Archangel Michael on Transition to 5D


Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-01-2014

Beloved masters, you are presently in the midst of becoming your genuine, authentic Self through the process of ascension, which involves ever-expanding cycles of Soul growth. Your OverSoul-Higher Self is ever urging you onward and upward into the Light of more complex and powerful fields of consciousness. The quality of your life’s experience is determined by the frequencies of your thoughts moment-by-moment. The more energy you put into a thought, along with the repetition, determines how quickly a thought pattern will manifest, and how it will affect you in your present reality. Your thought forms radiate outward in an Infinity pattern where they join with compatible energetic fields of consciousness–a specific level of mass consciousness energy within the sub-dimensional hologram of life in which you presently exist. The frequencies of fear and negativity are very powerful in the third/fourth-dimensional stream of mass consciousness. Whatever negative emotions are the strongest in any situation will constantly be presented to you in different ways until you transmute the discordant energy into higher vibrational Light patterns.

As more and more of your old reality fades away and you move deeper into uncharted territory, you must learn to trust and have faith that the future is unfolding perfectly no matter how chaotic and disruptive it may seem at times. First, you must learn to trust yourself and this can be the most difficult step, for you have been taught that others are wiser than you, and they know what is best for you. This may have been true when you were a child; however, you are now adults with a golden opportunity before you, for the wisdom of the higher universal truths is now available to all humanity.  We of the higher realms are here in great force to assist you to attain Self-Mastery and to reclaim your rightful state as a Spirit-infused, human Being.

In some form, all of you have given away your power in most of your incarnations on the Earth. You became conditioned and accustomed to what has been called the “herd-state,” whereby others in positions of authority set the rules and told you what to do. Like it or not, you adhered to the accepted, restrictive dogma of the time, for it felt safer than to resist and try to chart your own course.

A vital component of Self-mastery is learning to function through the intellect of the Sacred Heart.  As you strengthen the connection between your Sacred Mind and your Sacred Heart, you will begin to access the wisdom of the Soul, your Higher Self and the multidimensional facets of your Self.  Your Soul, your Higher Self, your guides, guardians and angelic helpers communicate with you through your Soul Self and your Sacred Heart.  The whispers of Spirit in the unawakened become a mighty voice of loving wisdom and comfort as you awaken to the strength and majesty of your own divinity.

Your chakra system was designed to draw forth and integrate Creator Light/energy into the human body, as well as to contain all of the attributes, qualities and virtues of your godly Self.  The function of the glandular system is to transfer that energy into material substance to be used by the physical vessel. You are relearning how to breathe the way you were originally designed to breathe, which gives you access to Prana, the breath of Life, and also assists in the integration of the pure Creator Essence of life called Adamantine Particles.  In those first golden ages, these wondrous tools and techniques were used without distortion to manifest unlimited energy, and they facilitated the creation of everything necessary to live in comfort and abundance.  In those wondrous times, the Earth was a true paradise called the Garden of EDON.

In order to gain access to and connect with the higher mental body, you must strive to stay centered within the Sacred Heart. This process can only be initiated once you have a firm control on your physical-emotional body. The conscious mind must have periods of silence in order to attune to the subtle whispers of the Soul and your Higher Self.  You will attain peace of mind by consciously breathing through the Sacred Heart (the Infinity Breath), which becomes a natural way of breathing once you establish the Infinity Pattern within your physical vessel, and practice the technique until it becomes a habit.  It is vitally important that you learn to breathe mindfully. Through the process of focused breathing–by following the path of the breath–you will gradually become aware of the different parts of your body. Your Body Elemental’s signals of discomfort or dis-ease are very subtle at first.  If you do not heed these signals, they will gradually evolve into pain or possibly a serious illness.

While existing in the restrictive vibrational fields of the third- / lower-fourth-dimensional world, humanity has access to only the half-spectrum Primal Life Force Energy–energy which creates crude matter and creates evolutionary boundaries.  We have spoken before of the structures of the material plane of consciousness, and how the structured beliefs you have created imprison and restrict you just as effectively as can any physical structure. Your physical body can be a vessel of delight, joy and freedom, or it can be a prison of pain and limitation.  Your relationships, job, family or spiritual beliefs can be beautiful, rewarding and bring a sense of self-worth, satisfaction and accomplishment, or they can be a heavy burden and make you feel unappreciated, worthless and dis-empowered.

We have often said that moving out of your comfort zone and the collective conscious belief structure is a very courageous thing to do.  Bravely going forth to seek and live your own truth is the first step in taking back your personal power.  As you release the shackles of the past and come to the understanding that you are in control of your future, you begin the process of awakening to your potential as a master cocreator.  As you gain wisdom and begin to enjoy the positive results of your endeavors, you begin to trust yourself and your judgment. Your multi-sensory perception expands and becomes stronger, and you learn to view both the positive and negative results of your choices from a higher vantage point, thereby gradually learning to make decisions from a heart-centered point of view.

You are learning that in order to create your new reality of joy, harmony and abundance, you must endeavor to discover and integrate your own highest truths, and then live your personal philosophy to the best of your ability.  Through experience, you have learned the rules of karma, the painful cause and effect results of distorted thought and action. Down through the aeons of time, you have become proficient cocreators in the material realms of existence.  Through much effort and practice you have learned to mold Primal Life Force Substance into a multitude of forms, many of which were elegant and inspiring, and others of which were distorted, for they were a reflection of your diminished vibratory force field.

The process of ascending into the higher-dimensional realms of greater Light requires that you strive to unify your earthly consciousness with each higher vibrational level of God-consciousness. The Grand Plan was designed so that your reentry into the higher realms would be accomplished through the integration of the White Fire Seed Atoms stored within the Diamond Core God Cell of each more advanced, facet of your Higher Self.  One-by-one, step-by-step, you are integrating the will power, the wisdom, the attributes and qualities of each vaster facet of your OverSoul.  How quickly and easily you accomplish this is up to you, for you were given the gift of FREE WILL, which is an important component within the grand design for this Sub-universal experience.

Every facet of Creator consciousness in this Sub-universe has experienced Soul-body fragmentation, and every Soul, at every level and station of Beingness, is now in the process of healing and reuniting with the many facets of Itself. You will integrate as many facets of Self as is humanly possible while in your present physical vessel, and the process will continue as you traverse the higher realms of existence.  You are bio-computers with harmonic resonance.  Each of you is a complex vibratory Being. You have become accustomed to the slower, denser energy of the third/fourth dimensions; however, you are in the process of balancing, harmonizing and lifting the resonance of your force field in order to ascend into a more refined, higher-dimensional state of Being.  You must remember that you are a unique facet of the Creator, and you should treasure your uniqueness as you strive to return to the Oneness of your Divine Self. You have a wealth of experience and wisdom to share with the multiple facets of your Self, and your successes have been duly recorded in the Cosmic Records for future reference. You are learning to erase from your memory and free yourselves from the confines of the collective consciousness belief system; and via your Pyramids of Light in the higher dimensions, you are also learning to soar into the more refined realms of awareness.  Each time you do so, you gradually bring back with you into your physical vessel and your auric field a portion of the uplifting, harmonious frequencies of the higher realms, which build a stronger, more radiant and expanded force field around you.

When you are filled to overflowing with Love/Light and your OverSoul-Higher Self is the director of your life and experiences, you no longer worry about getting your share of love, wealth, respect and so on, for the validation of who and what you are radiates forth from within. That is when you move into the higher vibrational mode of a Self-master, and the little self or ego desire body returns to its proper role as a servant of the Soul Self.  You know without a doubt that you have access to the riches, virtues and talents of your Divine birthright, and that you create your own reality via your seed thoughts, intentions and actions.  Group consciousness and interaction become more important to you than individual friendships. You are developing all-encompassing, unconditional love and compassion for everyone, and you are no longer totally dependent on anyone person or any thing in the physical realm.

When you call upon your Higher Self each day before you arise, and ask that your will be aligned with the Will of your Divine Self for your greatest good, a shaft of golden/white Light will surround you, each and every moment, as you go out into the third/fourth-dimensional world. In this way, you are giving your Soul-Self permission to guide, inspire and direct you. You will be strengthening the connection between your Higher-Self, the angelic realm and the great Beings of Light so that they may begin to communicate with you through your intuition, and they will assist you in making the highest choices each and every moment of the day.

Everything expands from the center outward, including all creation.  The closer you are to the center, the more God Power and radiance you will possess. As you progress on the path of higher Self-awareness as a shining Being of Light, sacred love, a joyful, serene demeanor, along with an intense desire to be of service to others will prevail.

Diligently make it a habit to focus on what is right in your everyday life and the world, and begin to envision yourself as you desire to become. We have emphasized that you must practice nonjudgment and that includes judgment of Self.  Remember, you now have access to all of the Creator Particles of Light/Life that you can draw forth into your Sacred Heart, and always be aware that these Adamantine Particles of Creation can only be activated by your pure loving intention.

Faith is an intrinsic facet of trust: faith in yourself and your judgment, faith in those around you who have proven themselves trustworthy and honorable, faith in our Father/Mother God, the universal laws, and the Divine Blueprint for the future of humanity. We are not speaking of blind faith, for that is another way of giving your power away to someone else–their teachings or rules.  In your material world, faith is built through actions and positive outcome, a function of the mind filtered through the heart. The heart is both a magnetic and radiating vortex, and it is the storehouse for the true source of human power.  Your Sacred Mind holds the seed thoughts of your past and the future, and it is your personal source of the Divine will and power from our heavenly Father/Mother God.  Your seed thoughts for the future must be incubated within the Sacred Heart, and the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light ignited by your altruistic love. Thereby, through your pure intention and actions they are manifested in the world of form.  Abundance of all kinds is a natural manifestation when you are in harmonious attunement with Spirit and the Divine Plan for the greatest good of all.

Dearly beloved ones, it may seem as though the world and your personal life are falling apart. Your personal reality is shifting and changing so quickly that you feel as though you are living on “shifting sand.” The tests and challenges are so dramatic and are happening so quickly that you feel overwhelmed and often wonder: “What am I doing wrong and when will it end?”

Remember what we told you about the Dweller at the threshold and the Angel of Presence who stands guard over the Portal of Light? You, the Wayshowers and designated Vanguard, are clearing the Sacred Pathway, and you are laying the foundation for the Divine Blueprint/frequencies of the New Age. In order to do so, you must clear and harmonize the major portion of discordant vibrational patterns that remain within your four lower-body systems: physical, mental, emotional and etheric.

This is necessary in order for you to integrate as much of the “radiance” of the new, more powerful God Rays as possible–the powerful and transformative Essence of the Creator- –which is now bombarding the Earth and humanity.  We have told you that the situations you are now experiencing are not specific “karmic actions” that you are clearing, for millions of you have moved into a State of Grace, and are no longer affected by the past. They are a refinement process or a “Ritual of Passage,” which is a necessary cleansing and clearing process, so that you may step through the doorway or “Portal of Light” into the rarified realms of your future world.  The Angel of Presence is slowly opening the Portal so that more and more Light may shine through and assist you to complete this Ritual of Passage. You are nearing the end of the “tunnel of transformation,” beloveds, and we encourage you to “HOLD STEADY.”   Your daily and nightly prayers/mantras should include: “I SHALL PREVAIL.”

We are ever near to give you strength when you falter, to share our wisdom when you are confused and do not know which way to turn, but first and foremost, we are here to love you now and forevermore.


Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael.


Jim Self on The Fall of Consciousness, Part 3

The Story of the Fall of Consciousness – Part 3

Jim Self
a message from Jim Self
Wednesday, 25 July, 2012  (posted 1 August, 2012)

Then in the year 2003 something very, very exciting occurred. A new Ray of Creation was co-created by Creator and many great beings of Light, led by Archangel Michael. This Ray contained an element that had never been in the creative process before. Within All-That-Is, this element was found here, on the planet Earth. The element in this new Ray is the love that humanity holds for humanity. That simple, pure vibration of Love was put into this new Ray and activated. It began to permeate many, many aspects of the contaminated Fall of Consciousness. And the new Ray worked. And then the new Ray continued to work. The growth of the mutations and wobbles and distortions slowed down.

To this day, the Fall of Consciousness has begun to reverse its influence. For the first time ever, the distortions, mutations, the darkness and Fear that have permeated many aspects of the Creator’s creation are reversing. They are weakening and slowing down, and the Christed Light of Creator has more and more room to expand and reach out. This is all because of You. You are the Great Experiment. The Christed Light was placed as a tiny spark of Light deep within the Sacred Heart to be found, grown ,and brought forth.

The Rays of Creation, their process and their creative power is now very much moving throughout All-That-Is. whether you know it or not, this incredible process came about because of you, The mere fact that you are on this planet at this moment is a testament to how big and significant you truly are.

How is it that you participated?

Simple. You raised your hand and screamed out, “Me—choose me! Send me! I will go.”

If you have read the stories in the Bible of Revelations, they describe multiple paths that could have been chosen in the process of getting humanity to a decision point where we either choose to follow the mutations or the Light of the Creator. Many, many times in humanity’s history, we have fallen back into the darkness and we didn’t have the strength or will to step away from the distortions and wobbles. It was easier to simply give up and fall.

The year 1987 was different. Again, the momentum brought us to a critical moment of decision. Do we, as humanity, agree to let the momentum continue and simply fall back into darkness and wait until eons pass so we can try again? This was the question put forth to you as a Soul. In 1987 we all took a type of vote, and all the souls and all the beings on the planet, together, decided to see if we could change what was in motion. Our purpose in making this change was to bring the Christed Light back to this planet. It was a wild consideration. This was a Light that had not been experienced for hundreds of millions of years. 51 percent of us said “Let’s go for it.” We didn’t know it would even be possible. We had no role models and didn’t know the steps required. But we committed to going forward.

Since that time there have been many grand beings that have birthed onto this planet. These are the children, the little ones. They are Big. These are the ones that were born after that auspicious moment in 1987. They are big, big beings, carrying with them a vibratory field of Light that has been very stimulating to you and me. They come from many Christed places, and many have never been on this planet before. They have arrived with a strong intention.

In 1987 we began to hold a level of possibility that had never been held before. Because of that possibility, and because of our passion, that love for humanity that each of us holds, is transformative. How do you communicate and how do you love one another? As you look around, it may not be very apparent as we all play out our life-game, but in fact, it is very apparent.

Because of what occurred in 1987, many of those potential, predicted catastrophes were averted. In the year 2000, an entirely new energetic was brought onto the planet. A new element of Love was also brought onto Planet Earth. 2003 was the year that the new Ray, brought from Michael, began to end the distortions. All because of you. That Ray is now operating in All-That-Is. All of the universes and sectors of this universe are now very engaged in the Shift of Consciousness.

In 2007 another event occurred which made it possible for the presence of the Christed Light to begin the return to the planet. That possibility began to grow and unfold and reveal itself.

On November 11, 2011 there was a grand, collective focus of energy all over Planet Earth. There were many who were able to hold that Christed vibrational pattern and there were numbers of others who were able to call it forth and re-anchor it into the earth… and it was anchored.

A new high vibration of Love has begun to radiate back out into the waters of Planet Earth. Every drop of water within all life on this planet today is now growing, radiating, and reflecting this Christed Light. The third dimension is now rapidly falling away. Planet Earth has begun to return to that fully Christed status. It now reflects its vibration of unity back into humanity and all her inhabitants.

As of 2011, you are not the same person as you were. On that 11-11-11 date there was a change. That change is now very strongly anchored within the hearts of everyone on Earth and it is growing very, very rapidly. It is believed, by Metatron, Uriel and Michael that because of this creation, coupled with the return of the Christed energy, Planet Earth is now beginning to vibrate in harmonic resonance with the other 11 Christed Light centers in All-That-Is. All who have been affected by the loss of Light and by the Fall of Consciousness are now returning Home to the heart of Creator.

This is Uriel’s story, Metatron’s story and Michael’s story. It describes a shift that they and other great beings held as an intention and believed was possible. In addition to being an amazing story, this is also a personal process. If you would pause right here and feel the story, what you will feel is a crystallized aspect of Light that sits in your Sacred Heart. It is in the form of the geometry known as the star tetrahedron. This Light has always been there, but until 11-11-11 it hasn’t held the capacity that it currently holds. What you feel is the unified aspect of All-That-Is that now has been magnified in the Christed Light.

If you pause, exhale and feel the energies in this story, you will begin to have an idea of what the unified field of consciousness holds for all of us. You will touch and begin to integrate the ability to experience yourself within that unified field. Here,there are no mutations, no distortions, no fear or distrust.

Here you are Home.

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Centering, Allowing, Releasing fr/Archangel Michael via Carolyn O’Riley

Turn the Dial To Accessing, Allowing & Releasing

a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Carolyn Ann O’Riley
Friday, 30 September, 2011

Salutations! & Welcome! My Beautiful Beings of Light. The moments have whizzed by and again it is time for the monthly message.

The Creator is sending each of you a mighty Celestial Cyber Hug. Close your eyes and just allow yourself permission to feel the love wave as it washes over your Essence. Perhaps your physical body may feel warm and tingly but your Celestial Bodies will know without a doubt that you have been given the most glorious Creator Hug that you will ever remember receiving.

Physical time may feel like it is whizzing out of control within most of your moments now. It is best to work with your inner self to help stabilize the overwhelm that this sensation may be sending to your body, pushing it into overdrive.

You can help yourself come back into center and balance if you place your hands on your Solar Plexus and close your eyes. Simply bring your mind to your Solar Plexus, breathing deeply and mentally ask it to calm down. Just keep your eyes closed for another minute or two and feel the peace descend upon your physical body.

You may be feeling as though this is a tiny lull before the storm or next drama event within the Earth Plane, My Beloveds.  Take these small breather moments and learn to turn the dial to accessing, allowing and releasing to provide you with the information that you need to move forward on your Spiritual path.

My Beloveds you will constantly be clearing and releasing all those things that no longer serve your highest good. Do your clearing work daily as you lay your head down at night, right before falling asleep. Don’t take the debris that has accumulated during the day into your dream state or allow it to be kept in your physical body tissues.

If something major occurs in your day you can release it right then and there, no need to even drag those doom and gloom moments another second further. All that is required is for you to quiet your mind, give sincere intent to clear it and for a moment close your eyes, place your hands on your Solar Plexus. Through a small prayer mentally say to your Angels, Spirit Guides or The Creator, “ I am releasing to you now, I am releasing to you now, I am releasing to you now, and so it is.” Let it go My Beloveds and hand it off to those that truly can help you the most.

It is the moment in NOW where it is of utmost importance, My Divine Beings of Grace, to Access your Spiritual Support Staff, Allow your Spiritual Support Staff to assist you and Release your concerns or issues to your Spiritual Support Staff.

It is nice to also share your gratitude and the tender beautiful moments as well with your Spiritual Support Staff. This is part your Spiritual family and they provide Unconditional Unwavering Love for you and they are always there to help you walk through your life from moment to moment.

Allow this Messenger to take you on a mediation journey to help you dial in and learn to access, allow and release

to participate in this journey, go to: