Time, Tau Neutrinos, & Antarctica



By Joseph P. Farrell

Now before you think I’ve gone running off the end of the twig on this one by  titling a blog “Time Reversals and Parallel Universes…in Antarctica” and filing it under “geoengineering,” bear with me a bit. I’ve not only run off the end of the twig, I’m probably falling like Wile E. Coyote into a very deep canyon, with an Acme steel vault following me. (For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, see “Road Runner” on Youtube. Any one will do.) Indeed, I had to blog about this one, not only because of my inherent interest in the high strangeness surrounding our southern most continent, and not only because of my inherent interest in things like time reversals and parallel universes, but also because of the fact that I received versions of this story from no less than E.E., C.M., P.T., B., D.D., K.M., and J.K.:






Let’s take the Daily Mail article as a guide here, since there’s a bit more information contained in its version than in the others. There, we read this:

Researchers working in Antarctica have been trying to understand the behavior of a mysterious new particle.

Some suggest it’s evidence that during the Big Bang a second universe was created that mirrors our own, consisting mainly of antimatter, and in which time flows backward.

But then the researchers, led by University of Hawaii’s Peter Gorham, realized their data showed the exact opposite of what they had been looking for: a stream of high energy particles traveling out of the Earth’s surface and into space.

The particles were believed to be tau neutrinos, a type of slow moving particle that has the capacity to temporarily transform into a high energy particle called a tau lepton before returning to its low energy state.

Soon other researchers began analyzing the ANITA data to grapple with the mystery, including Neil Turok of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Canada.

Turok suggested the right-handed and left-handed neutrinos could be related in the same way that matter and antimatter are related, pointing specifically to a concept that posits matter and antimatter are the same type of particle just moving in opposite directions through time.

According to this theory, the still mysterious ‘right-handed’ neutrinos’ observed in Antarctica weren’t just new particles, but pilgrims from an entirely new universe.

That new universe would have formed during the Big Bang at the same point as our own, but moving in the opposite direction through time, contracting rather instead of expanding, and comprised primarily of antimatter rather than matter .

And there you have it. Assuming all this to be true for the sake of our “off-the-end-of-the-twig-of-high-octane-speculation,” K.M. proposed the idea that it might mean that there is a “conservation of time,” i.e., that if time flows in one direction in one universe, it might flow in the opposite direction in another, with both universes summing to zero and thus “everything is conserved, including time.” It’s a fascinating idea, and dovetails quite well with the idea that there might be another universe composed of anti-matter, where are the particles are the “same,” yet spin in opposite directions and thus having reverse polarities to particles and fields in this one, i.e., what is a “north” or positive pole in this universe, would be a south or negative pole in the other one. Everything would be, so to speak, “upside down.” And the idea of a “parallel-but-opposite” universe formed at the moment of “the big bang” would also solve a perplexing problem, namely, that of the matter/anti-matter anisotropy of our universe, which has such a preponderence of matter and so little anti-matter; the amounts are not equal, and hence our universe is anisotropic (non-equal) with respect to matter and anti-matter. Presumably, such a “parallel-but-opposite” universe would also be anisoptropic, but possessed of a great amount of anti-matter and little matter, so that taken together, the two would “balance the books.” And since everything runs in the opposite direction in an anti-matter universe, time would be conserved.

Well, all that’s a bit of fun speculation, but way beyond the actual implications of the articles, whose implications are big enough: there may be evidence of a parallel universe “touching” our own, via the planetary dynamo of Earth itself, manifesting itself at Antarctica. Or to put it differently, maybe every planet with geomagnetic features similar to the Earth has such a mechanism at its southern/negative pole, and if so, then maybe every planet has a kind of “membrane” or “common entangled surface” with another universe at its southern pole, which possibly may act as a kind of “gate” to that world.

As one might imagine, my high octane speculation of the day has more to do with the possible connection of this revelation to the strange people over the years who’ve been associated with the southern polar continent. It’s a very bizarre list, from former Nazi “Deputy Fuehrer” Rudolf Hess, and Reichsmarschall Herman Goering, to former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, U.S. Admiral Richard Byrd, to some British and Spanish royals, and former Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin  whose tweets both before, during and after his Antarctic trip were… well…  just strange. That’s a bizarre list of people, and one has to wonder just why they all have either visited the place, or shown such curiosity about it. Might this story have something to do with it?

And while I’m at it, another thought occurs: Might we even have been given a clue that “they” have been experimenting with time for a (pardon the pun) very long time? Might we be watching the result of a gigantic experiment involving the entire planet itself, one perhaps involving massive man-made magnetic fields, the resonance thereof, and … well, I’ll leave it at that, because that idea implies that what the article is talking about is something that arose only recently…

In short, I don’t know about you, but I cannot get rid of the feeling that perhaps, just perhaps, the veil might have been pulled back just a little with respect to the strange goings on in Antarctica.

See you on the flip side…

from:    https://gizadeathstar.com/2020/05/time-reversals-and-parallel-universes-in-antarctica/

Larger Entanglement Experiments?


This article is a bit of fun, but also quite serious, and it seems apropos of the season that when Christians are celebrating the ultimate “portal opening” that scientists are  trying to come up with their own version. This story was spotted and shared by J.K. (thank you), and since we’ve discussed such topics many times in our vidchats and occassionally in public blogs on this site, it seems appropriate to do so again.

The fun part of this article comes from the fact that it’s a tabloid newspaper, The NY Post, that’s reporting it from last July:

Scientists are trying to open a portal to a parallel universe

In spite of the headline here, that scientists are trying to open a “portal”, the experiment involves, I rather suspect, something else entirely, namely, quantum tunneling. Here’s what’s said about the experiment:

Scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in eastern Tennessee are trying to open a portal to a parallel universe.

The project — which has been compared to the Upside Down in the Netflix blockbuster “Stranger Things” — hopes to show a world identical to ours where life is mirrored.

Leah Broussard, the physicist leading the experiment, told NBC the plan is “pretty wacky” but will “totally change the game,” ahead of a series of experiments she plans to run this summer.

Broussard’s experiment will fire a beam of subatomic particles down a 50-foot tunnel. The beam will pass a powerful magnet and hit an impenetrable wall, with a neutron detector behind it.

If the experiment is successful, particles will transform into mirror images of themselves, allowing them to burrow right through the impenetrable wall. (Emphasis added)

Now why do I suspect that this is about quantum tunneling and not “opening portals”? Because quantum tunneling is the phenomenon whereby small atomic or sub-atomic particles somehow burrow their way through impenetrable barriers, usually very thin ones. In classical pre-quantum mechanical era physics, they should not be able to do this. What’s interesting here, however, is that the “wall” appears to be thicker, and that the experiment is predicated on a hypothesis that many have thought to be the reality behind the phenomenon: the creation of “mirror images” of the particle impacting the barrier emerging on the other side of it. In other words, the particle doesn’t really burrow through the barrier, but rather, knocks a particle in the barrier – a mirror image of itself – loose. In a way, it’s a kind of entanglement. What  the article is suggesting is that this experiment is being conducted on much larger levels and scales than previous tunneling experiments, perhaps to see if the tunneling phenomenon itself can occur at much larger scales than hitherto thought. If so, then it would dovetail nicely with recent experiments demonstrating that entanglement itself can occur at much larger scales than previously thought.

But at the very end of the article, there’s a statement that forms the matrix for today’s high octane speculation:

However, there wouldn’t be an alternate version of you. Current theory, the outlet explains, only hypothesizes that mirror atoms and mirror rocks are possible — and perhaps even mirror planets and stars.

It’s that statement that I take is the clue for the idea that the tunneling phenomenon may work at larger scales than once thought. But it’s that statement that “there wouldn’t be an alternate version of you,” that really sent my high octane speculation motor into overdrive, for what it suggests is that there’s no reason to expect that conscious intention has anything to do with the tunneling phenomenon.

Here I beg to differ, and strongly suspect that the exact opposite might be true. After all, at the heart of quantum mechanics is the Uncertainty Principle that one cannot measure the position and momentum of an electron at the same time, one must choose one or the other. And it’s that act of choosing one or the other than put the Observer squarely in the center of modern physics,for before an  experiment is even performed, one has already determined the quality of its outcome based on that choice. This has led to a whole new focus on the Observer not only within physics, but within scientific studies of “the paranormal” (for want of a better expression). Anyone familiar with the work of retired materials science professor at the University of California, Dr. William Tiller, will be familiar with the astonishing results of his experiments in the ability of mere human intention to alter material or chemical states with measurable results. Similar experiments were performed during the USA’s  covert and highly classified “remote viewing” experiments of the 1970s and 1980s.

Now apply that idea to the tunneling phenomenon: could it be rendered more, or less, efficient by human intentionality? I suspect so, and if I can think of it, rest assured, they have too, but we’ll probably never hear about the results of those experiments…

See you on the flip side…

from:      https://gizadeathstar.com/2019/12/quantum-tunneling-and-opening-portals/

On Dark Matter

(TMU) — One of the greatest mysteries in the universe is dark matter, which represents five times more matter than ordinary matter. At least, that is the ratio in our universe. An outlandish new theory suggests our physical reality may be attached at the hip to a parallel, mirror-image universe with inverse quantities of matter to dark matter.

The stunning theory is meant to resolve a seemingly intractable conundrum: one of the most pervasive substances in the universe—and that which binds galaxies together and makes it possible for life to exist—can’t be explained by modern physics. There is no shortage of scientists claiming to have theoretical explanations for dark matter, though, and now physicist Leah Broussard and her team of researchers are offering a mind-boggling solution to the question that doubles-down on the mystery: our universe is connected to a mirror-image alternate universe with its own molecules, galaxies, and life forms.

The theory resulted from new experiments with neutrinos that seem to suggest some particles can phase back and forth between our universe and the mirror-image universe. This could explain the anomalous neutron decay rate, which does not seem to produce as many protons as it should. Broussard posits that the reason for this violation of parity and symmetry is that 1 in 100 neutrons is being shared with the mirror universe.

The concept of dark matter producing its own parallel universe—which may contain its own dark matter life forms—is not new, but for the first time researchers will conduct an experiment that could offer proof.

Broussard says she plans to conduct an experiment that will involve firing high-speed neutrons at an “impenetrable” wall and measuring if any of them phase through. If the experiments produce evidence of a parallel universe, according to Broussard, “The implications would be astounding,” and could offer explanations of anti-matter, dark matter—which could be a gravitational force spilling over from the mirror universe—and the ever-elusive question of whether there are alternate universes.

However, such a mirror-universe would be different from many other depictions of alternate universes—including the type 1 multiverse, which is essentially just an endless universe where configurations of matter inevitably get repeated. It may even be different than a type 2 bubble multiverse, although Broussard describes it in similar terms, “It would form a bubble of reality nestling within the fabric of space and time alongside our own familiar universe, with some particles capable of switching between the two.”

This would suggest that universes may be inextricably interwoven, their realities and particles intertwined. It makes one wonder: What else might we be sharing with our mirror-universe? What else crosses over?

By Jake Anderson | Creative Commons | TheMindUnleashed.com

from:   https://themindunleashed.com/2019/06/dark-matter-parallel-universe.html