Sol Luckman’s Predictions for 2014

SPRING SUN by Sol Luckman

SPRING SUN by Sol Luckman

By Sol Luckman

I don’t consider myself an expert on anything. That’s a good thing. In my book, to borrow an old saying, an “expert” is someone who knows more and more about less and less—until he ends by knowing everything about nothing.

Also, I don’t have “insiders” telling me their secrets. That’s really a good thing as well. As we’ve seen abundantly in recent years, whenever predictions are made based on “insider” information, there’s virtually a 100% chance said predictions will come to nothing.

I’m also not a fortune teller, financial advisor or political analyst and don’t play any of these roles on TV. I’ve been wrong many times in the past—and will probably repeat similar mistakes in the future.

With these caveats, I do fancy myself a keen observer of people, events, and trends. I mean, I knew the first time I saw Justin Bieber the guy was going to be a superstar. It was written all over him.

Call me “gifted.” Of course, it helps that I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Seriously. Take the following fourteen predictions for 2014 with a grain of salt, and perhaps a pinch of pepper, and—if all else fails—go make yourself some popcorn to eat while watching AMERICAN IDOL.

Drumroll please …

1. Banksters and goldbugs are going to hate this one, but bitcoin will break the $2K barrier on its way to the stratosphere and—not without a fight from the crumbling Powers that Be trying to keep their fiat monetary system on life support—gain increasing acceptance worldwide. Yes, we’re seeing the Cabal go after bitcoin—but that’s like trying to stop an avalanche with an umbrella. Simply put, bitcoin, an idea whose time has come, is the currency of the resistance. Get used to it. If you still haven’t heard of bitcoin, I’m really glad I’m not reading your predictions for 2014.

2. On another technology note, by the end of the year, 3D printers will start to become a household item. This trend is happening already—but expect it to really begin following in the footsteps of the PC and HDTV by year’s conclusion. You can print just about anything—including many items of questionable legality—with even a halfway decent 3D printer. Look into it and discuss.

3. Joining bitcoin and 3D printing, crowdfunding is the third of a triumvirate of disruptive technologies that will begin to do a lot more … disrupting in 2014. Bankster-bashing MP George Galloway plans to fund his London mayoral bid through crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is democracy in action, where people directly control what their money supports: something that has been a long time coming and is a revolution in itself. Combined with decentralized crypto-currencies such as bitcoin, and the incipient cottage industry for fabricating everything from handguns to automobiles enabled by 3D printing, expect the world economy to shift in dramatically people-empowering ways throughout 2014 and beyond.

4. Former professional wrestler and Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura will announce his bid for the US presidency. Howard Stern will be his running mate. Their platform will be revolutionary and center on ending American aggression against the world by putting the kabosh on the NSA and bringing our troops home, like, immediately. Of course, the Powers that Be and the mainstream media they control will attempt (ironically, as it were) to paint Ventura and Stern as buffoons. But support for the message—if not the messengers per se—will rapidly build as libertarian heavyweights like Ron Paul and millions fed up with the status quo get behind the ticket. Expect to watch bitcoin and crowdfunding play a significant fundraising role as well. Regardless of the ultimate outcome, eventually seeing Ventura, who isn’t exactly known for pulling his punches, in the presidential debates would be, as Mastercard says, priceless!

5. The year 2014 will see a global currency reset of some sort as the moribund petrodollar is officially abandoned as world reserve currency. The dollar could lose half its value in rapid fashion and Americans could face some tough sledding for a while, much like Russia did after the fall of the Soviet Union. Herein lies our collective challenge as well as reason for hope: if Russia could get back on its feet and restore something resembling democracy, so can we. (Cue Leonard Cohen’s Democracy Is Coming to the USA.) What will replace the dollar remains to be seen. My vote is on bitcoin.

6. Obamacare will prove to be a complete and unmitigated disaster. Wait. That already happened. As a result, more and more states will follow South Carolina’s lead and simply nullify this monstrosity of fascist legislation. “If you like your freedom, you can keep your freedom.” Make this mantra viral.

7. On the subject of nullification, this pushback strategy will be a major trend in 2014’s resistance movement. Do yourself (and all of us) a favor by researching and getting behind this historical brain child of none other than Thomas Jefferson, who designed nullification as a last resort for We the People to say no to government tyranny and idiocy. Seeing as how we live in a veritable Golden Age of government tyranny and idiocy, I highly recommend that you check out the Tenth Amendment Center, the OffNow Coalition, this recent edition of the CORBETT REPORT, and these videos on jury nullification—and then roll up your shirtsleeves and lend some elbow grease to the cause.

8. Increasingly, along with drones, American airspace will be filled with the sounds of secession. Secessionist movements are popping up like wildfires from California to Colorado and Texas to Vermont. The only thing most of these disaffected would-be secessionists can agree on is that they agree with absolutely nothing the Federal Government is doing. (See historically low and plummeting-as-we-speak approval ratings for the president and Congress.) This common ground may be just enough to initiate a groundswell to break apart the Union and create the UNTIED STATES OF AMERICA, returning decision-making power to more grassroots levels. One can only hope. Stay tuned.

9. After much ado about nothing, comet ISON (what’s left of it anyway) will finally leave us humans on planet earth alone again with our own problems and all the doomsdayers, fearmongerers and Armageddon-heads out there will have to find something else to obsess and panic over. But have faith: this shouldn’t take very long. All that’s needed to get the stress hormones flowing again is a little bad news blown completely out of proportion. Expect the Cabal to explore creative ways to capitalize on this truth.

10. That said, there’s a high likelihood that one or more federal alphabet agencies will finally be caught red-handed perpetrating a false flag attack on the US so much so that even the mainstream media will have no choice but to report on it. The Cabal’s plan to use manufactured problem-reaction-solution to further enslave the people might very well backfire on a scale that will dwarf the Boston Scareathon Bombing and Syria Scam. This might be like the first domino falling in an avalanche of public awakening that will initiate the dismantling of the New World Order in earnest.

11. Good news came on the GMO labeling front recently when the island of Hawaii basically banned GMOs and Connecticut signed into law a still somewhat symbolic bill theoretically requiring Monsanto and other perpetrators of biotech abominations against the populace to (gasp!) actually label their genetically monstrosified products as such. Expect a torrent of GMO outlawing and labeling initiatives, both at the state and local levels, in 2014, accompanied by the slow but steady implosion of the biotech industry. Good riddance. I propose a bill to relegate GMO proponents to their own tiny island, where their penance is to subsist solely on Golden Rice for eternity.

12. In addition to GMO labeling, cannabis legalization, which is an integral part of the global political awakening long feared by the likes of Zbigniew Brzezinski, will make a lot of headlines in 2014. Following in the footsteps of the brave states of Colorado and Washington, we just saw Uruguay become the world’s first country to terminate the failed policy of prohibition and the genocidal war on drugs and simply “legalize it.” It won’t be the last. Regardless of what you think about marijuana, it has been proven to be a remarkably safe substance; a medical miracle for conditions ranging from Alzheimer’s to cancer; and (in the case of hemp) a multiuse industrial cash crop capable of sustainably revitalizing local economies—while simultaneously diverting resources away from dehumanizing, environmentally devastating corporations worldwide. Now, that’s what I call a win-win situation!

13. The truth is, they’re out there. Thanks to high-quality media productions such as ANCIENT ALIENS and Stephen Greer’s SIRIUS, combined with the tireless efforts of ufologists and exopoliticians around the globe, more and more people are becoming aware of the ongoing ET cover-up and the need to uncover it ASAP. The results of disclosure, which I see gathering steam in 2014, will eventually culminate in the release of suppressed free energy technology and absolute proof not only that we’re not alone—but that we have friends we never knew we had. Oh, and I almost forgot: genuine disclosure should greatly speed up the toppling of the Cabal’s global control system, which is really just a house of cards to begin with.

14. If there’s a connecting thread to the predictions outlined above, it has to be freedom consciousness rising in the people. We’re currently witnessing an unprecedented acceleration of awareness of what’s happening in our world to limit our freedom and what needs to be done to correct what’s happening. My own contribution to this massive Collective Consciousness Shift in 2014 is a new novel, SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING, the epic tale of one extraordinary boy’s awakening to the world-changing reality of his dreams. All of our dreams are potentially world-changing; we just have to be willing to follow them. My humble prediction is that at least one person will be inspired by SNOOZE to implement a dream with the potential to make the world a freer place to live. And if only one person is so catalyzed, that’s good enough for me.

Copyright © 2014 Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.

Sol Luckman is a prolific visual artist and critically acclaimed author. His books include the international bestselling CONSCIOUS HEALING and its popular sequel, POTENTIATE YOUR DNA. Sol is also author of the BEGINNER’S LUKE Series of seriocomic novels characterized by Reader Views as a “modern-day ALICE IN WONDERLAND” and by Apex Reviews as a “mind-bending journey through the mind of the ultimate iconoclast.” His latest novel, SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING, set for release in 2014, is the riveting, coming-of-age tale of one extraordinary boy’s awakening to the world-changing reality of his dreams. View Sol’s paintings, read his blog and learn more about his work at


January UFO’s in Japan

UFOs Over Japan On First Week Of 2014, VIDEOs, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: First week of Jan 2014
Location of sighting: Japan
These UFOs were caught in the sky over Japan on the first week of 2014. Sure they have a little resemblance to meteors however if you look carefully you will notice that often the objects tail disappears completely giving us a visual of the actual craft. Sometimes alien craft do not need to cloak…they just change the appearance of the UFO to make it look like a natural phenomenon…that not so natural after all. SCW



UFO at Nevado de Toluca in Mexico

UFO Often Seen Coming And Going From Volcano Mouth In Mexico, Jan 4, 2014, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 4, 2014
Location of sighting: Crater of Nevado de Toluca, Mexico
Spanish UFO News States:

A strange spherical object is captured while I was walking in the crater of Nevado de Toluca, excellent recording where you can see a spherical object rising and falling within the crater of the volcano of Toluca on January 4, 2014, know that’s what we shoot, we were at a considerable distance from where the lake was, but fortunate to see at that point to an object very clearly spherical shape, but making very strange movements up and down. Was shifted initially on the surface of the water and then moves up and down inside the crater of Nevado de Toluca. Very strange sighting of a UFO into a volcano in Mexico.


Ongoing Sinabung Eruption -Indonesia

The Eruption and Humanitarian Crisis at Indonesia’s Sinabung Continues

A woman carries her daughter in a nearby field as Mount Sinabung spews pyroclastic ash and debris on January 4, 2014 in Karo District, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Photo by Ulet Ifansasti/Getty Images

Webcam captures of Sinabung, showing (left) a pyroclastic flow and (right) the debris left from repeated pyroclastic flows, both on January 8, 2013. Image: PVMBG webcam.

In what is becoming a larger danger (and potential disaster), activity at Sinabung appears to be increasing daily, with more explosions and resultant pyroclastic flows streaming down the slopes of the volcano (see right) in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Some of these flows are reaching up to 5 km from the summit of Sinabung.

All of this activity is centered around the growing lava dome at the summit of Sinabung — that dome was filmed in low light this past weekend and it really shows the glowing dome with hot debris (the main component of the pyroclastic flows) cascading down the slopes. The pyroclastic flows are leaving a clear light grey deposit on the volcano, ominously pointed towards the location of the PVMBG webcam (see below). The plume from Sinabung is regularly reaching 4-5 km (13,000-16,000 feet) with hundreds of small-to-moderate explosions over the past week.

Looking up information on this eruption, I came across what might be the most striking image I’ve seen that brings together this volcanic eruption with the people being impacted by this activity (see above). This woman is holding her daughter in front of crops that are grown near Sinabung, all with a stunning pyroclastic flow from the volcano being erupted in the background. I can’t even fathom what it must be like to be near your home knowing that it could be destroyed by an eruption of this scale.

With eruptions such as this current activity at Sinabung, it can be easy to forget how disruptive to people’s lives they can be. Although some eruptions do have singular explosions that cause destruction, many eruptions are not simply a single event. Activity can stretch on for weeks, months, even years and the displacement of people living near the volcano can cause a crisis independent of the activity itself.

I’ve written about how significant a problem this is in a volcanically-active country like Indonesia — how does a country deal with the displacement of tens of thousands of people for an undefined time or, in some cases, forever? Two main problems arise: (1) keeping living conditions sanitary and safe at refugee camps can be very difficult and (2) long-term evacuations can cause people to become complacent and then they try to return homes/farms before it is safe. These are some of the biggest challenges during volcanic hazard mitigation.

It may have taken a few months, but currently, at least 22,000 people have been evacuated from danger zone (now defined at 5-7 km) around Sinabung. This has put a heavy strain on the refugee camps set up to deal with the influx of refugees and if the eruption continues to intensify, then these numbers will grow. We mustn’t forget that even without the “big bang” eruption, people are put in danger’s way by merely being moved


Flares from Giant Sunspot

HUGE SUNSPOT, CHANCE OF FLARES: The source of the incoming CME is AR1944, one of the largest sunspots of the current solar cycle. The active region sprawls across more than 200,000 km of solar terrain and contains dozens of dark cores. The largest could swallow Earth three times over. AR1944 is circled in this Jan. 9th snapshot from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory:

As the image shows, the sunspot is almost directly facing Earth. This makes it a threat for geoeffective eruptions. NOAA forecasters estimate an 80% chance of M-class flares and a 50% chance of X-flares on Jan. 9th.


Your Color Vibe for THursday, 1/09/2014

Thursday, January 9:    Salmon Pink

Second guesses are also-rans, so why allow them to take up so much tine and effort?  This is a day for standing up in your power, for not allowing the opinions and energies of others overcome what you know to be true.  This is a day for saying, “I don’t think so.”  The energetic pulses in the air today will give you the strength and desire for this.  You can just surprise yourself.  Today there is much in the air that is not connected to the 3D, as a result you can find yourself connecting a deeper reality and seeing into a larger whole.  Your perspective is shifting and you are beginning to feel that it is important to be WHO you are in all you do and not compromising.


Your Color Vibe for Monday, 1/06

Monday, January 6:    Yellow Ochre

There is something stirring within today, and that means that there are things going on below the surface.  This is true on all levels – within yourself, within society, and within the Earth.  You can find yourself easily distracted by things and at other times lost in wondering.  There is a sense in the day’s energies that plans must be made and things must be finalized.  When those feeling comes, look around yourself at what you are doing and how you are reacting.  There are hints there as to the things that are important, things that are important to finalize and things that are beginning to bud within your heart and mind.  The current energies are moving but with a gentle, concerted flow.  If you are connected, you will understand what this all means and be at one with the direction.

Dangers of Sucralose

Science Review Reveals Laundry List of Health Hazards Associated with Splenda Consumption

December 18, 2013
By Dr. Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • An in-depth scientific review of sucralose (Splenda) reveals an extensive list of safety concerns, including toxicity, DNA damage, and heightened carcinogenic potential when used in cooking
  • When heated, it releases chloropropanols, which belong to a class of toxins known as dioxins. Dioxin—a component of Agent Orange—is among the most dangerous chemicals known to man
  • Sucralose can destroy as much as 50 percent of the microbiome in your gut. What’s worse, it appears to target beneficial microorganisms to a greater extent than pathogenic and other more detrimental bacteria
  • Both animal and human studies have shown that Splenda alters glucose, insulin and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) levels, thereby promoting weight gain, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes
  • The adverse effects of sucralose are oftentimes misdiagnosed or overlooked entirely as the side effects are so varied and mimic common ailments

Sucralose, marketed under the brand name Splenda, is a best-selling artificial sweetener around the world. (In the European Union, sucralose is also known under the additive code E955.)

It has been nearly eight years since I published my concerns about Splenda in my book, Sweet Deception. Since then, evidence continues to support the concerns I had back then.

Splenda is found in tens of thousands of processed food products sold in 90 different countries, many of which are specifically marketed to those seeking to either lose weight or manage their diabetes.

Mounting research, however, shows that not only does it tend to worsen both of those problems, but it’s also associated with an array of other troublesome side effects.

The web site lists a variety of consumer complaints from Splenda consumption, many of which mimic other health conditions. Some of the most commonly reported adverse effects include:

  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Seizures, dizziness, and migraines
  • Blurred vision
  • Allergic reactions
  • Blood sugar increases and weight gain

But that’s not all. Now, an in-depth scientific review1, 2 of sucralose published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health3 reveals an extensive list of safety concerns, including toxicity, DNA damage, and heightened carcinogenic potential when used in cooking.

It also blows a huge hole in the argument that Splenda is a good choice for diabetics and/or those seeking to lose weight.

Sucralose—NOT Safe for Cooking After All

The featured report came to several important conclusions—all of which challenge the “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS) status of sucralose. Of primary concern is that sucralose is not an inert substance.

When heated, it releases chloropropanols, which belong to a class of toxins known as dioxins. One of the selling points of Splenda is that it remains stable when heated, making it well-suited for cooking and baking, but these findings refute such claims. (Many other artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, are not recommended for cooking purposes as they’re known to break down in high temperatures.)

As reported by Sayer Ji at,4 research now shows that sucralose starts breaking down at 119 degrees Celsius; 180 degrees Celsius causes it to degrade completely.

Dioxin is a waste product of incineration, smelting, chlorine bleaching, and pesticide manufacturing, and its well-documented health effects include cancer and endocrine disruption. In fact, dioxin, which was a toxic component of the Agent Orange used to defoliate jungles during the Vietnam War, is easily one of the most dangerous chemicals known to man.

Another study5 published in October also expressed concern over the chlorination reactions that occur when sucralose is cooked in stainless steel cookware, generating highly toxic compounds, including dioxins6 and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs).

Recent animal research also suggests a link between Splenda consumption and an increased risk of leukemia.7 Based on such research, the time is more than ripe for the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to reconsider the GRAS status of sucralose…

Sucralose Also Destroys Your Gut Health

The featured review also concluded that sucralose destroys gut bacteria. (In fact, animal research8 published in 2008 found it could kill as much as 50 percent of your microbiome).

This is very important, as anytime you destroy healthy intestinal bacteria, you open yourself up to unfriendly micro-organisms that can cause health problems. Your immune system, which is imperative for general health, is dependent on healthy gut flora, so the idea that this artificial sweetener may destroy up to half of all your healthy gut bacteria is disconcerting to say the least.

Worse yet, sucralose appears to target beneficial microorganisms to a greater extent than pathogenic and other more detrimental bacteria. And remarkably, according to one study, these adverse effects on gut microbiota remained even after a three-month long recovery period…

Early studies, upon which its approval was based, claimed that sucralose would simply pass unchanged through the human gastrointestinal tract, but more recent investigations show that it is indeed metabolized in your gut. And, as reported in the featured review, “the identity and safety profile of these putative sucralose metabolites are not known at this time.”

Diabetics Beware…

to read more, go to:

Consciousness & Sacred Geometry

The Golden Spiral of Consciousness: Inspiration & Enlightenment through Art & Science

Robin Craig Clark

The golden ratio or spiral is a unique relation existing in the universe between the whole and the part and has been in our consciousness for over 4,000 years. It is a ubiquity number widely accepted as a divine proportion and spiritually regarded as the language of the Universe.

This simple fraction has been an inspiration to many artists, musicians, mathematicians and philosophers throughout our history.

Out of the golden ratio rises the golden spiral, whose familiar coil shape can be found everywhere in nature, such as in the structure of our DNA and fingerprints, sunflowers and seashells, storm clouds and tornados—even a star cluster nebula like the Milky Way.

The golden spiral, also called the flower of life, is a twirling pattern that forms out from a rectangle with the golden ratio.

When this rectangle is squared, it leaves a smaller rectangle that has the same golden ratio as the original. When this even smaller rectangle is squared, it in turn leaves a yet smaller rectangle behind—and this process continues until the shapes become so small you cannot see them anymore.

In other words, the process goes on forever.

When you connect a curve through the opposite corners of these concentric rectangles, you form the golden spiral.

The fact that the golden spiral shows up in many growth patterns of plants, animals and even whole galaxies makes us wonder if this unique shape is not indeed the pattern of life.

The principles of the golden spiral also can be seen in the design of buildings and architecture, as well as in art and literature. Golden proportions are to be found in music and even light.

The Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Chinese all depict the golden ratio in their artwork. The Egyptians were probably the first to combine mathematics with art in the design of their pyramids.

Pythagoras discovered the golden proportions of the human body and this was portrayed by artists throughout Greek art.

Leonardo De Vinci found inspiration in the mathematics of art and nature; and it is almost certain he painted to conform to the golden ratio—especially the proportions set out in the Mona Lisa.

Literature can draw on the golden ratio in the structure of words, sentences, paragraphs, chapters, and pictures.

Just as we see the existence of the spiral in our fingerprints and galaxies and in the creation of pyramids and paintings, the golden ratio also appears inside the pages of a book—and even in a book’s cover design.

This pattern of nature can be seen inside many art forms and has a universally stimulating effect on the mind. Enlightenment may be part of this pattern—a communication that connects consciousness through the language of the Universe.

Look at the soul as being a bridge between your mind and the intangible essence of your spirit, gently guiding your mind through a doorway of transcendence to a higher plane of awareness.

By bringing the flower of life to words and pictures, your consciousness can be encouraged to move toward a realization greater than itself. In other words, the golden spiral can spiral you to soul awakening.

The flower of life transcends itself from the physical-mathematical form by which it is more commonly known (sacred geometry), into a spiritual equivalent we call unconditional love.

This little flower of life transforms into the pattern of love. Truth seekers, poets and prophets everywhere teach love as being at the center of all things.

When your soul connects consciousness with the golden spiral, you become love. Love is the infinite pattern of the Universe. And so are you.

Our world needs to undergo an incredible transformation. We must heal our emotions and weary bodies. We should sincerely connect to spirit and love—the intrinsic nature of everything.

Most cultures throughout history, from the Aztec to the Celtic, have documented a significant correlation between physical form and spirituality, clearly expressed through art and sacred geometry, like the mandala: beautiful, mesmerizing patterns bearing ritual and spiritual significance.

Psychoanalyst Carl Jung said the mandala is a representation of the unconscious self and believed mandalas are a means toward wholeness in personality.

The Mandelbrot Set, named after Benoît Mandelbrot, is a collection of numbers that form fractals. These are objects that display self-similarity at various scales; and so we can journey into the wondrous world of fractal geometry, gliding through never-ending self-similarity repeating patterns arising from a simple definition.

Quantum physicists show us that the substance of our reality is shaped, if not created, by our own consciousness.

Both old and new worlds of thought now come together as science greets spirituality in a uniform field of thought. The Universe speaks to us and we ought to listen.

If you “dream within a dream,” and inside this dream you awaken to unconditional love, which is the origin of all things in and beyond this world, you may find yourself in an infinite spiral with no beginning and no end called eternal life.

Copyright © by Robin Craig Clark. All Rights Reserved.

Robin Craig Clark is a writer of a new generation of spiritual books. Robin’s unique ideas come directly from nature, sacred geometry, Celtic wisdom and the use of holographic narrative, bringing words and art together to create a powerful way to inspire spiritual awakening and transformation. For more information, visit
