Dolores Cannon & The Shift

Dolores Cannon: We Are Living In The Most Important Time In The History Of The Universe

Dolores Cannon: We Are Living In The Most Important Time In The History Of The Universe

by Jeff Roberts,

Dolores Cannon’s career has spanned over 4 decades, during which time she has worked with thousands of clients in regressive hypnotherapy sessions. With over 17 published books on the subject, Dolores Cannon can easily be considered one of the world’s most sought after professionals in the field. Popular subject matter touched upon in her numerous books includes: past lives, extra-terrestrials, life on other planets, energy healing, famous historic figures such as Nostradamus and Jesus, abductions, and more. According to Dolores, each book has the tendency to “bend the reader’s mind like a pretzel.”

One of her books, titled The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, is an ensemble of regressive hypnotherapy client sessions which narrates a “behind the scenes” look at Earth’s current paradigm shift. During the sessions, Dolores hypnotizes her clients, bringing them into the “super-conscious” brainwave state, one of the deepest trances one can experience. Dolores elaborated on her technique in an interview with The Edge:

“I developed my own technique down through the years. It’s not like any other hypnosis technique out there. We are able to contact what I call the greatest force there is, and it’s a source of all knowledge. I found the way to have it come through every single person that I work with, and I’ve worked with thousands of people.”

The results of her technique are astounding to say the least. Through the years Dolores began to notice a correlation among her client sessions, one that bridges the journey of the souls incarnating on the planet at this time.

“When you see thousands and thousands of clients, as I do as a therapist and a counselor, you begin to see a common thread going through many of the cases. Earlier on, it used to be that everybody would go back to a past life and I’d find some of the answers there, and then I’d explore the source of all knowledge to answer all of their questions and do the healing. Just in the last five years or so, I began to see clients who weren’t all going into a past life on Earth. I began to find they had never been on Earth before and that they had come here directly from God, from the Source, from other planets, other dimensions, where they were light beings. That’s the common thread that I have been finding, and that’s where I came up with the theory of the three waves of volunteers.”

Dolores’s theory proposes that a series of souls are traveling from other planets and dimensions to assist Earth at this time. Many of these souls, which are of a higher vibration than the resident Earth souls, are incarnating on the planet for the first time. She affirms that the souls that have spent many lifetimes reincarnating on Earth are stuck in a karmic cycle, repeating the same patterns of mistakes and lessons, which is ultimately leading to the destruction of the planet. Thus, there has been a calling for purer souls to come to Earth to cleanse and raise the planet’s vibration.

But now, inhabiting bodies, these people have no memory of why they came. “They come in and an amnesia descends on the person, losing the memory of why they are here. But this group has an energy that they have to project. It is a loving energy that will change the mindset here on Earth. It will change history, just them being here.”

Throughout her clients’ journeys, Dolores discovered that Earth is one of the densest planets in the entire universe. A soul that incarnates here is considered brave because life on Earth is a very challenging experience to come into, especially for souls coming from higher realms and planets of a higher vibration. Nevertheless, all of her clients have the same answer when asked about their reason for coming to Earth, they simply “heard the call.”

The Earth is going through a major transformation, one that Dolores’s clients state has never happened before. For the first time, an entire planet is shifting its vibration into a new dimensional frequency. Many souls or groups of souls have experienced a shift like this in the past (i.e. the Mayans), but never has an entire planet shifted at once. Therefore, Dolores explains, the entire Universe has front row seats to one of the grandest shows ever seen. However, help is needed, because man has polluted the planet with a vibration so dense that it threatens the survival of the planet as a whole. Dolores reveals that if the planet blows itself up, it will reverberate throughout the universe affecting and disturbing all beings. Therefore, the call for help was made, and the souls quickly jumped on the wagon to assist.

In The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, Dolores elaborates on the three different classes of souls incarnating on Earth:

  1. The First Wave: Now in their late 40s to early 60s, these volunteers are disturbed by the violence, anger, and hate that they experience on Earth. They have had the hardest time adjusting to life as humans, and many of them try to commit suicide.
  2. The Second Wave: Now in their late 20s and 30s, these volunteers are more comfortable in bodies and are said to be beacons or channels of energy who can affect others just by being near them. Their mission of simply sharing their energy with others means they don’t have to do anything but just be.
  3. The Third Wave: The new children, many of whom are now teenagers, have all the knowledge needed to exist on the planet after the dimensional shift and transformation takes place. Their DNA is more advanced, and the greatest challenge they face is being misunderstood by humans as having a condition (ADHD) that needs to be medicated.

Interestingly, through her many client sessions Dolores has also written extensively on the lost civilization of Atlantis. She discovered that, like Atlantis, there have been numerous civilizations that have been destroyed in the past.

“Each time when people got to the point when they were using energy in the wrong way and couldn’t control it, they had to be stopped. And every time, everything would be reset on this planet. The civilization would go back to the primitive stages and start all over again. That’s why they don’t want to have it happen this time. They don’t want to start over with the planet and begin life for humanity one more time.

During a hypnotherapy session, a woman went back to Atlantis and was telling me the prime reason for Atlantis being destroyed. I was told that there were scientists at the time of Atlantis. There were others who were fooling around with what they called Dark Matter. I was told that this is the same thing scientists are doing now when they are fooling around with what we call Anti-Matter. They said we have to know this, because the scientists are doing the same thing now.

The Large Hadron Collider experiment in Switzerland is the same thing. They are messing around with Anti-Matter. The scientists who are now fooling around with the Collider experiment don’t have any idea what they are really doing, and it’s very dangerous.

If those experiments had continued at that time in Atlantis, it would have broken down the grid of the planet, causing an implosion of the Earth, and it would have reverberated to the point where it would have broken the grids down of the entire Universe. But they stopped it before it got to that point, but destruction took place.”

When asked about people’s criticism of her work, Dolores says she finds humor in people’s remarks stating she is a “great science fiction writer.”

“There’s no way on Earth I could make this stuff up. I have [17] books out there now, and all of it has come through the cases I have worked on with the average person just walking in off the street. I did not know these people until they came through the door of my office, from every walk of life you can imagine: CEOs of companies, professors of colleges, priests, shamans, and many ordinary people. I have not found anyone who has not had a past life. When I began writing The Convoluted Universe series, I wondered if anybody out there would be able to understand it, because I said that book is for people who want their minds bent like pretzels. People when they read it say, ‘I know this and I don’t know how I know it, but I know it and I know it’s true.’”

In the final segment of her interview with The Edge, Dolores was asked if there were any final thoughts she wanted to leave people with regarding the shift in consciousness.

“We are moving into a new frequency, a new dimension where it is going to be the New Earth, and it’s going to be extremely beautiful. They have described it in the books – the beautiful colors, that everything is total love.

We’re moving away from the negativity of the Old Earth, and it’s going to be a complete turnaround, beyond belief, and we’re all going there now. The New Earth is where it’s at. The Bible in the Book of Revelations talks about the New Heaven and the New Earth. That’s the same thing we’re having now. It’s just that St. John, when he had the vision on the Isle of Pathos, didn’t realize it was going to take another couple of thousand years before it was going to happen.

The most important thing is that we are living in the most important time in the history of the Universe, and it’s very important to be here now. There are thousands of souls who want to be here to experience this – even if they can just be here for a few hours. They say even if they’re born and die right away, they can say, ‘I was there when this occurred.’ This is how important this is to the entire Universe. So, you’re living in a very wonderful time that will never be repeated again.”

For a fascinating read, check out Dolores’s book The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth as well as her The Convoluted Universe series.


A Different Take on Law of One Harvest

As always, do your research, check out alternate sources, see what you feel in your heart:

What Does The Law Of One ‘Harvest’ Really Mean?

Updated August 14, 2014 by in5d Alternative News Gregg Prescott, M.S.

There is a big difference between being one with Source versus being harvested like an ear of corn in order to bring yourself to the next level of spiritual progression.

According to the Law of One:

Ra is claimed to be from the “Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator” and the books give an outline of a New Age description of evolution of consciousness; the concept of the soul (spirit, essence) is said to be reincarnating through these different levels or “densities:” 1st density being “mineral consciousness”, 2nd density being “vegetable consciousness and Ra is claimed to be from the "Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator" and the books give an outline of a New Age description of evolution of consciousness; the concept of the soul (spirit, essence) is said to be reincarnating through these different levels or "densities:" 1st density being "mineral consciousness", 2nd density being "vegetable consciousness and animal consciousness", and 3rd density being human life, self-reflective consciousness.animal consciousness”, and 3rd density being human life, self-reflective consciousness.

The book argues that the goal of a soul is to “polarize” in one of two different directions: “Positive polarization” (labeled as “service-to-others“) through identifying with others empathetically, or “negative polarization” (labeled as “service-to-self“) through “separating” the self from others. Souls are said to “harvest” and proceed to the next level once they are properly “polarized”.

Ultimately, there should only be 2 laws:

  • 1) Love everyone.
  • 2) Respect everything.

I firmly believe the Law of One was channeled with honest intent by Carla Rueckert, as the archons, who keep us living in fear, were using Carla as a host for the harvesting of souls.  Much of the information is quite fascinating but once the rose-colored glasses are removed, then what are we Many people within this genre may feel guilty about spending time on yourself versus giving time and energy to others, but this is an unhealthy point of view. Try to think of your spiritual growth as being part of a team sport, like bowling. Each person tries to do their best while helping the team.really seeing?

Service to Self versus Service to Others

Many people within this genre may feel guilty about spending time on yourself  versus giving time and energy to others, but this is an unhealthy point of view.  Try to think of your spiritual growth as being part of a team sport, like bowling.  Each person tries to do their best while helping the team.

Ultimately, we should begin with loving ourselves and allowing that light to flow outwards. Additionally, there should be a balance between service to self versus service to others, so don’t feel badly if you’re meditating and trying to better yourself because in the end, everyone wins.

As above, so below

In this fractured universe, the premise of "As above, so below" is a prime tenet. While it can also be viewed as "As within, so without", it can also be viewed, "As long as there is someone above you (Gods, Archangels, Archons, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Priests, Popes, CEOs, etc...), there will always be people below you (Jesus, Yahweh, Yeshua, angels, vice presidents, Cardinals, managers, etc...)".In this fractured universe, the premise of “As above, so below” is a prime tenet.  While it can also be interpreted as “As within, so without”, it can additionally be viewed, “As long as there is someone above you (Gods, Archangels, Archons, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Priests, Popes, CEOs, etc…), there will always be people below you (Jesus, Yahweh, Yeshua, angels, vice presidents, Cardinals, managers, etc…)”.

We are equals with the infinite creator source who stands in the light of truth and love.

This is all part of a hierarchal (heir-archon) system designed to keep us enslaved through subservience, control and conformity. We are taught that we need this current system in order to prevent chaos, yet those who are "above us" know how to control the masses through fear. Even at the highest level of Freemasonry, their motto is "Ordo ab chao" which means "Order out of chaos". This is all part of a hierarchal (heir-archon) system designed to keep us enslaved through subservience, control and conformity.  We are taught that we need this current system in order to prevent chaos, yet those who are “above us” know how to control the masses through fear. Even at the highest level of Freemasonry, their motto is “Ordo ab chao” which means “Order out of chaos”.

In an ideal society, order would emanate from truth and love but as we’ve seen, everything has been turned backwards and upside down.

By acquiescing to a harvest and being subordinate to higher forms of consciousness, we are still trapped within a system of control and dominance, albeit a more socially acceptable one that we already live in.  The question is:  “What is the trade off?” and “What does a true harvest really mean?”

Granted, there are benevolent extraterrestrials who want to see us succeed as a global community, but they must respect our free will and are not supposed to physically interfere with our progressions, yet in this corrupted, fractured universe, many Universal Laws have been cast aside as we have been tricked time and time again into entering a system of reincarnation where our souls are recycled back into the matrix in order for those who feed off of our fears can be nourished. It was never supposed to be like this.

Granted, there are benevolent extraterrestrials who want to see us succeed as a global community, but they must respect our free will and are not supposed to physically interfere with our progressions. Yet in this corrupted, fractured universe, many Universal Laws have been cast aside as we have been tricked time and time again into entering a system of reincarnation where our souls are recycled back into the matrix in order for those who feed off of our fears to be nourished.  It was never supposed to be like this.

Are all forms of hierarchy bad?

In certain situations, a hierarchy-type program would be needed, such as the relationships between In certain situations, a hierarchy-type program would be needed, such as the relationships between parents and children, teachers and student or even pets with their owners, but in most cases (with the exception of pets), the learner would become the teacher. In a traditional hierarchal system, the intention is forced through subservience, control and conformity. The difference between these relationships and the traditional hierarchal system is the energy of love behind the intention, which is to help others become all they are capable of being while respecting their strengths and perceived weaknesses. parents and children, teachers and students or even pets with their owners, but in most cases (with the exception of pets), the learner would become the teacher.  In a traditional hierarchal system, the intention is forced through subservience, control and conformity. The difference between these relationships and the traditional hierarchal system is the energy of love behind the intention, which is to help others become all they are capable of being while respecting their strengths and perceived weaknesses.

Ideally, all systems of hierarchy would be eliminated and replaced with various forms of education that facilitates to the learners needs.

Who will be harvested?

The Law of One states:

Questioner: Am I to understand that the harvest will occur in the year 2011, or will it be spread?

Ra: I am Ra. This is an approximation. We have stated we have difficulty with your time/space. This is an appropriate probable/possible time/space nexus for harvest. Those who are not in incarnation at this time will be included in the harvest.

According to David Wilcock:

(Scott) Mandelker and I figure(d) out what the Law of One really said, within its OWN system, is “ALL are harvested REGARDLESS OF PROGRESS.”  The question is WHERE YOU GO once you pop through the worldwide “quantum leap.” Do you hang out in the astral planes for 100-150 years and holographically recreate what you already had, or do you start climbing the staircase of Ascension? At that point you have a choice.

Again, “all are harvested REGARDLESS OF PROGRESS” when the Earth moves out of 3D vibrations at the end of the cycle. A discontinuous event. Ra’s answer is VERY IMPORTANT, because once we know WHEN the planet “has moved through the useful part” of the third “dimension”, then we also know when “all are harvested regardless of progress”

To me, this does not sound like a free will choice.

Do you REALLY want to be “harvested”?

Imagine a fleet of UFOs who come to this planet for the "harvest". The extraterrestrials tell you that you are a service to others person and are ready for your next level of spirituality. They promise to bring you to either your planet of origin (Pleiades, Lyra, Arcturus, etc...) or to a 5th dimensional planet where you will no longer be held down in this 3rd dimensional reality. Imagine a fleet of UFOs who come to this planet for the “harvest“.  The extraterrestrials tell you that you are a service to others person and are ready for your next level of spirituality.  They promise to bring you to either your planet of origin (Pleiades, Lyra, Arcturus, etc…) or to a 5th dimensional planet where you will no longer be held down in this 3rd dimensional reality.

Would you willingly be harvested like an ear of corn?

Would you leave because, in your mind, anywhere else MUST be better than here?

We have lost our connection with the infinite creator source who stands in the light of truth and love.  While we all carry that spark of divinity, the flame has significantly dwindled as those in power keep us perpetually living in fear.  Additionally, many people will give away what little power they have to religion, governments, money, etc… and will refuse to see how their power has been The central character in the Law of One is Ra. Ra is a "sun god" and is also known as Amon (Amen) Ra. According to Robert Morning Sky's research, the Ra lineage eventually became the Rockefellers (Ra-Ka-Pharoahs) and the and Rothschild (RA-KA-M = RA-KAM <KAM = shield> = RA-Shield = Rothschild) families.hijacked by these controlling entities.

The central character in the Law of One is Ra.  Ra is a “sun god” and is also known as Amon (Amen) Ra.  According to Robert Morning Sky’s research, the Ra lineage eventually became the Rockefellers (Ra-Ka-Pharoahs) and the and Rothschild (RA-KA-M = RA-KAM <KAM = shield> = RA-Shield = Rothschild) families.

How much do you trust the RA-kefellers and the RA-thschild families?

How much do you trust Ra?

In the Sumerian texts, Ra is known as Marduk, Enki’s first born son (sun).  The etymology of Marduk is as follows: MAR (MR = son of ) DUK (dog – Sirius).  Marduk, the “sun” of a Sirian god, is literally a son of a bitch!

In chapter 8 of the 14 Tablets of Enki, it is stated, “At the first harvest there is a celebration and the two twin earthling men make their offerings to the kings two sons.”

No matter which origin you choose, Ra will always be a false “god” and is by no means, the infinite creator source who stands in the light of truth and love.

What does the harvest really mean?

To be “harvested” can never be a good thing.  When you look at Ra and see how subservience, control and conformity are always hidden behind his intention of love and being of service to others, you get a good idea of where this is heading.

In all areas of our lives, we are being controlled while losing our connection to the infinite creator To be "harvested" can never be a good thing. When you look at Ra and see how subservience, control and conformity are always hidden behind his intention of love and being of service to others, you get a good idea of where this is heading.source who stands in the light of truth and love.  We perpetually give away our power to those who will gladly take it through these same measures, whether it be through religion, government or any other form of control and dominance.

Schumann Resonance and the Harvest

Recently, the Schumann Resonance (SR) went up to 8.50, the highest I’ve seen since I have been watching it.  The SR is the resonance or “heartbeat” of Mother Earth and has been at 7.83hz for what many people believe to be thousands of years. This is proof that our planet is raising her vibration and she is giving us the opportunity to raise our vibration with her.

Possible scenarios

Here is a very possible scenario: You agree to be part of the "harvest", with no guarantees of anything except what "they" promise you or stay here while Mother Earth raises her vibration and eliminates the archons who have kept us enslaved for so long.Here is a very possible scenario:  You agree to be part of the “harvest”, with no guarantees of anything except what “they” promise you or stay here while Mother Earth raises her vibration and eliminates the archons who have kept us enslaved for so long.

This is what Dolores Cannon is talking about when she says the Earth will be separated into two Earths.  According to Cannon, those who raise their vibrations (in conjunction to Mother Earth) will be part of the New Earth where you could feasibly wake up one day and see a world like you’ve never seen before without the hierarchical control we have now.

Dolores is a hypnotherapist who specializes in past life regressions. For the past 20 years, she has been receiving messages from entities, through her clients, about what we can expect in the very near future.The following is an excerpt from Dolores Cannon’s ‘Convoluted Universe Book Two from the chapter, ‘The New Earth‘.

Dolores is a hypnotherapist who specializes in past life regressions. For the past 20 years, she has been receiving messages from entities, through her clients, about what we can expect in the very near future.The following is an excerpt from Dolores Cannon's 'Convoluted Universe Book Two from the chapter, 'The New Earth'.


Let’s imagine you decide to leave.  Even if you leave this planet, you’re still part of the system.  The good news is that Earth is one of the few organically sentient beings in this galaxy, so staying with According to Gregg Braden's research, we are only utilizing 22 of the 64 codons in our DNA. Imagine if the raising of frequency between Mother Earth, in conjunction with the Schumann Resonance, was the only thing stopping our DNA from fully activating? If this were the case, then those who leave would still have 32 codons locked and would not be part of the DNA activation here on Earth. Conversely, there is no guaarantee that leaving would be any better than what we already have. It could possibly be worse. her could very well be the exit out of this system of control and domination.

According to Gregg Braden’s research, we are only utilizing 22 of the 64 codons in our DNA.  Imagine if the raising of frequency between Mother Earth, in conjunction with the Schumann Resonance, was the only thing stopping our DNA from fully activating?  If this were the case, then those who leave would still have 32 codons locked and would not be part of the DNA activation here on Earth.  Conversely, there is no guaarantee that leaving would be any better than what we already have.  It could possibly be worse.

If this scenario plays out, then those who choose to stay here would not only have a DNA upgrade, but Earth may even move herself out of this system of control.

Remember, all possibilities exist right now and we are simply playing out the highest probability of all possibilities.

What will I do?

Just like any other text, the words of Ra can easily be manipulated to control the masses, including my perspective in this article which is why I always insist on using your own discernment on anything you read because just about everything we have been taught is a lie.  That being said, those who have followed In5D know I always stand up for love and truth and would never intentionally mislead anyone, so this is YOUR decision to make.

According to Ra, there have been two other times in Earth’s history for a possible harvest in which none of the criteria were met to have a successful one.  Just like the story of how Jesus was created by the Council of Nicea, there is no material that supports this claim other than what was channeled through Carla Rueckert.

From what we have learned about Ra through the Sumerian texts along with how Ra is another “sun god” just like Jesus, the story has holes in it and it has us, once again, giving away our power to a higher source who appears to us as a savior.

As for me, if a spaceship comes for the harvest, I’m staying here because Mother Earth’s resonance will destroy the archons who have been feeding off of our fears for millennia.  Plus, she has been raising her vibrations which may help to facilitate the “New Earth” that Dolores Cannon has written and spoken about.

For those who decide to be part of the harvest, I hope you enjoy the experience because this is why we ultimately incarnate into this world.

Please keep this in mind: You are MUCH MORE POWERFUL than you know! NEVER give away your sovereign power to anyone, especially to those who do not stand in the light of love and truth.
In this writer’s opinion, amazing days are ahead!

My decision: If there’s a “harvest”, you can count me out.

If you were given the choice, would you want to be part of this harvest?  If so, why?  If not, why?  Comment below!

About the Author:
Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit. He hosts a weekly spiritual show on In5D Radio and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. Gregg is currently working in collaboration with Michelle Walling, CHLC, in opening a holistic walk-in clinic called Alternative Holistic Healthcare (AHH) in Sarasota, FL with subsequent subsidiaries around the world based upon this model.Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit.  He hosts a weekly spiritual show on In5D Radio and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. Gregg is currently working in collaboration with Michelle Walling, CHLC, in opening a holistic walk-in clinic called Alternative Holistic Healthcare (AHH) in Sarasota, FL with subsequent subsidiaries around the world based upon this model.

Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in any form.


Challenges of 2013

Some interesting stuff about the times ahead of us:  (OK, the perennial caveat, do your research.)

The Ride Has Just Begun!

The Ride Has Just Begun | | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Databaseby Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Now that December 21st, 2012 has come and gone, was the end of the Mayan Calendar a ‘non-event’? What can we expect beyond 2012?

At face value, it seems like nothing changed as those in power continue to manipulate reality through fear propaganda but when you look closer, the changes become more evident.

We have seen an exponential increase in earth changes, such as massive earthquakes, tsunamis, mass animal die offs, land cracks, sinkholes, volcano eruptions, flooding, etc…  Perhaps these are the changes the Maya were pointing us towards?

There have been many people who theorized what the end of the Mayan calendar meant.  Here are a few of them:

Terence McKenna

Terence McKenna’s Timewave Zero philosophy was based on the premise that we are spiraling toward the singularity that culminated on December 21, 2012.

While the singularity was never attained, the illusion of time has been speeding up despite 24 hours still being 24 hours. This phenomena has been witnessed by people of all ages and cannot be solely attributed to those who are 30+ years old as a natural part of the aging process.

Ian Lungold / Carl Calleman

Carl Calleman and  Ian Lungold believed that the message of the Maya was to be found within the Mayan pyramids as each level represented a stage of consciousness, culminating in unity consciousness on October 28th, 2012.

If you look at the historic events around October 28, 2012, you’ll see there was a worldwide “Occupy” movement  that joined us as global citizens in a fight against tyranny oppression by our world leaders.  Coincidence?  I think not.


Lungold believed that by the end of the Mayan calendar, more of creation would be available and more possibilities would happen in less time.


Through the age of technology, this is happening. 40 years ago, we didn’t have computers and were unable to multitask as efficiently as we can right now.  I know, personally, that there are many times where I’ll be writing an article while listening to a video, thus accomplishing 100% more than what I could have done 40 years ago.  This also raises the learning curve exponentially as we are able to learn more in less time.

Dolores Cannon

Dolores Cannon believed that December 21, 2012 , marked the beginning of where our planet would move into the 5th dimension, adding that if people were steeped in negativity, then they would be left with the old, 3D Earth.

Cannon is a past life regression hypnotherapist who relied on the words of “them” or “they” who are multidimensional beings that provided her with this information. While it’s possible that 2012 marked the beginning of this process, no one (that I know of) has gone to 5D Earth just yet



I do love Cannon’s view of volunteer souls, who are people who volunteered to come to this planet at this point in space and time because Earth needed their services.

John Major Jenkins

John Major Jenkins is the author of many books on 2012.  I had the opportunity to interview John a few years ago and asked him about the 2012 prophecies of the Maya.

” The one and only true 2012 prophecy that I perceive is the one that exists in the Maya Creation Myth (the Popol Vuh), which is reinforced by the astral theology encoded onto the carved monuments at Izapa – the place that invented the 2012 calendar,” stated Jenkins.

“If this is the prophecy you are referring to, the first part of it has already come to pass. It has to do with the self serving egoism (Seven Macaw) controlling and deceiving people at the end of the cycle. The second part of the prophecy is indeterminate and will be experienced differently for each individual, as it involves the challenges of placing ego back into right relationship with the true eternal self (One Hunahpu), through sacrificing the illusions installed by ego. The second part of the prophecy is indeterminate, and not definitive in some kind of predetermined vision of a fated future, because free will exists.”

So Jenkins nailed it regarding egocentric attitudes and materialism.

in5d: Can we anticipate any physiological or metaphysical changes leading up to 12/21/2012, when the First Solar Lord (First Father) comes into union with the cosmic womb (Great Mother) of the Milky Way Galaxy?

JMJ: This is a very complex question and I’ve addressed it in my several books and my recent 3-CD program audio program called Unlocking the Secrets of 2012. In brief, it is now known that the precession of the equinoxes is related to ice ages, though not in a straight 26,000-year interval, as the geological and astronomical orientations combine in rather complex ways. The galactic alignment serves nicely as an anchor point for a model of seasonal changes that the earth undergoes, operating over a 26,000-year period. Some kind of relationship between the precessional wobble and cycles of change experienced by life on earth would seem to be likely. Currently unexplored relationships between us, the galactic center, and precession are suggested in the fact that we are roughly 26,000 light years from the galactic center – which I first pointed out in 1996. That there may be more of a metaphysical, or subtle, impact on consciousness is also a consideration and may be related to the diminishment of the magnetic field surrounding the earth – I summarized Oliver Reiser’s work on this in my 2002 book Galactic Alignment. As a mythological construct within an ancient astro-theology of eschatology and spiritual transformation, the alignment of solar father and galactic mother can, of course, inspire initiations into authentic mystical experience for those who choose to avail themselves of the age-old perennial methods.

George Kavassilas


Kavassilas has always been on the 2013 spring equinox bandwagon and believes this when the transition occurs, adding that the December 21, 2012 Mayan calendar end date was the beginning point of the transformational process.

David Wilcock

Wilcock has been the poster boy of 2012 and his research has unearthed many amazing points of interest surrounding December 21, 2012. One of the more fascinating subjects involves the Montauk Chair, which was used as a psychic amplifier for remote viewing.  According to Wilcock’s research, every time the participants tried to go past December 21, 2012, they would hit a “bump” and would receive a “Christ consciousness” ability where they innately knew that answers to all universal questions.

In Wilcock’s defense, his material is based on the research of other people’s material and is a culmination of that research.

I bought Wilcock’s book, ” The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations behind the 2012 Prophecies” and found it to be absolutely fascinating, especially his research into free energy systems and how they can be implemented right now.

David Icke

Icke has consistently stated that December 21, 2012 would be a non-event, but added that we are heading toward a period in time where a great awakening will occur culminating into a consciousness shift after we finally wake up to realize who we really are.


According to Icke, you are not the name you think you are (e.g. Icke says, ‘I am not David Icke'”). “We are infinite consciousness that never dies.  Therefore, if we consider ourselves to be physical people, there is no David Icke.  David Icke is just a name for an experience infinite consciousness is having in this reality. That’s why we constantly push into that disconnected state where we identify who we are with what we’re doing. People identify who they are by their jobs. They say, “Well what are you?”  “I am a coalminer.”  “I sweep the streets.” “I am an airline pilot.” Then we judge who they are, and they judge who they are, by what they’re doing. It’s just an experience.”

Gregg Prescott

My journey began when I was about 12 years old, but it kicked into overdrive when I found out about the Mayan calendar. That’s why I built a website to show how December 21st, 2012 was NOT the end of the world. I tried to show as many perspectives as possible while letting the reader discern their own truths.

As my journey progressed, I realized the importance of the cycles of time and how history repeats itself up until the point of where we finally learn the lessons of what the past has shown us. Right now, Pluto is in Capricorn.  The last time this astrological alignment occurred was during the American Revolution in 1776.  If you look around the world, you’ll see many revolutions going on right now.  This is not a coincidence.  Pluto remains in Capricorn until 2023, so we will continue to see a complete breakdown of everything that is corrupt, along with the replacement of new systems that are in harmony and balance with the Age of Aquarius.


Now that we’ve gone down the rabbit hole, there is no turning back to “life as you knew it”.  You are now awakened and your path is clear. Yes, the old paradigm will continue to hold on to their ways of tyranny and oppression through fear, but it is inevitable that they will all collapse. This is why Pluto is known as the “destroyer” but what it is destroying is that of which is unsustainable. For those who are unawakened, it will literally seem like the end of the world, which is true.  It will be the end of the world as we know it.  For those who can see what’s coming, it marks the end of the war-mongering, patriarchal society while announcing the beginning of the Divine Feminine cycle.

What traditionally happens at the end of the Divine Feminine cycle is famine and starvation through over-nurturing. If we are to truly learn from the cycles of time, then we need to apply a balance of both the masculine and feminine energies.

Becoming 5th dimensional beings is our natural progression.  As evidenced through various psychic sources, we already know these beings exists on a higher vibratory level.  Because our 3rd dimensional bodies are unable to access these vibration levels, many pundits will continue to debunk this philosophy as pseudoscience because everything needs to be concrete to these people as they are unable to think outside the box and see the possibilities that exist outside a 3rd dimensional perspective.

Truly, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.  Despite the events that happened, or didn’t happen on December 21st, 2012, we must stay focused on positive thoughts and intentions more than ever as we transition out of the Age of Pisces and into the Age of Aquarius.

The ride didn’t end on December 21st, 2012.  It just began.


Dolores Cannon, “Anne”, The Shift, Coming Changes

Dolores Cannon – In The Midst of Chaos

Dolores Cannon - In The Midst of Chaos AngelicView: Below is an excerpt from Dolores Cannon’s “Convoluted Universe”, Book Three, in which the QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy) participant, dubbed “Anne”, describes the Human Evolution changes we are experiencing now. Keep in mind while reading this, that this book was published in 2008.

I couldn’t help but to highlight some parts that were especially meaningful to me.

Anne – “There are certain triggers that occur when she meets certain people and associates with others, that work like an unlocking, or opening up. And only when those triggers are set off, do some things become clear to her. It’s like she lives a secret life. And she knows this, not because she has secrets, because there are many things that she doesn’t share. She had to do things by herself for many, many years. But she has understandings that most people don’t, and she’s unable to relate. She knows that’s part of the challenge of this lifetime – to come like this and be alone in some ways, and internally have to keep to herself. It’s like being able to see ahead of time and not being able to say that. It’s very frustrating. Like an understanding of cause and effect from a very young age, and trying to relate to people on their level when she knows better. She knows it’s a constant struggle to pretend she doesn’t see when she does see. There are relationships, lessons to be learned in the process. But it’s also to help, to bring awareness.

Dolores then asks about relationships, as that was one of the questions of the client. The higher self says that there are more important matters to discuss and then says that once the important matters come to the forefront, these other matters take care of themselves.

Dolores then asks what are the important matters.

Anne – “The matters have to deal with the changes that are occurring at this time. And her role in the process, which requires courage, since it is a role of support and being there when the time is needed for her presence and other’s presence. People who are here for that reason.

There are then a few more questions and answers and Dolores asks this question.

Dexcerpt from Dolores Cannon’s “Convoluted Universe”, Book Three,olores – “I’ve been told a great deal of information, that everything is speeding up, and the vibrations and frequencies of our whole dimension are changing. Is this correct?”

Anne – “Turbulence, much turbulence coming very soon. And there is the need to be very grounded. Much turmoil. There will be need for your stability and all of those who are here, because people will be lost and confused and in much pain. Do you understand?”

Dolores – “By turbulence, do you mean more of the violent Earth changes that have been happening?”

Anne – “Situations caused by humans, and situations caused by the Earth changes. And the coming through of new energies and beings that humans are not accustomed to seeing. This will cause a great deal of chaos, that only those who are understanding what is transpiring, will keep calm and be a reassurance to those in confusion. Remember and just be prepared for that, because it’s very easy to theorize until the situation is in the physical. Then the physical body needs to be prepared to handle the shifts of energy, and the shock that comes with the process of change. One thing is to feel you can understand what is happening. Another is to be in the midst of chaos and keep yourself calm when it’s happening.”

Dolores – “That’s difficult for humans, isn’t it?”

Anne – “It is difficult. And that is a crucial and practical area to focus on at this time, because it is in the physical that you are helping. There are other levels that are helping, but you are in the physical as she is, and other beings are. So in the physical, they could transmit that calm that will be necessary during times of chaos. “

Dolores – “But will they listen to us?”

A-“It is not up to you to decide. It is up to you to make sure you have the tr tranquility and grounded energy for those who want to listen to you. That alone requires  much work in the physical to keep those energies in place, because that’s what you came to do. Anne is very trained, because of her life experiences have required her to maintain a level of calm in the midst of madness.”

A-“That has been a good training ground for her, so that when the time comes, it is not so difficult for her to maintain that calm in the physical. Do you understand? “

D-“Yes I do. I’ve been told that these changes are going to cause a separation into two Earths. The old Earth and the new Earth, as the vibrations and the frequencies increase. It that correct?”

A-“That is correct. There is a different world, if you will, which some souls will remain or choose to live in after the changes. “

D-“You mean to remain with the old Earth?”

A-“Yes, with the world that keeps that level vibration they wish to stay in, and that will be where they remain, or move into. But the new energies will only be livable for those who have worked their own energy up to that vibration.”

D-“But the turbulence you spoke of, will that be on the old Earth?”

A-“It is now as we go through these changes. This is the time of transformation in the next few years, and the outcome has been prophesied by many. I don’t have much to add to that, other than those who are here now need to remember the important role they are playing in the physical before the changes happen, or before the final changes happen. In the midst of the process, there’s a need for those who are here to give assistance. To line up, if you will, as if it were in the military. It’s time for them to show up and be aware that they are being called to be very present and ready. And maintain their ground, because there might be situations in which a soul might be in a crucial point where they could go either/or, vibrational wise. And you may be able to make a different at that time.”

excerpt from Dolores Cannon’s “Convoluted Universe”, Book Three,D-“What do you mean either/or?”

A-“Their spiritual growth may be in a grey area where they may qualify to step up to a higher vibration, if only they have the courage to jump. Or else, they may choose not to, and that is their choice. But your role, if you keep your energy, may be crucial for someone in that situation, because you may be the hand that extends for them to jump.”

D-“Make the jump into the higher vibration. (Yes) But the higher vibration , the new Earth, will not experience this turbulence? (No) It seems as though right now, we are in this part that is experiencing the turbulence.”

A-“It is just the beginning. It has begun, but the chaos has not begun. The chaos, the madness of people running around in confusion, because all their illusions have been shattered. That will be the time of the test of strength that needs to come forth for those of you who are here to help in the process. There will be a time when people are running in the streets confused and in fear, not unlike the hurricane in Louisiana. “

D-“That’s what I was thinking of, the tsunami and the hurricanes.”

A-“But that multiplied worldwide in most cities is a very different scenario.”

D-“Are there going to be similar disasters in many cities?”

A-“Some caused by natural, some caused by those in power who are making every effort to keep things the way they are. They are aware of the changes. They refuse to accept. It’s like a child who doesn’t want to hear the truth. And they refuse to admit they are no longer in charge. So they continue to cling to these ways and may cause more confusion. They feel they may able to slow down the process and maintain a low vibration by keeping fear on the surface. “

D-“They’re trying to install fear in the people.”

A-“Fear has always been in people, because that’s how most, if not all, the societies of this world have functioned for many years. Fear is the way they have maintained power, and almost everyone in this world is in fear. There are different levels of fear, but these changes and the technology that has allowed everyone to communicate freely, have caused a great deal of concern for those in power, because now the fear is vanishing. Many things that are occurring, even the catastrophes, act as a catalyst to bring fear out so it is dealt with. And so it is a cleansing in a way. But those in power don’t want this process to occur, and they prefer to keep a level of fear under the water, if you will. And like a desperate child, they try every tactic they can think of at this time to not let that fear dissipate, because that is what is happening. The fear is dissipating despite what the surface seems to show.”

D-“People are beginning to think for themselves.”

A-“They are. They are confronting their own demons, if you will, because life is taking them places where they have to see things that other times they haven’t had to deal with. Therefore, their fears, although they are very present, are at least coming to the surface, whereas before, they were not. Therefore, it is a cleansing that, as it continues, will only liberate more and more, which is a process that those in power are very aware of. They want to slow it down, thinking there might be a way to prevent it. So they will push and push to every extreme they can until things get very difficult. And many people will not be prepared for that edge they are pushing for. “

D-“Is the way one of the things?”

A-“The way, absolutely the wars, also their diseases that they scare people with.”

D-“These diseases are not really there, are they?”

A-“They can be if people choose to allow those energies to enter into their body. But for the most part, they are only in the energetic fields. And like anything else that is talked about, or thought about, it can become reality in the physical. “

D-“Yes, if enough people accept it as their reality.”

A-“But the diseases are extremely blown out of proportion, and they are not epidemics as they are portrayed to be. The media and the movies are showing you their desperation as they insist in presenting to the masses information that is completely negative and fear based. Subject matter such as murder, death and betrayal, attacks and such that keep the consciousness focused on these matters, as opposed to portraying in the media images of hope and inspiration. But nevertheless, there are enough of those positive messages being broadcast at this time, that like domino effect, they are no longer stoppable.”

D-“Another fear the government is trying to promote is terrorism.”

A-“Yes. It is just another tool, like the diseases, to find excuses to give people a reason to be afraid and not unify, but not trust that the Government will solve their problems. They are imaginary problems, and in the subconscious, many people are becoming aware of this. They are no longer believing, although many are in the masses. But on their subconscious level, they are beginning to awaken, and the power knows this. That is the reason they are resorting to ridiculous stories that only those who wish to believe, believe in them, because anybody with a logical and reasonable mind could not believe them.”

D-Yes, anybody who thinks for themselves.”

A-“So they are presenting the masses the opportunity to choose, because they are pushing for an edge. And in that way, they are serving a purpose by pushing the edge, so that everybody makes a choice, because this is a time of choice. This is no longer a time of middle round and neutrality. “

D-“You said earlier that we would be here whenever the chaos breaks out. Would this be caused by many of these disasters?”

A-“Disasters and the breakdown of the structures of Government. And the breakdown of the safety net that most people feel they are part of. Such as their Social Security, and their paychecks, and their jobs, and their religious beliefs. Especially if and when ships and/or other things like that begin to become part of the consciousness that many are not prepared for. Therefore, they may run around in shock and confusion, unsure as to what’s real and what’s not. The structure of Government is breaking, and will break even more to a point of chaos. Like a domino effect, like a crumbling. “

D-“If the ships arrive, what would be their purpose for coming?”

A-“They are always here. It is only a time for them to become visible as the permissions open up, because it is a time of, not only free will as there is now, but also a time for others to claim their place in the new world. Not just the humans, but others who also belong here, but are in a different vibration. So partly, it is not that they choose to become visible, it is partly that the energies make them visible.”

D-“I am aware they’ve been here. I’ve been working with them. I know they’re positive. I’ve had no problems with them.”

excerpt from Dolores Cannon’s “Convoluted Universe”, Book Three,A-“But by them becoming visible and part of the consciousness of the people, and the governments crumbling, and chaos, and natural disasters, you can see how the majority of people would be completely shocked. And their religions and their idea of a structured life would be brought down. So now, they would have nothing to cling to. This causes a great deal of fear for those who have not stepped out of their own house. That fear could lead to madness or schizophrenia or other types of reactions. And it is at that time, and that kind of reaction, that will leave people most vulnerable, where you can be of most service.”

D-“Then others like myself and Anne are some of the ones who are here to help?”

A-“The ones who are prepared to see these changes and not crumble in fear will be the pillars on which others will lean when nothing makes sense to them. It doesn’t mean you will provide the truth to them, it just means you are not falling down like they are.”

D-“Because, I was thinking, what can we do when everyone is in chaos?”

A-“When you are not losing your mind and you are calm, it doesn’t matter what you do. People will see that in you and seek that in you, because they don’t know what to make out of what they’re seeing. And you may not know what to make out of what you’re seeing, but you have been prepared. Therefore, you will know and have some sense of trust that things will be okay. You are not crazy.”

D-“Where the others won’t have any preparation at all.”


D-“You know what I’ve had many, many people come to me for the last two years who are either healers or they’re being told by you, the subconscious part, that they are to be healers. We keep wondering why the world would need so many healers?”

A-“Do you know the population of the planet?”

D-“Yes, it’s quite large.”

A-“That might be one reason why. Also, it is a time that’s very precious for many souls, because of the learning lessons available, as it is an unusual time that this planet has not experienced. Therefore, it is an opportunity to experience a very one of a kind soul journey. And it’s an opportunity to step up in the soul level, experience-wise, because of the challenges it presents. Therefore, many advanced souls are interested in the opportunity for themselves.”

D-“I was thinking if structures do break down, the medical profession would definitely be one of them. Maybe that would be one reason to have healers that can use energy and natural healing.”

A-“There is a time coming when the energy will be high enough that disease will not be as you know it today. And though the help of those healers is definitely needed, there will be a time when those diseases are not going to be anymore. Therefore, the healing is only temporary. The healers will heal when there is a need. If there are no hospitals because everybody has left the city, for example, or maybe it’s drowned, then there are healers available to help. But that is not the only reason they are here. They are here for their own learning purpose, as their own soul is interested in experiencing this shift. “

to read the rest of the interview and for links to the videos, go to:

On Being An Old Soul

Are You an Old Soul?

Are You an Old Soul? | | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Databaseby Gregg Prescott, M.S.

How can you tell if you are an old soul?  Are there differences in traits or behaviors? What signs can I look for that can help me differentiate the difference?

Generally speaking, we are all old souls, but some of us have been here longer than others.

The word “old” is only relative to time.  Because time is linear and our souls are eternal, 10,000 years would be the blink of an eye.

Dolores Cannon believes that we need to incarnate many, many times as inanimate objects, plants and animals before we can become human.  Then, as humans, we still need to incarnate many, many times to learn all of the lessons we came here for.  For example, according to Cannon, we all had to be an air molecule and a drop of water to learn what it’s like to work together as ONE.

So, how can you tell if you have an old soul?

You understand many of life’s deeper lessons.

For some people, it is hard to fathom that the soul of a child may be much older than the soul of his or her parents. For these particular people, this is a sign that their soul might be younger than yours.  When you begin to understand why you keep incarnating to this 3rd dimensional reality, it becomes similar to the movie, Groundhog Day, where Phil wakes up each day to find out that it’s still February 2nd until he learns how to remove his ego and starts doing kind deeds for others.

Once you realize that time, space, energy and matter are 3rd dimensional products, the theory of time becomes irrelevant, thus the theory of how old your soul is also becomes irrelevant.

But for the sake of understanding how old your soul may be, we’ll continue!

You are in touch with your natural abilities or have an extreme interest in these abilities.

Some people are born with innate gifts, such as special healing abilities or psychic abilities.  The truth is that we all possess these abilities, but an older soul is more in tune with how to access and implement these abilities in the name of humanity. If you don’t have any particular ability, but have a strong interest in them, this is simply your soul trying to recall these abilities that you may have had in a previous lifetime.

You become spiritually aware.

Everyone is pure consciousness, but many people have a difficult time understand what this means.  Your soul is pure consciousness and love.  It has a unique understanding of how the matrix is being played on this planet and understands that everything we do as a collective will help to facilitate the awakening of others.

You understand the importance forgiveness.

Some people are old souls who still have much to learn because they are trapped inside the box with their ideologies, are stubborn or have not learned the importance of forgiveness. By forgiving yourself and others, we can release any karma between these people.

You’re able to transcend ego.

It’s nearly impossible for anyone to completely transcend ego 100% of the time but simply being aware of our ego and how it plays against unity consciousness is a definite sign on an old soul. On the other side, there is no ego.  During your life review, you will re-live your ego and will see how it affected others, as well as yourself.  At this point in “time”, you will probably make a soul contract with the hopes of overcoming ego and atoning for whatever ego issues you had in your previous incarnation.

You’re able to transcend materialism.

Money and materialism are products of this 3rd dimensional reality and it’s easy to succumb to materialism, especially when it’s in your face through advertising, programming and peer pressure. An older soul realizes that money is non-existent on the other side and it generally takes away from who we truly are as spiritual beings.  Those who are older souls will generally use money as a tool to either help facilitate their spiritual progression through spiritual retreats or by possibly creating a lavish feng shui home decorated with spiritual meaning versus the most luxurious furnishings.  They may also use their money to help others who are less fortunate.

You are able to understand the concept that your body is a shell for your soul.

Before you were born, you not only chose your parents, you also chose your life situations and challenges that would help to facilitate your spiritual growth while atoning for any previous karma. The body that you are currently in is simply a vessel for your soul.  Your name is what your soul currently refers itself as, but in previous lifetimes, you had many different names and you have lived many previous lives as either a male or a female.  Your name and title are both associated with ego because ultimately, you are infinite consciousness and we are all on the same team.

You seem to have a special connection to eras long before you were born.

Did you ever watch an old movie or see some artwork from a specific era in time and have a connection to that era?  Chances are, you lived a previous life during that time period and this is your cellular memory letting you know!

You have an understanding of what you need to do to complete your spiritual progression.

Just by making it this far, you are more awakened than most people on this planet.  You have an understanding of Universal laws and what is left to do on your soul contract.  Even if you are not specifically sure of either, your higher self and spirit guides will continue lead you in the right direction.

You have a strong feeling that home isn’t Earth.

Did you ever look at a random area of the sky and star at an unknown star for no particular reason?  Do you have a special connection with specific star systems such as the Pleiades or Orion’s Belt?   Do wars and corruption make you feel uneasy, as if they didn’t exist where you originally came from?  Are you one of the souls who volunteered to come here at this specific point in time to help with the Earth’s ascension?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, then chances are, Earth is not your home planet.

You tend to be a loner.

The stigma on the word loner is often condescending, but those who are old souls are merely looking for other fragments of themselves and will often distance themselves from younger souls who need more incarnations into a 3rd dimensional planet. Older souls will seek out other like-mided people because there’s a comfort and familiarity with these types of people who will help to facilitate each others spiritual progression.

You have a rebellious nature.

Whether you rebel from religion, laws or anything else, this is a sign that your soul knows the only true laws… the Laws of the Universe.  While you respect the reasoning and intention behind laws and religion, you might not be compelled to use these as absolute laws when you know there are a set of higher laws that are intended to facilitate our spiritual progressions.

You have a burning desire to attain truth and inner wisdom.

Many older souls can easily see through the lies we’ve been taught through religion, politics and through our educational facilities.  While they realize they are all one with the universe, they also want the truth exposed to help other people’s awakening process.  They also continue to seek knowledge in the spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric fields and will absorb this information much easier than anything they were taught in school.

You are not controlling of others.

Older souls are more accepting, not just of other people, but of circumstances as well.  For example, while you don’t approve of the corruption within politics, you understand how the corruption will help to awaken other people to the truth.  You respect the free will of others and are more likely to use tact than verbal demands of others.  You tend to be more of a team player than anything else.

You sense a separation between yourself and the “real world”.

As you transcend ego and materialism, you find yourself living a different lifestyle.  While this lifestyle is unique to your current incarnation, there also seems to be a familiarity of the direction you’re heading.

You are curious whether you’re an old soul or not.

Many young souls wouldn’t ask this question or much less be concerned about it.  While many older souls aren’t concerned either, for different reasons, they simply “know” they’re old souls, but it’s nice to have affirmations that coincide with your spiritual progression.

There are many lessons we have learned throughout our lifetimes, all of which has culminated into this particular incarnation.  All of your previous life incarnations are embedded into your cellular memory and can be recalled through past life regressions.  Most of the people on this planet are old souls, yet many remain unawakened and still have a lot more to learn and will need several more incarnations to a 3rd dimensional planet.

Many of those who are awakened will probably move on to their next level of spiritual progression.  It’s important to remember that this is not a race because in the end, we all win.  Enjoy every millisecond in this incarnation because this may be the last time you’ll ever experience a 3rd dimensional reality!

Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form.  Feel free to do whatever you want with it, including using parts of it, rewording anything within the article or claiming ownership to it.  I don’t care, just share the word! 🙂