Overall Color for the Week: Rose Pink
Get ready for a wild ride this week. One good thing is that you will be so busy that you will not be able to dwell on events, some unsettling, some amazingly positive. Take time to be centered. This is a week in which to observe and to be active, so you may find yourself in something of a split-personality mode. But that is okay. There is much coming, and this week is one in which you will be exercising physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual muscle. Take this as your week in the cosmic gym. You will find yourself much the better for it when the week is over.
On a broader scale, there will be ups and downs. This is ot a week in which things will e predictable. Look for more Earth events as people scramble to try to make sense of all the things that are going on. In the financial sector, there will be blips, first down then up, higher than the market has been in a while. Do not trust everything that you are hearing in the media for there is confusion among those who wish to control public opinion and as a result conflicting news items will be broadcast. The weather will be blustery and the winds will begin to blow, causing problems with power and electronics. The Sun is having some internal issues that will be seen as small erup[tions on the surface, but these will result in a surge of solar energy coming to the earth. The sun brings knowledge in its wake, so who knows what kinds of things will be brought out of the shadows as the week wears on. Also, there is a body in the galaxy that is pulling on the rotation and spins of planets. Perhaps more than an earthquake can change the length of the day.
Sunday, March 7: Light Rose Purple
A shade of purple with an overtone of deep pink, heralding both grounding and the imagination.
Today starts out on a quiet, meditative note. You will not be feeling like jumping out of bed and getting to it, but that will quickly pass, as a new burst of energy comes in and you get motivated. You will find that the morning is a good time in which to get things done. Your perspective in new and there is much energy in the air. Ass the day progresses, your energy levels will fall, and if you have things on your path, then it is best to focus just on one things at a time. This is a not a good time for multi-tasking as you will find that you cannot truly focus on anything. So take time this afternoon just to be WHO you are and to enjoy the moment for what it is. Do not look for more than what is there. There is much that can be learned and taken joy from this afternoon and evening if you will allow yourself the peace and comfort to be in each moment.
Monday, March 8: Pale Violet
A purple hue with a hint of deep blue.
So today, you will be finding yourself going up and down, but ending it all on a very positive note. Misunderstandings can arise in the middle of the day, but if you keep[ yourself on an even keel, they will resolve themselves without effort. You will find that you are seeing things going better than they have ion a long time. You will find yourself happening into synchronicities, which will leave you with a feeling of delight. Those mid-day misunderstandings will then pop up, but do not get embroiled in their energy, for they acre actually opportunities that will lead you to new realizations. The afternoon and evening times will bring you a sense of well being. You will find that you have accomplished much today, moreover you have learned that you have the reserve to deal with any kind of situation if you allow your intuition to take over from time to tome.
Tuesday, March 9: Pea Green
A bight green with a hint of yellow
You may find yourself not wanting to get out of bed this morning. There were dreams that came the night before that need some reviewing. There is also a sense in the air of someone who has passed over who is trying to contact you. Be open. Be still. Know that what your intuition is telling you in regards to this is true. And then, having come to that feeling, for feeling is what will come out of that experience, yo will find that you day begins to have purpose and meaning. There are messages in words that people have to tell you. Also there is some luck in the air, so take a chance. As the evening arrives, you may find that your energy levels begin to fall, and that certain nagging physical issues make themselves felt. Also an old annoyance can come back. These things happen. Stay centered and just deal with them one by one. Neither anticipate nor hold onto any of this, and it will all be well.
Wednesday, March 10: Cherry Rose
A light yellow with a hint of pink
This is going to be a great day. The energies are here for getting a positive resolution to a lot of the things that you have been working on. Also there is some information that is coming your way today that is important in terms of your well-being. So listen well and be ready for things will begin to seem clearer than they were before. Look for odd actions and reactions from friends and co-workers as people find themselves unable to deal with the energy that is being pumped into the atmosphere today. Take some time to be out in nature or just to watch the birds and animals for there is a pattern that is developing there that will grow as time progresses. There is a new kind of sentience in Nature, and we are all part of it. Enjoy today and view things with humor and light. There will be certain challenges that come out of nowhere in the middle of the day, but they are actually pretty much empty. Just little mistakes that popped up. So do not put more into them than is actually there. Think with your heart.
Thursday, March 11: Billington Pink
A bright, lively, almost fluorescent pink
This is a great day. You feel good. You know you look good. Things are good, and there is a promise in the air. Take advantage of this energy to do and be whatever it is that you have e wanting to do and be for some time now. There are no mistakes here. Everyone seems to be your friends, and actually, everyone wants to be part of what is going on. This is a very companionable day. Go out. Make contacts and the whole while, keep your eye on the bigger picture for things are becoming into focus, and with this energy you can really get settled in what it is that you desire and then, you will see that things will begin to happen. Look for a message this evening that lets you know that things are working out the way you had hoped, or just a word of encouragement in the middle of all that has been going on.’
Friday, March 12: Cal-Color 30 Green
A bright, lively green with a hint of gold
This is a day of ups and downs. You will awake with the sense of something about to happen, and then there will come some message, some word, some feeling that stuff is not going to work out. But this passes quickly and there is a lot to be done today. If you can lose yourself in what it is that you wish to accomplish, you will find that hard work will bring results. yes, today is a day for really working, but the good news is that any effort you put out today will bring you unexpected rewards within the nest two weeks. Do not get obsessed with short term goals today. Take some time to do something that has meaning for you, and you will find that with time, that meaning will yield manifestation.
Saturday, March 13: Pale Blue
There is something in the air today. You are feeling nostalgic, but gently so, happily so. This is a good day for taking some time to yourself to relax, to be creative, to cook, to eat, to do something you love. But make it physical. This is a day on which to create something that you can take with you, something that you can hang on your wall, use to fill your stomach, see in your journal. There is much of the physical about today so enjoy what it means to be you. Take some time to celebrate that. And look to good friends for affirmations of just how wonderful you are. Enjoy the dream this day brings for it will become a fond memory as time goes by.