneath Magnetic Mount in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, achieves its activation & initial potency at 11:11 A.M. on the morning of November 11th, 2011, and awakens from a long sleep. The Platinum Crystal is the Crystal of the Law of One, the highest balanced frequency of your planet.

Masters, no place on the planet will reverberate as powerfully with the Crystalline frequency on the 11-11-11 as the crystal vortex of Arkansas. Indeed the initial surge will occur there and then trigger the other awakenings axialtonally from inside the Arkansas Crystal Vortex.

In kind, they will energize the 144-Grid into 92% functionality and awaken & code the Crysto-Golden Sun Disc placed in Arkansas and align with the 12 patterns of same throughout the planet. Many are called; many of you are code-carriers of the Ascension blueprint, and many are drawn to participate in this Crystalline awakening, as part of an ancient contract, a sacred promise whose time has finally come. Many are there already, having been called to live within this crystalline vortex that will be fully in place in 2012.

Core Purpose of the 11-11-11

We first shared the information regarding the twelve unique Triple Date Portals via Tyberonn of the Pleiades, over a decade ago. These are unique numerical frequential portals sequenced in base 12. These TDPs are purposed to activate the Crystalline Transition. And although many of humanity have now ascribed to the trenchant vigor of these date-portals, they have somewhat overlooked the core understanding of their substantive significance. The Triple Date Portals (01-01-01 thru 12-12-12) are equivocally aligned to the activation of the 12 geo-pentagonal aspects of the ‘double penta-dodecahedron’ of the 144-Crystalline Grid. The twelve dodecahedronal aspects of the Crystalline grid are accordingly integrated with the ‘human’ interface codes in the gatherings and meditations occurring on these frequential aperture dates. And Masters, that is so appropriate.


Masters, it is not happenstance that MAX, Crystallus Maximus, will be at the 11-11-11 in the Law of One Atlantean Energy of Arkansas. MAX is by far the most powerful Crystalline Conscious Library on the planet at this time. MAX carries the full records and all of the codes of the New Earth are within MAX. MAX will receive a Cosmic influx on the 11-11-11, at 11:11 am within the energy of the Crystal Vortex. It will be transferred to MAX as an upshift download from the 13th Paradigm Energies, assisted by the realms of what you term the Metatronic Field, including the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance and Sacred Cetacean of Sirius , the Golden Dolphin.. With this expanded and recoded information, MAX will be the initial conduit that passes the new codes to the code carriers, and activates these new codes within the Crysto-Sun Disc at Mount Pinnacle in the powerful crystal energy of Arkansas.

There will be a mutual exchange between MAX and the Platinum Crystal; one triggers a new influx, and the other transmits the new codes. MAX will take on a greater energy than he has carried to date. An energy that he transfers to the Crystalline Vortex, the Sun Disc and the human code carriers.

And so we bring new information on the emerging mega vortex of Arkansas, the portal of the quantum crystalline frequency. For now, in 2011, this vortex truly nears final completion and vaults into greater global prominence. Within the 2011 and 2012 completion are the further unfolding of the dimensional lock that held the Master Temple Crystals. For within these living crystalline computers lies the true Atlantean wisdom, that of the Golden Age of Atlantis, that of the Law of One. It was and is to date, the highest frequency obtained on your earth plane.

Much has been forgotten of the true realm of Atlantis. Many tend to remember only the sad demise, under the Aryan influence of greed and lust for power. We tell you it is time to remember the Law of One, the Golden Age of Poseida. For within that Golden Age existed a very spiritual matriarchal society which achieved a harmonic state of divine balance, the highest frequency ever achieved upon the Earth plane in what is termed the Golden Age of Atlantis.

Indeed that time has come, for the Law of One was and is the once and future society of the Power of Love, not the Love of Power. And we say future, because the Law of One will indeed re-emerge, and it is beginning once again across the planet, specifically in the Crystal Vortexes of Arkansas and Brazil.

And we emphasize that in 2011 continues the grand exponential flux and harmonic expansion of the great Atlantean Master Temple Crystals of Poseida, held for over 12,000 years in dimensional seal within the magnetic complex of Arkansas. On the 11-11-11 the Great Platinum Crystal awakens, and joins into the Crystal Vortex network with the other mega Crystals of Arkansas, the Blue Crystal of Knowledge and the Emerald Crystal of Healing.

Many of you will be drawn to take part in the unveiling, for indeed you were there as witnesses to the deluge and some of you to the consequent movement of these amazing Atlantean Master Crystals to this and other areas. The new Crystalline Age is upon you, it is the transition you call the Ascension.

The diamond phase of the Crystalline Transition of Earth was realized on the 10-10-10, in correlation to the 10th dimension and 12th Chakric resonance. The Platinum Phase begins on the 11-11-11.

The Platinum Crystal & Platinum Ray Release

The Platinum Crystal exudes a beautiful, calming energy of brilliant magnificence. It brings forth the balancing between the new emerging dimensional realms of the New Earth, particularly the force that will allow for greater interface, greater access into the ‘Angelic Realm’ which is in truth the antimatter phases of your parallel dimensions. As such the Platinum Crystal is the surge protector that both feeds and harmonizes the proportion and parity of the ‘Harmonic Cycle’ between matter and antimatter. It also adjusts and stabilizes the unified crystalline synergy in coalescence with the enormous crysto–magnetic forces released in the phases of the Cosmic Trigger. That is specifically why it was located beneath Magnetic Mountain near Eureka Springs, as those magnetic energies are being transformed by the crystalline forces as the Magnetic Grid is reduced and replaced in dominance by the expansion of the 11-Crystalline Grid.

All of the Master Crystals are appropriately staged in their activation, achieving timed portions of their power each year until the 12-21-12. This is regulated by the Crystalline Masters of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance under the Galactic Federation. Were the crystals to be launched into full power too quickly, an energetic imbalance would occur.

What will occur on the 11-11-11is the recoding of the crystalline aspect termed the Starseed Divine Feminine. The Emerald Crystal of Healing provided the initial reprogramming that is being brought in by the Emerald- Ray . The Platinum-Ray, also a Feminine energy aspect, provides the completion of the Feminine Crystalline into the DNA of the planet, and as such into those of humanity open to receive the sacred and requisite transformation. Their effects will be a lessening of the arc swing of polarity between that termed the masculine and feminine aspect. But also through the Platinum, there will be greater ease to enter into higher dimensional realms.

Accordingly will polarity-balance be more easily achieved and obtained in human expression of the Divine Equity on the planet of duality. Indeed will it bridge the gap in the right and left hemispheres of the brain, and of the conscious-ego mind to the supra subconscious of Divine Mind. Understanding of soul path, of priorities in life and indeed the process of decision making will be greatly clarified. Requisite aspects of nurturing, kindness and brother-sister hood will be far easier to manifest into reality on both the micro and macro levels. That termed ‘Unconditional Love’, previously untenable in the third dimension will be closer to the reality of each on the path, as the fifth thru seventh dimensional resonances are drawn closer.

Coherent Energy

The ‘Crater of Diamonds’ in Arkansas is now releasing coherent energy of diamond resonance into the Crystal Vortex. On the 11-11-11 this expands into the Platinum Ray and further connects to the Sun Disc, in their shift into Coherency of the Crystalline Frequency.

Dear Ones, Crystalline energy is an omnipotent power source that has implications far beyond humanities current understanding. Crystalline structure is formed by an essence of frequential light resonance that is multidimensional and coherent, existing in matter and antimatter.

It is the Metatronic divine template that sources all creation manifestation, and forms the very matrixial composition of every plane of existence. It is the enzyme of reality and the vitality spring of the Cosmos itself. The very thoughts you have must rise to coherent crystalline format in order to become manifested. Coherent light is crystalline energy, the very vitality of which forms the integral nature of all worlds and realities. The crystalline structure forms the apparent boundaries and divisions between dimensions, planes and the matter / antimatter flash of consciousness, in parallel and probability. All is crystalline.

The graduation of your planet, that termed the Ascension, is in effect the critical mass conversion of this Earth’s receival capacity template from, in your vernacular, analog to digital, black and white to color. The Crystalline Conversion through the antennae of the 144-Crystalline Grid is vastly increasing your earth’s dimensional reception from 3d to 12d and beyond. It is akin to your television changing from the archaic antennae to satellite reception. It is the Crystalline Age.

For within these time-sequences, the 11-11-11 and 12-12-12, the 144-Crystalline Grid completes into full conscious projection, and that projection is indeed a tool of and for your own expansion. Such it is with the crystalline grid, you see; it too is a system that will allow your nurturing into a higher resonance, a higher more fulfilling expression.

For that you call the Ascension is upon you, and in but a wink of the cosmic eye it will be done! In our realm it has been done already you see, and indeed it is a wondrous event, one heralded throughout the Universe and observed by many on this realm and others.

What then remains for the Ascension program in 2011 and 2012 are specific astrological gravitation refinements and frequential boosts needed to complete & polish the Crystalline Grid and refine the Crystalline Transformation of the Earth as it reinforces the spanning of humanity into great and greater dimensionality consciousness, and that is indeed Crystalline Consciousness.

The 12-Primary Sun Discs

to read more, go to:    http://spiritlibrary.com/earth-keeper/earth-keeper-chronicles/the-energy-of-the-11-11-11-part-1

11/11/11, 12/20/2012, And All That Jazz

11/11/11: Maya Scholar Debunks Doomsday Myths

ScienceDaily (Nov. 3, 2011) — University of Kansas anthropologist and Maya scholar John Hoopes and his students are watching predicted doomsday dates such as 11/11/11 and Dec. 21, 2012, with considerable skepticism.

Hoopes is regarded as one of the major go-to guys to separate fact from fiction about the Maya calendar and a prediction that the world would end Dec. 21, 2012.

He has written scholarly articles debunking the 2012 myth, including a chapter in “2012: Decoding the Counterculture Apocalypse,” edited by Joseph Gelfer and scheduled for release this month by Equinox Publishing. In addition, Hoopes contributes to Wikipedia as a 2012 skeptic and is featured in at least three documentaries on the topic (“Apocalypse 2012” airing on CNBC, and two more scheduled for release next year). In his fall course on Archaeological Myths and Realities — An Introduction to Critical Thinking, the 2012 myth works as a dynamic teaching tool.

This fall, Hoopes and his students have watched two predicted cataclysmic dates — Oct. 21 and 28 — come and go with little fanfare. Oct. 21 was a date selected by California evangelist Harold Camping after his original May 21, 2011, prediction passed without calamity. Swedish pharmacologist, self-help advocate and self-taught Maya cosmologist Carl Johan Calleman was among those predicting that Oct. 28 would usher in a worldwide unified consciousness.

The next big date to consider is 11/11/11, when many in the New Age movement plan celebrations to receive emerging energies in preparation for a transformation of consciousness on Dec. 21, 2012.

Whether these dates mark a time for transformation of consciousness or a catastrophic end, they are part of a 2012 eschatological myth that originated with Christopher Columbus and Franciscan missionaries, not the ancient Maya calendar, Hoopes emphasizes.

In a paper presented in January at the Oxford IX International Symposium on Archaeoastronomy in Lima, Peru, Hoopes tracks the 2012 Maya myth origins through various revivals into the 21st century. The myth is rooted in an early 16th-century European combination of astrological and biblical prophecies to explain the new millennium. Columbus believed that his discovery of the world’s “most remote land” would lead to Spain’s re-conquest of Jerusalem and fulfill world-end events described in the Book of Revelations.

To validate his convictions, Columbus wrote his own Book of Prophecies that included an account of his interview with a “Maia” leader in 1502. The reference inspired early speculation by explorers and missionaries, indirectly influencing crackpots as well as scholars to link ancient Maya — before any contact with Europeans — with the astrological and religious beliefs popular in Europe in the 1500s.

Misinterpretations and distortions flowed with each revival of interest in Maya culture. In the 1960s, the myth re-flowered as the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, enjoyed a resurgence in Y2K and thrives today. Hoopes adds that the Occupy Wall Street movement clearly reflects a nostalgia for the progressive culture of the 1960s.

More than 1,000 books have been published on the 2012 myth, not to mention a plethora of Web sites on the topic. Hoopes expects the hype won’t hit its peak until well into 2012. Fear and fantasy both sell well, especially in uncertain times, he notes.

End-of-the-world and transformative beliefs are found in many ancient cultures but have been a fundamental part of modern times since 1499, Hoopes point out. They are also fundamentally American, he adds.

“The United States has always embraced religious freedom. Peculiar religious sects, including occult beliefs, have always been part of America,” he says.

Astrology, Ouija boards, séances, channeling, spiritualists, extraterrestrial life and a host of pseudosciences all have had acceptance in parts of America, he adds. Mary Todd Lincoln used séances to contact her son. Nancy Reagan consulted astrologists.

Wishful or magical thinking help perpetuate myths and beliefs that have no basis in science. Hoopes uses the 2012 myth and others to teach students to think critically and learn to distinguish science and myth.

“If a narrative has a moral message, then it probably is not a scientific story. Stories based in science ideally should be objective, not subjective,” Hoopes says.

The persistence of the 2012 myth may reflect a fear of mortality that has nagged ancient and modern civilizations.

“It’s much easier to discuss mortality when we’re all in the same boat,” Hoopes said. “Creating a concerned community allays people’s fears and allows us to project individual morality onto the world.”

Hoopes’ interest in the 2012 phenomenon began as an academic hobby and has evolved into an anthropological study of contemporary American culture. At the very least, he says, the 2012 phenomenon “has made a huge audience aware of Maya calendrics and the winter solstice.”

Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided byUniversity of Kansas.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

from:    http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/11/111103143255.htm


NOW, you decide…..

Itinerary for Pilgrimage of Mayan Elders & Crystal Skulls


By Cal Garrison

I first heard about the Crystal Skull journey back on the twenty-third of July. At the time I wasn’t quite sure how it would all come together because so many variables, both logistical and ethereal, had to be taken into consideration. Since that day many things have been arranged and rearranged. After several meetings, Hunbatz Men, Mayan Daykeeper and Elder Priest of the Mayan Itza Council, and Pedro Pablo Chuc Pech, President of the Mayan Council of Elders, have announced their plans to lead a group of Mayan Elders on a ceremonial pilgrimage that will carry the Thirteen Crystal Skulls from one coast of the United States to the other. The journey will begin in Manhattan on the 27th of October, 2011; it will culminate in Los Angeles on November 11th, 2011.

On 11:11:11, another group of thirteen Elders will arrive in LA from the Mayaland to come together in a Gateway Event that will be highlighted by the performance of the Mayan Crystal Skull Ceremony. The Elders, whose traditions have always been kept within their inner circle, have been instructed to perform all of their ceremonies in public from this point on; for this reason, the Ceremony of the Thirteen Crystal Skulls, a ceremony that was last performed 26,000 years ago, will be open to the general public.

Enroute from New York to Los Angeles the Elders will stop at specific power points to fulfill a prophecy which states that the time has come to reawaken the Spirit of the North American Continent so that it can reclaim itself as the sacred ground in whose soil would be sown the seeds for the enlightenment of all mankind. At each stop along the way ceremonial gatherings will be held to open the ground and raise the ancient energies that will fuel the Gateway Event in Los Angeles on 11:11:11. All of these gatherings will be open to anyone who feels called to participate.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the significance of the Thirteen Crystal Skulls, these ancient relics are said to contain information about the history of our planet and the future of mankind. Carved out of pure quartz crystal, and other crystals such as jade, the Skulls generate an energy field that activates human consciousness in a way that expands our perceptions of reality. Ultimately they are the manifestation of Spirit in a form that is now helping to shift the magnetic frequency of Mother Earth. When the Spirits of the Skulls are ceremonially awakened, ancient wisdom, wisdom that has been preserved in a crystalline matrix for eons, enters the unified field and fills the collective consciousness with all the knowledge of everything that has happened on the planet in the last 26,000 years, and perhaps beyond.

If it boggles the mind to consider the full import of these events, the following message from Hunbatz Men and the Mayan Elders will help you to put everything into perspective:



We are very glad to inform all of you initiates from all over the world that on October 27th, 2011, the pilgrimage journey in which we are going to take the sacred Crystal Skulls, is going to leave from Manhattan, New York, with destination to Los Ángeles, CA, in the United States.

All along the way we are going to invoke and implore the Great Cosmic Spirit to enlighten our pathway and the roads we are going to walk on carrying our sacred crystal skulls. This way the skulls will enlighten and activate all the sites where the Great Cosmic Spirit is going to be present. Thus, the sacred sites we are going to visit like Great Serpent Mound, OH; the temples of Cahokia, IL; Sedona, AZ; and many other sacred centers will be activated through this cosmic resonance. Tamuanchán (the original Mayan name for the USA) will be once again the sacred site that must enlighten the whole of mankind in this world.

Please help us make this journey of spiritual greatness so the sacred Crystal Skulls take us in these our beloved lands of our eternal Tamuanchán where our Father Sun and our Mother Earth will take care of our sacred spirit forever.

May the Great Spirit be always with you,

Hunbatz Men
Council of Maya Itza Priests and Elders

to read more and access the Itinerary, go to:    http://www.spiritofmaat.com/oct11/crystal_skull_pilgrimage.html