January 5-8

Wednesday, January 5:     Lavender Mist

Thoughts of the past, memories of friends not heard from in a while, recollections of loved ones who have transitioned — all of these elements are in the air today.  It is fine to indulge the nostalgia, but do not fall into regret, for that is a wasted emotion, and there is little room for waste these days.  Beneath the memories of the past, the seeds of creativity are germinating.  Be open to them for in being creative you will find your true nature.  and knowing that, much will become clearer, both today and as the year progresses. Continue reading

Top 7 Space Stories of 2010

By Charles Q. Choi
SPACE.com Contributor
posted: 27 December 2010
06:59 am ET

In the year 2010, humanity made first contact with extraterrestrials — at least according to the sequel to the acclaimed film “2001: A Space Odyssey.”

Nothing quite so earth-shattering happened in the real world this year. But space-science researchers did make a number of extraordinary discoveries in 2010, including finding what may or may not be the first habitable alien world and uncovering clues to the nature of dark matter.

1. The first habitable exoplanet?

It was news we had waited years to hear — that we might not be alone. In September, astronomers announced that they had discovered an alien world in the habitable zone of its star. The roughly Earth-size planet, called Gliese 581g, nestles in an orbit comfortable enough for liquid water, and thus perhaps life, to exist.

One of the planet’s discoverers, Steven Vogt of the University of California, Santa Cruz, said, “My own personal feeling is that the chances of life on this planet are 100 percent.”

However, doubts soon popped up over whether Gliese 581g even exists. Astronomer Francesco Pepe of the Geneva Observatory and his team suggested that what the other researchers saw was just a blip of noise in their readings. Time will tell whether this tantalizing world is real or not.

2. Asteroid dust returned to Earth

It was a mission crippled by several devastating blows, including a fuel leak, communications breakdowns and malfunctions with its ion engines. But in the end, the Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa set a record — it returned the first-ever samples from the surface of an asteroid.

The 1.25 billion-mile (2 billion-kilometer) voyage the spacecraft made to the silicon-rich asteroid Itokawa took seven years to complete. Hayabusa (Japanese for “Falcon”) was supposed to drop a lander on the asteroid, but the lander missed the space rock’s surface. In the end, Hayabusa itself landed twice on Itokawa to force samples into its return capsule.

The probe made a fiery return to Earth on June 13, with most of it burning up in the atmosphere during re-entry as planned. Its return capsule landed in the Australian outback, and researchers confirmed that Hayabusa had brought back some 1,500 dust grains from the asteroid.

3. Arsenic-devouring life?

The news that NASA would hold a news conference “to discuss an astrobiology finding that will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life” triggered wild speculation from bloggers and journalists.

One of the most popular rumors in the blogosphere posited that scientists had discovered alien life on Saturn’s moon Titan that lived off arsenic.

The reality was less extraordinary but still appeared intriguing. Researchers claimed to have discovered a microbe on Earth that can eat arsenic, a germ named GFAJ-1 that can incorporate the poison into its DNA and other vital molecules in place of the usual phosphorus.

The find suggested that life can take on more varied forms than once thought, and it promised to open the minds of researchers looking for signs of life beyond Earth.

However, a barrage of criticism from other scientists has cast doubt on whether these microbes actually live off arsenic. It remains to be seen whether these claims vaporize, just as those surrounding the hints of life on Martian meteorite ALH84001 seem to have done.

4. The sun woke up

After an unusually long episode of low activity on the sun, our star has apparently woken up with a bang, with powerful solar flares andmassive eruptions that created dazzling aurora displays.

Activity on the sun goes through cycles lasting about 11 years during which sunspots, flares and magnetic activity rise and fall. Puzzlingly, the last solar cycle, which ended recently, had an especially long and weak low point that scientists had difficulty explaining.

The sun is now in the midst of an extremely active period after this lull. Researchers conjecture these changes might be similar to El Ni±o-like climate patterns seen on Earth.

5. Dark matter detected?

Dark matter — which scientists calculate makes up about 80 percent of all matter in the universe — gets its name from the fact that it’s essentially invisible to astronomers’ instruments, rendering it one of the greatest mysteries in science.

However, this year astrophysicists suggested they might finally havetracked down signs of dark matter, which could begin to explain its nature. Others remain unconvinced the elusive stuff has finally been found.

One notion regarding dark matter particles suggests they have antiparticles, meaning they annihilate each other on contact. Another idea suggests that dark matter particles are their own antiparticles. Either way, one sign of dark matter particles, researchers think, is a burst of annihilation-induced gamma rays.

The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has detected gamma rays at the very center of the galaxy that are brighter than expected. Researchers suggest that they sprang from annihilations resulting from densely packed dark matter particles, which may be sharing space with antiparticles — if they exist.

The data on this radiation suggests that the dark matter must be made of particles known as WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles), which have masses almost nine times that of a proton.

Researchers also calculated a property known as the cross-section, which describes how likely the particle is to interact with others. This knowledge could represent a giant leap forward in our understanding of dark matter.

6. Close encounter with Comet Hartley 2

Not content with a rendezvous with just one comet, the Deep Impact spacecraft went the extra mile — 2.9 billion extra miles (4.6 billion km), actually — to chase down Comet Hartley 2, making it the first probe to visit two comets.

Deep Impact first visited Comet Tempel 1 in 2005, crashing an impactor into the comet to help scan its composition from afar. After its success, NASA found the probe still had enough fuel for one last voyage. Its mission to Hartley 2 revealed that the peanut-shaped comet is extremely active for its small size, spewing jets of cyanide-laced gas powered by carbon dioxide.

7. Universal constants not so constant?

Fundamental constants such as the strength of the electromagnetic force — the so-called fine-structure constant, or alpha — get their name from the fact that they are supposedly the same everywhere. However, recent observations of distant galaxies suggest that alpha might actually vary throughout the entire universe, meaning the speed of light or the strength of the electron’s charge might depend on where you are.

For more than 20 years, some researchers have found what they think is evidence that the fine-structure constant varies over time.

This year, scientists analyzing data from the Keck telescope in Hawaii and the Very Large Telescope in Chile, which together cover both the northern and southern skies, found evidence that alpha actually seems to vary in space. In the northern sky, the fine-structure constant apparently gets smaller with increasing distance, while the opposite held true in the southern sk

New Moon/Solar Eclipse

2011 Partial Solar Eclipse  (BBC) January 4, 2011

Take time in the energy of this New Moon to set your goals and intentions for this year.  The energies right now are greatly heightened, and combination of heartfelt desire with directed energy can bring about a new fulfillment.

The Energies of the New Year

This is a year in which the vibrations of color will be making themselves more and more pronounced.  Moreover, if you are aware, you will feel within the colors elements that are affecting both your auditory and olfactory senses.  The varied vibrations of things are coming together to intensify and reinforce each other.  For some, this can be overwhelming and the tendency can be to shut down.  For others, these experiences will be invigorating and life affirming.  If you can hook into the clear light of these vibrations, you will fiind a new clarity within. Additionally, you will find that many of the distressing physical symptoms and limitations felt will be falling away. You will sense a subtle “youthening”, so much so that when you look in your mirrors, you will be pleasantly surprised. This is the quickening of time you came to experience on this beautiful planet.  Yet that experience is collective and interactive, implying your participation in bringing to fruition the potentials of Gaia.

The new energies that are flooding into the Earth at this time have a strong and somewhat unpredictable momentum. They are pegged into the wishes and desires of each individual. This can lead to unexpected and quick manifestation. Definitely a time of ‘watch what you wish for’, but equally a time for staying centered and in clarity within your deepest core.

This is a good time for unloading a lot of things, and many of those things relate to all the emotions and expectations with which we weigh down our true desires.   In these cases, what happens is that the ‘stuff’ surrounding our intentions becomes manifest as the real intention instead of what was really desired.  A sincere analysis can reveal where we became overly involved in the stuff, leading us to sabotage our true wishes.

In many ways, 2010 was the Year of the Cave.  In the dark and damp of caves many things are nurtured and planned upon. The motives behind them are hidden or, at least, unclear.  With the dawn of 2011, things are coming to the light in all areas. This will be true in personal relations, in regards to the nature of the Earth and things below the surface, the oddities of planetary motion, the unpredictability of the Sun, political intrigues, financial manipulation, human potentials, new ways of healing, extraterrestrial communications, etc.

To keep an open mind at this time is very important.  This is a time for open analysis.  This involves moving out of the comfort of your preconceptions and established patterns to an attitude of ‘anything can happen, so what is this all about…’

The message of this time is of such importance that literally each and every core-oriented-Universally-connected teacher is putting it forth.  Each of these wise ones is giving the same message clothed in a different garb. This is so that it can reach the widest possible audience.