How to Spot A False Flag Event

by Tyler Durden

Jul 2, 2016 10:15 PM

Via Chuck Baldwin Live,

A missionary friend of mine in Eastern Europe recently gave me a heads up regarding an excellent article written by Sebastian Swift entitled “5 Confirmed False Flag Operations And How To Spot Them In The Future.”

Swift writes,

The false flag phenomenon is distinctively modern and used as an ideological weapon to control populations with the fear of a manufactured enemy. They are used in ostensibly democratic systems where people believe they have inalienable rights. Such democratic systems–primarily the United States, Israel, and Great Britain–must shock people into sociopolitical and geopolitical consent and, as such, require sophisticated modern propaganda systems and advanced covert operations teams with highly proficient skills.”

Here are his telltale signs of a false flag operation:

  • There is an immediate comprehensive narrative, including a convenient culprit. Law enforcement, government agencies, and the mainstream media immediately proffer a narrative that completely explains the event and encourages citizens to tie their intellectual understanding of the tragedy to the emotions they experience. In his lecture at Contact in the Desert, [author and researcher] Richard Dolan noted that a distinguishing characteristic of a false flag operation is that the official narrative IS NOT questioned by the media. There are often legislative, ideological and sociopolitical power plays waiting in the wings, which the government can immediately implement.
  • The official narrative has obvious domestic and geopolitical advantages for the governing body. The Bush administration used 9/11 to usher in the War on Terror, which has served as a lynchpin for countless civil liberty infringements by the national security state, including ubiquitous domestic surveillance and indefinite detention.
  • The narrative behind the attack serves to leverage emotions like fear, as well as patriotism, in order to manufacture consent around a previously controversial issue. For example, many of the recent domestic terror attacks, including the Aurora [and Orlando] shooting[s], have exacerbated and reinforced advocacy of gun control legislation.
  • Military training drills and police drills occur on the day of and very near the attack itself, causing confusion to obscure eye witness testimony and allowing orchestrators to plant both patsies, disinformation and backup operatives. This is no small point. An incredible percentage of major domestic or international terror attacks have involved simultaneous “training drills.” This list includes, but is not limited to, the infamous NORAD drills of 9/11, the 7/7 London Bombings, the 2011 Norway shooting, the Aurora shooting, Sandy Hook, and the Boston Marathon. Though none of the aforementioned events can be confirmed or denied without a doubt, they bear a striking resemblance to previous false flag attacks and should be looked at with an investigative eye.

It’s time for those of us who have been reluctant to consider the possibility that our own government (and the governments of Israel and Great Britain) could actually be complicit in domestic terrorism in order to further a nefarious agenda to at least stop accepting the government and media’s version of these tragedies at face value. For the most part, the mainstream media is little more than a propaganda ministry for the federal government. We haven’t seen true objective investigative journalism since before the death of John F. Kennedy.

Granted, not every national tragedy is part of a government conspiracy–and there is a plethora of “conspiracy nuts” out there to whom EVERYTHING is a conspiracy and through which we must wade to try to ascertain the truth. These people make it difficult for all of us. The Internet has provided the Chicken Littles of the world with an opportunity to play journalist. And their “everything’s-a-conspiracy” rants only serve to mask the true conspiracies and turn the average John Doe away from the truth. That’s why I believe that many of these “conspiracy-everywhere” Internet bloggers are actually PART OF THE CONSPIRACY. Their job is to make genuine whistleblowers and researchers look like conspiracy “kooks.” Then, of course, there are genuine kooks out there, too.

Regardless, the similarities and “coincidences” of many of these national tragedies are just too numerous for rational people to ignore. I believe Mr. Swift’s analysis is very intelligent, coherent, and plausible.

Our Founding Fathers believed their government (the British Crown) was deliberately conspiring against them. Thomas Jefferson said as much in our Declaration of Independence:

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

Read it again: “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a DESIGN to reduce them under absolute Despotism . . . .” Jefferson and the rest of America’s founders believed that there was a “design” (i.e, “plot,” “scheme,” or “conspiracy,” if you please) to “reduce them under absolute Despotism.” So, if you believe that government conspiracy is only for kooks, you must include America’s Founding Fathers in that group.

Patrick Henry may have said it best:

We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren, till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation?


“For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth–to know the worst and to provide for it.”

I submit if we deliberately “shut our eyes against a painful truth,” liberty is not long for this country. And there is plenty of blame to go around.

Obviously, the “no conspiracy” group is contributing greatly to the demise of liberty by their unwillingness to even examine the evidence suggesting government conspiracies. Truly, they are shutting their eyes “against a painful truth.” And, unfortunately, this group is most prevalent among pastors, Christians, and churches.

I find it incredible that people who supposedly study their Bibles are so completely blind to government conspiracies. The Old and New Testaments are replete with examples of government conspiracies. Jewish governments, especially, were notorious for conspiring against God’s prophets in the Old Testament and against Jesus and the Apostles in the New Testament. Plus, the New Testament plainly pictures the master conspirator, Satan, as being the “god of this world” and “the prince of the power of the air.” His offer to Christ on the Mount of Temptation to give Jesus the “kingdoms of the world” was NOT challenged by the Lord. In other words, Jesus didn’t dispute the fact that Satan controls many, if not most, of the world’s governments. The Book of Ephesians warns against the conspiracy of “principalities,” “powers,” “rulers of the darkness of this world,” and “spiritual wickedness in high places.” Every Bible commentator that I respect includes wicked civil magistrates within these personages. Yet when one brings up the possibility of government conspiracies to the average church member, he or she is treated as if they have the palsy.

Nowhere is this attitude of the denial of conspiracies more evident than in the whole Muslim versus America façade. Almost no Christian leader seems to be able to see the “man behind the curtain” in this whole affair. They have absolutely NO concept of what the governments of the U.S., Great Britain, Israel, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia are surreptitiously doing to instigate and foment this “war with Islam.” (Of course, there is no war against the Islamic states of Saudi Arabia and Turkey; they are our “allies.”) Christians aren’t even willing to study the matter. Therefore, the devil–along with the evil miscreants inside Western governments that he controls–is able to go about his diabolical work completely undetected.

But, in all fairness, the “everything’s-a-conspiracy” group must also share culpability in our country’s demise. There are too many professing “patriots” who seem to have no honesty or objectivity whatsoever. To them, everything government does is bad whether it is or isn’t. And, of course, they, the so-called “patriots,” can do NOTHING wrong.

For example, if a black kid in an inner city is unjustly killed by a police officer, these “patriots” say absolutely NOTHING. But if one of their “own” is justly killed by police, they scream “tyranny” and shout about the need for revolution. Such people seem to have no reasoning ability and no understanding of Natural Law. They are agenda driven as surely as are big-government toadies. In fact, some of these “patriot” Internet bloggers and radio broadcasters are no better than the mainstream media: they twist the truth in order to pander to the people who are supporting them financially. It’s not about principle; it’s not about truth; it’s not about the rule of law. It’s all about their financial success.

When we only condemn injustice committed by government, while overlooking and condoning injustice committed by so-called “patriots,” we lose all credibility and integrity. Everything is not a conspiracy. Every policeman or federal agent is not a Jackboot. Sometimes there are real acts of violence committed by real deranged criminals with no help whatsoever from anyone–including anyone in government. And sometimes there are so-called “patriots” who are themselves evil, using the freedom movement for their own ulterior purposes. And, of course, there are well-intentioned people who sometimes do very foolish and unwise things. And only foolish and unwise people would condone and support foolish and unwise actions, even if they are well-intentioned.

I totally agree with Sebastian Swift’s article that there are indeed false flag operations being perpetrated by rogue elements within government–including the governments of the United States, Great Britain, and Israel. I further agree that people need to honestly and objectively be alert for the identifying characteristics of these false flag operations. More than that, the American people need to begin holding our civil magistrates accountable for these operations, as they could not continue without the tacit support of our elected representatives and President.

But what we do NOT need are phony “patriots” who do nothing but distract, confuse, and incite by calling everything a conspiracy and who themselves are guilty of unlawful conduct–unlawful conduct as defined by God and Natural Law. (This is why the ignorance and silence of America’s pulpits is such an egregious crime: people do not even know how to discern lawful and unlawful conduct because pastors are not teaching them these Biblical Natural Law principles.) Plus, I am personally convinced that many of these hot-headed so-called “patriots” are in reality government agent provocateurs who are deliberately trying to incite real patriots into doing something stupid.

Again, I submit if we deliberately “shut our eyes against a painful truth,” liberty is not long for this country. And that includes admitting when a tragedy is NOT a conspiracy. But it also means admitting when evidence suggests that it IS.



Some Homesteading Links

5 Best Homesteading YouTube Channels to Binge Watch

Garden WorkJeffrey Green, Contributor
Waking Times

Can you picture yourself living a homesteading lifestyle?

Waking up early to milk the cows, release the chickens to scratch the barnyard, collect their eggs and then update your blog before your stay-at-home family rises. The rest of the day you do chores aimed at delivering an authentic human experience for people you love. You produce high-quality food and happy healthy humans. You have independence and security but still enjoy the fruits of modern convenience.

Yes, you can do it. Many families are already living the dream and sharing their experiences on YouTube.

Wikipedia succinctly explains homesteading as “a lifestyle of self-sufficiency…characterized by subsistence agriculture, home preservation of foodstuffs.”

In the past, homesteading has been viewed as a rugged life full of hardship. Yet modern technology and creative farming practices now make it possible for nearly anyone to turn a home into a homestead.

These YouTube homesteaders highlighted below share their personal experiences through vlogs and courses. They teach methods for raising livestock, growing fruits and vegetables, preparing and preserving food, homeschooling, and saving and making money.

There are many reasons for the growing popularity of homesteading, but general motivations seem to be the following:

  1. Desire for independence from potential social disruption
  2. Craving the highest quality food to optimize health
  3. Desire to gain authentic human skills and experiences
  4. Desire to live in better balance with nature

One of the biggest challenges for all homesteaders, old and new, is financial independence. Despite the goal of “self-sufficiency,” homesteaders still need to make enough money to interface with society and to take advantage of creature comforts. Mortgages, taxes, insurance and addiction to imported coffee are stubborn things.

Besides being entertaining teachers, the YouTubers below are my favorites because they also share the secret ingredient to cooking up a sustainable homesteading experience – making a supplementary income from home.

Here are the 5 best homesteading YouTube channels worth binge watching:

Justin Rhodes

Every day the Rhodes family puts out a high-definition video blog that records daily activity on their homestead. After studying permaculture and pastured livestock under the likes of Joel Salatin, Justin practices what he preaches. With help from his wife and four enthusiastic kids, the Rhodes homestead is a beautiful example of how anyone can produce high-quality food. Rhodes also teaches free webinars and sells a video course on raising permaculture chickens. Entertaining and educational! Visit their website here:

You can check out their recent farm update below, but I strongly suggest binge watching their archives.


Jack Spirko

Jack Spirko runs the wildly popular 5-day-a-week podcast show called The Survival Podcast which covers “how to live a better life if things get tough or even if they don’t.” He also runs a YouTube channel that documents his adventures into raising pastured ducks and quail, permaculture design, and “Meads of the Week” among other topics. Spirko authentically lives the solutions he promotes. He explains why he does things and he’s not afraid to show his successes and failures. Spirko teaches live workshops, webinars and speaks at live events.

Below is the first episode of Spirko’s latest Duck Chronicles series:

Wrangler Star

The Wranglerstar family documents their move from city slickers to become modern-day homesteaders. Through vlogging their daily experiences and reviewing homesteading products, they teach others to “become truly independent from the mythological American dream.” Playlists include titles like “Back to Basics,” “Kitchen Remodel,” and “Survival Kit.”

Below is a brief trailer of the Wranglerstar YouTube channel:

Becky’s Homestead

In every episode Becky shows you how to go from a consumer lifestyle into the self-sufficient homesteading lifestyle even if you never had any previous experience. Becky built a log cabin by herself. She grows gardens and keeps goats, chickens, pigs and more. Her videos are very educational and motivational. Visit Becky’s website at

Watch Becky’s trailer below. It’s sure to convince you that anyone can do it and you’ll want to watch more.

An American Homestead

An American Homestead follows three generations of a family who live completely off-grid with the exception of a phone line for Internet. They don’t have electricity or running water and yet they still manage to live an abundant lifestyle. Their videos will teach you to raise sheep, chickens and fish in their aquaponics system, rainwater collection, gardening, food preparation, how to store butter in an underground fridge, and so much more. They also run an excellent blog at

Here is a snapshot of why they became homesteaders and how they did it:

This article (5 Best Homesteading YouTube Channels to Binge Watch) was originally created and published by Activist Post and is re-posted here with permission. 

5 Best Homesteading YouTube Channels to Binge Watch

Messages in the Water

“THE HOUR” Has Arrived – A Water Message From The Hopi Elders

July 5, 2016 Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

As we transit out of the Age of Pisces (water sign) and into the Age of Aquarius (air sign), I find the following Hopi message quite intriguing.  I’m a triple Libra (air sign). This means my sun, moon, and ascendant are all in Libra.

While the Age of Aquarius is an AIR sign, it’s also portrayed as a man bearing a pitcher of WATER. One must ask about the mixture of AIR and WATER in this sign. Water is a mutable energy and can represent a solid, liquid, or gas.

A Message From The Hopi Elders

by The Elders Oraibi, Arizona Hopi Nation,

“You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.

Now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour.

Here are the things that must be considered:

  • Where are you living?
  • What are you doing?
  • What are your relationships?
  • Are you in right relation?
  • Where is your water?

Know your garden.

It is time to speak your Truth.

Create your community. Be good to each other. And do not look outside yourself for the leader. This could be a good time!

There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift, that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly.

Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate.

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personal. Least of all, ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves!

Banish the word “struggle” from your attitude and your vocabulary.

All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the ones we have been waiting for!”

– The Elders Oraibi, Arizona Hopi Nation

After posting a video on a dream I had about 3 massive tidal waves, I received NUMEROUS confirmations on both the video and article of people having the same or similar dreams.

As I mentioned, water is a mutable energy and in this dream, it’s a WAVE of ENERGY that is coming. The first two waves will converge and will create something magical. I had a vision of what will happen: White light will FLOOD the planet and the only thing you’ll feel is complete unconditional love for everyone and everything. All 3rd dimensional worries will be completely gone. You can find out more in the article, “THREE Massive Tidal Waves Are Coming And It’s Not What You Think!“.

Not only did we receive numerous confirmations on the tidal wave dream, we are receiving MANY reports of people having dreams about water, in general, whether it’s a swimming pool, a river, etc…

The Hopi’s message implies water as well.  I have no time frame on when these tidal waves of energy will arrive, but based on other people having the same or similar dreams, I’d say it’s sometime in the very near future.

Are the Hopi are telling us, the time is NOW?


Your Freedom: Reality Check

4 Celebrated Freedoms that Now Require Permission or Privilege to Enjoy

Isaac Davis, Staff
Waking Times

Independence, liberty, freedom. Ideas worth celebrating, for sure, only intangible constructs of the human mind, therefore, their meanings can change along with the times. And since people are extremely adaptable creatures, we rapidly normalize to ever-evolving societal and cultural conditions and values. What people consider to be ‘freedom’ today, is nothing similar to what it was even a couple of generations ago.

Here are 4 celebrated, historic liberties that people have long enjoyed, yet are undergoing a dramatic metamorphosis in an evolving world.

1. ) The Freedom to Travel

The idea that human beings should be free to roam the earth without permission or threat is now dated. Prior to the 1930’s you needn’t a driver’s license to operate a motor vehicle or carriage in America. Traveling without a passport used to be commonplace as well.

“[B]efore 1915 His Majesty’s Government did not require a passport for departure, nor did any European state require one for admittance except the two notoriously backward and neurotic countries of Russia and the Ottoman Empire.” [Source]

Now, even recreational drivers are required to be commercially licensed, and in addition to a complex system of fees, fines, high-speed-chases and beat-downs, we are now watching the normalization of domestic checkpoints manned by armed and dangerous government employee.

“Sobriety checkpoints — also known as DUI checkpoints — are the most common roadblocks you might encounter. They function as a general purpose investigatory tactic where police can get a close look at passing motorists by detaining them briefly. A roadblock stop is quick, but it gives police a chance to check tags and licenses, while also giving officers a quick whiff of the driver’s breath and a chance to peer into the vehicle for a moment.” [Source]

2.) The Right to be Self-Sustaining

Living off the grid is the ultimate example of personal responsibility, but as government needs dependents in order to be relevant, the type of rugged, ingenious mind that once made America remarkable is being stamped out in a fog of rules, regulations, permits, codes and trade agreements. For those interested in cultivating true independence by homesteading or setting up a little offgrid outpost somewhere, it is increasingly difficult and expensive to comply with the state.

“Look, if I want to build a yurt of rabbit skins and go to the bathroom in a compost pile, why is it any of the government’s business? Bureaucrats bend over backwards to accredit, tax credit, and offer money to people wanting to build pig city-factories or bigger airports. But let a guy go to his woods, cut down some trees, and build himself a home, and a plethora of regulatory tyrants descend on the project to complicate, obfuscate, irritate, frustrate, and virtually terminate. I think it’s time to eradicate some of these laws and the piranhas who administer them.” – Joel Salatin

In some areas, people’s veggie gardens are being ripped up by over-zealous code enforcers, senior citizens are being fined thousands of dollars for not cutting their grass on time, individual rainwater collection is being prosecuted, and police are being called in to enforce mandatory connection to public utilities.

3.) Freedom of Speech

Supposedly one of the greatest rights bestowed upon Americans by the constitution, increasingly, the right to speak your mind is under duress, by government, corporate policy makers, and a changing social climate. Sure, since the ’80’s we’ve been trained to accept Free Speech Zoneswhere protestors could be shuffled out of sight and out of mind. Now, though, we’re entering an era of extreme political correctness and unabashed irrationality. People are increasingly unwilling to listen to what others have to say, and intolerance is being normalized under a cloak of phony diversity.

“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?”Orwell’s 1984

The way we communicate is rapidly changing, and corporations now have incredible power to shape our thoughts, as sites like Facebook have demonstrated. Our language can be moulded and transformed by company policy, as forum rules and formats can change in accordance with investor motives. We no longer own our words or our conversations.

As social pressure continues to build upon indoctrination, the ability of people to civilly discuss differences in opinions is more strained. Add to this the general dumbing down of everything, and the climate is one of highly-vocal intolerance. The liberty to openly speak in our society is being tested by personal crassness as much as it is by law.

Here’s an example of the kind of behavior that is now acceptable when some are in the presence of ideas they are unwilling to tolerate:

4.) The Right to Choose Your Own Medicine

Human beings have always had a symbiotic relationship with food and with plants, and medicine was always something taken directly from nature and combined with human intuition, wisdom and the intention to heal. The disruption of the balance between humans and nature, as initiated by consumer culture and corporate medicine, has taken a fundamental human right and is turning it into a privilege.

The corporate overthrow of the concept of medicine, mass fear-hyping, and the war on drugs, are devastating to personal sovereignty. Mandatory vaccines, public water fluoridation, and the prohibition of plant medicines such as cannabis, ayahuasca and iboga, add up to a severely restricted perception of health and wellness, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

If you alone do not own your body, then who owns your body?

“These medicines heal the cultural malaises of apathy and distractedness by re-introducing mystery and magic into life, and by liberating one’s consciousness from the confining prisons of the war on consciousness. They completely destroy the matrix of cultural programming, clearing space within the psyche for something new and positive to emerge.” – Dylan Charles

Final Thoughts

Due to the inherent violence required to maintain the social-political order we have now, along with mass indoctrination of the public with extreme statist and corporatist ideologies, it is practically impossible for most people to imagine a world governed by voluntaryism, although it’s well-worth consideration for those enjoy the celebration of human liberty.

“If, before undertaking some action, you must obtain the permission of society—you are not free, whether such permission is granted to you or not. Only a slave acts on permission. A permission is not a right.” [Source]


Feeling Magnetic?

Possible evidence of human ability to detect Earth’s magnetic field found
June 28, 2016 by Bob Yirka report

(—A scientist who has dedicated a significant portion of his life to proving or disproving the notion that humans have an ability to detect and respond to Earth’s magnetic field has given a talk at this year’s meeting of the Royal Institute of Navigation at the University of London, suggesting that he has found evidence that it is true. Joe Kirschvink with the California Institute for Technology reported that experiments he and colleagues have been conducting have shown reproducible changes in brainwaves of volunteers who sat in a magnetically controllable chamber.

Over the past century scientists have found that other animals do indeed have magnetic sensors and that they respond to them—birds in flight use the Earth’s magnetic field at least in part, as a compass, dogs orient themselves north/south to urinate. The list of examples has grown quite extensive, but one problem still remains—no one has been able to figure out how it happens. Scientists have narrowed down the possibilities Eric Hand writes in two extensive News articles on the subject in the latest issue of the journal Science, one is called the Magnetite Model, and is based on the idea that magnetite existing in the bodies of living organisms may be tugged by the Earth’s magnetic field, controlling neural circuitry. The other is called the Cryptochrome Model and is based on the idea that chryptochromes in the retina are turned into radical pair molecules by sunlight and are flipped between states when impacted by Earth’s magnetic field. Kirschvink, Hand, notes, believes the former is the most likely possibility, though his mission has not been to find out how it might work, but to show that it does in humans.

To achieve that goal, Kirschvink and his team built a Faraday cage—an enclosure just big enough for one person to sit in, which has coils placed around its walls that prevent influence by Earth’s magnetic field and any other magnetic field, whether natural or man-made. The cage also allows for the generation of a magnetic field and the allowance of the Earth’s magnetic field on command. The volunteers sitting in the chair in the cage were attached to an EEG machine that measured alpha brain waves.

The cage allows for eliminating all sources of stimuli for impacting human brain wave activity. The person sits alone in the dark while the researchers manipulate the magnetic field around him or her. Kirschvink reported in his talk that he was able to record a measurable, and more importantly, reproducible change in alphas brain wave activity in humans based on changes made to the magnetic field around them. And he did so using the cage in two different locations, one in California, and another in a lab in Japan. He acknowledged that the sample size was small, and that more work needs to be done, which will someday lead to a paper—but he is optimistic that he has at long last proven that humans do indeed have magnetic sensors.

Explore further: The magnetic compass of birds is affected by polarised light

More information: Eric Hand. The body’s hidden compass—what is it, and how does it work?, Science (2016). DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf5804

Eric Hand. Maverick scientist thinks he has discovered a magnetic sixth sense in humans, Science (2016). DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf5803

Journal reference: Science search and more info website
Read more at:

What is Going On?

Wisdom Teachings with David Wilcock – “The Cabal’s Downward Spiral” – Assessing the Final Days of a Crumbling Cabal, and a Prelude to Breakthrough

The Wisdom Teachings series has covered quite a variety of topics over time, and all of them have their high-points about them. Some focus on informing the audience on the vast infrastructure which has been built off planet, while others focus on the history of the human race here on the surface. Some episodes focus on the battle between the negative “Powers-that-Were” and the positive Earth Alliance, and at the same time, give insight into the role each of us plays in our planetary liberation. (Though, if you’ve been watching the series, you’re already aware of this.)  This episode, The Cabal’s Downward Spiral, was unique, I feel, as it marks a new state of affairs on planet Earth.

The reason I appreciated this episode was that it brings attention to the concrete evidence which proves that the enormous, monumental change which has been unfolding in the background of society is now finally coming to the forefront of world consciousness. During the discussion, David Wilcock lists the numerous signs which indicate this enormous change, and reveals the different aspects of planetary progress that we have experienced in the months and days past.

To add, I have included my own commentary on these events, and have also included many more current events from the past few weeks which spell out in an even clearer way that our planet is positively progressing by leaps and bounds.

There’s a lot to discuss. Let’s get into it.

The Extinction of Cabal Control

They used to be so secretive. The inner workings of the vast and intricate infrastructure of the cabal used to be functional. They used to be successful at manipulating, exploiting, and stifling the prosperity of the world’s population, and their secrets were once held with great effectiveness. There wasn’t a soul that would dare defy their tyrannical orders of secrecy. These cabalists could clandestinely exploit the entire planet without the least bit of opposition from the public. However, all of that has changed.
Presently, the cabal is being opposed from every angle. People from all walks of life, from multiple backgrounds, whether from official organization, or retired government employees, the once abused and helpless masses are rising up against their once powerful oppressors. Even ordinary individuals and are able to get their licks in when it comes to rejecting the former control of this malevolent, anti-humanitarian crime syndicate.
This once dominant gang did as they pleased, but presently, in the year 2016, that trend is all changing at light speed. Here’s how.
NASA’s Reluctant Revelations
We have seen for months now, the numerous haphazard disclosures from NASA, which likely indicate a fear of the cabal’s inevitable loss of any hope of control.  There have been multiple disclosures on the presence of water on numerous planetary bodies within our solar system, as well as around the galaxy.
Consider for a moment how thoroughly silent and ridiculing NASA has been in past decades on the subject of off-world life. This cabal-controlled organization has been boasted as the most reliable organizations in the world in the science of astronomy, and their long-standing doctrine of human solitude in the universe has been adopted and parroted for just as long. However, in 2015, this trend seemed to turn on a dime.

We have seen NASA do a complete turn-around, where before, they shamed and ridiculed anyone who even considered the possibility of exoplanetary life (at least publicly). Then, come 2015, they couldn’t stop talking about it. Finally, they make the bold claim that they will definitely find evidence of life within 20 years.

We have seen proof of an effort from NASA to disclosure on multiple subjects in rapid succession. Aside from these official organizations, we have seen proof that even single individuals who hold secrets are now unafraid to come forward. In general, we have seen that the secrets and crimes of the cabal (both past and present) are coming to the forefront of our conscious awareness, and this is only the beginning.

The Cabal’s Financial Downfall
We have seen irrefutable evidence that our financial system is wrought with corruption, theft, and chicanery. Not only this, we have come to the realization that this financial ponzi scheme is based upon nothing more than blind faith in worthless paper, and has been created for the purpose of establishing an illusion of superiority for a few wealthy elitists.
With the amount of funding which big banks steal from the world’s population, and contribute to pointless war, these institution have proven to be more hazardous than the terrorists/CIA agents we are presented with by the complicit and compromised media. However, with all of these issues, the truth of the matter is in full view within reliable, alternative media.  (We will cover this topic of financial corruption more in depth in a moment.)

(David Wilcock mentions the fact that in order to completely take cabal influence out of the equation, we must have a controlled, financial collapse.  During such a collapse, the cabal would loose all of their assets, and be unable to survive as an organization.  The common people need this collapse so that we can wave goodbye once and for all to cabal influence, and there is no need to be afraid of such a change, as Wilcock states.)

Hacks of the Century
We have learned of the numerous actions of the positive Earth Alliance (lead by Russia and Vladimir Putin) at taking the cabal out of commission, and the year 2015 was key in this effort. Throughout this year, we may remember hearing of numerous hacking attacks which inflicted widespread damage to the cabal’s infrastructure, though we may not have known that many of these were accomplished by the positive Earth Alliance.
The following excerpt comes from the website, Tech Insider, and details numerous strategic hacks which likely originated from Alliance sources.
The controversial cybersecurity group Hacking Team got hacked, revealing that it was providing tools to repressive governments to spy on their own citizens.
The Italy-based Hacking Team had to tell all its customers to stop using its software in July after a hacker breached its systems and Twitter account, dumping 400 gigabytes of data.
The breach appeared to get “everything” on the company’s servers, according to Motherboard, which revealed business dealings with the FBI, Spain, Russia, along with other countries with poor track records on human rights, such as Sudan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia.
The company, which says it provides solutions for law enforcement and intelligence purposes, denied reports that it sold technology to any countries in violation of export bans…
Hackers gained access to unclassified White House systems in 2014, but the nature of the hack got way worse as new details emerged this year.
A breach of the White House’s unclassified network in October 2014 caused “temporary disruption to some services,” but it was downplayed at the time.
Months later it was revealed to be the work of Russian hackers, which accessed the President’s schedule and emails that revealed personnel moves and policy debates, among other unclassified but still-sensitive communications.
“This has been one of the most sophisticated actors we’ve seen,” one senior American official briefed on the investigation told The New York Times. The intrusion was believed to be linked to the Russian government.
Those same attackers are also believed to have gained access to the State Department’s email systems, according to CNN…
CIA Director John Brennan had his personal email hacked, which had sensitive personal documents in it.
A hacker claiming to be an American high school student said he “socially engineered” his way into the CIA Director’s AOL email account, which had sensitive attachments within.
The hacker posted John Brennan’s purported contact list and call logs. But the biggest leak was the 47-page SF-86 security questionnaire for his security clearance, which had Brennan’s and others social security numbers, names, addresses, and other sensitive background information.
The hacker told Wired how he gained access through a series of clever tricks, first posing as a Verizon employee to get info on Brennan, which he then used to unlock the email by lying to AOL customer service.
The US government agency in charge of background checks was breached, exposing information on virtually every federal employee since the year 2000.
Archuleta rubs her eyes as she testifies before a House Oversight and Government Reform hearing on the data breach of OPM computers, on Capitol Hill in WashingtonThomson Reuters
In June, it was learned that hackers gained access to the databases of the Office of Personnel Management and grabbed data on about 4.2 million federal workers. But the number affected later rose to more than 22 million who had undergone a federal security screening.
The breach, which some believe to be the work of the Chinese government, enabled access to sensitive SF-86 questionnaires, which military, intelligence officers, and others fill out to get secret and top secret clearances.
They disclosed names, addresses, health information, financial history, social security numbers, family members, and even the opinions of your next-door neighbors. The hack even exposed more than 1 million fingerprints, which biometrics experts believe could result in even more data thefts.
OPM Director Katherine Archuleta resigned amid bipartisan criticism just one month after the breach was made public.
Each of these hacks held extreme significance, as all of them displayed strategic planning, superior technical capability, and the ability to infiltrate government systems from foreign countries. The key detail which reveals these as those which most likely came from the Alliance was the fact that many of these hacks were proven to originate from either Russia or China (major BRICS nations).
Let’s consider for a moment the significance of each of these hacks.  Each of them originates from a sophisticated and seemingly professional source, and and each one is targeted at some of the most sensitive systems within the Military Industrial Complex.  The hackers are pursuing criminal backgrounds, presidential schedules, highly sensitive intelligence, as well as the personal e-mails of the CIA director.  This is no typical source.  It seems these hackers have the specific purpose of collecting evidence.
The Outing of Sony and RAND
The hacking attack on Sony Music Company was also of extreme significance in the outing of the formerly-hidden manipulation within corporate entertainment, and revealed the power structure of the cabal to be crumbling.  Within this attack, we see direct connection between the Rand Corporation and one of the largest media companies on the planet.
As David Wilcock mentions, this collusion between the MIC and Sony serves as evidence that the infamous Operation Mockingbird is in full swing, despite the supposition that it ended when government sources claimed.

This hack and subsequent Wikileaks disclosure had multiple implications. The first is that corporate entertainment and CIA interests are virtually the same entity. As discussed in the previous article (and episode) the RAND Corporation is basically a global think tank which has a hand in multiple projects of the MIC (Military Industrial Complex) and is financed by the U.S. government. This company basically maps out the self-advantageous actions of the the MIC on a global scale.

When we find out that Sony is in bed with them (and likely numerous others), this is a concerning revelation. This is why Wikileaks made their findings publicly available to all. The way I see it, Sony has done everything they can to prevent public oversight of their attempts at manipulated the minds of their consumers, and fortunately, this revelation gives them little choice.
As discussed last week, the Sony hack was disclosed by the Alliance, as it is the Alliance who is running Wikileaks, according to insider intelligence. This is one of many instances where the vital secrets of the cabal and the MIC are being undermined on a global scale. Whereas before, they had absolutely no problem robbing, killing and manipulated the planet in secret.  However, now, because of their long-standing deceptive and malevolent tactics, their secrecy is being forcibly removed.
(Wilcock makes the point that many excuses might be given as to why mass mind control is necessary.  They may say that it is necessary to maintain public approval, or that national security is at stake if people are unhappy.  I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they actually try to sell this excuse.  However, I would remind us that approving of a system that spies on its own people and launches domestic terror campaigns against them is not in the best interests of national security.  No sane governance spies on or attacks their allies.  These acts are committed against one’s enemies, and no sane population would ever bother approving of self-defined, terrorist governance.)
The LIBOR Scandal
One of the most revealing, and the most damning revelations on the cabal crime syndicate was the revelation that their financial game was completely rigged from the top down. The 2014 LIBOR scandal revealed to the world that each of the largest banks, instead of competing for value based upon accurate credit scores, they were actually colluding and conspiring to manipulate their own credit scores so that they (the banks) could come out on top, and everyone else would be left out to dry. So instead of exercising legitimate, capitalist competition, they were cheating the entire planet for their own gain. As David Wilcock points out, this is not at all capitalism, but is instead, a textbook oligarchy.
Within capitalism, fair and reputable competition is the basis for commerce. Everyone is supposed to have an equal ability to succeed in the long run. However, the cabal’s financial arm was caught rigging the system so that only they (the cabal) won out in the end. This was found to be occurring for ages before it was ever discovered. Here is a short excerpt from The Economist on the subject.
THE most memorable incidents in earth-changing events are sometimes the most banal. In the rapidly spreading scandal of LIBOR (the London inter-bank offered rate) it is the very everydayness with which bank traders set about manipulating the most important figure in finance. They joked, or offered small favours. “Coffees will be coming your way,” promised one trader in exchange for a fiddled number. “Dude. I owe you big time!… I’m opening a bottle of Bollinger,” wrote another. One trader posted diary notes to himself so that he wouldn’t forget to fiddle the numbers the next week. “Ask for High 6M Fix,” he entered in his calendar, as he might have put “Buy milk”…
Over the past week damning evidence has emerged, in documents detailing a settlement between Barclays and regulators in America and Britain, that employees at the bank and at several other unnamed banks tried to rig the number time and again over a period of at least five years. And worse is likely to emerge. Investigations by regulators in several countries, including Canada, America, Japan, the EU, Switzerland and Britain, are looking into allegations that LIBOR and similar rates were rigged by large numbers of banks. Corporations and lawyers, too, are examining whether they can sue Barclays or other banks for harm they have suffered. That could cost the banking industry tens of billions of dollars. “This is the banking industry’s tobacco moment,” says the chief executive of a multinational bank, referring to the lawsuits and settlements that cost America’s tobacco industry more than $200 billion in 1998. “It’s that big,” he says.

More Movement Towards Disclosure?

“I Dare the US Government to Charge Me” – Secret NORAD UFO Files Made Public by Disclosure Advocate

Image Source.

SourceThe Event Chronicle

by Agent 1

Canadian disclosure advocate Victor Viggiani has made a bold step towards the disclosure we all dream about by releasing several secret files from the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Runic Archives. “And I dare the US Government to charge me,” Viggiani said.

This past weekend has seen Canada’s first public hearing on UFOs take place. ET disclosure was once again brought to the discussion table and this time around, some intriguing documents were released.

A recently-retired school principal from Toronto, Victor Viggiani has been researching Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) for over three decades. When it comes to experience in the area of UFO sightings and anomalous phenomena, he has plenty to go around. Last Saturday, at the Alien Cosmic Expo in Ontario, Canada, Viggiani presented 11 documents that he obtained after filing a Canadian Access of Information Act (AIA) request. The documents reveal some unsettling statistics about what goes on in the sky above our heads.

I have here in front of me eleven documents. I call them the RUNIC Files and they are directly from NORAD indicating that over the last five years an average of 1,800 ‘tracks of interest’ with 75 intercepts. This is directly from the commander of NORAD.”

Mind-blowing. The US-Canadian organization tasked with providing aerospace warning and defense for Northern America intercepts and engages 75 unidentified flying objects per year. This means that the jet fighter pilots manage to get close enough to the UFOs to not only establish visual contact, but also get a target lock. Maybe not all of these encounters feature extraterrestrial airships as primary suspects, but it’s still enough to confirm our suspicions. And remember, this is the number of tracks of interest (TOIs) NORAD officials were willing to disclose. The real number of intercepts could be in the thousands and we wouldn’t even know.
Viggiani’s AIA request was aiming for more complete disclosure, a full “Table of Tracks of Interest” if you will. This was the official NORAD response:

“The request for “Table of Tracks of Interest (TOI) are classified UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed and disposed of in accordance with DOD policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public, the media or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of an authorized NORAD official.”

The document continues with:

“However, the NORAD Commander has approved the release of the following information regarding Tracks of Interest and Unknown Tracks.”

The document that lists the TOIs is a six page record (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) in list form, with some of the entries redacted, on account of the sensitive nature of the information they contained. As Viggiani points out, the “missing information is obviously what they saw when they intercepted.” He continues:

“I also have documents relating to UFOs that have been found by the RCMP. I also have an air traffic control report that references Mr Hellyer’s [Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Defense Minister, big proponent of UFO disclosure] indication that two CF-18s chased three UFOs in 2001 out of Comox Air Force Base, at 35,000 feet and gained contact with these UFOs.”

Another one of the documents (dated November 14, 2008) references the discovery of a metal fragment that “had likely formed part of a vehicle that traveled in outer space.” The fragment had been retrieved by an unnamed pilot from the Wollaston Lake area in Saskatchewan and was to be taken to the National Research Council in Ottawa.

The Alien Cosmic Expo public hearing is only the latest in a series of efforts aiming to uncover the truth behind UFOs and the UAP conundrum. Its organizers and the 350 attendees are only a fraction of the disclosure advocates that are sick and tired of the massive sequestering of information during the past 70 years.

As Stephen G. Bassett, the Executive Director of the Paradigm Research Group bluntly puts it, “in a constitutional democracy, the government has always been given the right to keep secrets, but the government has never been given the right to lie to the people.”

It’s become plenty obvious that this unconstitutional hoarding of information crucial to the future development of mankind has to stop. Victor Viggiani took a daring leap in that direction, even if it meant being threatened with indictment.

“Any distribution of this kind of information,” Viggiani read from the NORAD document, “threatens National Security in addition to the Espionage Act of the United States.”

“I am hereby releasing it to you and I dare the US Government to charge me,” he concluded amid cheering and applause.

Source: UFOholic


We Are Always

Quantum souls. Part one

Quantum souls. Part one

The following article is the first in a three-part series dealing with scientific evidence supporting the existence of souls and an afterlife. There may be excerpts from A Quantum Soul in a Newtonian World (Outskirts Press, 2016) and The Quantum Afterlife (due out Fall of 2016).

  1. Science is not the word of … umm … god.
  2. Debunking the debunkers – there can be no proof, but there is scientific evidence, get over it.
  3. TBA

1: Science is not the word of …umm… god.

Ever since the death of my son on September 2, 2014, I have been struggling with the concept of the soul, and by extension the existence of an afterlife. I wish I could believe in it. I want to believe in it. But, as a scientist, I am the type that needs rational arguments to convince me, and it seemed that the soul was too abstract for my mind. I am not one to resort to blind faith to believe in the soul. I needed evidence.  I needed proof.

I was navigating the web one night, lost in despair, wanting nothing more than to be done with the pain, looking for this evidence – this proof – and I came upon a response from a Rabbi whose name I never did get. The Rabbi was responding to a young man who had lost his brother seven years earlier, who was looking for the same answers that I was.  The Rabbi stated that even if our deceased loved ones were cloned to perfect identical duplication, down to the precise memories of your life together, something would still be missing. That even though that replicate might have your loved one’s expressions and thoughts, voice and mannerisms, s/he would be missing the spark that is unique to your loved one. And, that, he said, is what soul is.

I read his response over and over again. I realized that the soul – our soul – is the who of a person, rather than the what of a person. That my son had really only left his physical existence, but that he was still there (here?), somewhere, and that we will at some point, in some form, be together again. That we still were. Then I became aware of my own soul, and the souls of others who had passed, and I began to feel a universal tug; and my entire outlook on life, death, and the universe changed forever.  I have walked between the worlds since, one foot in this physical, or Newtonian world, and one in the spirit realm, where quantum properties and characteristics are the norm.

I started to really pay attention to what other people were saying and doing, I began to thoroughly observe, with full sensory acceptance, how animals and plants interacted.  I had been a biologist for decades, but only now was I really seeing what life and death were.  And I was not alone.

With very few exceptions, the people I passively observed and actively interviewed said that they knew that there was something. The phrase life force was used quite a bit.  But when I asked them if they thought this was their soul, they would hesitate. Some answered yes outright but others did not want to get hung up on religious semantics. They didn’t want to associate this spiritual ideal with stringent religious dogma. Very few defined soul using scientific definitions.

Why, I wondered, are so few people doing research into this, our only truth? We are all born to die. Dying and death are the only absolutes and yet we would rather sweep the concept under the rug and belittle the idea that there is something that enters the body upon birth and leaves upon dying. I decided right then and there to devote the rest of my life to investigating and researching the existence of the soul and all that that entails. Because I am a scientist, I will use scientific methods.  It’s what I know and what I am comfortable with. But I also acknowledge that science is limited and limiting and as such is not the only way to investigate something.

Those of us who are conducting research into the realm of the beyond, other dimensions, soul’s journey, are blackballed from the rest of the scientific world. People would rather believe that I have lost my mind due to the trauma of losing my child then that I have been enlightened to what really happens upon dying.  The fact of the matter is that the reality lies between the two.  What is most interesting to me is that these same people who like to judge others, who place their own self-righteousness in place as some marker of truth and sanity, claim to believe, absolutely, in other theories and hypotheses which have not been proven, so why this particular bias? For them, it’s ok to know that atoms exist or that DNA is an absolute truth, when much of the science behind both shows only evidence of the existence, but never proof. Nothing in the universe is certain. Nothing.

It is highly probable that atoms and DNA exist. The evidence backs that up. But it is also highly probable that souls exist. The evidence is abundant on this theory as well.  My book, A Quantum Soul in a Newtonian World, goes into detail on this, as does its sequel, A Quantum Afterlife.

The nay-sayers will say that our thoughts and life energy are simply extensions of the mind, but they can’t define exactly what the mind is.  They say that it is all about impulses and sparks within the neurological network that makes up the brain, but they have no idea what that means either. No one does. Not fully. Not yet.

They say that we can prove thoughts and emotions as simple brain functions because we can record the changes in brainwaves as they occur. But when near death experiences occur, and complete cessation of brainwaves are recorded, and yet thoughts are still processed, they would rather believe that a dead brain can have hallucinations than that intelligent energy is somehow being transferred, as in a soul, from one dimension to another dimension.

They will not or cannot accept that there must be an energy, one that we cannot fully measure yet, that makes cells function and communicate, and that drives biological and chemical processes.  There is nothing supernatural about our souls. There is nothing religious about the existence of our true selves. There is really nothing scientific about our souls other than that science is an acceptable means for providing evidence of the possibility of the thing.

When the quantum sciences came along and challenged the cogs and wheels mentality of Newtonian thinkers, they once again were selective in placing limitations. But until the advent of the internet and social media, it was a very hush-hush thing shared only within the science world and only within closed circles. Now it’s not so easy to hide facts and evidence; and it is much easier to share information and experiences.

Through the quantum sciences, in particular quantum biology, evidence of the existence of the very small and non-linear – those things that surround us but are invisible and behave in seemingly magical ways – can be gleaned.

The idea that we are quantum beings having materialistic experiences is a challenging paradigm for us because we were born into a three dimensional linearly aligned physicality. And for too long, that physicality has been defined within the limitations of Newtonian Laws, or rather by the followers of those laws, often times  with their own interpretations – laws that place us as cogs and wheels in an enormous superficial machine with little room for forces beyond simple matter.

But we are not superficial machines that run on cogs and wheels. We are complex organisms made up of matter that is in turn made up of energy. Our physical bodies may fit neatly into Newton’s very limited world, but the force that drives these bodies, the intelligent energy that is behind thought and emotion, life and death, can only, for now, be explained through quantum science; and through the technologies we have not yet discovered or mastered.

Because of the nature of energy, we are very limited in our understanding of it, and so it becomes this magical thing that we either believe in or not… for now. But remember magic is simply science that has not yet been defined. Thus, anything that is too nebulous to understand, at the time, is labeled magic or philosophy.

We need to remember that at some point in history, in fact several points in history, everything we consider science now was considered magic then. By extension, everything that we consider magical now will be considered scientific in the future as technology evolves and understanding is gleaned. Even what we thought we understood, through scientific methodology, has changed. How many theories and hypotheses have been blown out of the water as we gain better insights?

We must remember that science is merely a human construct in and of itself. We fall under the excuse that magic is of gods, but science is of men. Not everyone believes in gods. Not everyone trusts the wisdoms of men.

We made science. We decided that magic and faith weren’t enough to go by so we created a system that would be more succinct and consistent, an attempt to even the playing field. But that succinctness and consistency is defined by us. We decide what succinct means.  We decide what consistent means. Humans created language. Then we fit our scientific ideals within those constructs. We are making this up as we go along.

Always, the various disciplines of science, regardless of type, focus or methodology, were developed through the minds, hands and hearts of humans using the tools available to us at the time- tools that we either discovered or created, like fire, hammers, and computers.

And, because science is a human construct, it is at the mercy of its creators. Just like magic. Like small gods giving birth to worlds, the creator and the created fused; and the philosophies grew with their followers. And so too did the limitations.

And yet everyone wants scientific proof of anything being espoused. Until they are given that proof, they label the entity as metaphysical, paranormal, or supernatural. But science is not about proof. It is about evidence. Science cannot prove anything because proof is subjective. The only person who can prove anything to me is me. Only I can decide if something is true or not. The evidence of the thing is objective. Evidence cannot buckle under opinion. It’s just data. Personal bias cannot sway evidence. It doesn’t matter what you think, the facts are just the facts.

Selective wiles and cyclical arguments are the hallmarks of close-minded, biased, judgmental people. Why do we care what fanatics from either extreme believe or do not believe? They are ignorant bullies who think that by using words bigger than the ones you use makes them superior and therefore they must be right. They may not be right.

We have been taught to think in terms of human experiences and not soul experiences. This is a necessity since we are in a physical form in a dimension that is based on time and space. Unfortunately, we get tangled up in this physicality and forget how to communicate that which is most important to our existence. Perhaps that’s part of the experience. We simply need to break through the static.

We are quantum souls living in a Newtonian world. Science is not the end all to be all, but it’s what we have so let’s use it responsibly recognizing the limitations.


Concerned About Your Blood Sugar?

14 Early Warning Signs Your Blood Sugar Is Super High – Eat These Foods To Reverse It

| July 3, 2016 

14 Early Warning Signs Your Blood Sugar Is Super High - Eat These Foods To Reverse It

via WeeklyHealthLife,

Diabetes is a disease of high blood sugar in the system for longer time. This disease is riseing among people young and elder. It is always best to know about the symptoms if something like this is coming or not. If it runs in your family there are bigger chances of getting this disease in your system.

Here you can read about all the symptoms what are causing the diabetes and the high levels of sugar in the blood.

If you have recently gain weight, if you have stomach problems and feel hungry all the time, are very common symptoms of diabetes.

High blood sugar can be caused by: poor diet, lack of exercise, stress, health conditions and medications.

Regular symptoms can appear even if you don’t have diabetes. Many people don’t have these symptoms, or all of them, and still have diabetes. Here you can read about the symptoms that you need to look for and be aware so that you can check yourself or your close one for diabetes if you or them are showing this symptoms.

They are:

  • Dry mouth
  • Increased thirst
  • stomach problems
  • Impotence
  • Slow healing cuts and wounds
  • feeling hungry all the time
  • having dry or itchy skin
  • frequent urination
  • having problems with concentration
  • nerve problems
  • blurred vision
  • infections that keep coming back
  • weight gain
  • frequent fatigue and tiredness

There is a list called GI ( glycemic index) list that shows which food are containing carbohydrate and can raise the blood sugar. The high GI levels increase the blood glucose a. The scale is from 0 to 100. High GI in the food can be rapidly digested but the low GI are slowly digested. They also reduce the insulin levels and can help you control the weight.

Here is the GI list and you can see which one has the low or the high concentration of carbohydrate.

  • 1 egg is 0
  • 1 cup of broccoli is 10
  • 1 medium yellow onion- 10
  • 1 cup walnuts – 15
  • 1 cup cashews- 22
  • 1 cup cherries – 22
  • ½ grapefruit0 25
  • yogurt- 23
  • sausage- 28
  • butter beans- 31
  • kidney beans- 34
  • medium apple- 38
  • 1 cup spaghetti- 42
  • green grapes- 46
  • 1 carrot- 47
  • orange- 48
  • banana- 52
  • peas- 54.

This scale is from 0 to 54 and it is considered to be low glycemic foods and can be consumed and digested with no problems. However, the scale from 54 and up to 100 are more glycemic and can be considered to be linked with high blood sugar.

  • brown rice, tablespoon honey – 55
  • oatmeal- 58
  • macaroni and cheese, white rice- 64

The scale between 55 and 69 is showing the medium level of glycemic foods.

Here are the high concentration glycemic foods and you need to avoid them from your regular use if you don’t want your blood sugar levels to rise.

  • white bread (one slice)- 70
  • 2 cups popcorn- 72
  • doughnut- 76
  • rice cake- 78
  • medium baked potato- 85
  • corn flakes – 92
  • pure glucose- 100.



Noticing Things Are Not Quite The Same?

How long has the Mandela Effect been around?

Written by July 3, 2016

csl2016jul2What are your earliest Mandela Effect memories?

The Mandela Effect demonstrates that facts and histories can change, and not everyone remembers things the same way. I’ve received emails from people writing, “I’ve noticed these changes for years, but only just now found out thousands of other people are noticing the same changes,” which gets me wondering how long the Mandela Effect has been around.

Different people pay attention to different things, so we’ll not all be equally impressed by the same changes in history, and sometimes it takes a while before we notice something strange is going on–and has been going on for a long time. There is a tendency once we start noticing something–such as that history sometimes changes–we start seeing examples of it more often. I’ve also noticed that being with others who also notice reality shifting tends to increase our awareness of it. What’s changed since the Mandela Effect became a popular meme is that collectively we now have a mental “File” to label such incidents with, other than ‘we must have been mistaken; that’s so weird.’ Now people like George Clooney and Julia Roberts and Gwen Stefani DO have something to refer to other than “that’s so weird,” when they notice, as they recently did, that the ending of the song, “We are the champions” by Queen has changed. 

My preferred explanation for all this is that we are observing quantum phenomena on the macroscopic scale, and there is no ‘von Neumann cut’ where we can start disregarding quantum effects. Quantum discontinuities can (and do) occur at every level.

Bigger than Mandela

One of the main reasons the “Mandela Effect” is grabbing peoples’ attention is that it is bigger than Mandela. The “Mandela Effect” shows those of us who’ve experienced it that facts change, and histories change. Not everyone remembers things the same way, and sometimes we also notice things change from what we remembered, and then change back again–sometimes flip-flopping more than once or twice.

No Return to Classical Reality

We can look to quantum physics for an explanation as to what is going on when we find more examples of the Mandela Effect. Rather than there being some imaginary line of demarcation where quantum weirdness no longer occurs, some physicists now suggest that quantum logic might hold true at all levels. Rather than ignoring such troublesome quantum phenomena as superposition of states and entanglement by sweeping them under the von Neumann cut, we instead need to consider the possibility that sometimes we will see macroscopic evidence of quantum phenomena in our daily lives.

No Conspiracy Required

The existence of alternate pasts was predicted by scientists such as Stephen Hawking, who has sought evidence of vibratory signatures of many possible ‘big bangs,’ for example. If and when you ever personally experience the presence of multiple possible pasts, such as some college students witnessed first-hand when looking at their own hand-written journal notes about where they were and what they were doing when the Challenger space shuttle exploded–then you might reconsider the notion of a news media or government conspiracy.

CERN came along after the fact, from the standpoint that first nations peoples have long described oral histories about how these same sorts of things (so-called “Mandela Effect”) have been happening since the dawn of time. We can see evidence of the Mandela Effect in years before we heard of it, when we remember times such as I recall having happened to me back in the 1970s, when I wanted to hear a song that I’d been hearing a lot on the radio. I couldn’t find the song any more, and it was as if it had completely disappeared without a trace. Then, many months later, I did hear the song being announced by a radio station as ‘likely to be a big hit’ as they bragged they were amongst one of the first stations able to play it. I heard this and thought to myself, “What!?! This song was being played almost nonstop by many stations earlier this year!” So if you’ve ever seen a movie or TV show or heard a song or read a book before it came out, you’ve had an earlier experience with the Mandela Effect. 

Quantum Mechanics Forbids a Single History

Thomas Kuhn wrote that a paradigm defines “the practices that define a scientific discipline at a certain point in time.”  When we notice that there is a strong possibility we are witnessing macroscopic signs of quantum phenomena as some of us recognize that we’ve been experiencing ‘glitches’ and shifts in reality for years, it becomes clear that rather than a conspiracy, we’re dealing with a radical re-visioning of reality. Thomas Kuhn described how there are four basic ways that a new paradigm influences the scientific process, because paradigms dictate: what is studied and researched, what types of questions are asked, the exact structure of the questions asked, and how research results are interpreted. Thanks to the work of physicists such as Stephen Hawking and Thomas Hertog suggesting back in 2006 that we might live in a “top down” universe which prohibits single histories, people are increasingly becoming more familiar with the idea that we exist in a superposition of states–such as in a holographic multiverse, where we can sometimes experience various other possible realities. Nature magazine reported Thomas Hertog stating,

“Quantum mechanics forbids a single history.”

casablanca-sceneFinding Early Historical Examples

We can find early examples of the Mandela Effect easily enough, by searching through books, newspapers, magazines and research papers with keywords such as “misremembered,” “collective misremembering,” “famously misremembered,” and “historical misremembering.” We can ask elders what kinds of “mis-rememberings” were common in their youth, to hear such examples as differences in historical dates or names, or differences in what people at the same event had heard someone say, for example. We can thus find such examples as a change in dialogue in the 1942 movie Casablanca to “Play it again, Sam,” a phrase which currently is not spoken in the film.

Mandela Effect’s Invitation to Us

The Mandela Effect is inviting us to enter into a new Quantum Age, which also happens to be a new age of awareness of our true identity as Consciousness. People have an opportunity now to become aware that we are not our bodies nor our thoughts nor our feelings–but rather, our true selves and true identities are the observers of our bodies, thoughts and feelings. And as we become aware of this to the point we increasingly observe evidence of this (through witnessing alternate realities and alternate histories), we gain the ability to recognize the primacy of consciousness as creator of experience. I strongly recommend everyone develop a habit of asking, “How good can it get?” in every situation, in order to help ensure best possible experiences–for truly this remarkably unlikely universe can become even more fine-tuned than we’ve yet experienced.

You can see the YouTube summary of this blog post here:
