Metal Object on Mars?

Well, NASA scientists say no way!  Do your research.

Metal On Mars? Shiny Object Seen By Curiosity Rover Explained By NASA Scientists (PHOTOS)

Posted: 02/12/2013

Mars Metal

By: Mike Wall
Published: 02/12/2013 02:13 PM EST on

NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity has photographed a shiny, metallic-looking object that bears a passing resemblance to a door handle or a hood ornament.

The Curiosity rover has not stumbled onto evidence of an ancient civilization that took the family van to Olympus Mons for vacation, however. The object is simply a rock that the wind has sculpted into an interesting shape, scientists said.

mars metal

NASA’s original image, with the object at top-center.
“The shiny surface suggests that this rock has a fine grain and is relatively hard,” Curiosity scientists wrote Monday (Feb. 11) in an explainer blurb accompanying the image, which was taken on Jan. 30. “Hard, fine-grained rocks can be polished by the wind to form very smooth surfaces.”

Similar “ventifacted” (wind-eroded) rocks can be found here on Earth, notably on the dry, gusty plains of Antarctica, they added.

The newfound rock is not the first shiny object Curiosity has photographed on the Red Planet.

In October, the car-size rover paused its first soil-scooping activities to investigate a bright sliver lying on the ground nearby. Scientists think the scrap is a piece of plastic debris that shook loose during the robot’s dramatic sky-crane landing on the night of Aug. 5.

Later in October, Curiosity spotted bright flecks in one of the holes it dug out while scooping. That material appears to be some sort of native Martian mineral, as does the so-called “Mars flower,” which garnered a lot of attention after Curiosity photographed it in December.

While such finds may be be interesting to laypeople and researchers alike, Curiosity has bigger fish to fry. The rover’s main task is to determine whether its landing site — a huge crater called Gale — could ever have supported microbial life.

Curiosity carries 10 different scientific instruments and 17 cameras to aid in this quest, along with other tools such as a rock-boring drill. Curiosity used this drill to collect samples for the first time over the weekend, boring 2.5 inches (6.4 centimeters) into a Red Planet rock in a move that had never been done before on another planet.


Colombia Earthquake Activity

Earthquake Swarm at Machín in Colombia

The forested dacite domes of Cerro Machín, nested within an older caldera. Pyroclastic flow deposits from Machín have been traced upwards of 40 kilometers from their source at the volcano. Image: INGEOMINAS, taken November 16, 2011.

I like to keep close tabs on the volcanoes in Colombia — with half of my family living in the country, it seems only appropriate. Some of my first volcanic memories are of seeing firsthand some of the lahar deposits at Nevado del Ruiz from the 1985 eruption. Now, at that time, only two Colombian volcanoes really made any noise: Galeras in the south near Pasto and the aforementioned Ruiz in central Colombia. Nowadays, thanks to increased monitoring on Colombian volcanoes by INGEOMINAS, we know a lot more about the restless nature of the volcanoes of the South American country. Five volcanoes are now on elevated alert status, meaning that they show some level of activity that could lead to an eruption: Ruiz, Galeras, Cumbal, Sotará, Huila and Machín.

Over the past week, Cerro Machín, a dacite dome complex to the  to the south Ruiz near Ibagué, has been feeling some increased seismicity. The INGEOMINAS special bulletin details a M2.9 earthquake that occurred at a depth of ~4.7 km beneath the volcano that was felt by local residents. This was part of a swarm that produced over 210 earthquakes in a few hours on February 10 — all within 2 and 5 km depth, but all very small. Now, before you need to get too nervous about this activity, INGEOMINAS rightly points out that these swarms have occurred before at Machin and that sensitive new seismometers are likely to notice this type of activity that might not have been noticed in the past. Not a lot to see, but in the small chance that Machín does get more active, the Observatorio Manizales has a webcam pointed at the volcano. Machín’s last known eruption was over 800 years ago.

Right now, the most active volcano in Colombia is still Nevado del Ruiz. The volcano is still experiencing elevated seismicity, along with a ~950 meter steam plume that occasionally has minor ash as well — which can be seen via webcam, weather permitting.


Exploding Solar Filament

Check out the video —   Beautiful!

FILAMENT ERUPTION: Solar activity is low, but not zero. During the early hours of Feb. 13th, a magnetic filament erupted near the sun’s SW limb. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the blast (click to set the scene in motion):

The extreme UV movie shows the filament flinging itself into space followed by the formation of a “canyon of fire” marking the channel formerly occupied by the filament. The glowing walls of the canyon are formed in a process closely related to that of arcade loops, which appear after many solar flares.

As erupting magnetic filaments often do, this one launched a coronal mass ejection (CME) into space. NASA’s STEREO-A spacecraft spotted the expanding cloud, which does not appear to be heading for Earth or any other planet.


Close Encounter with Asteroid 2/15

Record Setting Asteroid Flyby

Jan. 28, 2013:  Talk about a close shave. On Feb. 15th an asteroid about half the size of a football field will fly past Earth only 17,200 miles above our planet’s surface. There’s no danger of a collision, but the space rock, designated 2012 DA14, has NASA’s attention.

“This is a record-setting close approach,” says Don Yeomans of NASA’s Near Earth Object Program at JPL. “Since regular sky surveys began in the 1990s, we’ve never seen an object this big get so close to Earth.”

2012 DA (splash)

A new ScienceCast video previews the close flyby of asteroid 2012 DA14. Play it

Earth’s neighborhood is littered with asteroids of all shapes and sizes, ranging from fragments smaller than beach balls to mountainous rocks many kilometers wide. Many of these objects hail from the asteroid belt, while others may be corpses of long-dead, burnt out comets. NASA’s Near-Earth Object Program helps find and keep track of them, especially the ones that come close to our planet.

2012 DA14 is a fairly typical near-Earth asteroid. It measures some 50 meters wide, neither very large nor very small, and is probably made of stone, as opposed to metal or ice.  Yeomans estimates that an asteroid like 2012 DA14 flies past Earth, on average, every 40 years, yet actually strikes our planet only every 1200 years or so.

The impact of a 50-meter asteroid is not cataclysmic–unless you happen to be underneath it. Yeomans points out that a similar-sized object formed the mile wide Meteor Crater in Arizona when it struck about 50,000 years ago. “That asteroid was made of iron,” he says, “which made it an especially potent impactor.” Also, in 1908, something about the size of 2012 DA14 exploded in the atmosphere above Siberia, leveling hundreds of square miles of forest. Researchers are still studying the “Tunguska Event” for clues to the impacting object.

“2012 DA14 will definitely not hit Earth,” emphasizes Yeomans. “The orbit of the asteroid is known well enough to rule out an impact.”

2012 DA (flyby, 200px)

A schematic diagram of the Feb 15th flyby. More

Even so, it will come interestingly close. NASA radars will be monitoring the space rock as it approaches Earth closer than many man-made satellites. Yeomans says the asteroid will thread the gap between low-Earth orbit, where the ISS and many Earth observation satellites are located, and the higher belt of geosynchronous satellites, which provide weather data and telecommunications.

“The odds of an impact with a satellite are extremely remote,” he says. Almost nothing orbits where DA14 will pass the Earth.

NASA’s Goldstone radar in the Mojave Desert is scheduled to ping 2012 DA14 almost every day from Feb. 16th through 20th. The echoes will not only pinpoint the orbit of the asteroid, allowing researchers to better predict future encounters, but also reveal physical characteristics such as size, spin, and reflectivity. A key outcome of the observing campaign will be a 3D radar map showing the space rock from all sides.

During the hours around closest approach, the asteroid will brighten until it resembles a star of 8th magnitude. Theoretically, that’s an easy target for backyard telescopes. The problem, points out Yeomans, is speed. “The asteroid will be racing across the sky, moving almost a full degree (or twice the width of a full Moon) every minute. That’s going to be hard to track.” Only the most experienced amateur astronomers are likely to succeed.

Those who do might experience a tiny chill when they look at their images. That really was a close shave.


Nevada/California Border Earthquake

Exceptionally strong shallow earthquake along the border of Nevada and California

Last update: February 13, 2013 at 9:12 am by By Ashish Khanal

Update 09:12 UTC : Earthquakes and (expected) shaking intensities are not an exact science as you can see by comparing both images below. The population exposure is the theoretical map of the intensities as expected by USGS. Mammoth Lakes and Bishop are just falling in the MMI II radius (very weak shaking), which should have been hardly felt in these towns. But … people have felt this earthquake in a far wider radius (map just below this paragraph). Such maps are mainly an indication on what to expect in general. Do not blame USGS to be erroneous, because seismology (including intensities) is a very complicated matter. Earthquake waves are propagated through many layers in the earth and each layer can have a different propagation structure. We can assure you, USGS does great work in getting as close as possible to the reality and their work and accuracy are improving year after year.

Screen Shot 2013-02-13 at 10.03.14

Update 08:47 UTC : Since the mainshock we have counted 8 M3+ aftershocks. Aftershocks are normal and some faulting areas are very sensitive to aftershocks like this one.
– 28000 people will have experienced this as a weak earthquake. These are theoretical intensity values. As one can see below in our I Have Felt It reports, this earthquake was perceived by people at a far greater distance than the USGS did expect.

Exceptionally strong earthquake in a luckily sparsely populated area.
The maximum shaking intensity as calculated by the USGS was a weak to very weak shaking (MMI II or III).
The area has however a number of cattle barns in a radius of 10 to 20 miles from the epicenter and it cannot be excluded that these may have been damaged.
The epicenter area has NO volcanic past but influencing the seismic pattern of the nearby Mammoth Mountain volcanic field cannot be excluded.

Nevada shaking map February 12 2013

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 5.1

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-02-12 16:10:13

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-02-13 00:10:13

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 12.4 km


North Korean Nuclear Test

North Korean nuclear test detected by agencies all over the world

Last update: February 12, 2013 at 5:04 pm by By

pdate : The focal mechanisms for a Nuclear Test are completely different than in case of an earthquake. The following webpages are showing a number of slides explaining what the difference is and how seismologists can recognize the pattern. Click here for these slides or click on the image below

Comparison seismogram in between Nuclear test and an earthquake

Update : We are very surprised that USGS has received some IHFI reports from within North Korea. They may have been reporting it without knowing that it was a nuclear test.

Update : A nuclear test (first described as earthquake) of very shallow depth has hit North Korea near to many different towns however up in the mountains. The magnitude of between 4.9 and 5.1 has been seen with depths ranging from 1km (USGS) to 10km from GEOFON. It is likely this is the 3rd nuclear test however, the Inchon, Korea seismogram is currently not visible online.
We will wait for more information but South Korea has possibly determined (there is always a lot of back chatter) that it is an artificial quake after looking at the seismograms.

Update : This is most likely artificial it is likely that there will be no damage in the neighbouring towns.
This was between 6 and 7 kilotons.

Screen Shot 2013-02-12 at 09.52.03

Anjik-kol (16km), Chik-tong (5km), Komunjik (16km) are the closest towns.
4 km (34 miles) N of Kimchaek, North Korea (pop 179,000)
80 km (50 miles) SW of Chongjin, North Korea (pop 582,000)
182 km (113 miles) SSW of Yanji, Jilin, China
380 km (236 miles) NE of PYONGYANG, North Korea

Update : Historically many earthquakes have hit North Korea causing damage, but no significant ones in the last few years. However, this is the 3rd nuclear test in the last few years.

Depending on the magnitude of the earthquake, and whether the Lg coda waves have been detected, it could be that this is a nuclear test and not an earthquake as such. Nuclear tests are usually around M4.5-5.0 depending on the amount of explosives used. Lg coda waves are one of the ways to tell if in fact this is a tectonic earthquake or a non-natural event. – THIS HAS NOW BEEN ESTABLISHED ACCORDING TO VARIOUS SOURCES (1 hr after)

North Korea nuclear test February 12 2013

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : M5.0

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-02-12 11:57:53

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-02-12 02:57:53

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 1.5 km


Judith Orloff on Intuition

Judith Orloff MD

Author, ‘Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself from Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life

How to Intuitively Make Smart Decisions

Posted: 02/09/2013 1:20 am

As an intuitive psychiatrist, I worship my high-octane intuitions: I owe the blessing of becoming a physician to one. However, at 20, when an unwavering inner voice told me I was going to medical school, it was the last thing I thought I wanted. This gut-centered voice committed to your happiness, health, and survival is, with practice, accessible to everyone. But when you deviate even a nano-fraction from your inner voice, energy wanes, whether a subtle seepage or radical bottoming-out. The more ferociously faithful you are to this truth, the more energized you’ll be.

Intuition offers a direct line to your life force, and also, as I experience it, to a divine intelligence. We can’t afford to remain deaf to intuition’s messages. Its expertise is energy; its job is to know every nuance of what makes you tick. A master at reading vibes, intuition is constantly tallying: what gives positive energy, what dissipates it. Who you meet, where you go, your job, your family, current events, are all evaluated — crucial data that you can learn to interpret and apply.

Here’s a formula from my book Positive Energy to help you get started. First, listen to your body: There are positive and negative intuitions about relationships, which highlight compatible matches. Second, act on this information, which is often the hardest part. Let me walk you through the process.

Recognize Your Body’s Intuitions About Vibes

A people-skill most of our parents didn’t know or teach us is intuitively reading vibes. We’ve learned to draw conclusions from surface data: how nice someone seems, looks, education, or if a situation adds up on paper. But intuition goes deeper; to make it work for you, other ingredients must be considered, such as what positive vibes feel like — for instance, a sense of heart, compassion, and nurturance. In contrast, negative people project prickly, draining vibes that put you on guard.

Here is a general guideline of body-based intuitions. Use this checklist at a first meeting, to troubleshoot problems if you’re already involved, or to weigh “opportunities.” Also, feel free to add to it. Being an intuitive, I know that a signature energy always accompanies situations or people. Remember the Lil’ Abner jinxed cartoon character who always had a black cloud hanging over his head? Not a vibe that bodes well for auspicious outcomes. Instead, learn to gravitate toward brightness, a positive intuition your body’s responses will affirm. When tuning into vibes, take a few quiet moments to go into sensing mode, not intellectual analysis. Look for these signs to determine attraction.

Positive Intuitions About Relationships or Situations

  • A feeling of comforting familiarity or brightness, you may sense you’ve known the person before, as with the experience of deja-vu
  • You breathe easier, chest and shoulders are relaxed, gut is calm
  • You find yourself leaning forward, not defensively crossing your arms or edging away to keep a distance
  • Your heart opens; you feel safe, peaceful, energized, expansive, or alive
  • You’re at ease with a person’s touch, whether a handshake, hug, or during intimacy

Negative Intuitions About Relationships or Situations

  • A sick feeling in the pit of your stomach or increased stomach acid, which may prompt an unpalatable deja-vu
  • Your skin starts crawling, you’re jumpy, instinctively withdraw if touched
  • Shoulder muscles are in knots, chest area or throat constricts; you notice aggravated aches or pains
  • The hair on the back of your neck creepily stands on end
  • A sense of malaise, darkness, pressure, agitation, or being drained

Intuition helps you act from instinct, not impulse — a look-before-you-leap wisdom that points you to positive energy. When it comes to who you love, where you work, or any important decision, the last thing you want to be is vague. Tuning in keeps you specific. Practice the next exercise to get this down.

With Intuition, Learn How to Pin Down and Act on Your Vibes

Now you’re going to tune in, trust your body, and make choices based on the vibes you sense.

Tune In: Choose a relationship or situation that needs clarification about whether or not to go forward. Perhaps a friendship, vacation or move. Begin with an easier target before you take on higher stakes. Run it by this section’s criteria for positive and negative intuitions — or others you find reliable. It’s helpful to make a “top five” list of the most killer indicators of positive attraction. For one of my patients, it includes feeling energized and safe. Another must register an increased aliveness and peaceful sense. Write your top five in a journal so they don’t get hazy. See how they add up here.

Act on Vibes: This is where we must be warriors. I know personally and from patients how much easier it is to tune into than to act on vibes. Insecurity, ego, lust, stubbornness can obscure better judgment. Sometimes it takes succumbing to them all to realize you won’t tolerate such battering again. But if you don’t have to take such a bumpy route, try these options. If the vibes feel overall positive, go for it; explore possibilities. If the vibes are mixed or you’re unsure, take a pass, or at least wait. If there’s just negative, have the courage to walk away, no matter how tempting the option seems. Then observe how listening to energy in this way leads you to the juiciest opportunities.

Now I want you to start listening. Really listening. I guarantee you’ll start making smarter choices. Why? You’ll be operating from a spot inside that’s juicy, core-felt, authentic — not from an impulse to conform or disown your strength. You won’t be seduced by what may look good, but betrays your gut. Intuition is a truth detector.


Photons, Particles, Waves…

Quantum shadows: The mystery of matter deepen


Physics & Math
Forget particles and waves. When it comes to the true guise of material reality, what’s out there is beyond our grasp…

“IF YOU haven’t found something strange during the day,” John Archibald Wheeler is said to have remarked, “It hasn’t been much of a day.” But then, strangeness was Wheeler’s stock in trade. As one of the 20th century’s leading theoretical physicists, the things he dealt with every day – the space- and time-bending warpings of Einstein’s relativity, the fuzzy uncertainties and improbabilities of quantum physics were the sort to boggle the minds of most mere mortals.

From: New Scientist: 07 January 2013 by Anil Ananthaswamy
Preview of the full article:

Even so, one day in 1978 must have been quite something for Wheeler. That was when he first lit on a very strange idea to test how photons might be expected to behave. Half a century earlier, quantum physics had produced the startling insight that light – everything in the quantum world, in fact – has a dual character. Sometimes it acts as if made of discrete chunks of stuff that follows well-defined paths – particles. At other times, it adopts the more amorphous, space-filling guise of a wave. That led to a question that exercised Wheeler: what makes it show which side, and when?

It took a while for the test Wheeler devised to become experimental reality. When it finally did, the answer that came was strange enough. Now, though, the experiment has been redone with a further quantum twist. And it’s probably time to abandon any pretence of understanding the outcome. Forget waves, forget particles, forget anything that’s one or the other. Reality is far more inscrutable than that.

For centuries, light has illuminated our ideas of the material world. The debate about its nature, wave or particle, goes back to the philosophers of ancient Greece, and has featured luminaries such as Newton, Descartes and Einstein on one side or the other. By the dawn of the 20th century, the result was best described as a scoring draw, with both sides having gathered significant support (see diagram <> ).

The central mystery
Quantum physics broke the deadlock essentially by saying that everyone was right. The apparent proof comes with a quantum version of an experiment first performed by the English physicist Thomas Young in 1803, ironically to support the wave theory of light. Young shone light on a screen with two tiny, parallel slits in it. On another screen a distance behind the first, he saw alternating vertical fringes of light and dark that seemed incontrovertible proof of light’s wave character. Water waves passing through two narrow openings in a sea wall diffract and interfere in a similar way, sometimes constructively amplifying and sometimes destructively reducing each other beyond.

The strangeness starts when you lower the light intensity to the point at which only a single photon enters the experimental setup at any one time. In 1905, Einstein had strongly suggested that a single photon is a particle, and indeed, place a detector at one or other of the slits and you hear the beep, beep of single particles hitting it. But remove the particle detector and place a light-collecting screen – a kind of long-exposure camera – a distance behind the slits, and the same pattern of light and shade that Young had observed slowly builds up. It is as if each photon is an interfering wave that passes simultaneously through both slits. The same happens with other quantum particles: electrons, neutrons, atoms and even 60-carbon-atom buckyballs.

For Niels Bohr, the great Danish pioneer of quantum physics, this “central mystery” was nothing less than a principle of the new theory, one he called the complementarity principle. Quantum objects such as photons simply have complementary properties – being a wave, being a particle – that can be observed singly, but never together. And what determines which guise an object adopts? Bohr laid out a first outline of an answer at a grand gathering of physicists at the Istituto Carducci on the shores of Lake Como in Italy in September 1927: we do. Look for a particle and you’ll see a particle. Look for a wave and that’s what you’ll see.

The idea that physical reality depends on an observer’s whim bothered the likes of Einstein no end. “No reasonable definition of reality could be expected to permit this,” he huffed in a famous paper he co-authored in 1935 with Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen (Physical Review, vol 47, p 777 <> ). Einstein favoured an alternative idea of an underlying but as-yet inaccessible layer of reality </article/mg20928011.100-reality-check-closing-the-quantum-loopholes.html>  containing hidden influences that “told” the photon about the nature of the experiment to be performed on it, changing its behaviour accordingly.

There is more to this than wild conspiracy theory. Imagine an explosion that sends two pieces of shrapnel in opposite directions. The explosion obeys the law of conservation of momentum, and so the mass and velocity of the pieces are correlated. But if you know nothing of momentum conservation, you could easily think that measuring the properties of one fragment determines the properties of the other, rather than both being set at the point of explosion. Was a similar hidden reality responsible for goings on in the quantum world?

This is where Wheeler’s thought experiment came in. Its aim was to settle the issue of what told the photon how to behave, using an updated version of the double-slit experiment. Photons would be given a choice of two paths to travel in a device known as an interferometer. At the far end of the interferometer, the two paths would either be recombined or not. If the photons were measured without this recombination – an “open” interferometer – that was the equivalent of putting a detector at one or other of the slits. You would expect to see single particles travelling down one path or the other, all things being equal, splitting 50:50 between the two (see “Neither one nor the other”).

Alternatively, the photons could be measured after recombination – a “closed” setting. In this case, what you expect to see depends on the lengths of the two paths through the interferometer. If both are exactly the same length, the peaks of the waves arrive at the same time at one of the detectors and interfere constructively there: 100 per cent of the hits appear on that detector and none on the other. By altering one path length, however, you can bring the wave fronts out of sync and vary the interference at the first detector from completely constructive to totally destructive, so that it receives no hits. This is equivalent to scanning across from a bright fringe to a dark one on the interference screen of the double slit experiment.

Wheeler’s twist to the experiment was to delay choosing how to measure the photon – whether in an open or a closed setting – until after it had entered the interferometer. That way, the photon couldn’t possibly “know” whether to take one or both paths, and so if it was supposed to act as a particle or a wave.
Or could it?

It was almost three decades before the experiment could actually be done. To make sure there was no hidden influence of the kind favoured by Einstein, you needed a very large interferometer, so that no word of the choice of measurement could reach the photon, even if the information travelled at light speed (anything faster was expressly forbidden by Einstein’s own theory of relativity). In 2007, Alain Aspect <>  and his team at the Institute of Optics in Palaiseau, France, built an interferometer with arms 48 metres long. The result? Whenever they chose at the last instant to measure the photons with a closed interferometer, they saw wave interference. Whenever they chose an open interferometer, they saw particles (Science, vol 315, p 966 <> ).

There was no getting round it. Wave and particle behaviours really do seem to be two sides of one coin representing material reality. As to which way it flips – well, you decide. “Isn’t that beautiful?” said Aspect in a public lecture at the Physics@FOM conference <>  in Veldhoven, the Netherlands, last year. “I think there is no other conclusion to draw from this experiment.”

Unless, of course, you make things even stranger. In December 2011, Radu Ionicioiu <>  of the Institute for Quantum Computing in Waterloo, Canada, and Daniel Terno <>  of Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, proposed extending Wheeler’s thought experiment (Physical Review Letters, vol 107, p 230406 <> ). Their new twist was that the decision of how to measure the photon, as a particle or as a wave, should itself be a quantum-mechanical one – not a definite yes or no, but an indeterminate, fuzzy yes-and-no.

Infinite shades of grey
There is a way to do that: you use light to control the detector designed to probe the light. First you prepare a “control” photon in a quantum superposition of two states. One of these states switches the interferometer to an open, particle-measuring state, and the other to a closed, wave-measuring state. Crucially, you only measure the state of the control photon after you have measured the experimental “system” photon passing through the interferometer. As far as you are concerned, the system photon is passing through an interferometer that is both open and closed; you don’t know whether you are setting out to measure wave or particle behaviour (see diagram <> ). So what do you measure?

This time, it took only a few months for the experimentalists to catch up with the theorists. But when three independent groups, led by Chuan-Feng Li <>  at the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, Jeremy O’Brien <>  at the University of Bristol, UK, and Sébastien Tanzilli <〈=fr>  at the University of Nice, France, performed different versions of the experiment last year, the results were unnerving – even to those who consider themselves inured to the weirdnesses of quantum physics (Nature Photonics, vol 6, p 600 <> ; Science, vol 338, p 634 <>  and p 637 <> ).

The answer is, what you see depends on the control photon. If you look at the measurements of the system photons without ever checking the corresponding measurements of the control photons – so never knowing what measurement you made – you see a distribution of hits on the two detectors that is the signature neither of particles or waves, but some ambiguous mixture of the two. If particle is black and wave is white, this is some shade of grey.

Do the same, but this time looking at the control photon measurements as well, and it is like putting on a pair of magic specs. Grey separates clearly into black and white. You can pick out the system photons that passed through an open interferometer, and they are clearly particles. Those that passed through a closed interferometer look like waves. The photons reveal their colours in accordance with the kind of measurement the control photon said you made.

It gets yet stranger. Quantum mechanics allows you to put the control photon not just in an equal mix of two states, but in varying proportions. That is equivalent to an interferometer setting that is, say, open 70 per cent of the time and closed 30 per cent of the time. If we measure a bunch of system photons in this configuration, and look at the data before putting on our magic specs, we see an ambiguous signature once again – but this time, its shade of grey has shifted closer to particle black than wave white. Put on the specs, though, and we see system photons 70 per cent of which have seemingly – but clearly – behaved as particles, while the remaining 30 per cent acted as waves.

In one sense, the results leave Bohr’s side of the argument about quantum reality stronger. There is a tight correlation between the state of the control photon, representing the nature of the measurement, and the system photon, representing the state of reality. Make for more of a particle measurement, and you’ll measure something more like a particle, and vice versa. As in earlier experiments, a hidden-reality theory à la Einstein cannot explain the results.

But in another sense, we are left grappling for words. “Our experiment defies the conventional boundaries set by the complementarity principle,” says Li. Ionicioiu agrees. “Complementarity shows only the two ends, black and white, of a spectrum between particle and wave,” he says. “This experiment allows us to see the shades of grey in between.”

So, has Bohr been proved wrong too? Johannes Kofler <>  of the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching, Germany, doesn’t think so. “I’m really very, very sure that he would be perfectly fine with all these experiments,” he says. The complementarity principle is at the heart of the “Copenhagen interpretation <> ” of quantum mechanics, named after Bohr’s home city, which essentially argues that we see a conflict in such results only because our minds, attuned as they are to a macroscopic, classically functioning cosmos, are not equipped to deal with the quantum world. “The Copenhagen interpretation, from the very beginning, didn’t demand any ‘realistic’ world view of the quantum system,” says Kofler.

The outcomes of the latest experiments simply bear that out. “Particle” and “wave” are concepts we latch on to because they seem to correspond to guises of matter in our familiar, classical world. But attempting to describe true quantum reality with these or any other black-or-white concepts is an enterprise doomed to failure.

It’s a notion that takes us straight back into Plato’s cave, says Ionicioiu. In the ancient Greek philosopher’s allegory <> , prisoners shackled in a cave see only shadows of objects cast onto a cave wall, never the object itself. A cylinder, for example, might be seen as a rectangle or a circle, or anything in between. Something similar is happening with the basic building blocks of reality. “Sometimes the photon looks like a wave, sometimes like a particle, or like anything in between,” says Ionicioiu. In reality, though, it is none of these things. What it is, though, we do not have the words or the concepts to express.

Now that is strange. And for quantum physicists, all in a day’s work.

Anil Ananthaswamy is a consultant for New Scientist


Kryon on 2013

2013 – What Now?

Lee Carroll
a message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll
Sunday, 6 January, 2013  at Phoenix, AR

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. So it is that this particular message would be the one that is published first in 2013. There would be those who would be listening now, who would say, “Well, now that the marker has been passed of 2012, what’s next?” This is the Human Being speaking who is always looking forward and never back, who doesn’t usually stop and look around, who always wants to measure energy by what’s coming instead of what was or what is. So we’re not going to go there just yet. Instead, we’re going to say to you, “I want you to stop and look at what you’ve done.” For in order to look forward, you must understand what’s behind you. What is behind you is the conquering of an old energy, above and beyond what any of the prophecies ever said you would be able to do.

Kryon Timing

For those who haven’t put it together yet, my arrival in 1989 was a precursor for the potentials that we saw were in place for this very day. Had you not changed the consciousness of the planet, had you not marked your territory by the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, I would not be channelling with my partner today. He would have a different life, for I would never have presented myself to him as I did. I told him early on that if he chose not to take the mantle that I offered, there were others who would. So the point is that you created an energy that allowed me to enter and begin the teaching to humanity through a Human Being.

I didn’t create anything by arriving here, dear ones. You’re the ones who decided to cook this meal. I’m simply one of the ingredients. I want you to look around figuratively at what you’ve accomplished and what you’ve gone through. You have been slogging through some of the oldest energy that existed on the planet. You have been taking light and throwing it against darker things that had no integrity, taking light and throwing it against judgment and drama, and you have been doing this for 18 years, by the way.

Oh, some of you say, “I’ve been doing it longer than that, Kryon!” Indeed, but the last 18 years were the ones foretold as part of the Galactic Alignment. This alignment is more than an alignment in the sky, dear ones. When your sun aligns fully with the earth and the center of the galaxy, you’re looking at creation. This alignment is a marker that is energetic, not just something that the astronomers knew as the precession of the equinoxes, or that the Mayans told you about through their calendars, or that fractal time computations gave you. This is a time known by the Universe and what you’ve done around it.


Now all begins to change, and the first thing that happens is what we’re going to call release. You have to understand that Spirit moves slowly, and especially within the time frame of how fast consciousness is able to change on the planet – that’s you. So there’s no clock or timeline that Spirit has given you, except a framework of the next 18 years while your planet continues to precede through what is called the Dark Rift, which is the Milky Way. Within those 18 years, there’s a profundity of potential that you will be able to “plant the seeds of new consciousness” that will indeed grow quickly in future times.

Release: If you’re a bodybuilder and you have held a weight in your hand for a long, long time, when you put it back in the holder, the muscles will need time to return to normal. There’s stress in holding up the weight, and there is a corporeal balance that is changed with the stress. Body chemistry within the muscles changes to allow the holding of the weight. So there’s a release process that takes place when the weight is put away.

Now, this release metaphor is saying, “Take a short vacation from battling the old energy. Because the old energy is also going to start to change since it is also part of the release.” The old energy also has been holding something; it has been holding back the light [you]. So both of you suddenly are in release mode. But the wise Human will always wait a moment while things recover and watch where things settle. The unwise Human will continue to push in the old fashion, no matter what. It’s important that you release for a moment and take a look at a changing paradigm.

Old energy is simply energy without light or wisdom, so it will continue pushing in the old way and may look the same to you. But the difference is that it will be without all the ammunition it used to have. This ammunition is the structure of the Crystalline Grid and the ability for the darkness to survive in the way it has done for a millennium.

The Darkness

Because you have changed the actual Gaia grid system and have given intent to move past this 2012 marker into 2013, the rules by which dark and light battle one another have changed. Now the light is going to have a bigger impact – a far more powerful one. The definition of dark is the absence of light. So the dark is the void that is not filled by light, but it still has energy, although it is weaker than ever before. So let’s define something else – the “Consciousness of Darkness.”

Darkness and light are measures, not entities. They represent the way Humans think and the waves of consciousness that influence others and create paradigms on earth. So when we say, “the darkness wants this or that,” we are describing groups of Humans who have no light. This is the opposite of Lightworkers, who are groups of Humans who have awakened to a realization that God is inside. This realization, by the way, is available for all humanity, since God is inside of every soul on the planet. But for a very long time, there simply has been no Human understanding that there is an actual personal choice of being anything but what they are told they are.

So the battle has always been between consciousness and how much light could be given to those who might see it or wish to see it. But as you know, most of humanity has wallowed in a very dim light that hasn’t changed much for centuries – until now. This is not about goodness or evil. This is about a confluence or natural consensus of how Humans think about themselves and what is appropriate behavior for humanity. Some may even call it Human nature.

Well, this old energy thinking wants to remain and remain. It won’t believe there has been a change, but it will flail in unbalance for a little while, as it starts to realize it isn’t as powerful anymore. This is going to be uncomfortable for you.

Some of you are saying, “Well, 2013 ought to bring a release, a breath of fresh air. Ah, we made it! We did it!” Well, I’ll tell you, like a child that didn’t get its way, the old ways of the dark will invade every cranny of life it can. It will battle for its life and its survival, and it will feel the fact that things are not the same. So in this release period, I want you to take a step back. When you see these things rear their ugly heads, don’t make a decision that 2013 is not what you thought. When you see more unbalance on the planet, even some things that you didn’t expect – and indeed, they will be there – don’t throw up your hands and say, “Here it is again. We didn’t make a difference.” Because you did. These kinds of things work slowly.

The Beginning of Modern History

Energy is shifting and we have given you this information before. The very balance of the protocol of the battle is realigning itself. That’s what this time is about. If you ask those in other solar systems who have gone through this before, it was the beginning, literally, of their written history. They don’t even look at anything before it. Everything begins now. So as we’ve said before, if you look in the future of humanity, they will point to this day and mark it as the beginning of modern Human history. They will look at everything before it and say, “Those were the days of barbarianism. Those were the days of modern mythology. Those were the days we didn’t know better, and now we see the face of God in ourselves.” That is what you’re stepping into. But it’s tough, and it’s slow.

The Planting of the Seeds

I have used the metaphor of planting seeds many times, so we will examine that just a little more and give you some more information. The metaphor, of course, is the farmer, and we use it so that you will see all of the attributes that the farmer looks at, which are common to you all.

While you were battling the old energy, you weren’t plowing the fields getting ready for the seeds. Instead, you were surviving. Now it is time to prepare the fields for planting, and in the process of release, you turn inward. Preparing the fields is a metaphor for discovering the Higher-Self, the quantumness in you, and moving to a place, personally, where things start to make more sense in your everyday life.

There are those in this room and reading right now who I’m hearing from: “Help me, help me.” You don’t think I know who’s here? So I’m going to say to you: You know who you are, dear ones, and I want you to relax for a moment. You are loved beyond what you think you’re loved. You are known by God beyond what you think you’re known by God, and this you are feeling now is temporary. Ok? This is temporary. If you’re pleading for help, you’re in unbalance. It’s time to relax in God and know you’re loved. There is time. You will survive. You’re going to make it.

There is wisdom in the plan of the seeding metaphor. First, you plow the fields; then you add the fertilizer and nutrients. Finally, you get ready for the seed planting. The fields aren’t ready now, so you must pause and get them ready. So all this talk is a farming metaphor. This may not all make sense to you, but what it says is that the demarcation point from old to new is now, and only now may you begin what you came for. You have not planted the seeds yet. The fields must be prepared. In the process of this preparation, you will find that the dark energy is easier to battle, allowing you to do the planting.

New scenarios will pop up to show you that this is true. You won’t believe that you got through some of the challenges so easily. Because now the energy supports you and it didn’t a year ago. The year 2013 really is a demarcation of intent and affects manifestation. You start to prepare the fields for new energy and begin to plant the seeds using that which the old soul has: the wisdom of the past. These seeds of wisdom are planted into the economy, into the government, into the household and families. These are seeds of integrity and will speak of the wisdom of coming together instead of tearing apart.

The Amateur Farmer

Human attributes then start to change, and especially Human nature, but it’s slow. Imagine an amateur farmer. He has no idea what he is doing, but he has a pack of seeds. So he reads the instructions, gets the fields ready, and shoves those seeds in the ground. He is so excited! He then runs home, but he can hardly sleep. The night goes by, the sun comes out, and he runs out into the fields at dawn to see what’s happening. And – there is nothing there! What did he do wrong? There is no crop!

Nothing is happening,” the farmer says. Did he actually plant anything? It’s laughable, of course, because every farmer knows that crops grow slowly. In fact, they grow so slowly, you can’t see them growing! You stoop down, looking at the plant, and you can even yell at it, “Grow!”, yet nothing happens. Then a week later, you realize the plant is actually bigger; a week more and it’s bigger still. Within a certain amount of time, it ripens and creates the crop that you planted.

So this is what we’re telling you: The growing of the seeds of consciousness is going to be a slow process. It will take 18 years to just plant them! So, how long do you think before you get the flower? “Oh no!” some of you are saying. The first reaction of the old soul to this news is, “This is not what I wanted to hear.” Perhaps you would then say, “Then why am I here? I’m tired. Why don’t I just go home now? Kryon, I’ve decided, I’m going to retire right now from my working. I’ve done my job. You passed the marker. Why should I care at this point in time? We’ll leave it to the younger generation.”

So now I will tell you, Lightworker, that the only way the crops will grow is from using the light you came here with. That’s it. You’re the ones who have to take up the gauntlet, put on the mantle of the responsibility you came in for, and move forward to make certain the crops grow. I just want to tell you that what you’ve been through so far is the hardest part. What you’re about to go through will be easier as time goes on. But it’s still going to take a longer time than you like. So what you’re going to see, very slowly, is the emergence of a new Human energy. It will take many forms, but you’re going to see new things. Let’s just examine one.

New Ideas – You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

In recent past channels, we told you some of the new inventions to look forward to in this new era. But now we speak of new ideas and new paradigms of thinking. After these things happen, and when you look at them in retrospect, you’re going to say, “Why didn’t we think of that before?” The reason is because you weren’t ready for it. So that brings up a process that is difficult for us to explain to you, because Humans do not want to hear this.

Human Beings believe that their brains are capable of any thought that is thinkable in the Universe and that the sky is the limit. They believe that at any given time, any intellectual can come up with whatever is needed, which is the next step in evolved thinking. Yet history doesn’t show that, does it? In the past messages we pointed this out, and we gave you something to think about. We brought up the fact that it should have been obvious to you how to fly and, of course, now it is. As we speak, thousands of Human Beings are in the air, flying from one place to another with principles that the birds showed you thousands of years ago. Yet it’s new to humanity, having only been developed recently. Now, how long have you been looking at birds and longed to fly? How long have certain cultures been flying kites? Yet you never figured it out! How’s that for being a Human Being with unlimited thought? You never figured it out!

Finally, about 100 years ago, two bicycle makers finally did it. I ask you, does it look like something happened here that is just a little out of the ordinary? Did you know (and I’ll say it again) that those bicycle makers only beat the record of first Human flight by a week or so? Others on the earth were also working on it simultaneously. Did you know that? Here’s why – because Spirit implants ideas and inventions when you’re ready, and not before. These seemingly obvious ideas are invisible and blind and unattainable to the Human Being because they can’t think of it. You’re seeing this attribute everywhere with humanity, whether you know it or not.

How many years did you feel you had to build a fortress around your city-states and block out other Human Beings in other cities? Humans built walls and had regular battles so that the other guy wouldn’t get your possessions. So how long did it take you to figure out that maybe you could share your resources, or perhaps even trade with the other one so that you’d both have each other’s resources, and everybody wins in the process? What a concept! Well, really, you only just did it. Putting things together instead of tearing them apart has only occurred to you in the last 75 years. Why didn’t that occur to you 1,000 years ago? Instead, you continued to sequester your borders and build armies to keep you safe. Now, suddenly there is the idea of “country groups” that share common resources, trade without tariffs, and have a common defense in consciousness. Have you noticed this? Well, get ready for more, since there will be entire continents who will do this in the future. But why did it take so long?

Until very, very recently, you were conquerors. That’s all you did, since that’s all that occurred to you. Armies wiped out other Human Beings so that where they stood, they now owned the land and the resources. That was the thinking of the day. Now you say, “Well, we’re beyond that.” Not much. Not really, but you will be.

New ideas are things you never thought of. These ideas will be given to you so you will have answers to the most profound questions that your societies have had since you were born. Inventions will bring clean water to every Human on the planet, cheaply and everywhere. Inventions will give you power, cheaply and everywhere. These ideas will wipe out all of the reasons you now have for pollution, and when you look back on it, you’ll go, “This solution was always there. Why didn’t we think of that? Why didn’t we do this sooner?” Because it wasn’t time and you were not ready. You hadn’t planted the seeds and you were still battling the old energy, deciding whether you were going to terminate yourselves before 2012. Now you didn’t…. and now you didn’t.

It’s funny, what you ponder about, and what your sociologists consider the “great current problems of mankind”, for your new ideas will simply eliminate the very concepts of the questions just as they did in the past. Do you remember? Two hundred years ago, the predictions of sociologists said that you would run out of food, since there wasn’t enough land to sustain a greater population. Then you discovered crop rotation and fertilizer. Suddenly, each plot of land could produce many times what it could before. Do you remember the predictions that you would run out of wood to heat your homes? Probably not. That was before electricity. It goes on and on.

So today’s puzzles are just as quaint, as you will see. (1)How do you strengthen the power grids of your great nations so that they are not vulnerable to failure or don’t require massive infrastructure improvement expenditures? Because cold is coming, and you are going to need more power. (2) What can you do about pollution? (3) What about world overpopulation? Some experts will tell you that a pandemic will be the answer; nature [Gaia] will kill off about one-third of the earth’s population. The best minds of the century ponder these puzzles and tell you that you are headed for real problems. You have heard these things all your life.

Let me ask you this. (1) What if you could eliminate the power grid altogether? You can and will. (2) What if pollution-creating sources simply go away, due to new ideas and invention, and the environment starts to self-correct? (3) Overpopulation? You assume that humanity will continue to have children at an exponential rate since they are stupid and can’t help themselves. This, dear ones, is a consciousness and education issue, and that is going to change. Imagine a zero growth attribute of many countries – something that will be common. Did you notice that some of your children today are actually starting to ponder if they should have any children at all? What a concept!

Prepare for Separation of Old and New

There is a new dawn, but that’s all it is. The sun sneaks over the horizon as if to say, “We’re back.” But you’re not going to get a clear sky for a little while, Lightworker, because in the release process you’re going to have to deal with the separations that will occur. These will be the objections to the ones who don’t want to go into the light and who want to keep what they have because it works for them. They feel it’s the right way, because it has worked for them in the past and because it is their living [survival]. They will not understand that things are changing dramatically.

In what you call the New Age community, all of the processes from the one you see here [channelling] to the ones that the healer uses are all recalibrating. Some of the axioms you learned on “how to do things correctly” won’t work anymore. There’s going to be a more centralized focus into the one-soul authority. That is to say, there will be less focus on groups and more on individual discernment. Call it a dissemination or dissolution of organization-based wisdom and an emphasis on individual-based wisdom.

“Wait a minute, Kryon, that doesn’t make sense. Everybody knows that if you involve more people together, you will get better results since the wisdom base is bigger.” Really? Stand by for an entirely different concept, dear ones. How many lifetimes has your soul lived? Think of that as your own wisdom committee and pull on this, and only this, for answers to everything. “That’s crazy, Kryon! What about rules, structure, common goals, and group efforts that help build ideas and energy? Are we going to throw out basic common agreement? These principles are simply common sense.”

Dear one, how do I give you concepts that you don’t know about yet? Today’s common sense is tomorrow’s foolishness if new information is available that antiquates them. Do you understand? What if, just what if, the individual’s wisdom factor, based on all of his own past lives, created a set of parameters within him that were common to all? What if, just what if, there is a sacred pattern available that is common but only accessible individually? Then the individual discovers the sacred answers from the other side of the veil instead of a committee of Humans in a meeting. Ponder these things before you say that what you have as “common sense” is actually something that is forever.

All of these kinds of things will be new, and it’s going to be like sticking a finger in the eye of many who have spent a lifetime thinking that they knew it all, only to find there are those who are moving beyond them, doing things they never thought were possible. So, expect a split of those who just will not come along with these new things, and many of them will be old souls.

Everything we are discussing in this message falls right into the arena of interest of the old soul who is reading this. There are old souls by the thousands who are reading this in the future. I will tell you right now that I know you are. You’re not just the new hope of the planet, you always have been the hope of the planet. There’s nothing new except that, finally, it’s going to get easier. But for a while, you must understand the process of the shift and that change is not always seen as a good thing. So tiptoe lightly into this new energy instead of blasting forth with new truth. You’re moving into the light in more ways than you ever have before and even your “truth” may change.

The New-Old Soul

Let me summarize. We need you. You’re not done, and nobody’s leaving. There’s going to be more channels, there’s going to be more helpful entities coming in. Powerful information will be coming from sources you didn’t think even had it. You’ll be able to discern whether it’s real or not, and that will be easy. You can tell by the energy of the delivery and by what is stated. All you’ll have to hear is a little bit of information and you’ll know whether the channel is pretending. That means that that part of you that is called sacred discernment is going to increase.

You’ll have better intuitive powers, because they’re not throwing themselves against darkness any more. All this is going to happen slowly. But know this: We need you, and we need you to get excited about what’s ahead. You’ve just come out of a dark era of more than 30,000 years. I’m telling you yet again, dear one, that there’ll come a day, perhaps as soon as the next precession, when Human history won’t even count the years before 2012 as viable social study. That is what you’re looking at right now – the beginning of a new era.

The New Children

I think the irony of this message is this: The Human Being who sits in front of me says they’re tired. They’ve been battling a long time, and they will continue to as we recalibrate. When they will pass over the veil, as they always do, they will come back as children (of course), but their DNA will be different than any time before. As old souls, they’re never going to have to go through what they went through before, because the old energy won’t be the same. They will awaken with full knowledge of who they are [new Akashic inheritance attributes].

As children, they will know and see the colors [interdimensional sight]. As children, they will have an identity of being an old soul [know they have lived before]. They’ll know what they’re here for by the time they’re 13 [have a good concept of life lessons]. But, that’s you! I’ve just described you – all of you! Old soul, this is one of the biggest shifts you’re ever going to see and it may take a generation, but it’s going to happen. And those who hear these words then and read these words then will know I’m right, and they will reawaken on Earth with an entirely new paradigm of consciousness reality.

Educators all over the world will recalibrate their teachings because the kids are different. Yet again, these things are not what you think. It’s not just a new time, but rather it’s a new Human. The only thing we can say is we told you it would happen. I came in all those years ago [1989] and I said you’re not going to terminate yourselves as your prophecy had told you; it’s simply not going to happen. I told you there were far better potentials. I told you to watch it happen. Watch it!

But there were those who were old souls who said, “No.” They said that Kryon was the evil of the century because I brought you information that flew in the face of everything they expected. Here you sit in 2013 and could shout that, “I was right.” But instead I’m going to shout, “You were right.” For you created this shift. You brought me here. You took us through the shift, dear one!

God bless the Human Being and all they represent in the Universe.

And so it is.


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Lee Carroll
