October 23-29

Overall Color for the Week:    Light Lime Green

So, if you were not aware of it yet, you will be finding more and more that the veils keep getting thinner and thinner.  Along with those little guys on the stairs will come smells, sounds, vibrations, and even really, really real stuff coming through.  There is no fear in any of this, rather when these things happen, take a moment to see where you are, what you are doing, and try to get a sense of why your NOW has attracted this energy.  You might be surprised to find out what it is.  It can also give you an indication of how who you are, what you are doing and being right now fits into the larger plan, the path, the unfolding that you chose when you agreed to step into this turn of the Wheel.  iI you are one of those who finds themselves trapped within a job, a relationship, a community in which you are not feeling yourself fulfilled or valued, know that this week will give you opportunities to see things for what they are and to make choices as to where you want to go from there and what you want to do.  Around you, there will be people and animals making choices for themselves, choices to transition, choices to make major life and/or path changes.  Allow for that.  Know that they are honoring themselves.  We all have schedules and timetables.  And  priorities.  This is the time to become very clear on your priorities.

On the larger scene, because priorities have not been clearly defined and set, moreover because there are clashes of greed and fear based priorities, there will be a general falling apart of things this week.  Stuff will come to a head, fall apart, and then ever so gradually, there will be a movement back to some semblance of normalcy. The same, yet different, as things can never again be the same.    While wars will continue, on the surface some of the politicians will speak of war’s end and better times ahead.  Meanwhile, even the soldiers in the field are feeling the inanity of what they are doing.  Little by little the movement will grow, as in the 60’s, but rather than veterans for peace, it will be soldiers for peace.  There is a rift in the nature of reality at this time, and people are responding to it more and more through their hearts.  This cannot be stopped, even as Wall Street crashes while sending up flares that say that all is well, all is well.   And politicians in the races throw around words and terms and catch words that they themselves do not even understand  And the Movie people, there are those who are truly interested in change, and there are those who merely speak what sounds good, onlty to be changed the next day.  And the Earth responds with tornadoes and temblors and volcanoes.  It is time to look and listen.  To be in touch with the Earth.  There is much to be learned form that.

Sunday, October 23:    Pale Gold

No, the world did not end, and yet you might just be feeling that somehow it did.  Things are not seeming feeling, or even acting right today.  Stuff that you had thought would be important do not seem all that essential in the current energy.  You might be feeling a bit under the weather.  Know that that is okay.  This is a god day for just going with the flow.  Put aside expectations and objectives that you may have had,  They may or may not be fulfilled, but fulfillment is not the theme at this time.  This is a day for stepping back, looking around, and being aware of what is going on and how you fit into the whole thing.  If you do not like the way your role is looking at this time, then go ahead, change it.

Crystal Energy:     Psilomelane—-A great and powerful grounding stone, one endowed with peace and understanding.  Resonates with the Root Chakra and a valuable asset when one has issues in the lower abdomen.

Monday, October 24:    Light Lavender

Today will be full of distractions.  If there are things that you are wishing to get done, it is important to be completely focused on what that is.  If you are not, you will find yourself distracting yourself with all sorts of petty thoughts and habits.  Additionally, friends, relatives, co-workers will be disturbing you with things that they feel are of great importance for them  Remember that is their stuff, and you need only to take care of what it is that you wish to get done.  Do not worry about all those old rules of politeness.  Your stuff is what is most important for you.   And, if you are not good for you, you will never be good for anyone else.  That is what the message of this energy is all about.

Crystal Energy:    Atacamite—-The energy of this stone is attuned to the maturation of energies, personalities, and events.  Look for completion when use you this stone, along with some clarification.  Resonates to the Heart Chakra.

Tuesday, October 25:    Magenta

This is a day when things are going to be so much more than they should be.  It will all start with the morning. Getting up and ready to go is going to be a major ordeal.  You will not be able to slip into your usual routine. Much of this has to do with the fact that the energies that are incoming are disruptive of routines on all levels. This can leave you wondering just what is going on.  Be prepared to forget things, take wrong turns, perhaps even find yourself in some kinds of petty confrontations for….  Well, later on you will wonder just what that was all about.  Today you will not be yourself because you will be working in alternate time frames and realities.  It is a good day for just accepting whatever it is that happens.  Know that what you are saying reflects your truth, even if you might regret it later on.  Your priorities are changing and today is pivotal in that change.  It is giving you permission to go ahead and follow what you know is the right way for WHO you are.

Wednesday, October 26:    Clear

There is a restlessness in the air as things become clearer and clearer.  Nothing can stay in the shadows any more, and hidden agendas are coming to light.  You can find yourself taken aback by shifts in relationships, occupations, interests, etc.  There will be a general edginess in the air with Freudian slips and unguarded statements which declare secrets and desires that some may have wished to keep to themselves.  Take time in the morning to ground yourself, to connect with Gaia, and to become one with the Universal Consciousness.  Then go within your heart and use that as your basis today for action, words, emotions, etc.  There is a truth in the heart that allows you to see things for what they are, to know what it is that you are, and to be in harmony with the flow. In the heart center much can become clear to you in terms of all that is going on at this crazy time

Thursday, October 27:    Light Yellow Green

There is something in the air today that will make things uncomfortable.  You are going to feel the need, the want, the desire just o hunker down and lay low.  Listen to your intuition.  There is much going on in the air around you, and if you are too much in the open, you just might find becoming too noticed, perhaps even a target. This is not a day for moving forward on any plans.  A lot of the things that you are wanting to get done can benefit from some marinating time.  This is a day for going within, for working with your journal, for expressing yoru creativity in whatever way best fulfills you.  Do not be hard on yourself.  Allow yourself to be what it is that you are feeling in the moment.  There can be joy coming out of the oddness of the day.  And that joy can open to you new ideas, thoughts, venues, friends, even community..

Crystal energy:    Fosterite—-This mineral assists in dealing with emotionally charged situations, to allow distance and perspective especially through the heart.  Resonates with the Heart Chakra.

Friday, October 28:    Yellow Red

Even the wind seems sorrowful today.  There is something going on behind the scenes, and you are feeling it.  The confusion comes from the fact that you cannot put your finger on what it is.  That can almost drive you crazy, but let it go.  Trying to find a source, a reason, someone or something to blame will not help with this one.  It is the shifting energies that are bringing this up today.  There are things being birthed in these energies that will show themselves as time goes by.  And then you will understand the messages of the day.  Look outside yourself to Nature and to the movements of the animals,.  They hold a wisdom and a message that transcend time and the physical.   The energies of the natural world can console one always.

Crystal Energy:    Gold—-Okay, not a crystal, but an energy.  It deals with worth and endurance.  What do things mean to you, what are you willing to do for them, who you are, and what will ultimately keep you satisfied.  Think about it.  Resonates with the Navel, Solar Plexus, and Heart Chakras.

Saturday, October 29:    Bright Green

This is a day for knowing what it is that you are wanting to grow and prosper in your life.  Spend some time on that, and when you decide, then you need to place your focus and desire in that area.  This is not a good time for accepting second bests, or compromises.  Those are things that will not assist you in the energies as time goes by.  You want to deal with everything from a position of power, strength, and certainty.  Any (old and new) decisions made on feelings of being less than will drag you down and require that you redo, rework, revisit a lot of stuff that you thought you had put aside.  So take time in the day’s energy to put down your roots in your power, to ground in your truth, to be confident and secure in WHO you are.  No one can take that from you.