Human Design by Randy Richmond

Human Design

Story by: Randy Richmond

The Human Design System is a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science. As a tool that thousands are using, your Human Design chart reveals an optimal way for you to operate in the world as yourself. It’s like discovering the laws of physics, but at a personal and interpersonal level.

Unlike astrology, derived from only one calculation, Human Design uses two calculations thereby illuminating both the conscious and unconscious aspects of your being. For many years psychologists have been searching to define the unconscious, as clearly over time they’ve discovered people have “hidden” parts. We ourselves know that as we move through life, more and more people have commented about aspects about ourselves that we’re not aware of. Over time we’ve come to accept these aspects of ourselves even though we have no conscious access to how they operate. Your personalized chart reveals your unconscious nature, which is keyed at a point in your fetal development, as well as your conscious nature, which begins at the moment of your birth.

Taking these two data points, your conscious birthday (the one you’ve been celebrating since you were born) and your unconscious birthday (approximately three months earlier), a chart is drawn up showing the specific planetary imprinting at those times. One could ask, “Why should I care where the planets were when I was born?” In the grand scheme of things, it actually turns out to be quite significant.

Neutrinos, as one of the most frequently occurring sub-atomic particles, are penetrating us all the time. Created in the stars themselves, these neutrinos have mass. Because of that they are endowed with the ability to transfer information from the various objects they are penetrating. It’s like when the white car scrapes the red car in the parking lot; each drives off with paint from the other. Thus, the movement of neutrinos throughout our Solar System and its planets creates an informational landscape that is specific at each moment of the day as delineated by the planets’ positions. The database that is created from your two birthdays shows the exact planetary snapshot of those two crucial moments in your history.

For millennium the position of the planets has been tracked using the 360° of the zodiacal wheel. Unlike astrology, which is focused on the relationships between objects on the outside (i.e. their mathematical relationship to each other), Human Design brings the information from the outside, inside and into the body. As a new science, Human Design has established the relationship between the zodiacal wheel and another ancient study, the 64 hexagrams of the I’ Ching, which are also related to the 64 codons of our DNA. Thus, through the synthesis of ancient methods with current sub-atomic particle physics and modern genetics, Human Design shows us our unique individual place in the larger whole. Like acupuncture, which relates primal elements to meridians in the body, these 64 hexagrams relate specifically to the Nine Centers depicted in the bodygraph, as illustrated below.

 photo CentersNamed.jpg

Distributed throughout the Nine Centers, these hexagrams (or “gates”) in pairs create the channels in the bodygraph connecting centers in specific configurations. When planetary imprinting activates both gates at either end of a channel, the result is called “definition.” This is very recognizable in the bodygraph, as the centers on either end of that channel, as well as the channel itself, are now colored in. Transferring both your specific conscious and unconscious data to the bodygraph creates your individualized template. The energetic system represented by the bodygraph is comprised of Nine Centers or “hubs,” each representing a particular aspect of what it means to be human. Like DNA, which determines our differentiation, the way these centers are defined shows your uniqueness or how you are differentiated from others. Four of these centers are motors and therefore the source of our energy.

The Head Center is where we find the mental pressure of inspiration that fuels the conceptualizing of the mind.

The Ajna Center, as an awareness center, is the conceptualizing system that makes sense, understands, or knows what
the inspiration from the Head Center is all about.

The Throat Centeris metamorphic taking those concepts and turning them into language and thereby creating our
ability to articulate. When this center is connected to one of the four motors through definition, physical manifestation
i.e. to act rather than just speak, is possible.

The Splenic Centerhouses our immune system. As our primary awareness center, it is focused on our survival
and serves to protect us.

Our identity and direction in life come from the G Center. Guiding us along the line of our geometry in life, it is both
movement and love.

The Heart Center(also known as the Ego Center) is responsible for establishing the vitality of communities in the world, which takes courage and will power. As one of the four motors, it is a powerful source of what drives tribal life on the material plane.

As the prime motor of the body, the Sacral Center, generates life itself as a response mechanism.

The Solar Plexus Center has two aspects. As a motor, it drives our human life and its cyclical process, as well as our sexuality. But it also contains the chemistry of our emotional system, which we interpret and live out as a wave that goes from hope to pain and back again.

The other pressure center in the body, the Root Center, is a physical pressure system. As a motor, it produces adrenaline and stress hormones that fuel our survival, sexuality, and the life force itself.

Four blood types that have evolved over time in humanity. Interestingly enough, Human Design has validated that at the genetic imprint level, there are also four types of human beings. There are specific strategies for the individual types in Human Design.

Since Human Design deals directly with our energetic systems, we begin by seeing that the four types fall into two categories: energy types and non-energy types. Together they are what makes the world operate in harmony, as each needs the other, neither being better or worse, but each essential for humanity’s development. The energy types come from two possible configurations within the bodygraph:

  • Any time the Sacral Center is defined (colored in), one is a Generator type
  • When one of the three other motors (Heart Center, Solar Plexus, or Root Center) is connected to the Throat Center through definition, one is a Manifestor type.

Individuals with either of these configurations are endowed with a consistent energy source, which becomes a driving force in their life.

The other two types of human beings are part of the non-energy category.

  • One is the Projector, whose definition configuration can range from the very simple to complex. The Heart Center, Solar Plexus, or Root Center may be defined, but not to the throat. The Sacral Center is not defined.
  • Someone with none of the centers defined is a Reflector.

Each of the four types has a specific strategy to follow that will eliminate the resistance in their life. Though there are only four strategies, each is within the context of the uniqueness of each individual’s chart.

GENERATORS: Life is about the Right Work

Want to know themselves; self knowledge; discover inner world; “know thyself”Wait to Respond, life is a response. Go to bed when you are exhausted.
Get a job; it’s about their life’s work.Can respond moment to moment.Can respond to anything. THEME: frustration. Can feel stuck or trapped.

MANIFESTORS: Looking for the Right Life

Wants to know the outside world, the resistance field, what has been in their way, what has been opposing them. Go to bed before you are tired.
Get them to ask “who do my actions impact?” They often don’t realize nor are they conscious of it. Anything they have or want, they have to go and get “it” as it doesn’t come to them; they must “do it”
Informing let’s them take advantage or have an advantage in the situation Looking for a life; into the secret of life
Need to know the outer world THEME: Anger

PROJECTORS: Looking for the Right Life to live

“Who is the Other? How do they impact me?”Don’t be the first to speak. Go to bed before you’re tired – read, watch television.
Need their own space to get away from the sacral buzz, especially when sleeping They are the natural students of mankind; need to study in detail. Need the details
Knows who the other is and whether or not the other is for them; they just recognize it Looking for a life; into the secret of life
Looks for recognition and in turn recognize the other. Who they are. THEME : exhaustion and bitterness
Annoyed at wasted energy The first conservationists Can be “cheap” and over control resources

REFLECTORS: Looking for the Right Place to be

“Who are they?” – conditioned by the environment not by an individual “How am I?-  not “Who am I?” – they are the place not the person
They are the barometers of society – the weather report. THEME: disappointment

Design of Forms:
All forms have a design and activations consistent with the bodygraph. There are cross-specie connections between humans and mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and plants. All of these bring their own frequency of conditioning to our human process and we to theirs. We create hybrid plants, breed animals, and are beginning to clone our own species.

Splenic fear of:
18 – Authority
28 – Death
32 – Failure
50 – Responsibility
44 – The Past
57 – Tomorrow
48 – Inadequacy

Mental anxiety over:
47 – Futility
24 – Ignorance
4 – Chaos
11 – Darkness
43 – Rejection
17 – Challenge

Emotional nervousness about:
30 – Fate
55 – Emptiness
49 – Nature
6 – Intimacy
37 – Tradition
22 – Silence
36 – Inadequacy

Seven Gates of Love:
41 – Love of dreams
58 – Love of perfection
40 – Love of work
28 – Love of life
44 – Love of talent
10 – Love of self
55 – Love of loving

Table of contents    View next article

Randy RichmondRandy Richmond
Is the Chairman of the Human Design Standards Board (from 2000), and is the Registrar of the International Human Design School in charge of certification of new Human Design analysts. Randy was educated privately in the Human Design System by Ra Uru Hu in 1999 and has continued his education in all the classes taught by Ra since that time. Randy has worked in the field of alcoholism and drug addiction for 35 years. He uses the Human Design System to tailor recovery strategies with the unique definition of the individual chart. (see He is the author of Side by Side, a synthesis of the 12 Step Programs and a Course in Miracles. He is an Egyptologist with the University of Arizona and a life member of Mensa.


Deepak Chopra on Staying Healthy —Part 1

Deepak Chopra: Part 1 -The Real Secret to Staying Healthy for Life

Deepaknew    If you want to stay healthy for life, you need to take care of yourself. That’s the conventional wisdom. It’s a frequent guilty reminder when we look in the mirror and realize that we aren’t in the best shape. “I’ve got to start taking better care of myself.”


But the real secret to lifelong good health is actually the opposite: Let your body take care of you. I’m not being contrary. The human body consists of hundreds of billions of cells that function perfectly, and if we were single-celled creatures, immortality would be normal. An amoeba or blue-green algae keeps on living indefinitely by constantly dividing in two to produce the next generation of cells. Absent death from external circumstances, such as being eaten or drying up in the sun, one-celled organisms exist in a state of perpetual well-being.

Instead of being disadvantaged by having many cells instead of one, the human body has made tremendous evolutionary leaps. Our cells have perfected special functions for each organ and tissue. They’ve learned to cooperate with one another by staying in constant communication. An immune system keeps watch on threats from the outside world, and if an injury or disease occurs, the healing system rushes in to repair it.

Modern medicine, for all its advances, knows less than 10 percent of what your body knows instinctively. Humbling as it is to realize, a doctor doesn’t heal his patients. He facilitates the body’s healing system, adding whatever is lacking when self-healing falters. By the same logic, everything you and I do to take care of our bodies is actually just an adjunct to letting our bodies take care of us. Our active role is quite secondary. Yet there is no doubt that it is vital.

What makes it vital is the brain and nervous system. They send a constant stream of messages to the rest of the body, creating a feedback loop of information. One side of the feedback loop runs automatically. The other side supports free will and choice, which means that what you decide to do with your life enters the body’s feedback loop, gets communicated to every cell, and has repercussions. If you ran your body entirely on its automatic processes, you’d be in a coma. As long as you are awake and alive, making choices, you are adding to the feedback loop.

This picture is simple but not simplistic. Despite the incredible complexity of the brain and nervous system, it forms an information highway teeming with messages, and these are either positive (enhancing your health and well-being) or negative (injurious to health and well-being). Your body will take care of you for life if you maximize the one and minimize the other. I doubt that anyone would seriously disagree with that proposition, but then we reach a fork in the road. Modern medicine looks at the body’s feedback loop almost entirely in physical terms. The subjective world of thoughts, feelings, hopes, wishes, and dreams is discounted. If that world intrudes, as it does in depression, for example, the conventional solution is still physical — take an antidepressant.

The other road is holistic, which doesn’t deny the physical but refuses to discount the subjective world. The body doesn’t recognize that there is a fork in the road. A chemical signal sent from the brain fits into a receptor site in the outer membrane of the cell wall. The entire feedback loop runs on that mechanism, and as far as the cell is concerned, there is no difference between a message that began as an emotion or mood and one that began as growth hormone or estrogen. Your body couldn’t survive a single day without being holistic.

Fixating on the physicalist approach, modern medicine has constructed a map to health that puts almost the whole emphasis on physical measures. Exercise is physical, obviously, but so is proper nutrition. Although we take it for granted, sanitation is a physical measure that has probably done more to increase human life span than any kind of drug or surgery. Avoiding toxins is physical, and beyond not smoking and overusing alcohol, there is a growing awareness that environmental toxins we take for granted because our exposure is minuscule may still have harmful effects. (These include pesticides, herbicides, and hormones that are routinely introduced into the food chain.)

But if you adhered rigorously to the entire physical side, as beneficial as the results might be, you are not really letting your body take care of you. You are basically minimizing risks. A risk-free life is far from being a healthy life. To begin with, the very word “risk” implies worry, and people who worry about every bite of food, sip of water, the air they breathe, the gym sessions they have missed, and the minutiae of vitamin doses, are not sending positive signals to their cells. A stressful day sends constant negative messaging to the feedback loop, and popping a vitamin pill or choosing whole wheat bread instead of white bread does close to zero to change that.

To let your body take care of you, two things are vital:

1. Create a matrix for a positive lifestyle. You can’t make positive choices for the rest of your life without an environment that makes those choices easy, natural, and enjoyable.

2. Create the best inner environment for your brain. The brain processes every experience you have, and it must function well in order for the real controller of your life — the mind — to make its best intentions known.
