UFO SIghtings — UK ANd Dallas

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This is what Gregg had to say:

Mass UFO Sightings In Texas And UK

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Last updated on October 22, 2012 at 12:06 am EDT by in5d Alternative News

In the past 24 hours, mass UFO sighting videos were uploaded to YouTube.  The first one was uploaded on October 20, 2012 and occurred in Mansfield, UK while the second video was uploaded on October 21, 2012 and was recorded the previous day from a car near downtown, Dallas, Texas.

Mass UFO Sightings In Texas And UK | in5d Alternative News | in5d.com |

There were no additional comments from the person who video recorded the Mansfield UFO, but the person who recorded the Texas UFO stated the following.  When asked where the video was recorded, the YouTube user by the name of Raul_Molinar stated, “Downtown 30 y 35 como a las 7pm.  I was traveling west on I 30.” When asked who recorded the video, Raul stated, “I did yesterday COMO VAN A SER AVIONES?? Veanlo bien.”  “How could they be airplanes?  I saw them clearly.”)