June 19-25

Overall Color for the Week:    Light Green Blue

The predominant element of this week is air.  Be aware of your breathing and how the air comes in and out.  You may find yourself with some difficulties in that area.  The winds are shifting, and with them is coming energy from other places and other sources.  These can cause you to feel light headed or uncertain.  Confusion is a major theme this week.  If you have decisions to make, be sure that you have all the facts and that you have taken a look at all options. This is a week for a good sense of humor.    Stuff is not always as important as it seems on the surface. Take your time.  Be patient.  Things started this week can end quickly, blown away with a quick gust.  Emotions will be close to the surface.  This is not a good time for stifling them.  Feel the feelings, and let the emotions pass through you.  This week brings a kind of catharsis o many levels, and your inner knowing is responding to this by a release of emotional baggage.  As the week progresses, you will find yourself feeling more able to see things in a new light as your perspective shifts.  Priorities are changing also, and you need to accept that.  Look around at the people in your life.  Communities are forming, and things and people have to be let go of in order that other new things and people can come in.  Take time this week to be with yourself and to work with WHO you are through some sort of meditative activity.  And Breathe.  When things become overwhelming, take a moment just  to center in your core and breathe through it all.  You will feel better.

On a larger scare, there will be much rocking and rolling within the world of the elements.  The Earth is shifting more and more.  There will be hints of a food crisis as stock is taken of the damage done by fire and water.  Steam will be escaping through new vents, and there will be earth movements in unusual places.  Expect also an interesting crop circle to show up in a new area. People are becoming less and less tolerant of the status quo, of the assurances of those in power that they have everything in hand.  Other countries will be responding with uprisings and mass demonstrations.  In the States, the political games continue.  Some politicians continue with uninformed, outrageous, and manipulative statements.  (Think of a show that could be called “Stupid Politician Tricks”)  Gas should be coming down in price, even as the stock market starts a decline.  There will be economic indicators that give conflicting data, as economists explain these away as unimportant anomalies.  Look again to the skies.  Some unusual sightings will be announced, however you will need to check alternative media for news of that.  There is conflict also among the hidden manipulators, perhaps the so-called Illuminati, and this will be evinced in pronouncements from China, Brazil, and the other countires that are part of that cartel.

Sunday, June 17: Kelly Green
Father’s Day: Days like these can bring ups and downs in relationships. The energy right now, however, favors opening of gates and letting in and out of things. This means that some pronouncements can be made today that might surprise you, upset you, or even bring you joy. Start out centered in your heart, in WHO you are. Open to the totlity of what is in front of you, and you may be surprised as your perspective shifts and changes. There is something in the depths of your feelings that you have not resolved. Take time to acknowledge it today, and it may just take care of itself.

Crystal Energy:    Cuprian Aragonite—-This mineral assists in checking facts and making statements that can be substantiated.  It also works to still the inner critic. Resonates with the throat chakra.
Monday, June 20: Yellow Rose
Be aware of how you are body is feeling today. Take time also to be in touch with your feelings. Your intuition is strong, and your sense of direction is keen. Follow the urging of your heart and there will be a surprise coming your way today. In dealing with people, it is a good idea to be a listener. Things will be said that will give you hints as to what is going on behind the scenes in some situations in which you are involved. Let others go first, and you will be glad you did.

Crystal Energy:    Obsidian—-This mineral emits a strong protective energy.  It assists one in keeping one’s feet on the ground, even if one’s head is in the ethereal.  Reonates with the base chakra.
Tuesday, June 21: Light Indigo
Summer Solstice: Something new is being wafted your way today. be aware of this, and accept it. It might seem not to be what you really wanted, but it has arrived for a situation that will be coming up for you within the next ten days. This is a day to trust your inner core. Stay grounded in and aware of your truth. Today will bring a challenge, and you will need a strong sense of balance not to let it unsettle you.

Crystal Energy:    Thomsonite—-The energy of this mineral allows for one to deal with the sense of being restrained while knowing of the totality of which you are a part.  It enhances communication with the non-human, including animals, stones, water, spiritual, etc.
Wednesday, June 22: Sapphire Blue
There were many things in your past that caused you to question a lot of your values. This is a day for appreciating all that you have learned through those experiences. This is a major shift day, and you will find yourself able to access more of what you knew once to be your truth than you have for a long time. This is not a time to allow confrontational individuals to have the upper hand. You know what is right, and you must go for it. There is not point in trying to argue with people who think they know it all. It will only frustrate you.

Crystal Energy:    White Aragonite—-The energy of this mineral aligns one with the One in the silence of the Universal Consciousness, bringing peace and fulfillment. Resonates with the 7th through 12th chakras.

Thursday, June 23: Red Orange
This is a good day for a long rest. Things will ease up a lot, and you will begin to feel that you can do it all again. You will find more strength and assurance in yourself today than you have in a long time. Take some time to meditate upon that. Take some time to dream, to make plans, and to create. The energies of the day will assist you in what you are trying to understand. Also there is someone, perhaps even an angel bringing you a message, or even a comforting word. there is something you have been planning and working on for a while. You had thought it would not happen, but things are changing.

Crystal Energy:    Green Vesuvianite—-This stone brings healing and calm.  It connects one with the energies of Isis and Astarte and resonates with all chakras.
Friday, June 24: Bright Green
Be prepared for some deja vu today. It can take you by surprise, and leave you wondering what it all means. Take some time to work with it and get a hold on it. There are a lot of different levels coming together at this time, and when this happens, synchronicities can abound. You will know them when they come your way. The tide is turning as the energies surge forth. If you choose to grab onto the momentum, you will find that shifts within your own life come more easily. Also there are things that you have been wanting to happen. If you are in tune with the energetic ups and downs of the times, then be alert for messages and signs in regard to these.

Crystal Energy:    Manganotantalite—- This is known as the “Harvest Stone”, allowing for things to come about in their proper time.  Resonates with the Root and Heart Chakras.
Saturday, June 25: Cloudy White
Don’t you just love it when you are thinking of something, and it happens. Well, today that can be true, so watch what you wish for. There are opportunities out there to bump into people you have not seen for a while, to converse with people who seemed to have dropped out of your life. When this happens, it is a good idea to understand with what you associate these people and things. It is all part of a bigger picture that is slowly making itself known.

Crystal Energy:    Cassiterite—-This stone attracts bodily pollution and pulls it out.  Resoantes with the Root CHakra.