September Shots

There seems to be some freaky face in the fire.

And in the one above, the double cross.

Followed by:

Blue lights in the kitchen.

And while this may seem weird, it is no weirder than the fact that the Washington Shakespeare Company in Arlington, Virginia will be performing excerpts from Hamlet in….. the Klingon Language.

Home Movies

This picture just happened.  The girls and I cannot figure out who took it or when.  The flowers are real, but the rest  is a mystery…

And then, a late evening image in the orchard:

Energy moving through the Kitchen.  We have found that oftentimes, when energy is moving through an area, it can drag along old energy from the place out of which it is moving.  That results in odd phantom images that appear within the photo.

New Pics

Tonight there was lightning over the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, but there was an equally, if not more so, impressive light show in the back yard:

and then, there was this::

I love the fact that these were two different shots taken one after the other, thereby attesting to the fact that the energy was there and morphing through.

Here is another, a close up:

And finally, a little light action in the kitchen a few nights ago:

And… (drum roll)….. the grand finale:

My Girls

Okay, so if my girls knew that I was putting these up, well, you know how daughters are. But here they are.  Energy loves them, even as it loves me.

My Older Girl:  Full of passion and studying to be a Naturopathic Physician.

And my youngest child (my son has not been here for some time, so I cannot capture his energy).  She is passionate and creative and full of Here-and -Nowness:

Owl Energies

When I went out side last night, drawn out by a strange hooting in the backyard, two owls flew out of the garden.  Looking up, I saw one perched on the plant hanger.  She observed me for a while and then flew off.  I got my camera, intrigued by the energy that had called them there.  Below are some shots of that energy, as it first appeared, then as it faded away:

July Antics

We were watching the fireworks, and I decided to take some picture as I have a fireworks setting on my camera.  The fireworks came out great, but I was surprised to see that some of the light elements decided that they wanted to be a part of the production!