Awakening to the Synchronic Order

The following is exerpted from Time, Synchronicity and Calendar Change: the Visionary Life and Work of José Argüelles, published byLaw of Time Press.
There will come a time when the birds will fall from the trees, the rivers will be poisoned and the wolves will die in the forests. But then the warriors of the rainbow will appear and save the world. –Prophecy of the Cree Indians
One time is ending, but another is just beginning, an entirely new era in the history of the Earth: the noosphere.This is the message of José Argüelles. We are leaving the world of pure sensory matter, and entering a world of mind and telepathy. In this new world of the noosphere, time is not what a clock measures, but a factor of synchronicity, and the synchronization of our minds into ever expanding consciousness.
C.G. Jung first introduced the idea of synchronicity to the modern mind in 1952, with his famous exposition, Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle. This was the same year as the discovery of the tomb of Pacal Votan in Chiapas, Mexico. This tomb — the enigma of the man whose body was buried there — was to become a central facet to José’s life, especially in his investigation of the Mayan calendar and culture. After years of study and experimentation, José discovered that synchronicity is based on an underlying mathematical order akin to the underlying mathematics of the Mayan calendar, though this information is universal, and not strictly “Mayan.” He labeled this the “synchronic order,” the cosmic ordering principle of synchronicity.
José discovered that the synchronic order is a matrix of living intelligence; it is a fourth-dimensional order of reality based on the Law of Time. Hence, the Law of Time is the science of synchronicity. In Time and the Technosphere (2002), he states that the future of human evolution is to become a medium of cosmic consciousness traveling back to the stars but through the superior knowledge of the actual laws of time. He believes this is what the Maya foresaw.
His path to this discovery was not ordinary; it was the path of a visionary. In aboriginal society vision is considered one of the highest values to cultivate. In western culture vision is generally dismissed as not real. The visionaries are those who have had visions and are able to present them to society so the people can become renewed. The visionary sees through and beyond ordinary reality.
His first vision occurred in 1953 atop the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico. This vision shaped his life and destiny. He later realized that he was being cultivated from afar to unearth the entire prophecy and knowledge as per his vision at Teotihuacan. In an interview with Magical Blend Magazine (2002), José describes his mission beginning with his vision at Teotihuacan:
Outside of Mexico City, on top of the Pyramid of the Sun, when I had this experience like a vision or an inner knowing that it was my life mission to learn or remember again the cosmic knowledge that had been used to build Teotihuacan in the first place. And that was my life mission and journey — from that moment in 1953 when I was fourteen, my life became increasingly devoted to decoding the Mayan mathematics and prophecies.
Atop the pyramid he vowed to find the knowledge of the masters who built and designed Teotihuacán and bring it back to this modern world. This intelligence was vastly different than the intelligence that created Sears and Roebuck or Wal-Mart down the street. José knew that the how of the knowledge that built Teotihuacan was different from the how of how things are done now. From this point on, his path was guided by the vision reawakened in him at this time.
Jung proposed the theory of synchronicity as a means of encompassing acausal events in an ordered framework that would offer a more complete picture of the phenomenal world. There are several types of synchronicity. One form of synchronicity is similar to precognitive dreams and visions, which involve foreknowledge of events, and according to Jung, may take the form of an inner psychological state such as a dream. José first experienced this type of synchronicity shortly after the vision at Teotihuacan when he had a dream as chronicled in 2012: Biography of a Time Traveler:
On the drive back home from Mexico City, Joe (José) had a dream that he got back to Minnesota and went to his friend Walt McDonald’s house. Walt lived two blocks up the street from Joe on Seventh Avenue. In his dream, Joe knocked on the door, and Walt’s father opened it. Dressed in shorts and with shaving cream on his face, he told Joe that Walt wasn’t home.
When Joe returned to Minnesota he went to his friend Walt’s house and knocked on the door. Walt’s father opened it, dressed in shorts and with shaving cream on his face. He told Joe that Walt wasn’t home.
This precognitive dream was the tip of the iceberg of what was to come. This was also his first conscious experience of what he would call the zuvuya, a Mayan term, which he perceived as the interdimensional thread connecting future to past and past to future. The zuvuya, as he would later write, is the big memory circuit or hotline that works individually and collectively.
José later discovered that the conscious entry to the zuvuya is through number. From the time he was 14, he had been fascinated with the mathematics of the Maya, which operates by the vigesimal (20) rather than the decimal (10) system. This was his first clue as to number being the underlying foundation of synchronicity.
Jung had also put forth that numbers underlie synchronicity. José affirmed this perception with the discovery of the Law of Time (1989). After living several cycles simultaneously over a period of time José made a life-changing discovery while visiting the Museum of Time in Geneva, Switzerland with his wife Lloydine. The Law of Time makes the distinction between artificial or mechanical time and natural time. José discovered that the Law of Time, like the law of gravity, is not a human law, but a natural law. Just as the law of gravity cannot be seen, neither can the Law of Time, but both are invisible principles fundamental to the universe.
He realized that time is a frequency and that the Maya understood this to be the frequency of synchronization which governs all of nature. José saw that this is universally true, with the exception of modern human civilization. This discovery verified his original vision atop the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan.
The Law of Time states that the galaxy and everything in it is held together by one common timing frequency, a 13:20 ratio constant, which maintains everything in a unified condition by synchronization. By contrast, modern civilization operates by an artificial, irregular mechanistic timing frequency or 12:60 ratio (12 month calendar, 60 minute clock).
José realized that this artificial frequency was an actual paradigm or belief system that the human race lived in. This belief system says that time is money, and no one ever has enough time and is always seeking more money and time off. He synthesizes the nature of this belief system in The Galactic Culture Master Plan (1996):
In the Gregorian/mechanical paradigm there is a belief system that makes you pay to be born, then go to an educational institution where you are basically taught and prepared to join the economic force, you are expected to graduate, go to college or get a good job, have a family, maybe get a vacation home, a sailboat or a house in the woods and then anticipate retiring so that you can have more leisure time. This structure maintains the belief system that the purpose of life is to get a good job, work hard, make lots of money so you can enjoy some form of life of leisure or recreation on what is called the weekend or off hours. This model of reality is held together by the macroprogram of the Gregorian calendar and is reinforced at every level by all the different forms of public communication, media and education.
José determined that the only way this situation could be remedied was to return to living in the natural timing frequency. From his own experiments, he discovered this could be achieved through use of the harmonic matrix of the 13 Moon/28 day calendar. This was the only calendar used by humans that takes into account the unity of planetary and galactic time. He reasoned that if enough people agreed to get out of the robotic 12:60 box then the collective could express and experience a new freedom of harmony. It was up to the people to take back their time and return it to the earth.
Quantum physicist, David Bohm, who proposed the most comprehensive theories on the holographic nature of the universe in his 1980 book Wholeness and the Implicate Order, believed in nonlocatability and the likelihood that the old historical cause and effect paradigm is inadequate in explaining all phenomena. Likewise, José discovered that the philosophy of synchronicity and the synchronic order does not follow the logics of mainstream science, but rather, relies on an invisible number matrix that follows a precise set of codes. He was aware that the Maya used up to 17 calendars simultaneously at the height of their civilization. From living different cycles himself, José understood that the reason for this had everything to do with synchronicity.
From years of studies and experimentation of the mathematics and cycles that underlie the Mayan calendar, José realized that: 1) a universal mathematics informs all existence; 2) the entire phenomenal world is created from a certain number of patterns; 3) these number patterns are the fourth-dimensional codes that inform our third-dimensional reality. He discovered that this fourth-dimensional synchronic order organizes the totality of the third-dimensional world of appearance. The mathematics of the Maya, he discovered, was actually the mathematics of the fourth dimension, or the mathematics of time. He realized that all of life in the galaxy is synchronized according to different harmonic ratios of fourth-dimensional time. The discovery of the Law of Time was followed by the Dreamspell (1991), an interactive system for mapping the fourth-dimensional codes of the Law of Time. The Dreamspell also lays out a psychomythic cosmology recapitulating the evolutionary stages of the past 26,000 years.
The Dreamspell mathematical codes are incorporated into the 13 Moon calendar with the purpose of creating a practical tool that can be used daily in helping to shift from linear time to galactic time. The word Dreamspell came in a dream that José had in 1990 in which he witnessed a great shattering — the point when the collective dream was broken. At this point, amnesia set in. No one could remember what happened. Within the shattering, the word Dreamspell emerged as an evocation uttered by an ancient voice. Fragmented memories were scattered and deposited in isolated pockets of the collective human mind. They were the seed-forms of everything that is now culminating in the state of the present world. The mathematical codes were the key to the remembering and entering a new Dreamspell: The Dreamspell Journey of Timeship Earth, 2013.
It was through following the clues left by the Maya that José discovered the synchronic order, a systematic set of codes that reveals the larger evolutionary patterning. These mathematics were universal and belonged to no one group or race, but displayed a cosmic message that had to be delivered to all peoples. He discovered that the Galactic Mayan time science synthesizes all that can be known, both on this planet and on other world systems. In The Mayan Factor, José wrote of the purpose of the Mayans, whom he believes originally came from an advanced interplanetary civilization:
They (Mayans) came here specifically to show two things: one, that it is possible to live in harmony with all of life with very minimal technology as we know it; and two, to leave behind a code that unlocks the keys to how our life — DNA — is in resonance with galactic forces and energies. This code also functions as the calendar. Everything operates holographically.
In The Mayan Factor, José determined that the Great Cycle of history was mathematically indistinguishable from the Tzolkin 13:20 mathematical matrix; history was a fractal expansion of the 260-unit sacred Tzolkin cycle. This Great Cycle of history, 13 baktuns or 260 katuns in duration, was the basis of the Mayan Long Count. He felt this discovery had great implications regarding the actual nature of time. He saw that time was fractal in nature and also had everything to do with factors of synchronization. This is, of course, a very different perception of time than clock time.
José saw that this “historical” cycle from 3113 BC (3114 Julian) to 2012 AD, was a function of a specific program; and then a new cycle begins. The ending of a cycle does not mean the end of the world, but rather signals a moment of great change and the beginning of a new evolutionary cycle. He felt this was all foreseen by the Galactic Maya, who he perceives as the higher intelligences guiding his work, and the destiny of our Planet. He mapped this entire cycle out in The Mayan Factor.
José found that to experience synchronicity consciously requires familiarizing yourself with a set of cycles and codes. Without applying these codes, synchronicity might still occur but may be disjointed or disconnected without a frame of reference. José’s understanding of the galactic nature of the Maya helped him to frame an understanding of the holographic time sense contained in the Tzolkin. He had concluded in 1983 that the Tzolkin was a cosmic code that held the keys, among other things, to the timing of the evolutionary cycles on our planet as well as to the DNA code.Following his discovery and mapping out of the psi bank (earth’s memory and retrieval system), José became accustomed to experiencing synchronicities too numerous to record in his log. Here is an example of one such synchronicity of an extraterrestrial nature, extended over time:
An Example of Synchronicity
In 1986, while writing The Mayan Factor, José received a mysterious text, Introduction to Cosmic Science, from one of his art history students. It was supposedly an extraterrestrial text channeled by Colombian engineer, Enrique Castillo Rincon, whom he had never heard of. He put the text away until he had completed The Mayan Factor. When he got back to the text he noted that the only date written in it was March 7, 1970, with one word near it: Superhombre (Superman). José noted that on that day, March 7, 1970, he was in Davis, California, making the final preparations for the First Whole Earth Festival, an unprecedented five-day celebration of planetary consciousness that would begin ten days later, March 17-21, 1970. Precisely 26 years later, in Brasilia, Brazil, José held the First Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights from March 17-21, 1996. (Twenty-six years is the mid-point of the 52-year solar-galactic cycle). Ten days prior to the event on March 7, 1996, the first of three markings by extraterrestrial intelligence was left on the lawn of José Fraga’s house in Brasilia. Fraga claimed to have been contacted by extraterrestrials who told him he had to get in touch with José Argüelles, which he did after the Congress. A crop circle was left on his lawn as proof, which made sensational news in Brazil. On that same day, March 7, 1996, José was in another house in Brasilia, less than three kilometers away, making the final preparations for the Congress, an unprecedented five-day event of planetary consciousness that would begin ten days later. A year later, José was in Costa Rica at a UFO Congress where he introduced his latest work, the 20 Tablets of the Law of Time, which incorporated the cosmic runes first revealed in the Introduction to Cosmic Science. That afternoon, he was invited to lunch at the home of a UFO contactee. When he arrived for lunch, he was shocked to find out it was the home of Enrique Castillo Rincon, the Colombian engineer who had noted the first March 7, 1970, date in his channeled text, Introduction to Cosmic Science! Rincon was now living in Costa Rica. José attributed these synchronicities to his connection with the Galactic Maya. He wrote: Those people anciently known as Maya were extraterrestrials. Their life and civilization were characterized by a holistic knowing, a supreme superconscious intelligence capable of being all-pervasive and omnipresent. The 13:20 matrix of the Tzolkin, or sacred calendar, was a clue they left behind for others to enter into this holistic knowing and supreme superconscious intelligence, which is capable of being all-pervasive and omnipresent. By my birth, I was oriented to recover the holistic galactic time knowledge represented by the Tzolkin. Through my life experiences I have been guided to awaken by stages to my extra-terrestrial intelligence.Image byBalaji Dutt, courtesy of Creative Commons license.