Your Color Vibe for 6/22

Saturday, June 22:     Steel Blue

Today is about what you see and what you do not see.  There are choices to be made in this.  What do you want to see?  This can set a theme for the rest of the month, perhaps for the rest of the year.  What do you not want to see?  Again, a theme.  It is important now to know which what you are going in all that you are doing.  Yes, we have to live in this 3D world.  Yes, we have bills to pay and stuff to take care of.  Above and beyond all of that is what we truly are and what is truly important to us.  Today’s energies bring much of this into focus, mainly as something to see, something to work with, something to consider, something for decisions.  This is not a day for decisions or decision-making.  This is a day for seeing and opening of the eyes.  So open your eyes today.  See what is out there.  See what is important for you and recognize the things that are merely stage dressing.   Actually, some of this can be rather tough.  SO much of the background we have taken for real for so long, not realizing that it was only temporary.  Arrrrgggghhhhh.