Mysterious Lights Naples, FL

Controversy continues over ‘mystery lights’ caught on camera

Posted: Aug 12, 2013 3:53 PM MDT Updated: Aug 12, 2013 4:41 PM MDT

By Rick Ritter, Reporter –
NAPLES, FL -Controversy continues to swirl in Naples tonight over unexplained lights near a pool outside a condo off Gulfshore Boulevard right across from Venetian Village.

This story has sparked a lot of different opinions since it aired last Monday night — from so-called experts and from our viewers.

It all depends who you ask, MUFON — a UFO organization — is saying they believe it was a raindrop on the camera lens, but security officer Debralee Thomas says a raindrop isn’t what she saw at this pool.

What started as a controversy throughout Naples turned into controversy across the country — all surrounding a security video and what it really shows.

“Nobody knows. Until somebody knows, nobody knows,” said resident Susan Seeger.

MUFON released its analysis of the video after studying it for days, saying they think it’s just a raindrop on the lens — one that wouldn’t move.

“We don’t know beyond reasonable doubt but, likely, moisture or rain droplets on the actual protective casing of that camera system,” said MUFON’s Florida State Director, Morgan Beall.

But a “raindrop” isn’t going to cut it for Thomas.

Last Monday night, she was watching the camera feed from a condo building when she noticed the “phenomenon.”

She thought it was suspicious, describing it as lights that funneled into the pool with a web-like motion behind it.

One that stayed for 30 minutes, something a raindrop probably wouldn’t do. Especially since minutes before the event, raindrops did fall on the lens and it looked completely different.

“When it’s a raindrop you can’t even see through, it’s very distorted, you can’t see any detail what so ever, it’s like filming under water,” Thomas said.

Comments poured in on our Facebook page over the past few days. Many saying if it wasn’t a raindrop, then certainly a spider web, but thomas says, she’s seen those too.

“I realize it wasn’t something on the lens, it was definitely at the pool and part of it was at the pool,” she said.

How about a possible light shining from the beach?

“There is no way something could have shown through those bushes and palm trees and be sitting at pool and doing what it was doing,” she said.

While MUFON is sticking with its raindrop analysis for now, Thomas is sticking to her story — saying what she saw was certainly “live.”

“I realized whatever it was, was moving around and doing its thing…am I open to anything it could be? Def, def, a raindrop? No,” she said.

“In this case there wasn’t an actual direct witness, rather someone who saw something on a screen, but not the actual event that was outside,” Beall said.

MUFON says its analysis could change after watching the entire 30 minute video. We just got our hands on that video today, so we’ll send it off to them.

They went on to say people report things like this all of the time, but plenty of these cases will probably remain unexplained.


History Channel: Increase in UFO Sightings

UFO Sightings Increase 67 Percent In 3 Years, History Channel Investigates Unexplained Aerial Phenomena

by Lee Speigel, Huffington Post

First Posted: 8/26/11 08:11 AM ET Updated: 8/26/11 10:14 AM ET

Unemployment, gas prices, and fear over global warming aren’t the only things skyrocketing — so are mysterious objects rocketing through the sky.

The Mutual UFO Network — the largest privately funded UFO research organisation in the world — tells The Huffington Post that more people than ever are reporting unidentified flying objects, mostly in the United States and Canada.

“Over the past year, we’ve been averaging 500 sighting reports a month, compared to about 300 three years ago [67 percent],” MUFON international director Clifford Clift said.

“And I get one or two production companies contacting me every week, wanting to do stories on UFOs.”

So far this week, mysterious aerial lights in Laredo, Texas, and Kansas City, MO., lived up to, at least initially, the strict definition of UFOs, namely “Unidentified” Flying Objects.

That, of course, doesn’t mean that little green men are watching us. It’s generally accepted that 95 percent of all sightings are easily dismissed. Some turn out to be conventional aircraft, others are satellites or weather balloons — and then there are the hoaxers with Photoshopped concoctions.

In the case of the Kansas City sighting, the UFOs turned out to be the Army Golden Knights parachuting team, performing a nighttime jump. But the explanation for the blinking light over Laredo is still up for grabs.

However, the remaining 5 percent of all UFO reports aren’t as easily explained. And many of them are reported by commercial and military pilots. These were examined on “Secret Access: UFOs On The Record,” a new History Channel documentary that premiered on Thursday.


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