Some Hints from Your Dreams

7 Important Dream Symbols You Should Never Ignore

| June 19, 2016 |

7 Important Dream Symbols You Should Never Ignore

via HigherPerspectives,

1. Boxes.

Dreaming of boxes tends to mean that you feel there is something hidden away from you. An empty box probably indicates a sense of disappointment. Lots of boxes means you’re having trouble processing your feelings and need to hide them away…

2. Phones.

A ringing phone means that some part of your personality is finally getting in touch with you the way it needs to. There could be an insightful situation right around the corner. If you don’t answer the ringing phone, it may be that you’re choosing to ignore these messages.

3. Flying.

Flying in a dream is typically classified as a lucid dream. These types of dreams are a wake up call from your subconscious mind. Flying can mean you’re having difficulties in your waking life that you are trying to rise above.

4. Moon dreams.

A dream with the moon in it indicates a hidden, unseen, or perhaps slightly revealed creative side of you that’s trying to escape.

5. Roads.

Roads are a symbol of your journey through life. If you dream of a clear, paved road or path, you may see your journey going forward as pretty simple. If it’s murky, foggy, and hard to navigate, you may fear your future.

6. Flowers.

To see a budding flower indicates that new opportunities will soon present themselves. Sprouting plants might mean that some of the seeds you’ve sewn are about to spring to life. Dead flowers mean a chapter of your life may be ending.

7. Water.

Water in your dreams tends to reflect your ambition in life. If you keep dreaming about the ocean, it may be time to take on bigger opportunities and take risks. If you dream of shallow streams and small ponds, it may be a sign you’re over-reaching.



On Precognitive Dreams

Precognitive Dreams: Can We Dream About The Future?

| July 4, 2015

Precognitive Dreams: Can We Dream About The Future?  in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

by Teresa L. DeCicco, PhD.,
Collective Evolution

As a professor, researcher, and author I was fortuitously teaching an evening class on Dreams and Dreaming the night of September 10, 2001 at a university near Toronto, Canada. This particular class was one where the students had to hand in an assignment with a recorded dream from the previous week. As such, they handed in a recent dream they had had on the evening just prior to September 11th. Upon grading the papers I came upon one assignment that was particularly fascinating.

One student recorded a dream she had had just a few nights before September 10th. The dream imagery was of an airplane hitting the CN Tower in Toronto (this is a major monument in the city). The plane then hit the tower again, and she recalled seeing great gouts of smoke and fire. This dream scene was followed by one with her father who was hiding up in the attic of their home. He was running in the dark attic trying to avoid anyone seeing him, as he was being incriminated for the planes hitting the tower. The dream was so powerful and emotional that it woke the student from her sleep.

Of course, the next day a version of the story came alive in the news, with similar details unfolding in the weeks and even years to come. Had this student predicted what would be broadcast all over the world with a similar story in her dream? Do dreams provide information about the future, and if so, how does this happen?

Judging from both research studies and anecdotal evidence, it seems that dreaming about the future is not an uncommon phenomenon. Just as the student saw images similar to the upcoming events of 9/11, people have reported these types of dreams from the beginning of recorded history. Often there can be distortion of details, as the tower was in Toronto rather than in New York and the main character was represented by her father. However, the imagery in dreams is very salient to the dreamer. She lived near Toronto and therefore incorporated imagery that was relevant in her own daily waking life while telling herself a story of what was to come. This seems to be a common theme with dreams in general. We dream about important events that are told within the story of our own day-to-day existence. Key figures in waking life are our dream characters and familiar surroundings become the vista for the dream story to play out. Nonetheless, important information is being portrayed in the dream story, and sometimes it’s a glimpse at the future.

So if dreams about the future are fairly common and have been recounted for many years, why are they not discussed more often and more openly? It turns out that in some cultures these dreams are considered a very helpful and well-known experience. In North American culture we have distanced ourselves from our own dreaming mind and so these are considered coincidental or of non-importance. This stems mostly from a mistranslation of the bible by a biblical scholar, St. Jerome. This scholar replaced the word “dream” for “witchcraft” throughout the bible, which resulted in dreams becoming associated with the occult from then on. At this point in history, the course of dreams was changed for centuries. Any and all discussion surrounding dreams became forbidden and was quickly ignored.

The truth is, if we pay attention to the imagery we have during sleep it will reveal much about waking life. Research shows that dreams reflect illness in the body, relationship issues, financial concerns, problems we or other people may be having, and events yet to be experienced. They offer a plethora of information for anyone who is willing to pay attention. It’s a part of the self that, when given consideration, will pay back one million-fold.

We have yet to come to an understanding of how this is possible, but the marriage of psychology and physics is attempting to shed some light onto this incredible experience. Perhaps more importantly, people who are willing to pay attention to their nocturnal thinking patterns will gain rich and vital information that is truly helpful in the waking day. Furthermore, this is a whole new frontier of human consciousness that can be explored if one hasn’t begun the expedition already – a frontier that is vast and uncultivated, but waiting patiently to reveal its secrets.

About the author:
Teresa was a professor, author and researcher of Psychology when a wave of spiritual transformations occurred over a 17 year period. She experienced NDE, clairsentience , pre-cognitive dreaming and other transformations that set her on a life course and onto the path she is taking today.


On Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreaming: The Basics

The following is excerpted from Lucid Dreaming: A Beginners Guide To Becoming Conscious In Your Dreams, to be published by Hay House Basics in February, 2015.

“What is lucid dreaming?”

Lucid dreaming is the art of becoming conscious within your dreams. A lucid dream is one in which you realize, ‘Aha! I’m dreaming!’ while you’re still asleep. Once you become conscious within a dream, you can interact with and direct it at will, partner-dancing with your unconscious mind.

It allows you conscious access to the deepest depths of your mind, and the opportunity to guide your dreams at will.  In a lucid dream you’ve not woken up – in fact, you’re still sound asleep – but part of the brain has reactivated (the right dorsolateral pre-frontal cortex, in case you’re wondering), allowing you to experience the dream state consciously with self-reflective awareness. Once you know that you’re dreaming as you’re dreaming, you gain access to the most powerful virtual reality generator in existence: the mind.

For me, one of the most revolutionary aspects of lucid dreaming is that it makes sleep fun! It completely reconfigures our relationship with the third of our lives that we spend asleep. Suddenly, sleep is not just ‘wasted time’, as some people see it, but rather a potential training ground for psycho-spiritual growth and a laboratory of internal exploration that makes us more lucidly aware in our waking lives too.

In fact, the term ‘lucid dreaming’ is a bit of a misnomer – it should really be ‘conscious dreaming’, because it’s the aspect of conscious awareness that defines the experience, rather than its lucid clarity, but for now we’ll stick with it.

However, given that there’s so much misunderstanding around what lucid dreaming actually is, it’s worth taking a moment to look at what lucid dreaming is not…

It’s not a half-awake/half-asleep state. In a lucid dream you’re in REM (rapid eye movement) dreaming sleep and out for the count, but part of your brain has become reactivated while you’re dreaming, allowing you to experience the dream consciously.

It’s not just a very vivid dream. Although lucid dreams are often super-vivid, high-definition experiences.

It’s not an out-of-body experience (sometimes called astral projection). This point is still being debated by many lucid dreaming practitioners, but as I see it, a lucid dream is happening primarily within our own personal mindstream, whereas in an out-of-body experience we’ve moved beyond these boundaries.

Lucid dreaming is a dream in which you know you’re dreaming as you’re dreaming. I’m glad we’ve cleared that up!

“So why would we want to dream lucidity?”

So many psychological problems have their source in the fact that we don’t know ourselves. We don’t know our minds; we’re unmindful and unaware. Through lucid dreaming we get to truly know ourselves, and to become more mindfully aware in all states of day and night.

Our unconscious minds hold a wealth of wisdom – about both ourselves and the world around us. This treasure trove is rarely accessed in the waking state but once we become lucid we gain access to a library of insight that resides in our dreaming mind. Through lucid dreaming we become conscious within the unconscious. This opens up the possibility of directly communicating with our own divine potential, and witnessing just how limitless we actually are.

“What are the actual benefits of lucid dreaming?”

There are so many benefits to lucid dreaming but in a nutshell, once you become conscious within your unconscious mind you can (much like through hypnotherapy) make lasting changes to your body and mind while you sleep.

A few of my favorite benefits of lucid dreaming are:

Psychological healing (phobias, trauma, confidence)

Physical healing

Spiritual practice while you sleep

Exploration of the unconscious mind

Treatment of PSTD and nightmare integration

Increasing and tapping into creativity

Preparation for death and dying

Enhanced learning and access to past memory

Lucid living and waking up to your full potential

Having fun (it’s the most fun you can have in your pyjamas!)

“Sounds great, but how do I actually do it?

Now comes the fun part! You can actually train yourself to have lucid dreams. It takes some effort but here are a few tips to get started with

The first step is start remembering your dreams,

Step two is to write them down as a way to learn and familiarise yourself with their content.

And step 3 is to start spotting patterns. Once you notice that “Oh look, I often dream of being back at school” you can set a trigger in your mind telling yourself  “the next time I’m back at school, I know I’m dreaming!”  Then the next time your dream of being back at school you’ll think “Hey! I must be dreaming!”

Those are just a few tips to get you started but if you really want to learn check out my new book which will teach you how: Lucid Dreaming: A Beginners Guide To Becoming Conscious In Your Dreams out Feb 2015 and available for pre-order now!


Lucid Dreaming and Consciousness

Lucid Dreamers Offer Clues to Consciousness

Megan Gannon, News Editor
Date: 27 July 2012
Man in bed dreaming
Man in bed dreaming
CREDIT: Phase4Photography | Shutterstock

Lucid dreamers, people who can deliberately control their dreams during sleep, have long fascinated scientists. And now brain scans of those self-aware sleepers could offer insight into the seat of self-reflection in the mind.

It is difficult to get a full picture of what goes on in the brain when we make the transition from sleep to wakefulness. In fact, the specific areas of the brain underlying our restored self-perception and consciousness when we wake up have eluded scientists, according to a statement by the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry. But a team of researchers was able to get a picture of that isolated activity in lucid dreamers.

“In a normal dream, we have a very basal consciousness, we experience perceptions and emotions but we are not aware that we are only dreaming,” study researcher Martin Dresler, of Max Planck, said in a statement. “It’s only in a lucid dream that the dreamer gets a meta-insight into his or her state.”

Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) brain scans, the team compared the activity of the brain during one of these lucid-dreaming periods with the activity just beforehand in a normal dream. Out of four participants, only two lucid-dreaming episodes could be verified as lucid dreams and were long enough to analyze with fMRI, which measures blood flow to brain regions in real time; an increase in blood flow to a specific region is a sign that region is becoming more active.

The results, detailed online July 1 in the journal Sleep, showed that a specific cortical network is activated when lucid consciousness is attained. Michael Czisch, another Max Planck researcher involved in the study, said activity in certain areas of the cerebral cortex spikes within seconds when a lucid state begins.

These regions include the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which has previously been associated with self-assessment, and the frontopolar regions, where the act of evaluating our own thoughts and feelings takes place, Czisch explained in a statement. “The precuneus is also especially active, a part of the brain that has long been linked with self-perception,” he said.

Previous research at the Max Planck Institute compared the brain activity of lucid dreamers as they entertained the same thoughts while awake and asleep. The brain activity was similar, if weaker during sleep, the researchers found.


Lucid Dreaming

What it is: fr/Wikipedia

lucid dream is a dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming. The term was coined by the Dutch psychiatrist and writer Frederik (Willem) van Eeden(1860–1932).[1] In a lucid dream, the dreamer can actively participate in and manipulate imaginary experiences in the dream environment.[2] Lucid dreams can seem real and vivid.[3]

A lucid dream can begin in one of two ways. A dream-initiated lucid dream(DILD) starts as a normal dream, and the dreamer eventually concludes it is a dream, while a wake-initiated lucid dream (WILD) occurs when the dreamer goes from a normal waking state directly into a dream state, with no apparent lapse in consciousness.

Lucid dreaming has been researched scientifically, and its existence is well established.[4][5]


for more fr/Wikipedia, go to:

Also, here is an interesting site for lots of information and research on Lucid Dreaming: