Americans, AWAKE!!!!!

COVID: Invasion of the Body Snatchers

In my last article, I explained why the only thing worse than Trump is Biden, and therefore Trump needs to win the election.

Face it. Both men, in their own ways, are fronting for massive COVID crimes. Biden hopes to front for even greater tyranny if he can gain the presidency.

To excuse the two of them, on the basis that they’re blind to the fake science, doesn’t cut it. They’re willing to assault the Constitutional and natural freedoms of every American.

They’re willing to go where NO emergency is permitted to go.

Natural disaster, health disaster, political violence, war—there is NO situation that excuses past, present, or future lockdowns.

The miles of fake science that have been launched to explain, justify, and make sense of the “COVID containment measures” are a farce; but beyond that, they’re irrelevant—because freedom and liberty are the enduring foundations of life. No matter what. They are not subject to “adjustment.” They’re not “relative” qualities, subject to “circumstances.”

Once, this would have been obvious to the majority of Americans. Now, further pacified, further weakened, the majority are deep in hypnotic trance.

Exchanging freedom for chains is a titanic proposition. Trump presided over it and did nothing. Since then, he’s refused to confess to the amount of economic devastation that has occurred. Biden wants to double down and make the slavery more complete.

No American political leader with high visibility has the balls to call what has happened a COUP—call it a coup not once, but over and over, until more people wake up.

In the several versions of the film, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the characters continue to look the same, but they’ve been taken over by an evil force. They’re now robotic. An updated incarnation of the film could be shot at a large Whole Foods, showing shoppers trudging along aisles pushing their carts, wearing their masks, avoiding eye contact. Liberty and freedom have been washed from their minds.

They are now “products of circumstances.”

They can no longer think for themselves.

I would have a character dressed as Thomas Paine enter the store, unmasked. He would walk among the shoppers, reciting his immortal words from The Crisis, Number 1:

“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated…”

He would brush away the store clerks who approach him and tell him he must put on a mask. He would ignore the masked shoppers who give him hostile looks. He would keep reciting his long-forgotten words, until…gradually the shoppers begin to awake from their induced trance.

One, two, three of them take off their masks. They BREATHE…

And why not have Trump enter the scene? He talks out of both sides of his mouth. He attacks Fauci. He praises the vaccine. He hails the rebirth of the economy. He says the virus is dangerous. He puts on a mask. He takes it off. He puts it back on again…

Tom Paine approaches him and says, “When are you going to admit you were the central character in shutting down the American economy? When are you going to tell the people how great the economic and human wreckage is?”

Trump spouts out blame against various persons and governments, but will not take responsibility…

He says to Paine, “Watch out for Biden. If he comes in here with his troops, they’ll shoot you.”

Paine laughs. “Dummy, I’m a SPIRIT. Bullets can’t affect me. I patrol the border between your side and mine. What I say is buried in the hearts of many people on your side. They turned into robots, but they never agreed completely with the change. They still yearn for the freedom we won a long time ago. They still know what it means. FREEDOM is what rips this whole insanity apart. Stop bullshitting like a real estate operator. Talk FREEDOM. Go to the core. You’re the PRESIDENT…”

Trump looks baffled. “You mean the freedom to prosper, economically?”


Well, does he? Does Trump know? If he loses this election, it will be on him. He doesn’t know. He can’t go to the core. His mind and soul stop at building golf courses and re-energizing Kodak so it can manufacture pharmaceuticals.


Whole Foods Wants Whole GMO’s? Take Action!

Whole Foods goes ROGUE… partners with Monsanto to kill GMO labeling across America and replace with fake labeling deception… SENATE VOTE PLANNED AS EARLY AS TOMORROW

Whole Foods

(NaturalNews) IMPORTANT UPDATE: Whole Foods was just caught blatantly LYING about everything covered in this article. CEO Walter Robb has been captured on video admitting total support for Monsanto-engineered GMO fake labeling law that kills Vermont GMO labeling bill. Whole Foods takes to social media to LIE to everyone, denying everything, even while Robb is captured on video… click here for the breaking news report on Whole Foods CAUGHT LYING.

According to breaking news reports, Whole Foods Market (WFM) has gone full rogue, partnering with Monsanto to kill GMO labeling across America under the guise of a new, fraudulent “GMO labeling compromise” in the U.S. Senate that’s actually a fake labeling law requiring no clear labeling of GMOs whatsoever.

Food Democracy Now has issued this red alert, naming the sellout corporations (including Whole Foods) that have betrayed health-conscious consumers with a sellout deal that outlaws GMO labeling nationwide.

The deception on food labeling has never been greater. With this act of ultimate betrayal, Whole Foods cements its position as a poison-pushing distribution partner of Monsanto, the world’s most evil corporation that produces poisonous, deadly crops laced with bt toxin and glyphosate, a cancer-linked herbicide.

With this betrayal of consumers, Whole Foods might as well now be called, “POISON FOODS” because that’s what they’re pushing.

Click here for the Food Democracy Now petition page to take action now.

What follows is the full text of the Food Democracy Now announcement:

Whole Foods Joins Monsanto Try to Kill GMO Labeling in America

Washington D.C. — National grassroots organizations expressed their outrage today towards a group of U.S. Senators and major, self-described, “organic companies” that have brokered a backroom legislative deal to kill mandatory GMO labeling of food products across America while stifling first-of-its-kind state legislation in Vermont (slated to go in effect this Friday, July 1st) that would mandate labeling of foods that have been genetically engineered in laboratories.

The companies, including Whole Foods, Smucker’s and Organic Valley, among others, have historically funded major public relations and advertising campaigns to promote themselves as “organic” brands. Now, some national leaders are criticizing these companies for “selling out” the GMO labeling movement, public health and the environment and urging the public to fight back.

“Make no mistake, these self-proclaimed organic companies, including Whole Foods, Smucker’s Stonyfield and Organic Valley have just joined with Monsanto and sold out the ability for parents to know what they are feeding their children,” said Dave Murphy, Executive Director of Food Democracy Now!

Murphy continued, “Monsanto and Whole Foods’ new fake labeling bill would not only preempt Vermont’s bill this week, but all provisions of the bill are OPTIONAL — the bill’s language is so poorly written that it would actually not include 85% of the current GMOs on the market, including Roundup Ready GMOs owned by Monsanto that are sprayed with the weedkiller glyphosate, which the World Health Organization declared a “probable carcinogen” linked to cancer in lab animals and humans last year.”

Food Democracy Now! and Organic Consumers Association are now leading a grassroots pressure campaign to urge the US Senate to block the last minute legislative deal.

“Consumers need to resist this outrageous attack on consumer and states’ rights with their pocketbooks and their political voices,” said Ronnie Cummins, the International Director of the Organic Consumers Association. “This is an outrageous assault by corrupt corporate interests on our basic freedoms and a mother’s right to know what’s in the food they feed their children.”

Polls regularly show that ninety percent of American consumers want to know whether their food is genetically engineered and the impending Vermont GMO labeling law has already forced major food corporations to disclose GMO contamination in their products”.

“Now, at the last minute, a self-selected group of so-called “organic leaders,” including the head of Whole Foods Market, Walter Robb; Gary Hirshberg, the CEO of Stonyfield Farm, the bogus pro GMO labeling group Just Label It, run by the Environmental Working Group, and lobbyists for the corporate owned organic companies inside the Organic Trade Association (led by “natural” brands Smucker’s and White Wave) have made an absolutely corrupt bargain with Congress completely embracing an industry-crafted DARK Act “compromise”, now known as The Stabenow/Roberts bill,” continued Cummins.

A coalition of independent family own organic companies and consumers groups is actively working to get Senators the real facts about this bill even as the Organic Trade Association and its corporate-own organic companies are working behind the scenes to intentionally confuse Senators about what’s actually in the bill and the fact that the millions of Americans that actually support GMO labeling are not represented by their corrupt corporate interests.

Take action NOW or be forever screwed by Whole Foods and Monsanto

Click here for the Food Democracy Now petition page to take action now.

Call your U.S. Senator at this switchboard number: (202) 224-3121

Demand they vote AGAINST the GMO labeling “compromise” being pushed by Monsanto.

Stuff We Buy Into


37 lies Americans tell themselves to avoid confronting reality


(NaturalNews) Have you noticed the incredible detachment from reality exhibited by the masses these days? The continued operation of modern society, it seems, depends on people making sure they don’t acknowledge reality (or try to deal with it). “Denial” is what keeps every sector of civilization humming along: medicine, finance, government, agriculture and more.

The trouble with the denial approach is that eventually the lies collide with reality. Until that day comes, however, happy-go-lucky Americans are merrily enjoying their courtship with self delusion, repeating the following 37 lies to themselves as if they were true:

Lie #1) All FDA-approved medications are safe to consume in any combination, because the FDA protects the public.

Lie #2) Food prices keep going up because inflation is a natural force that can’t be halted.

Lie #3) The mainstream media is telling me the truth when it reports on world events.

Lie #4) Chemical food additives are tested for their safety before being widely used across the food supply.

Lie #5) We can all pump groundwater out of the ground forever, and it will never run out.

Lie #6) We can also pump fossil fuels out of the ground forever, and they will never run out, either. Why worry?

Lie #7) If anything bad happens in terms of a national emergency or natural disaster, the government will take care of me.

Lie #8) It doesn’t matter where my food comes from as long as it’s cheap and delicious.

Lie #9) GMOs must be safe to eat because a bunch of scientists paid by the biotech industry all tell each other that GMOs are safe and therefore have reached “scientific consensus.”

Lie #10) Government debt doesn’t matter because the government can simply create more money any time they want.

Lie #11) Mercury in vaccines must be safe to inject into children, otherwise the CDC and FDA wouldn’t allow it to be used in vaccines.

Lie #12) Organic produce is a waste of money. I’ll buy conventional produce treated with pesticides and herbicides because the cost of all the cancer treatments I’ll need 20 years later will be covered by Obamacare anyway.

Lie #13) The history taught to children in public schools is a true and accurate history. Columbus was best friends with the Indians, too!

Lie #14) Swallowing fluoride chemicals is good for babies and children, and that’s why cities put fluoride into public water supplies.

Lie #15) Flu shots prevent the flu. That’s why the package inserts for flu vaccines openly state there is no scientific evidence to support any conclusion that influenza vaccines prevent influenza.

Lie #16) Whatever is backed by “science” must be true. Science is never falsified by corrupt scientists or corporate agendas, and scientific conclusions are never wrong.

Lie #17) The global ecosystem can handle unlimited human pollution without any negative consequences. We can all continue to dump unlimited toxins into the environment.

Lie #18) Cell phone radiation is harmless. The reason we know that is because the cell phone companies hired scientists to say so.

Lie #19) If everybody else is doing something, it must be the right thing to do. After all, how could so many people be wrong?

Lie #20) We don’t need to store food for emergencies because there will always be more food available at the grocery store.

Lie #21) There’s no need to be concerned about Ebola or other infectious diseases in America because the vaccine companies can always and instantly create a new vaccine that works 100% of the time, with zero side effects.

Lie #22) Local police departments need battlefield military weapons, armored cars and body armor because the drug war demands it.

Lie #23) If I buy something at Whole Foods, it must be healthy and free from contaminants like toxic heavy metals. (Or is it really?)
Lie #24) My vote really counts in national elections. We live in a democracy where the People have power over the government.

Lie #25) My checking and savings accounts are perfectly safe no matter what happens because my bank is FDIC insured.

Lie #26) Raw dairy products are dangerous and deadly because the FDA told me so. Those horrible farmers selling raw dairy products should be locked away in prison.

Lie #27) My oncologist recommends chemotherapy treatment for me only because he cares about my wellbeing, not because his clinic sells the chemotherapy drugs at a huge profit.

Lie #28) The government isn’t secretly recording my phone calls or reading my emails. Why would they? I’ve done nothing wrong!

Lie #29) Commercial dog food is healthy and nutritious for dogs. Dog treats made in China are also trustworthy and free from contaminants like lead.

Lie #30) The only way to prevent infectious disease is with a vaccine. Vitamin D and healthy immune support have nothing to do with it.

Lie #31) After I pay off my house, I own it free and clear. (Think again: Property taxes mean you’re only “leasing” it from the county. Stop paying those taxes and you’ll find out very quickly who really owns your home.)

Lie #32) Google will do no evil, and the fact that the company is developing humanoid battlefield robots, autonomous drones and super-human quantum computing brain chips is nothing to worry about.

Lie #33) Cancer is caused entirely by bad luck (or smoking) and has nothing to do with the food I eat or chemicals in my personal environment.

Lie #34) The radiation release from Fukushima wasn’t that bad. Sure, it was many times larger than the Chernobyl disaster, but authorities say we have nothing to worry about.

Lie #35) Autism isn’t caused by vaccines, and the way we know is because the CDC scientist who admitted to a massive conspiracy of scientific fraud to bury the evidence linking vaccines to autism should not be believed.

Lie #36) All foods certified as “organic” are automatically free of toxic heavy metals and contaminants.

Lie #37) Human civilization is the only intelligent civilization in the entire galaxy. Anything else would simply be too scary to contemplate.

On Foods and Safety

Health basics: The 10 trickiest ‘food stuff’ products

Monday, May 27, 2013 by: S. D. Wells

Tags: Natural, NaturalNews, Food

NaturalNews) America is the land of the free. You are free to choose to consume any products you want to, whether they are toxic or whether they are organic. Most people, if given the choice, would like to avoid cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease, but how many people are fooled by labels on products and by the doctors, nurses, dentists, hospitals, FDA and food scientists who actually recommend toxic food stuff, as if its good for you? How many millions of people in the USA alone are falling for the greatest addiction of them all, junk science? (

Doctors and nurses in hospitals across the country recommend Ensure for protein when recovering from surgery or sickness, but what’s in this toxic box of liquid other than basic protein? What chemicals, heavy metals and food agent “criminals” are waiting to infect your system?

The soy craze hit the USA over the past couple decades, when people figured out that most meat came from CAFOs, where the corporate farmers load up the animals with artificial growth hormones, antibiotics, and even add ammonia to most meat to kill bacteria. But how is soy toxic? Is this just another BAD choice for protein, including tofu, soy milk, and soy sauce? It’s time to do that research and “opt out” of toxic protein sources posing as nutrition.

Canola oil is rapeseed oil with a little less toxicity. Oh, you didn’t know? It’s in just about everything that has vegetable oil in it these days. It’s in the fresh food bar at the beloved Whole Foods, it’s in most salad dressings, and people fry stuff at high heat with it all the time, adding to their blood acidity and turning nutritious food rancid in seconds.

Nestle wants to take over the world’s water supply. They’ll probably add fluoride to all the potable water, a known insecticide that tears up human cleansing organs and leads to prostate and bladder cancer. Are you supporting this massive corporate evil mission? What else do you buy that’s manufactured, bottled, bagged or boxed by Nestle?

Whole grains! Whole wheat! Natural 7 grains! Quick, grab that cereal and that bread and those muffins off the shelves and shove them down your throat, or give them to your kids, because they’re so good for you, right? Did you know wheat in the USA is being genetically modified to contain pesticide you can’t wash off? Did you know whole grains cause inflammation, along with table salt, MSG, animal fat and Aspartame? The country that eats worm killer, weed killer, and bug killer just can’t seem to find the cure for cancer, but everybody should keep donating money and marching around like we’re searching for a way to stop dying from eating pesticide, herbicide, fungicide and insecticide, because that makes a lot of sense.

Yes, Stevia is a natural sweet leaf from Brazil that is ground up and makes a cup of coffee or tea taste sweet, without all those sugar calories, and without synthetic ingredients that screw up your liver and your kidneys. But did you know that Stevia sold out to a corporation, and Truvia is Stevia mixed with chemicals in a lab, and THAT is synthetic? Truvia is GMO. You better know the difference, or it might come back to “bite you” with that “c” word nobody likes to talk about.
( (

Americans go to stores and buy bottled water, mostly thinking some big 18-wheel truck with a huge reservoir tank drove up to some mountains and captured some perfect mountain spring water loaded with minerals, hauled it back to the factory, put it in harmless plastic bottles, and delivered it in time for them to drink up and stay hydrated! Nothing is further from the truth. Most bottled water (like Dasani) and flavored waters are made from tap water, fluoridated and chlorinated DEAD water, with no nutrients and no minerals to speak of, and then the plastic bottles seep BPA, Bisphenol-A, into the water, especially when the bottles get heated or are older than a couple months, and all you’re drinking is toxins. (

Diet meals are mostly processed and contain artificial sweeteners, which cause cancer. Chemotherapy is a chemical treatment for a disease which is fueled by chemical consumption. Is this the kind of diet you want to be on? This diet will help you lose weight, all of it, when they write your epitaph and put you six feet under ground. Eat real food. Juicing raw organic vegetables is the best way to lose weight and get to your natural balanced weight and stay there for life. Keep reading: (

The biggest lie, the biggest hoax, the biggest scam in the nutrition business today is multi-vitamins and vitamin C that is dead, toxic, and synthetic pollution for the body. Vitamin complexes like One-A-Day, Centrum, Equate and other “popular brands” you find at Walmart, Kmart, pharmacies and grocery stores are doing the exact opposite to your body than the intended purpose. It’s time to stop eating rocks and get vitamins that make you healthy and keep you healthy, like they’re supposed to. Check out the well-researched “Mega” vitamins the Health Ranger inspects and recommends: (

Get the inside scoop on the top 10 toxic and tricky food stuff “criminals” being dished out like candy

1. Ensure (served up in hospitals as protein); You gotta have your protein! ( There are plenty of proteins in raw vegetables; don’t let them fool you.

2. Soy “protein:” (

3. Canola Oil: Just say no. (

4. Anything by Nestle: (

5. Whole grain foods: (

6. Truvia is not just Stevia! (

7. Deer Park’s absurdity of “added fluoride” to bottled water and Dasani tap water revealed! Check your ‘brand’ for fluoride: (

8. Investigate protein powders; like soy, whey, and casein (like in protein shakes and powdered coffee creamers): (

9. Lean Cuisine, the toxic choice! ( The dangers in all the preservatives exposed: (

10. Multivitamins; great reviews and the inside scoop on typical synthetic “trash” posing as vitamins and minerals: (

Stop choosing poison for food and water. Stop eating toxic proteins and rocks for minerals. Eat live, raw organic food, drink real mountain spring water, take organic multi-vitamins, and detoxify your blood using superfoods and natural remedies. Don’t fall for the hype and don’t believe any product is good for you if it is advertised on television, in the newspapers or anywhere else Big Pharma advertisements appear!